
=== Cheri703_ is now known as Cheri703
AlanBellthe accessibility team community session has been relocated to Ond room at 17:0508:55
charlie-tcaAccessibility session for the community is scheduled for 17:00 today in #ubuntu-uds-ond10:12
hajourAlanBell, i have talked to some people also from canonical who are from touchscreen10:28
AlanBellok, great, who?10:28
hajourand ask to let it be useble n smartboards10:28
AlanBellutouch people?10:28
hajourtogether with speechprogram10:28
hajourso i have named edubuntu as possible program to be usble for AlanBell 10:29
hajourthey want to know or it is possible that edubuntu can support smartboards 10:29
AlanBellhmm, more of a project than a program10:29
AlanBellanyhow I have to go collect kids o/10:30
hajourbut i not know or i may ad onthe etherpad to ask10:30
hajouror when i can ask/tell it10:31
Cheri703hajour: copy this and paste it here in irc: /join #ubuntu-uds-kond10:34
Cheri703that will let you join the chat room for this room we are in10:34
hajourthanks Cheri703 :)10:42
Cheri703they said edubuntu can support smartboards10:44
UndiFineDcoming up10:59
UndiFineDhuba 1511:00
Cheri703when is that one UndiFineD ?11:00
Cheri703is that the desktop testing?11:00
Cheri703bah, there are like 3 this session and 3 next session that I want to be in -_- I am in another because it is a continuation of one from yesterday11:01
Cheri703take good notes :)11:01
Cheri703there are so many conflicting sessions :(11:03
UndiFineDhey what happened11:03
UndiFineDthey rescheduled11:03
Cheri703oh, ok, cool11:04
Cheri703the schedule is CONSTANTLY changing, it is frustrating. today there are several that conflict for me11:07
AlanBellgot an accessibility mention in the plan for unity testing http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/meeting/desktop-dx-o-unity-testing/11:33
Cheri703AlanBell: we want you in #ubuntu-uds-tohotom11:34
TheMusoYeah scheduling is a bit rediculous.12:47
=== Cheri703_ is now known as Cheri703
hajourAlanBell, i got the name for you from the person from the touch program .his name is chase douglas13:36
hajourgot a mailadress to AlanBell 13:37
hajourbut i not go put that in chat here13:37
hajourif i am home i will let UndiFineD send it to you13:38
hajourAlanBell, ^13:38
AlanBellit is on his launchpad page anyway13:38
hajourok :)13:38
hajouri never now i rather not put mail adresses in chat AlanBell 13:39
hajourso i hope to can do more this week13:39
hajouri discovered why i cant read the name tags by the doors13:40
AlanBellyeah, best not to post email addresses, but most people have them on their launchpad page anyway13:40
hajourits because the color combination what is used13:41
hajourbecause i can read the name on the name cards what is the white fonts on orange13:41
hajouri hope i will be worth the sponsoring13:43
TheMusoSo who here is going to attend the kubuntu accessibility session this afternoon?13:49
PendulumI know maco is going to be there remotely13:51
PendulumI unfortunately am about to not have internet13:51
Pendulumuntil sometime late tomorrow13:51
PendulumI think Cheri703 might be as well13:52
Cheri703I'm going to be there (as far as I know)13:53
hajouri will be there TheMuso 13:55
hajourare you there to TheMuso ?13:56
UndiFineDI am doubly booked at that time for the only session of interest for Ubuntu Adverts14:03
AlanBellthey have just cut all the track leads permissions to reschedule stuff :)14:20
Cheri703Any suggestions of books/sites for accessibility in User experience design?14:27
Cheri703I'm in the session about that, and mentioned it, so they're asking for resources14:28
hajourdo i go to there Cheri703 ?14:35
Cheri703well, they've sort of moved on from it now :)14:36
hajouri can come if it will be helpfull14:36
Cheri703nah, we found some stuff, no worries :)14:36
hajourthey also may talk to me later if they want Cheri703 14:36
Cheri703ok, I will let them know14:36
hajouri am whole week here14:36
hajourCheri703, after the accessibility meeting this afternoon can you help with look what is useful from sessions to go to for me?14:37
Cheri703the kde/qt accessibility is next hour in room 11 kazinczy, the other accessibility session is at 5 in room 19 Ond. I will look at the list for tomorrow and see if I have any thoughts14:39
AlanBellhajour: in general the pink ones are good to go to14:42
hajourok Cheri703 thanks:)14:50
hajourok AlanBell  also thanks :)14:50
AlanBellI will be in the community session later, I have to pop out and get a replacement goldfish!15:52
Cheri703heh, have fun!15:52
AlanBellgreat, got two replacement fish, and one died before it even got released out of the bag17:38
AlanBellI am delighted at the list of people for the invisible exhibition17:45
AlanBellpleia2: a photo of everyone outside it would be great (no photos inside obviously)17:47
pleia2AlanBell: good idea :) Ill see what I can do17:48
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hajourhi all21:56
hajourthey go look at the idea from audio mail but it maybe will become also video mail to21:56
AlanBellgah, listening to the audio of the a11y session, I should have made the start of it!21:57
AlanBellTheMuso: so the story with the keyboards is I made onboard look somewhat prettier with the goal of getting the design team excited about it (which kind of worked)21:58
hajouralso i found someone who can solve the algoritme problem so that means it not will take 10 minutes anymore for openmary go read out loud 10 lines21:58
AlanBellTheMuso: speaking to the gnome a11y people they initially told me we should be using the "official upstream keyboard" that is part of the gnome platform and is caribou21:59
AlanBellTheMuso: however on further investigation we couldn't get the thing to compile21:59
MrChrisDruifhajour; Audio mail?22:00
hajouryes MrChrisDruif audiomail22:01
hajourjust a idea of me i just had get in accessibility meeting22:01
MrChrisDruifMeaning? Mail software that reads the email to the user?22:01
AlanBellTheMuso: I think onboard will be the keyboard in Oneiric, perhaps with other optionsin the repo, but for Oneiric+1 we might reconsider the default keyboard question. I want one that does everything, from scanning to multitouch to odd layouts like steno chording keyboards22:02
hajourno you just speak your message in and the mail sends audiofile22:02
hajourthey go look to it all opensource mail will go look at it22:02
AlanBellMrChrisDruif: scanning is where the user has very very limited control, like a switch they can press (Stephen Hawkin uses it)22:03
hajourno just a button you click on it then you speak in and send it22:04
AlanBellthe keyboard flashes between rows, you press your switch when the row you want flashes, then it flashes the keys of that row and you press when the one you want is highlighted22:04
hajourjust try to think more simple MrChrisDruif :P22:04
MrChrisDruifSorry hajour, that scanning was for AlanBell.22:04
hajoura ok sorry XD22:04
AlanBellreally slow way of entering data, but if all you have is a switch then that is how it works22:04
MrChrisDruifhajour; But what are we doing with Speechcontrol then? :-/22:04
* MrChrisDruif is confused22:04
hajourits needed for websites to read MrChrisDruif 22:05
AlanBellhajour: orca does that22:06
AlanBellI think TheMuso's suggestion of documenting the Ubuntu architecture for accessibility is a great one22:06
MrChrisDruifI thought SpeechControl would do what it's name implies; Control (the computer) by Speech22:06
hajourits not very difficult we are able to use natural voice i also found someone who maybe can solve orca s problem with the haspering22:06
hajourAlanBell, ^22:07
AlanBellI don't know what haspering means22:07
Daniel0108hajour: we can just use our SpeechControl daemon as an orca speech-synthesizer 22:07
AlanBellit doesn't seem to be a word in Dutch or English :)22:07
AlanBellDaniel0108: orca feeds what it reads into speech dispatcher22:08
AlanBellspeech dispatcher is a common interface to multiple synthesis back ends22:08
AlanBellespeak is a synth, it comes on the CD it is small and works well at high speed22:09
hajourAlanBell,  do not so hard plz i not only have suggest espeak also orca22:09
hajourthey just can choose there self what works for them the best22:09
AlanBellthere are other synthesisers such as festival, openmary etc22:09
AlanBellalso hardware voice synthesiser devices22:10
hajourAlanBell,  they go use openmary22:10
AlanBellall can be fed stuff to say through speech dispatcher22:10
hajourcombined with a speechprogram22:10
hajourby using libopenmary22:10
hajourjust let them help22:11
hajourthey are from canonical22:11
AlanBellso yes, OpenMary is great, has lovely realistic voices, but it is a back end to speech dispatcher22:11
hajourits not important what will be used its important the end goal that it works22:11
AlanBellI thought libopenmary was supposed to be a speech dispatcher driver for the openmary back end22:11
AlanBellit isn't22:12
hajourand i found help to solve the algoritme problem AlanBell 22:12
hajourit works by Daniel0108 22:12
hajouri have heard it here by uds22:13
Daniel0108even emospeak works22:13
hajourAlanBell,  just be happy we all together are busy to succeed22:13
AlanBellI am happy :)22:13
hajouryou have done also important work AlanBell 22:13
AlanBellwhat is emospeak Daniel0108?22:14
hajourand also TheMuso 22:14
MrChrisDruifOr in this case stammering22:14
MrChrisDruifhajour; ^22:14
Daniel0108AlanBell: Emotional Speech, for example: you set the voice excited and it talks excited22:14
Daniel0108or bored22:14
AlanBelloh yeah22:14
hajoura ok i found someone who can help to solve the stammering problem22:14
hajourhe is from canonical22:14
AlanBellis the stammering issue just with your laptop?22:15
hajouri speek to him again later this week22:15
hajourno by more people AlanBell 22:15
AlanBellDaniel0108: http://cvs.freebsoft.org/doc/speechd/speech-dispatcher.html22:15
MrChrisDruifhajour; by = with22:16
hajoura ok thank you MrChrisDruif 22:16
Daniel0108hajour: the only disadvantage of  openMary is that it's SLOW22:16
hajourwe making accessibility progress or am i not right?22:16
AlanBellDaniel0108: yeah, it can be, but that is because I have used a generic driver22:16
AlanBellDaniel0108: did you try the generic driver and my server?22:16
hajouryes but i also was looking for help for orca not only for that Daniel0108 22:16
Daniel0108hajour: okay22:17
Daniel0108AlanBell: you have to ask hajour about her idea :) I'm just a programmer, I do what she wants me to do :P22:17
hajouri try to do whatever i can for accessibility22:17
hajourif AlanBell  have a good idea always listen to ideas22:18
hajourafter you always can decided or you go use it22:19
AlanBellso doing the generic driver for openmary was just a proof of concept really22:19
AlanBellso you can try using orca and openmary to read the screen, read websites, do everything you can already do with orca and espeak but with the openmary voices22:20
hajouri am a little tired i not even have eaten i not have seen a cook and there was no food i could eat22:20
hajourAlanBell,  we use espeak22:20
hajourbut its needed to can used also very good by orca22:21
hajourlike i said it need to be multifunctional22:21
AlanBellgo find some food hajour :)22:21
hajourcant i got foodalergic22:21
hajouri can eat out side the hotel22:21
Daniel0108hajour: I think he means that HE is going to find some food :P22:21
hajourand in hotel its very expensive22:22
Daniel0108oh lol sorry22:22
Daniel0108didn't read the lines before that :P22:22
hajourubuntu thing where was eaten is already over22:22
Daniel0108hajour: soo.. I programmed the library, but not openMary. Who programmed openMary? o.O22:22
hajourdont ask me to thibnk hard on this moment i not able to think hard anymore now22:23
hajourthink i mean22:23
AlanBellDaniel0108: Das Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz22:23
hajour1 of the persons said to me it was good i had some health issues because else i would be to inteligent and they not would understand me anymore .ye right22:25
hajouri know it was mend for a joke22:25
hajourbut AlanBell  i hope i was usefull22:26
MrChrisDruifhajour; are* ;) You are useful22:26
hajourwhat is more needed to do AlanBell ?22:26
AlanBellyeah, we need to think about things differently22:27
MrChrisDruifFix bug #1 while your at it hajour :)22:27
ubot2MrChrisDruif: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Not reporting large bug)22:27
AlanBellhajour: go and get food, there is no food on IRC22:27
hajourAlanBell,  there also is no food here for me22:27
hajourif i order on a moment what is not in a event i need to pay self my diner22:28
AlanBellget something on room service or go find a supermarket22:28
hajourits to expensive here in the hotel22:28
AlanBellno you don't22:28
AlanBelljust put it on the room22:28
hajouryes i am marianne told me that very clear22:29
AlanBellok, fair enough22:29
Daniel0108Bug #1 definitely HAS to be fixed!22:29
AlanBellbut there is a per diem you get to claim back22:29
hajourbut i cant eat food here out the supermarket i got food alergic AlanBell 22:29
hajourbusy with it Daniel0108 22:30
* AlanBell has no further suggestions22:30
hajouri know AlanBell 22:30
Daniel0108hajour: everyone is busy with bug #1 :)22:30
ubot2Daniel0108: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Not reporting large bug)22:30
MrChrisDruifDaniel0108; It sounded you didn't know about bug #1?22:30
ubot2MrChrisDruif: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Not reporting large bug)22:30
hajourit would be better if next time something like this would be kept in a cheaper hotel22:30
Daniel0108MrChrisDruif: I knew about it :P22:30
Daniel0108MrChrisDruif: I already posted it on twitter a few months ago :P22:31
hajourbtw i have told several people to go to accesibilty team22:31
hajour1 from kde really need help for to get the magnifier to get working AlanBell 22:32
AlanBellok, that is good, but I am not too focussed on kde22:33
hajourtomorrow we go talk further what more he need help with for the accessibility part AlanBell 22:33
AlanBellI do want to get the text following added to the compiz ezoom plugin22:33
hajourwe need to get accessibility on all programs AlanBell 22:33
hajourso they ask help with that22:34
AlanBellI know how the gnome magnifier linked to orca works, I read the source code for that22:34
hajourit seams its accessibility team task to offer that help AlanBell 22:34
AlanBellI can do the same for the ezoom plugin22:34
hajouri have said in accessibility team we have people with all kind of skills so big chance to solve problems with that in here22:35
hajourproblems like that22:36
hajouri would like to see some from the city also22:36
hajourbut i cant go alone i go get lost because my memory problem22:37
MrChrisDruifI'll see if I can make it next time, maybe we could go together then hajour 22:37
Daniel0108bye now :)22:38
Daniel0108see ya tomorrow :P22:38
Daniel0108hajour: ^22:38
hajourok Daniel0108  see you tomor22:38
hajourtomorrow and goodnight Daniel0108 22:39
Daniel0108good night22:39
MrChrisDruifSleep well Daniel0108 22:39
hajourthey say i speak very good english now .the people here22:39
hajourfor the short time i do speak it22:40
hajourwas i understandably AlanBell  on the session?22:41
MrChrisDruifFor the short time you speak it, I have no doubt...22:41
MrChrisDruifI didn't hear you....I thought once I heard you hajour :P22:41
hajourjmarsden heard me he said in chat22:41
MrChrisDruifWere you in the room where the next session was going about Lubuntu cleanup etc?22:42
hajouronly i often are sitting far from the mic22:42
MrChrisDruifI heard gilir speak...classic example of a France accent :P22:43
hajouri was by edubuntu and kde 22:43
hajouri not new from lubuntu sorry22:44
hajouri am all day be busy with talking to people22:45
MrChrisDruifGlad to hear your enjoying yourself hajour :)22:45
hajourfrom 8:00 morning till 11:0022:46
hajourso it was a long day22:46
MrChrisDruif3 hours?22:46
hajoursorry i meant 23:0022:47
hajourmake that 1522:47
MrChrisDruif8:00 AM to 11:00 PM would also work22:47
hajouri always forget where am and pm are stand for22:48
hajouri mix them up22:48
MrChrisDruifI don't know what they start for, but I know when to use which :)22:49
MrChrisDruifBefore noon (midday) you use AM, after that use PM22:50
hajouri try to remember it but till now i was not able to remember it22:50
MrChrisDruifAM = latin for Ante Meridiem and PM = Post Meridiem. First means before noon, and second after noon22:51
hajouri think UndiFineD  is sleeping now22:51
MrChrisDruifAlright, he'll read it in the morning :)22:51
hajourif we not talk to much he will he cant scroll back so far22:52
MrChrisDruifWas there something he should have seen in this channel?22:54
AlanBellsomeone in the session asked about names on the etherpad and the colours22:58
AlanBellanyone remember who that was?22:58
Cheri703I did22:59
Cheri703I asked undifined if he was typing stuff22:59
hajouri not remember honest say22:59
Cheri703hajour: does UndiFineD not have logs?22:59
hajouryes 22:59
AlanBellmale, southern US accent perhaps22:59
AlanBellanyhow the point was that after everyone has logged out you can't see the names to tie to the colours22:59
Cheri703(so we don't have to worry about how much we type for the scrollback, he can just check logs)22:59
hajourbut i know talk in my loco team :)22:59
AlanBellhowever you can in the time slider (which is hard to get to right now)23:00
hajourto inform them23:00
Cheri703ah, that may have been charlie?23:00
Cheri703ah, ok23:00
Cheri703good to know23:00
AlanBellhttp://pad.ubuntu.com/ep/pad/view/uds-o-community-o-accessibility-team/latest for example23:01
MrChrisDruifA bit of a etherpad fail23:01
AlanBellwhat is?23:01
AlanBellit is only hard to get to because I hid it :)23:02
MrChrisDruifAlanBell; That you can't see who edited what AFTER everyone left :)23:03
AlanBellwell you can, that is what the time slider does23:04
* AlanBell claps at TheMuso plan for getting to accessibility profiles from ubiquity23:06
MrChrisDruifAccessibility profiles from ubiquity? :-/23:08
AlanBellI am listening to the session23:08
AlanBell42 minutes in23:08
AlanBellTheMuso: could the absence of a keyboard device pop up the onboard keyboard?23:11
hajoursorry to tired to go to a session more today23:11
AlanBellkind of like udev backwards!23:11
AlanBellI am listening to the audio recording of the session this afternoon23:12
hajouro ok sorry23:12
AlanBellis it charlietca perhaps?23:13
hajourwas it by kde?23:15
hajourbecause i talked also there23:15
AlanBellTheMuso: I was talking to joanie about writing an intro to orca article23:17
AlanBellTheMuso: she is rather focussed on people who already have screenreader skills so this would address those who don't23:18
AlanBellTheMuso: such as sighted application developers23:18
hajourgoodnight all23:24
MrChrisDruifI'm offline, see y'all tomorrow :) Aloha!23:41

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