
FroqWhere are applications stored?!  I want to set up a mirrored partition for the partition with applications, to increase application load time01:50
Froqanyone know where applications are stored01:53
kosaidpohello people05:46
kosaidpoi have found on a man page this gittutorial(7) how can i display it ? tnx05:50
kosaidpoi have found on a man page this gittutorial(7) how can i display it ? Abhijit05:50
Abhijitwhat man page?05:51
Abhijitwhere you found it? what you want to do with it?05:51
kosaidpoman git showed me bucnh of things and said to go read mantutorial(7) but idk how to go there05:51
kosaidpoi tried man gittutorial it doesnt work05:52
kosaidpoholstein: and it my terminal how can i ??05:54
* holstein shrugs05:54
holsteinyou need to have it locally05:54
holsteinand im assuming you dont05:54
holsteinyou could copy and paste it into a txt file05:54
holsteinand open it with nano ;)05:54
kosaidpoi got it its ok its man 7 gittutorial :}05:55
Ambrose83does anyone have any recommendations of a program that can play movies in the MP$ format?06:22
Ambrose83mp4 format06:22
kosaidpoAmbrose83: vlc06:24
Ambrose83kosaido: I will check it out thanks06:27
kosaidpoAmbrose83: ur welcom06:28
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
kosaidpohello guys11:42
kosaidpoi wanna move a directory and its content to a place where this dir it already existe11:43
kosaidpoi tried mv -n but it keep the dir tho :P11:43
stlsaintkosaidpo: can you restate what you are trying to do again?11:44
kosaidpostlsaint: mv -f  views/ modules/default/11:45
stlsaintkosaidpo: why the -f switch?11:45
kosaidpoi used -n but it keep the fist dir it didnt remove it11:46
stlsaintkosaidpo: you have to use two lcoations11:46
kosaidpoyeh it is11:46
stlsaintkosaidpo: you have to use: mv /where/it/is/now /to/where/you/want/it11:47
kosaidpoits mv -n views/      modules/default11:47
kosaidpoyou just didnt see the space11:47
kosaidpostlsaint: but the things is the default/views has already some file of the views source so iwanna remove the source n update the dest11:48
stlsaintkosaidpo: you mean to use the recursive switch?11:48
kosaidpocus the dirs has content11:48
kosaidpoand the -r didnt work11:49
kosaidpoi cant find it in the man11:49
stlsaintok you want to move a dir adn its contents to another location? i guess just copy and paste it ;)11:50
kosaidpostlsaint: yeh true but iwanna use the mv so i remove the source dir and its content : D11:51
stlsaintkosaidpo: show me the exact command you are using and the output of it11:51
stlsaintkosaidpo: OR just CUT and Paste11:51
kosaidpostlsaint: kosaidpo@kosaidpo:/var/www/squar/application$ mv -u  views/  modules/default/11:52
kosaidpomv: impossible de déplacer «views/» vers «modules/default/views»: Le dossier n'est pas vide11:52
kosaidpostlsaint: u speak french ?11:52
stlsaintkosaidpo: take away the / behind views11:53
kosaidpostlsaint: it means impossible to move views to modules/default/views the dir its not empty11:54
kosaidpostlsaint: it gives me the same output11:54
stlsaintkosaidpo: use: --ignore-on-non-empty11:54
kosaidposaid unknown option :P11:55
stlsaintlol, i probably gave that wrong11:55
stlsaintone sec11:55
kosaidpostlsaint: ok ;]11:56
stlsaintlol yea that was for the rmdir command sorry11:56
stlsaintkosaidpo: so you cant use: mv views /modules/default11:57
stlsaintkosaidpo: ^^ that command does not work?11:57
kosaidpoyes it doesnt stlsaint11:57
stlsaintkosaidpo: you sure your not using the wrong dir location12:02
kosaidpostlsaint: noo12:02
kosaidpostlsaint: wanna see the ls -a12:03
kosaidpohaha sorry12:03
kosaidpowanna see the structur ?? stlsaint12:03
kosaidpostlsaint: well the ls views gave helpers  and scripts dir's and they have files in12:04
stlsaintkosaidpo: yea you said it wasnt empty12:05
kosaidpols -a modules/default/views has filters  helpers  scripts dir's and no files in12:05
kosaidpothem i mean these dir's12:06
kosaidpostlsaint: you got the image now i hop im clear ;]12:06
stlsaintkosaidpo: you moved the files only when you used the (/) after the views folder which is why i said dont use it12:07
MrChrisDruifkosaidpo, here?12:07
MrChrisDruifYou mean?12:07
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: hey12:07
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: ls -a modules/default/views has filters  helpers  scripts dir's and no files in12:07
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: well the ls views gave helpers  and scripts dir's and they have files in12:08
MrChrisDruifAnd with a / at the end?12:08
kosaidpostlsaint: i didnt get it :P12:08
MrChrisDruifso "ls -a modules/default/views" should work12:09
MrChrisDruifOr use tabs to auto-complete in terminal12:09
kosaidpoguys i solved it i had to add views to the dest thats all Grrrrr12:09
kosaidpobut why it didnt work in te first why it didnt overide the dir ??12:10
kosaidpois it cus it has more dirs in it12:10
kosaidpoim all lost :P12:11
kosaidpoit didnt work12:12
MrChrisDruifYou made me lost ;)12:12
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: u were sayin abt the / thingy ?12:12
MrChrisDruifWhat are you trying to do?12:13
kosaidpowht i told u LOL12:14
kosaidpoill screen shot it it will be more easy then thousand of word okies MrChrisDruif12:15
MrChrisDruifJust an ls?12:16
MrChrisDruifDamn...I forgot what command open a thing with the default app :(12:17
kosaidpoim not sure but i guess xdg-open o sumthin12:17
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: ls modules/default/views/ ---> filters - helpers scripts12:18
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: and ls views has helpers - scripts this last one has files in it12:18
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: clear now ?12:19
MrChrisDruifYeah that one, thanks komputes12:19
coalwaterok MrChrisDruif , since we're talking about mv and cp, i have a small question, some times it tells me 'ommiting directory w/e' why does it say that lol12:19
MrChrisDruifcoalwater, I think it's because they aren't empty?12:20
coalwaterok, how do i move a non empty directory12:20
coalwaterdoes it take a recursive flag?12:20
MrChrisDruifI think O:-)12:20
MrChrisDruifBut I've just tested it on non empty directory, but it moved without --ignore-fail-on-non-empty12:21
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: how abt my case12:22
MrChrisDruifSo an mv /path/to/dir/ /path/to/new/location/12:22
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: this one doesnt work12:23
MrChrisDruifkosaidpo; The ls shows "filters helpers scripts" ?12:23
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: its k12:24
kosaidpothnaks guys12:25
KinkyPinkiehey again! Does anyone know where the themes get stored after installed in the appearance preferences?13:56
hajourhe KinkyPinkie i have give trough you need some help13:58
xardas008what's the problem?13:59
KinkyPinkiei wonder where installed themes get stored13:59
KinkyPinkiei like white on black that's all14:00
xardas008for which program/desktop environment?14:00
KinkyPinkieicons acctually14:00
xardas008globally under /usr/share, locally it differs a bit ($HOME/.{icons,themes,kde...}14:01
KinkyPinkiethat helped alot. thanks14:02
DiegoTcI am having this small problem in ubuntu 10.0414:13
DiegoTcI have my menu http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/3484/pantallazo1mc.png14:13
DiegoTcI have Herramientas del Sistema (Tool System enable in the menu options)14:14
DiegoTcwhen I go to aplications, the Tool System doesn't appear14:14
DiegoTcdon't know why :S14:14
DiegoTcany idea some one?14:14
hajouri have asked help for you DiegoTc  in a other channnel14:16
cprofittDiegoTc: the highlighted entry?14:16
DiegoTccprofitt, nop the upper one14:17
DiegoTcthe one it is highlitighted I just create it14:18
DiegoTcand it appears, but the one that comes by default it doesn't :(14:18
cprofittis there an entry under 'Sistema' for that?14:18
DiegoTcyes there is14:18
cprofittI think that is the one that shows up... if you want the other one to show you may have to check if any applications under that sub-menu are checked to show as well14:19
DiegoTccprofitt, the problem is that if I take the check it appear automatically14:20
DiegoTcso it is always check14:20
DiegoTcthis problem appear last night when i remove the parallel desktop VM14:20
DiegoTcit was remove from the system, but the icons where not14:20
cprofittI am at a loss then DiegoTc14:22
DiegoTccprofitt, I was wondering if it will be a bug or something similar, because it is not normal that when you take the check of something, it appears again the check14:22
s-foxHello DiegoTc :)14:25
DiegoTchi s-fox14:25
solgyhello, I have ubuntu 8.04 server. its blocked this morning and company can not help me except recovery mode. Can I transer my files to another server with recovery mode? like ftp transfer etc..15:07
holsteinsolgy: ssh?15:12
holsteinsolgy: i would see if you can ssh into it15:13
holsteinits challenging when you dont have physical access15:13
solgyyes ssh15:20
solgyi can connect ssh in recovery mode. but i dont know how to transfer :(15:23
solgyim really noob15:23
xycloI want to uninstall ubuntu to do a dual boot xp ubuntu15:34
xycloI read that I should install xp first, thus why I want to uninstall ubuntu/format all partitions15:35
xycloBut I have not been able...15:35
xycloAny help please?15:35
solgyi think you should change bios first boot device to CDrom15:38
Sidewinder1From a LiveCD, simply reformat all of the drives/partitions; install XP; insatll ubuntu. CAUTION, all previous data will be gone forever...15:39
xycloLiveCD... I have Ubuntu 10.10 install. Is that a LiveCD? It did not work.15:39
xycloIt asks me to either install or try Ubuntu15:39
solgyXp cd15:40
xycloXP CD goes to installation directly15:40
xycloIf I select Recover, it asks for a recovery floppy15:40
Sidewinder1Yes. It should boot; if not go into your BIOS and adjust your "boot order" to boot to the CD/DVD drive first.15:40
solgyput your cd and reboot your pc then click to any key for format15:41
solgyand be sure change bios settings15:41
xyclohm, it does boot from CD now, I think...15:41
Sidewinder1If it asks to "try or install", it's a live CD15:41
xycloso it is then15:42
xycloXP tries to boot but it goes to blue screen "of death" everytime, since (I guess) it cannot recognize partitions in the pc??15:42
Sidewinder1Would probably be easier to do as solgy says and format with win inst. disk15:42
solgyplease chec the pictures in the link: http://forum.donanimhaber.com/m_10202870/tm.htm15:43
solgydid you change it?15:43
xycloI'll check boot order and boot with XP again. Otherwise you'll see me in a while here15:44
xycloThank you all!!15:44
solgymay it be easy :)15:45
solgyabout my question anyone know how can I transfer my datas on one server to another one server via recovery mode??15:45
xycloHi again15:48
xycloBoot order is fine15:48
xycloI have been looking at the XP boot, but it always goes to blue screen...15:49
xycloAny other option to erase/format partitions before putting the XP CD?15:49
xycloHow can I do it with the Live CD?15:49
Sidewinder1You can boot to Ubuntu LiveCD and reformat the NTFS and ext3/4 partitions using Partition MGR< Gparted, etc...15:50
Sidewinder1All data will be lost.15:51
xycloBut when I tried it said that I had not right to do it15:51
xycloby boot you mean go to TRY option?15:52
Sidewinder1From the Ubuntu livecd? Hmmm..15:52
Sidewinder1Yes, "Try".15:52
xycloyes, it said No to gparted...15:52
Sidewinder1* Sidewinder1  scratches hid head.15:53
Sidewinder1That's always been the way that I've done it.15:54
xycloI'll try again15:54
xyclogo to Try and then "gparted"15:54
xyclothen in gparted format ntfs, ext 3/4, right?15:55
Sidewinder1Yes reformat each partition with the file system that you want on each; the first should be win/ntfs15:56
xycloHm... win?15:56
xycloI have no windows...15:56
Sidewinder1ntfs/fat32, etc.15:56
xycloso I SET IT to that, right?15:57
xycloI am a bit lost,,,15:57
Sidewinder1not set, format15:57
xycloright, that's what I meant, sorry. FORMAT to Ntfs15:57
Sidewinder1Remember, all data on those partitions will be lost15:58
Sidewinder1After formatting.15:58
xyclono problem, all backed-up.15:58
solgycan i install a program in recovery mode?? meant: rsync and copy all data to another server via ftp16:03
xardas008when you have a internet connection you may be able to call sudo apt-get install rsync sure16:04
solgyin recovery mode? its not a pc its a server and using company's kernel.16:05
solgyits blocked and i want to backup all data to another server then clean install16:05
solgyi can only connect recovery mode via ssh.16:06
jrsdeadhey could someone point me to a guide for doing a netinstall to a machine with no cddrive or floppy from a mac?16:20
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
MrChrisDruifI'm getting pretty annoyed into where Humanity theme stores it's Gmail icon <_<"16:53
MrChrisDruifDoes nobody know?17:15
mang0holstein: ?17:32
stlsaintmang0: need help?17:42
mang0Yes, long story....17:42
mang0to do with Grub/boot loaders17:42
mang0Wanna hear the story?17:42
mang0stlsaint: ^17:43
stlsaintmang0: oh, bootloader issue?17:47
mang0let me type this out17:48
mang0stlsaint: its quite long17:52
mang0<mang0> Guys, I've got Ubuntu 11.04 and Windows XP on two differant hard drives. I made sure the one with ubuntu (and grub) was set to boot first in the bios. When I get to the grub screen, windows XP is listed, but if I select it then I just get an underscore...and then it restarts. The only way I can boot windows is to unplug the drive with ubuntu on, or change the first boot device in the bios, both of which are a17:52
mang0 bother....I think t17:52
mang0<mang0> he problem is to do with the fact that I have reinstalled winXP a couple of times, and I when I boot up windows it asks me to choose which copy to boot (winxp or winxp). Only one of them works though, and I think ubuntu is detecting the one that doesn't...I may be wrong....17:52
stlsaintmang0: confused grub?17:57
coalwatercheck /boot/grub/menu.lst i gues17:57
mang0something like that stlsaint ...17:58
stlsaintcoalwater: 11.04 does not use grub legacy so there is no menu.lst17:58
mang0coalwater, do I open that in terminal with "nano /boot/grub/menu.lst"17:58
stlsaintmang0: are you able to get to the linux install?17:58
mang0yes, I'm on that now...17:59
mang0wait what do you mean?17:59
mang0the LiveCD?17:59
stlsaintmang0: no, the 11.04 install18:01
mang0yes, I have an 11.04 alternate Install Disk18:01
mang0but only a 10.10 livecd, and the 10.10 doesn't like my SATAraid controller18:02
stlsaintmang0: right now are you on the live install or the livecd?18:02
mang0I'm on the installation of ubuntu I made18:02
mang0on my HDD18:03
stlsaintmang0: go here and download this script (hit the big green button ;) ) put it in your downloads folder and then run it from there via terminal18:04
stlsaintmang0: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/18:04
stlsaintmang0: that script should output a RESULTS.txt file in your downloads directory18:05
stlsaintmang0: paste the contents of that file into a pastebin and send me the link18:05
mang0stlsaint: http://paste.ubuntu.com/605794/ gotta eat now, back in a bit18:07
stlsaintmang0: alright well for when you get back it seems that the windows boot loader is causing some issues, also you have a "unknown" boot loader (windows i bet) installed on sda2 which grub is installed to sda, no bueno there, i suggest removing xp all together and making sure grub has control over the master drive and then re-installing, except this time, unplug the sda drive and install windows to the sdb drive, then plug back in sda as 18:21
mang0I can't reinstall windows18:23
mang0it's my main OS atm, I have tons and tons of data on there18:23
holsteincant, or wont18:23
holsteinyou should have that data backed up18:24
mang0I do18:24
mang0i mean18:24
holsteinhow about clearing the mbr's?18:25
mang0I suppose I could just drag C drive to my external 1tb drive, then completely wipe windows, reinstall (without the ubuntu drive plugged in), then reconfigure grub....sounds like a total mission htough XD18:25
holsteinand re-installing grub?18:25
stlsaintmang0: welp that was the easy way to solve the problem, if you are stuck in your plan than we will have to dig further around it18:25
coalwaterany idea how to disable the switcher that's initiated by alt+shift+up, because i use that in my IDE, i don't know what compiz plugin uses it18:25
mang0holstein: mbr's? how do I clear them?18:26
stlsaintholstein: whoa what?18:26
mang0stlsaint: Well, I'll use that as a last resort.18:26
holsteinstlsaint: that was an idea i proposed18:26
stlsaintcoalwater: you have alot of swiches being used?18:26
holsteini feel like you should be able to change the entry18:26
holsteinin grub18:26
coalwaterstlsaint,  it's the same one that used to be super+w18:27
holsteinto boot the proper version of windows18:27
stlsaintholstein: "clearing" the mbr is the wrong terminology for what you are trying to do (if i understand you correctly)18:27
coalwaterstlsaint, don't remember it's name18:27
stlsaintcoalwater: look in your shortcut key settings18:27
stlsaintthey should list them in a window for you18:27
holsteinstlsaint: probably18:27
mang0holstein: How do I clear the MBR's? (then reinsall grub?)18:27
holsteinwhatever the boot sectors have in them18:28
stlsaintoh dear18:28
holsteinassuming thats something residual18:28
holsteinthat is making grub grab the wrong thing18:28
holsteinand try booting it18:28
holsteinbut, that shouldnt be necessayr18:28
holsteinbut, that shouldnt be necessary*18:28
mang0can you edit grub manuallY?18:29
holsteinthat file we talked about yesterday18:29
coalwaterstlsaint, i dont think it's there, the list is too short, and doesn't have the one i want18:29
holsteinwith the windows entry in it18:29
* mang0 can't remember18:29
mang0So can I not just manually edit grub? Isn't that the easiest way?18:30
holstein /boot/grub/grub.cfg was what i was thinking18:30
holsteinBUT, i suggested reading18:30
ubot2GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:30
mang0OH yeah, i remembre now18:31
holsteinand making sure you know how to recover that information18:31
mang0I couldn't get links on my phone18:31
holsteinand making a backup*18:31
mang0I can backup, yeah18:31
holsteinif you have a backup18:31
holsteinand you know how to use the backed up file18:31
holsteinthen, you can mess around with that windows grub entry a lot18:32
holsteinand not permanatly break anything18:32
coalwaterstlsaint, ok found it, it's the scale plugin in compiz window management18:32
stlsaintgrub is not causing the problem here18:32
stlsaintholstein: take a look here to see the real issue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/605794/18:33
holsteinyeah, but can it be used to point to the proper windows installation?18:33
mang0hm, maybe I should take a look at windows boot.ini....18:33
stlsaintholstein: yes18:34
stlsaintmang0: why?18:34
mang0Maybe I can sort out the dual listing of winXP there...18:34
stlsaintmang0: considering that windows (let alone something as old and unsupported as xp) have a hard enough time trying to see linux, i doubt you will be able to sort anything from a boot.ini18:35
mang0it's not to do with windows not seeing linux, its that windows is confused with two copies of itself18:35
mang0if that makes sense...18:35
mang0if i can get just ONE "copy" of windows, then it'll just need a new configuration of grub...18:36
stlsaintmang0: well you said that you wasnt willing to re-install so how will you fix this issue thru windows?18:37
mang0if boot.ini has two copies of windows listed in it, I can remove one, then reconfigure grub. It would just find the other one (correct one) and then my life would be complete.....almost.18:38
stlsaintmang0: let me know how that goes for ya18:40
mang0will do18:41
mang0blimey! stlsaint , i can just use super grub disk!18:43
stlsaintmang0: that could be one way18:45
mang0oh....grub legacy...poop. well I can use the alternate install disk apparantly....18:45
stlsaintmang0: or a livecd18:45
mang0yeah, but my liveCD of 10.10 doesn't like my sataraid controller...18:45
mang0so it doesn't detect my disks18:46
mang0(hard disks)18:46
stlsaintmang0: here is my spill on what you *should* do as i see you will do what you want regardless......18:46
stlsaintmang0: download a updated livecd that will see your drives (do a little research, i say start with something like slax,knoppix, etc) anything that will give you a graphical environment...18:46
stlsaintmang0: your culprit is somewhere within sda and i think it is sda2 so start there, see what is on that partition and if nothing, wipe it, its not your swap nor does it contain your root nor your grub218:47
mang0yeah...sounds good18:48
stlsaintkeep that results.txt as your reference for your disk layout, it contains everything you need to start working on the issue18:48
stlsaintmang0: the rest should be simple, your end state is to have a seperation of mbr's for linux and windows and have a grub.config that chainloads from sda(linu) to sdb(windows)18:49
stlsaintmang0: but first make sure you dont have two installs on that sdb disk in any way form/fashion18:50
mang0WOAH! I typed in grub-install -v, and it gave a very strange result18:50
stlsaintmang0: ...... :|18:50
mang0grub-install (GNU GRUB 0.97)18:50
mang0is the result18:50
stlsaintmang0: i give up, go google18:50
mang0so it seems I have legacy grub...interesting.18:51
mang0going to update, see if that makes a differance.18:51
stlsaintmang0: did you install grub manually at any point?18:52
mang0that makes it very, VERY strange18:52
stlsaintrun command: cat /etc/issue18:52
stlsaintpaste output here18:52
mang0Ubuntu 11.04 \n \l18:52
stlsaintmang0: yep you messed something up18:53
mang0bloody hell, this is so messed up18:54
stlsainthold a sec18:54
bioterrorstlsaint, lsb_release -rc18:54
mang0okay, updated.18:54
mang0grub-install (GRUB) 1.99~rc1-13ubuntu318:55
mang0gonna reboot to try this out, bb in a sec18:55
raju 18:57
mang0yes. -BUT-. Yesturday I edited the grub.confg (or whatever it's called). I deleted a line, and replaced chainloader +1 with something else19:01
mang0somone in #grub helped...19:01
stlsaintmang0: why were you editing a grub file if you knew you were suppose to be using grub2?19:03
stlsaintchainloader is what is suppose to get you to windows19:03
mang0I thought I was using grub2!19:03
mang0O.o I'm so bloody confused19:03
* mang0 gets magnet, and wipes computer19:03
stlsaintmang0: well whatever you did with your friend in grub channel got grub legacy on your system (maybe you didnt know what commands you were running or something)19:04
mang0how strange, just looking at some screenshots of grub2, and mine looks identical to what grub legacy looks like19:04
stlsaintmang0: well i have given my advice, good luck to ya mate19:06
mang0Thanks :)19:06
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drinsolito2i have a lenovo keyboard for an ideacentre. i just installed ubuntu via wubi and the keyboard won't accept keyboard combinations with alt or shift. but it does accept the fn key21:20
froqOkay.  So i have files from an old OSx HFS+ partition that only allows that have the following permissions: owner: read/write group: ZERO Others: ZERO.... I cannot do anything with them... anyway I can get those files?21:27
froqthe hdd was not encrypted21:27
froqthe hdd was not encrypted21:33
froqOkay.  So i have files from an old OSx HFS+ partition that only allows that have the following permissions: owner: read/write group: ZERO Others: ZERO.... I cannot do anything with them... anyway I can get those files?21:43
froqwill sudo apt-get upgrade upgrade my os?  I am rocking 10.04, and don't want to go to 11.04.21:45
bioterror!lts | froq21:50
ubot2froq: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Herron 8.04)21:50
bioterrorI have no idea about HFS+ support under linux21:51
bioterrorI've usually moved data between two computers21:51
bioterrorby using samba or ftp21:51
MrChrisDruifAloha xyclo_21:58
xyclo_Still struggling with installing XP...21:58
MrChrisDruifWindows XP?21:59
xyclo_I think I have wiped clean my pc, but xp install goes to blue screen every time...21:59
xyclo_At this point I guess I should go to an XP channel...21:59
xyclo_#me hate XP21:59
MrChrisDruifxyclo_; Windows XP?22:00
xyclo_I need to do a dual boot22:00
xyclo_so I uninstalled Natty22:00
xyclo_I have been trying to format the hdd properly, because XP won't install22:01
xyclo_I used gparted and deleted all partitions. Then formatted to ntfs, then fat32 and none worked22:06
xyclo_Too bad I need to install XP! It's for work...22:06
DeccaI am using ubuntu 11.4 and firefox crashed, it wont let me open another, can not locate program to be closed or forced closed, only answer back from system is to reboot, is this going to be the answer to all crashed programs from now on?22:09
=== KinkyPinkie is now known as PedoBear
=== PedoBear is now known as KinkyPinkie
MrChrisDruifI'm offline, see y'all tomorrow :) Aloha!23:41

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