
chameleonwhat are we doing02:03
chameleonok... who wants to get stoned02:12
=== med_out is now known as med
=== med is now known as medberru
=== medberru is now known as medberry
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== tubadaz__ is now known as tubadaz
=== cdbs is now known as cdbs-isnt-good
=== cdbs-isnt-good is now known as cdbs
=== medberry is now known as med_out
=== marrusl is now known as marrusl_afk
hudohello, what is this chat for ?20:07
hudomay I ask question about installation of printer with lucid ?20:08
deemfor questions about ubuntu please use #ubuntu20:15
=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere
hudodeem, what is this channel for ?20:23
deemit's for receiving lessons in how to use specified programms with ubuntu20:26
deemjust look at the topic20:26
=== Guest24285 is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as Guest39073
=== Guest39073 is now known as JackyAlcine
=== SquishyNotHere is now known as squishy
crazedpsycis anything happening right now?21:25
* crazedpsyc looked at the calendar and knows there isn't21:26
crazedpsycI was here for Ubuntu App Developer Week, and I was just wondering if the instructors were actually *pasting* each line of the session?21:27

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