
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
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hazmathallyn, are the lxc-attach patches in the upstream kernel? i noticed your natty-lxc ppa kernel is a bit out of date wrt to the latest natty kernel, and was just curious if the functionality is already available in the latest natty kernel11:53
hallynhazmat: no, it's not.  ebiederman just resubmitted them and it looks goodto go upstream soon.12:37
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
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=== marrusl is now known as marrusl_afk
jeremyni'm trying to ssh into a new ec2 instance running ubuntu 10.04 with putty and it's timing out. i've imported the .pem file into putty. any ideas? i read something about having to open port 22 on a "security group" but i can't figure out exactly what that means20:32
jeremynanswer: i had to fix the security group. it was in the beginning instructions.20:42
kim0jeremyn: cool :)20:57
jeremynit looks like i can't or shouldn't do anything to delete the ubuntu user, is that right?21:00
kim0not unless you know what you're doing :)21:03
kim0jeremyn: it's the default adminstrative user .. so I wouldn't delete it .. just create another one if you need to21:03
jeremynare the changes i make to the ec2 instance persistent? if i terminate the instance, will i need to reconfigure settings and stuff?21:12
obinojeremyn: changes to the instance are temporary, they will disappear once you terminate the instance21:15
obinoas well as whatever you put on the ephemeral storage21:15
jeremynso if i (for example) add a user, and then terminate the instance, and then restart the instance, i'd have to re-add that user?21:16
obinoif you just restart no, if you terminate and re-run run-instance then yes21:16
jeremynthat's super bad21:17
obinowhy? if you really need to create a specific image you can bundle your own21:18
obinootherwise you can use boot from ebs21:18
obinoor you can use cloud-init to prime the instance at run tie21:18
obinothe latter is very clean21:18
obinoand you can replicate it as many time as you like21:19
obinowhat I am saying is that the cloud is a different model21:19
obinothe persistent storage is only in S3 and EBS21:19
jeremynfor the "boot from ebs" option you mentioned, i don't think that's available for micro instances, which is what i'm using21:22
jeremynif i understood the options i was presented with when i set this up21:22
jeremynif i selected the ubuntu image labeled "instance", then "micro" was an available option. if i selected the image labeled "ebs", then micro wasn't an available option21:23
obinothat's right21:29
obinomicro won't allow you to boot from EBS21:29
obinoyou can try to use cloud-init to get your user added at boot time21:29
jeremynso what i really want is basically a vps that allows for (a) openvpn and (b) a persistent irc login. there's no data storage other than some configuration so do you think the best approach is to just get it set up how i want and then save a custom image?21:44
jeremynor is ec2 just not the right answer?21:45
obinothat's one way. If you know how to configure it and you can script it, you can pass it as user meta-data: if the instance has cloud-init it will run it and set it up for you21:45
obinothis way you can re-create at will whenever you need it to21:45
jeremynalso it looks ec2 doesn't use static IPs, so i'd have to get a domain name for this as well21:51
jeremynor reconfigure my client if the server terminates21:52
obinoyou can use elastic IP21:55
jeremynpricing says it's free to use an elastic ip for the first 100 remaps and then 10 cents for each additional remap. if i just left it running most of the time, would that be well under 100 remaps? i'd hate for amazon to get super glitchy one night and find my instance has gone up and down 10000 times in the course of a few hours22:03
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obinoyou will have to assign it manually22:06
obinoso you decide how many time you want to do it22:06
jeremynoh, so doesn't mean if my instance gets rebooted and continues to use the same IP i assigned it before, instead it means if i have two instances and decide to reassign the IP from one to the other22:08
obinoyou have to use command to associate and disassociate the IP22:09
obinoeuca-associate-address and euca-disassociate-address22:09
skrewlerjeremyn: i use ebs backed micro instances all the time23:48
jeremynskrewler: ec2 vs "standard" vps, looking at price and configuration, it really seems like vps is the way to go. i can see ec2 is great for some stuff but it just doesn't seem to make sense for this23:50
skrewlerah im reading up some more.  you just want this to run IRC from?23:51
jeremyna vpn+persistent irc, and maybe some other stuff23:51
scalability-junkgo for a vserver at hetzner.de23:57

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