
mhall119AlanBell: nope, I had the same thought after seeing it on their website too07:17
AlanBellat the moment there is a 1:1 correspondence between vandalised pads and articles about UDS sessions on OMG07:18
mhall119might just be one of their trolls07:18
mhall119do you have an IP of the vandal?07:19
AlanBellindeed, I hardly think it is Joey and Ben! Just the trollpit they have assembled07:19
AlanBelldon't have the IP, it was a load of them though07:19
mhall119okay, well I'm going down for breakfast, talk to you later07:23
AlanBellI suspect that the logs won't have the IP either, even if we could decypher them07:23
AlanBellit is behind a reverse proxy07:23
joeyAlanBell: I'm a what now? :-)07:41
cjohnstonAlanBell: we talked at breakfast about enabling the read only views and requesting that when "media" links to summit pages to link to the read only views07:43
AlanBellit would be possible to get a nice read only page view of a single version from etherpad with a bit of coding07:50
AlanBellso at the end of a session you would just need some way to write the desired revision number back to summit07:52
AlanBellbut that won't stop active trolling during a session07:52
mhall119AlanBell: could we make the pads read-only unless you sign in through SSO?07:58
popeyI spoke to the guys at OMG. They meant to link to the blueprint, not the etherpad. Was a mistake.08:20
popeyThey also assumed that you'd need to be logged into lp to edit docs.08:21
popeyThey've said they wont link directly to any more.08:22
popeyThey send their sincere apologies to those who have been put out by this, and have had to work on getting it fixed08:24
AlanBellcool, I saw the blueprints were linked now08:26
AlanBellmhall119: would love to, but etherpad does not support that right now08:26
cjohnstonWe can make it to where if they go to the meeting page they have to login to edit.. but that wouldnt stop anyone from going directly to the pad.ubuntu.com/whatever and editing08:29
=== daker_ is now known as daker
nigelbjames_w: poke?10:21
james_whi nigelb10:21
nigelbjames_w: hey, could you ssh into the box running summit and get summit/summit/schedule/management/commands/rescedule.py10:22
nigelbthat's the file that's not checked in10:22
nigelbjames_w: nevermind, daviey, just got it for me :-)10:23
AlanBellthat isn't spelled correctly reschedule is right10:24
AlanBellis it wrong in the source tree?10:25
popeyjoin #ubuntu-uds10:25
nigelbAlanBell: Would you believe that a file was in production and never checked in?10:25
AlanBellno, that could never happen ;)10:26
AlanBellif it is spelled wrong then that will cause confusion at some point when someone does include reschedule.py and it fails10:28
nigelbAlanBell: I suck at spelling that's all10:29
AlanBellok, that is fine10:29
popeyAlanBell: fwiw, the webupd8 dude linked _directly_ to the etherpad. so pointing the finger at the OMG community may well be very misplaced10:34
nigelbpopey: bah10:38
popeybah indeed10:38
popeyfinger pointing fail10:38
cjohnstonpopey: can someone get ahold of them and try to fix it10:48
popeyhe's at UDS!10:52
AlanBellis that a popular site?10:58
AlanBell30 comments per article so I guess it is fairly10:59
popeyyes, comparable to omg10:59
AlanBellOK, and they happen to have done articles on the same two sessions out of all those held yesterday :)11:01
nigelbpopey: what's his name?11:01
* nigelb mails11:02
popeyah, maybe not11:03
nigelbi'm lazy11:03
popeygoes by the name Andrew on the site11:03
nigelbdaker: ping11:09
nigelbdaker: join #ubuntu-uds-tohotom11:09
dakernigelb, pong11:09
nigelbdaker: we're having the loco directory session11:09
dakerah ok11:09
nigelbhey daker, might want to listen to the audio stream too11:10
cjohnstonczajkowski: ping11:10
mhall119AlanBell: can you join #ubuntu-uds-tohotom?11:34
czajkowskicjohnston: yes11:56
dakerczajkowski, you are late :/12:03
czajkowskino I'm not12:03
czajkowskiI'm here and do not have an apointment to be here12:03
czajkowskiwhat was I wanted for12:03
vishAlanBell: it was more that they "wanted to use something that actually showed what he typed immediately" (paraphrasing here about -lehar)14:56
vishAlanBell: but mostly people like etherpad :)14:56
AlanBellvish: is there lag on etherpad for people at uds?14:58
popeythere's lag for people not at UDS :)14:58
popeyon a busy document you can type and a the text appears a little later, not much, not really badly like a 1200 modem, but noticable14:58
AlanBellhmm, I am not seeing any lag14:58
vishAlanBell: not really sure what it was, i think it just has a couple of secs lag at times14:58
AlanBellok, I will have a look at that on the gnome3 session, loadsa people going to that one15:00
nigelbDaviey: did you get a chance to test that one out?15:12
AlanBellpopey: not seeing any lag on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/meeting/desktop-o-gtk3-gnome3/ at the moment with loads of people on it15:45
popeyme neither15:50
nigelbAlanBell: we're starting! Are you here for the a11y session?16:07
=== daker is now known as daker_
nigelbcjohnston: wow, you missed the party in the bar down the road23:00

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