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cdbsAlmost everyone joining the channel right now is from Budapest08:12
seb128RAOF, there?08:29
cdbsOh gawd. An IRC screen full of joins from conference/ubuntudevelopersummit/x-crappyrandomstrings hurts the eye :)10:43
brycehcdbs, good day to flip off "show connect messages" in your irc client eh?10:54
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ricotzrodrigo_, hi11:55
ricotzrodrigo_, i have disabled the indicator patch in g-s-d with build3.1 to fix it11:56
seb128ricotz, what is to fix?11:58
ricotzseb128, the indicator patch causes a segfault in libxklavier11:59
seb128natty ppa or oneiric?11:59
ricotzprobably both11:59
seb128so you commented in the ppa? do you have a bug report?11:59
ricotzseb128, i did an uncommented push to the ppa, and mentioned it to rodrigo12:00
seb128ok, could you open a bug on launchpad with the stacktrace?12:00
seb128got to go12:00
ricotzseb128, currently not at my testing mashine, but rodrigo should have it in his inbox12:02
ricotzdesrt, hi, do you mind a pm?12:16
ricotzseb128, currently not at my testing mashine, but rodrigo should have it in his inbox13:23
seb128ricotz, ok13:23
ricotzseb128, a target for oneiric is the inclusion of gnome 3.2?13:25
seb128we will discuss it this week but I guess so13:25
ricotzok, i am starting to test glib 2.29.x and gtk 3.1.x13:26
ricotzseb128, another thing, i am not sure if you are aware of the debian policy change to include dependencies on gir packages to their corresponding dev package13:31
ricotznot following it will break some direct syncs13:31
seb128thanks, I've been reading about it13:32
seb128but why would syncs break?13:32
seb128we should just follow on it13:32
ricotzbecause the arent including explict depends on the gir packages anymore13:32
seb128it's the other way around13:32
seb128they made the libdev depends on the gir13:32
ricotzso they fail for the missing stuff13:33
seb128which means we can drop the girs from the build-depends13:33
ricotzi think i wrote that13:33
seb128oh ok, you mean that we will need to add depends to some of our libdev13:33
ricotzyes ;)13:34
seb128right, I will fix those when we cross build issues13:34
seb128should be sorted after the initial merge round13:34
seb128thanks for pointing it ;-)13:34
seb128we also need to fix the dconf backend split depends13:34
seb128this week is a bit busy with UDS but we will catch up next week13:35
ricotzno problem13:35
ricotzyeah the gsettings backend package needs to be pulled in13:35
ricotzseb128, have fun, bye13:38
seb128ricotz, thanks, see you ;-)13:39
TheMusoseb128: Re the GNOME 3 session this afternoon, I initially intended to attend to confirm that we will move to at-spi2 this cycle, particularly since QT is coming along accessibility wise.13:47
TheMusoseb128: But I have a conflict for another session where I am required, so will not be attending.13:47
seb128TheMuso, ok, thanks, nice to read that we will switch to the new version, we will be able to clean old libs ;-)13:47
TheMusoYup. At-spi2 is now rather solid, performing much better. I am running it on my desktop at home with few issues these days.13:48
seb128ok, great13:49
dupondjeSomebody has any idea btw why Gnome3 login screen is qwerty?13:58
jbichabecause gdm is broken? maybe?14:01
dupondjewell else it works14:02
nivardusis this the right channel for gnome3-team PPA discussion?14:45
bcurtiswxnivardus, yes, but most of them/us are at UDS this week.14:47
nivardusI noticed from the huge torrent of conference channel exits14:48
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mptseiflotfy, there's a session right now on running usability sessions in Mikszath.15:31
bassoi like pie16:27
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