
wcchandlerJust so I have this clear, Every time a new release is about to come about, like 11.10.  You guys take a snapshot of the current debian unstable?  And then from there you do all the magic?00:55
lifelessright *after* a release comes out, we grab everything in unstable00:56
lifelessthen we spend 6 months fixing the result + doing the things we're trying to do that layer on top of it00:57
wcchandlerThen as updates roll out on debian unstable, are they set aside until everything is polished on the snapshot and then slowly added when they reach the same level as everything else?  Are they added after an initial release (i.e. Alpha, Beta?)  Or are they never touched until the release officially comes out?00:59
lifelesswe start with everything coming across and then as we get closer to release gradually turn the pipe off01:01
lifelessfirst from automatic to manual, then manual to needing approval, and finally no updates at all01:01
* wcchandler gets to the section on seeds, germinate and bazaar :$01:03
wcchandlerOn this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement under Supported there are two links "Arch" and "Soyuz" that do not link to an actual page.01:13
lifelessoh wow01:19
lifelessthats -very- old01:19
wcchandler:(  please tell me it's still relavent?01:19
wcchandlerAnd I noticed most of the links pointed to Gutsy...  I just assumed as an example?01:19
lifelessno, thats when they were written01:20
wcchandlerIs this page still relevant: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuArchitecture01:21
lifelesslast edited 2010-06-0601:22
lifelessso yes, I think so01:22
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cjwatsonbroder: oh well06:22
cjwatsonandersk: thanks, merging06:22
alkisgWill there a linux-image-generic-lts-backport-natty package become available in lucid-updates? Now only -maverick is there... http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-image-generic-lts-backport06:38
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highvoltageakgraner: hi! do you happen to be close to kazincsky? would like to talk about UWN08:03
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ohsixhm can the card types available to a card reader generally be read from the device? one of my pet peeves is rolling a udev rule to set the types for the ui & it'd be cool to write a helper for it08:14
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smosersomeone able to help me with http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/server/oneiric/20110510/log.stdout.stderr08:40
smoserThe following packages have unmet dependencies:08:41
smoser libhttp-daemon-perl : Breaks: libwww-perl (< 6.00) but 5.837-1 is to be installed08:41
smoser libhttp-date-perl : Breaks: libwww-perl (< 6.00) but 5.837-1 is to be installed08:41
broderthere's a massive perl transition happening08:41
broderi'd try again in a few days08:41
smoserwell its been broken for over a week08:41
smoserbut, fair enough08:41
slangaseksmoser: yes, it's a deep transition08:43
Laneyif it rebuilds you can reupload it08:43
slangasekand progress is slow during UDS of course08:43
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Laneythat looks like a new package this cycle, so the transition monitor may be missing it ...08:43
micahglooks like a dependency loop08:44
micahg*circular dependency08:44
ogra_cjwatson, ping08:51
ogra_cjwatson, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-o-arm-preventing-archive-skew might intrest you08:51
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cjwatsonsmoser: I'll look and sort it out10:14
cjwatsonogra_: sure, when's it scheduled?10:14
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smosercjwatson, regarding pv-grub2, would it be useful to you if you had access to xen at this point?10:17
smoseri can probably get you access to something.10:18
cjwatsonsmoser: hm, I think on the whole I probably just need to sort it out on my laptop or something10:19
cjwatsonbut hold that in reserve :)10:19
cjwatsonsmoser: libwww-perl> actually, can I make this your problem again?  the problem is that several MIRs need to be written for the new libwww-perl10:19
cjwatsonsmoser: you can find them by looking at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt and searching for libwww-perl10:20
cjwatsonsmoser: you might need to search recursively to make sure you've got them all10:21
smosercjwatson, so you're asking me to do some MIRs?10:21
smoserpff... i can [reluctantly] do that.10:21
cjwatsonyup, if you could :)10:21
cjwatsonwell, somebody who cares needs to own MIRs, generally10:21
cjwatsonand you seem to care :)10:21
smoseryeah, no probably. i understand.10:22
smoserthanks cjwatson10:22
cjwatsonif it still fails to build after all that, I'm happy to attempt to sort it out from a perl-transition point of view10:22
cjwatsonbut this doesn't look like intrinsically part of the perl 5.12 transition - it's just new deps from an autosync10:22
Chipzzhrrrrm, I see libwww-perl has several -perl reverese build-deps.. but is that actually needed (as opposed to reverse deps)?10:24
Chipzzdoes parrot byte code get compiled at build time?10:24
cjwatsonI expect that it needs them to run its test suite10:24
cjwatsonparrot> irrelevant10:25
Chipzzah k tests make sense10:25
lifelessslangasek: if you need a concordence of all the paths in the archives, the conflict checker sqlite db has that10:53
lifelessslangasek: I don't know if thats less work.10:53
lifelessslangasek: but I'm sure it would be less than unpacking everything. :P10:54
* lifeless is gone10:54
slangaseklifeless: ta, notated10:56
cjwatsonI also mentioned ravel.debian.org:~cjwatson/docscanner/10:56
ogra_cjwatson, i think it is about to be scheduled, it was only created yesterday afaik ... NCommander works on getting it on the schedule atm10:59
NCommanderogra_: ok, i just poked robbie on that spec to get scheluded11:01
ogra_NCommander, make sure colin is subscribed so we dont cause conflicts ;)11:02
NCommanderogra_: k11:02
tbfappmenu for gtk3 apps - someone having time to review that minor patch and merge it? https://code.launchpad.net/~hasselmm/appmenu-gtk/gtk3/+merge/6032611:10
tbfalso have the required packaging changes in my ppa11:10
tbffixes this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/appmenu-gtk/+bug/70129511:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 701295 in Ayatana Ubuntu "appmenu-gtk GTK3 support" [Medium,Triaged]11:11
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dpmpitti, if you've got a minute during UDS, may I ask you to copy the PPA langpacks to natty-proposed, and then I'll do a call for testing?11:22
Q-FUNKcjwatson: are you still on the perl transition?11:35
cjwatsonQ-FUNK: yes11:38
Q-FUNKcjwatson:  these seem to be giving me problems: libany-moose-perl libgnupg-interface-perl libmouse-perl11:38
cjwatsonI'm working on them11:39
cjwatsonthat lot will be fixed later today11:39
Q-FUNKcjwatson: ah, ok. thanks!  I was trying myself at libmouse-perl, but the builder barfed on the perl version installed11:39
cjwatsonlibmoose-perl was blocked on a newer libpackage-stash-perl, which is now rebuilt11:40
Q-FUNKah, that would explain it.11:41
cjwatsonso should be retriable shortly11:41
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cjwatsonQ-FUNK: libmoose-perl retried, and a while after that I'll be able to do the bits of the stack that depend on that11:49
cjwatsonQ-FUNK: you can rest assured I am very actively tracking all this, anyway :)11:49
Q-FUNKcjwatson: cheers! :)11:53
bigonhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdbs/+bug/745828 could somebody have a look at this12:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 745828 in cdbs (Ubuntu) "python-module.mk incorectly call dh_python2 with unexisting --prefix parameter" [High,New]12:44
geserbigon: have you checked where the difference is? does Debian's dh_python2 support this option or does Debian cdbs' call it without that option?13:05
tumbleweedgeser: no debian doesn't support it (that I know of) looks bug-ish13:05
bigondebian cdbs doesn't include this --prefix thinh13:07
tumbleweedoh, duh13:08
tumbleweed+    - 1/class/python-distutils.mk.in, 1/class/python-module.mk.in: Add13:08
tumbleweed+      --prefix support for pysupport by DEB_PYTHON_PREFIX_ARG (LP #625581)13:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 625581 in Quickly "quickly ubuntu templates should install apps in /opt not bin" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62558113:08
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geserthe test suite for this change forgot to check if other python packaging systems didn't break with this change (it only checks if pysupport works)13:21
tumbleweedthe equivalent of --prefix in dh_python2 is just to specify the full path to the private directory. Don't know why they didn't use dh_python2 for this in the first place...13:28
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micahgI just saw bug 780479, but don't have an answer for it, I'm guessing this was space related?14:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 780479 in Ubuntu "missing debug symbols for hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78047914:19
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real_ate_hi guys! quick question ... our company had to patch a deb package that comes with ubuntu and want to keep an eye on when that package updates so that we can reapply our patch15:01
real_ate_is there any sort of automated mailing list that can notify you of a change of a particular package in ubuntu?15:02
micahgreal_ate_: lists.ubuntu.com, there should be a $RELEASE-changes list15:02
real_ate_i.e. when libxyz is updated you get an email with a subject "Package libxyz has been updated" etc ....15:02
micahgreal_ate_: also, if it's appropriate for others as well, you could try to get it into Ubuntu and/or upstream15:02
micahgreal_ate_: no, the list shows almost all changes to the release except for mass auto-sync from Debian15:03
micahgreal_ate_: but that doesn't happen in a stable release anyways15:03
real_ate_micahg: its not realy apropriate... it for LTS and it is choosing to configure with libxml for axis2c because of a bug in the built in xml parser... too big of a change for a SUR (or whatever the achronym is )15:04
micahgreal_ate_: ok, you could get the fix in for the next LTS though if appropriate :)15:04
Chipzzreal_ate_: you could install apticron; that will send out a mail whenever new packages are available15:05
cjwatsonreal_ate_: you can also subscribe to the 'derivatives' keyword for a package on packages.qa.debian.org - IIRC that gets all Ubuntu uploads15:05
cjwatson(I don't recall how much else it gets though)15:06
Chipzzreal_ate_: if you pipe the mail through a script you could grep for the package name15:06
Chipzz(I'm doing sth similar, but not for watching a specific package; I rather put all available updates in a db)15:06
real_ate_Chipzz: cool i will have to look into this15:06
micahgyou could filter by subject if you have the changes list set to individual mails as well15:07
Chipzz# grep apticron /etc/aliases15:09
Chipzzapticron: |/usr/local/bin/wf-apticron-parse15:09
Chipzzthat's with postfix15:09
Chipzzdon't even have to install procmail or anything15:09
real_ate_Chipzz: i will have to look into that solution but for now i will go with the list... it means that we can have a single setup not dependant on a particular machine being up15:10
* real_ate_ is working on a cloud system15:10
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real_atethanks for all your help15:16
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smosercjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/605732/15:52
smoserthat includes the majority of the new perl libraries that we'll need.15:52
Laneywhich package creates sources.list?16:24
Laneyubiquity, debootstrap, …?16:24
broderLaney: not debootstrap. i think it would be one of the d-i components that ubiquity pulls in16:25
Laneybroder: debootstrap does, otherwise how do chroots get their sources.list?16:26
broderyeah, but that's a dummy that's not actually used by anything16:26
Laneyapt in a chroot?16:27
maxbLaney: apt-setup udeb?16:35
Laneymaxb: yeah, looks good. Does that affect both d-i and ubiquity installs?16:36
maxbUh. Unsure. I only every use d-i16:37
tumbleweeddidrocks: I see you broke cdbs :) I was just about to start looking at it16:38
didrockstumbleweed: hum, really? I didn't touch it for month16:39
tumbleweedmaybe it was a merge after it. bug 74582816:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745828 in cdbs (Ubuntu) "python-module.mk incorectly call dh_python2 with unexisting --prefix parameter" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74582816:39
didrockstumbleweed: yeah, seems an incorrect merge from someone then16:40
didrocksI think I ignored dh_python on purpose16:40
seb128iz pitti fault16:40
tumbleweedI didn't see anything that checked fro dh_python2, but I wa sreading the patch during a session...16:41
broderLaney: ubiquity takes snapshots of a bunch of udebs and then uses them. apt-setup appears to be one of those16:41
didrocksseb128: always pitti ;)16:44
Laneyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/605754/ is this enough?16:52
Laneycjwatson: ^16:53
Laney(sorry, you weren't in the session — we decided to have this enabled in the default sources.list now that NotAutomatic should make apt DTRT)16:53
cjwatsonLaney: I think so, could you please post a merge proposal against lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/apt-setup/ubuntu though?16:56
Laneycjwatson: yes, I am doing. Didn't want to post a wrong diff.16:56
cjwatsonsmoser: all promoted, thanks16:59
broderScottK: does the backports process currently use the triaged bug state? it seems like that would be good for "someone has looked at this and determined someone needs to do testing" if not17:11
ScottKbroder: Not everyone can set Triaged.17:12
broderoh, hmph. well...can *i* start using it for that? :-P17:12
ScottKCurrently "Confirmed" means ready for ubuntu-backporters review.  It seems a bit backwards to use Triaged for needs testing.17:13
hallynregarding bug 780479 - hardy is still support on servers iiuc, so shouldn't ddebs.ubuntu.com still show hardy?17:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 780479 in Ubuntu "missing debug symbols for hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78047917:16
hallynpitti: ^17:19
hallyn(just bc i see you posting in the past about ddebs :)17:20
hallyn(nm, i suppose -dbg should work)17:23
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jhunt_Hi Scott - got time for a gtalk chat?19:26
lamontScottK: postfix 2.8.3-1 uploaded to debian, you wanna do the no-changes-needed sync sometime?19:47
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hallynif a particular library's makefile wants to install into /usr/lib64, is the right thing to do to force those into /usr/lib?23:23
hallyn(for the debian package)23:23
hallynI can't *just* put it into /usr/lib64, bc then a package using it ends up using /usr/lib/libfoo, and then I get dpkg-shlibdeps: error: no dependency information found for /usr/lib/libfoo23:24
infinityhallyn: It should be in /usr/lib, yes.23:28
hallyninfinity: ok, thanks23:29
hallynis that to be found in the debian guide?23:30
hallyn(probably;  reading)23:31
infinityhallyn: Perhaps somewhere in some library packaging guide or some such.  It's been a long time since I've paid attention to what lives in which policy.23:33
infinityhallyn: But, basically, our 64-bit architectures are treated as "first-class citizens" and given the same file layout as 32-bit arches.  Which puts us (Debian and Ubuntu) at odds with LSB and most other distributions.  With any luck, multiarch will gain widespread adoption and no one will care anymore. :P23:34
hallyni'll need to read up more on multiarch23:36
hallyndidn't pay enough attention to theannounce23:36
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