
mdkehey dpm07:58
dpmhey mdke, I was writing a reply to your last e-mail, but the first UDS sessions are about to start and I could not finish it07:59
mdkedpm: no problem, things must be busy!08:00
dpmyeah :)08:00
mdkedpm: one option i guess is to disable translations entirely in the Ubuntu source package, if Launchpad can't be made to work. Let's see how it goes08:00
dpmin short, please don't change the template name in Ubuntu, rather add the ubuntu-docs- prefix to the upstream templates, but I'll explain in more detail some time later on todey08:00
mdkethat's a pain08:01
mdkeok, I'll wait for your email - there is no rush for this08:01
dpmok, let's talk then08:01
mdkehave a good day08:01
dpmyou too, thanks!08:01
mdkehey j1mc08:16
mdkenice work pimping the team to Mark :)08:17
j1mcmdke: heh :) thanks08:18
DarkwingDuckmdke: heads up...08:19
mdkecaught up on your sleep yet?08:19
DarkwingDuckJono in the community roundtable is talking about making documentation tean a focus for 11.1008:19
mdkegood stuff08:19
DarkwingDuckChanged my sleeping so i can attend UDS remotly08:19
DarkwingDuckmidnight to 9a08:20
mdkeany details?08:20
DarkwingDuck90% has to do with the wiki08:20
j1mcmdke: yes. slept fine last night08:21
j1mcDarkwingDuck: you rock08:21
mdkewhich wiki?08:21
DarkwingDuckand weeding out bad/outdated docs08:21
j1mcmdke: he wants to have calls with us08:21
j1mcbut is primarily focused on wiki during this discussion08:21
DarkwingDuckI know I could use some people in kubuntu-docs... we lost nixternal08:22
j1mcone of my goals is to get together a strategy document for the team, similar to what xubuntu has08:22
DarkwingDuckWe put up a ToDo list with the Kubuntu Dev todo.08:22
DarkwingDuckfor each cycle08:22
j1mcand i suggested it would be good to include wiki stuff in that strategy document08:22
j1mcmdke: #ubuntu-uds-kazinczy08:23
mdkeI need to leave for work shortly, so can't join. But obviously happy to follow up08:23
j1mcsounds good08:24
j1mci will send an email out to the list following up on stuff from yesterday08:24
DarkwingDuckthanks j1mc08:25
DarkwingDuck:D This is why I like UDS08:25
j1mci want to make sure that everyone is in the loop and that decisions aren't made in a vacuum.08:26
mdkethat's much appreciated08:29
YoBoYstarting to study (again) if I can generate and put the system doc online in french09:29
YoBoYthere is a new theme in progress ?09:29
jbichaYoBoY: um, not sure I understand your question09:45
jbichabut we did switch to mallard and our output is different on help.ubuntu.com09:45
jbichaswitched to mallard from docbook09:46
jbichaour website code is at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-docs/help.ubuntu.com I believe09:46
UndiFineDjbicha, how would I get started in mallard ?09:47
jbichathe specs & a tutorial are at http://projectmallard.org/09:47
UndiFineDso raw xml writing09:48
jbicharight but I think it's simpler than docbook09:49
UndiFineDhmmm, lets see if I could change that09:50
YoBoYjbicha: I can see I haven't the same result..., thanks I look at it on my next pause10:27
YoBoYjbicha: the link you gave me before is the doc presently here : https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/index.html ?12:57
YoBoYok, I see, this branch is the generated/corrected content, the exact content actualy online, right ?13:13
YoBoYbut I'm looking for how to generate that content in another locale13:13
jbichaI don't really know how the localization works13:14
YoBoYthe make all on the natty branch don't seems to create the pages actualy online, but I can be wrong13:14
jbichawhat do you mean it doesn't create the online pages?13:14
YoBoYseems the natty branch only contain the ubuntu-classic documentation13:16
YoBoY(and server guide)13:16
jbichaoh, then you want https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/gnome-user-docs/natty13:48
jbichaI believe we'll be reverting back to ubuntu-docs for oneiric but modifing gnome-user-docs in place was the easiest for natty13:49
YoBoYjbicha: it's really complicate to find the right branhc ^^" the repository is a mess and the wiki is so outdated...13:50
YoBoYthe system documentation is a great documentation, our translators want it online because they work on it (I understand that) and I think this doc can be a good entry point to Ubuntu13:51
jbicharight, the wiki is about a month or so out of date but there were big changes13:53
jbichaand some docs are still in docbook so we can't just remove it all entirely13:53
jbichabut updating the wiki is a top priority for us13:53
YoBoYthere is a session about the doc on the uds ?13:54
jbichaso the translations should be available to work on under gnome-user-docs13:54
jbichathere was a session yesterday13:54
jbichaI think there's another but I'd have to dig through the schedule13:55
YoBoYcrap, I haven't seen it (or perhaps don't had time to attend ^^")13:55
YoBoYI look myself, thanks :)13:55
jbichathis is the one from yesterday: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/meeting/desktop-o-ubuntu-docs-strategy/13:56
YoBoYthanks jbicha seems a great session14:10
jbichaj1mc: any more docs sessions? YoBoy was asking14:11
YoBoYwe can talk also outside sessions :)14:12
DarkwingDuckYoBoY: we are having a Kubuntu Docs review session on thursday14:17
YoBoYDarkwingDuck: if I don't have another session (for now I don't) I'll go :)14:25
DarkwingDuckYoBoY: I wont be there... I'll be leading it remotly.14:27
j1mcjbicha: yes, there will be one tomorrow14:45
j1mcand one on wedensday14:45
j1mcBUT ...14:45
j1mcmeant one on wednesday14:46
j1mcand thursday14:46
j1mcbut there are other docs-sessions that aren't just about ubuntu docs14:46
j1mcso people should feel free to check those out, too14:46
YoBoYj1mc: I'll try14:46
j1mcYoBoY: cool14:47
head_victimj1mc: as far as spruiking the wiki goes, you should try and find someone to lean on to get bug 668530 resolved, it's still ongoing and makes the wiki very difficult to use. Nice summary for those of us not able to attend though, thanks18:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 668530 in ubuntu-website "Wiki - 500 Internal Server Error" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66853018:30
j1mchead_victim: thanks - i'll take a look.  :)18:41
head_victimj1mc: No problems, it's one of the things I butt heads against on a regular basis18:42
j1mchead_victim: yeah, the performance of the wiki came up in the community round table today18:42
head_victimI understand there are finite resources available for these sorts of things but just thought I'd mention it before you went promoting it too hard18:44
mdkehead_victim: I think that problem relates to the team wiki rather than the help wiki though. It's known and the sysadmins are working on it - updates are available on ubuntu-news.org (e.g. http://ubuntu-news.org/2011/04/07/another-wiki-ubuntu-com-upgrade-update/)19:57
MrChrisDruifI'm offline, see y'all tomorrow :) Aloha!23:41
Rocket2DMnhey shaunm , you around?23:53

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