
Mamarokstrange, I can't join the team channel anymore00:11
IdleOneMamarok: you aren't identified00:12
PiciMamarok: you're not identified.00:12
Mamarokthanks, I wasn't aware00:15
IdleOnesure thing.00:16
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (Tendors)01:40
CoreyThrowing my hat into the ring and applying for the #ubuntu IRC team.02:10
rhizmoehi all05:30
h00krhizmoe: hello, how can we help yo?05:30
Jordan_Urhizmoe: What link exactly did Sir_Gabriel send you?05:30
rhizmoeunfortunately i killed the window and wasn't logging05:31
rhizmoeif you think he's truly a n00b, then he's likely running a script with hidden spammage05:31
Jordan_Uh00k: rhizmoe believes that Sir_Gabriel in #ubuntu may be a spammer of some sort.05:31
h00krhizmoe: you don't have the link Sir_Gabriel sent?05:33
rhizmoei typically just kill pm windows by instinct. bad habit i guess. if there's a way to pull the text back in irssi i'm all eyes, but i'm not aware of one.05:34
rhizmoeso, as i was killing the window, i noticed the text. so i asked SG what it was.05:34
rhizmoestupid muscle memory...i'm not sure what can be done at this point.05:34
rhizmoelet me look back, sec05:35
h00krhizmoe: I guess we'll watch for any spamming, I don't know if there's much we can do05:35
rhizmoei'm thinking a host/nick that his client hasn't seen might be able to trigger it by addressing his nick, but whatever. it's over.05:38
rhizmoesorry for the chaos05:38
h00krhizmoe: I think the best I can do is to watch for any additional spams, or let us know if it happens again05:39
h00krhizmoe: sorry about that05:39
rhizmoewell, it's pm, not in-channel05:39
rhizmoeso you wouldn't be able to watch for it05:39
h00krhizmoe: right, but pastebinning a useful log may help05:39
rhizmoethat i don't have05:39
h00krhizmoe: alright. I guess that's all we can do for now, let us know if there are any additional issues05:43
h00krhizmoe: let us know if there are any additional problems, but we have a no-idle policy in here05:55
h00krhizmoe: feel free to re-join if you encounter anything else05:56
rhizmoesure thing, whoops06:31
pfifohi, I made this post, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/605586/ and then to see if pastes were sequentially named i visited http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/605585/ and I thought I might point it out.07:38
gnomefreakany chance we can open +1? im on 11.10 already :)12:21
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=== Guest87047 is now known as LjL
bazhanggnomefreak, its open already12:36
gnomefreakbazhang: but it is still invite only as of a little while ago12:41
bazhanggnomefreak, tried to /join yet? you should get an invite then12:42
gnomefreakbazhang: i know that but i mean open to public, without the need for invite12:44
bazhanggnomefreak, not until after UDS iirc12:45
gnomefreakthat has only happened once or twice12:48
gnomefreakthat is a fairly new thing12:48
LjL--> LarsTorbenn (57906d2a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #ubuntu12:49
ikoniaI saw him12:49
ikoniahis ban was removed yesterday12:49
bazhangthought he was unbanned12:49
LjLplease can you remove the ban on botters/cam i set when i was op? i didn't intend to keep it for very long12:50
bazhangunless he starts the same "which is better for me???"12:50
ikoniaLjL: help yourself12:53
PiciLetsGo67 has been getting on my nerves lately.13:17
ikoniaand mine13:17
ikoniaI almost kicked hi13:17
ikoniahe's been told enough how to behave13:17
ikoniathought I'd see how he responds to someone trying to help him13:17
bazhangpart of the kernel13:54
PiciI'm trying to think of a good way to tell mathews to stop telling people to use askubuntu when he doesn't know the answer to a question.13:56
bazhangI think he's saying post there as well, not as a substitute13:56
bazhangiirc thats part of a factoid13:57
PiciI think we need to keep an eye on it anyway. I thought I saw him tell someone that without any other interaction with the person.13:57
bazhangyep. some helpers do that when they are running out of gas13:58
gnomefreakjust tell him to use ubuntuforums.com instead of askubuntu13:59
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PiciIdleOne: ubottu is a bot!?16:54
IdleOnePici: no, we just tell the users that in #u16:54
PiciIdleOne: oh, right.16:54
jussifor everyones info, #ubuntu+1 is open again.17:28
popey"cannot send to channel"17:31
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Coreymaco: He's back.19:16
macoCorey: i put !guidelines in the kick message, so ubottu already sent the link to him once19:17
Coreymaco: Ah, didn't realize it'd do that if you put a !command in the kick message.19:17
CoreyI learned something new today. :-)19:17
macothe feature was added a couple months ago19:18
* Jordan_U also learned something new.19:27
FlannelI learned that you learned something new today!19:30
IdleOnewatch out for charliesheen in -ot20:42
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (ekwqewhjk appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)21:33
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))21:33
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))21:33
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))21:33
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (fatazzes appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)21:58
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