
rpaddockI can add a script to run on server start.. but how do I have it run as a specific user?00:56
JanCrpaddock: use 'su' ?01:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #780251 in samba (main) "Directory listing truncated on CIFS mount" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78025103:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #780277 in apache2 (main) "package apache2.2-common 2.2.17-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: no se puede borrar de forma segura `/etc/default/apache2.dpkg-new': Error de entrada/salida" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78027704:41
twbkirkland: ping05:00
twbI'm using libvirt-bin on lucid; it looks like you wrote the upstart job05:01
twbApparently when the dom0 gets a "shutdown -h now" or so, the domUs aren't told to start a clean shutdown05:01
twbI want the same behaviour as e.g. vmware-server, where dom0 shutdown will wait until the guests have finished shutting down before the dom0 itself shuts down05:02
twbSurely someone has already sorted this out?05:02
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Roxyhart0hi There, i installed ssh server, but it is not working ...I cant not connect from other computers to the server, just locally. Somebody know hot to do cheking to this05:53
Roxyhart0it was working before...I did just installed NAT and it stop to work, but I am not sure if it had something to do with this configuration05:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #780314 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78031407:06
ameroif the softlimit for nproc not specified, does it become unlimited?07:38
mithranhi all, i am trying to use this appliance that uses ubuntu server to support virtual machines, ive created a virtual machine, and need to boot from the network , but its not getting an address that is on the local network, i have NAT and bridged as the options to setup the nic, any suggestions?08:10
mithrandoes someone have a good link for the different options to set for a nice on a virtual machine?, i was trying to do the same thing with virtual box, with no sucess :(08:13
twbDefine "nice"08:13
mithrannic* sorry :)08:16
kaushalPlease guide me about http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/605598/08:17
ameroany idea why ssh keeps booting me off at login after setting nproc limit for the user i tried to log in08:20
amerobut the num of current proccess of that user is nowhere near the nproc limit i've set though08:22
kim0hey guys, is there some wiki page describing the process to get some software into universe08:40
lynxmankim0: I think this is what you're looking for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess08:45
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kim0lynxman: thanks08:50
lynxmankim0: np08:56
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tunicI've have a NFS export... if I md5sum a 500Mb file ina server shell I got a value, if I md5sum that same file in a NFS client I got another value09:03
tunicwhat's is strange is that the md5sum in the NFS client is always de same, so I guess is not because corrupted transmission, because then I'll got different md5sums09:04
tunicI use sync option in export file (async may cause corruption)09:04
tunicany ideas?09:04
twblynxman: not sure09:07
twblynxman: unless md5sum algo is different on each?09:07
tunicalso, I'm using lucid binaries in the 10.10 Maverick Meerkat clients because Maverick binaries have an ugly bug09:09
tunicmay be related?09:09
tunicmd5sum is the same in client each time09:09
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w00i'm a very new Ubuntu user, played with cobbler on my natty-server vm and all worked fine with importing/installing/etc another natty-server but hit a bug while trying to import the mini.iso.. it seems the bug got fixed in cobbler-2.1.0-0ubuntu8 but i don't see it in my apt-get upgrade, what am i missing?11:09
RoAkSoAxw00: you need to import the mini ISO specifying breed and release11:40
RoAkSoAxw00: and then assign a preseed file11:41
w00RoAkSoAx, i did specified breed/release11:41
RoAkSoAxw00: so what's the failure you've face when importing a mini ISO?11:42
w00Anyway i read that it should work, didn't tested though as i thought that if a fix is available i could install that11:42
w00RoAkSoAx https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cobbler/+bug/765224/comments/411:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 765224 in cobbler "Creation of repo mirro fails when importing mini.iso" [Medium,Fix released]11:43
RoAkSoAxw00: ah no, the error shown on importing a ISo when specifyin breed/release is not really an error related to the ISO itself, but rather something different11:43
RoAkSoAxw00: that happens to affect the mini.iso import11:43
RoAkSoAxw00: I have fixed that in Oneiric though, hasn'11:43
RoAkSoAxhasn't yet been SRU'd back to Natty11:44
RoAkSoAxw00: I mena, the ISO import doesn't really fail11:44
w00RoAkSoAx, yeah i read that, and was wondering how to install it in my natty-server.. as i said i'm a very new Ubuntu user and not accustomed yet with apt* stuff11:44
RoAkSoAxw00: youcould install the PPA packages11:45
RoAkSoAxw00: 1. sudo apt-get install python-software-properties 2. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-virt/ppa 3. sudo apt-get update11:45
RoAkSoAx4. sudo apt-get install cobbler cobbler-web virtinst11:46
RoAkSoAxahh ignore virtinst11:46
w00Noted, will try after lunch :) thanks a lot11:46
RoAkSoAxw00: hold on, if you PXE boot you don't even the latest fixes11:46
RoAkSoAxw00: if you use koan to install VM's, you do need the latest11:46
RoAkSoAxw00: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cobbler/Deployment#Deploying via PXE11:47
w00I don't use koan and the vm is an esxi11:47
w00RoAkSoAx, yeah i read it, got it working ok with an natty-server.iso as i said earlier :)11:48
w00It's all good11:48
RoAkSoAxw00: yeah the import of the MINI iso will *not* fail but will still show the error11:48
RoAkSoAxw00: but if you install the latest as explained above, then the error will no longer be thrown11:49
w00RoAkSoAx, understood, thanks again :)11:49
RoAkSoAxw00: np ;)11:49
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ping11:50
andygraybealmorning :)12:01
sky1kann mir jemand sagen,  ob ich bei einem linux client ein zertifikat installieren muss, wenn ich als CA einen windows 2008 server benutze? und wenn ja wie installiere ich das zertifikat auf dem linux rechner ?12:21
twbWhat is that, deutsche?12:30
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:30
twbOh, he's gone12:30
wmpanyone know how to make false load?12:44
twbI don't know the punchline to that one12:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #780445 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: подпроцесс установлен сценарий post-installation возвратил код ошибки 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78044512:46
jpdswmp: apt-get install spew12:51
sky1muss man zertifikate zur authentifizierung von einem ad server auf einem client   installieren?  ( das CA ist auf einem windows rechner13:00
truncatedTreehello, I need to resize a qemu2 file (the primary partition) that I manage through virsh using KVM. What is the best method to do this? Thanks.13:46
elb0wWhere is the root mail? I dont see /var/spool/mail/root13:48
resnohaving some issues geeting the configuration right with lxc, any tips or guides that are clear?13:51
_rubenelb0w: check /etc/aliases13:59
elb0w_ruben, I dont have a etc aliases14:00
_rubenelb0w: then you don't have a standard (mail) setup14:00
elb0wSo where to cronjob errors go?14:01
felimwhiteleycan anyone help me out sith mdadm not activating a second disk in a soft raid 1 setup. I had to mark sdb failed and removed it, work fine, but adding a new disk in it seems to ressurect disk id 1 and adds my new sdb as disk 2 and set as a spare14:03
hallynresno: depends what you're trying to do.  http://s3hh.wordpress.com/2010/06/18/lxc-0-7-0/  is the simple get-started giude14:04
resnothanks hallyn.. have you worked with it at all?14:08
hallyni use it daily to set up test environments for bugs14:09
hallyn(fast cloning w lvm)14:09
resnohallyn: did you create your own containers or just mod openvz ones?14:14
ARTSIOMwhen I ssh to my ubuntu-server 10.04 it says "30 packages can be updated. 23 updates are security updates.", but when I run sudo apt-get upgrade it doesn't update anything. Can someone please explaine how to fix this. Thanks!14:15
RoAkSoAxTREllis: ping14:22
hallynresno: i make my own as pe that blog entry14:22
hallynopenvz ones don't likely convert very well14:22
resnohallyn: ah, i see. just curious how most people do it, ive read alot about how to do it14:23
hallynresno: that's bc it usd to be a lot harder14:24
hallynif you're on natty especially14:24
resnoim still on lts14:24
hallyni recommend using the templates and then customizing as needed14:25
resnoah ok14:25
resnoopenvz templates?14:25
resnoor otherwise14:25
resnoah ok14:25
resnoi know what you meant ;)14:25
hallynlxc-create -t ubuntu -n lxc1 -f /etc/lxc.conf'14:25
hallynok :)14:26
hallynhave fun14:26
resnohallyn: i can run other oses right?14:26
hallyndistros yes.  os's no14:27
hallynneed kvm for that14:28
hallynand the templates for other os's don't work well, actually14:28
resnoheh, yea. sorry thats what i meant hallyn14:28
hallynso  aybe best to read the ubuntu one, grok it, and repeat what it doe for other distros in thed right way.   sorry haven't done much of that14:29
hallynwhich distro?14:30
resnohallyn: most interested in doing centos14:30
resnoby default its going to be ubuntu right?14:31
hallynyou'll need to yank stuff like udev out of /etc/init?d14:31
hallynthat's just the template that works14:31
hallynif you can write a tedmplate for centos thagt works, we could put up a reppo14:32
hallyngotta go, bbl14:32
link011hi all14:33
link011does anybody know how /etc/cloud/* things work ?14:33
TREllisRoAkSoAx: pong14:41
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ph8A bit of a random question, i'm trying to create an 'ultimately resilient FTP cluster' - a couple of load balanced machines with a shared disk sounds OK but how can I eliminate the shared disk as a single point of failure? Raid1 of two shared disks sounds really sketchy, is there a better solution?15:11
_rubenph8: drbd15:13
Pumpkin-make sure you have resiliant network15:23
Pumpkin-resiliant power15:23
Pumpkin-resliant location15:23
Pumpkin-depending on how "ultimatley resiliant" you want it to be15:24
ph8yes i thought drbd15:26
ph8i used it about 3 years ago15:26
ph8it looks pretty sexy now as well15:26
ph8if i physically distribute the cluster, all on gig infrastructure, that should be fine right?15:26
lynxmanph8: should be alright yeah, just be aware that it'll add some additional latency to your disk writes, and drbd doesn't work active-active afaik15:33
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ph8hmm i thought i used master master a while ago16:02
ph8but heartbeat with master-switch would be fine i guess16:02
_rubenactive-active is possible, but the split-brain risk sure aint fun, active-passive with automated/manual failover tends to be a lot safe16:03
RoAkSoAxTREllis: too late :P16:05
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TREllisRoAkSoAx: what was up?16:11
RoAkSoAxTREllis: mini iso import16:12
fastveghey guys, new to ubuntu server here... can navigate around but that's about it..16:13
fastvegI'm giving myself a project to get used to things, just install wordpess on linode16:13
fastvegbut, uh,16:13
fastvegI can't figure out even how to download and install wordpress16:14
TREllisRoAkSoAx: ah ok, let's chat about it later then16:14
RoAkSoAxTREllis: sure16:14
felimwhiteleyfastveg: sudo apt-get install wordpress16:15
fastvegoh really?  I don't need to manually download the tar gz?16:16
felimwhiteleyno that way you get security updates etc. applied by ubuntu16:16
fastvegomg, this is so much better16:17
fastvegdid all the dependancies too16:17
fastvegfelimwhiteley: So where exactly did it install it?  It's not in the folder I'm already in16:18
JanCfastveg: dpkg -L wordpress16:23
mand0you could do a whereis search16:23
JanCfastveg: maybe useful to read https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/index.html16:25
fastvegjanc: that command was sweet.  very helpful.  i'll check out the link16:26
JanCfastveg: most commands have documentation when you do "man <commandname>"16:27
JanCe.g. "man dpkg" gives documentation about dpkg16:28
JanCalso, many packages have additional documentation in /usr/shar/doc/<packagename>16:29
fastvegjanc: yeah, this is a lot different than doing it on shared hosting, for sure..16:30
JanCjust make sure you keep your system safe!  ☺16:30
felimwhiteleyfastveg: ah sorry was called away.. see you are sorted now though :)16:32
fastvegnp ;)16:35
piscoHi, can anyone point me to a tutorial on how to configure raid and LVM on an existing installation?16:38
andygraybealdoes searching for: ubuntu raid lvm ... turn anything up?16:45
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DW-10297Whenever I install 11.04 on a server, when the server boots up it boots to a cursor and I have to hit alt-f2 or whatever to get a shell to login.. anyone know what gives?17:01
fastvegSo having an issue with the wordpress installation...17:05
fastvegI'm following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WordPress17:05
fastvegand get to this point:  Then install WordPress using the supplied script  sudo bash /usr/share/doc/wordpress/examples/setup-mysql -n wordpress localhost17:06
fastvegI replaced localhost with my sitename17:06
fastvegbut just get back: ping: unknown host sitename.com17:07
andygraybealfastveg, is it a real registered name in dns?  can you do a dig on the name?17:11
fastvegandygraybeal; sorry that is a little over my head17:12
andygraybeali'm not smart enuogh to ask the right questions; but is your site fully qualified domain name?17:13
cloakablefastveg: sounds like sitename.com isn't registered in DNS, so you get unknown host.17:14
cloakablefastveg: the script won't do that for you, it just sets up wordpress :P17:15
fastveghey guys, getting an apache error and the httpd room said it is caused by ubuntu:  apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}18:28
MarkusTWith any php5 update, Ubuntu (10.04) tries to install libapache2-mod-php5. Since I run fcgid, this would break my system. If I install/update package by package, I'm able to move around this issue. Why does Ubuntu try to install this new package? And what is a nice (clever/clean) way to discourage this behavior in future updates?19:14
fastvegAnyone have any experience with installing wordpress / mysql on ubuntu-server?  Not having much luck here.19:16
_johnnyanyone who've used ejabberd2 on ubuntu?19:20
alanHow would i rebuild my initrd how it would be by default?19:27
eagles0513875hey guys quick question if i need perl-Net-SSLeay  what perl module or package should i install19:36
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JanCeagles0513875: I guess taht would be libnet-ssleay-perl19:59
eagles0513875JanC: nope cuz it also wants it but its not sending an email with this sendemail script19:59
jeremynis an amazon micro ec2 instance totally the wrong answer if i just want a low-end vps to use as a vpn and maybe an irc bot or something? it seems significantly more wacky than (for example) linode20:03
_johnnyjeremyn: depends on what you need the bot for, consider that a ec2 is ram only, so lost after restart20:12
jeremynjust something that's perma-logged in20:13
_johnnyyou need a way to deploy your files, with say s320:13
_johnnyjeremyn: should be fine yes20:13
jeremyni'm pretty confused though, i assumed it would be just like a vps where it'd give me an IP and i could log in and stuff, but i'm not seeing an ip i can ssh to on the ec2 admin page...am i just missing it or do i not understand how this works?20:14
Pumpkin-jeremyn: you do end up with one. The EC2 admin page should have the hostname on it20:16
Pumpkin-it is some giant string ending in amazonaws.com20:17
Pumpkin-I can't remember exactly where it is20:17
jeremynthere's a field like that labeled "Public DNS"20:18
hallynjdstrand: do you have any objection to my marking https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/345485 'opinion'?20:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 345485 in libvirt "libvirt does not remove interfaces on stop" [Low,Confirmed]20:18
hallyn(or invalid)20:18
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jeremynany ideas about why i'm getting a timeout trying to connect to my instance? i found some random forum that said i needed to open port 22, but i didn't see anything about that in the amazon documentation so i dunno.20:30
Pumpkin-AWS instances come with a firewall that by default blocks everyting20:32
Pumpkin-you need to sort that, but again I can't remember exactly how20:33
Pumpkin-(and I'm at home so I can't login and look)20:33
jeremynthere seems to be something about that in the instructions now that i'm reading more closely. always the last place to look20:34
jeremynok, now we're getting somewhere20:35
JanC"blocks everything"?20:36
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Pumpkin-JanC: inbound anyway, from memory. Yeah.20:37
Pumpkin-the default is deny everything20:37
JanCPumpkin-: heh, so how do you change that if you can't access it?20:38
* JanC has never used AWS...20:38
Pumpkin-it isn't your machine thats doing the firewall, it is the amazon infrastructure20:38
Pumpkin-you your web control panel lets you make chagnes to that policy20:38
Pumpkin-so even20:38
jeremynseems fine now btw20:43
jeremynit was the security group tthing20:43
NightDragoni just installed ubuntu server 11.0420:59
NightDragonand for some reason, my monitor is displaying "CANNOT DISPLAY THIS VIDEO MODE"20:59
NightDragoni dont know what conf file to edit to fix this :(20:59
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NightDragonno ideas?21:12
hallyncjwatson: do you care at all to reproduce your more precise testing for bug 747090?  (the breakpoints appear to have moved, your recipe wasn't working for me).  I've verified that the original symptoms are fixed.21:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 747090 in linux "wrong return address sometimes pushed for INT in kvm (not qemu)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74709021:13
jimbobcoDoes anyone have a good way to get support for Intel 82576 GigE adapter into Lucid?21:16
jimbobcoI can get drivers from Intel and build, but I would rather not if there is a better way21:17
JanCjimbobco: it doesn't work with the e1000e driver?21:28
JanCI have a bug report for e1000e & Intel 82566DM-2 GigE only working at 100 Mbit/s...21:29
JanCand seems like there are several other e1000e bug reports like that...21:30
andygraybealjimbobco, JanC: are you guys using 10.04?22:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #780740 in samba (main) "package smbclient 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: lectura insuficiente en buffer_copy para error en dpkg-deb durante `./usr/bin/smbclient'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78074022:06
JanCandygraybeal: maverick & natty (and IIRC I tested lucid too, but not sure anymore)22:08
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 655967 in linux "Intel 82566DM-2 gigabit NIC incorrectly autonegotiates at 100 Mbit/s" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:08
andygraybealcool, i want to buy a intel nic... prolly the same thing22:08
JanCthere are *lots* of bug reports about e1000e not working or not working properly22:08
JanCthis is on-board22:09
JanCbut I guess it all uses the same driver...22:09
andygraybealyea, i want to get one of those 4 port M boards22:09
JanCthis is just a home system, so it's not critical22:09
andygraybealthat's sad.. i think it works great FreeBSD i think... but i'm ignorant.. i have one in a FreeBSD box and everythign registers as GBit22:10
JanCother Gbit devices seem to work fine22:10
JanCI think e1000e probably works fine for others too22:12
jimbobcothank you for the answers23:03
jimbobcowe are using 10.04.2, and I have another machine that has a different chipset for the onboard nics that I was able to update to get the 82576s working after an update23:03
jimbobcojust trying to figure out the easiest way to do it at install time because these machines only have 82576s23:04
kaushalHow do i clear squid cache in ubuntu23:53

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