
Azelphurhttp://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?p=7442949 anyone good at routing got any suggestions on this? :P00:47
shaunohave you looked in iptables to see if there's anything matching?00:51
shaunosee if someone got on the wrong side of fail2ban or similar00:53
Azelphurshauno, nope, my iptables entries are null00:55
AzelphurI checked :)00:55
Azelphuriptables --list shows everything is allow00:55
shaunohave you tried doing traceroute from server->baduser ?00:57
Azelphurshauno, yes, that's in the thread01:15
shaunoit's only one hop?01:17
Azelphurshauno, yep.01:18
Azelphurbreakage \o/01:18
shauno<3 get_iplayer01:54
=== hamitron_ is now known as hamitron
kaushalis there a way to ghost image of Ubuntu Desktop ?06:24
MartijnVdSclonezilla can do it06:25
kaushalMartijnVdS: Thanks06:30
popey23:13:46 < gord> we don't really support having the monitor on the left of the springboard08:11
popeyhas launcher been renamed to springboard?08:11
dwatkinsThat'll vex the iOS people.08:34
TheOpenSourcererAnyone know a bit about jQuery? What does the if statement below mean? (I'm a bit confused by the comma. What is the callback actually working on?)08:37
TheOpenSourcerer   $('#browseCatalogue ul.browseSubMenu > li > a').click(function()08:37
TheOpenSourcerer     {08:37
TheOpenSourcerer        if(!$('.sub',$(this).parent()).hasClass('active'))08:37
DJonesMorning all08:40
dutchie:( skype08:53
DJonesdutchie: Mass transfer to Ekiga, or an acceptance that it works and it doesn't really matter who owns it.  Either way, its still a closed source system and may not make much difference08:56
MartijnVdSDJones: Google Talk also works08:56
MartijnVdSDJones: with/without video08:57
MartijnVdSwith/without audio08:57
MartijnVdS(in empathy)08:57
DJonesMartijnVdS: Must admit, I've never tried googletalk08:57
dutchieDJones: yeah, but the problem is non-geek friends use it heavily08:57
MartijnVdSdutchie: They're not your friends anymore now.08:58
dutchiei'm sure my girlfriend would love that08:58
MartijnVdSdutchie: you'll have more time for her!08:58
dutchienot much use when she is in .ch08:58
MartijnVdSgoogle talk, or move there ;)08:59
dutchiei think google talk08:59
DJonesdutchie: Heh, to be honest, I uses what works and suits me, while personal choice will be an open source option, if closed source (because of popularity) is needed, I'll use it if necessary.  I guess as long as MS don't stop supporting non-windows versions its not likely to be a problem (as with msn etc)09:00
* dutchie notes that msn is currently failing to log in via empathy09:00
DJonesPidgin FTW09:01
dutchieDJones: i have to say i agree with pragmatism09:06
dutchiealthough skype barely works now and is about 5 versions behind the mac/windows client09:07
DJonesI found skype worked really well on linux at the start of the year when my parents were in Australia, certainly couldn't fault its basic usage, installed easily, connected with no problems, although agreed that it is some way behind the windows version09:08
ali1234empathy can't call google talk web users09:09
ali1234due to codec issues09:09
gordpopey, that was the last i heard... maybe its the launcher again, i honestly can't keep up09:09
popeyspringboard is the apple one09:10
MartijnVdSIs there a way to disable the "Apps you can download" bit in the "Magnifying glass with a + in it" "menu"?09:10
gordi looked in to it, i honestly have no idea09:11
gordi'm gonna call it the appydoodah09:11
MartijnVdS(also, does it have a better name than "Magnifying glass with a + in it-menu"09:11
ali1234it's called unity-places-applications09:11
ali1234sorry unity-place-applications09:12
ali1234!info unity-place-applications09:12
gordMartijnVdS, only by modifying the source of the apps place09:12
lubotu3unity-place-applications (source: unity-place-applications): Application place for unity. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.46-0ubuntu3 (natty), package size 43 kB, installed size 212 kB09:12
gordis it that awful?09:13
MartijnVdSgord: Oh. That's annoying. The user in question doesn't have admin rights, so can't install those apps (yet it still shows them)09:13
ali1234i want to get into unity hacking actually, so i may make a patch for that09:13
ali1234seems like as good place to start as any09:13
gordMartijnVdS, interesting09:13
gord\o/ unity hacking09:14
ali1234i mean hacking in the true sense of the word09:14
ali1234ie making it do what i want, don't care what the "designers" say09:14
ali1234this sure does have a lot of build deps09:15
gordMartijnVdS, if apt doesn't know about the applications and we have no results to return, then we won't show the more apps you can download bit though, maybe that would help?09:15
MartijnVdSgord: showing options to run apt if the user can't run apt feels bad though :)09:16
MartijnVdSor at least sub-optimal09:16
gordMartijnVdS, i would agree, up to a point "hey mum, i saw this game on the computer, can i get it?" - not sure what the best solution is there09:17
MartijnVdSI'll file a bug, so People In Charge can decide09:17
gordworst comes to worst, we throw an option in there per user09:18
MartijnVdSwait.. I need to double-check if it's not unity-2d on that machine09:18
gordit wouldn't matter09:18
MartijnVdSoh? same code?09:18
gordthe backend, place-applications and place-files are shared between them09:18
gordits in the backend09:19
MartijnVdSwaiting for launchpad...09:20
ali1234are these c files autogenerated from the vala?09:21
gordvala compiles down to c09:22
ali1234so i need to edit the vala files?09:22
ali1234and why are the c files shipped in the source package if they are intermediate?09:22
oimonmy laptop is broken so was forced to use unity 2d on my netbook yesterday for actually doing things..didn't work out too well09:22
oimonif you don't want to alt-tab, then switching windows is a nightmare09:23
ali1234yes, true09:23
gordali1234, if the c files already exist, they are prolly not generated from vala09:23
gordlook in the C code, if it looks sane then its not generated by vala, if it looks insane, its generated by vala09:23
ali1234gord: main.c, main.vala - has same const strings in the same order...09:23
ali1234the c looks pretty insane even by glib standards09:24
ali1234no comments either09:24
ali1234i've seen worse written by humans though09:24
gordali1234, that will be generated then, not sure why its shipped09:24
ali1234all the variables are like _tmp1_ - that's dead giveaway09:24
gordwhat is this in?09:24
ali1234in unity-place-applications09:25
gord30kb/s from launchpad wooo09:26
MartijnVdSgord: ooh, a record09:26
MartijnVdSgord: Is there a picture somewhere with arrows pointing at all the bits of Unity with their names?09:27
AlanBellthere is09:27
gordali1234, i just branched lp:unity-place-applications and we don't ship any c files. are you talking about the tarball? they will have c files because it just makes life easier for distribution09:27
MartijnVdSAlanBell: do you have a link? :)09:27
AlanBellon the lense page MartijnVdS09:27
AlanBelldoesn't cover all of it09:27
ali1234gord: i did apt-get source unity-place-applications on natty09:28
AlanBelland it says launcher rather than springboard09:28
davmor2gord:  So where was you last night dude?09:28
oimonanyone listen to jono bacon's interview on the linux action show the other day?09:28
gorddavmor2, i wanted to go out, hotel is suffocating, but then those plans fell through and i napped through the evening by accident :(09:29
oimoni'm glad he is no longer saying that natty rocks09:29
gorddavmor2, i'm convinced you are not here anyway09:29
gordits all a big trick09:29
ali1234ah, i just realised "applications available for download" makes sense in the context of doing a search09:30
ali1234oimon: friend messaged me last night: "ok, so now ubuntu is totally rubbish, what is good?"09:32
MartijnVdSAlanBell: http://askubuntu.com/questions/10228/whats-the-right-terminology-for-unitys-ui-elements/19166#1916609:32
ali1234except he didn't say rubbish09:32
MartijnVdSAlanBell: that explains it better :)09:32
oimonali1234: gnome classic session is the answer :D09:32
oimonexcept people don't realise it09:32
bigcalmAhoy peeps!09:33
ali1234well XFCE certainly isn't the answer09:33
oimoni see no reason to jump until my options have disappeared09:33
oimonwhile gnome classic exists then why jump?09:34
ali1234i dunno09:34
ali1234no reason09:34
bigcalmChris Cross will make you jump09:34
davmor2gord: Damn you seeing through my cunning plan, oh wait no I am here :P I think you're not :D09:34
oimonjump jump09:34
ali1234i don't believe they (gnome) can get away with dropping it entirely09:34
ali1234or at all for that matter09:34
ali1234seems like the only thing that even fewer people like than unity is gnome shell09:34
* bigcalm goes looking for some nice 80s hip-hop09:35
ali1234btw they were called kris kross09:35
oimonmy company has over 500 linux desktops, possibly nearer to 1000, and we may soon be making a decision on a single distro to use09:35
ali1234just fyi09:35
popeyI hate you all.09:40
MartijnVdSpopey: Why?09:41
popeynow playing09:41
MartijnVdSpopey: At least it's not Rick Astley09:41
bigcalmYour musical compatibility with popeydc is HIGH09:42
* bigcalm tickles popey09:42
MartijnVdSYour musical compatibility with popeydc is VERY HIGH09:42
ali1234i got very high too09:42
oimonyay dell fixed my laptop on the last day of warranty :D09:42
MartijnVdSoimon: that's what warranty is for :P09:43
ali1234that doesn't make much sense09:43
oimonMartijnVdS: the indian call centre guy didn't think so09:43
oimonrather fortunate that it should break 2 days before the 3yr was up09:44
oimonbut in no uncertain terms he said i had to pay £85 since it wasn't covered by warranty09:44
dutchieYour musical compatibility with popeydc is VERY LOW09:45
oimonwow popey is stuck in the indie scene of the 90s09:45
oimonwhere's sleeper and blur?09:45
oimonpopey: where did u go to uni?09:46
bigcalmdutchie: do you only listen to classical?09:46
dutchienot exactly09:46
bigcalmCountry & Western?09:46
popeyoimon: I never went to Uni09:46
bigcalmAh, you're young09:47
oimonpopey: i was at manchester around that era...was good times :D09:47
bigcalmI forget now and then :)09:47
oimon"bran van 3000 - Drinkin in LA" -yesss i heard a snippet of that song the other day and couldn't think what it was09:47
dutchiebigcalm: :P09:48
oimonis lastfm free?09:48
dutchiethere is a free tier and a subscriber tier09:48
bigcalmGrandmaster Flash - The Message09:52
* bigcalm grooves09:52
popeySound of Eden - Shades of Rhythm09:52
bigcalmShaun of the Dead has this and other great 80s hits09:52
* popey winds it up09:52
bigcalmNew glasses will be ready for collection at lunch time. I think I'm far too excited about getting new glasses :)09:53
* ali1234 makes a new lastfm account but with real name this time09:54
ali1234the trouble with making accounts under a false name09:55
ali1234is you can't tell anyone it's you09:55
ali1234otherwise they know the false name you use everywhere09:55
oimoni was telling my friend mungojerry that the other day09:56
popeyi need some help testing my webcam later09:56
NET||abusethis is driving me nuts, i thought i had my theme sorted out, lastnight the top panel was dark with the nice unity icon set, but now it's reverted to what i think is oxygen,09:59
NET||abusei updated this machine from 10.10, and i had installed kde4 as a test, but i think it's conflicted with unity's setup09:59
NET||abusenow i'm stuck with the lighter theme in my top bar,09:59
NET||abusereally want the nice mono colours forthe unity theme09:59
AlanBellwow, just turned on two finger scrolling on the touchpad!10:00
NET||abuseso something is reverting it after i login.10:00
NET||abuseAlanBell, yeh, that's sweet10:00
NET||abuseloved that when i discovered it on my Eee10:00
AlanBelldidn't support it in Maverick10:00
NET||abuseI have started trying to two finger scroll on any laptop :P10:01
AlanBellnot on my laptop10:01
NET||abuseoh? did on 10.10 for me10:01
NET||abusewhat laptop10:01
AlanBellsamsung R53010:01
NET||abusemaybe different touchpad driver.10:01
AlanBellyeah, the OS supported it but the driver didn't10:01
Apacheukpopey: does this mean we are going to get some live show recordings via video now you have a superduper net connection?10:02
AlanBellhorizontal scrolling too10:02
NET||abuseyup :)10:02
popeyApacheuk: ya10:03
popeyand no :)10:03
AlanBellthat is awesome on the summit schedule10:03
ali1234seems like everyone stopped using lastfm in dec 2009?10:03
ali1234including me10:03
Apacheukpopey: :) that was my show prediction from the prediction show :)10:03
ali1234is that when they shut off streaming to uk10:03
gordtoo many people in wayland talk10:03
gordno, to europe10:04
dutchieali1234: no, don't think so10:04
dutchiethat was ~3 mo ago iirc10:04
ali1234well, everyone outside USA basically10:04
gordi used it for a long time, ubuntu one replaced it10:04
dutchiesince they decided to give me a 3 month free subscription for some reason and that has now run out10:04
ali1234spotify replaced it for me10:05
ali1234but now they've got a limit too10:05
bigcalmLast FM is good for random tracks on a theme. Spotify is good for albums10:05
NET||abusecan't get spotify :( groove shark is my only option, but not real desktop app for it (:10:05
gordyeah my use case is different, i want to stream my own music not discover music i guess10:05
ali1234i don't want to deal with a music library ever again now10:06
ali1234certainly not one that i had to pay for10:06
ali1234it's bad enough that it can go up in smoke due to random computer failure10:06
gordi just throw up my music into u110:07
* dutchie likes having physical cds10:07
ali1234i don't like having physical CDs actually10:07
dutchiei think i am a dying breed10:07
ali1234they take up too much space10:07
ali1234i prefer it to buying mp3s online though10:07
dutchiei have an irrational distrust of spotify10:07
gordgot rid of all mine after i finished ripping my music and moved house10:08
oimonwhat about listening to music in the car?10:08
ali1234if i could buy the whole artist backcatalogue on a read only microsd card, that would be ideal10:08
gordi mean, i still have the music and i have that music backed up, so don't need the cds10:08
DJonesJust noticed this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/05/netflix-chrome-plugin-will-bring-on-demand-video-to-linux ok, netflix isn't available in the uk yet, but could be interesting in future10:08
oimonnot entirely legal though gord10:08
gordeh? what is not legal about it oimon?10:09
ali1234ask popey10:09
gordif cd's had copy protection it would be, because you are breaking the DMCA but thats not the case10:09
oimongord: do you mean that you ripped your cds and then sold them?10:09
ali1234maybe that thing he's always on about only applies to dvds10:09
gordoimon, oh god no10:10
oimonoh :D10:10
gordi ripped my cds and then put my cds in the bin10:10
* AlanBell is not living in a country where the DMCA has any validity10:10
popeyIts nothing to do with the DMCA10:10
popeyIt's not legal to rip CDs/DVDs in the UK.10:10
AlanBellyou can't put your CDs on your MP3 player10:10
NET||abusein the UKI?10:11
NET||abuseI didn't realise, in Ireland here so10:11
bigcalmThat's a shame10:11
AlanBellbet you can't in Ireland either10:11
NET||abusesimilar rules will apply here, we mostly just copy you guys : )10:11
oimoni remember when i was young, the daily mail had a story about recording of tv programmes becoming illegal. i worried about it for about a year10:11
ali1234i remember that too10:11
ali1234i think there's a lay like you can't keep recorded tv shows for longer than 3 weeks or something10:12
ali1234a law that is10:12
gordif its illegal to copy data from a cd to somewhere else then just playing them is illegal10:12
ali1234or that was the law they brought in in the 80s10:12
ali1234no idea if it still exists10:12
popeygord: nope10:12
bigcalmIf so, then my V+ box is being very naughty10:12
oimonjust finished watching danish tv series the killing - best programme i ever saw10:12
popeyyou have a license via Virgin for what it does10:12
ali1234bigcalm: this was back in vhs days10:13
NET||abusegord, playing is fine if you don't take advantage of the ananlogue loops, there's seperation of the potential to break a law and actually doing it that protects you10:13
bigcalmI see10:13
AlanBellgord: just because something is technically equivalent does not mean itis legally equivalent10:13
bigcalmAnd off the shelf DVRs?10:13
popey"In the United Kingdom, making a private copy of copyrighted media without the copyright owner's consent is illegal: this includes ripping music from a CD to a computer or digital music player"10:13
ali1234i wonder about freesat type stuff actually10:13
popeycitations are there before anyone larts me for quoting wikipedia10:14
ali1234manufacturers have to meet a loooong list of requirements to put freesat on it10:14
oimoni love that my dvr has a usb port for copying/archiving to pc10:14
ali1234have bbc done that encryption thing with their eit data yet?10:14
MartijnVdSali1234: the freesat logo, yes10:14
MartijnVdSali1234: but Freesat works fine on my receiver, which isn't "official" freesat10:14
oimonthe logos count for nothing10:14
ali1234yes, yes10:14
MartijnVdSali1234: (being in NL and all)10:14
ali1234the logo10:14
ali1234logos count for a lot10:15
oimonas proven by the digital tick case of the digifusion fvrt200 box10:15
MartijnVdSSure, "red button" stuff doesn't work10:15
MartijnVdSbut </care>10:15
ali1234you won't see a sat receiver in curries if it doesn't have freesat logo or sky logo on it10:15
gordah, its one of those laws that doesn't actually matter10:15
oimoncertain manufactureres used the tick and it didn't conform10:15
oimonall the customers lost out10:16
gordmaybe i'll open a ripping facility in france, you send your cd's via royal mail, i rip them then send back a digital copy10:16
ali1234gord: a friend of mine wanted to set up that exact service10:16
ali1234concluded that CDs are too damn valuable to send by post10:16
ali1234perhaps valuable is the wrong word... "too expensive to replace" would be more like it10:17
gordlovefilm seems to do fine10:17
ali1234because it's not like you can resell them for anything like the cost to buy them10:17
ali1234lovefilm isn't dealing with retail purchased dvds10:18
ali1234if it cost then £16.99 every time one got lost or damaged in the post they would be screwed10:18
ali1234or £32.99 for the blu-ray10:18
ali1234also they're not shipping 100 in a big box10:19
gordwell they have rental copies, i'm not sure how that affects the price10:19
ali1234someone's entire CD collection could represent an investment of several thousand pounds10:19
oimonbluray - what a con10:20
gorda con?10:21
gordi like bluray10:21
ali1234i like bluray too, when it's done right10:21
ali1234i don't like upscaled-from-dvd bluray releases10:21
gordi like HD, 25mbit content is great too10:21
oimonthe prices of films on bluray are a ripoff10:21
ali1234yeah too expensive too10:21
oimonit's like when CD's came out, they were cheaper to produce than cassetes but were still more expensive10:21
gordeh, i get mine for around £20, i'm willing to pay that10:21
ali1234would have to be a damn good film for me to pay £2010:22
oimoneven if the dvd is a tenner?10:22
ali1234because dvd quality looks poor now everyone has HD tvs10:22
gorddvd has horrible compression and at a terrible resolution, also you basically flip a coin on weather you are gonna get progressive or interlaced content. no thanks10:22
kazadeali1234, I really can't see the difference sat back on my sofa10:22
oimoni don't have surround sound or HD TV10:22
ali1234and sorry, but upscaling makes it look worse than just watching it on a SD CRT10:22
gordwith dvd i just end up looking at the artifacts10:23
ali1234if you can't see the difference between HD and upscaled SD on a HDTV you must have extremely poor eyesight10:23
kazadeali1234, it's probably that... I don't care10:23
oimonif you don't have HD TV then everything looks fine10:23
gordwell, it could be that the TV is too small or too far away10:23
ali1234upscaling makes the artifacts must worse10:23
oimondid you ever look at SD TV and DVD and think , this sucks?10:23
kazadeI've got a 32" HD TV with Sky HD... I regularly don't realize I'm not watching the HD versions of channels10:24
oimonit's only when you get HD telly that you see artifcats10:24
kazadeobviously there *is* a difference, but I ain't paying an extra tener for it10:24
ali1234oimon: i have looked at SD content on a SD CRT next to a HD LCD, and the CRT looks fine, while the HDTV looks poor due to artifacts10:24
gordsky hd wasn't good last time i saw it, low bitrate :(10:24
oimonali1234: right10:24
MartijnVdSBBC HD, BBC One HD, ITV HD and C4 HD look fine though10:25
MartijnVdSespecially the BBC channels10:25
oimoni don't get it10:25
ali1234if you have a HDTV you need HD content otherwise it looks worse than SD on a SD screen10:25
oimonand the SD tellys are going to the skip even though they are great still10:25
ali1234they are not great10:25
kazadeali1234, it depends on the TV I think, some upscale REALLY badly10:25
oimonthe only thing is i wish i could plug the laptop into the telly10:25
kazadeI had to replace one that broke and the difference in upscaling was unreal10:25
ali1234it's just that you need content that matches the screen10:26
kazadeali1234, ideally yes, but I don't notice too much difference unless I'm looking at it (or am sat close to it)10:26
kazade*looking for it10:26
ali1234looking at it lol10:26
gordi saw a crt for the first time in years the other day, couldn't look at it, refresh rate hurt my eyes :(10:26
kazadeI don't enjoy a film in SD any less than an HD one10:26
ali1234sorry but i do enjoy a film more in HD10:27
ali1234it's not that i don't enjoy SD10:27
oimoni've never seen one in HD, or 3D for that matter10:27
MartijnVdS\o/ HD snobbery10:27
ali1234i don't have to lookfor the artifacts either10:27
oimoni'm used to watching the stuff from iplayer10:27
ali1234they jump right out like a spelling mistake in a book10:27
MartijnVdSI have blu-rays that are full of black snow (that isn't film grain)10:28
gordanimated stuff is well worth the HD10:29
oimonbtw on a rather differnt topic, i'm choosing desktop PCs to last for the next 4 years..which processors do you recommend?10:29
popeyhttp://supportdetails.com/ heh cute10:29
oimoni3? i5?10:29
MartijnVdSoimon: Sandy Bridge i7-2600K10:29
popeyi wouldnt buy a desktop10:29
ali1234popey: nice one, bookmarking that10:29
* MartijnVdS is waiting for Ivy Bridge :)10:29
oimondesktops are more future proof and long lasting than other tech10:30
popeyI'd buy an imac :)10:31
kazadeoimon, +110:31
ali1234buy a mac pro10:31
DJonesoimon: I've just bought an i3 laptop for home & got an i5 desktop at work, both with the same memory & I don't notice any speed difference except with a flash game (The i3 is considerably faster with that)10:31
ali1234not a imac10:31
kazadeI've never bought a desktop PC..10:31
popeyhe said desktop10:31
kazadeI just build them10:31
oimonDJones: http://www.cpubenchmark.net/high_end_cpus.html10:31
ali1234mac pro *is* a desktop10:31
popeyoh, sorry10:31
ali1234unless you only count pcs where the whole case goes on the desk10:31
oimonat the moment they have core 2 duo e840010:31
popeyhah, the pedant definition of 'desktop'10:32
oimonwhich are plenty fast enough10:32
oimonOK: workstations10:32
ali1234mac pro is the only mac i'd ever buy, and i'd never buy it cos an equivalent pc is half the price10:32
ali1234so i guess my recommendation is spec a pc equivalent to a mac pro :)10:32
ali1234i'm sure someone out there has already done exactly that to troll mac users10:33
dwatkinsali1234: have you compared like with like?10:33
oimonwondering what we will be short of in 4yrs...RAM or CPU10:33
ali1234dwatkins: no, but have you seen the price of mac pro?10:33
gordpower it looks like10:33
kazadeI've just endlessly upgraded the same PC I bought in 1997 :)10:33
gordcome on battery tech, improve already!10:34
dwatkinsali1234: yes, I bought one last year.10:34
Psychobudgieoi, I'm the one that trolls mac users10:34
oimonkazade: i have a p4 at home, runs on lucid nicely10:34
kazadeoimon, mine is currently a AMD Athlon X2 3200+ I think (stopped caring a while back)10:34
Psychobudgiewouldn't you be better running lucid on the p410:34
ali1234dwatkins: btw when i say equivalent PC, i mean one you build yourself from parts, and does not have a shiny alu case10:35
kazadeoimon, obviously the whole system has been replaced since 97.. just incrementally10:35
DJonesoimon: Just compared the two processors in the desktop & laptop, the desktop's benchmark is 50% faster than the laptop, but its not noticable (probably because the desktop has win 7 & the laptop has ubuntu) :)10:35
oimonthe choice is prob cire i3-2100 or a i5-240010:35
oimonDJones: yeah, strange ...i guess other things come into play such as drive speed etc10:36
popeyPsychobudgie: you're slacking :)10:36
Psychobudgiepopey, I know, it's the recession10:36
* popey chucks a penny in Psychobudgie's hat10:37
Psychobudgienobody can afford to buy an overpriced 2005 PC running macOS these days10:37
popeyfor some people power isn't the primary reason10:38
Psychobudgiewoohoo, a whole shiny penny, thanks mister, I can eat for a week now10:38
oimonprice for me10:38
oimonneeds to be < £50010:39
Psychobudgiepopey, you aren't suggesting mac users are shallow and pretentious now?10:39
popeyYou're right, I'm not.10:39
Psychobudgiepopey, I almost caused a war in here the last time I was misunderstood by some to be saying something like that but wasn't10:39
Psychobudgiecause, they aren't10:40
popeywhere "they" == generalisation10:40
Psychobudgiesorry, substitute 'they' for 'prerentiou.....mac users'10:40
popeywhat about the non-pretentious users?10:41
PsychobudgieI dunno, I think he's at work, I'll call him later and ask10:41
popeyQuick! brobostigon! change the subject!10:42
Psychobudgieseriously though, I used to own a mac back when they weren't fashion accessories10:42
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:42
oimonPsychobudgie: 1985?10:43
brobostigonpopey: huh ?10:43
popeyblimey, and oimon thought _I_ was the troll10:43
Psychobudgieused it for controlling a sound desk10:44
oimonmac os 9 sucked though didn't it?10:44
oimonperhaps thats cos i was using acorn RISC OS at the time, and everything else sucked by comparison10:44
PsychobudgieI wouldn't use the term sucked as it tends to upset users but it wasn't as bad as it could have been10:44
* DJones changes the subject by wondering what he did with his Apple ][10:45
Psychobudgiesee, I can spin most things positively despite what others say10:45
oimoni think i started this convo by asking which processor to buy for my staff10:45
oimon:S still no closer10:45
Psychobudgieoimon, what are you like10:45
DJonesJust ask the staff which games they want to play and work around the best for that10:46
oimonDJones: they run linux :D10:46
popeyI went to a car dealership yesterday. I saw KDE on the desktop10:46
DJonesThey can still play games10:46
oimonpopey: car giant?10:46
Psychobudgieoimon, buy them all the cheapest pc you can find. Essentially all your staff are interested in are 'can I use facebook'10:46
DJonespopey: Did you get your clutch sorted?10:46
popeyno, it's properly broken10:47
popeycar needs MoT on friday so may be uneconomical to repair10:47
Psychobudgiebuy a skateboard10:48
MartijnVdSPopey McFly10:48
DJonesI need to get mine mot'd at the weekend, at least its just been serviced & checked over so should be ok10:48
oimonPsychobudgie: hardly any of them use facebook , mostly they use pine :D10:48
oimona lot of them hate getting new stuff10:48
Psychobudgiein that case put gnome 3 on all the new machines, they'll love you for it10:49
oimonthat's another bridge i'll have to cross one day10:49
oimonfortuantely we use RH based distro10:49
oimonso not for another few years10:50
Psychobudgiewhich distro?10:51
oimonscientific linux10:51
Psychobudgiethought you were going to say caldera for a moment10:51
oimonthe problem is with RH based stuff is that you end up rolloing your own packages a lot10:53
Psychobudgieum, quick question but why Cern Linux?10:53
PsychobudgieI understand why Cern use it, but why you?10:53
oimoni work in a university, it's really popular in scientific faculties10:53
oimone.g. we run it on the HPC clusters too10:54
Psychobudgiefair enough10:54
oimonit's similar to centos10:54
Psychobudgiejust checking it wasn't down to just hating your staff like the rest of us10:54
PsychobudgieIf I could I would force mine to use windows me10:55
Psychobudgieor unity10:55
oimoni like my staff10:55
Psychobudgiedarn it, sorry, couldn't help that, my brain was screaming 'don't type it' but I couldn't stop myself10:56
oimoni want them to do well :D they have an incredibly stable distro10:56
oimonexcept the packages are really old10:56
PsychobudgieI don't really hate my staff, just some of them10:56
oimoni'm thinking of changing distro10:56
oimonbut then rhel6 came out, so i'm hanging on a bit longer10:56
oimonand rhel works really well with our infrastructure10:57
oimonldap/nfs/kickstart etc10:57
PsychobudgieI tend to remain faithful to one distro until it gets to the point where it's pretty much unusable so I see where you are coming from10:58
oimonrunning a fully managed desktop in linux is an absolute joy..i've done windows in the past too and everything was a hassle11:01
BigRedSoimon: fully managed? As in active-directory style?11:03
oimonBigRedS: you reffering to win or lin?11:03
BigRedSwell, both11:03
BigRedSwondering what you meant by 'fully managed'11:03
oimoni mean no admin rights11:03
oimonIT staff only ones who install stuff11:04
BigRedSAh yeah, I was wondering what you'd done to get the sorts of automation you have in AD onto Linux without hassle11:04
BigRedSbut if you've not emulated AD, that'd be why there's no hassle :)11:04
gordnetbook has gone insane11:04
gordclicking on channels closed them11:05
bigcalmgord: maybe it wants you to do some work?11:05
gordit closed work channels too ;)11:05
gordoh they are filming this, boo11:06
ali1234ok i did mac pro vs ebuyer: http://bit.ly/mmJMLA11:06
oimonjust had a cold call from microsoft :-|11:06
gordclippy has gone rogue11:06
ali1234dwatkins: ^11:06
oimonthey asked how many windows 7 and office 2010 we have11:06
oimon"as few as possible, good bye"11:07
ali1234i'm sure i forgot stuff though11:08
popeythe OS :)11:08
popey25 quid?11:08
ali1234i wouldn't use mac os x even if it was free11:08
ali1234i didn't include keyboard and mouse either11:08
ali1234because who wants to use a keyboard with wrong keymap and a mouse with only one button lol?11:09
gordosx is fairly cheep isn't it? i haven't looked but thats the impression i get11:09
popeyit is11:09
ali1234it's certainly not £1500 for OS, kb and mouse anyway :)11:09
ali1234none included11:09
oimonmac pro are sandy bridge now right?11:10
ali1234afaik sandy bridge is not for sale yet11:10
bigcalmSounds like a porn star name11:10
ali1234oh wait i was thinking of ivy bridge11:11
ali1234which also sounds like a porn star name11:11
popeyfirst item in my twitter stream is someone saying "IvyBridge :-)"11:11
* popey wondrs if Omer Akram is ali1234's alternate name11:12
dwatkinsali1234: thanks, i shall have a read11:14
dwatkinsali1234: I bought a Macbook Pro, I gather the Mac Pro desktop machines have very recent processors which can lead to them being rather expensive; there's also the support of course.11:16
ali1234but buying the very latest stuff has never been good value for money11:18
ali1234and i don't need support11:18
ali1234also don't go out and buy what i've put in that spread sheet and expect it to work11:18
ali1234i have no idea if the bits are compatible11:19
ali1234where i couldn't find equivalent i just picked the most expensive one i could find11:19
BigRedSthe support and guarantee of compatibility is, I think, what many people who buy Apple stuff are willing to pay for11:21
BigRedSbuying a Windows PC is _such_ a faff, especially if you're not really that interested in it11:22
ali1234yes this is very true11:22
ali1234but i am not many people11:22
ali1234when i say "i would never buy it" i literally mean that11:23
popeyI love how people come up with reasons why people buy apple kit11:25
popeynobody has so far come up with the reasons why _I_ bought apple kit :D11:25
ali1234we all know it's because you hate freedom11:25
popeyOh yes. That.11:25
bigcalmpopey: is it possible that you don't know why either?11:25
popeyOh I have very specific reasons :)11:26
popeythey just aren't the reasons everyone else attributes :)11:26
bigcalmYou want everything to be white11:26
* bigcalm rolls his eyes11:26
* popey rolls a six11:26
exobuzzpopey, because you are a http://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/mac.gif ? :)11:27
bigcalmAwww, that's wrong :)11:28
exobuzzgreat smiley for forums that11:28
exobuzzpopey, you buy apple kit because it is competitively priced, well built, well designed, and looks great in the loo11:29
popeySo close.11:29
bigcalmIt does what you want it to do11:30
popeyFor the one in the kitchen, at least one requirement was "it needs to fit in the gap"11:30
kaushalI dont see netboot.tar.gz11:30
popeyi do11:30
ali1234me too11:30
exobuzzi have a tattoo of sir clive sinclair on my bottom, and because of this, I now buy spectrums. similar thing for you ? getting closer ?11:30
bigcalmI see it11:30
kaushalpopey: are you referring to me ?11:31
popeynetboot.tar.gz26-Apr-2010 00:03 12M11:31
popeyyes kaushal11:31
exobuzzpopey, filling gaps in kitchens? isnt that the job for a joggler ? :)11:31
popeyits a big gap :)11:31
bigcalmLots of jogglers?11:31
bigcalmA video wall of joggers11:32
bigcalmI can't imagine anything slower11:32
exobuzza big gap? then there is no competion. you need a pdp-5 or similar.11:32
bigcalmpopey: I like your terrorist watch. I had one as a kid. I think my mum still uses hers from the same period11:32
exobuzzpopey, i take it the gap isnt big enough for a beer fridge? i cant see a apple device winning over additional storage for beer right ? :)11:33
popeyyou can see the gap there11:33
exobuzzbigcalm, i skyped on the joggler the other day. was quite suprised at how usable it was11:34
bigcalmexobuzz: with video?11:34
exobuzzbigcalm, yep11:34
popeyheh, photo of my desk from 6 months ago...11:34
popeynot much has moved11:35
MartijnVdSnot even the bottle?11:35
exobuzzpopey, nice pick. well the mac looks nice there11:35
bigcalmI'm looking forward to getting my 89 quid android tablet, though I expect it to be as slow and aggonising to use as the joggler11:35
exobuzzpopey, do you have a mac ini in the toilet ?11:37
popeyi have no mac minis11:37
exobuzzi have 3 and a bright blue imac11:38
exobuzzbut dont tell anyone im a macw*****11:38
oimoni've never used my mac mini11:38
oimonit sits unloved on a shelf in my office...11:38
exobuzzhere is one of mine http://www.exotica.org.uk/mediawiki/files/4/43/Macmini-rack.jpg11:39
oimonexobuzz: please tell me that's at home and not in a company rack ;)11:39
exobuzzit's in telehouse facility in london docklands11:39
oimonbigcalm: when's it arrive?11:40
BigRedSyeah, I've known several people shove mac minis into racks11:40
bigcalmoimon: I was expecting it to ship at the end of this month, but it looks like it's been pushed back to the begining of July11:40
oimoni thought july was the 2nd batch11:40
kaushal16:07:04 (1.74 MB/s) - `netboot.tar.gz' saved [45/45]11:40
kaushalsomething is wrong11:41
bigcalmThen I might see it at the end of this month :)11:41
kaushalbigcalm: Any clue ?>11:41
oimonmind you, after i saw that android tablet, i discovered the asus transformer11:41
bigcalmkaushal: humm?11:41
exobuzzbigcalm, http://www.jogglerwiki.com/forum/download/file.php?id=19&mode=view (needs a wipe that joggler, i should have had a clean before making the pic)11:42
exobuzzthats the joggler with skype on jolios11:42
bigcalmexobuzz: having the power leads coiled up like that may be producing some unwanted EMF11:44
exobuzzthats just the webcam cord11:45
bigcalm(The macminis)11:45
exobuzzsorry heh11:45
bigcalmNo worries, I should have said in my line11:45
exobuzzthe mac minis are shielded mind11:45
bigcalmI guess11:46
exobuzznot in my control anyway. not my rack just i rent the space11:46
bigcalmFair enough :)11:46
exobuzzthat machine isnt technically there anymore, since the hd died. im actually on my 3rd mac mini. had some bad luck with them. hd, then failed ram or something, now on the 3rd one. heh11:47
oimonebuyer are trying to add a free "Webroot Internet Security Essentials" to my basket when buying a linux acer revo11:52
* bigcalm sticks with Bytemark11:52
oimon"Password cannot contain non-alphanumeric characters" :S11:55
oimonebuyer fail11:56
oimoncan anyone explain what dialog(ue) sheets are?12:16
oimon‘dialog sheets’ coming to Ubuntu 11.10 http://goo.gl/fb/fWX6f12:16
MartijnVdSoimon: Dialogs that drop down from the title bar?12:17
oimonthink i'm being dumb but i still don't get it .12:18
oimoni guess they mean that you won't lose a file-open type window anymore12:21
DJonesArg.. After getting a new 22" widescrenn at work, I thought it would be great having all the extra screen space over a 17" screen, but now it feels like theres too much space12:21
DJonesBut, NO, I'm not giving it up12:22
popeythat work for anyone else?12:30
oimonaaagh popey naked in his kitchen!12:31
oimonyes seems to be fine12:32
czajkowskipopey: so never going on uupc now :p12:33
DJonesWorks for me, although a bit of a dodgy advert with blue people12:37
Apacheukpopey: you have any idea as to how much bandwidth you using... say per hour?12:38
oimonoh no ... http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2011/05/10/microsoft_windows_tv_adverts/12:38
popeyno idea12:38
popeyApacheuk: but that webcam is configured to use 600kbs12:39
popeyand I have 3Mb/s upstream12:39
Apacheukand this is how I'm spending my lunch break :)12:40
Apacheukalong with 8 others12:40
popeyi should go and wave12:40
Apacheukcan't you make it do something12:40
Apacheukpopey: what time is the recording tonight?12:43
Apacheuknow I want a cream egg12:44
ali1234i need to download about 80GB of data from a linux server12:47
ali1234i need something that will do rsync over night or something12:48
popeyrsync :)12:48
ali1234rsync has a option to do that?12:48
popeyto do what?12:48
popeycron it12:48
ali1234how do i kill it though?12:49
popeyor if you are worried about bandwidth it has a rate limiting option12:49
popeyjust kill it12:49
popeyit will carry on the next time you start it12:49
ali1234i need it to run only between 11pm and 8am12:49
ali1234does it resume partial files?12:49
popeypkill rsync12:49
ali1234all good then12:50
NET||abusehey guys. having trouble with a nas box, Iceybox 4220-B, i installed screen on it but when i run it, it says no available PTY12:50
ali1234oh there is one small problem12:50
ali1234rsync exhausts the vps memory if i try to use it12:50
popeyNET||abuse: did you ssh then su?12:50
=== tubadaz__ is now known as tubadaz
NET||abusepopey, :P actuallly this isn' ubuntu12:50
popeyali1234: put a small private webserver up and wget it?12:50
ali1234i need to fetch 80Gb of >1Kb files12:51
NET||abuseso i'm "admin" on the NAS's embeded linux OS.12:51
ali1234i mean <1Kb12:51
popeyali1234: wget -m --no-parent http://foo/bar/baz/12:51
ali1234i need to keep it in sync from now on as well12:51
ali1234tbh i don't trust wget12:52
ali1234to not mangle all the filenames12:52
popeyscp then12:53
ali1234ha ha ha ah ahha haha good one12:53
ali1234doing ls -lR in the directory i need to sync12:54
ali1234i reckon it will take at least an hour, probably more12:54
ali1234(i redirected it to a file)12:54
ali1234see the problem i have is someone asked me to make them a private "wayback machine" and i did12:55
ali1234and it grows in a ridiculous way12:55
oimonali1234: which OS does the server run?12:57
ali1234unlike the original it polls pages every day and it saves absolutely everything by pushing the transfer through a proxy12:57
ali1234oimon: it runs hardy iirc12:57
oimonthere was a bug in rsync which exhausts the memory12:57
ali1234yes, been there, done that12:57
ali1234even with the bug fixed it still uses an insane amount of memory12:57
ali1234because even with the bug fixed rsync still keeps the whole file list in ram before it starts to transfer anything12:57
oimoni can rsync milions of files no problem now12:57
oimonAFAIK that's what the patch was supposed to fix12:58
ali1234i'll run wc on the ls -lR when it finishes12:58
ali1234maybe there was another bug :)12:58
ali1234i had to do some crazy hacks to get this thing to work12:59
ali1234like build my own lib32 by hand to make flashplugin work properly13:00
oimon It also introduced an incremental recursion mode that builds the file list in chunks and holds each chunk in memory only as long as it is needed. This mode dramatically reduces memory usage, but it only works provided that both sides are 3.0.0 or newer and certain options that rsync currently can't handle in this mode are not being used.13:00
ali1234ls -lR is 50mb already and nowhere near finished13:00
popeyali1234: rsync 3?13:03
popeytar it up?13:03
ali1234i'm only doing this because the server is full13:03
AzelphurIs there anything besides iptables that could block huge IP ranges?13:04
AzelphurAlso, iptables --list would show if iptables was blocking any IPs, right?13:04
MartijnVdSyour ISP could13:04
oimonalso, which services? /etc/hosts.deny could be blocking stuff13:05
AzelphurMartijnVdS, yea, I'm trying to prove that they are :P13:05
MartijnVdSAzelphur: mtr :)13:05
ali1234but what if they are not?13:05
AzelphurMartijnVdS, makes it to the last hop, host says it could be a firewall on my box13:06
Azelphurso I want to rule that out13:06
AzelphurMartijnVdS, http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1047113 traceroutes :p13:06
Azelphursince then I've been scanning IRC channels and randomly asking optimum online users to ping my server, it's been 100% failure rate. Pretty much anyone on optimum online has the same issue.13:07
dogmatic69does anyone know why sudo apt-get remove mysql- would want to remove cherokee?13:07
dogmatic69edit: remove mysql-*13:07
ali1234Azelphur: your traceroutes make no sense13:08
Azelphurthat's fun :D13:08
Azelphurali1234, yet there they are, I did them while VNC'd into an optimum online user, so they are what they are :)13:09
ali1234the trace from user13:09
popeyis optimum online the isp that has the issue?13:10
Azelphurpopey, yep13:10
popeysounds like the same issue I had13:10
Azelphurpopey, I scanned a bunch of channels for *.dyn.optonline.net and pm'd them asking to ping me, 100% fail so far13:10
popey(which I did say the other day) :D13:10
Azelphurpopey, fun, what was your issue?13:10
Azelphurali1234, what doesn't make sense about it?13:10
oimontraceroute is UDP traffic13:10
popeyI suspect it's due to the way your ISP has carved up the netblocks13:10
ali1234Azelphur: it doesn't contain their ip13:11
ali1234Azelphur: but it does start with 10 address13:11
Azelphurso it doesn't, that's weird13:11
ali1234then in your traceroute13:12
ali1234the first response you get looks like a DSL hostname13:13
popeyAzelphur: you said something about a VPN the other day13:13
Azelphurpopey, yea, if he uses a VPN he can get to my site, that's how he got to my site to originally contact me about the issue :)13:13
Azelphurpopey, I verified his IP before I ran that traceroute.13:13
ali1234how did you verify it?13:13
Azelphurali1234, loaded up my own website while watching access.log13:14
ali1234but how did he access it ?13:14
AzelphurI accessed it while on remote desktop, using chrome13:14
popeyso it worked?13:14
ali1234but how if it doesn't work?13:14
Azelphursorry, different website host13:14
AzelphurI have multiple boxes :P13:14
Azelphurhe can connect to my VPS in england fine, that's what I used to verify13:14
popeyi reckon its the netblock issue13:14
ali1234that's not 100% reliable btw13:14
Azelphurpopey, netblock issue?13:15
popeythe way your isp has divided up the IP addresses13:15
popeyyour host is .24213:15
popeyI bet the customer can get to .241 and .243 just fine13:15
popey(assuming they exist and are allocated)13:15
ali1234how is that even possible?13:16
Azelphurnah, he cant connect to my servers alternative ip addresses13:16
popeywhich are?13:16
popeygive me all the addresses he cant get to13:16
Azelphurhowever he does seem able to connect to others servers in the same13:16
popeyyes, thats what I'd expect13:16
popeywhat addresses can he not get to?13:16
Azelphurpopey we tester fun.azelphur.com and azelphur.com13:17
Azelphurtested* phone typing \o/13:17
oimonfun.az has a 69.x.x.x address13:17
Azelphuryea exactly13:17
oimoni guess it's a vlan routing issue13:17
oimonhe is originating from the same DC13:18
ali1234Azelphur: you tracerouted FROM fun?13:18
Azelphurali1234 nope, good idea13:18
ali1234no, you did13:18
ali1234in your logs13:18
Azelphurfun == azelphur.com13:18
ali1234that's the one and only response13:18
Azelphurthey are the same box13:18
oimonalso, use tcptraceroute instead of traceroute since some routers block UDP traffic13:18
Azelphurjust different ips13:18
ali1234but they have a different ip13:18
Azelphuryea the box has 16 ips13:19
Azelphurin 2 ranges13:19
ali1234when you did traceroute from server to user13:19
Azelphurin the forum thread13:19
ali1234the one and only response you got came from the fun IP13:19
ali1234which is why i didn't understand it13:19
Azelphurthats messed up haha13:19
ali1234because you did a trace *TO* the main one13:19
Azelphurso im routing traffic through myself?13:19
ali1234it's just the first hop13:19
popeywhy on earth do you have two public IP's on the same box?13:20
popeyin completely different netblocks?13:20
oimonwow i just cracked open an easter egg and there are smarties inside...when i was little, the smarties came seaparate :D13:21
popeyyeah, no single points of failure there :)13:21
Azelphurpopey because thats just how i was allocated them13:21
Laneyif one route goes down, the other can carry on working13:21
Laneydiscaleimr I have not read the conversation ;-)13:22
Laneydislcaimer i cannot spell that wod13:22
Laneyor the word 'word'13:22
Azelphurpopey, just need more ips for all the services running on there, bought another 8, they allocated me some random 69 range :D13:22
Azelphurali1234, why would traceroutes first hop not be the default interface?13:22
ali1234that must be the default interface13:23
ali1234it doesn't really matter13:23
ubuntuuk-planet[Alistair McKinlay] Google IO predictions - http://www.10people.co.uk/index.php/2011/05/google-io-predictions/13:23
oimonhmmm Azelphur what is the service delivered over? leased line or broadband13:23
ali1234when you're sending the source ip is pretty much irrelevant13:23
Azelphuroimon, my server is on 100mbps fiber13:23
Azelphurali1234, it's not the default interface13:23
ali1234ls -lR is still running btw, now 300mb13:24
ali1234Azelphur: what is the default interface?13:24
Azelphureth0 is the default interface13:24
Azelphur69.160.254.177 is eth0:4 lol13:24
ali1234thats the same interface13:24
oimoni had a 100mb connection which had a pair of addresses , plus the 16 address for me to use - is it the same situation?13:24
ali1234that's the point13:25
Azelphurok :p13:25
ali12341 interface multiple ips13:25
ali1234which one you get when you ask for "the ip of eth0" really doesn't matter13:25
Azelphurwhat's it doing though, just picking one randomly?13:25
ali1234they are all equally valid13:25
Azelphuryea, true13:25
ali1234yeah randomly, pretty much13:25
Azelphurok :p13:25
Azelphuroimon, I'll try tcptraceroute now13:25
oimonare you sure the pair of addresses are not the point-to-point connections?13:25
Azelphuroimon, huh?13:26
Azelphuroimon, tcptraceroute produces the same result as the udp traceroute :p13:26
oimonhow many address in the 204.x range do you have, and how many in the 69.x range13:27
Azelphuroimon, http://pastebin.com/RGAgS55B13:28
ali1234Azelphur: so *none* of those addresses works?13:29
oimonyour netmask looks wrong13:29
oimoneth0 has netmask but eth0:0,1,2,3 have
Azelphurali1234, from what I can see, yes. next time my optonline user comes online I'll ask him to ping each one individually13:29
ali1234that does look a bit odd13:29
Azelphurinteresting o.O13:29
Azelphurfor the other interfaces I'm just doing sudo ifconfig eth0:0 up13:30
Azelphurso maybe that doesn't set the netmask right13:30
oimonsimilarly, i'd be surprised if the 69.x addresses are on a , most liekly they have been carved up into smaller netmasks13:30
ali1234Azelphur: it doesn't13:31
Azelphurthat's why that's weird then :p13:31
ali1234and that may be related13:31
oimoni think it is13:31
ali1234in fact it 100% IS realted13:31
ali1234problem solved13:31
ali1234your guy is on a 69 IP too13:31
ali1234your machine thinks you and him are on same subnet cos all your 69 IPs are on
Azelphurso 69.* can't connect13:32
ali1234thus, it doesn't send packets to him to the router13:32
ali1234problem solved13:32
oimonthe invoice is in the post13:32
Azelphurso how do I set this up properly?13:32
oimonwhat's in /etc/network/interfaces?13:32
ali1234well assuming the 69 netmask is same13:33
ali1234sudo ifconfig eth0:0 nm up13:33
Azelphuroimon, http://pastebin.com/nHyRdfN713:33
Laney\o/ guy giving the keynot just said 'ecosphere'13:34
exobuzzare ubuntu trying to make their distributions names harder and harder to spell ?13:35
exobuzzOneiric Ocelot .... blimey13:35
DJonesexobuzz: Perky penguin will be an easy one to spell13:36
oimonAzelphur: are you all good now?13:39
Azelphuroimon, I'm just finding the gateway address for my 69.* IP's, then I'll take one of the unused IP's down and fix it, see if the user can connect to it13:39
ali1234gateway should be the same?13:40
oimonyou should be able to fix it on the fly with the ifconfig command, and fix later in /etc/network/interfaces13:40
ali1234oh wait ignore that13:40
ali1234that's dumb :)13:40
oimonMicrosoft on Tuesday announced they would buy Skype Global for $8.5 billion in cash — the largest acquisition ever for the technology giant :-S13:40
ali1234you have to put netmask not nm13:40
Azelphurali1234, yea, it is xD13:43
ali1234yeah i see13:44
Azelphuroimon / ali1234  yep, that fixed it13:45
ali1234when you try to connect a 69 address it's going to try to use the 69 interface13:45
Azelphurnow to fix all the other interfaces :D13:45
ali1234which is why the traceroute said what it said13:45
Azelphuryep, fixed all my netmasks and now my optimum online friend can access everything \o/13:50
oimonso ebay made a $6bn profit on skype ?13:53
ali1234oimon: assuming the net profit/loss of running it was 013:58
oimonali1234: yes, i don't know their P&L but assuming they at least broke even, they did well13:59
krimzon2so who's got skype now?13:59
oimonthere's always a mug like microsoft who will buy the fully matured company13:59
ali1234i'm not sure it's worth that much tbh13:59
oimonhmmm my thunderbird's become unresponsive..shouldn't have clicked the folder with 33000 unread messages14:00
krimzon2ahh, maybe they can swap those annoying magnetic borders for scrollbars that don't look the same as any other window's14:01
krimzon2not that I've run skype on windows for a while14:01
oimoni don't use skype, although i have it installed.14:01
oimoni don't really phone people either lol14:02
ali1234i use the n900 for skype14:06
bigcalmAnybody care to help with a MySQL question? :) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/605665/14:06
ali1234people call me on skype and i don't even realise14:06
ali1234i just wonder why i'm getting a phone call on a mobile with no sim in it14:06
Azelphurhaha, that should make my game servers infinitely more popular14:08
Azelphur69.* is in and around NY, which is where players will get insanely low pings and thus play on my server more :P14:08
oimonAzelphur: for fun or profit?14:09
oimonor both :P14:09
AzelphurI wish it was both, but unfortunately just fun atm :P14:09
Azelphurmaybe profit in the future :D14:09
dwatkinsWhat happened to 69.*, Azelphur?14:10
Azelphurdwatkins, anyone in the 69.* range couldn't connect to my servers, haha14:10
Azelphurand probably 204.* too14:10
ali1234dwatkins: blocked due to bad network config14:10
dwatkinsoops, Azelphur14:11
ali1234Azelphur: those interface had netmask which means you only blocked people on 204.x.y.*14:11
oimoni used to work in a company that used a 159.x.x.x network internally, even though it was a public IP. people regularly wondered why they couldn't get to the guardian website and others14:11
ali1234where x and y are whatever your IP is14:11
Azelphuroops indeed, it's been like that since last year14:11
AzelphurI see14:11
Azelphurall the masks are now \o/14:12
ali1234Azelphur: it works like this: destination IP is bitwise and'd with netmask, if that equals your IP and'd with netmask, the packet is sent directly to destination IP, otherwise it is forwarded to default gateway14:12
ali1234that's everything you need to know abut IP basically :)14:12
bigcalm*glazed look*14:13
Azelphuryea, I know what subnet masks are :D14:13
Azelphurjust didn't know what my old subnet mask was lol14:13
ali1234so you would be getting the packets, but the replies would never get to the first hop14:14
ali1234also that's why they time out instead of getting a blocked response from first router or something14:14
dwatkinsI'd like to see this MS-buying-skype story turn into one about them discovering just how many people run Linux [90% of the time, despite having windows]14:15
ali1234um wat?14:15
ali1234i'm sure MS would have asked questions like this before buying14:16
ali1234"how many linux users you got?" "oh, about 10"14:16
dwatkinsthey probably knew already from the browser stats, I guess14:16
dwatkinsthat's fairly indicative14:17
dwatkinsaccording to w3schools, Linux makes up just over 5% over internet users, Mac users are just over 8%.14:17
ali1234internet users or w3schools users?14:19
BigRedSw3schools users14:19
BigRedSevery so often someone decides to pretend teh two are equivalent14:20
ali1234ls -lR finished - got a 700mb file14:20
oimonw3schools contains amongst other things, a load of ASP and other MS centric stuff14:20
ali1234but it's still targetted at developers14:20
ali1234i'd be more interested in facebook stats14:20
ali1234much more representative14:20
ali1234hmm... 14 million files14:21
BigRedSali1234: I tend to go with Slashdot stats14:21
BigRedSmakes me feel less weird14:21
ali1234meh, slashdot is pretty small site these days14:22
oimonwhere are the fb and slashdot stats ?14:22
ali1234no idea14:22
ali1234nothing about OS on there though14:23
BigRedSdunno, I just see /.'s every so often14:23
ali1234mac: 7% linux: 2%14:24
ali1234http://www.currybet.net/cbet_blog/2005/10/the-software-used-to-access-th-1.php <- stats for BBC14:25
oimon74% still using Windows XP :-O14:25
ali1234linux: 0.41%14:25
ali1234that one is really old though14:25
oimonahem, 200514:25
ali1234(facebook stats from 2009 too)14:25
ali12345% quoted by w3schools seems plausible14:26
oimonali1234: the facebook link wasn't facebook stats though14:27
ali1234oh it's just some random person's facebook site?14:27
oimonseems so14:27
ali1234oops lol14:27
BigRedSI think it's a hosting company's14:28
ali1234oh wow who remembers this thing: http://i.imgur.com/NX7SM.jpg14:30
ali1234sorry to be random, i was just updating my website stats and that picture was on a page which also links to my site14:31
oimoni found a commodore amiga in someon's office the other day ...he had gone to the effort of bringing it to work to have on his shelf :S14:32
ali1234big shelf, unless it was a a60014:32
DJonesoimon: Probably more like his other half had told him to get rid of that piece of antique/junk, its just gathering dust14:32
oimoni think he was a basement dwelling oddbod14:33
oimonalthough i must admit, i've considered it too14:33
oimonspreading random obsolete technical items around my room14:33
DJonesoimon: The taking junk to work to store, or being the basement dwelling oddbod14:33
DJonesI'd take my junk to work, but thats were most of it came originally14:34
oimononce we discovered a guy had brought over 50 books and various suits, coats, shoes etc to a cramped openplan office14:34
dwatkinsoimon: two of my colleagues have a window-sill full of either classic Macs or iMacs14:35
DJonesWhere I used to work, the manager had a locked cupboard which only he had the key to.  When he was off sick, people were looking for things and had to cut the padlock off it thinking they might find work related things there, turned out to be his stash of "adult magazines" & Max Mosely style equipment14:36
dwatkinsI really wanted an Amiga when I was younger.14:36
Azelphurhmm, my inspiron duo seems to have taken a step in the wrong direction, it says my wifi is disabled by a hardware switch, but my laptop doesn't have a wifi hardware switch.14:36
dwatkinsDJones: the mind boggles as to the things some people don't leave at home14:36
ali1234Azelphur: i've seen dells do that in windows :(14:37
oimonDJones: what type of comapny? ann summers?14:37
Azelphurwonder if it's disabled in the bios o.o14:37
DJonesdwatkins: Yeah, specially as he got arrested a while later for indecent acts in the gents public toilets (But, too much detail & too much off topic)14:38
DJonesoimon: He was a pensions advisor14:38
dwatkinsDJones: enough said, I won't recount how this reminds me of an ex-colleague.14:38
* dwatkins would like to point out he has always worked in technical support14:38
oimononce i was trawling the squid logs in real time and saw a dude in the legal department looking at all sorts of nastiness14:39
oimonbizarro stuff i'd never dream of14:39
oimonthe thing is, i could see him from where i was sitting..and he just had a poker face on14:39
DJonesoimon: Written warning or retained for blackmail purposes14:40
oimonit was middle of the working day14:40
oimonhe was more trouble that it was worth14:40
oimonsometimes you don't wanna get involved unless the big boss wants the guy out14:41
=== denny- is now known as denny
Azelphurthere, fixed the wifi by enabling and disabling it in the bios, weird.14:46
oimonhow can i get banshee to find all my cover art? seems to be loads still missing14:48
ali1234run the plugin to fix mp3 tags14:49
oimonali1234: you mean the metadatare fixer?14:50
ali1234you might want to enable the option that writes changes out to the fils first14:51
ali1234otherwise it just goes in some db14:51
oimon:( it never quite works how i want it14:53
oimonplus the stupid thing where you get the songs entered twice14:53
oimonmaybe i have weird music taste and amazon etc don't have the cover art14:54
MartijnVdSoimon: doubtful14:54
oimonah, it seems to collect them when i click the album14:55
oimonalthough loads of duplicate song entries14:55
MartijnVdSyeah I get loads of duplicates as well14:55
MartijnVdSfrom my U1MS14:55
oimonwhere every song gets entered twice , even though there only exists one file?14:56
MartijnVdSoh not all14:56
MartijnVdSjust most14:56
davmor2oimon: in banshee?14:57
davmor2oimon: known bug if it is banshee14:57
oimondavmor2: yeah, banshee http://i.imgur.com/Jzyk8.png14:59
oimonbtw i'm not responsible for those kylie minogue and jamelia songs...must be on a compilation of my wife's ...i wish they would hurry up and implement an Album artist browser :(15:00
ali1234me too15:00
ali1234i'm subbed to that bug, someone is working on it15:00
oimonme too :D15:01
oimonbugzilla bug 54087315:02
lubotu3Launchpad bug 540873 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) "gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in panel_applet_lockable() (dup-of: 96800)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54087315:02
lubotu3Launchpad bug 96800 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in panel_applet_lockable()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9680015:02
oimoncalm down botty15:02
Adriannomjust bought a VPS and there are thousands of failed login attempts per day...  is that...  normal?15:11
popeyhave secure passwords, or use keys to logon and disable password logons15:11
bigcalmAdriannom: move sshd to a different port15:11
popeyand/or use denyhosts15:11
popeyand/or move ssh to another port15:11
popeyand/or use port knocking15:11
Adriannomi think i'll do some of those things, thanks :)15:11
Adriannomthe only concern i have left now is that the host appears to store control panel passwords in plaintext :(15:13
bigcalmAdriannom: are you sure that's the control panel and not your web browser?15:15
Adriannombigcalm, they ask for certain letters over the phone15:15
bigcalmOh, I see15:15
Adriannomi'm on a knife's edge as to whether to try to get my money back.  they were hacked a while ago and forced everyone to change their passwords because they stored them in plaintext, but if they're still storing them that way then... :|15:17
bigcalmIf you're with fasthosts, you'd be better off with Bytemark I think15:20
oimondavmor2: do you have a link to the banshee duplicate entries bug? i'm on v 2.0.0 and i could only find a link to a closed bug from 1.815:21
davmor2oimon: one second15:23
Adriannomsigned up to a 12 month contract, what do you reckon my chances are of getting my money back?  signe dup about 7 days ago15:24
davmor2oimon: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+bug/778476 that was my original but then it effects imports too it turns out15:25
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 778476 in banshee (Ubuntu) "Importing cd's to banshee give 2 copies with different timings" [Undecided,New]15:25
oimondavmor - thanks - i wonder if it's worth linking it to an upstream bug # in bugzilla15:27
oimonthat's where the banshee bugs seem to be15:28
oimonpossibly https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=614171 ? lower comments say it's not limited to the library watcher either (i have that turned off)15:29
lubotu3Gnome bug 614171 in Importing "[library watcher] Importing leads to duplicate and missing tracks if LibraryWatcher enabled" [Major,New]15:29
oimoni want to like banshee but there's some major bugs including freezes that really get on my wick15:33
davmor2oimon:  I think it has some great features but some huge bugs15:34
oimonthe devs seem to have a lot on their plate15:35
oimondavmor2: actually my song timings are always the same, just dupes15:37
davmor2oimon: yeah I think that is cd specific15:38
TheOpenSourcererUbuntu moves to OpenStack - away from Eucalyptus???15:40
TheOpenSourcererJust got the press release in my email.15:40
TheOpenSourcererBudapest, 10th May, 2011: The Ubuntu project announces today that future versions of Ubuntu Cloud will use OpenStack as a foundation technology.15:40
popeynot surprising15:41
safiyyahhi guys I am having a PPA error, "15:43
safiyyahAn unresolvable problem occurred while initialising the package information.15:43
safiyyahPlease report this bug for the 'update-manager' package and try to include the following error message:15:43
safiyyah'E:Type ‘n’ is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/screenlets-ppa-lucid.list, E:The list of sources could not be read.'" the problem is when I check software sources I don't see it. Please help15:43
oimonwhat is the content of the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/screenlets-ppa-lucid.list file?15:48
oimonclementine music player is looking attractive right now15:52
* DJones wonders whether the external IT support contractor really meant to leave cd with Nuke & Boot lying around on a desk15:59
BigRedSme wonders how you do it that way round16:05
BigRedSer s/^/\//16:05
* oimon discovers that clementine also supports wii remote :D16:08
andylockranhey guys16:16
andylockrantrying to setup an entropykey to work with egd16:16
andylockranI've got it listning on the external interface tcp 888816:16
andylockranbut I can't get egd-linux to connect to it16:16
DJonesDoes anybody use an ubuntu machine to access a windows machine that has logmein unstalled on it?  What method do you use, I've read that there's hamachi, but not sure of thats the same thing16:25
* brobostigon decides after the discussion ealier, to try denyhosts.16:33
KrisDouglasWhen did Ubuntu shipit close/16:44
oimona guy delivering some printers dropped them 10 feet down some steps. when i queried it with him , he suddenly "me no speaka di english"16:47
DJonesKrisDouglas: I think it was about a month to 6 weeks ago16:48
KrisDouglasDJones, that is a nightmare16:50
KrisDouglasOur customers love ubuntu16:50
lubotu3Canonical is no longer sending free Ubuntu CDs to individuals through its ShipIt program.  For more information please see http://blog.canonical.com/?p=551 !LoCo teams can request CDs through this link https://forms.canonical.com/lococd/16:50
oimonKrisDouglas: burn your own disks or buy them from canonical?16:51
DJones5th April that blog post is dated16:51
KrisDouglasI'm gonna buy them from canonical16:51
hamitrondo they sell single disks now?16:52
DJonesMinimum looks to be packs of 516:52
hamitronwtf, there is no 10.04 desktop one?16:53
* hamitron sulks16:53
oimonobviously a mistake16:53
oimonsince there is kubuntu 10.0416:53
DJonesYou'd think there would be as its LTS16:54
hamitronI was hoping they may have sold a single copy of 10.04 for 2 quid or something16:55
hamitronthen i could get a shinny cd, and they could make a small profit16:55
hamitronsuppose, maybe the 10.04 cd there are just old stock16:56
DJoneshamitron: Its still LTS though, people are still likely to want them.  Maybe they've run out of them & won't add them unless they get sufficient requests to produce morwe16:57
davmor2Gord where are you?16:57
davmor2gord. where are you even16:58
oimonhow will sabfdl get his 200 million ubunters without the 1004 cd's in the shop?16:58
oimonargh i just clicked on the worst button in an application ever :(16:59
hamitronimo, limiting distribution of cd to people having to buy 5, isn't going to encourage anyway16:59
hamitronand then not even having all versions17:00
oimonif you ever run clementine music player NEVER click on the hypnotoad17:03
safiyyahoimon,  the contents are:17:05
safiyyahdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/screenlets/ppa/ubuntu lucid main17:05
safiyyahsorry I was busy sticking stuff on the keyboard17:05
oimonsafiyyah: remove the n from the 2nd line17:06
safiyyahoimon, thanx17:06
oimoni.e. remove the bad 2nd line then run sudo apt-get update and you'll be fine17:06
safiyyahoimon, thanx I have done it :)17:07
safiyyahdoes anyone have experience installing MSOffice on PlayOnLinux17:08
safiyyahit keeps getting stuck on me17:08
^aDaMGood afternoon all :)17:14
=== seeker_ is now known as seeker
KrisDouglasJust had a customer in saying their laptop was completely dead and not working. Plugged it in and it booted up absolutely fine. Turns out there was no power at their house. I seriously wonder how they didn't notice; considering the charger has a light on it.17:39
shaunohad one of those last weekend.  "now press the power button ...".  you really don't expect them to happen in real life :/17:40
TheOpenSourcererGosh - been so busy just read about Skype.17:42
TheOpenSourcererThat's the kiss of death then.17:42
shaunothey claim they're not dropping support for other platforms .. but of course, that now depends on their definition of 'other platforms' :/17:43
TheOpenSourcererI didn't mean for Linux per-se. More Microsoft's inability to make any money from on-line.17:46
gingbecause they're fools17:49
ginggoogle and facebook surely prove the best way to make money from online is not to charge17:50
ali1234the reason microsoft never make any money online17:51
ali1234is because all they ever do is copy other people's products17:52
ali1234this doesn't work when you can't force people into using your version because it's just another website17:52
KrisDouglasor buy other people's products and bastardise them17:52
ali1234when they do that they are usually successful17:53
ali1234because they usually give the result away17:53
hamitronyou can be sure they will put new features in the clients for certain platforms, missing out others that miss "Media Player Tech"17:54
ali1234well that wil destroy skype completely17:55
ali1234the only reason people use it is because it works in a way that none of the others do because of codec issues17:55
ali1234and firewall issues as well17:56
hamitronit could be annoying for users with devices and skype integrated17:57
hamitrontv's, psp, etc17:57
hamitronif they change something, it could break them17:57
ali1234and that would be the end of skype17:57
hamitronyou reckon killing off PSP users would kill skype?17:58
AlanBellthey have to be a little bit selective about which clients they break17:58
AlanBellthey won't want to kill the PSP users17:58
ali1234but because skype is such a uniform system controlled by ... well skype17:58
ali1234they won't be able to do that17:58
shaunothat's the whole point of skype for me.  I don't have to care if the other person is using windows, or their phone, or whatever17:59
ali1234it's not like there is 10 different implementations of a skype client17:59
AlanBellI wouldn't be surprised if there were some client updates and protocol bumps17:59
ali1234there's a few17:59
hamitronsame AlanBell17:59
ali1234but those protocol versions exist for all platforms17:59
AlanBellfor "security" reasons17:59
ali1234so if you kill all old skype versions17:59
AlanBellwith some clients lagging behind others in the update cycle18:00
ali1234you block a large part of the network18:00
hamitronmust people I know, never cared that MSN didn't work on linux at the time..... it was my fault for not using windows18:00
AlanBellI suspect they won't want to disconnect the linux clients though, because I suspect quite a few supernodes run linux18:00
brobostigonwhat permissions doineed to give stuff in /var/www ?18:01
AlanBellbrobostigon: www-data needs read access18:01
AlanBellit might need write access to some areas as appropriate18:01
hamitronI'm gonna start using the skype linux client for badness18:02
brobostigonAlanBell: umm, i am unsure how to achieve that.18:02
hamitronthe more users on linux use it, the less of an excuse MS have to ignore it18:02
AlanBellthey won't care much about disconnecting linux clients temporarily from time to time except for the supernodes18:02
hamitronI'm sure :/18:02
hamitronbut still like to try18:02
AlanBellit is all about the supernodes really18:04
AlanBellthey can't afford a monoculture of supernodes18:04
hamitronbut I like to moan and complain..... seems like a great thing to moan about \o/18:04
safiyyahjust read up18:17
safiyyahwhat is happening with skype?18:17
MartijnVdSit's being bought by Microsoft18:18
lubotu3An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions18:19
safiyyahoh dear18:19
AlanBell^^ brobostigon18:19
safiyyahdo we have a skype cross platform alternative?18:20
AlanBellnot one with millions of users18:20
safiyyahplus people are not exactly switching to linux18:20
brobostigonAlanBell: ok, i figured out, how to chown www-data access to /var/www, however it is still saying "403 - forbidden".18:21
safiyyahthe r simply upgrading windows18:21
MartijnVdSsafiyyah: Google Talk :)18:21
MartijnVdSsafiyyah: it has video, audio, chat18:21
MartijnVdSsafiyyah: and it works with Empathy (on Ubuntu, out of the box)18:21
AlanBellbrobostigon: do ls -l of the file you want to read18:21
brobostigon-rwxrwxrwx 1 root    root    3569 2011-05-10 11:45 index.lighttpd.html18:23
brobostigondrwxrwxrwx 4 ptaylor ptaylor 4096 2011-05-10 16:50 pivotx18:23
brobostigonAlanBell: that is the output.18:23
MartijnVdSWorld writeable? You scary man18:24
brobostigonMartijnVdS: oh dear, not intentional, mymistake, :(18:24
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: Sorry, didn't mean to sound harsh18:25
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: "Are you sure you want those files to be world-writeable?"</reword>18:25
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i know the concequences. no worries.18:26
brobostigonMartijnVdS: and it didnt intentionall do that.18:26
MartijnVdSFiles in /var/www need to be readable by the "www-data" user (or whichever other user you're running your web server as)18:28
MartijnVdSSome directories might need to be world-writeable because of brain-dead PHP scripts18:28
AlanBellum yeah, rwxrwxrwx is not ideal18:28
MartijnVdSthe +x bit might also confuse apache18:28
AlanBellbut anyhow, the point is that isn't owned by www-data18:28
MartijnVdSmaking it think it's actually executable (CGI script)18:28
hamitronbbl, food18:29
AlanBellso chmod -x index.lighttpd.html18:29
AlanBellactually chmod ugo -x index.lighttpd.html18:29
brobostigonAlanBell: that html file i canreadfine,18:29
AlanBellto do it for user, group and other18:29
AlanBellthen chown www-data: index.lighttpd.html18:29
AlanBelland chmod go -w index.lighttpd.html18:30
AlanBelland maybe chmod u -w index.lighttpd.html if you don't want the web server to be able to write to that file18:30
AlanBellthe permissions are in three groups: user, group, other18:30
brobostigonAlanBell: i can pickup that html file fine, however it is the whole of  the pivotx folder, with seems to be giving me the forbidden error. so do we reallyneed tochange nything on tht html file?18:32
exobuzznginx ftw ;-)18:33
AlanBellyou need to reduce permissions as much as possible or nasty hackers will own your box18:33
* TheOpenSourcerer thinks the garage have lost my car...18:33
AlanBellhowever chown -R www-data: pivotx will sort you out as a starting point18:33
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: lost!!18:34
brobostigonAlanBell: ok ,what is the minimum permissions we canhave, and allow the whole of /var/www to bepickedup?18:34
TheOpenSourcererWell, they left the garage at about 16:30 to bring it here.18:34
AlanBellbrobostigon: make www-data the owner of it all and give owner read only access18:34
TheOpenSourcererbrobostigon: you need slightly different perms for files and directories.18:35
AlanBellor you can make ptaylor the owner and put www-data in the same group and give the group read access18:35
TheOpenSourcererfiles 644 is OK and dir 75518:35
MartijnVdShttp://www.zzee.com/solutions/unix-permissions.shtml :)18:35
* AlanBell does not talk about permissions in octal18:35
TheOpenSourcererIf the ownder is correct you could go for 600 and 700 files & dirs.18:35
MartijnVdShmm octal18:35
TheOpenSourcererIt's less typing18:36
AlanBellthe problem with octal is that people dont understand what it does18:36
TheOpenSourcererI do.18:36
MartijnVdSAlanBell: but it's easy!18:36
AlanBellit is less typing for people who do understand what it does18:36
brobostigonumm, slow down, i cant keep up.18:36
MartijnVdSread(4), write(2), execute(1), just add them up18:37
AlanBellok so the rwxrwxrwx stuff is three groups rwx for the owner rwx for the group rwx for everyone else18:37
MartijnVdSsetuid(4), setgid(2), sticky(1) + 3x read(4), write(2), execute(1).. just add18:37
MartijnVdSAlanBell: yes... 77718:37
brobostigonAlanBell: umm, three sets of three,ok.18:37
AlanBellcall them binary digits and r-- becomes 100(binary) which is 4(decimal) rwx is 111 (binary)which is 7 (decimal) etc18:38
AlanBellso rwx rwx rwx is three lots of 7, i.e. 77718:39
brobostigonah, ummm, makes sense, i think,18:39
AlanBellso 644 is 110 100 100 or rw-r--r--18:39
MartijnVdSactually octal, not decimal :)18:39
TheOpenSourcererThe garage is also now closed. So I have no way of ascertaining the whereabouts of said car.18:39
MartijnVdSbecause they're groups of 3 bits, octal = easy18:39
MartijnVdS(it's like decimal with 2 fingers chopped off)18:39
AlanBellMartijnVdS: 100 binary is 7 in decimal and octal18:40
MartijnVdSAlanBell: yes, up to 7 octal and decimal are the same18:40
MartijnVdSthen it's 10 vs 8 :)18:40
brobostigonAlanBell: uumm, i think so, yes.18:40
MartijnVdSI've been doing this for a while now :P18:41
AlanBellok, so brobostigon the 777 or 644 stuff people talk about is just a short way of saying which bits of rwxrwxrwx are turned off and on18:41
AlanBellto open a directory you need execute permissions to it18:41
brobostigonAlanBell: i think i hve it now, yes.18:41
AlanBellso 755 (rwxr-xr-x)18:42
brobostigonAlanBell: sointheory, i just need to make /var/www and its contents, readble by www-data.?18:43
AlanBellso owner can go into it and create files (read, write and execute) group and other can go into it but not change stuff (read+execute)18:43
brobostigonchmod -R /var/www ?18:43
brobostigonchmod -R 755 /var/www ?18:43
AlanBellfor stupid historical reasons it is chmod -r and chown -R (or the other way round I always get it wrong)18:44
brobostigonok, it will always tellme, if i have it wrong.18:44
TheOpenSourcerer-R works for both in my experience AlanBell18:44
AlanBellhmm, ok18:46
AlanBellone works with lower case too then18:46
brobostigondrwxr-xr-x  2 www-data www-data 4096 2011-05-10 17:39 www18:48
brobostigonis that right?18:48
AlanBellit is right if that is what you want18:48
brobostigoni want people to be able to read what i put in /var/www18:49
DJonesExcellent, I can log into my work PC using ubuntu & chromium-browser from home via logmein18:49
AlanBellbrobostigon: you want apache running as www-data to read it then hand it out what it reads to anonymous people18:50
brobostigonAlanBell: iam not using apache, i am using lighttpd18:50
AlanBellooh, ok18:51
AlanBellwhat user does that run as?18:51
brobostigonnot aclue.18:51
AlanBellps aux |grep lighttp18:51
brobostigonwww-data 29331  0.0  0.7   5092  1784 ?        S    11:45   0:00 /usr/sbin/lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf18:52
AlanBellok, so it is running as the user called www-data18:52
AlanBellso in general you want to arrange things so that www-data can read stuff18:53
AlanBellif you want people to be able to upload things to certain folders then you need to allow it to write to them and create files18:54
AlanBellif you want to use something like wordpress with automatic updates then it needs to be able to write to it's own php files as appropriate18:54
AlanBellyou really don't want to allow people to arbitarily upload php files and then run them18:54
AlanBellor persuade your http task to write to files that it will then execute18:55
AlanBellPHP is an architectural failure of the concept of separating code and data18:55
AlanBellbut it does run some nice applications18:55
bearslumberHi, Can I ask Ubuntu/Kubuntu questions?18:57
brobostigonok, umm, i have made notes of whatwe have upto now. no, i dont wat randompeople to play around. not a good idea.18:57
brobostigonbearslumber: good evening, fire away, always.18:57
AlanBellbearslumber: sure18:57
brobostigonAlanBell: ok, thank you for you help, i have made extensive notes.18:57
bearslumberCheers. I wondered can I install Ubuntu and Kubuntu so I can choose between either desktop?18:58
Psychobudgieyou can but be aware it can occasionally mess up fonts in ubuntu18:58
AlanBellbearslumber: I think if you install the ubuntu-desktop package and the kubuntu-desktop package you end up with everything and can choose on login18:59
brobostigonbearslumber: yes, install kubuntu-desktop, and ubuntu-desktop, and then switch between them in gdm.18:59
bearslumberSounds good. How, by Ubuntu CD then Kubuntu?18:59
AlanBellI think you end up with the branding of the one you install last18:59
AlanBellso you can start with either CD and install the -desktop package of the other one19:00
AlanBelland the gdm theme ends up being overwritten by the second one (I think)19:00
bearslumberAllenBell: Thanks AlanBell. I see. Does that mean either  GDM theme copes with both Ubuntu and Kubuntu19:02
AlanBellyeah, I think so19:03
AlanBellhaven't tried it for a few releases though19:03
AlanBelllet us know how you get on19:03
bearslumberAllanBell: brobostigon: Okay guys. Thats all I need to go ahead. Will post back soon. I'm off to do it while the iron is hot. Many thanks. Bye19:04
ali1234hmm that's nice, xcode adds copyright boiler plate for you19:41
ali1234i always forget to do that19:41
=== dogmatic69_ is now known as dogmatic69
jacobwall your copyright are belong to apple :p20:04
emorrisHi, I've got Ubuntu on my laptop and netbook. My netbook is currently on 11.04, and my laptop 10.10. I want to upgrade my laptop, but was wondering whether it's possible to re-use the packages downloaded for the netbook upgrade, then just download any additional packages?20:16
jacobwoops scroll failt20:23
MartijnVdSemorris: Maybe. The packages might still be in /var/cache/apt/archives on the netbook20:23
MartijnVdSemorris: put them in /var/cache/apt/archives on the laptop and start the upgrade20:23
emorrisMartijnVdS, cool, there's loads in there; I'll give it a shot. Thanks!20:24
AlanBellgord: it is officially the springboard now, been announced on the podcast and everything20:40
shaunosurprised how closely the streams are in sync.  video via ustream, audio the normal way20:40
jacobwhow are people finding the performance of unity?20:50
brobostigonnon-existant, dont use unity.20:51
MartijnVdSI don't have problems with it20:52
MartijnVdSexcept the un-autohide might be a bit quicker20:52
=== awilkins_ is now known as awilkins
oceanhi guys, i recently installed ubuntu 11.04 as a triple boot with ubuntu 10.10 and windows 7 on my hp pavilion dv6-3150 sa.on restart after the grub menu it did not boot 11.04 instead the back screen appeared. i did a cold booting again which worked and then logd out to test the classic desktop screen. I restarted the computer again and since then ubuntu 11.04 is not loading instead shows a black screen, can any one help, thanks in advance21:31
=== ocean is now known as Guest54607
ali1234i think 2.6.38 is a lemon :(21:42
ali1234keep hearing bad things about it21:42
hamitron2.4 <321:43
ali1234well yeah21:43
ali1234hope you enjoy manually configuring all your hardware though21:43
hamitrontbh, I found it more fun21:44
hamitronbut I accept it isn't the way forward21:44
hamitronwasn't there some debate about how they change the development cycle when 2.6 branch started?21:45
ali1234it sure was damn reliable once you set it up21:45
ali1234there wasn't any debate21:45
ali1234basically there is never going to be a 2.721:45
hamitronwell, some didn't like the changes21:45
ali1234might as well just call it v3821:45
hamitronhow long is 2.4 "supported"21:46
hamitronI've started to lose what I gained, when first moving to linux21:48
ali1234linux is never directly supported by the developers21:49
ali12342.4 is supported for as long as you can find someone who will sell you a support contract21:49
hamitronbut I mean, by supported.... people maintaining it21:49
ali1234it will be maintained while there are still people willing to pay for support21:50
hamitronkeep playing with the idea of looking into linuxfromscratch21:51
hamitronlearning from an old version of the book21:51
hamitronand seeing if something useful can still be built21:51
jibadeehawhat do you guys think the future is for netbooks ... are they on their way out, or are tablets just a fad?21:56
popeyevening all22:00
brobostigonevening popey and daubers22:01
awilkinsI can't see the point of tablets, personally. But I don't find netbooks ideal either - useful as a reading device, but rubbish for input22:03
* popey covers his ipads ears22:04
popeyali1234: I saw this and thought of you http://people.cs.vt.edu/~mjeg/blog/2011/04/25/fast-ssh-file-copy-with-tar22:06
awilkinspopey, Neato, I sometimes use an archiver for that purpose (reduce file attribute thrashing), but I'd not thought of using tar like that.22:07
davmor2It's official gord doesn't exist22:08
awilkinsA shame that won't work on Windows without farting around setting up an sshd22:09
kazade_Sigh, XChat keeps crashing :/22:11
* popey cuddles kazade_ 22:12
jibadeehaawilkins, yeah i can't see a use case for myself where i would use a tablet .. just hope companies don't stop making netbooks, as they work perfect for my needs22:17
ali1234popey: nice one, i assume tar to stdout then pipe over ssh?22:17
ali1234thanks, that might just work22:18
lubotu3LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)22:32
ali1234so i have hardy 64 bit, with a lucid 64 bit chroot inside it, and the hardy lib32 is symlinked to the lucid chroot lib3222:34
ali1234and i chrooted to the lucid and did apt-get update22:35
ali1234but apparently theres no updates22:35
ali1234which seems odd cos i haven't updated it since a year ago22:35
TheOpenSourcererpopey: That's a neat use of tar & ssh. Should be in www.commandlinefu.com (if it isn't already of course).22:38
ali1234ok, it was cos i didn't put lucid-updates in sources.list22:38
ali1234hmm is there a way to prevent apt/dpkg from touching a directory?22:39
ali1234or make them ask me before installing files in a path22:40
TheOpenSourcererali1234: as it runs as root, probably not, unless you set the immutable nit22:40
TheOpenSourcererThen it will crash spectacularly I would guess :-)22:41
ali1234hmm a flashplugin update22:41
ali1234i hoeps its not the same broken one from natty22:41
popeyyou could pin the package22:42
popeyunlikely anything depends on it22:42
ali1234except my app22:42
TheOpenSourcerertime for bedski said zebedofski22:42
ali1234damn it *is* the same one from natty22:43
ali1234lame, i better not get white rectangles in all the screenshots now22:43
ali1234that will be really annoying22:43
popeyno i mean it wouldn hold anything else back22:44
ali1234too late now i didn't notice it until it already installed :(22:44
ali1234i don't think it uses the one from inside the chroot actually22:44
ali1234i think that's just there to get the deps22:45
ali1234i should probably check my notes before i start messing with the server22:45
ali1234otoh if lucid and natty have same flash, then maverick probably did too22:46
ali1234so maybe it's actually a ff4 problem22:47
ali1234arg how do i connect to a server on natty?22:49
ali1234places->connect to server22:49
brobostigongood night everyone, sleep well.22:53
popeyali1234: nautilus, file -> connect to server22:57
ali1234so now i have to go somewhere i don't want to go first before i can go where i want to go?22:57
reaper4334just like how System Settings is under the power menu22:58
ali1234oh wow what is that?22:58
ali1234gnome has a big control panel thing now too?22:59
bigcalmTook me ages to find the system settings menu. Only found it after giving up and went to shut down22:59
ali1234at least gnome's one picks up nvidia-settings - the one in xfce doesn't22:59
reaper4334bigcalm: almost same, I was giving up and going to log out to switch to classic22:59
ali1234i just typed the name of the thing i wanted in dash22:59
bigcalmWhat if you don't know what you're looking for and just want to browse?23:00
ali1234like "update" or "synaptic" or "passwords"23:00
ali1234i already know all the gnome settings applets off by heart23:00
ali1234but if i was a new user i would hate it23:00
ali1234i still hate it a little bit23:00
popeysettings seems to find it in dash23:01
bigcalmI'm more of a server user than the desktop23:01
popeyyou hate freedom more than I :)23:01
bigcalmI use computers as a tool23:01
awilkinsI found the settings thing being in the power menu... odd23:02
awilkinsEspecially since it's the bottom item23:02
awilkinsI expect the bottom item to be something that exits in some manner23:02
ali1234ok anyone know a really horrible flash website that uses multiple embeds all over the place and will really test any browser?23:02
awilkinsEither logout or shutdown23:03
reaper4334Yeah, I think it was shutdown before23:03
popeyali1234: newgrounds?23:03
ali1234they have no flash onthe front page at all23:04
popeyjust a guess, sorry23:04
bigcalmweebls-stuff.com ?23:05
bigcalmI think it might be time for beddiebies23:06
ali1234all this stuff has almost no flash at all :/23:06
popeymtv.com does23:08
popeyif you choose uk23:08
ali1234seems to be working still23:10
ali1234although i might have to increase the loading delay23:10
ali1234flash sites take so long to load :(23:10
popeyyou've made a browsershots-a-like?23:14
ali1234it also "rips" the entire page23:17
ali1234including all the urls, in a way that can be played back to the browser23:17
ali1234i didn't actually write most of it23:18
ali1234i started with that ^23:19
ali1234and added flash plugin support and proxy-cache based on how pachyderm works23:19
ali1234curse google and there annoying url redirect that breaks copy paste23:22
ali1234google pachyderm proxy if you want to know, it's top hit23:22
Azelphurweeeeeeeee, it's alive \o/23:25
popeywhat is that thing on the desk, on the left23:28
ali1234water cooler radiator?23:30
=== ocean is now known as Guest4574
Guest4574hi guys, is there any 64 bit of flash player deb file available for ububtu23:34
ali1234there is an experimental ppa23:36
Guest4574can u get me the link pls, is it available to download from adobe site?23:36
ali1234"it should not be used"23:37
awilkinsYou can just grab the .so from Adobe also23:37
awilkinsAnd dump it in ~/.mozilla/plugins23:38
ali1234Guest4574: are you having the white rectangle bug?23:38
ali1234bug 76107423:39
lubotu3Launchpad bug 761074 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "flashplugin-nonfree draws white rectangles" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76107423:39
Guest4574awilkins, that sounds easy, but where can I get the .so file for 64 bit23:39
Guest4574ali1234, what is the rectangular bug23:40
ali1234well, you get lots of white rectangles over flash embeds23:40
ali1234like this: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/69392440/Bildschirmfoto-1.png23:41
Guest4574awilkins, thats a tar file isnt it23:41
ali1234yes it is23:41
awilkinsGuest4574, Contains the libflashplayer.so file23:41
Guest4574awilkins, so just copy and paste it to mozilla /plugin?23:42
Guest4574awilkins, would it allow me to watch u tube?23:42
awilkinsGuest4574, I don't seem to have a problem and it's been in my plugins folder for ages (I'm on v 10.2 d161 though - older)23:43
Guest4574ok, thats cool23:44
Guest4574let me try23:44
ali1234why do web users always connect with a reasonable nick and then get changed to guest? nick collision?23:45
ali1234if so, shouldn't that happen before they connect to a channel? or is nickserv just slow?23:45
ali1234popey: the original version of my app put each version of thepage in a git repo23:54
ali1234it was funny to watch web developers tweaking live pages in real time23:55

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