
kduboh wat up philipballew00:12
philipballewOh, just living the dream of finals week! you?00:12
kdubping notices help. same old same old, kernel crashes00:19
kdubany thoughts on a may ubuntu-hour?00:19
philipballewi will maybe not be here, but what are your thoughts for one? the location last time seemed to work goood for you?00:20
kdubit was ok, i'm just curious when you go back up north for the summer00:21
philipballewpossably this weekend. kdub . i tecnally finish this friday00:22
philipballewbut that is the tentative plan00:23
kdubnah, too short notice00:24
kdubplus, i'm sure you have other concerns with moving back up north and wrapping up the year00:24
philipballewfor sure. how did you feel about that location we had it at last time?00:24
kdubit was ok enough. not enough power strips.00:28
philipballewtrue. perhaps if one of us showed up a while before to grab a table inside? how does it compare to the other 2 locations weve tried do you thing kdub00:34
kdubi mean, its probably a little bit better, just because of more parking and such00:36
kdubthe real thing that we need is advertising00:36
philipballewthats true. the spaces were interesting. and it allowed josh (the gentoo guy) to come00:38
philipballewi agree. and even if i am gone i can still make some. what type of advertisments do you think we need?00:43
seidoshonestly, KDE is great advertising01:17
seidosit looks a lot like win701:17
seidosi suspect it would be easier to get a windows user to move to a kde distro01:18
sn9then why do more windows users switch to mac than to kde?01:18
sn9in CA, anyway01:19
seidosspeaking of which, i wonder if there's syntax with startx to select kde01:19
seidosthey don't know about kde01:19
sn9there is startkde01:19
seidosor where to get it01:19
seidosi mean, say i want to buy a laptop right now with kde on it, where do i buy it?01:19
seidosi guess i'd have to buy it from me o_o01:20
sn9or me01:20
seidossn9: cool, i'll try startkde01:20
seidosi just switched to blackbox, so i should be able to start kde in case i need to show it to someone01:22
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DarkwingDuckMarkDude: ping04:52
jdeslipg 305:00
jdesliperr... ignore that05:01
DarkwingDuckHow are ya Jack?05:01
jdeslipPretty good :)05:01
DarkwingDuckI got a part time job offer05:01
DarkwingDuckFrom a company we are all familure with05:01
jdeslipWhat kind of job?05:01
DarkwingDuckWeb Dev with ZaReason05:01
jdeslipThey are awesome people05:02
DarkwingDuckpays a little low but, the rewards would be good.05:02
jdeslip(and I think their website needs some work)05:02
jdeslipThose grey squares looks a little geocities-ish ;)05:03
jdeslipGet to work!05:03
DarkwingDuckI applied last night and Cathy emailed me today.05:03
DarkwingDuckI need to find a number and call her tomorrow05:03
DarkwingDuckafter UDS05:03
jdeslipSounds good05:03
jdeslipAnything excitinng happen at any of the sessions today?05:05
DarkwingDuckMarkDude: hey bro05:06
DarkwingDuckMarkDude: you used to do work with ZaReason didn't you?05:06
MarkDudeYes- I was their CM05:13
seidoshey DarkwingDuck glad to hear you got some work05:15
MarkDudeDarkwingDuck, what ya got05:15
seidosi was looking at their site, i wonder what they use for the cart05:16
seidoshey MarkDude05:16
MarkDudehey there seidos05:17
seidosMarkDude: if you're into buddhism there is a pretty laid back active buddhism channel on undernet #buddhism05:18
seidosit would be cool to see you there if you ever have time05:18
sn9"laid back" must be the ultimate compliment there05:19
seidossn9: not sure what you are trying to say05:20
sn9do you not know what laid back means?05:20
seidosi am starting to think that when i don't understand what people are trying to say, it is basically their way of saying "i hate you"05:20
sn9that makes no sense05:21
sn9when someone says "i hate you" to me, i understand it05:21
seidossn9: i could propound further if you wish to hear it05:21
sn9i don't see why not, but before that, i just wanted to point out the irony of your using "laid back" as a compliment without realizing it's synonymous with "enlightened" because you knew no other aspiration05:23
seidossn9: i never new "laid back" and enlightened were considered the same o_o05:24
seidosand i don't disagree with it :P05:24
seidosi dunno, i don't want to give the impression that people there are lazy05:25
sn9hence the irony05:27
DarkwingDuckNot official yet, I was offered it now I have to figure out if I want to take it.05:27
seidosdayum, i'd take it, no question05:31
DarkwingDuckI also have three kids to worry about.05:31
seidosyeah, i was thinking about that earlier today actually05:32
seidosi thought it was two though05:32
DarkwingDuckRight now I'm recieving 405 a week with unemployment and I'm barly making ends meet05:32
DarkwingDuckHowever, I believe in what ZaReason is doing.05:33
seidosbarely making ends meet is making ends meet05:33
seidosit is nice to have a cushion though, so that retirement becomes feasible :/05:34
* DarkwingDuck is doing reasearch05:35
seidosi'm making $0 and i'm making ends meet05:35
DarkwingDuckThe family is what is expensive05:35
seidosrent + food05:35
seidosi shop at good will :/05:35
seidosthey have nice stuff05:35
seidosi got some airwalks for $505:36
seidosbut, sizes may be a problem, i've never shopped for kids before05:36
seidosi also think frugality is cool, but i may be looney toons05:37
seidoslike this guy:  http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_mbhG-E_FFjw/Sd6j4FtznvI/AAAAAAAAAiQ/F_oezORHjaE/s400/8758-3-bugs_bunny_-_4.jpg05:37
sn9frugality can be expensive in a culture of consumption05:38
seidosif you are speaking in purely financial terms, then it doesn't matter, because frugality is the only option when you don't have the finances to become a good little consume05:46
seidosthere is also the moral consideration, and the social consideration05:46
seidosironically, i find that most people don't really have time to care about the consumption other people do...they are too busy trying to make $ to consume05:47
sn9being a "good little consumer" often costs less05:47
sn9things are designed to be cheaper to replace than to repair05:48
seidosthere's that word again "cost"...05:48
seidosoh, yeah, that's true05:48
seidoslike my battery on ac adapter on my notebook :)05:49
seidoswhen you say cost i think in terms of economics, i'm not purposefully trying to be obtuse05:49
seidoslike someone might say "i have to be a consumer because if i'm not i won't have friends"05:50
seidosnot having friends would then be a cost05:50
sn9i am not the type to care about that05:50
seidosactually, the only way i know to solve the battery problem and ac adapter is to make it so that i could build my own, which is impossible...05:50
seidosthe other option is to buy previously owned computer equipment05:51
seidoswhich i am not opposed to doing, then perhaps the equipment that i needs replaced may be useful in the future05:51
sn9if it's impossible, why is it that the OLPC project does it for every unit, and always did?05:51
seidosi'm not a part of the OLPC project05:52
sn9iron phosphate laptop batteries are made from food nutrients05:52
seidosand i'm not sure batteries made from food nutrients is optimal05:52
seidosit may cause an increase in food prices :/05:53
sn9designed to be replaceable in remote villages with no supply05:53
DarkwingDuckThose moral vs monatray arugements go out of the window when you know that there is a 6, 4 and 3 year olds depending on you to feed, clothe and make sure they have a roof over their head.05:53
sn9DarkwingDuck: that was my original point05:54
* DarkwingDuck knows. 05:54
seidosor if you are cold and hungry05:54
DarkwingDuckIt was more directed at seidos05:54
DarkwingDuckIt starts at part time and unemployment will cover what ZaReason doesn't pay.05:54
DarkwingDuckSooooooooo, I'm going to get Cathys number tomorrow and call her.05:55
DarkwingDuckSo I wont be at a loss for $$05:55
sn9or you could call the main zareason number05:55
sn9it's on the website05:55
DarkwingDuckI'll call tomorrow after UDS is over. :)05:56
seidosheh, how funny, i'm a good little consumer, i sure as hell am not a good little producer06:14
erichammondTurns out compiz on natty has a bug that makes it use up memory over time: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/72044607:19
erichammondMine had grown well over 1G before I figured out it was the cause of my system problems.07:20
philipballewimagine walking away from your system for a long period of time07:33
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jdeslipIf anyone is looking for a skype replacement - gTalk on Ubuntu is rocking - and Ubuntu is a first class citizen for the project16:01
grantbowM$ is a shrewd competitor buying Skype.16:05
jdeslipAlso looks like we may have the Goog to thank for Netflix support on Ubuntu! http://goo.gl/sOe2K16:05
jdeslipWhich is why I am glad Chrome-OS will bring market-share to Linux, even if I plan to mostly stick with Ubuntu in my recommendations16:06
jdeslipgrantbow: Not sure $8.5 billion is 'shrewd' - that is pretty steep price to get back into the game16:07
grantbowok, well, it's more complicated16:09
nhainesI'm pleased that Netflix will support instant streaming using HTML5 with Chrome.16:42
MarkDudehttp://www.bigbluebutton.org what do people think of this as an alternative?16:46
sn9[Tue 2011-05-10 08:01:54 AM PDT] <jdeslip> If anyone is looking for a skype replacement - gTalk on Ubuntu is rocking - and Ubuntu is a first class citizen for the project <--- so gTalk has group videoconferencing now??16:54
jdeslipYa, It has had for 6 months or so now?  Maybe longer16:56
jdeslip(on Ubuntu at least)16:57
iheartubuntuis gtalk available for peopel without gmail accounts?16:57
sn9iheartubuntu: yes16:57
sn9it's any xmpp acct16:58
sn9just to be clear, we're talking about the google talk browser plugin, right?16:58
iheartubuntudo you know if xmpp handle video/voice in empathy or pidgin16:58
sn9pidgin does it, but very very badly16:58
sn9it uses (ugh) gstreamer16:59
sn9empathy is simply broken all-around16:59
sn9and neither does it with group video17:00
sn9jdeslip: just to be clear, we're talking about the google talk browser plugin, right?17:02
iheartubuntudo we have any Ubuntu Hours or other CA team meetings coming up this week?17:08
iheartubuntuI missed posting seidos UH on Saturday and the team meeting Sunday. Sorry folks.17:08
* sn9 wonders if he understood jdeslip correctly17:09
iheartubuntuseidos how did your UH turn out?17:11
seidosiheartubuntu: still working on it17:13
grantbowMarkDude: no, BigBlueButton isn't an alternative to netflix. http://twit.tv/floss14717:16
grantbowor skype17:16
sn9grantbow: and gTalk?17:19
grantbowor gTalk17:19
sn9no, i mean skype vs. gTalk17:19
grantbowI haven't used it as such so I'm not sure.17:20
sn9i also have not tried the google talk browser plugin17:21
sn9but i have tried it in pidgin and it is fail17:22
grantbowwww.google.com/talk leads me to believe that it's not a full skype replacement17:22
sn9well, jdeslip seems to say otherwise17:22
grantbowon all platforms17:22
grantbowfor all purposes17:22
sn9again, jdeslip seems to say otherwise17:22
grantbowhe might say you are misinterpreting17:22
grantbowskype out for instance17:23
sn9gtalk has free calling within usa and canada17:23
sn9skype charges money17:23
iheartubuntui just had my wife switch to skype for video calls to her family. uggggh.17:25
sn9ok, i'm about to try the google talk browser plugin for the first time. anyone who wants to be my guniea pig can call me right now at (408)37-COMPU17:29
grantbowhttps://chrome.google.com/webstore searching for gTalk found a plugin that says it only works on a cr-48 but seems to work fine in chromium on my machine too.17:30
sn9grantbow: it's in the google apt-get repository17:31
sn9no takers?17:32
seidosit'll take me like 20 min to install the plugin, i need to use Slackbuild to convert the .deb on this system17:32
sn9or did someone call the number and not get through?17:32
sn9(from a regular phone, i mean917:33
* kdub cant wait for google voice to work all its little quirks out17:33
kdubi really like the service though17:34
sn9atm, it should go straight to my browser if anyone does17:34
sn9or maybe i should call someone17:35
seidoshey kdub i tried taking all the keys off my keyboard and putting them back dvorak, but the z and x used a different connector so i couldn't do it17:35
MarkDudegrantbow, if I have a server set up to host bigbluebutton- for people using it - wouldn't it be an alternative?17:35
sn9MarkDude: how about you?17:35
MarkDudeseidos, no biggy - how often do you use the z & x?17:35
kdubyeah, i touch-type with dvorak usually a lot of keyboards cant be re-arranged17:36
seidosMarkDude: well they go in a certain spot17:36
kdubthey make stickers, but i just know where the keys all are after 3 or 4 years17:36
seidosi guess i'd have to train touch typing on dvorak17:36
kdubit takes about 2 weeks of frustration17:36
seidosthat would be...interesting17:36
MarkDudeseidos, the channel you siad to check out was #buddhism17:36
seidosMarkDude: on irc.undernet.org17:37
seidosMarkDude: btw, i like bigbluebutton17:37
MarkDudeOk- I mean I could experience Zen in a room by myself17:37
MarkDudeDru Lavigne suggested it- she rocks17:38
seidostrue :)17:38
seidosforgot i said anything17:39
MarkDudeI will add the channel later17:41
sn9MarkDude did not pick up. anyone else?17:43
sn9g2g; i'll try it later17:45
seidosbbq baked beans17:51
seidostangy carolina bbq19:06
sn9jdeslip: so, what did you mean?19:08
jdeslipsn9: Yes it works in the browser.  But, I don't see why that would make it not a full skype plugin??19:10
jdeslipIt does everything skype does, and does it better.19:11
jdeslip(at least the features of skype that are available for linux)19:11
sn9so still no group video19:11
sn9that is the holy grail of skype replacements19:12
jdeslipNegative on that I think.19:12
jdeslipBut perhaps soon :)19:12
jdeslipI have never done a group video actually ;)19:12
sn9until it has that, migration is unlikely19:12
sn9i have, under windows19:12
jdeslipI do like having everything in my browser these day though.  My gmail tab is like my communications hub!19:13
jdeslipExcept I also use the html5 tweetdeck19:14
jdeslipsn9 - you are welcome to test with me - my gmail username is same as irc19:19
sn9jdeslip: ok, i just got a phone call on it, and the other person could not understand a word i said, though i heard clearly19:32
sn9on skype, this is never a problem19:32
sn9anyone else wanna try? (408)37-COMPU19:35
nhainessn9: I'd try if I were less busy at work today.  :)19:40
iheartubuntui left my phone at home :( but thank god for internet19:42
seidosif i'm using a cell phone, why don't i just call your cell phone directly?19:42
iheartubuntuive got a webcam with audio and mic at home19:42
seidosisn't the point of all this voip stuff to get away from the tyrannical carriers?19:43
sn9the point is choice19:43
sn9others can choose not to and have it still work19:43
iheartubuntuseidos - i cannot make the pasadena UH this thursday (last months UH flyers are still up at CSULA). my wifes birthday was yesterday (victory day!) and with her busy schedule, the only day my fam can take her out is this thurs19:45
seidosyou know what i remember?  yahoo chat had some voice something or another that nobody used19:45
seidosiheartubuntu: hey, me neither.  no car.19:45
sn9yahoo voice is extremely proprietary19:45
* iheartubuntu loved backgammon on yahoo and their pool game too19:46
sn9google released their code freely licensed19:46
sn9i still rue the demise of gizmo519:47
sn9google bought them and simply shut them down19:47
seidosoh yeah, counterstrike had voice over ip19:48
seidosall right, i'll bite.  i'm going to try and find the source code for this alleged google add on19:48
seidosall i can find is a .deb on their site19:49
sn9no, the add-on is proprietary19:49
sn9the engine library is free19:49
sn9pidgin uses it, albeit crappily19:49
seidosso it's hybrid open source / proprietary :/19:51
sn9the only group videoconferencing that works on gnu/linux is SaaS websites using adobe flash, such as tokbox or tinychat19:51
seidoslike big blue button?19:51
sn9i haven't looked at that one19:52
seidosbigbluebutton has worked for me in the past19:52
seidossorta' kinda'19:52
sn9there was something called Muji to fill the gaps in gTalk, but i think development stopped19:52
seidosthe taste, it was so bitter19:56
seidosempathy, telepathy19:58
seidosi don't use empathy anymore19:58
seidosi mean, the software19:59
seidosnot the emotion19:59
seidosor ability even19:59
seidosyeah, i'm going to sit on the floor now, eyes close20:05
sn9jdeslip: i'm gonna try it with empathy now; let's see whether there's a diff20:13
sn9no answer...20:15
seidosyou should have mentioned this like 3 or 4 weeks ago when i was using empathy exclusively sn920:17
sn9i never had it work enough to mention20:18
seidosterrible timing i guess :/20:19
sn9seems empathy does not work, period20:26
sn9well, neither empathy nor muji work AT ALL20:52
jdeslipsorry was at lunch21:38
iheartubuntuis there a way to make everything bigger on the desktop without changing the screen resolution?22:20
nhainesiheartubuntu: magnifier tool?22:28
iheartubuntuI think changing the font rendering resolution in appearance will work for this situation22:31
iheartubuntui didnt want to actually change screen rez which could lead to a blank screen :) an early mistake i did many times when starting out with ubuntu long ago22:32

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