
jahsunhey guys having problems getting unity working. installed new vid card w/512mb and 3d w/ shading, activated the drivers but no unity...any ideas?00:11
jamaltajahsun: are you logging in with a normal Ubuntu session (instead of Ubuntu Classic)?00:12
jamaltajahsun: if you are, try running unity --reset in a terminal00:12
jamaltaUnity seems to disable itself if it fails to start on your first login00:13
jahsunyes, ubuntu norm sesh00:13
jahsunyes it did00:13
jahsunill try reset00:13
jamaltajahsun: hope it works :)00:15
jahsunsweet jamalta! i did already do --reset but did not work so i changed the driver and rebooted but did not do reset again... but this time it did!00:15
jahsunthank you!00:15
jahsunneeded recommended driver and reset00:16
jamaltajahsun: cool! glad it works now :)00:16
jamaltaunity ftw!!00:16
jahsunhey jamalta, so it worked but had gnome over it, so i logged out and back in and it did not start, any other ideas?00:24
jahsuni can start it w/running unity from bash00:25
jahsungnome still running tho00:25
jahsunoh, this is munz. gotta leave here but open to suggestions. will look deeper this evening00:32
jamaltaoh, you're munz_ !02:42
jamaltai didn't realize munz was a nick, sorry!02:43
munz_no worries :)03:04
RoAkSoAxitnet7_uds: ping12:01
pak33mshhh, be quiet in here19:08
zusdoes anyone specialize in HDD recovery? i was in the gparted and i think i may have ruined my 1TB usb drive.19:31
DammitJimzus, what do you have?19:32
DammitJimI have ran into problems with HDDs lately, so maybe I know19:32
zusits one of them western digital from wal mart jobs19:33
DammitJimso, what is it doing? not doing?19:33
zusi was messing in gparted  and i thought i changed the pulll down option for the drive19:33
DammitJimwhat pull down option?19:34
zusthere was the old system recovery that vista had and my drive and of course my linux.  i went to delete the  old vista sys recovery and grabbed my  ntfs one 19:35
zusit wont even mount in dolphin,  but i read the data might still be there19:37
DammitJimso, this drive is connected via USB, right?19:37
DammitJimwhat does dmesg say?19:37
zusit is usb,  i didnt do dmesg, one sec19:38
zusthats a lot!19:41
zusbut it shows up, "My Passport" 19:42
DammitJimdoes it show an sdb or sdd?19:44
zushttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery on here i read i need a device with as much or more space,... so i pretty much screwed, i think there was  140 something gigs left on it19:47
zussupposed i cant mount a partition on it to recover,...or mayhaps even an os? i think i had 140gigs left on it...'it was nearly full with music and movies, and my own music...19:49
DammitJimzus, so, it doesn't show an sdb1 or sdb2?19:55
zusDammitJim,  just sdb19:55
DammitJimcan you pastebin your dmesg?19:57
zusyea, one sec19:57
zusDammitJim,  is there anything in there  i should "*" out?19:59
DammitJimI probably just need to see the bottom part where it detected the usb connection19:59
DammitJimsorry about that20:15
zusDammitJim,  no problem,  my favorite part in fast times at ridgemont high was on lol http://pastebin.com/AQQZJVCh20:16
DammitJimweird... it's like you have no partition information20:18
DammitJimso, the device cannot be mounted20:18
zusmeh, how does the feds recover files from hard drives lol.20:18
DammitJimI have a drive like that... all it says is sdb:20:18
DammitJimwhere normally you would see sdb: sdb1, sdb220:18
DammitJimoh, you can send it to a place where they open them up... last time I did that, it cost $70020:19
DammitJimdoes gparted detect it?20:19
DammitJimcan you see the different partitions in gpart4ed?20:19
zuswell im on kubuntu but still it is  detected.20:19
DammitJimthat's ok20:20
zusi can afford  700, sure the  data on it is  priceless  but really ill rerecord my music, the drive cost 109 $ at walmart20:21
zusafter 2 yrs of not working i get a job and 3 months the contracts ran out i got layed off20:21
DammitJimsorry.. have to run to a meeting20:28
munzzus: try testdisk http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk21:03
zusmunz,  im trying to look for something i can recover with on the drive, needing an other  device of the same  size for me is  kinda impossible  atm21:04
munzoh. ityit's not spinning up?21:05
munzhi atm-bezvat :)21:05
zusit is it just isnt  mounting so i think it has no partition table21:06
munzread the documentation on test disk21:06
munzif it's partition related21:07
munztestdisk is the stuff!!!21:07
munzi've recovered soooooo much w/it21:07
zusi think that whoat it is21:07
munzyou can give it a try21:08
munzif it is partition issue new hardware will not help21:08
zusi wish i was closer to orlando area  would be nice to meet up with some one who can help21:08
munzwhere r u?21:09
zusim south of fort pierce21:09
zusoh actually since i found about linux i ran into 2 other users but one was a paramedic and another was a shrewed older  mean man i had to install cable for  haha21:10
munzlol, i'm in daytona but you could start a meetup group in you area21:13
zuslol the paramedic and that evil old man21:13
zusgod that guy was one swear away from  me  packing up and not installing cable, he was lucky i was on  per job  not hourly rate21:14
zusi got   a brother in  daytona21:15
zusnext time  im up that way, not sure when, since his mum and me old man arent tlakin much these days, hahahaha but ill lket ya know21:16
munzlol, cool21:18
zusfor now  i will retreat to reading  these docs on rcovery, im about 5 sites from calling it a loss and redownloading everything21:19
zushttp://ubuntu-rescue-remix.org/ is what i just  downloaded, by the way21:20
munztestdisk is sweet, hope it can help. 21:20
munzoh cool21:20
zusim reading on it now,21:22
zusmunz,  do i have to compile this? i dont know how to do that21:28
munzsorry zus got on a call21:34
munzno, dl, unzip, open a terminal and run it21:34
munz./testdisk(and the rest of the file name)21:35
zusim not good  one the  terminal 21:35
munzyou may have to r-click and allow ex as a program21:35
zusmunz,  right now im trying to get my 11.04 up to date  with the kxstudio ppa 21:40

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