
fisch246who here thinks WWDC is going to be boring this year?00:10
tonyyarussoOh.  That's boring every year - no Linux.00:40
fisch246nothing amused me more than when kiko said "what's with all this mac crap"00:48
invisibleksorry i just had to find a minnesota channel to bitch about the twins and how they need to fire ron gardenhire03:50
invisibleki think i used to hang here a little before, ive long since become a gentoo follower personally though03:51
invisibleki have yet to try out unity, it wont run on my headless virtualbox machine :(03:52
fisch246that's because virtualbox doesn't support unity03:55
fisch246might as well just make a second partition and try it on there03:55
invisibleki read it does if you can enable 3d acceleration03:55
invisiblekwhich i cannot on the headless server03:56
fisch246it runs unity... but it hardly works03:56
fisch246but Unity 3D is nice03:56
invisiblekive been considering dumping win7 on my htpc, maybe ill have to try 11.04 on it03:56
fisch246better than Gnome 3 imo03:56
invisibleki havent used gnome 3, ive always been a kde guy03:56
fisch246i would say you might first want to try 10.04 first03:57
fisch246if you're not used to the newer features of Ubuntu03:57
fisch246well there is Kubuntu03:57
invisiblekmeh, i wont need much for features anyway, xbmc and chrome is all id need03:57
invisiblekbut id like to play with unity some, i hear good things about it03:57
fisch246then i still suggest 10.0403:58
fisch246Unity has flaws, but if you get it to work it's quite amazing :)03:58
invisibleki think i tried putting 10.04 on there last time, at the time nvidia drivers still didnt have audio over hdmi, wonder if they do now...03:58
invisiblekthats the biggest reason taht thing still runs win703:58
fisch246well if i don't have standard hardware, i would suggest just using Arch or Gentoo03:59
invisiblekits pretty standard, its an nvidia chipset board with onboard hdmi03:59
fisch246didn't know hdmi was standard >.>04:00
fisch246never used HDMI myself04:00
invisibleki use it wherever i can04:01
fisch246wow... if you ever want something to be found on the net... apparently tying it into stumbleupon REALLY gets you traffic...09:01
mysteriousdarrenfisch246: did u start a website or blog  and see a spike?09:21
BlackRat90Hey, anyone here know if a AM3 Processor will work in a AM2+ socket?21:01
TakyojiDoesn't seem like it would21:45
Takyojiactually: "AM3 processors work on AM2+ motherboards due to the presence of both the DDR2 and DDR3 memory controller " Source: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Socket_AM2%2B21:45
* Takyoji pokes BlackRat90, as he forgot to mention the name prior.21:46
invisiblekyea am3 chip will work on am2+ board (NOT am2 board though)22:53
invisiblekbut am2+ chips will NOT work on am3 boards i think was the caveat22:53
BlackRat90awesome is there any downgrade in the power using a am3 on a am2+23:00
invisibleki dont think so, iirc am2+ cpus used more power than am3 (but i may be wront about that)23:02
BlackRat90I have seen some that look better then AM323:03
BlackRat90But AM3 are easier to find... and perhaps cheaper23:03
invisiblekid go am3 over am2+ any day, i think they have faster bus speeds, support for ddr3, probably more cache23:04
BlackRat90my motherboard holds DDr2 though, unless ddr3 and drr2 and interchangble23:09
BlackRat90but the quad core am3 are hellas cheaper23:10
BlackRat90Well I got you, which works better AMD or intel?23:13

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