
TheErkYo ho ho00:05
canthus13...and a bottle of rum?00:06
TheErkYes please.00:06
* canthus13 stays away from rum.. Had bad experiences with it in high school...00:11
dmcglone1anybody here?00:23
dmcglone1Never mind, stupid side pane was hidden00:23
* Cheri703 is still awake in budapest :)00:25
dmcglone1sleep apnoea Cheri70300:26
Cheri703nah, it's almost 1:30...roommate is still sending emails00:26
Cheri703so I'm up00:26
dmcglone1AM or PM?00:27
canthus13It's europe. there is no AM/PM. :)00:29
paultagcanthus13: who's your roomie?00:29
paultagerm, Cheri70300:30
canthus13paultag: My wife. :)00:30
paultagcanthus13: :)00:30
dmcglone1who was my mistress00:30
Cheri703it's ok though00:31
TheErkWhat up P-Tag!00:32
paultagheyya TheErk00:34
paultagcanthus13: cool :)00:34
paultagCheri703: *00:34
TheErkHow the heck is everyone?00:37
paultagstressed and pissed off00:37
dmcglone1I can't believe the things my kids get away with!00:37
dmcglone1why you pissed paultag?00:37
paultagfinals week00:38
dmcglone1Ah I see.00:38
dmcglone1but just remember it's the last one for you :-)00:38
paultagI is learned00:40
dmcglone1did anybody know the toothpick has been used for 45 centuries!!!!!00:40
canthus13dmcglone1: Makes it all the more stressful... If he screws up, he will have another one. :)00:40
paultag+1 canthus13 :)00:40
paultagthat's why I'm getting drunk00:40
dmcglone1wish I could get drunk00:41
paultagmy shoulders have siezed up and caused pins 'n needles on the right side of my face00:41
paultagso I need something to relax the mussles00:41
paultagmussels rather00:41
dmcglone1a hot tub00:41
paultagI wish00:41
dmcglone1I got a shower head that has 16 different settings on it, I freakin love that thing00:42
dmcglone1I usually use the pulse spray, it relaxes my muscles using ultra hot water :-000:43
dmcglone1paultag: I wouldn't worry, you'll do just fine. someday when your an old fart you'll look back and00:46
dmcglone1wonder why you got so stressed :-/00:46
dmcglone1I got that advise from the old fart canthus13 ;-)00:46
paultagdmcglone1: :)00:47
paultagthanks dmcglone100:47
paultagBRB school00:47
TheErkAt what age does one become an old fart?00:54
dmcglone1does anyone get choppy dvd playback with a netbook and totem?02:41
dmcglone1I've got 160 GB HD and 1 GB of memory I don't see why video would be choppy with totem, but run smooth with vlc02:45
dmcglone1Looks like I'll have to go with VLC :-(02:55
* canthus13 lurves VLC.02:56
dmcglone1canthus13: lurves?02:58
dmcglone1you mean "loves"02:59
* canthus13 means lurves.03:01
dmcglone1you could have just said "love" LOL03:02
canthus13but I said lurves. :/03:02
dmcglone1I like totem for the youtube plugin. I hate the thought of having to use 2 separate players for DVD and Youtube03:04
dmcglone1I spend a LOT of time listening to other guitarist03:05
dmcglone1alright well I'm out g'night all03:13
jgouldI like VLC05:06
Unit193+1 VLC!05:06
jgouldAlso,  Something that I havent' even thought about tackling yet,  sreaming neflix on a Linux Box05:06
jgouldHmm... I just found something I can't do in Linux...  A spreadsheet with VBA MAcros...05:52
* jgould sighs05:57
jgouldXFCE won't do two monitors?06:02
Unit193jgould: What card?06:08
jgouldIntel i91506:09
Unit193man intel <-- may tell you something06:09
jgouldI can mirror, but I can't run two displays06:09
jgouldOk,  We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor06:16
jgouldHmm...  It's telling me that the device section needs an "Identifier"?06:20
jgouldHmmm... Taht didn't work06:28
Unit193I have never done dual monitors (Maybe Cheri703 can help once she's back on)06:29
Unit193Synergy is as close as I get...06:30
jgouldHad to tell XFCE what to do with it...06:32
jgouldHmm...  Now GDM is showing up on 'Screen 1'  There shoudl be a way to fix this06:43
jgouldMan... XFCE's support of dual monitors stinks08:36
=== Cheri703_ is now known as Cheri703
Unit193And I'm the idiot going to be getting up at 9AM...08:46
jgould know that feeling, Unit19308:56
Unit193I should really get off now... (UDS thing tomorrow I kinda want to see/hear/read)08:57
jgouldI should head to bed09:01
* Cheri703 woke up halfway through the first session -_-09:16
jgouldNot good09:17
Cheri703I'm down here now09:18
jgouldI'm heading to bed.  It's 4 am back home09:18
Cheri703the time difference is weird09:22
=== Cheri703_ is now known as Cheri703
Unit193Cheri703: Are you with the crazy guys with the text-to-speach?15:17
Cheri703the super fast one was actually how this one blind guy listens to it15:20
thafreakHoly crap, this one old server here...I just realized it has a second disk15:21
thafreakmounted it to see what was on it...15:21
thafreakthere's a dir named tomcat415:21
Unit193Cheri703: Wow... I'm "going" to the next one and I "went" to the last one....15:22
thafreakugh, just makes me want to nuke this machine even more now15:22
Cheri703that's cool :) good for you attending remotely Unit193 !15:22
Unit193...at 9am....15:22
Unit193thafreak: I take it you can't?15:22
thafreakI could if I moved all the services off of it to other machines...which is something I've been planning on for the last 2 years :)15:23
Unit193Is it really a server computer? or one you use for it?15:24
thafreakha, no it's a crusty old dell 2U rackmount server...15:24
thafreakthe hardware isn't bad really...15:25
thafreakbut some one lost the rackmount rails for it...so it's kind of balancing on top of a UPS, which I'm not a fan of15:25
thafreakI'm probably going to virtualize it first...so I can atleast turn off the old hardware...then migrate everything off of it15:26
thafreakpaultag: you around?15:31
thafreakI'm trying to come up with a way to establish trust between two parties...preferably without meeting face to face...15:31
thafreakAlso, anyone know if anyone has combined the web of trust, and social networking?15:32
thafreakThey seem like they should go hand in hand...15:32
Unit193BiosElement: Finally got a warning from LastPass15:53
canthus13The end of Skype for linux.16:11
Unit193Ya think so?16:12
canthus13Can *you* see MS keeping a linux version of anything other than linux > windows migration tools?16:14
canthus13more likely, they'll immediately remove the linux version from the site and lock out all the linux clients.16:14
Unit193I *really* can't see them keeping it!16:17
_bbbembrace extend extinguish16:30
thafreakeven if they do keep it...they'll probably use it to spy on linux users16:36
thafreakmaybe propigate a virus, ala osx....16:36
thafreak"Oh look, linux isn't secure now" - Micro$soft16:37
Unit193conflicts with kernel-generic16:37
Cheri703canthus13: the thought I saw was that they may just leave it since it encourages more paid skype users...people on windows who want to talk to linux folks16:58
canthus13Cheri703: Maybe... but I think MS hates linux more than it likes moeny..17:00
Unit193You think anyone will reverse code it?17:01
canthus13Unit193: DOubt it... They've been trying since skype came out and haven't managed yet.17:03
canthus13ALthough, the DMCA does allow for reverse engineering for the purpose of interoperability.... so once there's no linux client, someone may be motivated to do it.17:15
thafreaksudo aptitude purge skype17:45
Derath-Srvrhi all18:14
Unit193Howdy Derath-Srvr18:15
Derath-SrvrT minus one month: apt-get remove skype18:37
Derath-SrvrI don't think I'd even do that...18:38
Cheri703thanks, just back to my room to figure out a taxi or public transit for a thing we're doing tonight :)18:58
jgouldMy brain hurts19:11
TheErkGreetings Programs.19:37
Unit193!hi | TheErk ;P19:38
jgouldOh, don't say hi to me... Heh19:39
Unit193I won't! Howdy jgould ;)19:40
jgouldHeh.  How goes it today?19:40
Unit193Lubuntu will be part of the Ubuntu "family" for 11.1019:41
jgouldWhat is Lubuntu?19:41
jgouldIsn't the window manager in that even lighter than XFCE?19:42
Unit193LXDE is lighter than XFCE (Or Lubuntu is more so than Xubuntu)19:44
jgouldHmm...  I wonder what it looks like19:45
Unit193Just a sec19:45
jgouldIs it the 7th screen shot19:46
TheErkWhat are the major differences in LXDE and XFCE?19:47
* jgould wonders this as well19:47
jgouldlxde's website seems to be broked19:48
Unit193It is (server change IIRC)19:49
jgouldDoes LXDE have a right click applications menu?19:49
Unit193It's the 7th...19:49
jgouldI saw the lubuntu disk mounted when I enlarged it19:50
Unit193Running programs or "start" menu19:50
jgoulda 'start' menu, like XFCE does19:51
Unit193It does support it, but it's not configured19:53
Unit193I take it you like and use this?19:54
TheErkI myself am the rare dreaded and hated Unity fan... ooogah boogah.19:54
* Unit193 sets mode +b TheErk19:55
Derath-SrvrHey Erk19:55
jgouldYes, I do like that, and use it19:59
jgouldI may just install LXDE on my current install and play with it to see if I like it...20:02
jgouldI love the SSO20:02
jgouldWow.  I'm forgetting how to do things in the Mac OS20:05
jgouldSingle Sign on20:07
Unit193With what? (I know SSO because of ldap/ActDir)20:08
jgouldAll of the services that Ubuntu offers (Namely the forurms... I just use my Launchpad SSO and I'm in...)20:09
canthus13finally got metasploit installed.. Now to see what kind of damage I can do to my practice server. :)20:52
Unit193SWEET! DVL?20:52
Unit193Now might be a good time to get a hostmask ;)21:06
canthus13Unit193: Yep.21:22
* canthus13 has dvl running on a vm.21:22
jgouldwow... I like LXDE21:41
TheErkUbuntu One is angering me21:44
TheErkReinstalled my OS, now the syncs are all goofy21:46
jgouldI've had that happen before...  I'm currently trying to figure out how to get folders to sync from within Lubuntu21:49
jgouldIn some ways I miss the way the Mac OS Works, but in general, I'm very satisfied with Linux now21:50
TheErkbrb i think i hosed soemthing21:51
jgouldI've done that too...21:52
Unit193Quick get the fire... wait... I guess you don't reverse the saying... :D21:54
jgouldwhat saying?21:55
* jgould files himself under confused21:56
TheErkSmarter than the average bear.21:57
jgouldYou get it, TheErk21:57
TheErkYes, you have to set up the sync from the Ubuntu One software..21:58
TheErkIf you try to do it from the file manager it gets wonky21:58
Unit193I still need to figure out dropbox in L/XUbuntu...21:59
Unit193jgould: Still like LXDE?21:59
jgouldyes, I do. does the CD have a live boot so I can see it without all of the stuff from the other two window managers installed?22:00
Unit193It's a LiveCD22:04
jgouldok.  I simpy installed lubunut desktop on the existing install22:06
Unit19311.04? It looks much better then 10.1022:07
jgouldyeah, 11.0422:07
Unit193If you want, you can also join -offtopic (And see me look like an idiot there too :) )22:08
jgouldwhich -offtopic?22:08
Unit193#lubuntu-offtopic (also used as -devel)22:09
jgouldOk,  the trackpad is sensitive in LXDE.  Must be an xorg setting I can change...22:12
canthus13Unit193: Lubuntu has a -offtopic too? Heh.22:49
thafreakcanthus13: you ever use powerdns?22:49
Unit193canthus13: Double useage as it's almost -devel too! (And used WAY more ehan xubuntu-offtopic22:53
canthus13ocrap! packtrack 5 is out... how'd I miss that?23:44
canthus13thafreak: Never heard of it.23:45

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