
IrishmanlukeChinnoDog: at first I thought you meant he'd be easier to find because he's "tied down"00:48
Irishmanlukeno more wild adventures00:48
ssweenyIrishmanluke, that is certainly not the case00:48
jedijfssweeny: which statement is not the case?00:48
jedijfthere are two00:49
ssweenyi guess both00:49
jedijfor, everything that happens at UDS, stays at UDS00:49
ssweenyi don't know how being married affects one's ability to find me, especially since my wife's not here00:50
ssweenyand i have had some wild adventures00:50
ssweenyeven before i got here00:50
jedijfi think ChinnoDog meant a frosh forty of the marriage variety00:51
jedijfthat's what i thought anyway....but with ChinnoDog, clarification is always in order00:52
jedijfssweeny: how is it so far?00:52
ssweenyjedijf, it is a magical experience00:53
ssweenyalso pleia2 seemed to find me without much trouble00:53
jedijfssweeny: for you, it's just great timinmg; there is almost no better way to start a new job00:54
ssweenywe just spent the last several hours in a bar with a couple of my newfound coworkers00:54
ChinnoDoglol. With me clarification is always in order?01:02
ChinnoDogI was referring to marriage making one larger and hence easier to see01:02
ChinnoDog"frosh forty"??01:02
Irishmanlukeno I got it after the second time through01:03
Irishmanlukefat is good, what if we all end up camped out in a bunker somewhere, who do you think is going to live the longest?01:04
ChinnoDogThe one that likes the taste of friends01:04
ssweenymmm, friends01:05
Irishmanlukeok, fat and muscle01:06
Irishmanlukeyou need both01:06
jedijfChinnoDog: honeymoon heavy? is that better?01:07
teddy-dbearall I need is stuffing :-D01:07
* Irishmanluke grabs teddy-dbear by the throat 01:07
* teddy-dbear hugs Irishmanluke back01:08
jedijfssweeny: so to summarize ChinnoDog and Irishmanluke, i guess you should cannablilize your most threatening new co-worker01:09
teddy-dbeargo after lamalex, nobody will care ;-)01:11
* ssweeny still hasn't met him in person01:11
ssweenyhe's here somewhere01:11
jedijfi think this is going to be the perpetual miss01:11
ssweenypleia2 said she'd introduce us but he's nowhere to be found01:12
teddy-dbearsomebody must have already got to him01:12
teddy-dbeareither that or he's in a bar somewhere01:13
IrishmanlukePennBot: Lamalex01:14
PennBotIt has been said that Lamalex is yo daddy or in need of a life or a big proponent of latex or jthan's hero or MIA or in big trouble or lazy or jthan's father or This is your lamalex. This is your lamalex on drugs: < lamalex> my ldft arm os fuuuucjrf, Irishmanluke01:14
Irishmanlukeit used to say he was punk as fu*k01:16
IrishmanlukePennBot: uptime01:16
PennBotIrishmanluke: I have been running for 17 weeks, 0 days, 7 hours, 17 minutes, and 31 seconds.01:16
Irishmanlukeoh not too long01:17
IrishmanlukeI guess I wasn't here or I didn't notice the last time he went down01:25
IrishmanlukeI wrote a little testing script in perl today01:32
Irishmanlukeperl is a pretty neat language01:33
teddy-dbearteddy bear is much better...... it's all in your head01:34
Irishmanlukemy friend just told me that bash sucks, we can't be friends anymore01:41
jedijfthat's no friend01:47
Irishmanlukeyeah, "I mostly did python and .NET"01:48
IrishmanlukeI thought he was going to be a real hacker but I was so wrong01:49
Irishmanluke"I don't like perl so I don't know very much about it"01:50
Irishmanlukespoken like a windows user01:50
Irishmanlukeit's amazing the arrogance you can find among my colleagues, a few classes and they think they're experts01:52
ChinnoDogSounding an awful lot like a linux snob right now.01:53
Irishmanlukeyeah I know I went overboard01:55
Irishmanlukewhat annoys me is that people can be so dismissive about things they really know nothing about01:56
Irishmanlukeapperently there's a class I have to take where we write assembly code02:02
Irishmanlukemy goal: make the electrical and computer engineers look dumb02:02
ChinnoDogYou could write code that modifies itself02:03
Irishmanlukein assembly?02:03
Irishmanlukeyeah it would modify itself and then break02:04
ChinnoDogJust overwrite instructions in memory and then flush the queue02:04
ChinnoDogI did it when I learned assembly02:04
Irishmanlukeoh nice02:04
ChinnoDogYou have to flush the queue before you get to the instruction though. Otherwise the old instruction could still be in the instruction pipeline02:06
IrishmanlukeIn my aunts apartment someone left a bunch of computer books lying out so I took a couple, most of them werent' that intersting though02:06
IrishmanlukeChinnoDog: back up a second, what is the queue?02:06
ChinnoDogI forget all the correct terminology. lol. x86 CPUs read ahead and decode instructions before they are executed02:07
ChinnoDogBy the time you are executing one instruction a bunch of others are already being loaded into the CPU02:07
ChinnoDogIf it has already read in an instruction from memory and then you modify it in memory, it will have no effect02:08
Irishmanlukethis queue is something inside of the CPU?02:08
ChinnoDogYou have to force a JMP to flush it02:08
ChinnoDogI thought you were learning assembly :-p02:08
Irishmanlukeno, I'm going to be, next term02:08
Irishmanlukeer in two terms02:08
ChinnoDogoh, k. Yes. This is what originally gave the x86 series of CPUs their performance advantage. It allows pipelining.02:09
ChinnoDogIt is also why AMD CPUs are faster than Intel per clock cycle. Shorter pipeline.02:09
IrishmanlukeJMP is the instruction?02:09
ChinnoDogAny kind of jump is fine, whether it is JMP or a conditional jump02:10
ChinnoDogJumps have performance penalties though.02:10
Irishmanlukearuond how many instructions do modern processers have?02:10
ChinnoDogidk. I only ever used the original 8086 instruction set. :-)02:11
ChinnoDogI'm pretty sure I had a 286 I was testing stuff on, so I couldn't have been using 386 instructions.02:11
waltmanIrishmanluke: Do you know Dave Richardson at SIG?02:14
ChinnoDogI didn't write anything really fancy. Just some DOS toy apps. I'm no Steve Gibson02:14
Irishmanlukewaltman: no I don't think so, is he in Market Data?02:17
IrishmanlukeChinnoDog: there are not many people that can say they've written programs in assembly02:17
Irishmanlukeon the Ti you can actually edit machine code in hex02:20
Irishmanlukewell I would be very impressed with someone that could hack something together that way I would also wonder about them02:21
waltmanIrishmanluke: He works on high-performance computing, but I don't know the actual name of the group.02:23
waltmanI wrote a bit of assembly back in the day :)02:23
Irishmanlukeand now you're just a lazy perl hacker :)02:25
waltmanI had an assignment as an undergrad where we had to write a towers of hanoi program in 68000 assembler02:25
Irishmanlukedid you do it recursively?02:26
waltmanof course!02:26
waltmanactually I'm not positive I did02:26
waltmanBut I remember that we got points for how few instructions we used, so I guess I probably did use recursion02:26
Irishmanlukeis recursion difficult in assembly?02:27
waltmanIt was a LONG time ago, but I don't think it's particularly difficult.02:28
waltmanprobably no different from calling any other function02:28
waltmanat least on this instruction set02:28
Irishmanlukeyou mean you can define a subroutine and it will just automatically be pushed to a stack when you call it?02:30
waltmanThat actually turned out to be a useful class, because afterwards I ended up working on Stratus computers which used very similar CPUs. I never wrote assembler there, but it was occasionally useful in debugging to see what instructions were getting generated.02:30
ChinnoDogNothing is automatic except what the hardware provides, Irishmanluke02:31
ChinnoDogPush your calling arguments onto the stack and then jump to the subroutine start02:31
ChinnoDogThat is, if you prefer C calling convention. There are others.02:31
waltmanI think you just pushed some parameters onto the stack and then jumped to a tag marking the beginning of the "subroutine". First thing that would do was pop the stack and store them in registers or suchlike.02:32
ChinnoDogYou can use your registers as arguments if you are writing assembly because you have full control on what is there. In a compiled higher level language you have to follow convention.02:32
waltman68000 assembly was a lot cleaner and simpler than intel's x86 instruction set02:33
Irishmanlukeso I picked up a book called Modern Operating Systems02:34
Irishmanlukedon't know what kind of gold is in there02:34
waltmanhow "modern" does it get?02:34
Irishmanlukenot sure02:34
IrishmanlukeIt was published in 199202:35
waltmanis it Tannenbaum's book?02:35
IrishmanlukeI literally picked it up, it was lying in my aunts apartment02:36
waltmanI checked that out of the library at one point when I was taking the grad OS course. I liked it a lot better than the official book for the class.02:36
Irishmanlukethe Drexel course?02:37
waltmanI hope they've revamped it by now.  It was the worst grad course I took.02:38
Irishmanlukeit looks linteresting02:38
Irishmanlukethe book that is02:38
Irishmanlukedid you read chapter 8 case study 2: Ms-Dos02:39
waltmanI think I just skimmed through a few parts.02:41
mikedep333Irishmanluke: I shudder to think what's in the case study for MS-DOS!02:41
IrishmanlukeIf I get the time I will definitely try to read this book, if it's not to dense for me02:45
waltmanDon't you have to take an OS class at some point anyway?02:46
Irishmanlukethat's a good question02:46
Irishmanlukedoesn't look like it really02:50
Irishmanlukeyou can take CS 370 Operating Systems as an elective02:55
Irishmanlukethe dependency tree for CS 370 is like 4 or 5 deep though03:00
Irishmanlukeok I figured it out, there a three other classes I would have to take in order to take that class03:10
IrishmanlukeI should write a script to traverse this website and figure out the dependency trees for classes, then display them03:14
ssweenypfft... you mean afternoon11:34
JonathanDWell, it is a bit late.11:35
ssweenyalmost lunch time11:36
teddy-dbearmorning JonathanD11:49
teddy-dbearafternoon ssweeny11:49
ssweenyafternoon teddy-dbear11:49
pleia2morning JonathanD, teddy-dbear11:51
pleia2(almost lunch time)++11:51
* ssweeny is fairly certain that pleia2 is in the same time zone as him11:51
pleia2maybe even the same room!11:52
ssweenymaybe even sitting next to me11:52
ssweeny\o/ indeed11:52
JonathanDOh my!11:54
JonathanDI think I'm going for a run.11:54
JonathanDstill early enough, I think.11:54
* ssweeny is going to run to lunch11:55
* rmg51 is going to run to the bathroom11:58
teddy-dbearTMI!!!!1 :P11:59
* rmg51 now runs off to work :-(:P12:23
* InHisName thinks the runs are less evil than the opposite14:02
InHisNameMorning to: JonathanD, rmg51, teddy-dbear  and anyone else awake.14:04
InHisNameIs it time to say 'evening' to you 2 ?   ssweeny & pleia214:04
HowdyDoodyWell, its been 3 days 21 hours up and still not frozen.14:06
HowdyDoodyThe trick I am using is to ctrl-alt-f1 just before switching away with the kvm, so alt-F7 is not in any connected state.  So far so good.14:08
HowdyDoodyNow, I guess I'll just leave it in alt-F7 mode (desktop) and see if it freezes there after a few hours.14:14
ssweenyInHisName, still afternoon14:15
InHisNamessweeny: strange didn't you say lamalex is there too?  Frequently I log in thru some Europeon connection here in PA, while lamalex goes to Europe and logs in via Corvallis OR...14:21
ssweenyInHisName, actually i just met lamalex a while ago14:29
lamalexssweeny, sorry for the haste, I had to poop real bad14:29
ssweenyi have no idea about his irc connection habits14:29
ssweenylamalex, no sweat. been there.14:29
lamalexoh, there was sweat14:30
ssweenyfair enough14:31
InHisNamegettin' sweaty over there ?14:45
InHisNameThey must be workin' you all very much.14:46
knightzeroMorning all.15:28
InHisNameHowdy, knightzero15:42
* ChinnoDog yawns16:28
ChinnoDogWhats new in Ubuntu land?16:47
ssweenynothing much going on really16:55
ssweenyslow week16:55
InHisNamessweeny: you already know most everything being said ?   Nothing new ?    I sure could of had lots fun finding new stuff to learn !17:00
jedijfwell there's a memorable meeting17:07
jedijfi'd love to stay and 'chit' chat, but...17:08
ssweenyInHisName, i was being sarcastic17:12
ChinnoDoghi Kevin_Sweeney17:39
ChinnoDogI see how it is.18:56
HowdyDoodyStill working after a few hours19:21

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