
hihanhoesjAnyone played around with postgresql and clustering?07:41
Kilosmorning superfly how are you this morning09:41
Kilosmorning everyone else09:41
superflyhi oom Kilos, I'm getting better thanks... best I've felt since Good Friday09:42
superflyI'm actually busy burning your CDs right now too09:42
Kilosgreat. happy to hear that. dont take so long before you see the doc next time09:42
Kilosty superfly 09:43
Kiloswhat is on the dvd that not on the cd?09:43
superflyKilos: apparently mainly extra languages09:44
Kilosoh so its like a small repo?09:44
Kiloswhat takes the place of gdebi with natty?09:46
Kilosi supposed all the gnome commands will be gone too09:46
Kiloslike gconf09:46
superflyKilos: no, most of Gnome is there, they just use Unity as your desktop09:47
Kilosoh ty superfly  thats good to hear09:47
superflymorning maiatoday!09:49
maiatodayhi superfly 09:49
Kilosmorning maiatoday 09:51
maiatodayhi Kilos 09:52
maiatodaydoes anybody know apt-cacher-ng?09:53
maiatodayI want to remove one wrong file that is cached but not all of the cached files09:53
tumbleweedyes, you can09:55
maiatodaymy natty upgrade keeps failing because of a checksum problem on one file and I think the wrong file is cached09:57
hihanhoesjI had that too.09:58
maiatodayhihanhoesj: did you sort it out in the end?09:58
hihanhoesjI asked apt to send a no-cache header to the proxy.09:59
tumbleweedrestart apt-cacher-ng afterwards09:59
hihanhoesjjust getting the link from my history :)09:59
tumbleweedalso delete the .head file as well as the deb09:59
hihanhoesjI am not using apt-cacher though, so I donno if it will work for you....10:00
superflymaiatoday: which file is it? I had the same, and it wasn't apt-cacher, it was some upstream transparent proxy10:00
hihanhoesjthats the link I got my advice from10:00
hihanhoesjsounds like its a common squid issue... :(10:00
superflymaiatoday: yes, that's the same file as me10:01
superflymaiatoday: try downloading it from this URL, and putting it in /var/cache/apt/archives on your machine... https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+archive/ppa/+build/2458088/+files/perl-modules_5.10.1-17ubuntu4.1_all.deb10:02
maiatodaythanks superfly I think I can import files into apt-cacher-ng I'll give it a try10:03
superflyyeah, I did that as well10:03
superflystick it in /var/cache/apt-cacher-ng/_import10:04
superflyand then go to <apt-cacher ip address>:3142/acng-report.html and click on the "import" button right at the bottom10:04
maiatodayYay it worked!10:10
* maiatoday loves green ticks10:11
superflymaiatoday: what ISP are you using?10:12
superflyusing IS?10:12
maiatodayone bad cached file makes lots of people unhappy10:13
maiatodayanyway thanks for the speedy help10:14
superflymaiatoday: yeah... I tried downloading it from multiple mirrors, and they all gave me a corrupted file, so I figured either it was a corrupted file on all the mirrors, or it was an upstream transparent proxy10:16
maiatodayhehe I tried the same10:16
hihanhoesjI would wager a gues that its and upstream transparent proxy...10:17
hihanhoesjsince sending a no-cache header fixed it for me10:17
maiatodaythe import function on apt-cacher-ng is really useful10:18
Kiloswhew that all looks frightening10:28
KilosMaaz, coffee on10:29
* Maaz washes some mugs10:29
KilosMaaz, coffee for all10:29
MaazSure thing, Kilos. Hey guys, bring your own mugs! I'm tired of doing all the dishes on my own.10:29
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!10:33
KilosMaaz, ty10:33
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure10:33
DraZoroGreetings 12:58
superflyhi DraZoro13:05
DraZoroHi superfly ..how are you doing ?13:08
superflyrecovering from bronchitis, thanks, and you?13:12
DraZoroI am ok ...just getting ready for tomorrow exam13:13
DraZoroI glad that you are recovering ....:)13:13
superflywhat exam is that?13:18
DraZoroIntro To programming II .....Just a first year module on c++13:21
superflyah, should be easy13:27
DraZoroYeah 13:27
DraZoroI am planing to take 2nd level programming next semester ..that should be fun 13:28
DraZoroGoing back to python after exams ...13:28
DraZoroBye superfly :)13:33
Vamp0611what is new here 2day14:12
hihanhoesjNot much afaiks14:12
Kilosthe date14:31
hihanhoesjhmm thats true...14:32
Symmetriamicrosnot buys skype14:41
inetproSymmetria: they are totally mad to pay so much for a piece of software14:45
hihanhoesjSoftware. Is that what they call bloatware nowadays? ;)14:48
Symmetriawho other than vhata sits behind omnia?14:56
Symmetriabecause I am incredibly close to cutting that entire isp's access to mirror, sf, and various other things 14:57
SymmetriaI am sick of him14:57
cocooncrashSymmetria: You mean like the whole of Hetzner?15:08
Symmetriacocooncrash Im getting pretty damn close, he does exactly what the HELL he likes, acts like a complete DICK and no one does SHIT about it, and quite frankly, Im sick of it15:09
cocooncrashSymmetria: I doubt he'd notice if you did that.15:11
Symmetriayeah, but other people would and maybe someone would actually tell him to watch his attitude because his actions have consequences 15:12
froztbytehetzner would, though15:12
froztbyteand hetzner might not kindly to losing that access15:12
froztbyte(I use the word might lightly)15:12
WarpedShadowSymmetria: is it true you just thretened to cut someone off from Tenet network cause you got kicked off a channel?15:17
Symmetriaheh then again, its not really suprising, vhata was never mature enough to actually stop the snide comments, argue with anyone in a sensible way, or anything else15:17
SymmetriaWarpedShadow no15:17
SymmetriaI threatened to remove him from particular servers15:17
WarpedShadow<Symmetria> because I am incredibly close to cutting that entire isp's access to mirror, sf, and various other things15:18
Symmetriaand I said I was thinking about it :)15:18
Symmetriathat never said I would, but oh its tempting 15:18
WarpedShadowSymmetria: Who do you report to at Tenet? 15:18
VhataI don't use your little mirrors, Symmetria15:18
WarpedShadowI could be easy to find out, but esier if you just tell me15:18
SymmetriaWarpedShadow LOL, on that? Im kinda top of the food chain :)15:18
WarpedShadowSymmetria: LOL 15:18
WarpedShadowSymmetria: not you are not.15:18
WarpedShadowand there is possibly a good chance that your boss doesn't care, or the board tenet reports too... but you are NOT top of the food chain15:19
WarpedShadowSymmetria: don't priv msg me, say it here.15:19
SymmetriaWarpedShadow at a technical level, I am, beyond that, take it to the ceo, see what he says 15:19
Symmetriaand I havent yet DONE anything :) 15:20
Symmetriaso you have at it 15:20
WarpedShadowNo. but you thretened. 15:20
SymmetriaI said it was tempting, and wow, it is :)15:20
Symmetriano, I said I was close to it :) thats not a threat, its a statement of temptation15:20
WarpedShadowit shows mroe about your charter then anything else15:20
SymmetriaWarpedShadow lol, yes, whatever15:20
WarpedShadownot only did you think of it... but you came and, I don't know for a better word "bragged" it here15:20
=== andrewlsd is now known as zerlgi
SymmetriaPerhaps I should email vhata's boss about the time when we were putting out a tender and I asked for contact details he replied "Go ahead, we don't want your business"15:21
WarpedShadow16:17 <Symmetria> heh then again, its not really suprising, vhata was never mature enough to actually stop the snide comments, argue with anyone in a sensible way, or anything else15:21
WarpedShadowSymmetria: funnny enough, I would have said much of that for you.15:21
SymmetriaWarpedShadow are you going to fight Jonathans little battles for him, is he not capable? 15:21
Symmetriawell :) thats what it looks like15:22
* Symmetria laughs15:22
VhataSymmetria: lisa@yola.com, or vinny@yola.com15:22
WarpedShadowyou said no one does a shit about it.... 15:22
Symmetriaanyway :) better things to do than argue with another plebian15:22
WarpedShadowyou seem to think we don't agree with vhata15:22
Vhataand he runs off again15:22
Symmetriaheh, lol, pretty much what you did :) banned me because you didnt like something15:22
VhataSymmetria: please cut off hetzner's access to your little mirrors, I doubt anybody would notice15:22
WarpedShadow"vhata was never mature enough to actually stop the snide comments, argue with anyone in a sensible way"15:22
WarpedShadowSymmetria: case you where being arrogant15:23
WarpedShadowSymmetria: being overly important, and he got tired (and to eb honest some tohers do as well) of that15:24
Symmetriagod I love the ignore button :) 15:24
WarpedShadowSymmetria: directed at me?15:25
WarpedShadowcause you not really answered any of my staments in a sensiable way. Nor does it stop me talking here to to others15:25
tumbleweedSymmetria: please don't swear in this channel15:27
Kiloslo highvoltage   long time no see15:58
Kilosand hi to you wizzy 15:59
highvoltagehey Kilos, thanks for keeping the channel warm :)16:17
tumbleweedhighvoltage: found yourself a session?16:20
highvoltagetumbleweed: nope, I'm just hanning out at the open area between the right side of the lobby and the back area16:21
tumbleweedah, we went down to the lounge16:21
highvoltage(although dissapearing for 30s now to get a coke)16:21
Kiloshiya nlsthzn 16:39
wizzyhi Kilos 16:39
nlsthznAlo :)16:39
Kerberoqueery_: well said email16:40
queery_wait what16:40
queery_that's my nick16:40
queery_hold on16:40
Kiloshi Kerbero queery_ with a tail16:41
queery_bloody nickserver!16:41
queerythat's better16:42
wizzyif anyone knows scorpking he just had a nasty appendix hospital thing16:43
wizzysame story if you didn't know him16:43
wizzythink so16:48
superflythat's not lekker16:49
Kiloseina. dont they take them out when you're a kid anymore?16:50
wizzystill got mine16:51
Kiloshad mine out before 5 years old16:51
Kilosthought it was like a floppy drive onna modern pc16:52
wizzygot my tonsils too - you ?16:52
Kiloscollects chewed finger nails and some other hard things16:53
wizzycircumcised ?16:53
Kiloswow wizzy you never had any ops?16:53
Kilosnot by knife16:53
wizzyhernia stiched up, a few broken bones16:53
Kilosyou been lucky hey, or very good16:55
Kilosmy tonsils also went as a kid16:58
Kilosold times docs removed anything they thought unneccesary16:58
wizzystill wondering if I like Unity's scrollbar - the rest I like, except for the lack of gnome applets17:08
superflyoom Kilos, you here?19:42
Kilosyip superfly 19:42
superflyKilos: forgot to tell you that I mailed that package today19:42
Kiloslol thank you so much19:42
Kilosi gonna have fun19:43
superflyUbuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu19:43
Kiloshow are you feeling superfly 19:43
Kilosstill improving i hope19:43
superflyKilos: at the moment I have what feels like a migraine coming on19:43
* superfly is thinking of finding somewhere dark to hide until the painkillers kick in19:44
Kilossleep it off if you can dont still concentrate by the pc19:44
Kilosyou off tomorrow as well superfly ?19:45
superflyja, most likely19:45
Kilosthen go sleep now before the migraine get bad19:46
Kilosoh superfly  is that but maia had gonna bug me too19:47
Kilosthe cache one19:47
Kilosbug not but19:47
superflyKilos: I doubt it19:48
Kilosyay ty oompie19:48
Kilosnight all. sleep tight21:11
afrodeitylong live classic gnome23:49

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