
xubuntu091hallo :-)01:47
lostsongood evening01:51
teepeggcan anyone help with with non-functional bluetooth in xubuntu 11.04?02:26
Towzzermaybe no driver is available02:28
Towzzeris it built in to a laptop02:28
Towzzeror a receiver02:28
TowzzerI have to go back to homework in about 5 minutes02:31
teepeggit's in a laptop02:31
Towzzerwhat is the model02:32
teepeggASUS x83v02:32
Towzzerhcitool dev02:33
teepeggoutput is "Devices:"02:34
Towzzernothing else?02:34
Towzzerlsusb | grep tooth02:34
Towzzerlsmod |grep 'bt'02:35
teepeggalso nothing02:36
Towzzerlsmod |grep 'blue"02:36
Towzzerlsmod |grep 'blue'02:36
teepeggthat's the only module02:37
Towzzeris there a bluetooth button02:39
Towzzermaybe you have turned off02:39
Towzzerphysically on the laptop02:39
teepeggno external switch02:40
teepeggI'm wondering if the little bluetooth led is a lie02:40
Towzzerwhat is the exact model02:41
teepeggnot sure02:41
Towzzerbecause there is no x83v02:41
Towzzercheck sticker?02:41
teepeggthe bottom of the laptop just says "x83v"02:41
Towzzerwhere did you get this02:41
Towzzerhow old is it also02:42
teepeggfrom a roommate02:42
teepeggguess I could ask him for the documentation02:42
teepeggbut he's not home02:42
teepeggnot sure how old, two years/02:42
teepegglshw tells a different story02:43
Towzzersearching for this laptop on asus02:43
Towzzercomes up nothing02:43
teepeggsays it's an "N80Vb"02:43
Towzzerdo you think he got it at bestbu02:44
Towzzerthere are 2 versions02:44
Towzzer1 is custom from bestbuy02:44
Towzzerok hang on02:44
teepeggprobably from bestbuy02:44
Towzzerof the two models one doesn't come with bluetooth02:45
teepeggsays "version: 1.0"02:45
Towzzeron the bottom is there a fcc sticker for bluetooth02:45
Towzzerlike a regulatory sticker02:45
teepeggI see one for wireless networking02:46
TowzzerI found the manual02:46
Towzzerlet me check02:46
Towzzerfunction f2 turns on bluetooth02:47
Towzzertry it02:47
teepeggjust turned off my wireless02:48
Towzzertry it again02:48
Towzzerit cycles between blu+wir , blu , wir, off02:48
Towzzerwell , i can't tell but some models have bluetooth others don't02:50
Towzzerand I don't know exactly which one you have02:50
teepeggthanks for your help02:51
Towzzerthere is a -x1 and a -x202:51
Towzzerbestbuy alot sold an exclusive model02:51
teepeggthey would02:51
teepeggbest of luck with your homework02:51
Towzzerit seems the bluetooth was on the x202:52
Towzzerthe x1 didn't have it02:52
Towzzercheck on the web02:52
Towzzeruse the model you just found02:52
teepeggsee ya02:52
bin_bashAnyone ever uise ekiga?03:31
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
MrFahrenheithi everybody08:27
MrFahrenheitin need of some assistance08:27
MrFahrenheitanyone here?08:28
Sysinobody will ansver without a question08:32
MrFahrenheitoh i see, just checking if anyone was here08:34
MrFahrenheittrying to install nvidia proprietary drivers08:34
MrFahrenheitcan't seem to figure out how08:34
MrFahrenheittried manually downloading and running, wont work08:35
Sysimenu → system → additional drivers08:35
MrFahrenheitand it doesnt show up under additional drivers08:35
MrFahrenheitalso i don't appear to have an xorg.conf file08:36
MrFahrenheitno idea if that is related08:36
MrFahrenheit"experimental 3D support for nvidia cards" is the only driver there08:37
Sysiwhat card do you have?08:39
MrFahrenheita geforce mx 420 32mb08:39
MrFahrenheitthe laptop is a tc110008:39
MrFahrenheiti have used nvidia 96.43.19 before but it won't install on this for some reason08:40
MrFahrenheitfirst time using xubuntu, ubuntu is now too bloated for this machine08:40
MrFahrenheiti tried closing the x  server thing and running sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.19-pkg1.run but it half installs then gives me a few strange errors08:42
MrFahrenheitand when trying to install the 96 driver through ubuntu software center i get "The following packages have unmet dependencies:08:44
MrFahrenheitnvidia-glx-96: "08:44
MrFahrenheitno ideas folks?08:47
MrFahrenheitwell according to my long amount of research, 96 isn't compatible with 11.0408:56
MrFahrenheiti guess i'll reformat with 10.1008:56
MrFahrenheitthanks for being a totally useless support forum...08:57
TheSheepthis is irc, forums are somewhere else09:01
MK`what is the command to get the run dialog?09:07
knomeMK`, xfrun409:12
chekioinstalling xubuntu10:51
MarcoGennarihello everybody what's the italian channel?14:09
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:10
MarcoGennarican someone please, tell me if could I install xubuntu on my eeepc? I ask this question just 'cause my hard disk has 3.8gb and xubuntu need 4.4gb, as I read on the live CD, otherwise in the website it's written that it could works also with 2Gb...???14:16
Sysithat's old info.. you could try 10.04 LTS if natty didn't fit14:18
Sysior get minimal iso or install command line system and install there everything you need14:19
TheSheepMarcoGennari: you can also install a base ubuntu system without gui, and then install xfce and the apps you need -- without all the apps you wouldn't use14:19
MarcoGennarithanks for you aswers, but what if I install xubuntu 11.04 without use a 4.4Gb hd?14:21
MarcoGennarianyway thanks for the advices, i have to go now... byebye14:32
mnemochi, how can one mount/umount from command line is the way the UI does? (getting /media/foo created and deleted automatically)14:46
mnemocis it done over dbus?14:47
mnemocpmount solved it, thanks ;-)14:53
exsi have a problem15:21
exsiam trying to declare a shortcut for hidding window. but the gui doesn accept my shortcut. how to declare it manually?15:22
Roastedjust installed xubuntu-desktop on my laptop. it's pretty snazzy. runs leaner than unity does, even tho unity was pretty decent on it.15:28
Roastedbut I really am partial to my min/max/close on the left - how can I change that here?15:28
TeleHi all, I'm wondering if it's normal for things like chat windows that have updated on another desktop to not appear in the window buttons tray?15:31
Telespecifically, when a skype chat window is updated, in gnome it would appear flashing in the tray no matter what desktop I was on15:31
Teleis xfce able to do this?15:31
atma_is there any way to switch layout in Xubuntu?16:23
Sysiwhat layout?16:24
atma_in my case16:24
atma_there is no xorg.conf16:24
atma_although I am on a laptop16:24
Sysido you want to change keyboard layout?16:24
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Sysithen what layout?16:25
atma_Iwant to be able to switch between greek input and english16:25
atma_my problem is the input switch16:25
atma_this iBus does not work16:25
=== xGrind is now known as xGrind-OFF
paburhey folks... i'm using xubuntu natty, but without the xfce panel (tint2 instead). How do I get the volume back into the systray? the indicator just works with xfce panel :(17:40
basslinerhello, i get a black screen in grub and also while booting my machine, but gdm shows okay. i'm using a radeon hd5850. any help?19:18
knomebassliner, with what version of xubuntu?20:01
basslinerknome: recent one, 11.04 - nevermind, i fixed it by using GRUB_TERMINAL=console in /etc/default/grub20:02
basslinerhowever this seems to reflect a bug in both ubuntu and xubuntu (probably others as well)20:02
basslineri think it's related to a framebuffer it tries to use that breaks things with a hd585020:03
basslinerknome: in case you're interested, i made a blog entry for this: http://darkbyte.org/?p=1193 and probably will submit a bug report once i focused on this a bit more.20:13
OFF_hello, what version of Firefox is in Xubuntu 11.04?20:21
OFF_and i have another question, in new Xubuntu are preinstalled Ubuntu Software Center (from Ubuntu 11.04) or are enable to download?20:23
knomebassliner, okay, thanks20:25
Sysisoftware center is installed by default, and also possible to install with synaptic if you loose it20:25
OFF_and last question, when i install xubuntu on machine i will get video and audio codecs? or i will must download and install them?20:27
Sysiinstall xubuntu-restricted-extras and you get all codecs, flash, java and stuff20:28
OFF_thank you so much Sysi :P20:28
knomeSysi, you're on a winning streak20:29
OFF_bye all :P20:31
Sysii can't remember what that ment exactly and my wifi box just lost DNS but i guess i should be pleased20:31

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