
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
BlindWolf8Hello all05:08
spivHi BlindWolf805:09
BlindWolf8I have a Bazaar for a team and they need to access the main branch. I know it's possible becaue I set this up a longt ime ago, but how can I make it so that the address they type is shorter?05:09
BlindWolf8e.g., bzr+ssh://me@host/ vs bzr+ssh://me@host/.bzr/branches/trunk/05:10
spivYou can use bzr_ssh_path_limiter from the contrib/ directory in bzr's source05:11
BlindWolf8oh yeah, that rings a bell05:12
spivSee also http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/plugins/en/bookmarks-plugin.html05:12
spivEr, http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/admin-guide/simple-setups.html#using-a-restricted-ssh-account-to-host-multiple-users-and-repositories05:12
spiv(Although the bzr-bookmarks plugin is another approach to solving this problem)05:13
BlindWolf8I'm going to login via SSH and look for bzr_ssh_path_limiter05:14
BlindWolf8Is there anything in the manual about bzr_ssh_path_limiter?05:16
BlindWolf8I can't seem to find much05:16
BlindWolf8oh, lemme take a look at that link05:16
spivIt's not in the manual yet :/05:17
spivIt would be in the admin-guide link I pasted except the instructions on how to copy it out of the contrib/ directory to somewhere accessible to the command= directive in .ssh/authorized_keys was just a bit too complex compared to the advice that's currently there05:18
BlindWolf8also, can you clarify soermthing for me? am I correct in assuming tha you can nly edit files via ftp, sftp and bzr+ssh protocols?05:18
BlindWolf8it seems bzr only is just read only05:18
spiv(Which is to do something fairly similar, but with longer directives in the authorized_keys file)05:18
spivI can, but first you'll have to clarify what you mean by "edit files" in this context :)05:19
BlindWolf8edit = upload new/modified files05:19
BlindWolf8(and delete files)05:19
spivWhich files are you referring to?  Files in a working tree?05:19
BlindWolf8files in a colocated branch05:19
spivBut that colocated branch is on a network file server rather than somewhere on your filesystem?05:20
BlindWolf8that is correct. the colocated branch is on a server05:20
BlindWolf8as far as I have researched, colocated branches are best for just one folder being versioned without the need for multiple branches05:21
spivSo, having a working tree on a server for a branch is uncommon.05:21
BlindWolf8what is more common?05:22
spivBecause generally the workflow as a developer is "get a local branch, edit files and commit locally, push" (or "get a local checkout, edit files locally, and commit")05:24
spivSo in that scenario there's no reason to have a working tree on the server05:24
BlindWolf8well, we only needed one branch, and it had to be on a server for sharing purposes05:24
BlindWolf8so I thought colocated branch would be best05:25
spivBut if you're also using this as a mechanism to deploy changes to a website or something, then that can be done with plugins like bzr-upload or bzr-push-and-update.05:25
spiv(Or even just a cronjob that runs "bzr update" in that directory every 5 minutes or whatever)05:26
BlindWolf8aren't those plugins not neded if you bind the branch?05:26
BlindWolf8that is what I told my teammates to do05:26
spivI think perhaps you're confused by the distinction between a "branch" and "working tree"05:26
BlindWolf8most likely :-)05:26
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bignoseBlindWolf8: the working tree is the files that you actually care about. the branch is the revision history and other metadata.05:27
spivA branch is a thing you make other branches and checkouts from.05:27
bignosethen there's the repository, which is where the revision data is stored.05:27
spivOr, just see what bignose is saying :)05:28
BlindWolf8have you guys consdiering updating the documentation?05:28
bignoseBlindWolf8: patches welcome :-)05:28
spivWe do (that admin-guide section I linked to is fairly new for instance)05:29
bignoseonly half-joking. “you guys are way too close to the technical details to see what might be confusing to newbies.05:29
BlindWolf8If i'm following you...the only thing I really want on the server is the repo05:29
spivBlindWolf8: and the branch :)05:30
spivBlindWolf8: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/index.html#team-collaboration-central-style05:30
BlindWolf8yeah, since that has the files05:30
bignoseBlindWolf8: if you don't want the working tree files in one location. configure that location with ‘--no-trees’05:30
BlindWolf8that's what I did with colocated branches05:31
BlindWolf8I just made that on the server and told everytone to make them on their machines as well in a directory that they would work in05:31
BlindWolf8then, they Pulled the info from the server and bound the branch05:31
BlindWolf8and just commited like normal05:31
spivBlindWolf8: Sounds good so far :)05:32
BlindWolf8guess I did everything right then05:32
BlindWolf8dunnoo...guess it just felt wrong to make a colocated branch on the server due to the name itself05:34
BlindWolf8a server, to me, should be a shared repository05:34
BlindWolf8sicne shared is in the name05:34
spivWell, I probably would use regular branches in a shared repository rather than colocated branches on the server myself.05:36
spivBut I don't think there's any problem with using colocated branches like that.05:36
BlindWolf8by regular, do you mean feature?05:36
spiv(And really that's just because that's what I'm used to.)05:36
bignoseBlindWolf8: don't over-read the names of these things :-)05:36
spivUm, I mean "not made with the bzr-colo plugin"05:36
spivWhat do you mean by "colocated branch"? :)05:37
bignosethe “shared” in “shared repository” refers *only* to sharing data between branches.05:37
bignosenot between projects, not between users, not between anything else.05:37
BlindWolf8yeah, I read about that on the site05:37
BlindWolf8btw, I had an odd issue when I was working with Bazaar and my team05:43
BlindWolf8they were all using Bazaar v2.3.1 Standalone05:43
BlindWolf8and all on Windows machines, sans the Linux server05:43
BlindWolf8I could not commit a file to the server larger than 37ish MB.05:44
BlindWolf8the server has 512MB of RAM, and I threw Linux Mint on there05:44
pooliehi all08:10
=== jelmer_ is now known as jelmer
* jelmer waves08:13
vilahey poolie08:13
pooliehi there08:14
pooliethere's a meeting about lp bug states now in #ubunt-uds-mikszath08:14
poolieyou know what i mean08:14
pooliehi vila, are you back?08:24
poolieoh ye08:24
vilano network available yesterday so I couldn't tell :)08:24
vilaI was too busy to search for a net access anyway ;)08:25
poolieno problem08:27
pooliewas it good?08:27
vilayes, on many counts08:29
poolienijaba was just saying he saw you and raphael there08:29
poolieyou looked busy :)08:29
vilawearing a new hat and speaking native revealed... too many details to summarize :)08:30
vilabut roughly, after a slow start searching my words (doh !) I had a lot of very interesting discussions on topics I'm not used to talk about anymore08:32
vilaThere were far more high-in-hierarchy people that I suspected and clearly things are moving in the right direction for FOSS08:33
vilaInteresting feedback from the Gendarmerie Nationale too (~35.000 PC using Ubuntu/Open Office, tagetting ~80.000)08:34
vila(imbw on the numbers but the scale is correct)08:34
vila..and some fun confidential details on *how* this all started :)08:35
vilalet's just say that techies get their revenge against politicians :D08:35
vilaI indeed say raphael and nijaba but was just able to say hi to nijaba (and couldn't even say bye ;)08:39
vilaI talked a bit with raphael though (about hamster among other things  which he said he's very happy with ;)08:39
fullermd's good for people to get on Open Office just in time for it to fade away   :p08:45
vilafullermd: hehe, but didn't Oracle say the light there ?09:00
vilaworst typos make sense...09:01
fullermdThe light of what?  The Sun?   :p09:01
vilahehe, got some weird stories about sunnies in Oracle too...09:02
fullermd'see' would be the right conjugation there.09:02
fullermdI figure anything that happens in Oracle has to be weird...09:03
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pooliemup poke warner09:25
pooliejelmer, jam, vila, do you see any point in further discussion about python2.4?09:45
pooliei think we should just go to 2.609:45
poolieand start getting ready for 309:45
vilapoolie: right, I re-read the thread yesterday as I thought there was some pending issues, but09:46
vilaas long as we keep bzr-2.3 python-2.4 compatible, I think we're fine09:47
vilamaxb: we already dropped hardy in the beta ppa right ?09:47
vilahmm, no :)09:48
pooliei think it's not going to be updated though09:48
pooliei think we will need python3 support well before the eol of rhel5 and lucid09:49
poolieand there seems a reasonable chance we cannot support both of them at the same time09:49
poolievial, do you think we could set up a babune helper that runs with python2.6 -3?09:49
poolieor 2.709:49
pooliealso, like we talked about a while ago, i'd really like to get some subset of builders that are reliably blue09:49
vilaAIUI, people on rhel should be able to find a suitable python09:49
vilapoolie: yeah, I was thinking about working on babune a bit again09:50
vilaThere is an open bug on jenkins for the 'fail to delete tmp file' that is the cause of most of the noisy failures these days09:51
vilaI think they made a change in how the track the connection status between master and slave. This bug is the most obvious fallout and I hope it will make the other issues I had more obvious09:52
vilabut they just released 1.411 without fixing it :-/09:52
poolieis everyone using jenkins experiencing this, or is it something we're doing?09:54
maxbpoolie/vila: There's been no discussion about ceasing hardy support in the PPAs09:56
maxbI startd a thread, but there was little reaction09:56
maxbWe recently got a bug report from someone using the beta ppa on hardy09:56
vilapoolie: I made a comment on an existing bug but ISTR that lp has also been experiencing it09:56
vilamaxb: ha. So we have an issue then09:57
maxbWe're only stepping to py2.5 for now, right?09:57
vilamaxb: unless you intend to backport python-2.6 there ? :)09:57
maxbapparently not09:57
vilamaxb: yeah, that's why I re-read the thread, at first I thought we wanted to target 2.5 only too09:58
maxbHmm. What would be really useful, is PPA download counts that exclude hits from the PPA buildds09:58
vilamaxb: do you have the bug # for that hardy user ?09:59
maxbNo bug, email on bazaar@, John Szakmeister09:59
vilamaxb: I thought your thread about hardy in PPAs ended with: no SRUs so stick with 2.310:00
vilaobviously I was wrong, but that still seem to be the most adequate plan no ?10:01
maxbThe thread mysteriously conflated PPAs with SRUs for no apparent reason, and fizzled10:01
vilamaxb: wow, just found this mail John Szakmeister, didn't realize he was still using hardy...10:03
maxbHardy is already in limited support, which ends April 201310:04
maxbThe only reason to keep it would be stubborn people still on LTS-110:04
vilathe stable ppa still carries 2.3.1, so we can decide to leave it at that when 2.4.0 is released,10:05
ScottKEven Dapper is still supported in Ubuntu (for another month)10:06
vilathat leaves only people using the beta ppa for hardy in a weird state but if we stop at 2.4b2 for hardy there, they will just have to.... to what...10:06
vilaScottK: right, but people still using it *and* wanting recent versions of bzr are a bit schizophrenic no ?10:07
pooliemaxb, ah, i did reply10:12
ScottKvila: Agreed.10:13
ScottKOTOH, I do have one server that there's no hardware support for past Hardy, so it will never run a later release.10:13
pooliemaxb, nobody replied to say they want 2.4betas10:14
ScottKThat is a narrow case however.10:14
poolie_my_ point about srus is that i think you (or we) would please more people by doing the 2.2 lucid sru10:14
maxbIf we ditch hardy, we'll also ditch jaunty, which will mean we no longer have to support series that don't support debian source format 3.0, which is nice10:15
* vila nods10:15
vilamaxb: for >= 2.4, we'll still support hardy and jaunty for 2.3 right ?10:16
vilaby the way, I should cut 2.3.2 tomorrow and probably 2.1.4 next week10:17
vilas/I should/I planned but this may be revisited/10:18
maxbWell, jaunty's already way past EOL10:19
maxbwe're only supporting it still because the PPA buildfarm still does, and it's no extra effort so long as we support hardy10:19
vilamaxb: no objection from me to drop jaunty10:19
vilaerr, I mean, whatever cost less, but the idea is to keep 2.3 supported where it's supported today while dropping hardy [jaunty] for 2.410:21
maxbthat seems reasonable10:21
vilaeven karmic can be dropped for 2.4 if we want to clean things up10:21
fullermdHm, cython thread.  Maybe I need to try that again.10:23
pooliehi jam10:27
poolieare you coming next week?10:27
vilapoolie: drizzle hits the same jenkins problem, just found back your email about it11:06
poolieoh really11:10
poolieis it specific to building things from bzr?11:10
vilaI don't think so11:11
vilaI can't think of a reason why it should even be remotely connected :)11:11
pooliedo you know why http://babune.ladeuil.net:24842/job/selftest-hardy/470/ failed for example?11:23
vilapoolie: precisely this reason: http://babune.ladeuil.net:24842/job/selftest-hardy/470/console scroll down to the bottom11:29
vilahudson.util.IOException2: remote file operation failed: /tmp/hudson6106588248283886773.sh at hudson.remoting.Channel@1030a0f8:hardy32.local11:29
poolieright that's what i wondered11:32
pooliei wonder if we should do more stuff out of the recipe nightly builds11:33
pooliewhich will only help on ubuntu of course11:33
pooliebut will reliably tell us if we break say lucid11:33
poolieof course there are some noise failures there too, but generally they seem to be real packaging failures, if not upstream bugs11:33
vilawell, the recipes are intended to *build* something, running selftest there is a side-effect, nice one, but still a side-effect11:34
vilaand without the ability to parametrize the selftest run11:34
vilaI share the frustration about jenkins adding a lot of noise (especially lately) but I still think these jenkins bugs will be fixed and that spending time debugging them is not the best use of my time :-}11:35
pooliei agree with that11:36
poolieas long as we know they're upstream bugs not something about our deployment or bzr itself11:37
pooliethen we can just ignore them11:37
pooliei guess better if we can all get an idea of what kind of pattern likely indicates a spurious faliure11:37
vilapoolie: you just did :)11:40
pooliei guess the lesson is just ask you11:40
poolieif it's not clear11:40
vilawell, what I do is look at the failures, there are not a gazillion of failures that produces no test results11:41
vilathe fact that *I* can delete these helps keep babune blue and if I was giving such access more liberally more people will learn11:42
vilaI spotted the ability to use openID providers for authentification and I thought that would be a good idea for babune (less admin hassle for me too)11:42
vilabut... I need to find a free slot in my schedule ;)11:43
poolieoh, you remove the build record?11:43
pooliethat's an interesting idea11:43
vilawhen it's due to a jenkins bug ? Yes, otherwise the job history itself becomes noisy11:44
vilaand that would be even worse11:44
vilabut doing that is ~5mins/day at *most* (so no hamster for it ;) and roughly the only work I do on babune11:45
jelmerjam: hi11:48
jamhi jelmer11:49
jelmerjam: I'm looking at bug 146165 but wondering which of the WorkingTree APIs to actually use11:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 146165 in Bazaar "smart_add uses _get_inventory, _write_inventory, but should not" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14616511:49
jelmerI originally started out calling WorkingTree.add(), but that doesn't work when there are e.g. files that have been converted to directories11:50
jamjelmer: ideally it would build up an inventory delta, and pass that in11:50
jamI don't know if all the apis are available11:50
jelmerjam: That'd make sense, I'll look into it11:53
poolievila, i was just forwarding that mail from someone at drizzle12:07
pooliecan you reply to them12:07
pooliei'd like them to know it's now bzr's fault, if it's not12:07
vilapoolie: you forwarded the body, no emails there :-.12:17
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exarkunI wonder if anyone can help me understand what the author of bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~morgan-s-reed/pyopenssl/mr-RSAadditions/ did (with respect to lp:pyopenssl) and if there's anything special I should do if I want to merge that branch.13:28
* maxb fetches the branches13:31
maxbexarkun: Looks like he just started a long time ago, did some work, then came back to it, and then gradually merged newer versions of trunk to get up to date13:34
maxbthen did a little more work13:34
maxbSo, there's nothing particularly special going on here.13:34
spivexarkun: have you tried "bzr merge --preview $URL" in your local copy of lp:pyopenssl ?13:36
exarkunspiv: apart from the "--preview" part, yes13:36
spivOr just s/--preview// and examine what what it does before you commit, yeah.13:36
exarkunI did that and 'bzr qlog' and the picture qlog drew confused me13:37
spivOk, so if the diff is fine I'd just commit it.13:37
exarkunwell, there's also a ton of conflicts in every changed file, but that part I understand :)13:38
maxbexarkun: Well, given the branch last merged trunk two releases ago, that's not unexpected, is it?  :-)14:08
exarkunmaxb: nope14:10
pooliejam, spiv, vila, discussion of udd in #ubuntu-uds-kond14:31
jampoolie: that is an empty room14:32
vilajam: s/kond/ond/14:33
pooliei think it is 'kond'14:34
jampoolie: kond is empty, and ond is talking about color schemes and the color picker14:36
jampoolie: maybe I typod it, I'm there now14:36
pooliejam, i think i did work on that15:05
pooliebut quite a while ago15:05
jampoolie: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/78116815:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 781168 in Bazaar "WT.update_basis_by_delta checks the current tree state to determine InvalidDelta" [High,Confirmed]15:08
vilajam: ok, for osutils, didn't remember sha_strings et al.15:17
jamvila: Mr. Config Man, I have a config question for you.15:19
jamI'm looking into setting a config var for how our Pack code works15:20
vilahehe, shout15:20
jamsomething that sets max size, max pointer, something like that15:20
jamso people can tweak it to lower peak memory (in theory)15:20
jamhowever, VersionedFiles have no config available15:20
jammuch less the GroupCompressor object15:20
jamwhere I really want the data15:20
jam(the value to be set)15:20
jamEven if I back up one higher, I end up at Repository, which at best can get LocationConfig(self.user_url)15:21
jam(which would then pass it down to the next levels)15:21
jamI *could* just put it in GlobalConfig15:21
jamand then access it at a very low level (ugly, but doable)15:21
jamvila: thoughts?15:22
vilayou get it right :)15:22
vilatoday, I'd say just go with GlobalConfig15:22
vilaideally we probably want to provide the repo config down15:23
jamvila: but who checks GlobalConfig, the GCVersionedFile ?15:24
jamor the Repository?15:24
vilajam: the actual "style" is to build a GlobalConfig() when you need it15:25
jamvila: I don't really want to re-create a GlobalConfig each time I get a new block to create.15:30
jamI can do it per stream, but that's also a bit of overhead15:31
jamand there is a special case where we take an existing block and break it up into smaller blocks.15:31
vilajam: otp, but that's the actual design didn't help for that, bbiab15:31
jamI don't quite understand what you wrote there15:32
jam(and the object that does that isn't always created from a Repository, as it has a direct instantiation function from NetworkRecordStream)15:33
pooliehi vila, jam15:44
poolietwo interesting ideas from the udd session15:44
poolieone by jelmer which is maybe having a merge helper that fixes up quilt metadata15:44
poolierather than importing to looms, which seesm to have a long dependency chain15:44
poolieoh the other was, perhaps having a staging packgae importer would make us feel more comfortable changing it15:48
jampoolie: you can import_package --no-push I think15:49
jamwhich is meant to be "do the import, but throw away the results"15:49
jamnot quite the same as staging, thoug15:49
poolieperhaps it's enough15:50
pooliei guess you can test locally too15:50
pooliethinking about small fixes or investigations i did before, i would have found it reassuring to have a realistic but safe test15:51
* vila back15:53
maxbpoolie: There's also the --local-branches option which allows for testing tweakage which requires the result branches actually get kept locally, and re-used on a second invocation15:53
vilajam: the actual design doesn't help with config sharing so we create config objects when we need them15:53
pooliepy26 then hey15:54
jampoolie: yep, py2.6. All we really needed was a "JFDI" and we DI :)17:28
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poolieglad i could help17:35
gholmsI tried fast-importing a git repository, but got a bunch of complaints about how it "Cannot import items of kind 'tree-reference' yet" and it tore my directory structure to shreds.  Do I have any hope of making it work?18:07
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TrentonDAdamsI'm confused by the bzr svn document in section "Merging trunk to your feature branch".  It says that you shouldn't merge the trunk to your feature branch, but then it says to use merge later on.18:50
TrentonDAdamsIs it simply saying that merging trunk should be avoided because of the risk of accidentally using push to get the branch back into trunk?  If so, the wording should really be changed, because it sounds like it's saying don't do merging between trunk/branch, but then it says to go ahead and do that.18:52
=== medberry is now known as med_out
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
BjornWQuick question: I want to write a PHP lib for using Bzr, probably similar to PEAR VersionControl_Git and VersionControl_Svn and would like to discuss this with the bzr developers. Should this become a Blueprint or can I submit a mail to the developers mailinglist?20:28
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BjornWAnswering my own question: I will send an email :)20:54
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