
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
ZarrkuHello is anyone around21:50
ZarrkuI need to be able to create a mass of users with usernames and passwords the same21:51
Zarrkulike Username: dt1000 Password:dt100021:51
Zarrkualso being in the same group21:52
Zarrkubasically from 1000 - 110021:52
alkisg man newusers21:52
ZarrkuSo, I would need to create a new user dt1000 - dt1100 and have them in a certain group21:54
alkisgnewusers does what you're asking, see the man page21:54
Zarrkuyou mean the newusers command21:57
ZarrkuI dont see it on the main page22:00
alkisgThe command is: man newusers22:00
alkisgI wrote it above22:01
Zarrkuman newusers22:01
alkisgIf you're not on a linux machine now, use the website: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/newusers22:01
alkisgThat's the way to "read the man page"22:01
Zarrkuwell that harder then I thought is was going to be22:03
Zarrkuwish I could just port the users I have in my cent os linux over to ubuntu22:04
Zarrkubut since cent os is redhat based, that want work22:04
alkisgZarrku: it's not hard, you just make a colon-separated .csv file in openoffice22:05
alkisgYou could also export them with a small script22:05
Zarrkuthey have a 4 digit user name22:05
Zarrkuin the old linux22:05
alkisgYou can do that in ubuntu too. It's not adviced, but it's doable22:06
ZarrkuI can export them with webmin22:06
Zarrkubut the users in cent os or located in a different directory22:07
Zarrkuthen ubuntu22:07
alkisgYou mean e.g. /path/to/other/home? That's configurable too.22:07

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