
gennrodon't own an ipod00:03
gennromy droid 2 works fine though00:03
Sethirothi am wondering how i could make a Icon for Tibia00:06
Sethirothon my desktop00:06
Sethirothor shortcut00:06
Sethirothopens up terminal and browses to /home/MYname/tibia00:07
Sethiroththen launchs tibia00:07
Sethirothanyone ?00:08
DeltaEpsilonis it possible to make the task bar in kde like the super bar in win 7/?00:09
SethirothLike icons ?00:11
SethirothWhy anyways00:11
sithlord48using kde?00:11
sithlord48put an icon in your folder and use properties to set the icon for sed folder. idk if it will work w/ every program , but all kde ones should display your icon00:12
sithlord48has to be Png iirc00:12
sithlord48sorry click the icon in properties to change it use a stock one or "browse" for a png00:13
Sethirothcan anyone solve my problem00:13
sithlord48oh you want a shortcut on ur "desktop?00:13
Sethirothno i want it to open up00:13
Sethirothtype cd /home/sethiroth/Tibia00:14
Sethirothto launch it then close terminal00:14
Sethirothbut as one icon i cant put anyone00:14
sithlord48shell script ?00:14
sithlord48make a shell script , make it execuitable. change its icon as described above00:15
sithlord48you will have to have a "folder view" containment for your desktop or add it to your kmenu so you can put it on the "desktop" containment00:16
Sethirothsoo would i basicly write cd /home/sethiroth/tibia00:16
Sethiroth./tibia on diffrent lin00:16
sithlord48tibia is excutiable already ?00:16
sithlord48./tibia (you want to run a program named tibia ?)00:17
Sethirothits a game00:17
Sethirothsoo yah00:17
Sethirothbut i cant run it by the shell provided00:17
Sethirothi need to do in manually for some reason00:18
sithlord48ok right click your game's executable and select properties be sure its got "is executeable" checked00:19
DaskreechSethiroth: what have you tried?00:19
Sethirothit is already executeable00:19
sithlord48that should remove teh need for a terminal to run it by using ./ before the name00:19
sithlord48so you can click on it to start it ?00:20
Sethirothit attempts then closes00:20
sithlord48but it works correctly if you use a terminal00:20
sithlord48thats weird00:21
DeltaEpsilonkde 4.6.3 is very smooth00:22
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DaskreechSethiroth: You tried a link to application already?00:23
wn1zidis there a site dl for that ?00:23
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Sethirothsorry dark what you mean link00:27
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kavurtanybody uses google talk with kopete?00:32
Sethirothif your wondering00:35
Sethirothits under jabbba00:36
kavurtSethiroth: can you use video chat?00:38
Sethirothnever try it why >00:38
kavurti need it00:38
Sethirothi dont think you can00:39
Sethirothgo use pidgen00:39
Sethirothsorry pidgin00:40
Sethirothin my view its alot better00:40
DeltaEpsilonkde4 in general is smooth. Only the app Ktorrent is a bit laggy00:45
gennroyeah, pretty solid after all the updates and tweaks I do are done00:49
DeltaEpsilonwhen I go to the website kde-apps.org with Rekonq, it asks me to save the file   safari.jsp00:49
DeltaEpsiloncan some one confirm this problem?00:49
gennronever seen it but I don't use Rekonq00:50
DeltaEpsilongennro: firefox looks very ugly in KDE400:50
gennroyou gotta install the kde intergration and branding then install some GTK themes for it00:51
szalRekonq seems to have a lot of issues00:51
gennrochrome works just as well too00:52
szalDeltaEpsilon: while you're at it..  if you call 2 arbitrary sites after each other (in the same tab), then use the Back button to go back to the 1st page, can you interact with the 1st site then (click links, scroll, enter text)?00:52
pooky_hello guys00:52
pooky_and gals00:52
shane4kubuntuhow do I see my machine specs, like ram, and type and processor etc.00:54
shane4kubuntu^ in a gui way?00:54
DeltaEpsilonszal: no problem here00:54
shane4kubuntuszal: are the same as in documentfoundation?00:55
szalshane4kubuntu: it's the same IRC network, so go figure ;)00:56
szalpooky__: are you done anytime soon?00:56
shane4kubuntuszal: lol. :)  I figured, but I'm not very irc educated yet, apparently not very kde educated either.00:57
shane4kubuntuI was a gnomer.00:57
DeltaEpsilonsome times kde4 still lags using my Intel HD card00:58
pooky__done? wtf do u mean00:58
DeltaEpsilonany way to optimize kde4 for Intel HD00:58
szalpooky__: joining, parting, joining, parting, etc. etc.00:58
szalsome call it IRC sex ;)00:58
pooky__i have no fucking clue what ur talking bout00:59
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:59
pooky__ok im sorry bot01:00
szalpooky__: http://privatepaste.com/55a16e4e0c01:00
shane4kubuntuahh, kinfocenter, found it01:00
pooky__ok im sorry bot01:02
pooky__szal u dont like me01:02
DeltaEpsiloncan some one recommend me a light weight torrent client for kde4?01:07
DeltaEpsilonthat is not light weight01:08
gennrocompared to?01:08
DeltaEpsilongennro: to utorrent for example01:10
gennroseems to be exactly what you are looking for01:13
briandw1969why cant i access games i installed from the package manager?01:22
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mrafcho001Hey, I'm having a weird bug where I can only run (some) 32 bit applications as root, and cant run them under my current user03:27
mrafcho001It seems like its looking for some shared libraries under /usr/lib rather than /usr/lib32/, does anyone know whats going on?03:27
Daskreechmrafcho001: are the configs for those programs owned by you or root?03:30
mrafcho001Daskreech: configs? Everything should be owned by me03:31
Daskreechmrafcho001: You may want to check on that03:32
mrafcho001Daskreech: how would I go about doing that?03:33
Daskreechif it somehow got written to by root and changed to being owned by root then you would not be able to run the programs anymore only root could03:33
DaskreechI don't know you'd have to check the program03:33
DaskreechOpening ~ and viewing hidden files is a good start03:33
mrafcho001Daskreech: I'm trying to run either Meerkat SecondLife viewer or Hippo SecondLife viewer.  Meerkat is a .bz2 download and simply extract to desired location and run the meerkat executable03:34
mrafcho001Daskreech: Hippo has some installation to it, but its virtually the same thing03:35
Daskreechmrafcho001: look in your ~ for configs for them03:35
mrafcho001Daskreech: actually meerkat doesn't run under root either. Only Hippo runs under root.  Perhaps its a system wide problem?03:36
mrafcho001Daskreech: and yes, I see their config files03:37
Daskreechwho owns them?03:37
mrafcho001Daskreech: its all owned by me03:37
DaskreechOk that's good03:37
wn1zidhow to bounce emails with Evolution ??  any one know how to or direct me to a site with instructions ? thanks03:54
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skierpageI insert an audio CD, and Kubuntu 11.04 doesn't have an action to play it with VLC!  Grrrr.04:54
skierpageSo I futzed around in Device Actions to add a similar one for VLC.  Now "Updating system configuration" has been running and re-running and re-running 7 bloody times.04:54
skierpageAnd whenever I do anything on the desktop, the CD audio skips, even though my load average is 0.2.  Sadness04:55
skierpagewhat a crappy experience, all three seem regressions from 10.1004:58
jmichaelxskierpage: the skipping wouldn't possibly be pulseaudio-related, would it?05:02
* jmichaelx freaking hates pulseaudio05:02
skierpageI filed launchpad bug 542293 about no VLC action in 9.10, seems like it's broken again in 11.04.  There are a bunch of "Open with VLC media player" actions in System Settings > Device Actions, but none in the Device Notifier menu, just Play audio CD with Amarok.05:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542293 in vlc (Ubuntu) "vlc actions for CDs and DVDs don't appear in KDE's Device Notifier" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54229305:03
skierpagejmichaelx, who knows.  11.04 internet audio has been pretty OK for me.  Phonon -> GStreamer -> PulseAudio -> ALSA -> VIA 8237 sound chip, what could possibly go wrong :-)05:05
jmichaelxeh, exactly05:05
jmichaelxdoes 11.04 switch away from xine?05:06
skierpagehmm, although I guess VLC doesn't (?) go through Phonon? I spent hours debugging 10.04 audio, I guess happy days are here again ;-)05:06
jmichaelxskierpage: all i can say is 'good luck. i fix MOST of my audio problems by ditching pulseaudio.... for me that has been a very dependable fix05:07
jmichaelxskierpage: did kubunt actually switch away from xine in 11.04?05:09
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dan_lhas anybody broken quassel after upgrading?05:46
bigbrovardan_l: upgrading from which version to which?05:48
bigbrovarquassel runs fine after upgrading from kde 4.6.2 to kde 4.6.3 if thats what u mean05:48
dan_lbigbrovar:  10.10 to 11.0405:48
bigbrovardan_l: I wouldn't know. and tbh I never upgrade, been using linux for close to 3 years now and have only upgraded once (still had issues) I always do a clean install. and the only folder I have backed up is my kopete and kmail  folders. even if I dont wipe my home directory. I always make sure to delete .kde and in fact other hidden folders.05:50
dan_lBigbrovar:  You're probably the smartest of all of us.05:51
bigbrovardan_l: It helps me from feeling paranoid when things don't work right05:51
dan_lBigbrovar:  would you check what port you're connecting to irc.ubuntu.com at?  (noob question, I know)05:51
bigbrovarbecause that way I know am running from a pristine buld05:52
dan_lFor giggles, I put otherbuntu up on a vbox.05:52
bigbrovardan_l: oh am connected to freenode, and I use port 666705:52
zen_monkeyis there any known caveat to upgrading to 10.0 with TNT2? ...X is complaining :D and not starting05:52
zen_monkeythere the log05:53
bigbrovardan_l: the other ports (which I think is for if u want to use a secured connection) never worked for me05:53
dan_lso what could be going wrong here.  Seriously.05:53
bigbrovarzen_monkey: upgrading from which version ? 10.10?05:54
bigbrovarI am having problems getting amarok to see my android device (or any device whatso ever) in masstorage mode on kubuntu natty. clemetine sees them fine with no problem. anyone else experience this?05:56
bigbrovarI installed amarok 2.3.4 and still having the same issue, even though masstorage, and mpt plugins are all checked05:57
dan_lBigBrovar:  which android device?06:00
dan_lBigBrovar:  more to the point, which android version?06:00
bigbrovardan_l: samsung galaxy S with android 2.3.306:00
bigbrovarI dont think its an android problem, even a common usb stick does not show in masstorage mode. I dont have this problem in clementine06:01
bigbrovarnow I just switched the device from masstorage to mtp mode and this time amarok sees it but marks it as 0 tracks06:02
dan_lI had some whacky things happen with this:  is your music buried?06:03
bigbrovardan_l: what u mean buried? all my music are stored in a folder called Music on my sd card06:04
bigbrovarI even created the .is_audio file which amarok doesn't seem to respect  but clementine does06:05
dan_lbigbrovar:  most of my problems came in because all of my music was stored 2 folders deep06:05
dan_lvery odd06:05
bigbrovarcan u see masstorage devices on amarok?06:05
dan_lhang on one second.06:05
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ryan__only if its already converted to mp306:06
ryan__u can install rhythem box06:06
ryan__it works well06:06
dan_lAHAHAHAAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHA I win at kubuntu.06:06
dan_lI never had any issues with it seeing the device06:06
ryan__me neither06:06
dan_lirony:  clementine for windoze gives me all sorts of problems.06:07
bigbrovardan_l: so u are saying it works as in u always see a masstorage device on amarok06:07
ryan__me too06:07
bigbrovarI have never06:07
bigbrovarnot with natty06:08
bigbrovarnothing comes up06:08
dan_lSo, has anybody actually tried otherubuntu ?   Because I did.  And I am now 10000% certain that swithcing to KDE was the right move.06:08
bigbrovareven if I mount the usb06:08
ryan__u mean unity?06:08
dan_lBigBrovar:  I always see the mass storage device _except_ when I boot the computer with the phone plugged in.06:08
dan_lUnity, plus that stupid stuff they did before by moving the window controls to the left hand side of the screen.06:09
bigbrovarand what version of kubuntu 11.04?06:09
dan_lLook, it's all about choice.  Freedom and such.  that just so happens to be a bad choice:)06:09
dan_l11.04, natty06:09
dthackerIf my wired network connection is working via dhcp, why does knetworkmanager say it's not managed?06:09
ryan__its alright06:09
ryan__but I switched to kubuntu because of it06:09
ryan__i'd go to mint gnome be it as well06:09
dan_lI'm too in love with KDE at this point.06:10
dan_lI spent my morning working at a coffee shop near my house.  KDE zen was in full effect.06:10
ryan__dthacker, did u try to turn off kwallet?06:11
ryan__then restart06:11
dthackerryan__: no, I entered the password as asked.  10.10 by the way06:11
ryan__i remember having issues so i just turned off k wallet06:12
ryan__but not sure otherwise06:12
dthackerhmmm ok, is that fixed in 11.04?06:13
ryan__idk...I always turn off kwallet now06:14
dthackerryan__: ok tnx06:14
ryan__sorry I was of no help06:14
dan__Does anybody remember how to make quassel go to the tray?06:19
dan__I figured it out06:20
dan__I win at kubuntu again.06:20
PriestoneВсем здрасти06:23
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MagePsychohi guys07:08
MagePsychohow to use kubuntu desktop in ubuntu?07:08
slooksterpsvMagePsycho: you install KDE - I believe you install kde-base07:10
slooksterpsvMagePsycho: you could just install kubuntu-desktop though as well, if you search the software center i'll show it to you if you search for kubuntu-desktop07:11
MagePsychographically.. kubuntu desktop is better than ubutnu desktop?07:11
apersonMagePsycho⋗ that's a matter of opinion07:12
apersonanyone know what I need to have installed for dolphin to rip to mp3?07:12
slooksterpsvagain depends on the user, personally I like the look and feel on ubuntu07:13
MagePsychoyes but .. i want your opinion07:13
apersonthe option was there originally, but it's gone now07:13
MagePsychoubuntu classic or unity?07:13
slooksterpsvUbuntu classic, I do not like Unity07:13
apersonso in other words, you like gnome07:13
slooksterpsvYup I'm a Gnomey, I'm on Kubuntu but I keep finding faults with it so I'm going to Linux Mint 1007:14
slooksterpsvaperson: audiokonverter as a service in dolphin - is that what you're looking for?07:15
MagePsychoyes ubuntu unity is not so user friendlier07:15
MagePsychothan ubuntu classic07:15
apersonaha, had to install lame07:16
slooksterpsvUbuntu Classic is awesome, Mint uses the GnoMenu instead of the standard Gnome Menu - GnoMenu can be set to look like Vista, Windows 7, customized etc.07:16
apersonand you can install it in ubuntu07:17
apersonsilly people, thinking you need a separate distro just to have a different default install...07:17
MagePsychoyou mean GnoMenu makes ubuntu classic more user friendlier?07:17
slooksterpsvdepends on the person, but in essence to people who like the look and feel of the "Windows" start menu, yes, otherwise, no07:18
slooksterpsvhttp://www.linuxmint.com/ - to see Linux Mint (they have various spins like XFCE, LXDE, KDE, and LMDE, besides the standard Gnome)07:19
slooksterpsvIf you want the true Ubuntu look and feel, stick with Ubuntu, if you want the true Kubuntu look and feel, stick with Kubuntu07:19
apersonand if you want any of those desktops, just install them!07:20
slooksterpsvyup =D, if you want to try them out first before making any permanent decisions, install and run them in VirtualBox07:20
apersoneh, it's easy enough to just remove things07:20
slooksterpsvhaha well for some maybe, I had to fresh install Kubuntu cause migrating from Lubuntu -> Xubuntu -> Kubuntu made like 6 repeat entries for HDMI audio, Analog audio, and Microphone in the Multimedia Phonon properties07:21
MagePsychobtw i am very new to ubuntu.. just installed 3 days ago07:21
MagePsychoso many things to learn07:21
MagePsychoand i thin this channel is great07:21
apersonI don't want to be that guy, but most of this talk belongs in #kubuntu-offtopic07:22
slooksterpsvtrue, sorry aperson you're right07:22
MagePsychohttp://www.linuxmint.com/ ---> what is linux mint07:23
MagePsychois it menu custmization tool07:23
slooksterpsvaperson: do you know where the multimedia phonon reads what audio items are installed?07:23
apersonslooksterpsv⋗ the what in the who07:23
slooksterpsvwell when you go to System Settings -> Multimedia -> Phonon it lists all the audio outputs, do you know where it gets or creates that list from?07:24
apersonlspci maybe?07:24
slooksterpsvmaybe.. I dunno07:26
slooksterpsvok so I installed some themes through Workspace Appearance, and when I use the theme, the window borders mess up and flash07:27
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DeltaEpsilonflash on kubuntu amd64 is very very slow08:20
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DeltaEpsilonI don't understand. when resizing a window, Xorg uses 60% of the cpu!08:23
DeltaEpsilonthat is just so wrong08:23
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Girohello hello..08:48
GiroI do have a question..08:48
GiroI've installed kubuntu 11.04, and I had to dig around to get my wifi working.08:48
GiroI was trying to installed some additional software when my laptop glitched out on graphics and now network manager is unable to see any of the network interfaces, both ethernet AND wifi08:49
Girohow can I fix this08:49
GiroI've spent the last hour looking around through google searches with no luck.08:49
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mase_wkGiro: firstly, this isn't always instant help08:55
mase_wkyou may need to be patient08:55
mase_wksecondly open up a konsole08:56
mase_wktype ifconfig -a08:56
mase_wkand pastebin the output somewhere08:56
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Giroalright, this computer has NO net connection at all..09:00
GiroI'm only geting the local loopback with the ifconfig -a command.09:02
mase_wkGiro: then the kernel modules aren't loaded09:06
mase_wkwhat software were you adding ?09:07
mase_wkyou can try to modprobe/ insmod the drivers manually09:07
Guest53292i installed ubuntu 11.04 and now i have ubuntu and windows 7. the thing is that the first time i opened ubuntu and made the update everything was ok. but the second time i wanted to enter ubuntu i pushed the enter button in ubuntu and a black screen came up with some weird words. i let the pc for ten minutes but nothing happened it didn't let me in09:10
Guest53292it said something like http://pastebin.com/nAXdDbwa09:10
Giromase_wk: I was trying to install firefox. >.<09:11
Giroand how do I use modprobe / insmod?09:12
mase_wkright, well i gotta head home sorry. Someone will probably take over shortly.09:12
GiroI might just say screw it and reinstlal later.09:13
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necmettinhi all09:43
necmettin1. i have kubuntu 11.04 upgraded from 10.x and since the upgrade, i have serious network lag, any redirections?09:44
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jordi_I have a problem in kopete, I cannot add an avatar image10:04
mfraz74I'm having trouble running gtk-gnutella on a new install of Kubuntu 11.04 if the them is set to oxygen-gtk10:53
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mfraz74 works if I use the qtcurve theme11:00
Kaspihey guys11:09
Kaspihow to take a desktop screenshot on KDE? Which app would you use?11:11
mfraz74Kaspi: what happens if you press the print screen button?11:11
yofelKaspi: ksnapshot11:11
yofelright, that should open ksnapshot11:12
Kaspimfraz74: nothing and perhaps there's nothing even in the clipboard11:12
yofelKaspi: which release, and what happens if you press alt+f2 and run ksnapshot?11:13
mfraz74if I press print screen here, it launches ksnapshot11:13
Kaspiit wasn't installed here, works now, thanks11:14
szallol, didn't know Klipper content survives a reboot ^^11:15
Kaspiand... is it possible to make the windows to be transparent in general?11:16
* szal tried that too and only succeeded to have inactive windows translucent as a general setting11:16
yofelKaspi: there is a trancluceny effect in desktop effects11:17
szalit is, however, possible to make windows translucent on a per-window or per-application basis11:17
yofelan you can set the opacity per-window11:17
Kaspi*OOH SHINY*11:18
szalthe general translucency settings don't have a way to regulate translucency for active windows11:18
KaspiOK! And the last thing I'm missing since I've moved from Gnome - the "places" menu which was at the top left corner panel - I want something that I could open any filesystem bookmark with, in any time. Any suggestions?11:28
Peace-are you there?11:47
SeanTaterDoes anyone know a way to make a Kauth plugin with pure python?11:47
Peace-SeanTater: ask to #kde11:48
SeanTaterah OK, thx11:48
KaspiPeace-: yep, what's up?11:50
Peace-Kaspi: places right ?11:58
Peace-Kaspi: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/11/plasma-desktopvR2636.jpg11:59
Peace-Kaspi: other way could be add widget quick access , and set it to open /media12:00
Peace-Kaspi: and of course remember that... dolphin has his places on the left12:02
Peace-Kaspi: more here http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/11/plasma-desktopvR2636.jpg for the menu12:03
Peace-Kaspi: sorry here http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/11/plasma-desktopFU2636.jpg12:04
yofelmikisid_: run the nvidia installer with --uninstall, that should remove the driver, then check with debsums -s (install it first) what files were overwritten and reinstall the affected X packages12:07
yofelthen delete your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and nouveau should work again12:08
snikker|2i'm under natty and i'm unable to use bluetooth, both built-in and external usb... can you help me?12:12
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goekhanhello, i´m running kubuntu 11.04 and i would like to know if i can see in dolphin how big my home, root and swap partions are? and how full /empty they are?13:13
KaspiPeace-: I'll check that, thanks :)13:14
Peace-goekhan: of course13:15
Peace-goekhan: :D13:15
Peace-goekhan: http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/diskusage.jpeg?w=600&h=37513:15
goekhanPeace-: thank You very much! that was easy! have a nice day.13:18
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Kaspinatman: hey13:37
natmanhey, thanks /Kaspi just wanted to check i knew how to get quassel to conect, thanks for the reply13:38
Kaspidid I? oO13:38
Kaspig2g, bbl13:39
bigbrovarWhats all the news coming from uds about Kubuntu switching to unity?13:51
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shane4kubuntuWHAT?  Kubuntu -> Unity would be bad.13:58
natmanis Kubuntu moving to unity??13:58
shane4kubuntuI said a while ago you will notice an influx of Kubuntu'ers because of Unity in Ubuntu, and that is happening.13:58
natmanin that case whats the "K"13:58
natmanI think the unity thing will settle down soon, kinda like when kubuntu made the switch to KDE413:59
bigbrovarsomeone just posted on identica about kubuntu switching to unity. surely that can't be true14:00
shane4kubuntuI'm sure it will, when all the unhappy customers have left. :)  It wasn't as polished or ready for prime time as Gnome, KDE, or XFCE14:00
bigbrovarin any case anyone else having issues with their printer config tool?14:01
bigbrovarmine just doesnt work after it worked the first time.  I filed a bug and never heard anything about it again :/14:01
natman why would it be called "K" ubuntu then?14:01
bigbrovardoes anyone using kubuntu 11.04 use it with printer?14:02
bigbrovarand if yes those their printer configuration tool work?14:02
natmanyes me14:02
natmanhp laserjet p201514:02
natmanand plugged it in worked after 4 sec was awesome!14:02
shane4kubuntuhp laser 1022n here, and it works fine, I don't mess with the config tool14:02
bigbrovarshane4kubuntu: niether did I. It worked the first time, and after that it stopepd working filed a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeadmin/+bug/77622414:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 776224 in kdeadmin (Ubuntu) "system-config-printer-kde tool won't start on Kubuntu 11.04" [Undecided,New]14:04
bigbrovarI can still print and new connected printers gets added automatically14:04
shane4kubuntubigbrovar: what printer?14:04
bigbrovarbut the GUI for configuring the printer is not working14:04
bigbrovarshane4kubuntu: its not really a printer issue, its the tool for managing them. that is the problem. I had to resort to managing printers via the cups web UI14:05
bigbrovarbut printing works and auto configuration of new printers works14:05
shane4kubuntuhmm, I'm not sure, I'm a gnome -> kde convert, and don't know a lot about kde.14:05
bigbrovarbut I can not manager existing printers. from the bug report I filed it shows am not alone14:06
bigbrovarshane4kubuntu: yeah its ok. Its just frustrating when u file a critical bug like problem with print utility and no one even bothered to look at it.14:06
mrenafter upgrading to 11.4 amarok isn't showing the correct id3tags for streaming media (internet live streams e.g.) -- anyway to get that back?14:09
natmanhi /ubuntu_14:10
ubuntu_how change nikname?14:11
natmanyou using quassal?14:12
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natmanQuassal -settings -IRC identities14:14
natmanahhh Quassel*14:14
nicolas_Hi, I've just installed Kubuntu on my new laptop14:20
natmanhow did it work out ?14:22
nicolas_Greaaaaaaat, thanks!14:23
nicolas_I'm using a french keyboard. The problem I have is that I can't get the cirumflexe accent alone (to wite powers in mathematical formula). However I can write ê î and so on.14:23
natmanyou using LaTeX?14:23
artemВсем привет!14:24
nicolas_natman: yes, and Lyx most of the time14:24
natmancould you just define a new command?14:24
nicolas_(I bought a lenovo X220, which works perfectly. Absolutly no prob with linux but the one I just mentioned)14:24
natmanor pehaps there is a option to alter the keyboard in the sys-setting?14:25
nicolas_natman: well, I belive it's not a viable solution, as I would need it in several programs (like email client when writting to my students)14:25
nicolas_natman: I hope so14:26
artemHi! People who - some say in Russian?14:26
nicolas_How does it work on english qwerti keyboards? You have it included on the keybord? And type circumflexes letters by hitting it followed by the letter?14:27
natmanok nicolas, system settings, input devices,keyboard,advanced14:27
artemhelp help!!!!!!!14:27
natmani think in there is some options to set new characters, never done it myself, hope it helsp14:27
nicolas_natman: I've had a quick look already, but it didn't really solve my problem :-(14:28
natman:( aww sorry14:28
chazwozaguys... i found a couple of things googling that indicate KDE is slow on intel graphics cards ... is this true?14:31
chazwozaive tried kubuntu 10.10, 11.04, on my thinkpad with intel14:31
chazwozaand its slow14:31
natmanhow do i highlight a message to another user?14:32
nicolas_chazwoza: My laptop is very new, but KDE works super great with intel14:32
chazwozamine is brand new too14:32
chazwozaquad core14:32
chazwoza8 gb ram14:32
chazwozagnome is lightning fast14:33
chazwozakde just seems to slug14:33
chazwozaim trying to work out if its kde, kubuntu, or my laptop14:33
natman/chazwoza how slow?14:35
chazwozalike a windows machine thats been running a few months :)14:35
chazwozajust menu's etc have a slight delay14:36
chazwozamoving things around is jerky14:36
natman/chazwoza take off the desktop effects, the mess the settings one by one see if any one is a trouble maker14:36
chazwozaand opening a file or running a program seems to take a lot longer than on gnome14:36
chazwozanatman: even with effects off, still sluggish14:37
natman:chazwoza ouch! ( by the way did this message highlight for you ? )14:37
nicolas_natman: You were right, I just had to digg a bit in the options. Thanks!14:37
chazwozanatman: yep it highlighted14:37
natmannicolas_:  awesome14:38
natman:chazwoza you have any/all drivers that you need? run alt+F2 type driver14:38
nicolas_So now I can recommand to all of you the Lenovo X220, it is perfect (eventhough there are some bugs reported on internet forums, but I don't know why they do not apply to mine)14:39
chazwozawill give that a go14:39
vanguardI am looking for something to set up a wiki for our family on a PHP/MySQL Webspace that is easy to edit for mortals. Do you have any recommendations?15:06
delacneed to get kfind back to dolphin. howto?15:13
tsimpsonvanguard: mediawiki I guess, it's what wikipedia uses15:14
tsimpsonor python-moinmoin which is what wiki.ubuntu.com and help.ubuntu.com uses15:14
vanguardtsimpson: I just read that mediawiki is useful for many users, but we just got 415:15
vanguardtsimpson: I am not sure whether I can get python to work on that webserver …15:15
tsimpsonif you can get PHP, I would think you should be able to get Python, but if not mediawiki is fine15:15
tsimpsonit doesn't really matter if you have 5 or 500 users, it's still usable15:16
tsimpsonI personally prefer mediawiki over moinmoin though15:16
vanguardI was going to go with DokuWiki, since that uses the PHP+MySQL Combo that I am used to15:16
vanguardtsimpson: but I will take a look at moinmoin since I like python15:17
tsimpsonmediawiki also uses PHP+MySQL15:17
vbgunzI just had a really nice icon for directories. it was a blue folder with a stripe going through it. It was supposed to be oxygen but an update gave me the old ugly looking folders back. how do I get the striped directory icons back?15:23
JiggityAnybody very good with Bacula?15:26
JiggityAnybody even there? lol15:27
vbgunzanybody know how to turn off the monochrome icons in the system tray?15:28
BluesKajHi folks15:29
vbgunzsup BluesKaj15:34
BluesKajnt mch, vbgunz15:35
vbgunzhanging in there, just trying to make a few tweaks15:36
BluesKajyeah < idid a full install then eliminated apps I'll never use ,of course nepomuk and akonadi are mimpossible to get rid of , but at least one can turn them off , mostly15:39
vbgunznepomuk isn't serving me well. I just searched .kde looking for "theme" and "icon" and it just searches forever.. I have a pretty modern system. it's a bit frustrating15:40
BluesKajthe themes and icons are searched for on the iternet , at www.kdelook.org I think.15:46
vbgunzBluesKaj: I'm looking for the actual file in .kde that changes the icon theme15:48
vbgunznepomuk is seriously pointless and getting me quite upset. It just doesn't work15:49
vbgunzI'm searching through dolphin which uses nepomuk and it just can't find anything15:49
vbgunzstays searching forever or comes up emtpy, I can see why you don't like it15:49
BluesKajvbgunz, dunno why you expect results from nepomuk,  just look in system settings/wokspace appearance15:57
vbgunzBluesKaj: I'll tell you my dilemma. Oxygen had an update to it's icons that were awesome. they looked so professional and awesome. Then, an update or something happened that changed them to their old butt ugly ones. anyhow, I have a backup image of my disk from yesterday. I am trying to find what files I need to swap back over16:00
bigbrovarvbgunz: I searching for files via dolpin works very well on my system. what version of kubuntu / kde are u running?16:04
bigbrovaron kde 4.6 dolphin default to kfind if the strigi (the indexer for kde and the cause of most performance issues) is disabled16:04
vbgunzbigbrovar: I have 4.6.3 from the ppa on natty16:06
vbgunzim looking at service manager and I don't see strigi in there, I do have strigiclient16:07
vbgunzthe nepomuk file indexer is idle atm16:08
bigbrovarvbgunz: thats what I have on my system natty and really it works extremely well16:10
bigbrovarvbgunz: in fact search times shows up as I type real time16:10
vbgunzthe search in dolphin is so broken, I navigated to a directory with a file named exactly akregatorrc and searched for akregatorrc and it came up empty16:11
vbgunzthat's very broken :|16:11
vbgunzI'm gonna reinstall, I remember doing something about a nepomuk or akonadi crash that was constantly bugging me but for the life of me I can't remember what I did. I must have somehow botched nepomuk16:15
vbgunzman, I can't remember the last time I reinstalled16:15
vbgunzI've been doing upgrades for a while now, I think ever since kde4 came out16:16
vbgunzspring fooging clean this mofo16:16
halinI downloaded the 32 bit version of Kubuntu 11.04 iso16:20
halinBut when I ran wubi installer, it started downloading, kubuntu-amd64.iso.torrent16:20
halinand shows the time remaining as 4 hrs16:20
halinI am using 64 bit OS, but shouldn't it be able to install the 32 bit on it ?16:21
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Fieldyhi, i'm using 10.04.2 LTS. i went from using a 24" monitor to a 37" TV into the RGB DIN input. after rebooting, my fonts were unusably huge. i moved xorg.conf to xorg.conf-LAST, rebooted again, and now I only get 1280x1024 and no higher modes (such as 1920x1080 I was using before) are available. the nvidia driver did get loaded. what can I do?16:48
BluesKajFieldy, no hdmi output on the pc  to hdmi input on the tv ?16:59
FieldyBluesKaj: i don't have an output on the PC16:59
BluesKajFieldy, you do but it's problky the VGA , correct ?17:01
FieldyBluesKaj: sure, I meant that I don't have an HDMI input on the PC17:02
Fieldyhere's errors / warnings from Xorg.0.log http://dpaste.com/541248/    i'm trying to figure out why it's not seeing the nvidia driver even though it's loaded as a module17:02
Fieldy"I don't have an hdmi OUTPUT on the PC" hehe i just woke up17:02
BluesKajsame as any normal monitor in other words  ...if you want 1920x1080 you;ll need a video card cappble of at least dvi out which is HIdef capable , to a hidef input on the tv , if it's a hidef tv17:03
FieldyBluesKaj: it was working fine before rebooting, at 1920x1080, it was after rebooting when this all started17:04
BluesKajFieldy, which grapphics card and driver ?17:04
BluesKajerr graphics17:05
FieldyBluesKaj: nVidia Corporation G94 [GeForce 9600 GT] (rev a1)   though I need a hint for finding out which nvidia driver i'm using. "nvidia" is loaded but Xorg stopped using it after reboot17:06
Fieldyno errors in dmesg regarding the nvidia driver at any point17:06
zen_monkeyi've upgraded from 9.10 where everything (but huaewi e226) was working fine17:08
zen_monkeyand now on 10.04 X crashes on boot17:08
zen_monkeyvga is a nvidia TNT2 agp17:09
BluesKajFieldy, open the kmenu / apps/ system/additional drivers , make sure you install the recommended driver , probly nvidia-current17:09
FieldyBluesKaj: sure, one moment17:10
BluesKajzen_monkey, try the recovery kernel , then in the dialog , "repair broken packages" . then normal boot17:10
FieldyBluesKaj: current is selected and activated17:11
BluesKajzen_monkey, then afterwards , do what I posted above for Fieldy17:11
Fieldyit also claims it's in use (it is loaded, xorg just stopped using it)17:11
zen_monkeyhmm for that i'm gonna need to make the usb modem work :D17:12
zen_monkeyor it doesn't involve downloading any driver?17:13
BluesKajFieldy, drop to a tty ctl+alt+f1 , sudo service kdm stop , sudo nvidia-xconfig, then sudo service kdm start, then ctl+alt+f717:14
FieldyBluesKaj: ah nvidia-xconfig, i was trying to remember what that was -- thanks, back in a bit17:14
BluesKajzen_monkey, depends on your install, which one did you use ?17:16
FieldyBluesKaj: okay, that worked, the driver is now in use. however i'm now back to the massive fonts issue -- any letter is well over an inch tall here.17:17
Fieldylooking in error log now...17:18
zen_monkeyBluesKaj, wich driver? xorg.conf says nouveau17:18
zen_monkeybut after dist-upgrade been using nv, only that works17:19
Fieldyhm. nothing out of the ordinary in /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:19
BluesKajfieldy whcich connection are you using out of the pc , is it the old style vga17:20
zen_monkeyBluesKaj, http://pastebin.com/1pategYF this is the log i was getting until yesterday... maybe you can understand more than i from it17:20
FieldyBluesKaj: yeah, standard DIN, i really don't have another option. check this out though: resolution:    305x305 dots per inch     is there a way i can force that to say, 72?17:21
katsrcis it true Kubuntu will use Unity instead of Plasma?17:25
vbgunzkatsrc: I hope not and really doubt it17:25
zen_monkeyBluesKaj, repair broken packages needs internet? cause if so i'm needing the modem working first :O17:25
BluesKajFieldy, are youactually using the pci graphics card , are you sure you arent connected from the mobo integrated graphics ?17:26
zen_monkeyit's done but no fix, when booting it displays the boot screen btu then bumps to tty2....17:26
FieldyBluesKaj: 100% positive17:26
katsrcwhat's this then? http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/11/plasma-desktopgp1838.jpg17:26
Fieldycuriously fonts in some locations are fine. in firefox 4, the menus/etc are all huge, but the rendered pages are not. reading around it may be a fontconfig issue17:27
zen_monkeykatsrc, from where is that pic?17:28
katsrczen_monkey: uds apparently17:28
BluesKajthen Fieldy , you must be using the vga out which isn't capable of delivering the 1920x1080 graphics resolution to your tv17:28
FieldyBluesKaj: it's delivering it right now, it's just got massive fonts17:29
Fieldydimensions:    1920x1080 pixels (160x90 millimeters)17:29
Fieldyit wasn't before, nvidia-xconfig (i think) got that part fixed17:29
BluesKajok then change the fonts in system settings/application appearance17:30
FieldyBluesKaj: they're listed at 14 for all, as it was before, it appears to have no bearing on this issue17:31
zen_monkeykatsrc, hmm as ubuntu still uses gnome with unity... maybe they're doing (or whishing) it for kde17:32
BluesKajFieldy, you may have to change font settings in dolphin as well17:32
zen_monkeymaybe just proving it works17:32
Fieldyit's not an application issue, it's that xorg is failing to pick up the right DPI from EDID. so i just have to figure out how to force the issue -- but i'm out of time and have to go to work now. but we got xorg using nvidia again, that's progress :)17:33
BluesKajFieldy, I still think you should check what kind of digital video inputs are on the tv and digital outputs on the graphics card , to get the most out of your setup , a dvi to dvi or hdmi  cable is probly what you need17:33
FieldyBluesKaj: thanks, i suspect i'll be back tomorrow to mess with this some more17:33
katsrczen_monkey: i think they might have taken this KDE developer seriously: http://zrchrn.blogspot.com/2011/05/kde-unity-setup.html17:34
FieldyBluesKaj: yeah right now the video card has DVI out but previously i didn't have a dvi nor hdmi capable monitor -- but this is a TV, i will explore that17:34
Guest84737katsrc:  http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/442917:34
Guest84737I quote: "Kubuntu is using Plasma and always will along with the best of KDE Software "17:34
Fieldyi'm going video card dvi -> [dvi-vga adapter] -> [TV RGB DIN input]17:34
Fieldybut i need to go, THANKS BluesKaj !17:35
BluesKajyeah the dpi needs to be increased to 129 and antialiasing ..I use a 42" plasma tv as a monitor so I know what's required17:35
katsrcGuest84737: thanks, there's much relief knowing this17:36
FieldyBluesKaj: cool, sounds like you have some experience that can help me finish this off -- thanks again, i have run outta time17:36
mr-richJust did the upgrade to Natty ... must say, it went pretty smooth ... Had used FC for years, so I was a little gun shy of the "upgrade" ... :)17:44
BluesKajzen_monkey, sorry you have a internet connection prob , how are you connected to the modem , by ethernet?17:45
zen_monkeyBluesKaj, modem is usb and been using it with "pon - poff" because can't do more than configuring the conn in graphic mode :s17:47
zen_monkeyi'm looking on how to make it work first, then we can go on with X17:47
BluesKajzen_monkey, dsl modem17:48
BluesKajzen_monkey, in the konsole, sudo ifconfig eth0 up17:49
zen_monkeyBluesKaj, not a dsl modem, it's a 3g one17:53
zen_monkeyso no eth in use17:53
Kaspibk :)17:54
BluesKajok, well that leaves me out ... I know nothing about configuring those ...dunno why ppl go thru cell networks , when it's so bloody expensive17:54
zen_monkeyBluesKaj, besides the quality of the service... you'll be surprised how low is my rate here hehe... 10Gb a mont for 10 USD17:56
zen_monkeysuposed 1024/128 Kbps speeds17:57
zen_monkeygoing to try this out, brb17:59
BluesKajwell I pay 45cdn /mos for 65G/mos , but then i don't use it as a cell network either ,but 1buck/gig/mos seems ok17:59
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mr-richIs there a way (extention/addon) for Firefox 4 that will make it act more like the Windows version with the Firefox menu?18:08
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Peace-Kaspi: install lancelot , then add to the main panel , http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/11/plasma-desktopPD2636.jpg18:49
OerHekshi, is there a KDE/Kubuntu version of ubuntu-tweak ?18:53
Peace-OerHeks: what does it do ubuntu tweak?18:55
Peace-OerHeks: i guess kde doesn't need18:55
Peace-but anyway...18:55
OerHeksPeace-, that was my thought also, all options are available, but i just switched to KDE from gnome.18:56
OerHeksup to now, no problems or real issues.18:56
* OerHeks tries to forget ubuntu-one18:57
Peace-OerHeks: well , read this maybe you could find some intersting stuff18:57
Peace-OerHeks: it shoild work18:57
Peace-i mean ubuntu one18:57
Peace-i used always dropbox but anyway18:57
OerHeksme2, dropbox and wuala, i read about a script to make it work, but development stopped.18:58
Peace-OerHeks: just see the screenshot , http://nowardev.wordpress.com/usefull-link-for-kubuntu-and-multimedia-stuff/what-you-would-want-to-do-on-startup-multimedia-side/18:58
OerHeksah Thnx18:58
Peace-OerHeks: for the dropbox there is kfiledrop18:58
Peace-OerHeks: and there is a service menu for dolphin18:58
Peace-OerHeks: that is my blog if you have issue ask or here or in the blog18:59
BluesKajkfilebox in the repos18:59
Peace-BluesKaj: is it?19:00
Peace-BluesKaj: nice19:00
Peace-BluesKaj: thank you19:00
KaspiPeace-: lancelot launcher?19:01
Peace-Kaspi: yep19:02
KaspiPeace-: nice one19:04
Peace-Kaspi: on that you should find out places as the screen19:05
Peace-i posted19:05
KaspiPeace-: yeah, you can even set it to show that Places menu directly on the panel, which is exactly what I wanted... thanks19:06
mr-richHello. Is there a way (extention/addon) for Firefox 4 that will make it act more like the Windows version with the Firefox menu?19:07
Kaspimr-rich: is there any difference between menus in windows and linux versions of firefox?19:08
Kaspihow can I make Pidgin to appear in the system tray?19:10
OerHeksPeace-, just finished reading your blog, great ! i asume i need to perform these tasks on a fresh KDE ?19:11
asraniel_hello. anyone knows when the new amarok release will be available on 11.04 ?19:37
* OerHeks is listening to current Amarok 2.4.019:38
tommipcould someone tell me good download manager for kubuntu?19:44
areichmantommip: what do you mean by download manager?19:45
BluesKajtommip, kget is one19:45
Peace-OerHeks: well19:45
tommipsome that can download from file sharing sites19:45
Peace-OerHeks: i did that everytime i test my kubuntu19:46
BluesKajtommip, do you mean torrent sites19:46
tommiplike rapidshare19:46
BluesKajamule , frostwire19:47
asraniel_hm, in kubuntu 11.04 i get a wierd sound distortion on loud sounds in flash videos, perhaps high sounds. anyone heard about that?19:49
BluesKajfatrat and simrat , tommip  , might fit your needs19:49
Peace-asraniel_: me no19:49
Peace-asraniel_: please add veromix to the main panel19:49
Peace-maybe managing audio with that you could find some way19:50
Peace-well maybe no xD19:50
Babalauheya everybody19:56
Babalaui need some help... i want to open i ftp location in my terminal19:56
Babalaui have mounted it in dolphin19:57
Babalaucan anyone help me19:59
gomiboyBabalau: what's the problem exactly?19:59
Babalaugomiboy: i can't find the mounted ftp in ~/.gvfs20:00
gomiboywell, if you just opened a ftp site in dolphin, it's not "mounted"... if you want to access it with the terminal you need the ftp program. Maybe there is also some fuse-ftp to really "mount" it... depends on what you need20:05
BluesKaj!sshfs | Babalau20:18
ubottuBabalau: sshfs is a !Fuse based filesystem which allows you to mount a remote system over !SSH - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS for instructions20:18
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petracomo estan ahi alguien aqui20:22
nucleophase!es | petra20:23
ubottupetra: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:23
ender-pchi all20:29
ender-pccan someone tell me how to make the sidebar icons small in 11.4, if possible... thanks20:29
herpderpHey! Is anyone alive in here? I have a question20:39
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:39
herpderpThanks. Will do.20:39
herpderpI installed Kubuntu on my Natty Narwhal Ubuntu, and then wanted to remove Kubuntu from it. But can't figure out how20:40
herpderpcan someone help me?20:40
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome20:40
ender-pccan someone tell me how to make the sidebar icons small in 11.4, if possible... thanks20:41
herpderpit is saying that pakages like that cannot be removed20:42
ender-pceven with sudo?20:43
herpderpwell i think i just found the solution: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173209820:45
herpderpit was buried enough!20:45
sourcemakerI am playing around with nepomuk and tagging... my question now is... is it required to add the same tags also on there sub-dirs?20:47
asraniel_is there any known kopete problem with wireless cards? my wireless connection drops all the time20:49
asraniel_and it didn't in 10.1020:49
skierpage11.04's KPackageKit > Software Updates wants to update most of KDE just for a kdm.conf update (bug 436936 )? Seems odd.21:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436936 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu Maverick) "gdm upstart job checks /proc/cmdline for single user mode, won't start on post-boot runlevel change" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43693621:17
tsimpsonskierpage: it's not most of KDE, but it's a large part of the KDE UI core as kdm is just one of many package build from that21:27
skierpagetsimpson, thx.  So picking up this small change means getting a rebuild of KDE UI core, even stuff like klipper, libkwineffects1a that maybe hasn't changed?21:28
tsimpsonskierpage: yes, that's an unfortunate side-effect of having many packages built from one source package21:29
skierpagetsimpson, ahh I see, the kdebase-workbase that changed  isn't itself a kubuntu package but the source of lots of packages. Thanks for the explanation!21:31
leonardHome_Anyone tried connect Yahoo account on Kopete?21:51
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phyllipecesarhow can i register?22:20
phyllipecesarmy username22:20
phyllipecesari'm trying /msg nickeserver...22:20
phyllipecesarbut i'm getting  [Error] nickserver: No such nick/channel.22:21
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omid Why does Kubuntu replacing Konqueror with Rekonq and SUSE replacing it with Firefox as the default KDE browser?22:31
dasilentlprinceRekonq is faster22:32
asraniel_and e22:38
asraniel_and rekonq is a qt or even kde app22:38
uomoqualcuno parla italiano?22:41
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ubuntu_Hi !22:48
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chainmailGood Evening23:07
jcgsHi :) I'm having real problems getting vlc to work in natty :( i can sort of hear music, but it's sort of screwed up with random noise. Might it be a codec issue?23:11
jcgsI'm not sure whether I've got the correct packages... there are so many23:12
aaronthyo homeis23:12
aaronthCan I install the updated package/Software of 11.04 to 10.1023:14
TheFriendlyOnesaaronth: Do you want to update to 11.04?23:15
macoaaronth: could try, but it might break stuff. better to upgrade to 11.04 or use backports (new versions compiled for old releases)23:15
aaronthTheFriendlyOnes:  not really maybe with the next update for it comes, UBuntu 11.04 was not that great with Unity23:16
TheFriendlyOnesaaronth: well you could always try kubuntu, but even 11.04 for ubuntu has "ubuntu classic" which doesn't use unity23:17
aaronthKubuntu is amazing with all the beauty but seems slow and music is not being nice to me23:17
kavurtmy webcam doesn't work with googletalk23:18
aaronthTheFriendlyOnes: I'm on Kubuntu 10.10 and Ubuntu Classic was still slow compared to 10.10, which in my opioion was the best release ever23:18
TheFriendlyOnesaaronth: music playback? is it an mp3 problem?23:18
TheFriendlyOnesaaronth: theres no doubt in my mind that 11.04 was regression for ubuntu, unity is not good in my opinion.23:19
aaronthTheFriendlyOnes: Amarok can not see the local files and when I went to it with browsing it will not show the files in the music folders23:19
aaronthTheFriendlyOnes: When they moved too far from the strength of Linux23:20
TheFriendlyOnes  aaronth: Exactly, and for amarok do you have kubuntu-restricted-extras? it might be an mp3 thing23:21
aaronthTheFriendlyOnes: Dolphin shows the files mp3, m4a and all23:21
TheFriendlyOnesaaronth: but i think for amarok to use them they have to be a supported filetype, and without KRE, mp3 isn't supported i think23:23
aaronthTheFriendlyOnes: Nope did not do anything in the sort, that might had been a good idea, I formated this laptop and put Windows 7 and Kubuntu 10.04 (then upgraded to 10.10)23:23
TheFriendlyOnesaaronth: yea, try 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras'23:24
aaronthTheFriendlyOnes:  I just searched KpackageKit23:24
aaronthTheFriendlyOnes: Most of the time they do not have that in the repos23:25
TheFriendlyOnesaaronth: have what?23:25
aaronthTheFriendlyOnes: KRE23:25
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TheFriendlyOnesaaronth: well its called kubuntu-restricted-extras and its default in repos23:26
aaronthTheFriendlyOnes: I think that Kubuntu has too many desktop effects turned on by default, thats why its slow23:26
aaronthTheFriendlyOnes: Well now it can see the songs but it just goes though them and does not play anything23:27
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TheFriendlyOneany one find rekonq to be unstable??23:31
aaronthTheFriendlyOne: I find it out of date23:33
aaronthI'm thinking of going back to Gnome23:36
aaronthnot KDE23:36

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