
danilosgmb, hi, do you think it makes sense to have a bug activity record for muting/unmuting a bug? (I assume that's what bug.addChange did in subscribe/unsubscribe)12:32
gmbdanilos: I'm torn between "I don't know when anyone would make use of that" and "If it's easy, we might as well" to be honest.12:49
gmbIf it'll take you more than half an hour to do I'd be tempted to not bother.12:50
danilosgmb, I'd have to check what does bug.addChange exactly do, and I kinda feel lazy if it doesn't seem very useful :)12:52
danilosgmb, there's more important things I'd do first12:52
gmbdanilos: Yeah. I wouldn't be too concerned about adding it unless you need something to fill up the last hour or so of your day.12:52
danilosgmb, right, I'll see about that later12:52
danilosnow I just need a reviewer because OCR told me he doesn't want to have anything to do with my branches12:53
gmbdanilos: Ignore him, he's well known for being awkward.12:53
gmbI'll take a look at it for you.12:53
danilosgmb, I know!12:53
danilosgmb, cool, https://code.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad/proper-bug-muting/+merge/60615 :)12:53
gmbI'll take a look shortly.12:54
gary_posterDoes Microsoft's acquisition of Skype mean that we should no longer use it? :-)13:13
danilosgary_poster, it means we should at least switch to windows :)13:15
danilosI'll probably have to check my hard disk drive for defects and reinstall the system if I want mumble back, though :/13:17
gary_posterack danilos :-/13:17
gmbgary_poster: I've pushed basic mockups for the "also notified people" up here: lp:~yellow/launchpad/also-notified-people-mockups. That's based loosely on what we said on the call the other day, but I suspect it's too simplistic a solution.13:24
gary_postergmb, awesome, I'll take a look.  Are you still working on bug 778847 too?13:24
_mup_Bug #778847: Muting a bug subscription for a team with a contact address crashes getRecipientFilterData <oops> <regression> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by yellow> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/778847 >13:24
gmbgary_poster: Yes. I'm hanging fire until danilos's BugMute branch lands, though, to avoid collisions.13:25
danilosgmb, mine is against db-devel, so you should probably land it anyway13:26
gmbdanilos: Ah, fair point.13:26
gary_posterok cool, I won't ask that it be marked as blocked then :-)13:26
gmbIn that case I'll get that reviewed and into EC2 today and keep an eye on conflicts when devel gets merged to db-devel.13:27
gary_posterbenji danilos gmb, kanban nowish, mumble in 313:27
gary_posters/mumble/skype/ :-P13:30
danilosthank you :)13:30
gary_posternp, just oversight13:31
danilosI had to click through the EULA before it'd load :)13:31
gary_posternot ready for call yet; will hopefully be ready in 1013:38
danilossure thing13:39
gary_posterdanilos, uh :-) .  So, everything is handled with house visitor (== refrigerator repairman :-P ) but I have to take kids to school in 9 minutes.  I imagine we want to have a relaxed call, not a "gary will leave any second" call? :-)  If so, maybe roughly 30 minutes from now?13:48
gary_posteruh-oh smiley face overload13:48
gary_posterMy defence is too little sleep13:48
danilosgary_poster, sure, go for it, and we'll talk later13:51
gary_posterok thanks13:51
danilosgmb, I can take that branch for review if you want as well :)13:52
gmbdanilos: I'd let you, too, if I could get this damn test to pass :)13:52
danilosgmb, that's just nitpicking :)13:52
gmbOh hey, turns out things land quicker if you actually put your password in when prompted for it.14:06
benjiI have the same problem.14:07
benjigary_poster: I sent Huw an email about whether or not he approved of my approach for bug 771335 a week ago.  I haven't heard anything back so I'm just going to land it today.14:09
_mup_Bug #771335: Title of add subscription widget can wrap if long. <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by benji> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/771335 >14:09
gary_posterbenji, cool.  I saw the ellipsis thing, and I liked the idea.  That's the kind of thing I had in mind.14:17
gary_posterdoes your approach fix all instances of that overlay, or just ours?14:17
gary_posterbenji, isd has a branch replacing their use of lazr.restful with piston, so we may be back to being the only client, which is too bad, but easier14:19
benjigary_poster: the ellipsis thing was just for that dialog; I hadn't considered generalizing it, but that's a good idea.  I'll see if it can be done without too much work.14:20
gary_posterNow is the month of maying, when we have to look at our year review and bonus/raising, fa la la la la la la... (with apologies to Thomas Morley)14:20
benjigary_poster: re. ISD; unfortunate, but certainly an interesting datapoint; voting with their feet and all that14:20
gary_posterso I'll be contacting al of you to set up these calls soon14:21
gary_posterbenji, generalizing ellipisis: cool.  ISD datapoint: yeah14:21
gary_posterok, back in a few min, and then will ping d a n i l o s (don't tell him--it will be a big surprise!!!!)14:22
benjigary_poster: I've verified that all my cards that were in no-downtime-deploy are indeed deployed and moved them to done-done14:37
gary_postergreat thanks benji14:40
gary_posterok danilos, my time estimates are particularly bad this morning, but...I'M READY!!! whenever you are14:42
danilosgary_poster, calling then :)14:42
gary_posterk :-)14:42
gary_posterdanilos I lost you14:44
gary_postersays you are offline14:45
gary_postergmb, on of the things we discussed on Monday for the mockups was to investigate how well we could estimate the "other subscriber".  Right now we load the portlet conditionally ; I expect we'll want to change this to draw the portlet immediatey and get the data for the "view other subscribers" box as needed14:47
gary_posterdid you have any thoughts on that?14:47
gmbgary_poster: Some, but nothing well fleshed-out (got sidetracked with yesterday's rollback). I'll have a think about it this afternoon and get back to you.14:48
gary_posterAlso, your other subscribers does not distinguish between... ok call with danilos14:48
* gmb -> heading out to run errands14:59
gary_posterhey benji, do you think you will be looking for a new task later today, or are you booked?15:18
benjigary_poster: yep, I'll need something either this afternoon or first thing in the morning, depending on if I give up on the click-to-close message function and generalizing the ellipsis thing15:19
gary_posterbenji, danilos has a collaboration opportunity, so if you could work on something significantly today, it would be worth connecting with him.  However, it requires a bit of predicting the future, because he has EoD Real Soon Now.  If, best guess, you only think you'll have a couple of hours today at most, then I suggest not worrying about it.  If there's a good chance you would have a full half day, go ahead and ta15:22
benjigary_poster: it depends mostly on how much we value those two things; is it worth keeping the click-to-close message box link and generalizing the ellipsis bit (which I haven't looked at yet)15:23
benjiif so, it'll probably take most of if not all of today to do both15:24
benjiI really like the click-to-close bits, but it's not a world-changer by any means15:24
gary_posterbenji, generalizing: low priority for me.  click-to-close message box link: removing it would not be ideal, but we could do that and claim victory; we can't ignore the mute stuff.  Therefore, if you've started  the proper fix for click-to-close, and I think you have, then continue; if you have not, I suggest postponing it till the two big scary jobs are done.15:26
gary_posterbenji, generalizing: if you don't generalize, a bug pointing out the general problem and suggesting our local solution would be a good alternative15:26
benjire. click-to-close: yeah, I've started (twice, unfortunately, my first one didn't turn out so well), so I'll try to finish that up.  After that I'll look at the generalizing and see how likely that is to succeed and then either do it or file a bug15:28
gary_posterok.  So, benji, danilos, it looks like we will recheck tomorrow to see if there is a Collaboration Opportunity (TM)15:28
danilosgary_poster, ack15:29
* danilos -> afk15:51
gary_postergmb, when you are back, I'd like a call16:01
gary_posterif it is not past your EoD, of course16:02
gmbgary_poster: I'm back, finally. Aparrently bus timetables are things that Stagecoach Lancaster is aware of but doesn't pay much attention to.17:14
gmbSo, call?17:14
gary_postergmb, heh.  how much more time do you have?  I'm finishing up a mockup revision, and we could talk from there17:14
gary_posterbut if you quit soon I'm pretty close17:15
gmbgary_poster: I'll be around for at least a couple of hours; I need to make up the time I lost twiddling my thumbs at the bus station.17:15
gary_postergmb, ok, I'll try to call in 5; if today's other time estimates are any indication, it will be 10 or 15 minutes17:15
gmbOkay. Just time for me to make a cup of tea, then :)17:16
gary_postercool :-)17:16
gary_postergmb, I committed a new mockup to the same branch and pushed it to the same ~yellow17:31
gary_posterlemme know when you have it and then we can talk17:31
gmbCool, I'll grab it now.17:31
gary_posteroh, I forgot something17:33
gmbHmm. Something wrong with codehosting?17:34
gmbI can't seem to pull the branch...17:35
gmbAh well, working this time.17:35
gary_postergmb, good, cause I just pushed another version :-P17:35
gmbgary_poster: Okay, all set.17:38
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