
Superdave_Anyone able to help with first booting live CD? getting the message: 'No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!'00:11
KM0201Superdave_: first thought, would be a bad burn... try reburning, and burn at the slowest setting your software allows00:20
Superdave__Ok. Would using the mini iso work better?00:21
KM0201Superdave__: the mini.iso is a text based installer... downloads a lo tof stuff from the internet, etc00:23
KM0201i wouldn't say it works better, but it works fine, but it is slower, because it downloads a lo tof stuff from the internet00:23
Superdave__Hmm. I'm doing a laptop install. What are the chances that it will work with the wireless cards that I have?00:24
KM0201Superdave__: it depends.. it detects mine no problem (atheros ar5001)00:25
KM0201i would *THINK* it would probably work fine w/ older Intels as well.. Broadcoms and Ralinks, very unlikely00:25
KM0201Superdave__: can you cable your laptop to your router temporarily?00:25
KM0201Superdave__: you also need to understand, the mini.iso, is a text based installer, it doesn't have a friendly GUI like the live cd installer... so thats something to think about as well00:26
Superdave__It's got no native Ethernet, but I do have a USB adapter that has worked with other distros no problem.00:27
Superdave__I'm cool with text based00:27
KM0201Superdave__: just cuz it works "no problem" doesn't necessarily mean its going to work w/ the alt cd.00:27
Superdave__Yeah, that's what I thought...00:27
Superdave__I'll work with the live cd.00:29
KM0201Superdave__: then i would try to reburn the ISO, very slowly.00:29
KM0201if that doesn't work, download a new ISO...00:29
KM0201and burn slowly00:29
Superdave__Ok. Thanks for the help!!00:29
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jmarsdenjgould: Ubuntu One support within Lubuntu is minimal-to-nonexistent right now.  It is one possible item for work in the development of Oneiric, the 11.10 release...02:57
ubuntuis lxde faster than xfce?04:16
palhmbsubuntu, faster, & better in many, many ways!04:23
palhmbsalso, xfce doesn't get away from a gdm login - lxde does!!04:24
head_victimjmarsden: I've used UbuntuOne in Lubuntu before. I just installed it and it worked fine.04:26
head_victimI'm pretty sure I just installed the gnome client though04:27
jmarsdenhead_victim: OK.  So I was at least technically correct: "Ubuntu One support within Lubuntu is minimal-to-nonexistent..."  You had to add it from a package that is not part of Lubuntu :)07:10
head_victimjmarsden: just letting you know it is possible to have it working, just not really integrated. So that's at least a start07:57
jmarsdenYes, it's good to know.  How many GNOME libraries did adding the GNOME client drag in with it?07:58
MrChrisDruifAnd I'm off again. See y'all soon (about 30 mins or so). Aloha!08:06
palhmbsjmarsden, I've just found out that I have 3D support on my video - what's some neat WM effects that I can do with Openbox / Lubuntu?08:20
jmarsdenpalhmbs: None at all, out of the box.  Some folks do add compiz etc etc but that kind of thing is not really a design goal of Lubuntu as far as I know.08:21
palhmbsah right - so compiz is the favorite then?08:22
jmarsdenFor 3D desktop effects, yes, I think so.  I don't use it myself; the 3Dness in my desktop video card only gets used when I do something that needs it, like 3D CAD :)08:22
palhmbs3D CAD? - I'm designing a house, I am so grateful that you mentioned CAD, what app do you recommend?08:23
palhmbsfor architecture?08:23
jmarsdenI do weird 3D stuff for 3D printing ( http://reprap.org )... so I'm not a good person to recommend general purpose CAD software.  You can try freecad, but it is not really a finished product yet...08:26
bioterroryou can run dcompmgr or something and replace lxpanel with docky08:27
bioterrorfor example08:27
jmarsdenThere is also librecad which I have never tried.08:27
bioterrorI'm not a fan of 3D desktop neither08:27
bioterrorspinning cube just makes me feel dizzy08:27
palhmbsjmarsden, I've looked at reprap - my dad is a tv & radio technician and HAM operator - I thought he'd be quite interested in reprapping his own parts.08:40
jmarsdenpalhmbs: It is a technology with a lot of potential.  I'm a member of the reprap.org core team, although these days I am pretty inactive... it's a lot of fun, and a big challenge to make it actually work at all, although it is a lot easier now than it was a couple of years ago!08:42
palhmbsjmarsden, sure looks fun - I like the idea fixing broken plastic stuffs with it, like a cog in a video / CD player for example.08:44
palhmbsthe junior reprap is sooo cute08:44
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UndiFineDgilir, is there a blueprint up today ?09:48
gilirUndiFineD: nothing specific for Lubuntu09:49
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bioterrorhttp://koti.kapsi.fi/airair/arvaa/dance.gif ;D11:38
koolhead11hi all11:41
MrChrisDruifNothing is official until gilir tells us ;)11:46
MrChrisDruifOr is that the official announcement?11:57
MrChrisDruifThe Lubuntu is an official derivative12:03
WiZthat's what I thought you were talking about \o/12:04
WiZalthough they say 'Lubuntu is mainly geared toward low-memory computers, such as the Pentium II, which packs a mere 128MB of RAM'12:06
MrChrisDruifIs it wrong?12:07
* koolhead11 downloading latest ISO of lubuntu 2 give a try :)12:09
bioterrorI DUNNO, BUT I'M PARTYING! ;D12:16
bioterrorahh.. great job everyone! ;)12:16
MrChrisDruifbioterror; Is it official yet? I didn't hear gilir about it here or on the mailing-list12:20
bioterrorMrChrisDruif, maybe he's too busy to irc12:20
stlsaintMrChrisDruif: as of yesterday it was not official12:20
stlsaintMrChrisDruif: thats if your talking about lubuntu becoming official12:21
MrChrisDruifstlsaint; I was12:21
head_victimjmarsden: sorry I didn't have the time to check it then12:49
head_victimjmarsden: http://paste.ubuntu.com/606119/12:50
pcmanLubuntu will be an official derivative, is this true?12:56
MrChrisDruifIt will, but the real official announcement has to be made13:00
bioterrorgilir, IS IT TRUE?!13:08
bioterrorgilir, what linux magazine says13:08
bioterrorgilir, MrChrisDruif is saying it is not13:08
gilirbioterror: technically, it will be official when the 1st ISO will be available13:09
bioterrorso it is true!13:09
gilirso, unless we have big problems since this, it's true :)13:10
gilirsince / until13:10
bioterrorI think it wont be a problem to upload couple of iso images13:11
bioterroras we now have that 64bit version too :--)13:11
MrChrisDruifWhat am I doing?13:11
MrChrisDruifbioterror; It's not tested yet ;)13:12
WiZwell done!13:14
pcmangilir: congratulations!13:15
pcmanwell done!13:15
gilirthank you pcman :)13:15
gilirpcman: it was possible because you worked hard on pcmanfm/LXDE, so I should thank you first :)13:16
pcmangilir: developers are still lacking so far. :-(13:19
gilirpcman: yeah :( Hopefully, with Lubuntu offcial, we may have more contributions13:20
bioterrorsome ubuntu developers defects to lubuntu ;)13:21
bioterror"ooohhh this new derivate, so promising!"13:21
gilirpcman: I'll try also to be more involved in LXDE developements in the next weeks  :)13:22
pcmangilir: thanks13:22
bioterrorgilir, have you tried midori web browser?13:22
pcmangilir: the dir tree is 90% finished now.13:22
gilirbioterror:  I don't expect miracles so far, but who knows ? ;)13:23
gilirpcman: great news :)13:23
pcmangilir: so except for file searching, the last missing feature from the old pcmanfm 0.5 series will be available.13:23
gilirpcman: also, do you plan to add plugins system in short / medium term ?13:24
pcmangilir: it's planned13:24
pcmangilir: I saw your TODO13:24
pcmangilir: I don't have time yet to design APIs13:24
gilirpcman: ok, no problem :)13:24
pcmangilir: loading modules on startup is not very difficult.13:24
pcmangilir: the problem is how they interact with the main program.13:25
gilirpcman: plugins are not a high priority so far13:25
gilirpcman: yes, it's important to take some time to design a clean API13:26
pcmangilir: the plugin support for lxappearance, for example, is a dirty hack.13:26
pcmangilir: this cannot happen in the file manager13:26
pcmangilir: in my plan, we can have a plugin showing desktop panels.13:27
pcmangilir: so the desktop panel runs in the same process with the file manager.13:27
gilirpcman: it's an interesting feature :)13:27
pcmangilir: actually I want to make a new desktop panel.13:28
pcmangilir: a more modern, cleaner, and less buggy one.13:28
gilirpcman: but first, you need to finish the files manager :)13:31
bioterroris it possible to remove launcher (alt+f2) from lxpanel and add it somehow into openbox keybinding?13:32
bioterrorI remember it was so13:32
pcmangilir: true13:32
pcmangilir: I'm not able to do all of these at the same time.13:32
gilirpcman: of course, I'm aware of that :)13:33
gilirpcman: concerning the pcmanfm, do you still need the copy of exo inside libfm ?13:34
pcmangilir: yes13:35
gilirpcman: because near in the furture, we should investigate GTK3 migration, and exo is a big piece13:35
pcmangilir: it's for the icon view.13:35
gilirpcman: you can't use the standart exo library ?13:35
pcmangilir: that's not a problem by using macros13:35
pcmangilir: I only need one object in that lib.13:35
pcmangilir: it's no need to link the whole lib and it's dependencies.13:36
pcmangilir: the migration can be done with compatibility macros IMO.13:36
gilirarf that's quite big for only 1 object :/13:36
pcmangilir: the icon view in exo implements something gtk+ itself doesn't provide.13:37
gilirpcman: not sure it's possible for 100% of the code13:37
pcmangilir: I think it's possible most of the time.13:37
stlsaintgilir: sup13:41
pcmanbtw, I got an idea13:41
pcmanis it possible to add messages to apt-get and synaptic to tell others , removing 'lubuntu-desktop' won't remove its dependencies?13:42
pcmanI think this is one of the top one FAQs.13:42
pcmanthe 'lubuntu-desktop' will be removed prompt from package manager does confuses many users.13:43
gilirpcman: we probably have this problem solved in the next days/weeks, with the official build13:43
pcmangilir: oh?13:44
koolhead11woahh so non selected lang packs gets deleted. nice13:45
gilirpcman: we will remove the hard depends between lubuntu-desktop and others packages13:45
koolhead11gilir, congrats!!13:46
gilirit was because our scripts use it to build ISO13:46
cjohnstonawfully nice of omg to make the announcement for lubuntu http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/05/lubuntu-made-official-ubuntu-derivative/15:14
phillwcjohnston: it was on the linux magazine 1st. The news broke yesterday, but Julien had not had chance to make a release note.15:20
cjohnstonI see that too15:21
phillwExcellent news regardless as to how it was released :D15:21
kosaidpohello guys15:31
kosaidpoi wanna install the last card driver the non-free one for ati readon any guid to recomend ?? tnx15:32
gnewbI just tried apt-get update , it did not work, then I used KPackage kit/? and it did, Lubuntu 10.04, was I in error?16:26
IAmNotThatGuythanks and congrats all for helping us in bringing lubuntu official16:51
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jonathan_hi lubuntu17:58
lubuntuhi jonathan :)17:58
jonathan_booted from the live iso?17:58
lubuntuusb stick ;)17:59
lubuntuI'm installing on my notebook.17:59
jonathan_I installed yesterday17:59
jonathan_do you know how much of the cpu xorg usually takes?18:00
lubuntuI was trying casper but it doesn't work with lubuntu :'( and other flavours have graphic issue.18:00
jonathan_it's taking betwen 12 and 20% of my cpu constantly18:00
jonathan_that doesn't seem right18:01
lubuntuI don't know :(18:01
lubuntutomorrow I need to install ubuntu on a 8-core with 48GB... I'm thinking about lubuntu with NIS and NFS :)18:03
lubuntuOh, I have to restart... bye bye18:03
jonathan_any developers around?18:04
rob0917is ubuntu officially supporting lubuntu now?18:08
jonathan_11.10 and on18:09
rob0917but it is in the works18:09
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Unit193Howdy Salvatos ;)20:51
SalvatosHi :)20:51
Unit193Yet another good choice!20:52
SalvatosI'm looking for info but the site is loading incredibly slowly; I'm mostly wondering if I can run lubuntu on a persistent USB20:52
Unit193Lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE (And some change in default apps) so you can do it20:55
Unit193!usb | Salvatos20:55
ubot5Salvatos: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:55
SalvatosAh, thanks :)20:56
SalvatosI've tried PuppyLinux but it felt bloated, yet a bit limiting, so I'm looking for other options20:56
bioterrorSalvatos, I booted lubuntu CD, waited for desktop to load, insert usb stick in and install lubuntu into that stick20:57
bioterrorand remember to use ext2 with USB20:57
SalvatosI'm going to need to install directly on the USB, though, my CD burner is pretty much dead20:58
bioterrorthat way I can even upgrade it without a problem20:59
cjohnston64 bit.. yay21:13
bioterrorthat site is giving it to me really slow21:14
bioterrorbeen leeching it for over 2 hours21:14
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Unit193bioterror: From the torrent?21:20
bioterrorfrom that webpage21:20
bioterrortorrent could be faster by now21:20
cjohnstonUnit193: is there a 64bit torrent yet?21:21
bioterrorlook for mailing list21:21
cjohnstonif so I'll serve it21:21
bioterrorI'll put ^C for the wget21:23
cjohnstonwho has access to add the link to the torrent on the site?21:25
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Unit193It's best to test it first (I would think so anyway)21:27
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phillwbioterror: if the 64 bit checks out okay, pop it onto my server area. Thanks.21:46
bioterrortorrent is even slower21:47
bioterrormaybe tomorrow then21:47
palhmbsit there a left-right audio balance app?22:17
palhmbsI haven't found the balance using alsamixer :(22:17
SalvatosWouldn't it be the slider under the Front entry?22:18
palhmbsSalvatos, Front entry, <-- is that on the menu or panel or what?22:24
SalvatosWell as soon as I launch ALSA I get a bunch of possible outputs (Master, Headphones, PCM, Front, Surround...)22:25
SalvatosEach has a volume slider (vertical), and some have a balance slider underneath22:25
palhmbsoh wait! - Audacious has it built-in - doh!22:26
palhmbshow noob of me, my apologies22:26
SalvatosNo problem :)22:26
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LAcanso I wrote a bash script that moves a rather lrge file over a slow network connection. does anyone know how I can get the script to open the gui 'moving file' dialogue that shows a progress meter?23:23
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