
* nlsthzn waves06:12
nlsthznbojicas: Ping09:29
nlsthznbojicas: anyway... when your back, could we get a minutes of the last IRC meeting on the wiki? How about something like a minutes of the 4th of May Meet-up as well/09:31
bojicashi nlsthzn , i'll do my best, but not before the weekend. i have a very busy schedule this week.09:33
nlsthznbojicas: sure no prob, and thanks :)09:33
* nlsthzn just had a thought, if the logging bot was active at that time then he can make the minutes himself...09:34
nlsthznbut first I have to go sleep for night shift tonight....09:35
nlsthznSleepy time for IR... Cheers09:53
xnixanevening :)15:44
bassemxnixan, مساء الخير :-)16:19
* nlsthzn waves18:20
* nlsthzn joins #ubuntu-za18:21
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
* nlsthzn-work is going to quickly make a minutes of meeting of the last IRC meeting seeing as it is way overdue :p18:34
nlsthzn-workhttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com big brother bot is watching you18:36

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