
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
Captainkrtekany mentors around?06:20
Captainkrtekor guides06:20
Captainkrtekhello nit-wit06:23
nit-witCaptainkrtek, hello06:24
nit-witnobody nar-wailing here eh lol feels more comfy ;)06:25
[styx]Captainkrtek from andirc?06:37
Captainkrtekyes sir :)06:37
Captainkrtekgood to see another face around here06:37
[styx]The people here a re real great to ubuntu noobs06:38
CaptainkrtekIf you need any help let me know :)06:38
[styx]I really need to get on and irc more06:38
[styx]Always forget lol06:38
[styx]And I don't have any chans to go to06:39
Captainkrtekhey jbicha06:44
bioterrorError404NotFound, you summoned me06:46
bioterrorError404NotFound, for a mystical reason, I'm usually sleeping around 3am ;)06:46
Error404NotFoundwasnt 3am here06:47
Error404NotFoundwhen i boot inti ubuntu half the time my mouse dont work06:47
Error404NotFoundi have to reboot06:48
bioterrorsomething broken with the evdev then, I assume06:48
bioterrortry another usb port ;)06:48
Error404NotFoundwhatever that is loll06:48
Error404NotFoundill have to try that06:49
Error404NotFounddoesnt do it in windows06:49
bioterrorol good windows06:50
bioterrorworks like a charm06:50
Error404NotFoundive had better luck with windows than ubuntu06:50
bioterrorahhh I love when someone uses word than correctly06:51
bioterrormostly people uses word "then" when they should say "than"06:51
bioterrorI blame americans!06:51
Error404NotFoundi gave up caring about proper spelling and use f words along time ago06:51
Error404NotFoundim american06:52
nit-witError404NotFound, me to lol06:52
JackyAlcineThis made me crack up, oh man.06:52
Error404NotFoundno wai06:52
Error404NotFoundman i hate sony!06:53
bioterrorI like my phone and my bravia06:53
Error404NotFoundim talking playstation network06:53
Error404NotFoundbeen down for weeks06:54
Error404NotFoundim having battlefield withdrawls06:54
bioterrorbut you get two free games for PS3 and 4 for that portable device06:54
Error404NotFoundwho says>?06:54
Error404NotFoundall they said was ps plus for like a month06:55
Error404NotFoundand free dl's06:55
bioterrorsony says06:55
bioterrorbut that's offtopic06:56
Error404NotFoundim on their site now06:56
bioterrorwe can discuss about these things on #ubuntu-beginners-team06:56
Error404NotFoundive lived on this website since psn went down06:56
bioterrordoes it now make sense?06:58
bioterrorWed08:59 <+bioterror> does it now make sense?06:59
JackyAlcineI need help; the latest version of compiz keeps crashing.07:02
JackyAlcineIs there a way for me to use a older version?07:02
bioterrordisable it! ;)07:02
Error404NotFoundid use a hammer07:02
bioterrorI assume you're running 11.04, right JackyAlcine07:02
JackyAlcineNo, I kinda need it to use/debug Unity.07:02
keithtoowhat kind of crash?07:03
JackyAlcineIt's a segmentation fault; each time.07:03
JackyAlcineWant a dump?07:03
keithtoonvidia drivers?07:03
JackyAlcineAnd yeah; well I'm in the process of upgrading to.07:03
JackyAlcineAnd yeah.07:04
bioterrorJackyAlcine, have you backtraced?07:04
keithtooyep - been chasing that bug myself for the last 3 weeks07:04
keithtooends up in glcore.so07:04
JackyAlcineHmm, never ran gdb on it.07:04
bioterrormaybe you should?07:05
bioterrorI would assume that as a developer you do that in the first place07:05
bioterrorand then report it to launchpad07:05
keithtooproblem is that the old nvidia 270.x.x drivers got smashed with the natty upgrade07:05
keithtoobet you can see the same error trying to run glxgears or glxinfo07:06
keithtoofunny that should be the topic I come in the room on... I'm going to reload Natty from the ground up and need some advice on partitioning07:08
JackyAlcineI'd use GParted as a GUI for partitioning.07:09
keithtooI never set up a /home partition when I started running linux, what's a good size when I get started? How much room do I need to leave for /?07:09
bioterrordepends what you07:09
bioterror're doing07:09
JackyAlcineAnd bioterror, you're right about that one; I should have; but that's like running it on init to me. lol07:10
keithtoohow about single user - maybe a low level guest account. Running Ubuntu Studio. It's mostly home usage - some work07:12
keithtooI have a 1T drive, so space isn't that big a deal yet07:13
JackyAlcineLol, I'd just use about 100 gigs for home, just for kicks and giggles then.07:13
keithtooonly 100g?07:14
keithtooMy music collection is nearly 30g07:14
JackyAlcineLol, I don't use much space; as a developer restricted to a USB stick; most of my files are just text files.07:14
JackyAlcineOh, I haven't any music stored locally; I use Last.FM now.07:15
keithtooOne of these days I'll work on making that play too... lol. Gahd I hate this last "upgrade"!07:15
keithtooso.. you'd recommend giving /the lion's share of the drive then?07:16
JackyAlcineWell, it depends on how much space you're using. And I actually noticed something about Ubuntu installations.07:17
Puck`good morning07:17
JackyAlcineIf you were to install over an existing installation; the /home folder is untouched.07:17
keithtooonly if it's in it's own partition though, right?07:18
JackyAlcineNope! It can be on the same partition and the files would remain intact.07:18
JackyAlcineUbiquity just removes /var, /etc, /usr and those folders.07:19
keithtooahh... nice to know07:19
JackyAlcineVery, especially if you like borking your system (like me) lol07:20
keithtoounfortunately, I'm also fixing another mistake I made when I first loaded this machine... want to step up from 32 to 64 bit07:20
keithtooI am a registered Bork Master - I have a certificate and everything07:20
JackyAlcineOh man!! I was so confused last install, I installed a 64-bit kernel onto a 32-bit system and was confused as to why nVidia didn't want to work07:21
keithtoothat may have gone way over the top  ;)07:22
JackyAlcineI wanted it to work on 64-bit computers; since it's on a USB stick; I'd switch systems often.07:23
keithtoolol - square peg and a round hole07:24
JackyAlcinethe ultimate system! :D07:25
keithtooyeah huh07:25
keithtooOn this install, I think I'm going to put XP back first. Need that for getting iPhone sw updates... and Netflix doesn't like linux either07:27
JackyAlcineIsn't Netflix based on Linux?07:28
keithtooNope - and they say there isn't enough demand for that to ever happen07:28
keithtooat least their clients are windows/mac based07:29
* JackyAlcine was going to comment but remembered that this channel is logged.07:29
keithtoodon't worry - I said it many times when researching that issue myself07:29
JackyAlcineLol, but I'd kick a cow for a printer atm; haven't had one since middle school. :x07:30
keithtooheh - I have 2 now... one for the windows boxes I have running and one just for the linux boxes07:31
JackyAlcineSweet :)07:32
keithtooI didn't think so... another non-linux support thing that cost me some cash07:33
drinsolito1My keyboard won't work unless I activate in the Universal Access Preferences an option of "persistent keys"07:34
JackyAlcineOut of your own pocket?07:34
keithtooand Lexmark won't opens source their driver set no matter how much you beg07:34
keithtoofresh setup drinsolito1?07:35
drinsolito1i just installed ubuntu 11.04 today07:36
drinsolito1i have a lenovo keyboard for an ideacentre07:36
keithtooshould work... did you mess with the keyboard setting in the install?07:37
drinsolito1unless that option is activated i can't make key combinations like making a parenthesis07:40
JackyAlcinedrinsolito1, run 'hwinfo | grep lenovo' in a terminal window and pastebin that for me, please.07:40
JackyAlcineWait; is the delay too short or something then?07:40
ubot2For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:40
drinsolito1hwinfo | grep lenovo doesn't do anything07:41
JackyAlcineNothing appears, hmm.07:42
JackyAlcineTry increasing/decreasing the key repeat speed.07:42
drinsolito1lemme check it out07:43
JackyAlcineDid you enable Sticky Keys?07:43
drinsolito1it's enabled since without it the combinations would not work07:43
JackyAlcineHmm. That's odd.07:44
drinsolito1for example ctrl + l doesn't work without sticky keys07:44
JackyAlcineIs it the only Accessibility feature under Keyboard enabled?07:45
JackyAlcinedrinsolito1, ^07:47
drinsolito1i can't select multiple items for example pressing shift and then the arrows of directions. if i want to select a lot of files in a list i have to press "shift+down" every time instead of holding shift and pressing down07:49
JackyAlcineWow; I think it's one of the following (but I'm not sure how to diagonise anything)07:50
keithtooI'm seeing a ton of bug reports abouth Lenovo keyboards at launchpad right now07:50
JackyAlcine1) the driver's borked (as many are with the new system)07:51
JackyAlcine2) the gconf is screwed07:51
drinsolito1how can I fix it?07:52
drinsolito1if it's any of the two options you give me07:52
keithtoocan you see any errors in your xorg logs?07:54
drinsolito1how can I check that? i'm sorry i'm a super newbie07:54
keithtooSystem > Admin > Log File Viewer07:55
keithtoothe one you want to look at is xorg.007:56
JackyAlcinedrinsolito1, every one of us are a noob at something ;)07:57
* keithtoo especially07:59
drinsolito1thanks =)07:59
drinsolito1it's the same way in Unity?07:59
* keithtoo hates Unity with a passion08:00
keithtooThey broke the cardinal rule of software engineering with Unity - If it ain't broke, don't fix it!08:00
JackyAlcineWhat wasn't broken?08:01
JackyAlcineMeh, Unity's merely a new path for Ubuntu, it's really an attempt to pull in new users.08:01
keithtooGnome-2 worked... the proprietary nvidia drivers worked....08:02
JackyAlcineDid you see Mark's keynote at UDS this Monday passed?08:02
JackyAlcineGNOME 3 doesn't comply to the Ubuntu way I guess.08:02
keithtoognope - it don't08:02
* keithtoo made a funny :D08:03
JackyAlcineToss a 'g' in front of something; and it's GNOME-ware.08:03
JackyAlcinegfood, glife, gfun, gcalc08:03
JackyAlcinedrinsolito1, in your case; I'd either search on https://bugs.launchpad.net for lenovo keyboard issues and either find a bug that describes your situation or file a new one.08:05
keithtoothey broke my system with the new upgrade too. By pulling support from the nvidia 270.41.06 drivers currently in use, I'm not sure I'll be able to even keep my system running 11.0408:05
JackyAlcineAnd mention the 'hack'/quick fix you're using; that way others can benefit and developers can see what's really going wrong.08:05
MrChrisDruifAnd I'm off again. See y'all soon (about 30 mins or so). Aloha!08:06
keithtooI'd agree with Jacky there - a quick look pulled up a bunch of Lenovo problems08:06
keithtoooops - too many windows open08:08
drinsolito1thanks i'll check it out since i really don't know how to check the xorg08:08
keithtooI'm off... time to rest up for install day tomorrow08:17
keithtoolater (or kLater if you like that environment better)08:18
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
kristian_hi all11:38
kristian_so, I got this 120 gb SATA super cheap w/no guarantees11:38
kristian_it seems that only 111 gigs is recognised, though... what could the explanation be?11:39
kristian_fdisk -l gives correct size (120 gb)11:39
bioterrorsure it gives11:40
kristian_bioterror, yes, I understand there is some confusion/controversy11:40
kristian_but from 111 to 120 gb is something like 7 percent...11:40
JackyAlcineWas it gigabits or gigabytes?11:46
JackyAlcinekristian_, ^11:46
kristian_JackyAlcine, gigabytes11:47
JackyAlcineWell; they might have advertised it as gigabits.11:47
JackyAlcineMy math's saying that it should be a 0.07% offset.11:50
JackyAlcineUnless there's a hidden partition.11:50
duanedesignhello all12:02
MrChrisDruifAloha duanedesign12:12
kristian_JackyAlcine, hang on, I actually got the manual (!) for this hdd12:34
JackyAlcineLol; alrighty.12:34
kristian_ah bugger, it's generic12:35
* JackyAlcine whispers to wifi "c'mon internet don't fail me now"12:39
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
coalwaterwhy can'13:36
coalwatercant't they fix nautilus already, the ftp thing, it disconnects13:37
JackyAlcinecoalwater, not nautilus; that's the server's connection timing out.13:38
coalwateryea, but it should send a noop to keep connection alive13:38
JackyAlcinethat could cause a security breach and what if you disconnect from the network? it'll constantly fail.13:39
coalwateridk, i found a bug on gvfs about it and it's dead, no one is paying any attention to it13:41
coalwaterhi duanedesign13:41
duanedesignhello coalwater13:41
coalwaterJackyAlcine, i end up using sftp because it could maintain the connection for long periods13:43
JackyAlcineGNOME = "if it's not my business; it will never be my business" :(13:43
coalwaterJackyAlcine,  i don13:49
coalwatersigh, stupid enter key, was gonna say i dont get it13:49
JackyAlcineGNOME's a complicated system; and gvfs is considered trivial..13:50
coalwateryea, i branched it but i guess it was written in c13:51
=== KinkyPinkie is now known as PedoBear
=== PedoBear is now known as KinkyPinkie
kristian_JackyAlcine, still there?15:02
kristian_I got a 512 mb file, then copied it to the new hdd... md5sum says different things :(15:03
coalwaterre copy it :D15:12
head_victimI prefer to use rsync when moving files of any size. Nice, simple and quick.15:13
kristian_yeah, I could try with rsync... might be more exact15:16
coalwaterhead_victim, what's rsync15:18
ubot2rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync15:19
kristian_coalwater, it is a super cool program to sync and move things15:19
kristian_the only "downside" is that it can do so many things that it can get confusing15:19
head_victimNah no downsides at all, the man page is awesome and it's the simplest, most powerful way to move stuff from point a to point b.15:20
head_victimI use it for everything from downloading and syncing the entire ubuntu repository to doing regular backups of my system with cron15:21
JackyAlcineSo I've been downloading and manually installing my packages15:21
JackyAlcineThink I might boot Debian Squeeze and see how it is.15:21
Captainkrtekhello geekosopher16:29
geekosopherCaptainkrtek: hi16:32
Captainkrtekanything I can help with16:32
stlsaintCaptainkrtek: hello16:39
CaptainkrtekIm actually about to run to work16:39
Captainkrtekbut if there is anything I can help you with email me16:39
Captainkrteksteven.richardspc AT gmail.com :)16:39
Captainkrtekgotta run, feel free to message with any Q's16:40
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml
raubvogelHow do I automount a user's homedir if it is in a smb share instead of, say, nfs?20:20
bobweaverok I turned off all firewalls hope that that helps.20:30
bobweaverjust tried to reimport it to ubuntu keyservers this is what I tried hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com20:32
bobweaverinstead of the one that is there by default20:33
kristian_hi again20:36
kristian_so, I got GSmartcontrol for that damn hdd20:36
kristian_"Test aborted, cannot parse smartctl output: no ATA sections could be parsed. Check the self-test log for more information"20:38
kristian_however, I can't see any errors in the log20:39
bobweaverIt worked must have been the firewall or the default key that is on ubunut 10.10 I know what I could work on20:46
bobweaveran asc2 armored encrypted text this is turning into fun :)20:49
=== szczur_ is now known as szczur
* kristian_ is back21:39
kristian_anyone else have a tip regarding the perhaps-faulty SATA hdd?23:19
holsteinkristian_: ?23:19
holsteini would nail it down23:19
holsteintest it*23:20
kristian_hey holstein23:20
holsteinkristian_: o/23:20
kristian_holstein, I tested it with GSmartcontrol23:21
holsteinwhats the good news?23:22
kristian_first time, the test halted... second time, it finished and reported no errors23:22
holsteinis it OK, or are you getting new hardware?23:22
kristian_I can't figure it out23:22
holsteinno errors is good23:22
holsteinwhats the deal?23:22
kristian_I have copied a large file to it several times, then md5summed... I get different results23:22
holsteinhow did you copy?23:23
kristian_cp, rsync... now scp23:23
holsteinwhat about the memory?23:23
kristian_it's horrible these days23:23
holsteini would run a ram test23:24
kristian_oh, on the computer... no reason to suspect it's bad23:24
holsteinthats a reason to suspect id say23:24
kristian_when I scp it more than once, I get the same md5sum afterwards23:25
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
holsteini think i would look into the testing setup23:25
holsteinwhat file23:25
holsteinhow you made it23:25
holsteinthat could be flawed23:25
kristian_just a dummy file I found on the net23:26
holsteinand making you think something is up23:26
kristian_to test download speed23:26
holsteinwhere did you get the md5?23:26
holsteinmaybe you DL'd it, and got a bad image23:26
kristian_I just use "md5sum file.foo"23:26
* holstein shrugs23:27
kristian_not the proper way around it, holstein ?23:27
kristian_hi MrChrisDruif23:27
holsteinkristian_: nah, i got nothin23:28
MrChrisDruifAloha kristian_23:28
kristian_wth... now it seems to work, if the md5sums are a proper way of testing23:30
kristian_this is super-weird23:30
holsteinkristian_: i would think md5 should work23:30
holsteinlike you are trying to do it23:31
kristian_on Win, I think sometimes you have to reset a box a few times for changes to sink in... could this be that kind of thing23:31
holsteinwho knows23:31
holsteinplausible i suppose23:31
kristian_this is one of those situations...23:32
MrChrisDruifmd5sum? What's going on?23:32
kristian_I may have a faulty drive... a faulty dock (dirt cheap ebay thing)... faulty memory... faulty dock... or no trouble at all23:33
kristian_MrChrisDruif, I got a SATA hdd almost for free, from a broken machine23:33
kristian_I can live with it being broken, then I'll throw it out23:34
kristian_but I'd like to know so I don't waste my time, and so far my efforts have been futile23:35

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