
mhall119jcastro: why is there a plenary on the schedule for tonight?08:35
dholbachkim0, I have something for you from bac - I'm in Erkel09:01
=== daker_ is now known as daker
duanedesignmorning all10:04
dakerwhat a boring UDS!!11:30
popeydaker: ?11:31
dakerpopey, i can't find any useful sessions :/11:32
nigelbdaker: yeah, I know the feeling11:33
nigelband when you find interesting sessions, they're all at the same time11:33
dakerMORE WEB SESSION PLS!!!!11:38
nigelbdaker: did you subscribe to hall of fame?11:39
nigelbdaker: also you need to look at the web catalogue for softwrae center11:40
dakeri did for the web catalogue11:40
dakerthe second thing that sucks is summit11:40
dakerthe last UDS i were using the ical file, so google cal notifies me 10mins before the session starts, after i have changed my nick summit don't work for me anymore11:43
mhall119daker: dude, you should have said something, what's your old and new nick?11:53
dakeradnane002 => daker11:54
mhall119daker: log out and back in11:58
mhall119it should have your new nick11:59
dakerohh good thx mhall11911:59
nigelbmhall119: I'm going to cause cjohnston lots and lots and lots of pain.14:51
nigelbcjohnston: today used to be uds-o/today. You both changed it at the hackathon ;)14:52
james_wAlanBell, hi, is it you that runs Meetbot-UK?15:15
AlanBellum, I wrote the extension15:15
AlanBellDaviey runs the server15:15
james_wok, thanks15:15
AlanBellI also have a revised version in python rather than TCL15:15
AlanBellmeetingology is the development code name15:16
james_wI've heard that mootbot has better meeting output?15:16
AlanBellplans are to integrate that with loco directory15:16
AlanBellboth do a moin format output15:16
AlanBellfirst is mootbot-uk15:17
AlanBellsecond is meetingology15:17
AlanBellmeetingology you can have right now, mootbot-uk find daviey15:18
james_wI've heard that there is a version with a better version of http://mootbot.ubuntu-uk.org/linaro-meeting.20110510_1304.html somewhere15:18
james_wmeetingology certainly looks better on that front15:19
ubot2Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:19
AlanBellwant to try meetingology in there?15:19
james_wI'm going to circle back to the person that is asking to see how it matches what they want15:20
james_wthanks for the help15:20
AlanBellok, just ping me with the channel name you want and I will send it in when you ask15:20
=== daker is now known as daker_
mhall119!seen nigelb20:41
ubot2I have no seen command20:41
PiciHe disconnected from here about 4 hours ago.20:43
mhall119probably still on the invisibility tour then20:45
cjohnstonwhats up mhall11921:13
mhall119cjohnston: hey, got back from dinner a little while ago, just trying to see where everybody's at tonight21:14
cjohnstonsome people are at the bar21:14
cjohnstoni dont know where else21:14
mhall119are you at the bar?21:15
mhall119ah, ok21:15
mhall119I spoke to Daviey earlier today, he says there's no need to push the scheduler fixes, because there won't be any more auto-scheduling this week21:15
cjohnstonhe told me you were going to review the merge21:16
mhall119yeah, but there's no rush on it now21:16
cjohnstonI just want to push the limits more21:17
cjohnstonI haven't done any of it21:18
cjohnstonmhall119: want to go to the bar?21:28
mhall119if anyone seens nigelb wandering aimlessly around the lobby, tell him I'm at the bar21:34

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