
jbichagood morning07:52
has001my ubuntu sudently decided not to login to internet07:54
has001i did ping the router and its there07:54
has001and eth0 is there07:54
has001should i flush dns/release like windows? and if yes what is the command :P07:55
jbichahas001: this channel is for Ubuntu desktop development, I think someone in #ubuntu can help you troubleshoot07:55
has001ok thx07:55
alex3fgood morning, any kind soul to recommend me a good wysiwyg editor, python, gtk+, html?08:35
Dr_Hecklealex3f, have you searched the repository?08:36
alex3fno, I've searched google08:36
alex3fI'm looking to integrate it into an application08:37
alex3fso I was looking for a developer advice08:37
rickspencer3alex3f, try Geany for python coding08:37
rickspencer3for gtk+, all there is for wywig design is Glade08:37
alex3fI'm using geany for some time now, it rocks08:37
alex3fI'm looking for a library08:37
alex3fwith python bindings08:38
rickspencer3alex3f, I think you want pygtk08:38
rickspencer3alex3f, are you trying to write a new app in Python?08:38
rickspencer3ok, that's an easy answer :)08:38
rickspencer3apt-get install quickly08:38
rickspencer3quickly tutorial ubuntu-application08:39
alex3fI know about quickly, I have been following your tutorials08:39
rickspencer3you can hop into #quickly if you have questions08:39
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tilleyrwHelp me configure my display.  I want it to work at 1280x1024 by 60Hz which it was one day ago.17:43
tilleyrwIn the Xubuntu display settings, "1280x1024" isn't shown now and and the frequency is stuck at 51 Hz.17:43
tilleyrwI need to reset it to 60, which is not an option.  Hand editing the Xorg.conf file does not help.17:44
tilleyrwHelp me change my display refresh rate.17:59
tilleyrwMy refresh rate is stuck at 51 Hz.  To display 1280x1024, I need to use 60Hz.  It's not in the drop down.  How can I change it manually?18:00
xapantutilleyrw, support channel is at #ubuntu ;)18:08
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JackyAlcinecompiz runs into a segfault using nVidia drivers;22:24
JackyAlcineon a 32-bit system; might be GLX.22:24
JackyAlcineany idea on how to fix?22:24
JackyAlcineI guess not.22:48
bassoi cant22:50
bassobut i can pray and hopefully someone else will save you :)22:50
JackyAlcineI think that it's something with the update to Natty; like the drivers weren't carried up.22:52
bassoJackyAlcine: i never dare to upgrade, i always to a fresh install :323:14
JackyAlcineIt's not even that; I think nVidia's just borked; I never had a real issue with an upgrade before.23:15
bassoJackyAlcine: tried installing from the xorg ppa thingi?23:23
bassoyou get the newest one there23:23
webjadminbasso, I'd have to 'apt-get update' and stuff; but it didn't show any upgrades.23:56

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