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ScottKlamont: Thanks.  I want to backport that.  I think we need the multiarch stuff for oneiric (or did you shove that in too - I'll look)08:07
lamontScottK: multiarch is there08:10
ScottKOK.  Thanks.08:10
lamontScottK: I've been informed that the multiarch patch is safe-for-debian, by he who knows best08:10
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ScottKThis is the same guy that did the patch that led to postfix being sru'ed in Natty already?08:11
Daniel0108hi MacSlow08:12
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MacSlowMahlzeit Daniel010808:13
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alex6567hello all! Did you know it posible use unicode on ncurses lib? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175532708:30
mdkeI wonder if anyone could give me some guidance on who might be able/willing to help out with my query here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-April/033095.html08:32
slangasekalex6567: note the topic's suggestion to use #ubuntu-app-devel for app development questions.  But for starters, if you want widechar support you need to link against libncursesw, not libncurses.08:33
alex6567thanks try to google08:36
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slangasekbdmurray, bryceh_: do either of you have a good way to mass-mark a group of bugs as duplicates?08:47
slangasek(all duplicates of bug #780877)08:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 780877 in pam (Ubuntu) "package libpam0g 1.1.1-2ubuntu5.1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script killed by signal (Segmentation fault)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78087708:47
sbeattieslangasek: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ubuntu-qa-tools/master/view/head:/responses/is-duplicate08:49
cjwatsonslangasek: lp-set-dup?08:50
cjwatson(in ubuntu-dev-tools)08:50
slangasekcjwatson: ta :)08:51
ogra_cjwatson, for oneiric we want to drop the netbook seed, i was wondering if we have an easy way for doing that transition through the seed management or if i need to roll an empty dummy package to do that transition08:53
ogra_.oO(how did we handle it for UNR->desktop ?)08:54
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jelmerpitti, hi10:01
jelmerpitti, did the bzr packaging session get cancelled?10:01
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cjwatsoncould somebody in ubuntu-mir review bug 780591 reasonably soon?  it's blocking part of the perl transition (indirectly)10:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 780591 in libencode-locale-perl (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libencode-locale-perl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78059110:23
keessladen: regarding capabilities, this is one review of the isolation failure issues: http://forums.grsecurity.net/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=252210:33
sladenkees: loooong read.  I only know from the vserver perserpective (and no several years out of date); but none of the first 19 are/were given to container ruid=0 by default (so empty /dev and no mknod())10:40
sladenkees: and CAP_NET_RAW only given explicitly (in this case to get ICMP ping to work)10:42
keessladen: right, with a very restricted cap bounding set, you can feel much safer in a container10:42
keessladen: I think the addition of syscall filtering will make that even stronger. (currently being discussed upstream, driven by the chromium folks)10:43
sladenkees: can apparmour already provide that level of syscall filtering (either complete denial, or explicit validation of syscall parameters)10:44
keessladen: no, MACs (SELinux, AppArmor, etc) filter a higher level of access, but don't filter syscalls.10:45
keessladen: for example, when new syscalls are added to the system, the MAC may not have any hooks into it, so an attacker has a certain subsets of the attack surface to use10:45
sladenkees: nod, ah10:46
keesit's all crazy :)10:46
keesSECCOMP (and soon SECCOMP mode 2) is what will do the syscall filtering. see "man prctl" for SECCOMP10:47
cjwatsonogra_: I'm not convinced we *did* handle it for unr->desktop (except perhaps in update-manager?)11:46
cjwatsonogra_: there's no way to do it in seed management - better and clearer to build an empty package by hand11:46
cjwatsonogra_: but if you can make update-manager help out, so much the better11:47
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alex6567i have idea what libncursesw5-dev have problems. in src #include <ncursesw.h> say file not exist12:12
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highvoltageif Martin Pitt is pitti, then why isn't Martin Pool called "pooli"?13:24
Amaranthhighvoltage: you could be cartej :P13:26
Amaranthoh, I added an extra character13:27
* Amaranth needs a nap13:27
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brodercjwatson: if i run backport-helper against staging, where i've "approved" a backport of a single package to multiple releases, that bug comes up once for each series/backports project: http://paste.ubuntu.com/606144/14:20
broderdoes that not work for you?14:20
cjwatsonbroder: yes - that's not the point at which stuff is awkward for multiple target series14:21
broderoh, hmm, i guess i misunderstood the issue, then. what's the current problem?14:24
cjwatsonbroder: it's that the backports are all generated into a single directory, and the script doesn't like it when a file already exists14:30
cjwatsonso .orig.tar.gz tends to clash14:30
broderah, ok. so this is actually totally not my problem at all. got it :)14:31
cjwatsonit's not a major problem, it just means us doing stuff in a couple of passes14:34
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hallynjdstrand: libvirt needs to be rebuilt for oneiric to find the new brctl (in /sbin/ not /usr/sbin now).  It doesn't need any changes, configure will find it.  How do I kick off the new build?15:36
hallyni will take lxc integration, in cooperation with dlezcano15:37
hallynwe'll add it to the agenda for the lxc sprint in august15:37
micahghallyn: someone just needs to upload a no change rebuild, dch -R to create the changelog15:38
hallynmicahg: ok, thanks15:39
TerminX_heh, I was bored so I decided to try upgrading a 32-bit install to a full 64-bit kernel/userland in-place without a reinstall16:01
TerminX_I actually made it work ;D busybox-static, 10 years of dpkg experience and some nasty hacks with sed on the contents of /var/lib/dpkg for the win16:02
ogra_infinity, poke16:10
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Cas07is there a specific name for the special mode dash (Alt+F2) in unity?17:08
tseliottjaalton: are you there?17:22
tjaaltontseliot: at my room17:23
tseliottjaalton: do you already know what kind of food we're aiming for?17:23
tseliottjaalton: ok, let's talk downstairs then17:24
tjaaltonyeah, meet you there17:24
tseliotbryceh: are you there?17:29
brycehtseliot, yep, on my way down17:30
brycehdidn't find sarvatt17:31
tseliotbryceh, tjaalton: can you both join #dinner please?17:32
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hallynis htere a way to force lp to import from the package?  libvirt is two versions behind...18:14
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geserhallyn: import to where in LP?18:34
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hallyngeser: lp:ubuntu/oneiric/libvirt18:43
hallynfor now i'm just doing the sync by hand18:43
geserhallyn: this happens when the importer hits a bug, it stops importing any future version till this gets fixed (see http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/libvirt.html#2011-03-29%2015:05:13.895974)18:45
hallyngeser: so how does one fix it?  do I bzr push a clean version cloned from the package?19:26
geserhallyn: ask james_w ; but probably pushing yourself won't improve the situation (you would need to take care of importing Ubuntu revisions and Debian revisions in the right order to have a proper history)19:29
hallyngeser: thanks19:59
hallynjames_w: ^19:59
odlawill gnome3 be officially supported in 11.10 and beyond?20:09
hallynjdstrand: do you happen to know why X-Python-Version in libvirt's debian/control is listed as 2.6?20:29
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infinityogra_: You poked?  I've been out all day.20:45
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