
YoBoYgood morning06:52
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== daker is now known as daker_
dakercjohnston: yo23:37
YoBoYyo daker 23:37
dakerYo YO23:37
dakerYoBoY: what sessions do you attend ?23:42
YoBoYtoday ?23:42
dakerYoBoY: the first boring UDS :/23:44
YoBoYcommunity roundtable, loco and laptop testing review, doc team goals this morning23:46
YoBoYcolour theorie this afternoon23:47
YoBoYa small day for me23:48
dakerYoBoY: good sessions always are on the same time23:50
YoBoYtomorow, community roundtable, community section in u.c, ubuntu membership etc..., and something else in the morning23:50
YoBoYand the afternoon I don't know yet23:52
dakerwhat you will do if you can't any session ?23:53
YoBoYdaker: work on loco stuff on my computer, I've not stoped the organisation of the party in paris ^^" lot of mails and answers23:56
dakernext week there is a g|maghreb here 23:57
YoBoYgreat :)23:57
YoBoYtoday at Solution Linux (a professional event open to everyone where we have a both) we sell 460 LiveCDs :D23:58

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