
MarkDudeDarkwingDuck, ping07:26
DarkwingDuckMarkDude: pong07:27
* MarkDude decided to just go off and apply for an Oregon Team table at OSCON07:27
MarkDudeand ask for a separate table for WA and Ca07:28
MarkDudeand leave it up to OR And Ca if they want other states07:28
DarkwingDuckWhy not include the Locos all on one table?07:28
MarkDudesorry WA07:28
MarkDudethere are 2 separate goals - IMHO07:29
MarkDudeOregon needs/wants to recruit local people07:29
MarkDudea Local team table is informational07:29
MarkDudePortland folks are more likly to walk up to sumthin that says free geek on it07:30
MarkDudeAnd FG is helping with local meeting space07:30
MarkDudeUbuntu is used locally in Portland in a variety of ways07:32
MarkDudethe table we had last year - did not appeal to local folks07:33
MarkDudeit did not turn them off- just did not convey local ties07:35
grantbowDarkwingDuck, pleia2: give the crazy 9:00 conflict between "Community Round Table", "QA Round Table" and ...07:50
grantbow"Review the bug lifecycle states and Ubuntu developer usage" I'm going to attend the last one though I will idle in the IRC channel of the Community Round Table.07:51
grantbowIs anyone else attending Budapest in person or virtually?07:51
* MarkDude is attending theoretically07:51
grantbowhow so theoretically?07:52
grantbowthe 4 minute lag makes it tougher than in past cycles to participate remotely IMHO07:52
MarkDudeWhat are people from Budapest called- Budapestors? Budapestians?07:52
MarkDudeFolks from Milpitas are called Milpitians07:53
grantbowHungarians I suspect.07:53
MarkDudeWhat about folks from Concord? Concordians?07:54
MarkDudeOr would you say they are just Californians?07:54
MarkDudeI mean- are you a Moragan? Technically I am a Danvillian- since I am in Danville :D07:55
pleia2grantbow: the crazier conflict is community roundtable and community section on ubuntu.com08:01
grantbowI know!08:01
pleia2Cheri703 went to roundtable and I'm doing ubuntu.com ;)08:01
pleia2no one is here yet though08:01
pleia2I'll give it 10 minutes08:02
pleia2it's morning :) mornings are difficult08:02
DarkwingDuckIt's midnight.... now morning. :P08:09
pleia2YokoZar is wearing his ubuntu california shirt during his planery :)13:33
pleia2woo represent!13:33
seidosi went to good will to see if they had any hdd usb enclosures on the cheap21:49
seidosbut they were sold out :(21:49
ajaynext meeting is in 11 months? aye.. i was hoping to get a cd if anyone was near me (to save bandwidth)22:09
ajayanybody home?22:10
seidosi'm in so. cal22:15
seidosnot sure what meeting you're referring to ajay22:15
ajayreferring to with what?  The topic says "next mtg apr 22".22:16
ajayas for a cd i was wondering if there was someone in/near SJ with a 11 CD, but i think i need to ask in a bigger channel..22:16
seidosajay: yeah, i only have 10.10 cd's.  have you considered using bit torrent?22:17
ajayi was trying to save the carbon emissions from downloading+burning a CD. But yeah I can BT it if physical cmty is lacking in ubuntu22:18
seidosah, someone with ops needs to update that.  pleia2, DarkwingDuck would you be able to fix the channel topic when you have a moment?22:18
seidosajay: i use usb sticks.  not sure downloading affects carbon emissions much through bit torrent, since systems are already up to seed22:19
seidosor jdeslip, as it were22:20
ajayevery d/l creates emissions.. i'm too hungry to explain this tho.. might do the usb stick to save a cd tho22:21
seidosi'll take it into consideration22:23
seidosdo you have access too food ajay ?22:24
iheartubuntusorry seidos... busy as heck23:30
seidoshey no worries iheartubuntu23:31
iheartubuntui had to post an extremely important tweet23:31
seidosi kind of wish i was busier :)23:31
seidoswhat tweet?  i didn't see it23:31
seidosthe postalgirl one?23:32
iheartubuntubusy at work actually :)23:32
iheartubuntuim concerned for ubuntu with chrome taking center stage23:33
iheartubuntuthats all we hear about anymore. not about ubuntu23:33
iheartubuntuubuntu is a lot smaller than the google god23:34
crashsystemsbah, I'd not use chrome OS.23:35
iheartubuntui like the idea in general, but not EVERYTHING in the cloud23:35
crashsystemsthey advertise it as secure, but its all in a browser. stuff in browsers is _not_ secure23:35
iheartubuntusomething google doesnt really have is community23:36
iheartubuntuthats where ubuntu kicks butt23:36
erichammondiheartubuntu: Ubuntu may have *good* community, but I don't think it has a *large* community.23:37
iheartubuntunot as large as paid google employees thats for sure23:38
iheartubuntui must finish my day job. BRB in 20 min23:39
iheartubuntuanyone going to Pasadena Ubuntu Hour? I cant make it tomorrow23:40
seidosi dunno, you have a laptop that says "google" on it, it can lead to community23:41
seidoslook at all the hackers with macs23:42
seidosnot having the option to run something off of local storage isn't appealing to me, but i wouldn't disregard it, it's basically an ipad competitor as i see it23:43

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