
zusmunz, ya still around?00:07
zusmunz,  i downloaded testdisck and need help getting it to run00:08
mstrgforc7yo Chris00:36
maxolasersquadIn python, what is the best way for a superclass to require subclasses to have certain methods?01:33
zusDammitJim:  hello,  again03:09
zusi think im going to cut my loss and  reformat the drive and download what i remeber i had, the router details are a paperclip and 4 minutes away from not mattering  and i needed to update my resume any how,...:( i never did figure how to work photorec and testdisk03:15
zusDammitJim:  haha look what i just found http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EncqYP1ijFg how to use testdisc 03:22
zus /msg NickServ identify <khorgoth>04:02
zusthere goes that04:03
zusmunz:  hey ya still around? i got it to work04:03
munzhey zus, good what did ya do?04:13
zusmunz:  thanks!  used testdisk - since dammitjim said it looked like my hdd was missing a partition table  that was a huge help04:16
munzgood, testdisk is great! :)04:17
zusmunz:  testdisk did exactly wot needed to be done, i ran it and it found all the drives on my  laptop the external usb and internal  i selected it and analysed and stuff,...04:17
zusi was about to call it a loss and well, glad i didnt04:17
munzcool, me too. i've used it to recover many drives, it also comes w/photorec for pics, really cool. congrats :)04:20
zusi dont know how to use the photorec, and i got it from the repos - see, so unless its part of the program i didnt get it04:22
jamaltaDantalizing hi05:32
Epidemicso, not very impressed with the upgrade to 11.04 from 10.1016:02
Epidemicwont even boot anymore... get a nice black screen with an orange cursor16:03
Epidemicthankfully it's a vm and I made a snapshot first ;)16:03
munzEpidemic, how did you upgrade, repo?16:19
munzwell, if you did, i would dl the iso, mount it and do another upgrade, it should give you option to upgrade 11.04 to 11.0416:29
munzthat will resolve some issues, i had similar issues on a couple of upgrades16:30
munzgood luck16:30
=== enjalot_ is now known as enjalot
Epidemicmunz: update manager17:08
EpidemicI would just think that some testing would go into upgrades to prevent this17:08
Epidemicbut i've talked to about 3 other people that I know who have Ubuntu who have had broken upgrades from update manager17:09
RoAkSoAxitnet7_uds: ping17:55
RoAkSoAxitnet7_uds: gonna go lock for you beconmin offline now17:56
zushi dantalizing 19:12
crashsystemsenjoying your new tablet dantalizing ?19:15
crashsystemsI'm just a bit jealous19:15
dantalizingtheyre giving us the new chromebook too19:15
dantalizingamazon, best buy will be selling chromebooks from samsung and acer in june19:16
crashsystemsnot as interested in chrome OS19:16
dantalizingtheyve really improved it19:16
dantalizingit actually looks usable19:17
dantalizingplus, theyre open and can be jailbroken19:17
crashsystemsbut its all on the web. everyone is talking about how "secure" it is, but its all on the web19:17
zusisnt chrome os like a big package deal for all the  stuff google has now? 19:17
dantalizingyes to crashsystems , no zus19:18
zusi havent read much on the  chrome os19:18
dantalizingthe hooks in chromeos allow any service provider to be available.... so you *can* use picassa for your photos, but if flickr builds it you could use them instead19:20
dantalizingor whatever service ms provides19:20
dantalizingor smugmug or photoshop online or whatever19:21
dantalizingcrashsystems: coming to meetup tonight?19:23
crashsystemsno. I get off of work at 5:30, and it would take over an hour to get there, and thats _if_ I didn't have to wait an hour at the caltrain station19:23
dantalizingleave early. they dont mind19:24
crashsystemsIf I had a car, or the day off, I would19:24
crashsystemsof course, if you want to change the location of the meeting to north sunnyvale, I'll be there19:25
crashsystemsor san jose or mountain view for that matter19:25
zusi finally met another *buntu user in my  area, well 2 one was a grumpy old man, another was a cool paramedic19:25
dantalizingwhere are you zus?19:26
zusst.lucie county19:26
dantalizingitnet7 is nearby-ish19:27
zusabout an hour north19:27
zusno hour and a half i think19:28
dantalizingor is he the grumpy old man you were referring to?19:28
zusthat old man i isntalled cable n he used mint19:29
zusgod he was lucky i was per job and not hourly, i wanted to leave..19:29
dantalizingjtatum ping22:39
jtatumgreetings danstoner22:40
jtatumdantalizing: ***22:40
dantalizingjtatum: we're looking to move tonight to in-n-out at fishermans warf 22:40
jtatumdamn non-psychic tab22:40
jtatumfine with me. 22:41
dantalizingi sent you email too22:41
jtatumok great. i'll shoot grant an email22:42
jtatumand update the loco dir entry22:42
dantalizingnice thx!22:43
jtatumdoes jamalta know?22:43

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