
rick_h__oh no, rj-45?! holy crap!00:05
snap-lWas there a brazillian beef at Penguicon?00:15
snap-lbecause I can't for the life of me figure out WTF Brad is talking about00:15
rick_h__waldo323: I hold you responsible for this as well00:39
Blazeixsnap-l: lol, were you paying attention?00:39
Blazeix"where the hell is settings?" "go, here, under the power menu"00:40
waldo323snap-l, there wasn't brazillian beef and brad wasn't even there00:40
waldo323which thing rick_h__00:40
snap-lwaldo323: Yeah, that's what I thought00:44
snap-lBlazeix: Yeah, I know00:45
snap-lIt's not liek I wasn't John the Baptist of the Settings Menu or anything. ;)00:45
Blazeixsnap-l: you are responsible for all of unity, in my mind.00:45
snap-lThanks for that.00:46
rick_h__hah, let's blame snap-l and waldo32300:53
rick_h__what else can we blame them for00:53
snap-lJust blame us for everything00:55
rick_h__next time I'm bringing a timer00:55
snap-lI didn't think we needed one00:55
snap-lAnd I'm wrong wrong wrong00:55
rick_h__I present exhibit A00:55
Blazeixthat was actually pretty impressive00:56
Blazeixooh, are we going to be on a projector?00:58
Blazeixoh, nope. It's on #mugorg, I think00:59
rick_h__almost leaked the back channel01:00
Blazeixhey look, snap-l is back.01:00
waldo323good evening!01:01
snap-lMan, rick_h__ is making us all look like punters. ;)01:11
snap-lOh yeah01:12
_stink_awesome, go rick_h__!01:12
Blazeixand I'm going after him :) luckily my presentation is about 2 minutes.01:13
greg-gawesome! sorry I had to miss it01:14
snap-lYeah, it's the first time I saw everyone really impressed with the discussion01:31
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
rick_h__lol, it's easy when you can finally show something that you're passionate about04:58
snap-lAlrightie... time for sleep05:20
brouschoh yes, that's the shiznit. 24oz of french roast from biggby13:41
brouschhow'd the mug thing go last night?13:41
brouschyou guys are very quiet this morning. still hung over?13:42
rick_h__late night zzzz13:54
snap-lMUG went pretty well overall14:03
rick_h__I admit it. Took the boy to day care and went back to bed for another hour14:04
snap-laww, I'm telling14:04
jjessewow that must be nice14:07
jjessedropped the boy at day care and went to work :(14:07
snap-lAlso, tried Ubuntu One Music player on the iPhone14:10
snap-lIf it was free, I'd be a lot happier14:10
snap-lPaying $3.99 a month is not worth it14:10
snap-ldrops songs like the iPhone drops calls14:10
rick_h__even on wifi?14:11
snap-lOn wifi it's fine14:11
rick_h__k, gotcha14:11
snap-lbut I don't need it on wifi. ;)14:11
* snap-l should have left myself logged in overnight14:31
snap-lI copied a bunch of music to U1, and it's still copying over.14:32
rick_h__I'm missing the connection14:32
snap-lIt's making my network sloooooow14:32
snap-luploads = bandwidth hell14:32
snap-lWhich is why whenever folks come to offer me higher downloads, I ask if they'll offer me higher uploads as well14:33
snap-lDownload speeds are great, but uploads are where I really get killed14:34
rick_h__yea, understand that14:36
rick_h__I keep getting tempted by the next plan up on uverse because the upload caps goes up on the highest level14:36
rick_h__but not until you pay the highest level and I don't use the download enough14:36
snap-lI blame the 56K modem. Got us used to not having parity between download and upload. :)14:38
greg-gsnap-l: you know..... that isn't the craziest idea in the world14:41
rick_h__dammit, NC dude getting active and ancy in IM too early this morning14:43
snap-lgreg-g: Which idea is getting me credit this morning?14:55
jjessethe 56k modem comment14:56
snap-lAh, OK. :)14:56
brouschok, wtf is this? http://u3d.as/content/noam-gat/python-interpreter/1Qb14:56
brouschbah, it's some game thing. i thought it was python in Unity desktop thing14:57
brouschoriginal names people!14:57
brouschit's not that hard14:57
jrwreni uploaded 80G of music to my web host once. they didn't like that much, even though they were my rips, they deleted 'em and told me no.14:57
snap-lYeah, there's the Unity 3D game engine14:57
snap-ljrwren: A2?14:58
snap-ljrwren: I love this tweet:14:59
snap-lRT @babernethy: OH: "Android everywhere?!? Isn't this what Java and Linux were supposed to do ..." -um, dude Android is Java and Linux ...14:59
snap-lThere's no sense of history, is there?15:00
rick_h__snap-l: http://gigaom.com/2011/05/11/android-everywhere/15:02
brouschrick_h__: you're giving me a geekon again15:04
snap-lrick_h__: Gee, the promise of X10 in 1980 is once again being trotted out in 201115:04
snap-l"Wake up to a fresh pot of coffee in the morning with X10"15:05
snap-lbut yes, I think we're going to see more smart-home initiatives like this15:05
snap-lespecially now since it's "green"15:05
snap-lthough the mesh networking is very intriguing15:06
jrwreni'm glad they don't talk about chromeos anymore. android is all you need.15:06
rick_h__jrwren: it's coming today15:07
rick_h__rumor is a $20/mo student chromeos laptop15:07
rick_h__today is chrome day, second keynote15:07
jrwrenthey should kill it.15:07
jrwrenthere is no need for it when andoid does the same thing15:08
rick_h__except it doesn't15:08
jrwrenit should15:08
jrwrenwhy shouldn't it?15:08
rick_h__chromeos is a desktop OS. Sits on a laptop via keyboard/mouse with big screen and lots of typing15:08
jrwrenid ont' know waht that means.15:08
rick_h__android is all about touch, media consumption, small bits of checking on stuff15:08
jrwrendisagree strongly.15:09
jrwrenbad vision.15:09
jrwrenif that is really their vision, they shall fail.15:09
snap-lAndroid could easily fill the spot left by the gaping void of ChromeOS15:09
rick_h__then just chalk it up as "I don't understand so I won't tell them what to do"15:09
snap-lIt supports a keyboard, and unless you're Gib's $40 laptop, it supports mouse15:09
rick_h__you're going to give students that go into school a tablet and tell them they don't need a laptop?15:09
jrwrenof course not. I'm talkingabo andriod on laptop15:10
snap-lrick_h__: So give them a crippled laptop?15:10
rick_h__snap-l: sure, it'll work great for most of the liberal arts kids out there15:10
rick_h__can do IM/chat, video conference, youtube, writing papers, etc15:10
snap-lAnd can do that via Android as well15:10
rick_h__more secure, data loss proof, and has mobile connectivity15:10
rick_h__fine, dont' use macos...iOS can do it as well15:11
snap-lI think we're talking past each other :)15:11
snap-lLaptop form factor = A+15:11
snap-lChromeOS concept = A+15:11
rick_h__Thul uses a BT keyboard with his ipad, just give up your macbook15:11
rick_h__don't need it15:11
snap-lAndroid on laptop, doing chromeOS things = A++15:11
jrwrenwhat snap-l said15:12
rick_h__I don't think so. I like the separation15:12
jrwrenthat is what i'm trying to say.15:12
rick_h__they're different use cases entirely15:12
rick_h__I don't sit down with android for hours at a time15:12
jrwrenwhy not?15:12
rick_h__jrwren: yea, because windows on mobile devices has gone so well for them15:13
rick_h__everyone's dying for that unified platform on their mobile15:13
jrwrenone pers failed attempts does not make an idea bad. see every invention ever for evidence.15:13
snap-lrick_h__: Once Apple does it, everyone will do it15:13
snap-lDon't think it hasn't crossed someone's mind over there. ;)15:13
jrwrenof course it has. when they launched macbookair they called it an ipad with a keybaord15:14
rick_h__oh I know, and that's part of the macos on arm stuff is to try to help get some binary compatibility15:14
rick_h__but I think when you try to build something with too different of target audiences you end up making compromises that make both suck15:14
snap-lrick_h__: Oh, no doubt15:14
rick_h__be it UI/UX design for the different uses, software sluggishness trying to be all to all15:14
snap-lwhich is partially why I think ChromeOS isn't the wave it could be15:14
snap-lIt's a neat concept, but damn it's locked down15:15
rick_h__just like I don't want linux on my phone (see every failed attempt at that)15:15
rick_h__I don't want my mobile OS on my daily driver machine15:15
snap-lrick_h__: Except you have Linux on your phone15:15
snap-lMaybe a beter example is GNOME on the phone15:15
rick_h__sorry...I don't want Gnome on my phone...15:15
rick_h__or KDE, or whatever the flavor toolset of the month is for the next great handset15:16
snap-lYeah, totally agree.15:16
snap-lThat's partially why the Nokia 770 was interesting, but not compelling15:16
snap-lMaemo was an attempt to get a desktop on a mobile device15:16
snap-lAnd moblin / meego / mplxplytktx is also doomed if they keep the same goals.15:17
snap-lAnd why I stand by my assertion that if you have a phone OS that has "Take screenshot" three menu levels in, you're fucked.15:18
jrwrennow you are just talking implementation details.15:21
jrwrenwhich are irrelevant.15:21
snap-lNo, it's a statement on how developer-centric your OS is15:22
snap-lNo user is going to want to take a screenshot of their device15:22
greg-grick_h__: thought you'd be interested in this: http://pythoscope.org/, found it from http://www.disneyanimation.com/technology/opensource.html15:23
snap-lDisney has been using Python pretty extensively15:24
greg-goh, yeah, you too snap-l :)15:24
snap-lLinux as well.15:24
rick_h__greg-g: cool15:25
jrwrenthey own pixar who has used renderman on linux for over a decade :)15:26
snap-lApparently my current boss' cousin was responsible for Wall-E15:27
snap-lwhich, being an animation fan, really made me happy.15:27
jrwrenresponsible for?15:30
jrwrenlike lead sysadmin15:30
jrwrenor directed the movie?15:30
snap-lLike director15:30
jrwrenandrew stanton?15:30
brouschi hav an app to take screenshots of my phone15:32
snap-lbrousch: That's different15:32
brousch3 clicks and a shake15:32
snap-la) you're a developer, and b) you installed that on your phone15:32
snap-lI'm not saying that taking a screenshot on a phone isn't important for developers, I'm saying that baking it into the OS means you're not focusing on the users.15:33
snap-lWhich, in turn, means you're fucked.15:33
snap-l(mobile OS, I mean)15:34
greg-gsnap-l: wait, having a screenshot function is anti-user? how else do you want me to share my fancy iphone weather app information on twitter with such witty commentary as "boy is it cold out!"15:35
snap-lgreg-g: Personally, or for the sake of this conversation? ;)15:39
brouschi've only been an android developer for a week :P15:42
brouschhad screenshot for a year15:42
snap-lbrousch: You've been a developer longer than that15:43
greg-gsnap-l: for the sake of the conversation. I mean, I see people sharing iphone screenshots all the time, seems to be a wanted feature15:43
greg-gand by people I mean "non-developers"15:44
snap-lgreg-g: Point taken15:44
snap-lAnd yes, there are times where I've wished for screenshots on the iPhone15:45
snap-lIt's mostly a slam on the Open Moko15:46
snap-lsince when I saw it, it didn't do much except make phone calls and take screenshots.15:47
greg-ggotcha, I missed that reference :)15:47
snap-lI blame the network. ;)15:49
brouschomg people have lost their minds today15:52
brouschi'm going to kick a puppy15:52
snap-lbrousch: What's wrong now?15:52
brouscheveryone has forgotten how todo things they've been doing for a decade15:53
snap-lWelcome to the age of Google.15:53
snap-lIdiocracy is not far behind15:53
brouschyet they resist new systems15:53
brouschbecause they would have to learn how to do it a different way15:53
* snap-l just shuddered at the thought of a world where the primary information resource is a SEO-ridden Google.15:54
brouschhalf of everything i know i learned from Slashdot15:54
jrwrenthat is frightening.15:54
jrwrenit means that half of everything you know is wrong.15:54
snap-lNatalie Portman, petrified, with a hot bowl of grits?15:54
brouschi've been trying to learn "the right way" for about 3 years15:55
snap-lto petrify Natalie Portman?15:55
rick_h__brousch: keep going, 3yrs means you've learned how to do it wrong 3 ways15:55
snap-lI believe it starts by stuffing hot bowls of grits down your pants15:56
rick_h__then you learn how to do it wrong 5 ways in 5 years15:56
rick_h__and after that I think you just decide "@#$*@# it, my way is pretty damn good enough"15:56
brouschi've learned a lot from better devs in here and in various user groups15:57
snap-lHi Craig,15:57
snap-lWe do not publish, nor indeed, create the content that is sold through Kobo. We work alongside publishers by ensuring our technical standards run parallel, but we are not experts in creating content, publishers provide us with the books they wish to sell, and the format they prefer to sell it in. The vast majority of content works without any issues, those that have errors in them, we refer back to the publisher to be resolved. We apologiz15:58
snap-lThe Kobo Team15:58
* snap-l will post the rest in paste-bin15:58
snap-lBlergh. rick's paste-bin isnt' working16:01
rick_h__snap-l: loads here ?16:01
snap-lIt's giving me an internal server error when I paste in this text.16:02
rick_h__ah, sucky16:02
snap-lI'll post it later16:02
snap-lOnce u1 finishes syncing 8GB of music16:03
snap-lOnly 418 more files16:04
snap-lwatch "u1sdtool --waiting-content | wc -l" ;)16:05
snap-lThere's only 877 files in the directory16:07
snap-lNot one of my brightest moves16:07
rick_h__50% baby!16:07
brouschhah, i was going to suggest using mine, but it 500'd too16:07
snap-lwell, that's comforting16:08
rick_h__heh, time to kill/wait for the weekend16:08
snap-lSomehow I'm thinking I'm the one degrading the performance16:09
snap-lCan't imagine anyone else using this. ;)16:09
greg-ghey snap-l, do you have the Michigan Team LocoDirectory calendar loaded up in your gcal?16:12
greg-gthe UH:CHC events appear to start at 4pm16:13
snap-lon it16:13
snap-lThey're set for 20:00UTC16:13
greg-gthanks man. I guess I could have complained to rick_h__ as well :)16:13
snap-lWow, that's annoying16:14
rick_h__ahahahahahahahaha http://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/05/11/1450208/Developer-Blames-Apple-For-Ruining-eBook-Business16:16
rick_h__ "We bet everything on Apple and iOS and then Apple killed us by changing the rules in the middle of the game."16:16
greg-gholy.... http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/11/plasma-desktopgp1838.jpg16:17
rick_h__greg-g: what am I missing here?16:17
brouschheh, someone created a unity clone in kde?16:17
jjessebrousch those are just customizing kde to look like unity16:18
jjesseno actual code16:18
brouschyeah yeah16:18
rick_h__so instead of writing unity, they could have figured out the kde settings menus instead :P16:18
brouschsame level of complexity16:18
jjessebig rumor/flameware on identi.ca today from one of the kubuntu developers whos posted a smart ass comment about kubuntu switching to unity16:19
jjesseits a good converstation16:19
rick_h__if re.match('/unity/'): conversation == False16:20
snap-lAh, I think I figured this out16:20
rick_h__and with that, I've got to run...16:20
snap-lIf you put a location for the event, you can set the timezone16:20
snap-ldoing that makes it not have to use UTC16:21
greg-gsnap-l: I *thought* there was somethign like that16:21
greg-gsnap-l: there should be a little notice about that on the event details edit page, so you dont' have to remembe those things :)16:21
snap-lProbably the same UI developers that thought the top menu was a great idea. (just saying)16:22
snap-lin any event, there's a location for Caribou, along with a note that Google Maps is fucked.16:23
brouschgoogle maps is the bizomb16:23
brouschdo not speak ill of it16:23
ColonelPanic001I nearly got hopelessly lost going to CHC once because of that bug16:27
ColonelPanic001I had to call _stink_ and have him give me directions. I was a mile or two in the wrong direction16:27
greg-goh yeah, that issue, East vs West and such16:27
ColonelPanic001I reported it on google maps, I think. That was what, a year ago or something? meh16:28
snap-lI've been bit by that when I had to go to the urologist's office16:28
snap-lSaid their office was on the Van Dyke Espressway bridge16:28
brouschColonelPanic001: you can fix those bugs yourself now16:30
ColonelPanic001they have a bajillion dollars, they can hire someone to answer my email and fix it. :P16:31
brouschit's free! contribute!16:33
brouschjust like open source software16:33
snap-lFunny enough, they have the right location when you type Caribou Coffee16:36
snap-lbut not when you type the address16:36
jjessei have had two changes accepted already16:37
rick_h__ok, that explains it then16:37
rick_h__I was going to say I've never seen this bug/issue you guys talk about16:37
rick_h__but I find by name16:37
greg-gsure, be slave labor16:48
greg-gwhy not instead own the contributions you make and contribute to Open Street Map16:49
rick_h__ok, so not taking anyone as metal that's cutting tofu16:55
snap-lIt's funny16:55
snap-lTotally subscribing to this channel16:56
snap-lHey, Qik is also going to Microsoft16:57
rick_h__why wouldn't it?17:02
snap-lConsidering eBay managed to get Skype but not the IP, I'm impressed Microsoft had enough forethought to ask. ;)17:02
snap-lAlso, I love how everyone's little GNU pet project for telephony is getting dusted off17:05
snap-lThe time for GNU Free-call was about 1 year before this announcement17:06
snap-l_stink_: You should have been at MUG last night17:07
snap-lI don't think anyone mentioned ekiga at all... oh, wait. Yeah, yeah they did17:07
snap-labout 4 different ways.17:07
snap-lAnd they got indignant when I said that I couldn't get it to do shit17:09
snap-lI think it's partially because of my firewall17:10
wolfgerjjesse: flameware? Is that what Slashdot runs on?17:16
snap-lYou might know it better as "perl"17:20
jrwrenpretty cool that google is saying linux is the same as windows and mac in this chrome presentation.17:35
jrwrenhe didn't even say "oh and also linux" like i often here.17:35
wolfgerwhere? ;-)17:37
rick_h__jrwren: heh, no problem here in linux on flash including to fullscreen and back17:40
jrwrengood for you.17:41
snap-lApparently all I need to do is set up QOS right. :)17:41
snap-lQuality of Service17:41
tjagodaWhat are you trying to set it up on?17:42
snap-lMy router so I don't get into suckville17:42
tjagodaBe careful with QoS over wifi17:42
tjagodalots of consumer routers don't do it right and it screws with Ubuntu particularly17:42
snap-lYeah, I know17:43
snap-lWhich is why I'm using Tomato. :)17:43
snap-lLet's just put it this way: I can watch The Daily Show, upload to U1, and still have the ability to ssh without having it all go to hell17:46
rick_h__man as a web dev I love watching these IO things17:47
jrwrenyeah, its just like watching MSFTs Ie10 keynote *sigh*17:48
rick_h__except it runs on multiple platforms17:48
rick_h__oh, and doesn't require Win817:48
snap-lOr Silverlight17:49
rick_h__oh, and is still faster/nicer (I tried IE9 the other day for a few)17:49
snap-la version that hasn't been released yet17:49
rick_h__IE can just go away, I've no need to ever see it again. consider it deprecated17:49
snap-lLegacy. ;)17:50
jrwrenis silverlight?17:53
jrwrenie10 is silverligth?  I missed that. I don't think it is true.17:53
jrwreni'm glad MS is doing ie9 and ie10. for many speed things, they seem to be the only ones pushing google.17:54
rick_h__heh, no I think he more means MS stuff requiring silverlight17:54
snap-lI meant the viewing the keynotes via silverlight17:54
jrwrenbetter than flash.17:54
jrwreni'd much rather see a html5 stream, but we ain't got that.17:55
snap-lMuch like tying your balls to a locomotive is better than being gang-banged by a den of grizzly bears17:55
rick_h__lol, chrome has arrived, has angry birds now17:56
greg-gwow, I can always count on you, snap-l, for wonderful one-liners when I glance at IRC17:56
snap-lgreg-g: You're welcome. :)17:56
snap-lThat's me, aiming to please.17:57
wolfgersnap-l: it's better???18:02
rick_h__here we go, ChromeOS video conferencing18:15
snap-lgreg-g: Should we remove the Ubuntu QA meeting from the group calendar? :)18:56
rick_h__sweet, angry birds in chrome is cool and works in linux just peachy19:06
tjagodaAnybody need some reason to hate Apple? ^19:30
rick_h__yea, brought that up a while ago19:32
rick_h__but honestly, it's more like "YOU STUPID PEOPLE KEEP DOING IT OVER AND OVER"19:32
rick_h__as people build their business on apple and then when apple taketh, act like it's never happened before and all suprised19:32
tjagodaEven Microsoft is cooler than the iBook douchbaggery.19:34
tjagodaWe should all send e-mails to iFlow19:35
tjagodaand tell them to come to the Ubuntu software center.19:35
tjagodajcastro, get somebody from Canonical on that shit. =P19:36
rick_h__nope, why go from one wall to another :P19:36
snap-lrick_h__: You're so negative. ;)19:38
snap-lWhat could be better than getting the 2 users that purchase content under Ubuntu to buy your product? :)19:38
rick_h__snap-l: bitter from the banshee stuff?19:40
snap-lcold, man... cold. ;)19:40
rick_h__or just ack the fact that the ubuntu world is doing some linux splintering19:40
greg-gsnap-l: heh, sure :) (re QA meeting)20:01
snap-lcolor it gone20:24
snap-lNuts, got outbid on a Wendy Carlos box set.20:44
snap-lHer stuff goes for insane prices because most of it is OOP20:46
snap-lman, I need to go to Google IO21:17
brouschyou can watch it online21:17
snap-lScrew the talks, I want the toys.21:17
brouschi would like to try a chromeos computer21:18
snap-lOf course the time that I'd go, they'd likely announce the new Google Pet Rock21:19
brouschor 10 more free appengine slots21:23
snap-lYeah, something like that21:58

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