
JonathanDMorning PA11:24
JonathanDTo work!13:13
JonathanDrmg51: you're late, and missed my good morning :/13:14
teddy-dbearhis computer lost the connection :P14:23
teddy-dbeardidn't see your good morning14:23
teddy-dbearso...... morning JonathanD14:24
* pleia2 gives teddy-dbear some treats14:31
* teddy-dbear hugs pleia214:32
andrewnow I'm hungry14:38
ChinnoDogeat some teddy treats15:23
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!15:33
teddy-dbearGood chocolate to all!15:36
InHisNameGoooooood    ----> BACON! & chocolate  to SamuraiAlba, teddy-dbear, JonathanD, ChinnoDog, andrew, and pleia215:49
JonathanDHello InHisName15:49
InHisNameWhew! lotta early risers and typers today15:49
JonathanDhi SamuraiAlba15:49
jrmyanyone know about the ps3 and linux?15:58
jrmygood morning btw15:58
jrmyor perhaphs connecting to an irc server when it only says the address but no port15:59
ChinnoDogDefault IRC port is 666715:59
jrmywhat does ssl mean?15:59
jrmyif it says irc.insertwhateverhere.org (ssl) #channel16:00
jrmyand the default port doesnt seem to work16:00
jrmythen what?16:00
PennBotIt has been said that then what is jthan, jrmy16:00
jrmyperhaps the server is down16:01
ChinnoDogThe SSL port is usually different16:01
ChinnoDogAccording to wikipedia, it is often 6679 or 669716:01
jrmysucks i dont know that much about irc16:02
ChinnoDogSSL = secure sockets layer. It is also used by web sites using https, which is http over SSL.16:02
jrmyeh.. maybe i shoudl just give up16:03
jrmysure i can use my ps3 for a computer but i dont know if its worth it16:03
ChinnoDoghttp traffic is on port ip, SSL is on port 443. For IRC, unencrypted traffis is on 6667, SSL is often custom but the above mentioned ports are commonly used according to wikipedia16:03
ChinnoDogerr... http traffic is on port 8016:03
jrmyhow do you set the ssl port?16:04
ChinnoDogIn your IRC client? Depends on the client.16:04
ChinnoDogYou are using xchat. idk about in there. Someone here know xchat?16:05
jrmyhell i should probably just sell it (my ps3)16:07
teddy-dbearit should be similar to pidgin16:08
teddy-dbearlook under buddy list then tools16:08
teddy-dbearthen prefs16:09
teddy-dbearthere should be a network tab16:09
teddy-dbearif that doesn't work I don't know16:09
jrmyuh.. what?16:13
jrmywhatever.. dont matter16:13
ChinnoDogYou give up so easily16:23
HowdyDoodyAlmost 5 days uptime, and no frozen status yet!16:33
jrmyChinnoDog: guess life hasnt been to encouraging16:37
jrmyi didnt have a good father figure16:37
jrmyyelled at me my whole childhood16:37
jrmyso i suppose i have an absence of encouragement16:38
jrmynot your fault..16:39
IdleOne<SpitfireWP> Xchat -> network list -> find the net you want to use ssl on, change the server/port to server/sslport16:39
IdleOne<SpitfireWP> e.g. irc.freenode.net/6667 to irc.freenode.net/667016:39
IdleOne<SpitfireWP> Then tick the use ssl option.16:39
IdleOne<SpitfireWP> (forgot to mention, once you find the net you want to ssl on, you need to select it and press edit)16:39
IdleOnethere ya go16:39
IdleOneat some point in time you need to forgive all those people who weren't so nice to you and move on. I will let you know when I decide to follow my own advice :/16:40
jrmyi forgave him.. but i dont know how to change how i do things16:42
jrmywhen ive been liek this for over half of my life16:42
jrmyi feel like at times i have lots of bad memories and little good ones16:42
jrmyeven though im mostly an optimist16:43
IdleOneit isn't easy and there is no one method but I know that allowing yourself to give up never works.16:43
jrmywell lets do a new subject16:45
jrmyif i wanted to use linux for the os and wanted to program robots what would be the best language(s) to use?16:46
jrmywell.. learn16:46
jrmyat this point i know nothing on electronics besides basics and nothing as far as programming16:47
IdleOnepython and/or perl16:47
IdleOnecheck out supybot16:47
jrmyi assume linux would be the best choice seeing as some of the distros are less bulky and in turn faster16:48
jrmybut i'd probably need to write my own distro which if im not mistaken can be done16:48
jrmyIdleOne: supybot or is that a typo?16:48
IdleOneno typo16:49
IdleOneit can be done, look up Linux from scratch16:49
jrmybtw i meant tangile robot16:49
jrmynot an irc bot.. lol16:50
IdleOneno idea.16:51
ChinnoDogThat is a tall order for someone that has never done it before16:51
jrmyidk.. just assumed there were some knowledgable people in this channel16:51
ChinnoDogWhat kind of robot do you want to build?16:51
jrmywell i just plan on taking some classes in college in the near future16:52
jrmywell eventually a larger more humanoid robot16:52
jrmybut i'd make just about anything to start with16:52
jrmyliek a robotic arn16:52
jrmyor say a bot that mows my lawn.. lol16:53
IdleOnethose exist already16:53
ChinnoDogPick one, jrmy. Both are feasable. You probably don't want to build the hardware, but hardware is available.16:53
ChinnoDogFor example, you could get into roomba hacking16:54
jrmyroomba hacking?16:54
ChinnoDogThere is lots of info online about hacking roombas and adding your own programs16:54
IdleOneroomba are autonomous vacuum16:54
IdleOnethey zip around the house and clean stuff up16:54
ChinnoDogYes. Once you know how it works you can build a bigger oen with a lawnmower blade and program it to not run over small children16:55
IdleOnefun to watch for 5 minutes then you realize it manages to get itself stuck a lot16:55
jrmyaww... shuucks16:55
ChinnoDogMake it intelligent enough not to do that16:55
jrmyi coudl just say what i want to build for the big goal16:55
IdleOnelawn mower would need GPS16:55
IdleOneyou don't want to be mowing down the neighbors roses16:56
jrmysure its even been thought of16:56
ChinnoDogNot /need/ GPS. There are other ways to do it.16:56
ChinnoDogRoomba does not have GPS16:56
jrmymy robot would invole using motion sensing16:56
ChinnoDogIt still manages to mow your carpet without taking a trip to the corner store.16:56
IdleOneit doesn't need to watch out for kids and roses16:56
ChinnoDogBut it doesn't leave the house16:57
ChinnoDogI think because it uses some kind of programmed barrier, right?16:57
IdleOnesomething with a spinning blades that can cut off your leg need a little more "smarts"16:57
jedijfjrmy: electronics and programming and learning==ti launchpad or arduino, if you want a launchpad email me your address to jedijf at myfisher dot org and i will mail one out to you16:57
ChinnoDogYou can use programmed barrier + no small children directive16:57
jrmy2 =?16:58
jedijfgoogle it16:58
jrmydunno if i need a launchpad account yet16:58
IdleOnejrmy: you know what would be really awesome is if you can make me a USB Powered coffee maker16:58
IdleOnenot a warmer16:58
IdleOneI want it to brew coffee16:59
ChinnoDogIdleOne: Have you seen the tower PC with the coffee maker built into it on the internets?16:59
IdleOneI am serious dude16:59
IdleOneI have not16:59
IdleOnebut if it is real I will buy one asap16:59
jrmyhas there been any talk on a robot controlled by motion conrtol that is a humanoid?16:59
jrmyor in development17:00
ChinnoDogI can't find the full sized pic now, but here it is: http://www.boingboing.net/2002/12/08/coffeemaking-pc-case.html17:00
PennBotTitle: Coffee-making PC casemod - Boing Boing (at www.boingboing.net)17:00
IdleOneToyota has been working on and building humanoid robots for 30 years17:00
jrmythats essentially what i'd want to build17:00
jrmybut it would be dumb if someones already gonna make what i'd have planned17:01
jrmyseeing as thsi would porbably take me at least 2 years to do17:01
IdleOneChinnoDog: looks cool but I don't want to build it myself17:02
IdleOneI want to have it delivered to my house with a pound of coffee ready to brew :)17:02
jrmyand more specifically speaking this robot human interaction would be like playing a virtual reality game17:02
jrmyexcept its real and youre controlling a robot17:02
jrmyeither by a controller or motion conrtol in say a ball cage or on a ball with motion sensing17:03
jrmywhoops to many motion17:03
* jrmy got 3 hours of sleep17:04
jrmyany of this sound familiar as far as anyone making this?17:04
jrmyas far as i know thsi isnt existent now..17:05
jrmyseeing as ive seen no robots walking around or whatever17:05
jrmyperhaps i coudl make money off of the idea but idk..17:06
jrmyi know it would be very expensive17:06
teddy-dbearyou never met andrew ;-)17:06
IdleOneproblem Toyota has is getting the robot to walk around and be sure it doesn't step on anybody17:07
jrmywell is there robots AI controlled or human controlled?17:07
jrmymine woudl be essentially human controlled besides motor functionality17:08
jrmyi'd probably even be to far behind on making the robot when the tiem woudl come17:09
jrmyprobably asking to many questions17:10
jrmyi just dont know where to look or what keywords to search for proper information17:11
jrmyanyways i need to either learn some engineering skills or programming17:12
jrmyand get a team of peopel to help buld said project17:12
* jrmy hates his typos17:12
andrewteddy-dbear: What about me?17:14
jrmyi guess everything is available to make my robot17:15
jrmyive just been irresponsible with my schooling17:16
jrmywell.. was fun talking again..17:16
teddy-dbearandrew: you will always be a bot to me :-D17:17
jrmywould talking about hacking a current gen game system be innapropriate in this channel?17:19
InHisNameDidn't I read a couple of years ago, a company demo-ing a robotic lawnmower that ran amok the audience and knocked down a small child (infant?) before it was stopped.    Or did I just dream it ?17:24
HowdyDoodyThe update manager did not pop up and prompt for updating like it used to before u/g to 11.04.19:06
HowdyDoodyWhat to check for re-setting to automatically run?19:07
IdleOnecheck the Software Sources under the update tab19:08
HowdyDoodyHmmm, Auto Updt: check for updt [checked]   only notify about available updates [checked]19:11
IdleOneyou have normal releases selected?19:12
HowdyDoodyimpnt, reccom, unsupp, selected19:12
HowdyDoodyset for 'daily'19:13
IdleOneyeah under that you should see Release Upgrade19:14
IdleOneset that to Normal Releases19:14
HowdyDoodyYes, 'normal releases'19:14
IdleOneok, close that and run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:15
HowdyDoodyIt was ran 5 days ago, and run manually just this hour.  30 items found and updated.19:16
HowdyDoodyI would have expected some to be other days than today and 5 days ago.  Like 1-4 days ago.   Doing apt-get now19:17
HowdyDoodyfor what its worth: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.19:18
HowdyDoodyI guess I wait a few days and see if its gonna work automatically .19:19
IdleOneyou can run sudo do-release-upgrade19:19
IdleOnewhat version are you running right now?19:20
HowdyDoodywhat ever came with 11.04 upgrade19:21
IdleOneok so you are running 11.04 right now19:22
IdleOneI am confused19:22
IdleOnewhat updates/upgrades were you expecting?19:22
HowdyDoodyI ran update manager 'check' and found 30 to install today.19:23
IdleOneok sudo apt-get upgrade19:23
HowdyDoodyI u/g 5+ days ago. and all good then.19:23
HowdyDoodyNothing to update since then till I clicked 'check'19:23
HowdyDoody sudo apt-get upgrade  ---->0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.19:25
IdleOneif it tells you 0 packages then there isn't any to upgrade19:25
IdleOneso you are all up to date19:25
HowdyDoodyI am now, I installed the 30 I   MANUALLY found by clicking 'check'.     I expected some of that 30 to have dribbled in on days # 1-4 between days 0 and 5.19:26
JonathanDPlaying with unity a bit more I have now found a few things that annoy me.20:17
JonathanD(still don't hate it yet)20:18
jedijfme waits to see Unity report on JonathanD20:20
JonathanDIt looks nice. It just doesn't flow as well as I'm used to...20:20
jedijf6 weeks20:21
JonathanDalso I wanted to try padre and it doesn't work (ubuntu 11.04 problem, not a unity problem)20:21
jrmyi wonder if 11.04 woudl work on my machine20:22
SamuraiAlbaBacktrack 5 is out :O  ubuntu 10.04 based :O20:29
PennBotIt has been said that 10.04 is and LTS, right, andrew20:31
ChinnoDogHe doesn't know about that one20:52
andrewTeach him!21:13
ChinnoDogPennBot: 11.04 is an Ubuntu release involving narwhals21:15
ChinnoDogPennBot: jrmy?21:19
PennBothmm... jrmy is not pennsylvanian but I, ChinnoDog21:19
ChinnoDogPennBot: jrmy is also taking over the world with fembots21:20
PennBotSWINE FLU21:21
SamuraiAlbawhen is the next PLUG?22:20
JonathanDWe'll find out when people come on irc saying they are there ;)22:21
SamuraiAlbahehe  I wanna go to one :)22:22
andrewSamuraiAlba: last night?22:35

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