
Captainkrtekhello MarkDude 04:28
MarkDudeHello Captainkrtek 04:44
Captainkrtekhow's it going?04:45
* MarkDude is in midst of mailing SWAG to the Oregon Ubuntu Team right now04:58
MarkDudeThey had a meeting that 7 people showed up at04:58
MarkDudethey were not impressed with tthe number04:58
* MarkDude told them it was a good start04:58
* MarkDude want to set up a geeknic/ meeting in Longview- so both Oregon and WA folks can go04:59
MarkDudehttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/2424094/IMAG0418.JPG <<SWAG05:02
CaptainkrtekIll take some ;)05:06
CaptainkrtekMarkDude, where'd you get all the swag?05:16
MarkDudeWell from various events05:18
MarkDudeI can get some for WA also05:18
CaptainkrtekI live in Sammamish05:18
MarkDudewe can put in with Oreilly for some books- and ebooks also05:18
Captainkrtekcool :D05:19
CaptainkrtekOrdered my Ubuntu Hoodie05:19
Captainkrtekcomes tomorrow05:19
MarkDudeThey will send all sorts of books- even MORE if people put up reviews05:19
MarkDudeCool hoodie05:19
valorieGoogle gives out swag as well05:19
* valorie would come down to longview05:20
Captainkrtekthanks :)05:20
MarkDudeOne of my friends in GidgetKitchen gets all sorts of books from them 05:20
CaptainkrtekI get Samsung stuff05:20
MarkDudeHello there kick ass Linux Grandma05:20
CaptainkrtekI want everything on this page: http://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=1605:20
Captainkrtekmight order a lanyard, mug, and notebook soon05:20
* MarkDude started call his - Kung Fu Grandma- she plays along05:21
Captainkrtek0_0 http://www.system76.com/05:21
Captainkrtekbeautiful ^05:21
valoriehey MarkDude05:21
MarkDudeCarll from 76 is a real nice guy05:21
Captainkrteklol lots of brackets05:21
MarkDude((((((((hugs))))))))))) back05:21
valorieno cool Kub. stuff though05:21
* MarkDude thinks 76 should have KDE as well as one unit at least that can do Fedora05:22
Captainkrtekhmm I want a 7605:22
Captainkrtekno money :/05:22
MarkDudeZAreason- does like 500 Distros05:22
MarkDudeok maybe only 1205:23
Captainkrtekany other laptop manufacturers like 76?05:23
MarkDudeHey what about a picnic next to the nuclear reactors?05:23
Captainkrtekalso wtf: http://cgi.ebay.com/UBUNTU-10-10-BEST-LINUX-OPERATING-SYSTEM-4-PC-LAPTOP-/170636580930?pt=Laptops_Nov05&hash=item27babb9842#ht_5428wt_123005:23
Captainkrtekselling Ubuntu, and it's maverick05:24
MarkDudeNot quite yet- a few of the outlier companies might be able to pull oem status soon05:24
* MarkDude has found that my biggest hassles in advocating FOSS are not MS folks or Apple- it is your allies that can be your biggest liability05:25
MarkDudesuch as folks selling crap with Linux05:25
valoriethat is what we need to turn around05:25
valoriewe're on the side of Freedom05:26
valorieso let's cut the internecine crap05:26
* MarkDude used to work with alternative energy- it was not the folks on the opposite side of the spectrum that were really opposed- it was the folks you would least expect05:27
* MarkDude steps off soapbox05:27
valoriethat's one of the things I like about Ubuntu/Canonical -- they are bringing more flavors under the roof05:27
valorieLubuntu people are at UDS05:27
MarkDudeMost folks in other Distros feel the same way05:28
valorieand Xubuntu05:28
valorieand Kub, of course05:28
Captainkrtekanyone here know much about the mirroring process for ubuntu05:28
Captainkrtekcause my mirror have been pending review for a bit05:28
Captainkrtekbeen waiting: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/slashdev.org05:28
* valorie just does torrents05:28
CaptainkrtekI've put my mirror up for torture ;)05:28
Captainkrtekhello Ashex 05:32
Captainkrtekand hello althara 05:32
CaptainkrtekMarkDude, you on the bug control team?05:33
MarkDudeUh no Captainkrtek 05:49
* MarkDude is a Linux Advocate/Evangelist05:50
MarkDudetalker :D05:50
Captainkrtekhis is what I do: 05:51
MarkDudeOne of my main points about FOSS since I first started- was that I did not need to - to get a huge amount out of it05:51
Captainkrtekhehe Im in too many channels: http://i.imgur.com/pxEsL.png05:54
MarkDudeMe too06:02
* MarkDude used to be in 30+channels- it involved to much scrolling06:03
MarkDudeBeefy Miracle is actually related to Fedora- sort of a long story06:04
* MarkDude is part of both Ubuntu and Fedora- since my primary thing is FOSS rather than specifics06:04
Captainkrtekcool :)06:05
Captainkrtekwhere in WA are you located?06:05
MarkDudefirst is actually Creative Commons, but I digress06:05
* MarkDude is actually in Northern California06:05
Captainkrtekwhat are you doing here haha06:05
MarkDudeLived in Portland and Vancouver Washington for a few years06:05
Captainkrtekahh neat06:06
MarkDudewas living down here and working in PNW06:06
CaptainkrtekI see06:06
MarkDudeand have spent the last few years traveling to Free Geek and learning how to set a similar thing up down here06:06
* MarkDude sees himself as a West Coast person more than anything06:07
Captainkrtekvery cool06:08
MarkDudeOfficially I am lead contact for Oregon Team as it restarts06:08
MarkDudeand hope by end of Summer to have a replacement for myself06:08
Captainkrtekcool project06:09
MarkDudeAnd besides, any channel that has valorie in it - is good in my book06:09
Captainkrtekim new to the whole FOSS community, aside from my android involvment06:09
Captainkrtekbeen usuing ubuntu since feisty though06:09
valorieI can't fit all the chans anymore, since I have all the UDS rooms06:09
Captainkrtekjust never contributed much06:09
* MarkDude loves the PNW, and if I dont end up living here - I will settle back there06:09
* MarkDude keeps putting off getting into irssi06:10
CaptainkrtekI use xchat06:10
CaptainkrtekI have a few people from my camp at UDS06:11
MarkDudeIt would have been fun to go06:12
CaptainkrtekI will hopefully go next year06:12
CaptainkrtekI can fly for very good prices06:12
Captainkrtekwhere is 2012 UDS?06:13
MarkDudeThey dont let people know until the last minute, IMHO06:14
valorienext one will be in Orlando06:19
valoriethey let that be leaked quite awhile ago06:19
valoriethey liked that location a lot last time06:19
valoriesmelled like the old dog had gas, so I took him outside06:20
MarkDudeOk- I hope to be able to be setting up a comp0uter lab in Hialeah Florida after UDS06:20
valoriehe wanted right back in -- sure enough, it was more than gas, and already taken care of.....06:20
Captainkrtekhopefully Ill go next year06:20
valorieI look forward to visiting my friend who lives on the Wekivah River again06:21
valorieit was amazing06:21
valoriespent the weekend before UDS there06:22
valoriesoooo fun06:22
* MarkDude wants to hang out with the halls06:25
MarkDudeand itnet706:25
valorieI wish it would have worked to stay with Michelle another day06:38
valorieas it was, it was just a hassle for them06:38
MarkDudeWell if I scedule it correctly - I may be able to get a few extra volunteers to help set up the lab06:39
CaptainkrtekMarkDude, feel free to use my Mirror to DL ubuntu06:43
Captainkrtekit's fast :)06:44
* MarkDude is running old versions of everything at the moment06:45
Captainkrtekold skool06:46

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