
* nlsthzn waves06:12
hihanhoesjanything interestinggoing on?07:08
andrewlsdMornings folks, I think we're a bit early. Nothing happeninig at the moment here.07:17
hihanhoesjI can see that :)07:18
Kilosmorning superfly and everyone else08:47
KilosMaaz, coffee on08:47
* Maaz puts the kettle on08:47
superflymorning oom Kilos08:48
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!08:51
KilosMaaz, ty08:52
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure08:52
Kilosi have an evolution problem guys. received 7 new mails in inbox. when opening the third one the other 4 disappeared. inbox still shows 4 but they are hidden even though my 'show hidden' is ticked09:35
hihanhoesjKilos, have you tried restarting your evo?09:45
Kilosyeah twice09:45
Kilosthe old mails in inbox show but the 4 new ones are just hidden09:46
Kiloswill try again ty09:46
hihanhoesjHmm, I remember somewhere seeing that evo has a "repair corrupt index" option. I will have to check though.09:47
Kilosinbow still shows there are 4 unread but the are hidden09:47
Vhatait's a sign of insanity to do the same thing twice and expect different results09:47
Kiloslol hi Vhata 09:47
hihanhoesjwell then I must be quite insane... seeing as I do that frequently, and actually get different results :)09:48
Kilosi have an excuse for being insane09:48
Kilosevo did a similar thing 2 days ago and for the life of me i cant find the link to the thread at launchpad. was something to do with inbox folder being corrupted09:52
Kilosi keep looking09:52
hihanhoesjIt is the index file that is corrupted09:53
nlsthznSleepy time for IR... Cheers09:53
hihanhoesjand it was in thunderbird that I saw the index repair function.09:54
hihanhoesjunfortunately I dont use evo anymore, so I cant help you further. Sorry09:56
Kilosnp ty hihanhoesj  i will find it somewhere10:02
Symmetria*HRM* is anyone seeing still more google stuff coming locally than normal10:18
* Symmetria is seeing almost 50% more traffic from them locally10:18
KilosMaaz, what is for lunch11:44
MaazKilos: A bowl of miso soup and noodles11:44
=== halcyon is now known as halcyon2
HughJamptonHello possums16:21
Kiloshi HughJampton 16:41
HughJamptonAnyone know why I can't access tenet mirror anymore?16:55
KilosSymmetria, can you help HughJampton 17:00
Kiloshi murmur 17:03
Kilosnuvolari, ping17:04
Kiloshi queery 17:05
KilosMaaz, coffee on17:05
* Maaz puts the kettle on17:05
KilosMaaz, coffee for all17:05
MaazSure thing, Kilos. Hey guys, bring your own mugs! I'm tired of doing all the dishes on my own.17:05
queeryMaaz, coffee please17:05
Maazqueery: Sure17:05
queeryhi Kilos 17:05
queeryMaaz, hurry up17:06
Maazqueery: Sorry...17:06
KilosMaaz, move it17:06
MaazDon't rush me Kilos . Making decent coffee is an art17:06
queerydamn I always forget the commands17:06
KilosMaaz, hurry up17:07
MaazKilos Do you wanna sit there and nag or come make your own?17:07
queerywhy does it work with you?17:08
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and queery!17:09
Kilosmaybe cause i type slower17:09
queeryMaaz, thank you17:09
Maazqueery: No problem17:09
KilosMaaz, ty17:09
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure17:09
queeryno maybe because you gave  the initial call17:09
* Kilos loves Maaz17:09
* queery loves maaz more17:09
KilosMaaz, i love you17:12
MaazKilos Don't embarrass youself. You aren't a cyber chick17:12
* nlsthzn waves18:21
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
Kiloshiya nlsthzn-work 18:42
nlsthzn-workHey Uncle Kilos, how are you?18:42
Kiloswell ty and you nlsthzn-work 18:43
nlsthzn-workno complaints :)18:43
Kilosyou over the flu now at least?18:45
nlsthzn-workKilos: seems so... didn't get me quite as bad (and I didn't need to poison myself to get better :p)18:46
inetprogood evening20:48
nlsthzn-workinetpro: alo20:54
inetpronlsthzn-work: hiho20:54
kodezevening inetpro21:02
Kiloslo inetpro 21:26
Kilosek gaan  slaap nou21:26
Kilossleep tight all21:26
kodezgood evening everone21:56

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