
bastidrazorphong_: ubuntu doesn't have a root password.00:00
koltenI am trying to see if Ubuntu or any other Linux for that matter may have been the cause for my hacked Yahoo account.00:00
xangua!root | phong_00:00
ubottuphong_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:00
escottphong_, ubuntu doesn't have a root password. you can set one (not recommended) by using sudo passwd00:00
koltenSometimes sudo does not work.00:00
koltenTry SU.00:00
Jordan_Ukolten: I doubt it very much.00:00
bastidrazorescott: if its not recommended.. then don't recommend it.00:00
phong_escott, the one always ask me when i install or sudo something..i want to change that one00:00
Jordan_Ukolten: When does sudo "not work"?00:00
Zelozelosphong_ thats your user password00:00
escottphong_, sudo somecommand asks for the users password00:01
phong_well, how can i change it.00:01
Snicers-Work3kolten, Sudo always works as long as the password is right and you are part of the sudoers file.00:01
Zelozelosphong user account settings00:01
escottphong_, passwd from the terminal (i'm sure there is a gui as well)00:01
phong_i want to know with command00:01
Minnenanyone know a good IRC channel for GGambas?00:01
koltenI had tried to use sudo to install a package before and it could not be used, had to be from the actuall root.00:01
phong_oho kay00:01
Snicers-Work3kolten, What package?00:01
Jordan_Uphong_: *NOT* "sudo passwd", just "passwd".00:01
koltenI dunno, was a long time ago, and I do not remember if it was for a package or to friggin try to change one of the many fucking text commands in the terminal.00:02
Jordan_U!lanugage | kolten00:02
Jordan_U!language | kolten00:02
ubottukolten: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:03
ZiberUsing ubuntu 10.10, trying to have extended desktop on a laptop with an external monitor. How would I do that?00:03
phong_thanks, i got it.00:03
koltenNot to be frank, but I was quite aggrevated with Ubuntu and Linux all together, you download one thing, have to go hunting for hours on end for that one particular driver or the end to some long text command that is a bunch of crap from the get go anyhow, and then these package repositories are never updated to the next release of ubuntu!!!00:04
koltenThat is why I am cursing!!! User-friendly my behind!!!00:04
Zelozelosziber goto prefs, monitors, it will detect any moniters connected, otherwise it prob wont, u should be able to get it from there00:05
Jordan_Ukolten: This is not the place to swear or rant.00:05
Zelozeloskolten why dont you design write, compile, debug, test debug, test your own linux os then00:06
aeon-ltdkolten: one day compatibility will get better, or firms will start producing drivers and maintain repos for linux users00:06
aeon-ltd*more firms00:06
koltenThat is why I use PC BSD, its simple, easy, supposedly safe, and thier repositories are actually updated, and if there is a program that does not download correctly at first, it remedies itself and can be downloaded an hour or so later.00:06
jahmanmike are you in there00:06
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koltenAre you kidding, I am a Windows user, I am used to Windows and its ease of use, and I come to expect that from any os that calls itself "user-friendly."00:07
koltenI do not have time to Sudo this or CC that.00:07
Zelozeloskolten why did u try ubuntu then?00:07
Snicers-Work3kolten, Ubuntu is fairly user friendly, you just have to get used to something a little different.00:08
Jordan_Ukolten: This is your last warning. Please stick to Ubuntu support questions.00:08
qinkolten: Awesome, but offtopic00:08
Jordan_Ukolten: Or discuss other things in #ubuntu-offtopic.00:08
koltenBecause I Thought I would get something descent so I could stay off of Microdunce's payroll sheet!!!00:08
Travis-42I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 fresh to a brand new hard drive, but now the computer won't boot at all. it may have something to do with the multiple hard drives I have. How can I troubleshoot this?00:08
koltenTHAT IS WHY!!!!00:08
dijonyummyis there any better file manager than nautilus or dolphin in linux? i miss some things for instance, in windows, if some app, if you open some file you get the system dialog box where you can select a file, but also you can delete files too, then select the file you want, cuz the app is using the system functionality to select but miss that behavior.00:09
sw0rnHow do you mount a hard drive as read/write?00:09
Zelozeloskolten go with 10.10, its very "user friendly" and come here if someting dont work right. or try a diff flavor of linux, theres lots of them out ther i hear debian is the most stable00:09
|Slacker|dijonyummy, midnight commander :p00:09
dijonyummyman i really dont like what ubunutus done with the right scroll bar, its weird, hard to use, and now cant "page" down or up anymore00:10
escottTravis-42, how far is it getting in the boot process00:10
Travis-42escott, it doesn't appear to be loading grub00:11
dijonyummyslacker: is midnight commander a slam dunk better, or are all those 3 about the same just each has different pros/cons?00:11
escottsw0rn, mount -o rw00:11
Snicers-Work3dijonyummy, Submit a ticket about the inability to page up and down00:11
Travis-42escott, basically, bios then hang00:11
|Slacker|dijonyummy, midnight commander is console stuff...prolly ubuntu doesn't even ship this00:11
dijonyummythe gui designers should already know that, if not they suck00:11
Zelozeloskolten just so you know, linux is not like ms anything, ms is also re-designed for specific types/brands of machines, ubuntu has a few diff between desktop and other typs, but what im realy talking about is specificly desiging it for your machine,,,theres billions of them out there...so you have 2 expect to do some work to get it all to gether...its worth it in the end00:11
escottTravis-42, is it not finding a grub? or is it finding the wrong one?00:11
Zelozelosoh hehe he left00:12
|Slacker|in fact I didnt get your idea dijonyummy00:12
Jordan_UTravis-42: You probably just aren't booting from the drive that grub was installed to. Try removing the other drives, changing the boot order untill you've tried all of them, or installing grub to all of them.00:12
Travis-42escott, not finding any00:12
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Travis-42Jordan_U, I have the new hard drive that I installed Ubuntu to as the primary hard drive... how can I get grub installed to that one?00:12
Minnen#Gambas IRC channel is lacking of ppl, if there is any programmer on pls join if u like :)00:12
escott!grub | Travis-4200:12
ubottuTravis-42: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:12
Jordan_UMinnen: This is not the place to advertise your particular IRC channel. Please don't do it again.00:13
Minneni appologise00:13
Minnendidnt mean to spam00:13
jahmanyu di dey mshuhes00:13
[V13]AxelHas anyone had any sort of success using an ATI card and an NVIDIA card together on Ubuntu? I know the cards are physically compatible, because the setup works fine in Windows... But the only thing keeping me from using Ubuntu is the fact that my fourth monitor(Second monitor on PC2) is not working. Anyone know how to help?00:14
Travis-42ok.. this is odd, how do I get into the live session? I downloaded and burned Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit to a CD, but there is no "try ubuntu" option. is that new/normal?00:14
Jordan_UTravis-42: The option will be presented later in boot.00:14
Travis-42Jordan_U, when exactly?00:15
KM0201Travis-42: when you installed, did you actually install from from a live session? or did you use the "install inside windows" option?00:15
Jordan_UTravis-42: After X has started.00:15
Travis-42KM0201, neither, I choose "Install Ubuntu" from the CD00:16
Travis-42Jordan_U, hmm, X doesn't start for me. Maybe I downloaded the wrong cd00:16
[V13]AxelCan anyone help me with my above question?00:16
KM0201Travis-42: so. (again, just to be clear).. you inserted the CD.. and rebooted, let the CD boot, and got a option to "install ubuntu"00:16
Travis-42ah yup crap, I downloaded the alternate one, not the desktop one00:16
Jordan_UTravis-42: Did you download the "Alternate" install CD?00:16
Travis-42It's been a long time since I've installed rather than just upgraded ubuntu00:17
revilodrawhi guys, i've been in the forums and nothing is working for me, i'm using 11.04 and since my last update, no sound at all00:17
xanguaTravis-42: you can install & upgrade from alternate00:17
Travis-42xangua, yea, I did, but the grub is messed up, so I need to boot into a live session00:18
Zelozelosanyone know how to get screenshots to work when i hit my print screen?00:18
Zelozelosin 11.0400:18
revilodrawZelozelos: go into gimp and paste thenm00:18
Zelozelosrevilodraw, is it putting the screenshot on the clipboard?00:18
revilodrawZelozelos: when i hit my screenshot button it asks me where to save it or if i'd like to copy it to clipboard. does yours not do that?00:19
Zelozelosrevilodraw, r u using 11.04? my print screen button is doing nothin00:19
minashokryHello, when starting ubuntu and at login screen, I get a message "The configuration defaults of GNOME power manager have not been installed correctly, please contact system administrator" and after entering username and password, gnome logs out before completing the login, ....... any help?00:20
Travis-42well able to boot with the original grub install, that's good enough00:20
Travis-42no reason the alternate install should be different in any other way, right?00:20
kaushalI have cleared squid cache in squid. I am still unable to reach the global ubuntu mirror. is there a way to know where does squid deb proxy resides  in LAN ? I have restarted shorewall and squid services in gateway. still no luck00:20
revilodrawZelozelos: yeah, im using 11.04. ok, well that is difficult. try to find the command for screenshotting, then check the prtscr key is mapped to that command?00:20
[V13]AxelHas anyone ever had any success at running an ATI and an NVIDIA card simultaneously?00:20
Zelozelosrevilodraw, how do i change the keymap to that button?00:21
revilodrawZelozelos: in the meantime try this http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/three-ways-to-capture-screenshot-in-ubuntu-linux/00:21
minashokryHello, when starting ubuntu and at login screen, I get a message "The configuration defaults of GNOME power manager have not been installed correctly, please contact system administrator" and after entering username and password, gnome logs out before completing the login, ....... any help?00:22
Snicers-Work3Axel, I don't think that is possible.00:22
revilodrawZelozelos: System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts, and set 'take a screenshot' to 'print'00:22
Zelozelosrevilodraw, the other ways work just fine, just not the print-screen button00:22
[V13]AxelSnicers-Work3: I know for a fact it is; I can get them working on the Window Maker window manager, but without the ability to do much or 3D acceleration.00:23
revilodrawZelozelos: did u try the keyboard shortcuts suggestion?00:24
Snicers-Work3Axel, How does that work on the hardware side? Both drivers would have to be installed.00:24
escott[V13]Axel, the problem is which libgl would you use00:24
Zelozelosrevilodraw, ok i tried that, it was set to print but i re-did it it still dosent work00:24
revilodraw[V13]Axel: you're a madman00:24
[V13]AxelSnicers-Work3: I have no idea-- It was working using Xinerama for a while, but that's only on the Window Maker manager.00:24
[V13]Axelescott: Oh?00:24
[V13]Axelrevilodraw: Most would agree.00:25
escott[V13]Axel, you have to pick one, and then what happens when you drag your gl drawn window from the nvidia managed displays to the ati attached...00:25
revilodrawZelozelos: is it an old laptop? maybe the button is dead. try linking it to another button you never use, like "home pause" or some such nonsense00:25
[V13]Axelescott: Why can they not work in harmony with one another, passing graphical information back and forth? I've seen it done before, I just don't know how to do it.00:25
Zelozelosrevilodraw, i did still no dice, im adding a new command for it now maybe itll work00:26
revilodraw[V13]Axel: why would you want to use two graphics cards at once? on two monitors?00:26
CarlFKHarryS:  http://xkcd.com/792/ Password Reuse ;)00:26
Zelozelosrevilodraw, ok that worked, i dont know why the orig one didnt work, but adding a new one did thanks for the suggestion on the keymapping, would have never thought of that00:27
revilodrawZelozelos: glad i could help00:27
[V13]Axelrevilodraw: Yes-- I have two monitors attached to one computer, one to an NVIDIA onboard, and one to an ATI PCIe card. It works perfectly fine in Windows, and I miss having my fourth monitor(Two computers, two monitors each), which is the only thing keeping me from switching to 100% Ubuntu.00:27
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
Zelozelosrevilodraw, now if i could just get it to work while rotating the cube00:28
escott[V13]Axel, if nvidia used gem then there would be some hope this could work because gem could switch the execution to the correct card, but nvidia doesnt00:28
Snicers-Work3Axel, in order for what you want to work there would have to be a third hardware device (or software, but FSB would slow it to a crawl), something that converts signals that ATI puts out into signals that NVIDIA could understand. They can't transfer graphics seemlessly as they don't speak the same language essientially.00:28
revilodraw[V13]Axel: that is way out of my league00:28
StrangeLoopDoes anyone know an image browsing program which knows to browse images by date of modification?00:29
Snicers-Work3Axel, Now you can use an ATI card to render graphics and an nVidia card for PhysX if you want.00:29
escottStrangeLoop, i think shotwell does that00:29
ZelozelosStrangeLoop, you can sort by date in list view of nautilus00:29
[V13]Axelescott: Well, I don't see why it can work in Windows but not on Linux.00:29
Snicers-Work3StrangeLoop, Picasa00:29
[V13]Axelrevilodraw: Understood- I'm a bit of a nerd, and thus, know a good bit about the hardware side of things.00:30
Snicers-Work3Axel, are you sure it works or is it just using plug and play drivers?00:30
revilodrawZelozelos: haha what do you want to do that for?00:30
Snicers-Work3Axel, if it is just using plug and play drivers you might as well just go shell out 20 bucks for two of the same cheap video cards.00:31
[V13]AxelSnicers-Work3: I'm positive it works-- I can play full 3D games on either monitor, and both are using the manufacturer WDDM drivers on Windows.00:31
Zelozelosrevilodraw, i like to export ccsm settings and save screenshots along w them so i know which is which00:31
escott[V13]Axel, they have the market power to force nvidia and ati to play by the rules and create drivers that work within the framework. and can you move a game once it is started on one card?00:31
revilodrawZelozelos: ok, i dont know what ccsm settings are. is that compiz?00:31
Zelozelosrevilodraw, yup00:31
fuzzybunny69yHey everyone! How do you disable the Unity workspace switcher lens on the launcher?00:32
Zelozelosrevilodraw, sorry thats the name for the advanced compiz settin manager00:32
[V13]Axelescott: If I'm running it within a window, yes. Same thing with Aero-enabled windows. They work wonderfully-- No lag at all.00:32
revilodrawZelozelos: ok, well do you know how to fix my no sound problem?00:32
Zelozelosumm maybe..idk for sure ive never had sound issues, whats it doing?00:32
lindenlehi all have a problem in 11.04 that the nvidia accelerated driver is activated but not in use. any idea how to get this driver up and running (also display is acting a little janky without it)00:34
[V13]Axelescott: Also, on Linux. When I boot, the bootlogo shows up on the ATI card, and all command-line output shows up there as well, when in command-line mode. However, once the X server starts, the NVidia monitor shows the GUI. It's odd.00:34
Zelozelosrevilodraw, umm maybe..idk for sure ive never had sound issues, whats it doing?00:34
Snicers-Work3Axel, start here? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83421100:35
escott[V13]Axel, you get crazy results with a crazy setup :)00:35
revilodrawwell, since my last update, i have no sound whatsoever. i have tried a usb sound card with headphones, no luck. i tried headphones plugged into comouter, no luck, youtube is silent, exaile is silent00:36
Snicers-Work3revilodraw, terminal "alsamixer" and see if you can fix it from there.00:36
revilodrawSnicers-Work3: i have tried that and unfortunately that didnt help. everythiing is set to max volume in there00:37
Snicers-Work3revilodraw, Is the device listed on your pc?00:37
escott[V13]Axel, i'm pretty confident the best result you will get is to have glx enabled on only one display and the other display be unaccelerated. that is going to force you into using the unity-2d interface instead of compiz00:37
Reign_I was told that viruses hitting Unbuntu are unlikely. What causes it than to freeze and have to be forcefully shut down with on/off button?00:37
LxndrI have desire for running windows programs. But I have no desire for dual booting, and WINE is failing me. I've heard rumors about some sort of ability to install Windows *within* Ubuntu and have it run... as is. How can I make this happen?00:38
[V13]Axelescott: Unity is not installed on this PC. I use Ubuntu 10.04.2. I can do without compiz on this particular machine, that's not what I'm worried about.00:38
quantReign_, could be many things, overheating to start with00:38
DaekdroomReign_, gpu lockups, kernel oopses etc. Not necessarily malware.00:38
xanguaLxndr: virtual machine00:38
escott!VirtualBox | Lxndr00:38
ubottuLxndr: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox00:38
[V13]AxelLxndr: Virtualbox.org00:38
Reign_I see multiple responses. Computer did this shortly after start up twice in a row.00:38
revilodrawSnicers-Work3: i think so, can you be a little more specific? it's an hda intel card, and in 'system, preferences, sound' , under hardware, it says 'internal audio - analog stereo duplex'00:38
Snicers-Work3Lxndr, Note, there is significant performance lost.00:38
=== Archer_ is now known as Guest22367
kavurtanybody uses google talk video chat with something like pidgin or anything?00:39
xangua!anyone | kavurt00:39
ubottukavurt: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:39
Reign_"panic occurred, switching back to text console?"00:39
escott[V13]Axel, i thought you had it working with WindowMaker. why not use that xorg.conf00:39
LxndrSnicers-Work3, I've suspected a performance loss. In what way is this performance loss significant?00:40
[V13]Axelescott: That's the problem-- It's the same xorg.conf. All I did was tweak some video settings and WaZoo. It worked.00:40
xanguaLxndr: as in having a virtual OS running00:41
quantReign_, could be Unity crashing, try running "classic Gnome" and see if it happens00:41
Reign_quant: I do not know what classic Gnome is00:41
kavurtcan i use google talk video chat with any software?00:41
escottReign_, what graphics card do you have00:41
=== Archer__ is now known as Guest43478
quantReign_, when you're logging in, select "Ubuntu classic" from the menu on the bottom of the screen (after you select your username)00:42
Reign_escott: don't know; emachine00:42
escottReign_, lspci | pastebinit00:42
psusia while back I found a utility that analyzes the memory used by each process, by each module, and accounts for the memory shared between them, but now I can't remember what it was.  Anyone have any idea?00:43
ssfdre38what GRUB ver are you using?00:43
ssfdre38for ubuntu00:43
Minneni use 1.9900:43
revilodrawSnicers-Work3: is that what you mean? in System > Preferences > Sound?00:43
escottrevilodraw, is this a relatively new laptop?00:44
pionargood evening everyone00:44
PolahOn 10.04, where does the phpmyadmin directory go? I can't find it in /var/www00:44
revilodrawescott: no, it's a 2008 toshiba u30000:44
bastidrazorMinnen: no you don't.00:45
bastidrazor!info grub00:45
ubottugrub (source: grub): GRand Unified Bootloader (Legacy version). In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-29ubuntu61 (natty), package size 278 kB, installed size 912 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 lpia all)00:45
qin!info retty00:45
ubotturetty (source: retty): attach processes running on other terminals. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0-2 (natty), package size 9 kB, installed size 76 kB (Only available for i386)00:45
escott!info grub-pc | bastidrazor00:45
ubottubastidrazor: grub-pc (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (PC/BIOS version). In component main, is optional. Version 1.99~rc1-13ubuntu3 (natty), package size 900 kB, installed size 2720 kB (Only available for any-i386 any-amd64 any-powerpc any-ppc64 any-sparc any-mipsel i386 kopensolaris-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 powerpc ppc64 sparc mipsel)00:45
revilodrawescott: it's an onboard hda intel audio card, but strangely, plugging in a usb sound card didnt give me sound00:45
bastidrazorescott: and i stand corrected.00:46
pionarPolah, it's in /etc/phpmyadmin00:46
escottrevilodraw, well adding a usb to the mix is just going to make things more confusing, intel hda is well supported at the hardware level, but things get screwed up when all the manufacturers customize their builds you might try http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Help_To_Debug_Intel_HDA00:46
revilodrawescott: ok thank, sadly i think i've already tried this00:47
escottrevilodraw, even the hda_analyzer?00:47
Polahpionar: That's just various configuration files#00:47
mouseI have a problem.  My laptop kept disconnecting and reconnecting and it was getting annoying so I installed ndiswrapper and a windows driver for my wireless card but then it couldn't connect at all so I uninstalled the driver and ndiswrapper but I still can't use my wireless card.  Does anyone know how to fix this?00:48
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escottbastidrazor, no problem00:49
vaninahi !!!00:49
Gerwinmouse: Try opening up a terminal and typing 'sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper'00:49
psusiahh there it is, memstat!00:50
GerwinThat way the ndiswrapper module will be uninstalled00:50
pionarPolah,  /usr/share/phpmyadmin, i think00:50
ChrisSchi all00:50
vaninaanyone know a software like Visual Studio?00:50
ChrisScI'm looking for a programm that shows the history of the cpu-temp/hdd-temp00:50
escottChrisSc, hddtemp00:51
pionarvanina, depends on the language00:51
escottChrisSc, and lm-sensors00:51
ChrisScalready installed00:51
vaninathanks pionar00:51
ChrisSci want a graph00:51
revilodrawescott:  where do  get the hda-analyzer from? is it the same us ubuntu-bug audio?00:51
mouseGerwin, Fatal: module ndiswrapper not found.00:51
escottChrisSc, you want a gui then... conky perhaps00:51
vaninai use PHP MySql00:51
pionarvanina, if you're looking for .NET stuff, I'd look at monodevelop00:51
escottrevilodraw, you can download it from that website00:51
Gerwinmouse: Do you happen to know what wireless card you have?00:52
pionaroh, then, vanina, I'd check out Netbeans PHP00:52
mouseOne second.00:52
hanasakiI read something about 11.10 targeted to have newer drivers targeted than 12.04 since 12.04 is LTS and 11.10 is not.  what is that about?00:52
ChrisScis there a template for conky? the default config is crap00:52
pionarI use that exclusively on Ubuntu, Windows, and Mac00:52
escottChrisSc, they have some examples on their website and the #conky may help. there are also some panel applets for 10.10 and !classic00:53
ChrisScthx escott, I'll have a look00:53
vaninapionar, do u use netBeans ?00:54
mouseGerwin, according to some site it's a atheros AR5007EG00:54
pionarvanina, yeah, it has everything, code completion, PHPUnit integration, error checking, documentation generation00:54
Gerwinmouse: Open up a terminal again, type 'sudo lspci', and look for the entry with Network Controller in it.00:55
GerwinThat'll tell you what card it is00:55
revilodrawescott: i'm in the hda analyzer now. this is some hardcore shit00:55
pionarvanina, http://netbeans.org/features/php/index.html00:56
vaninahas you ever used VisualStudio / Asp.net?00:56
escottrevilodraw, yeah its not the pinnacle of user friendliness. i've never used it from the point of not having any sound at all, but ive used it to get headphone jacks turned on00:56
escottrevilodraw, feel free to pm if you have questions I can try to answer00:57
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vaninaThanks Pionar. I'm looking at the page00:57
mouseGerwin, atheros ar500100:58
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=== guy is now known as Guest37195
eiriksvindoes anyone know of a cool audio mixer that can modify my bass/mis/treble etc01:00
eiriksvini want to be able to mix audio from any source before its pumped out of my speakers01:01
=== stOrmBlast is now known as cegope
twotenami would also like to know about this01:02
Gerwinmouse: You could try using the ath5k driver for your Atheros card, if I'm  it's in the package linux-backports-modules-distro01:03
ZiberI've noticed that ubuntu 10.10 is running at ~90C on my laptop. Toshiba Satellite. Any ideas to fix this?01:04
eiriksvinyeah, cus i got a creative speaker set up with subs and i want to be able to fix the sound01:05
eiriksvingeez hot keys:)01:06
eiriksvinbut anyone got a lead on a good audio mixer?01:06
jefferywnot sure why my isc-dhcp-server wont start here is my dhcpd.conf01:07
jahmanu wonno ponp up pum01:07
Gerwinmouse: I have to leave for work now, hopefully your problem is solved, if not, please try finding someone else to help you.01:08
mouseGerwin, Alright thank you.01:08
jahmangerwin cum back01:08
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dijonyummyin 11.04 with gnome classic i sometimes lose the window bar (with minimize, maximize) how to get it back?01:08
xanguadijonyummy: metacity --replace &01:09
jahmanuse your brains get back to windows01:09
eiriksvinwhy would you send him back to winblows?01:09
jahmanhim a fe go01:10
jahmango then01:10
mousecause jahman works for windows01:10
dijonyummybut what if i want to use compiz?01:10
xanguadijonyummy: compiz --replace01:11
jahmanno he does not he his a debian man01:11
eiriksvin<dijonyummy> you want to really open up compiz reinstall 10.10, thats got alot more options, minus the bugs01:11
dijonyummyman i see so in 11.04 compiz removes the bar (with max,min)? but in 10.10 compiz still keeps the bar with min,max?01:11
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eiriksvin11.04 is not ready for me yet, its too screwy so far:(01:12
pionarwow, people are still bashing microsoft with juvenile jokes in 2011.01:12
eiriksvini tried it, and nuked it01:12
dijonyummythanks for tips. i'm running 11.04 in a vm to get use to it. not going as main os yet.01:13
dijonyummyi dont like unity01:13
jahmanno they are not can u put food on the table witj ubuntu01:14
eiriksvinpionar i don't care for windows, thats all. i hate almost everything about it (other than the fact that it does run alot of games i can't play on Ubuntu)01:14
eiriksvini can't say i didn't like Unity, i just don't like the lack of customization available as of now01:15
jahmankool man only joking with you guys01:15
revilodrawi was just in here and accidentally left without saying thanks to the person who was trying to help me. so, thank you01:15
pionareiriksvin, it's just another OS, some people like it.  I don't mind 7, it's actually not that bad.  I just don't like how resource heavy the OS itself is.01:15
eiriksvinthats my primary gripe01:16
eiriksvini can't stand how it just sucks up as much as it can in the background01:16
garehello .  I am trying to install broadcomm drivers on an old Inspiron B130.  Have basic question regarding modprobe ...  I am documenting my steps here ....01:16
jahmanMshuges are you gonr to sleep01:16
eiriksvineverything drags, i nuked win7 about 2 weeks ago01:16
spencercan i use a tv tuner in ubuntu01:17
celthundergare: what's the question01:17
eiriksvinspencer good question01:17
celthunderspencer: ? i'd assume so01:17
garehow do i make 'modprobe b44' 'stick' for next reboot .. what is it doing ?01:17
gare* and thank you for your help *01:18
eiriksvini'm looking for a good audio mixer that has Bass/Mid/Trebel at least, can someone help me?01:18
celthunderspencer: tvtime01:18
coz_eiriksvin,  well  alsamixer  in terminal works01:18
coz_eiriksvin,  it is terminal based01:18
pythonirc101is anyone using --  https://landscape.canonical.com/ here?01:19
coz_eiriksvin,  there is also gnome-alsamixer   or alsamixergui01:19
eiriksvinim gonna check it out01:19
celthundergare: you mean /etc/modules?01:19
coz_eiriksvin,  its possible there is a pulseaudio gui mixer as well01:19
garehow to enable module for next reboot? (?)01:19
celthundercoz_: pavumixer or something like that01:19
coz_celthunder,  ah cool..will check now01:20
greggft1stQ: 11.04, twinview, 2 screens - top & bottom *not* left & right, open terminal, starts in top screen since it is primary, I move it to bottom screen, I try to resize it while in the bottom screen it looks like it is resizing, then the terminal window goes away *AND* all other occurrances of terminal anywhere running on my desktop goes away.  WHY??? 2ndQ: where do you start to debug this?01:20
celthundergare: put it in /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf01:20
phong_what the fuk01:20
garecelthunder: thanks!01:20
celthundercoz_: pavucontrol01:21
celthunderphong_: ?01:21
coz_celthunder,  ah cool  I see that now,, doesnt look much more than system sound settings in gnome though01:21
celthundercoz_: yeah it's not much01:22
kavurtmy empathy calls are silent. there's no ringing. is it possible to enable ringing?01:24
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lindenleOK guys I am having no luck getting rid of f^*&^ing nouveau01:25
celthunderkavurt: what're you using for a pbx?01:25
lindenleI have tried kernel boot command blacklist modprobe blacklist and disable server01:25
celthunderlindenle: rmmod it?01:25
lindenlei believe it is modeset01:25
nimbioticshello all. I need to convert some flv & mpr files to mp3. Which software can I use for this task?? TIA!01:25
eiriksvinhmm i got that gnome mixer, but theres no way to change the bass midrange and treble01:25
celthunderlindenle: delete the .so file?01:25
kavurtcelthunder: google talk. that's your question i assume01:25
coz_eiriksvin,  there is also pulsaudio system equalizer01:26
eiriksvinthats what i need an eq01:26
celthundernimbiotics: ffmpeg01:26
lindenleI think it is in the initrd. I want to remove it from there01:26
celthunderkavurt: uhm yeah you should be able to gfet rings then01:26
nimbioticscelthunder: does it have a graphical front end?01:26
celthundernimbiotics: plenty of things rely on it (most media players etc)01:27
nimbioticscelthunder: ok, THX01:27
froqHey all, I am about to reformat a drive after switching to Linux from OSx, however, I don't know what the best format strategy is...  would it be EXT4, or NFTS, or XFS, etc?!  I suspect sometime in the future I will be changing OS again, because I do that often.  What is most versatile?01:29
studentznimbiotics  CLI is the best but  WinFF is a good front end01:29
lindenleok I just pulled apart the initrd and the nouveau module is in there01:29
eiriksvini cant find that EQ in the repo01:30
celthunderfroq: ext3 is pretty universal01:30
celthunderfroq: i don't think windows will boot off ext3 though you can read files off it mac should do ext3 just fine01:30
escottfroq, ext4 is the standard these days, if you are worried about having to resize your partitions you can use lvm or mdadm, there has been talk about going to btrfs in future releases but its just not ready yet. none of these work with windows though, and the cross-platform solutions are terrible01:31
celthunderfroq: no idea about ext4 on other os's works great for linux though001:31
celthunderyeah what he said01:31
* celthunder points up01:31
andrew[a]cltI followed the instructions found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP but when I do the phpinfo(); it downloads the php file instead of executing the code. Any hints?01:32
froqso go ext3 to be the safest?!  It has the most universal amount of drivers out there?  Just wanted to clarify... though, someone mentioned LVM, how do you set that up after installation?01:32
celthunderandrew[a]clt: uncomment php/mysql.iso in the httpd.conf and reload apache01:32
celthunderfroq: no filesystem is 100 percent great on all platforms pick one and use it according to the os you plan on using the most01:33
escottfroq, you lose extents with ext3 which is a useful feature for media. i'm pretty uncomfortable with the ext3 drivers for other oses because I just don't know anyone who uses them regularly, and inserting kernel modules into a closed source kernel seems like a bad idea to me. lvm you would have to setup at the beginning, and may make it impossible for mac/windows to even see the partitions01:34
chrislusticHi there. all.  I cannot seem to locate partitin editor now htat i have updated to ubuntu 11.04 ... any suggestions please?01:34
escottchrislustic, use/install gparted01:34
froqcelthunder, ok.  thanks01:34
KM0201chrislustic: is it installed?  sudo apt-get install gparted01:34
froqescott, so uh... to late to set up LVM if I already performed my install?01:34
nimbioticsstudentz: what is CLI? where do I get it?01:35
chrislustici hope its simple...  lool... just seems to have dissapeared after i updated...01:35
celthundernimbiotics: the terminal01:35
studentznimbiotics comman line interface or terminal01:35
escottfroq, i think so, although it may be possible to convert... if it is possible im sure someone has done it01:35
celthunderandrew[a]clt: a2enmod php501:35
KM0201chrislustic: yeah, make sure its still installed first01:35
andrew[a]cltcelthunder, humm, I don't think that's correct, ubuntu splits everything up into like 40,000 files I see it loading the module in mod-enabled/php5.load01:35
froqescott, your knowledge is sufficent for me!  thanks for clarifying! :)01:35
froqescott, what is the disadvantage of ext3 compared to ext4 for media?01:36
nimbioticsstudentz: got it, and what is ffwin?01:36
escottfroq, apparently you can convert, but its going to confuse a lot of boot scripts potentially01:36
celthunderandrew[a]clt: a2enmod php501:36
andrew[a]cltcelthunder, tried that already, said it was already loaded01:37
psusifroq, ext4 is a bit faster and more efficient01:37
celthunderandrew[a]clt: did you reload/restart apache after doing that?01:37
froqpsusi, ok thx01:37
andrew[a]cltcelthunder, after it said it was already loaded no, but I shall try01:37
escottfroq, extents is the headline feature http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext401:37
studentznimbiotics WinFF is a GUI to use ffmpeg, you can install from Ubuntu Software Center01:38
celthunderandrew[a]clt: yeah you have to restart apache after loading modules01:38
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andrew[a]cltcelthunder, yeah, thanks that did it01:39
garecelthunder:  hate to be dummy but i am having problem with adding modules to my /etc/modprobe.d ...01:39
nimbioticsstudentz: got it, already downloading, THX!!!01:39
gareif this command works:  sudo modprobe b43  .... then what should I pubt in modprobe.conf ?01:39
escottgare, b4301:39
gareand ... if there is NOT a modprobe.conf .. is ok to create one?  And ... how to reload modprobe without rebooting to test?  (Thank you!)01:41
escottgare, it should be added to /etc/modules01:41
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celthundergare: just put the name of the module...01:41
escottgare, these files get moved around from distro to distro hence the confusion01:41
gareescott:  there is no /etc/modules in new natty install ..01:42
celthundergare: so make one or both files01:42
plustaxIm running 11.04 how do I hook up my laptop to my TV via hdmi? Cable is already hooked up, I just can't get my screen to pop up on my TV01:42
celthunderplustax: xrandr01:42
plustaxcelthunder, what is that?01:42
gareuh .. dir was looking for a directory .. there is an /etc/modules file ..01:43
celthunderplustax: lets you set your monitors how you want resolution location compared to others etc01:43
plustaxcelthunder, the current monitors app isnt even recognizing my TV01:44
escottplustax, there is a monitors application which is a gui to xrandr01:44
michael_Is there a guide for a transition to KDE, anyone?01:44
celthunderplustax: for example i use xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1024x600 --output VGA1 --mode 1440x900 --right-of LVDS101:44
plustaxokay lemme look into it.01:44
celthunderplustax: to get monitor names just type it without arguements01:44
blip-hi, I just tested the latest 32-bit 11.04 ubuntu liveCD and my wifi didn't work on my new Lenovo T420 laptop with Realtek RTL8188CE wifi card.  Should I just install then figure out how to make it work assuming there are drivers, or could it be a distro specific thing and I'll be forced to use another distro ?01:44
escottplustax, its true name is gnome-display-properties01:44
celthunderblip-: if theres drivers they should work in all distro's01:45
celthunderblip-: realtek is pretty good with using compatible chipsets though01:45
aeon-ltdmichael_: not really, the transition is install, log out, change session, login - not much to help here besides use it a few days01:45
celthundermichael_: what is difficult about kde transision?01:45
plustaxcelthunder, I have ARandR and multiple screens apps from software center. I have no idea how to set them up so I can connect the TV01:46
plustaxcan you walk me through it?01:46
celthunderplustax: open a terminal and pastebin output of xrandr with no arguements01:46
celthunderplustax: make sure your hdmi is plugged in when doing that01:47
glitsj16Is there a (documented) way to assign a custom gtk+ class and name to nautilus browser windows? the gtk+ command line options --class and --name for setting the WM_CLASS property don't seem to have any effect with nautilus (2.32) on ubuntu 10.04, 10.10 & 11.04...01:47
celthunderglitsj16: xprop01:48
gareand a big booyah . for the wireless . just added the 'b43' in the /etc/modules file & wireless  fired up!   what is syntax to add this to get the wired to work:   modprobe - r b43 ssb    ??01:48
phoenix_escott: Greetings, ready for round 2, still can't get drive mapped for floppy01:48
itiliouswhy would the program gksu be being used thru port 80? (showing in firestarter active connections)01:49
celthunderplustax: does it see anything is plugged into hdmi? theres nothing there01:49
mukiexIs there a straightforward way to view my sata controller chipset?01:49
glitsj16celthunder: thx, but that doesn't assign anything does it? i used it to test cli options, that was how i found out it didn't work for nautilus01:49
mukiexLike, a command line method?01:49
escottmukiex, lspci01:49
plustaxIts plugged in both my tv and my computer01:49
celthunderglitsj16: ? sure it can01:49
escottgare, you shouldn't have to remove b43 for wired connections01:49
celthunderglitsj16: xprop -set01:49
mukiexThanks, escott! =301:49
glitsj16celthunder: great, i missed that completely01:50
itiliousgksu using port 80 from remote unkown location,,,,, is this bad?!01:50
escottphoenix_, i don't have much more i can offer suggestion wise, but if you want to pastebin a session i can review it to see if there is anything obviously wrong01:50
plustaxcelthunder, the hdmi cable is plugged into the tv and my laptop and my tv is on the correct HDMI source setting.01:50
celthunderplustax: does the laptop see the hdmi port?01:50
plustaxI dont know01:50
celthunderplustax: cause xrandr doesn't :/01:50
plustaxhow do I tell? Sorry Im a bit of a linux noob01:50
plustaxcelthunder, can you help me fix it?01:51
celthunderplustax: lspci do you see your hdmi port listed?01:51
escottplustax, have you tried hitting the function button to enable the output display, maybe the hardware requires that you do that01:51
plustaxcelthunder, I dont see it in there, no.01:52
celthunderescott: should still at least see it even if it's not enabled though ?01:52
plustaxescott, function button?01:52
celthunderplustax: Fn+ display button (f5 for me)01:52
escottcelthunder, i don't know, maybe its some weird hardware switch. plustax look for a blue monitor/projector screen button in your function keys (that is usually what it looks like)01:53
celthunderescott: lol true enough01:53
plustaxyeah i see one. It just turns off my lcd01:53
plustaxoh that01:54
plustaxI pressed it. Didnt do anything.01:54
escottplustax, and gnome-display-properties/xrandr isn't showing the other screen01:54
plustaxescott nope01:54
plustaxneither is lspci01:54
celthunderplustax: press it again when the lcd is off type xrandr again01:54
escottplustax, what kind of graphics card is this01:54
celthunderplustax: it could not be using a pci connection...though why hdmi would be on anything else?01:55
plustaxnvidiamgeforce 9300m GS01:55
garejust needed wireless to work in any event .. so thanks for help celthunder  and escott  !!\01:55
celthundergare: np01:55
escottplustax, i understand that nvidia doesn't use xrandr... we've been going at this all wrong01:55
escottplustax, i think you need to use whatever the nvidia screen resolution control application is01:56
hackelI helped a friend install Natty on her Windows 7 machine using Wubi, and it works great, but now she can't boot into Win7.  I've been Linux-only for over a decade so have no clue what is wrong, anyone else have a similar problem?01:56
plustaxescott okay01:56
Kodecback | track 5 released or not yet ?01:56
celthunderescott: that's assuming he's not using the open source drivers (are you plustax?)01:56
plustaxthat worked escott!01:56
celthunderKodec: backtrack.org/.com01:56
plustaxThank you!!!01:56
celthunderescott: nice catch :(01:57
celthunderrmc749: hi01:57
escottcelthunder, thats why i hate nvidia01:57
Kodeccelthunder: This link appears to be broken01:57
celthunderhackel: does grub chainload properly to the windows bootloader?01:57
celthunderKodec: then google it lol01:57
celthunderescott: better than ati by far01:58
garehackel  : could try update grub to see if it detects the win partition ...01:58
rmc749i need help01:58
celthunderrmc749: what's the problem01:58
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hackelcelthunder: Well, initially the Windows bootloader comes up with an option for Ubuntu, choosing that goes to grub (which *also* has an option to boot Windows, which returns to the original Windows bootloader).01:58
celthunderhackel: ew? why not use grub and chainload windows (sorry i totally don't trust windows bootloader)01:59
escotthackel, sounds like the windows boot.ini has had the windows option deleted01:59
hackelcelthunder: Don't ask me, I've never used Wubi before. :)01:59
rmc749penetrating a network01:59
celthunderrmc749: yours or someone elses?02:00
hackelescott: No, Windows is still there (it says "recovered"), but if I choose it, it says something about not being able to locate the disk.  It *is* reading files, though, and I can see the Windows logo for a second before it crashes.  Is it possible that the ntfs partition got corrupted somehow?02:00
celthunderhackel: does safe mode/ command line boot for windows work?02:01
rmc749someone else02:02
Iron_Chefwhat has happened to ctrl alt b ?02:02
escotthackel, ewwww... its possible that it might be corrupted, but it may also be that critical files have been moved within the ntfs system so that the bootloader cannot find them. i think a windows rescue disk is in order02:02
Iron_Chefwhat has happened to ctrl alt d - that should be ??02:02
hackelcelthunder: No it doesn't.  It just reboots after a flash of a blue screen.  It could be that this is just Windows usual crapping out, so obviously I'll look elsewhere for support if that's the case!02:02
celthunderIron_Chef: ctrl alt d for what?02:02
Iron_Chefcelthunder: show desktop02:02
celthunderhackel: sounds like it02:02
escottIron_Chef, the expose feature, have you checked in !ccsm02:03
celthunderrmc749: we can't officially tell you how but aircrack is what you want most likel aircrack wireshark and tcpdump02:03
escottIron_Chef, i have it as Super S02:03
celthunderIron_Chef: i push <windowskey>+<desktop#> works fine form e02:03
Iron_Chefescott: ah they have used the super key. thanks for that - super d works for me02:04
rmc749I do not mean wifi02:04
escott!illegal | rmc74902:04
ubotturmc749: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o02:04
Iron_Chefstrangely i thing ctrl alt are more ergonomic tho02:04
celthunderrmc749: then what're you trying to penetrate about it?02:04
rmc749so sorry02:04
celthunderrmc749: the network for wired is usually just plug in in an elevated vlan and do what you want02:04
celthunderrmc749: assuming they don't actually check the mac address/static ip's or anything else on those vlans)02:05
Iron_Chefa university would most likely check macs - if they have any sense02:05
rmc749yes.. you've reason02:06
celthunderIron_Chef: checking mac addresses is a waste of time...takes about 5 seconds to spoof02:06
Iron_Chefcelthunder: combined with every other available check02:06
plustaxim having another issue now. it detects my screen, but when I save settings, it freezes my computer02:06
Iron_Chefand most userers wouldn't be able to spoof it02:06
codex84why do i loose connection when i have my pc on sleep or hibernate02:07
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codex84i have to plug off the router and click auto eth002:07
escottplustax, i'm not sure we can help much there. it is an nvidia driver02:07
rmc749thanks .. I will see do ... use backtrack, bye02:07
mikehow can i decrase grub menu timeout ?02:07
celthundercodex84: think about that a minute02:07
celthundermike: /boot/grub.cfg02:07
cretsiahis there a parents control i can install on ubuntu10.10 to control the available hrs and sites my kids can view??02:07
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plustaxescott how can I tell if I have the correct nvidia driver?02:07
Iron_Chefcodex84: it's because the computer is off perhaps? ;-)02:07
skiloupI upgraded to natty and now the icons in the "system tray" cannot be clicked.  Any ideas?02:07
codex84no when i come out of sleep mode02:08
escottcellardoor, mike not the /boot/grub/grub.cfg that is auto-generated it is /etc/default/grub02:08
celthunderplustax: try the open source ones...they're usually just as good as the nvidia ones for most things02:08
celthunderplustax: and they're not proprietary and dependent on nvidia02:08
Guest89187celthunder> : not working02:08
Iron_Chefcodex84: can you click on the network manager icon and reconnect?02:08
celthunderGuest89187: ?02:08
escottplustax, its not that you don't have the right driver, its that we can't really support that because nobody knows what that driver does02:08
slakcphilwhere can I find the splash screen from 8 . 10 ib ex?02:09
codex84it reconnects02:09
plustaxyou know what, I have no driver on here02:09
codex84when i plug off the router02:09
plustaxI look in softwae center and see 185 17302:09
plustaxand 9602:09
codex84putn it back on and click auto etho02:09
plustaxdo I need any of those? None of them are installed02:09
Iron_Chefcodex84: look at the settings for that network, you can select "connect automatically?02:09
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codex84is already02:10
escottplustax, if you have nvidia-current then you have the nvidia driver. there are a couple alternatives including a plain 2d driver, and a very new reverse-engineered driver called nouveau. i've avoided nvidia for years now so I don't know what works and what doesnt02:11
Iron_Chefcodex84: hmm, well that's me done then.  i don't use sleep or hibernate out of habit, but i guess it's something to do with the networking internals, linux hasn't really been developed with that in mind, it's mainly used for 24x7 servers, sleep and hibernate has always been a bit flakey :-)02:12
Iron_Chefsomething needs to be written into sleep that kicks the network when it comes "awake"02:13
codex84yea when it comes awake,the connection looses i have to power off the router02:13
Iron_Chefcodex84: that's a bit extreme02:13
ActionParsnipIron_Chef: you can add stuff to the wakeup script to do stuff on wakeup02:13
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codex84put it back in and than click auto etho than is back online02:14
Iron_ChefActionParsnip: cool02:14
ActionParsnipIron_Chef: usually its rmmod then modprobe driver module02:14
codex84is mad weird because windows didnt do that mee02:14
ActionParsnipcodex84: windows is a different OS so it will act differrent02:14
Iron_Chefcodex84: windows was written primarily as a desktop, so those UI things are nailed down - apart from hardware manufacturers needing MS $ to survive02:14
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ActionParsnipIron_Chef: http://superuser.com/questions/60473/is-there-a-way-to-call-a-script-when-ubuntu-wakes-up-from-suspend-or-hibernate-mo02:16
codex84even when the pc is shutdown and i turn it back on02:16
ActionParsnipIron_Chef: make a regualr script to remove then load the module, then add it to the wakeup stuffs02:16
phoenix_escott: found a way to mount the drive :)02:16
codex84no connection02:16
codex84maybe is my router idk02:16
escottphoenix_, what was the problem'02:17
phoenix_escott:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12861302:17
phoenix_escott: check out the solution02:17
ActionParsnipcodex84: do you dual boot?02:17
RalliasIs this the proper place to ask about gnome 3 issues?02:17
ActionParsnipRallias: no, ask in #gnome02:17
mu3enis there any predefined packages required to enable OpenGL from ubuntu-minimal02:17
Rallias@ActionParsnip: Thanks02:17
codex84no dual boot02:18
ActionParsnipcodex84: ok, that makes life easie02:18
ActionParsnipcodex84: if you rmmod the module used, then modprobe it, does it work?02:18
codex84ok um whats rmmod02:18
edbiancodex84: It's a command line program.  It stands for remove module02:19
codex84i see02:20
edbiancodex84: It's like de-activating the driver02:20
usr13phoenix_: So you just commented out the /dev/fd0 line in /etc/fstab file?02:20
cretsiahi did a dual boot of ubuntu10.10 and winxp :( deleted windows twice cos i couldnt get the installer to install in the right place ..... all fixed now though02:20
phoenix_usr13: yes02:21
usr13phoenix_: So plugdev is bringing it up for  you?02:21
RalliasHas anyone experienced where the screen of logins show only other, when you fail auth it says authentication failure, but when you succede it just stalls, allowing you to exit it with the esc key?02:21
phoenix_usr13:  not sure what that means but I can go to the mnt/floppy folder and see my contents of the disk02:21
usr13phoenix_: Ok, good. Long as it works.  Now this is 11.04 ?02:22
edbianRallias: Can you log into recover mode?02:22
phoenix_usr13:  nope02:22
psytechhelp, I have files transfered from windows into ubuntu, and can not delete them out of my trash02:22
Ralliasedbian: yes02:23
phoenix_usr13: 10.1002:23
edbianRallias: Log into recovery mode and create a new user.  Can you log in as that user?02:23
psytechi also have files in a .Trash folder on my usb stick which i can not delete, not even with sudo02:23
Ralliasedbian: same issue, allready tried02:23
edbianRallias: Does the new user show up in the gui thingy?02:23
duncan_Greetings. First time Ubuntu, first time IRC; interests Audio engineering (guitar) - Billiards02:24
Ralliasedbian: nope02:24
usr13phoenix_: How about un-mounting it?  Does that work ok?02:24
edbianRallias: What command did you run to create the user?02:24
Ralliasedbian: "sudo adduser railmeiser"02:24
=== jelatta is now known as jelatta_away
iuriHi there, I am using git as the control version of my code and i got into problems. I am trying to use git rebase in order to fix a few commits i did by mistake, but i couldn't get the result I expected. How do I cancel or get back to the latest commit before the bad ones?02:25
edbianRallias: Can you su into that user?02:25
Ralliasedbian: yes02:25
edbianRallias: Mmm, very strange.  Lemme research a bit.02:25
=== jelatta_away is now known as jelatta
edbianRallias: Any errors when you try to log in?  It just hangs?02:26
Ralliasedbian: when I try to login through the gui, yes02:26
psytechwhy is my USB stick stuck as a read only filesystem?02:26
edbianRallias: What about changing the session to failsafe?02:27
psytechand yet I can add files, but not delete the .Trash folder02:27
Ralliasedbian: failsafe is false advertising02:27
edbianRallias: haha, it doesn't work either?02:27
Ralliasedbian: nope02:27
edbianRallias: Can you try to log into the gui (Causing the problem) and then switch to tty1 and look at the output of dmesg?02:28
[A]ddictedhi, i'm on 2.6.35-28-generic #50-Ubuntu, doing kernel modules developpement. i could compile the module using the 2.5.35 source tree from kernel.org but couldn't load it using insmod (version dependancy). how can i get the 2.6.35-28-generic #50-Ubuntu exact source ?02:28
xissburgplease help me format my HDD using GParted :) I am afraid of it02:29
toneshifter_sup all :)02:29
ActionParsnip[A]ddicted: install kernel-source  I believe02:29
ActionParsnipxissburg: how can we help?02:29
toneshifter_does anybody here experienced -1 channel (airmon-ng)02:30
Ralliasedbian: It worked perfectly before I reinstalled with the alt disk to include full disk encryption, might that be the issue?02:30
[A]ddictedAction-Script done02:30
[A]ddictedActionParsnip sorry :)02:30
edbianRallias: Certainly sounds like it.  I've never set up encryption before.  Did you wipe everything?  What are your partitions like now?02:30
psytechHow do I delete files in my trash folder if they have messed up permissions?02:31
xissburgActionParsnip: hm I think its a good idea to take an screenshot of GParted to show you guys. How can I do it?02:31
Ralliasedbian: I just let it do the dirty work02:31
psytechI cant even figure out where the trash folder is located!02:31
ActionParsnip!kernel | [A]ddicted may give the packages you need02:31
ubottu[A]ddicted may give the packages you need: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)02:31
toneshifter_xissburg what do you try to do ?02:31
Ralliasedbian: It basically farted when I did a full system update and rebooted02:31
dpis there a way to find out when a package is going to be upgraded based on it's upstream?02:31
edbianRallias: sudo fdisk -l  will tell you what the partitions are like.02:31
ActionParsnipxissburg: use print screen then host it on imageshack (or similar) so you have a URL for the image02:31
toneshifter_Rallias what about recovery mode ?02:31
dpbasically, I'm trying to find out when the php5-xdebug package is going to be upgraded to 2.1.102:32
edbianRallias: Did you erase what what you had?02:32
edbiantoneshifter_: That does not work02:32
xissburgActionParsnip: it takes screenshot of the whole screen02:32
ActionParsnipdp: you could find a ppa with it on02:32
Ralliastoneshifter_ tried02:32
toneshifter_xissbur or just read gparted man02:32
xissburgtoneshifter_: one sec, I'll take one screen shot..02:32
ActionParsnipxissburg: you can crop using tools if you wish02:32
dpActionParsnip: I've looked, but I don't see any that have it02:32
toneshifter_ediban aht about just formating /02:32
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.02:32
Ralliasedbian: /dev/sda1 is boot, /dev/sda2 is encrypted swap, /dev/sda5 is encrypted main drive02:32
psytechwhere is the trash folder located???02:32
xissburgtoneshifter_: yea I read it, but I am still afraid of doing something wrong :/02:32
escottpsytech, it is .trash and you will need to use chmod or sudo chmod to change permissions02:32
toneshifter_what can you do wrong ?02:33
toneshifter_just format /02:33
dpActionParsnip: I know what a PPA is02:33
toneshifter_save /home02:33
edbianRallias: Mmmm then I don't think the encryption would make a difference.02:33
toneshifter_and you're home02:33
ActionParsnip!trash | psytech02:33
ubottupsytech: Your GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device.02:33
edbianRallias: If it had an encrypted /home that it couldn't read it would make sense that it couldn't log in via gui.02:33
psytechit is not .trash02:33
psytechthat folder does not exist02:33
ActionParsnipdp: which release?02:33
edbianRallias: But / is encrypted and it can boot the system so that must be fine.02:33
toneshifter_btw my question again did anybody experienced channel -1 (airmon-ng can't force proper channel)02:33
dpActionParsnip: natty02:33
edbianRallias: Can you switch to tty1 and look at the output of dmesg please?02:34
Ralliasedbian: both home and whole drive have encryption02:34
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)02:34
toneshifter_ediban what about sudo su ?02:34
edbianRallias: You just said you don't have a separate /home02:34
xissburgActionParsnip, toneshifter_ : http://i.imgur.com/qKl4S.png02:34
toneshifter_i mean chroot ?02:34
ubottuThe Ubuntu Kernel gets updated in stages.  If you have the updated kernel, but do not have the corresponding restricted modules, you may be leaving yourself with no X when you reboot.  If you have compiled binary versions of your video driver, eg from the nVidia site, you will need to recompile them for the new kernel.  This is normal, and not a bug.02:34
edbiantoneshifter_: That does work02:34
toneshifter_xissburg and what about it ?02:35
edbiantoneshifter_: He also tried creating a new user.  He cannot log into the gui as any user.  He can su or log into tty1 with any user02:35
dpooh, looks like I can just pecl upgrade it. that should work, provided I have everything02:35
psytechubottu: thanks so much02:35
ubottupsytech: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:35
xissburgby now I want to format sda1 and sda5. sda1 has/had a trashed Windows XP installation. and sda5 has a working (but old) Windows 7 installation02:36
ActionParsnipxissburg: ok what do you want to do?02:36
toneshifter_so chroot does not work ?02:36
xissburgdo I just have to ' format'  both?02:36
Ralliasedbian: dmesg only sedbian: Just showed majorset of ath: errors.02:36
ScuffyHi! Is there any way to create a menu for command line progs?02:36
toneshifter_xissbug what do you try to do ?02:36
psytechI guess ubuntu is mounting my usb drive in an odd fasion02:36
Ralliasedbian: That might actually explain a totally unrelated issue02:36
edbianRallias: Each auth error is a failed log in attempt.02:36
ActionParsnipxissburg: well you have some ntfs partitions here, do you have windows installed on the drive?02:36
Ralliasthere's no auth errors02:36
jribScuffy: what do you mean by "menu"?02:36
edbianRallias: Does it give any info about why the login failed?02:36
edbianRallias: ath  != auth  ?02:37
Ralliasedbian: the ath is an unrelated wireless hardware issue02:37
xissburgtoneshifter_, ActionParsnip : I didn't try anything yet heh. I want to format both partitions but keep them as is (size, position, etc). Then I want to reinstall Windows 7 and Ubuntu02:37
edbianRallias: Ahhh ath5k02:37
ActionParsnipxissburg: sda1 is bootable so I'm guessing thats your windows partition02:37
Ralliasedbian: you know of it?02:37
edbianRallias: Anywho.  Check the /etc/passwd file  Is your user in that file?02:37
edbianRallias: Of course :P02:37
xissburgActionParsnip: Windows Xp in sda1 and Windows 7 in sda502:37
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edbianRallias: Your username should appear near the bottom (especially the one you just created) but look through the whole thing02:38
ActionParsnipxissburg: ok so what is sda6?02:38
escottRallias, could your pam config be messed up02:38
Ralliasedbian: it is02:38
Ralliasescott: pam config?02:38
TurkuSamaanyone know how to open a full screen game so it is a window?02:38
=== spirals_away is now known as spirals
xissburgActionParsnip: ah, just an unbootable partiion where I store files02:38
edbianRallias: What about in /etc/shadow?02:38
Ralliasturkusama: virtualbox?02:38
linuxhelpCan I get a hand choosing what bit version of Ubuntu to install?02:38
escottRallias, pluggable authentication modules its how gdm authenticates the user prior to changing its uid02:39
Scuffyjrib A list of all command line interactive programs on my computer ( especially the ones that must be configured.02:39
ActionParsnipxissburg: good so far, where do you want to install Ubuntu to (you can resize partitons)02:39
Ralliasedbian: lots of random junk that i assume is my password.02:39
edbianlinuxhelp: sure.  What are you confused about?02:39
TurkuSamanot exactly02:39
Ralliasedbian: I'm able to log into the ctrl-alt-f2 shell02:39
ActionParsnipxissburg: you could resize sda6 and install to the free space in that partiton02:39
TurkuSamai open diablo 2 and it goes full screen, i want to open it so its shows up as a window02:39
escottRallias, its all in /etc/pam* you could quickly look at that and see if anything looks out of order02:39
xissburgActionParsnip: I think Ubuntu should go in sda5, and Windows7 in sda1 right? (I hear windows must be installed in the first partition)02:39
TurkuSamain a window*02:39
linuxhelpHow do you PM?02:39
linuxhelpnot familiar to IRL02:40
ActionParsnipTurkuSama: in winecfg you can enable the desktop size (i forget the exact name) but it will make it run windowed02:40
edbianRallias: But you can log into tty1 ??02:40
Ralliasedbian: how do i switch tty's?02:40
TurkuSamak, i'll try that02:40
edbianlinuxhelp: Just talk to us here02:40
ActionParsnipxissburg: you can install it to any partition02:40
edbianRallias: ctrl + alt + F1  goes to tty102:40
edbianRallias: ctrl + alt + F2 goes to tty2  etc etc02:40
ActionParsnipxissburg: it just makes life a little easier to install windows first.02:40
RalliasI can log into any of the tty's02:40
bigaspiefevr[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   bigaspiefevr Guest30935 DaZ linuxhelp safejav TurkuSama ines dtcummin arielsanflo_ TnR35 TemplarJRC mdpatrick pepsi mindbeat mfilipe Scuffy blueghost kancerman gilaniali ouyes speme hylinux vitor-br [A]ddicted T02:41
bigaspiefevr[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   Qub1t master_of_master ugarte Hamlin Vanadis__ majnoon nomike_ Matthew_ plustax cretsiah lapion allan8904 Iron_Chef doki_pen rchavik sw0rn multipass|2 Walzmyn din ceed^ ajdonnison Gerwin Scunizi La0fer heaviside02:41
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bigaspiefevr[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   slickrick ticaozinho Cibort lighta nejode Corsair_ Westie Lift-Noob__ dork Lenin_Cat yofel_ hcaine MK` deg MacGyver_ alphur BiggFREE ropes data0faust_ TheNuts Snicers-Work3 stilia-johny jbsoum pushpop acnot hype02:41
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linuxhelpI have a 64 bit processor. Is there any disadvantages to installing 11.04 64-bit version like less program/driver support?02:41
edbianRallias: You just said you can't log into tty2  which is it?02:41
ActionParsnipxissburg: if you delete the partition you want to install ubuntu to, then run the installer it wil offer to use the space02:41
Ralliasedbian: I can't login with the gui, but can with the tty's02:41
cv99f[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   cv99f Scott_L Guest30935 DaZ linuxhelp safejav TurkuSama ines dtcummin arielsanflo_ TnR35 TemplarJRC mdpatrick pepsi mindbeat mfilipe Scuffy kancerman gilaniali ouyes speme hylinux vitor-br [A]ddicted Timic xissburg xrfa02:41
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cv99f[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   claudiomet dca jrib Kereltis Barridus Raptors ailo zenguy_vm_ Known_problems Bobrobyn spirals Juankof SeaVain gotsanity Flecks crescendo pooky jOZe overclucker jack1024 kosiini Gnea dixson_hoepp Grandi stjohnmedrano shan02:41
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cv99f[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   cantoma StrangeLoop arand Skaperen opusculum temp DetectiveDuck royceremer froq sw0rdfish jack_^ arcsky play4_ dilbert_guerrilh W00t0r ExplodingPiglets Namachieli Lmull3-ClrMstr2_ mkquist zc456 mnoyce NightDragon abountu02:41
cv99f[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   k-rad bruenig SANGKEUN debsan themill Sly[FoX] h4z|afk pipeep S0lo denis_ gcristian Rotham SuBmUnDo ultrixx FrankLv CadeSkywalker gueriLLaPunK ITC stevesmall marrusl_afk quentusrex JoFo Emmanuel_Chanel ssfdre38 daws toma02:41
edbianRallias: oh sorry.  misread02:41
cv99f[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   m1ndvirus StuckDK biella txtsd kassien_ galfly jemark sinistrad hudnix runge_ jcrigby DW-10297 gyyrog MadViking Osagasu dk_ qu|x Amgine surreal7z_ sharkbird cyphase di_giorgio bittyx-laptop escott svinkle_ Bitsmack Craig02:41
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cv99f[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   joakim Fuchs Dougwiser LinuxMonkey spacebug- TML r3m Zephr0 ChronicSyncope Slor carlos_guerrilha arash mimor sacarlson zyro cschneid Heron_Marked schmidtm KNUBBIG_ PEBMAC spthysis aef panfist ThisDB Ahadiel kellnola ward02:41
cv99f[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   tripelb fisix grndslm FishFace linux_probe moises MattB xtr AntiSpamMeta cs278 tman_ zilla Tommis AdvoWork XuMuK|ZNC oh207 octanium Kevin` mia158 Diamondcite mickster04 anastasia ripps john__ |_ocke culb syldeb35 L0C41H002:41
cv99f[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   thursley_ shatly_ Guest11276 Chosi brez udoprog BentFranklin CorpX invisiblek dot-slaSh foul_owl tehnef awolfson SJr shro0ms drrob1 EntityReborn TimeRider trigrou MonkeyDust stamina Jonbo foxbuntu nooneelse DarkEyes rogs02:41
cv99f[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   AdmV0rl0n TheNull Rains sgrover squishghaar Shinytje enoex_ malnilion andygraybeal scribe Azelphur str0ng JEDIDIAH__ irvee Blou_Aap vanksi jbkc85 jussi Patrickdk brad[] aperson yohyoh ineiros trentg patdk-wk @FloodBot1 K02:41
cv99f[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   morn__ Sickki B3rz3rk3r chepre barf ryanakca Ycarene sphenxes tobier_ ZeXx86 DjMadness guerran_ mirek2 Mony FyreFoX sarosend ry bbigras mikau Israfel irv boxbeatsy Chetic danshtr|work demonspork mquin zeroedout bieber el02:41
ouyeswhat is SASL anyway?02:41
xissburgActionParsnip: but what steps should I take? Format both to what format? sda1 ntfs? What about sda5? Ah I can delete it02:42
pipeepouyes, it's spam, ignore it02:42
edbianRallias: Sorry misread.  you can't log into the gui, you can log into ttyX02:42
escottRallias, if you can login to tty then i would focus on your pam config in /etc02:42
ActionParsniplinuxhelp: some 3rd party companies only ship 32bit drivers (Lexmark for example), otherwise drivers will be the same02:42
Ralliashow do i find a process id from a tty?02:42
edbianRallias: /etc/shadow is your password (it is encrypted)02:42
edbianRallias: ps -e02:42
escottlinuxhelp, go with 64bit02:42
edbianRallias: ps -e lists all currently running processes02:42
linuxhelpSo I should install 64-bit Ubuntu?02:42
ActionParsnipRallias: cat /proc/cpuinfo | less02:42
linuxhelpOkay :D02:42
ultrixx??? what is sasl02:43
majnoonthanks Jordan_U02:43
jribplease ignore the flooded message...02:43
grndslmi needed to check irc anyway!!02:43
edbianRallias: This is gonna sound dumb.  have you restarted?02:43
ActionParsniplinuxhelp: if you want, yes. If you have more than 3Gb ram or intend to do audio and video encoding then 64bit will help. For a desktop for standard desktop stuff 64bit won't really offer much except the ability to do the things I mentioned at a later date. There is no black and white answer02:43
abountucv99f, how do we enable  SASL?02:44
Ralliasedbian: multiple times02:44
ActionParsniplinuxhelp: I suggest you also research what '64bit' really means02:44
ultrixxjrib: that's difficult02:44
ssfdre38Rallias: just type ps aux and you will see it02:44
abountuhow do we enable  SASL?02:44
Scuffyjrib, Did you miss my answer?02:44
=== jaduwala is now known as UbuntuFan
linuxhelpOkay, thanks Parsnip :)02:44
edbianRallias: go to tty1.  do killall gdm  and killall Xorg02:44
linuxhelpI will read up and check it out then. Thanks02:44
edbianRallias: Then start gdm in tty1 like this: sudo gdm02:44
ssfdre38abountu: dont pay attation to it its not a freenode message02:44
Ralliasedbian: I'm rebooting now02:44
s-dfaqwfd[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   s-dfaqwfd kosiini safejav _3st_ madprops Joshkunz Crash86 Scott_L Guest30935 DaZ linuxhelp TurkuSama ines dtcummin arielsanflo_ TnR35 TemplarJRC mdpatrick pepsi mindbeat mfilipe Scuffy kancerman gilaniali ouye02:44
s-dfaqwfd[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   inumedia edbian mtoroyarzo Qub1t master_of_master ugarte Hamlin Vanadis__ majnoon nomike_ Matthew_ plustax cretsiah lapion allan8904 Iron_Chef doki_pen rchavik sw0rn multipass|2 din ceed^ ajdonnison Gerwin Scu02:44
s-dfaqwfd[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   djmike QaDeS_ simpleblue KM0201 dcat DasEi bluebaron soapie pythonirc101 jmichaelx Squarism afief amb gare gsmayya coz_ abioticrhyme Niedar Gurty Desg_xd Maddogm eiriksvin Squidy_at_Home iflema hasenj xtr3m3 G02:44
xissburgActionParsnip: should I format sda1 to ntfs since I am gonna install windows in it?02:44
s-dfaqwfd[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   wn1zid Psychobudgie bin_bash claudiomet jrib Kereltis Barridus Raptors ailo zenguy_vm_ Known_problems Bobrobyn spirals Juankof SeaVain gotsanity Flecks crescendo pooky jOZe overclucker jack1024 Gnea dixson_hoe02:44
s-dfaqwfd[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   ticaozinho Cibort lighta nejode Corsair_ Westie Lift-Noob__ dork Lenin_Cat yofel_ hcaine MK` deg MacGyver_ alphur BiggFREE ropes data0faust_ TheNuts Snicers-Work3 stilia-johny jbsoum pushpop acnot hypetech Cap02:44
s-dfaqwfd[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   Micki bazhang_ cantoma StrangeLoop arand Skaperen opusculum temp royceremer DetectiveDuck froq sw0rdfish jack_^ arcsky play4_ dilbert_guerrilh W00t0r ExplodingPiglets Namachieli Lmull3-ClrMstr2_ mkquist zc456 02:44
s-dfaqwfd[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   maveonair endeavormac k-rad bruenig SANGKEUN themill Sly[FoX] h4z|afk pipeep S0lo denis_ gcristian Rotham SuBmUnDo ultrixx FrankLv CadeSkywalker gueriLLaPunK ITC stevesmall marrusl_afk quentusrex JoFo Emmanuel02:44
s-dfaqwfd[ *| NOTICE |* ]  STARTING JUNE  1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [ *| NOTICE |* ]   malik toddc m1ndvirus StuckDK txtsd kassien_ galfly jemark sinistrad hudnix runge_ jcrigby DW-10297 gyyrog MadViking Osagasu dk_ qu|x Amgine surreal7z_ sharkbird cyphase di_giorgio bittyx-laptop escott svinkle02:44
jribScuffy: no, but I still don't understand exactly what you want to accomplish (maybe give example or explain why) and I am leaving soon02:44
linuxhelpexpect me to come up in here once I'm done installing Ubuntu and ask questions02:44
coz_imagine a milkshake with 32 straws and one with 64 straws ,, mmmm02:45
Ralliasedbian: finished reboot, same issue02:45
jribultrixx: why is it difficult?02:45
linuxhelpok coz_ :P02:45
abountussfdre38, ok thx02:45
edbianRallias: ok go to tty1 and killall Xorg and killall gdm02:45
ssfdre38abountu: if it was real they would send a global message on all channels and not just on here02:45
ultrixxjrib: because i really would like to know what that  is (sasl). Sorry, but many folks in here don't know that02:45
toneshifter_wtf ?02:46
toneshifter_oh well02:46
Ralliasedbian: gdb: noprocess found02:46
edbianRallias: gdm02:46
Ralliasi meant gdm02:46
jribultrixx: you can learn about sasl on freenode's site but keep in mind these messages are meant to disrupt (they are not actually from freenode staff); you should ignore them02:46
edbianRallias: alright run sudo gdm02:46
ultrixxjrib: ok thanks02:46
Scuffyjrib, just a simple list of debian installed programs that need to be conf.  I don't know what half of the stuff Aptitude lists is!02:46
toneshifter_ehhhh (-1) channel unsolved :(02:46
xissburgActionParsnip: ?02:46
Ralliasedbian: 2 errors02:46
edbianRallias: what are they?02:46
edbianRallias: The point of this is to get errors from GDM02:47
edbianRallias: Try to log in on tty7 and see if you get more errors02:47
Ralliasedbian: failed to acquire org.gnome.DisplayManager, could not acquire name; bailingout02:47
xissburgquestion: I have a partiton. It has some windows in it so its format is ntfs. I want to install windows in it later. Do I have to format it to ntfs or the format doesnt matter?02:47
Ralliasedbian tty7 is where plymouth is hiding02:48
escottxissburg, windows will probably want to do its own formatting, but you can format if you want02:48
edbianRallias: what?  tty7 should have gdm (the login) on it02:48
JoFoHello. Does anybody know what is SASL and how to use it? Was cv99f's message serious?02:48
edbianRallias: plymouth is the pretty screen you see while the system is booting02:48
toneshifter_how to force airmon to start card in proper channel ?02:48
escottJoFo, no ignore it02:48
Ralliasedbian: never  mind, thats tty802:49
edbianRallias: :D02:49
toneshifter_regular airmon-ng start wlan0 x doesn't work02:49
TurkuSamaugh, diablo went full screen and killed my monitor...02:49
toneshifter_it keeps starting (mod connection) with channel -102:49
Ralliasturkusama: diablo :D02:49
TurkuSamadiablo 2*02:50
danskuow can I zip a file in many files with 100mb each?02:50
Ralliastoneshifter_: Make sure you disable the network manager before you start hacking into another personswifi02:50
toneshifter_Rallias did02:50
escottRallias, was the name error from gdm? do you have a proper hostname? is the hostname listed in /etc/hosts and mapped to local ip address?02:50
toneshifter_i've read that there is some path for that02:50
toneshifter_but im looking for someone who experienced it02:51
escottdansku, split02:51
danskuis this a program/?02:51
Ralliasescott:the name errorwas "WARNING **: Could not acquire name: bailingout"02:51
escottRallias, what does `hostname` say?02:52
Ralliasescott: "the-fortress" on the tty802:52
TheNutsTurkuSama, Yay Diablo. Major nostalgia..02:52
toneshifter_i mean airmon said that there are some problems so it runs second wi-fi profile mon002:52
xissburgI can't access the files in my partitions. I see them in any file window but I click on them and nothing happens. I right click and click Mount and nothing happens. How to access them?02:52
escottand what is `head /etc/hosts/`02:52
toneshifter_instead playing with wlano002:52
xissburg(I am in Live CD)02:52
toneshifter_but both wlan002:52
danskuescott but i want i t to be many .zip or .rar files02:53
Ralliasescott: localhost first, the-fortress second02:53
toneshifter_and mon0 are running at channel -102:53
escottRallias, and both to
Ralliasescott: correct02:53
Ralliastoneshifter_: Better question is, why are you hacking into wifi?02:53
toneshifter_why not02:54
Ralliastoneshifter_: Last I checked, this channel is not intended for black hat hacking.02:54
toneshifter_buhehehehe so is testin your own network black hat ?02:54
toneshifter_since when ?02:54
Ralliastoneshifter_ IKR?02:54
toneshifter_btw i guess you should read definition of BH before you start judging me :)02:54
xissburgDamn, Mount is not working :(02:55
Ralliastoneshifter_: the fact is, people could misinterpret what your saying, and have a history of such02:55
edbianRallias: What errors did you get again? Please give the exact error02:55
toneshifter_xissburg instal ntfs-config02:55
escottRallias, thats a rather unhelpful error message. this is happening after you type in your username/password and attempt to login02:55
TurkuSamanot ubuntu related: anyone know the program that allows you to play games online as if a LAN?02:55
TurkuSamastarts with an H?02:55
_jophey everyone02:55
Ralliasedbian: first: WARNING**: Failed to acquire org.gnome:DisplayManager02:55
toneshifter_Rallias i gues only idiots misinterpret what im saying, looking for HAXORS everywhere ^_^02:56
Ralliasedbian: second: WARNING**: Could not acquire name; bailing out02:56
MonotokoTurkuSama, it's made by LogMein02:56
toneshifter_im just bored02:56
MonotokoTurkuSama, my friend kept talking about it02:56
Ralliastoneshifter_: Misinterpretation is the reason I'm currently banned from #perl02:56
Monotokocan't remember what it was called though ._. but you should be able to find it from LogMeIn02:56
toneshifter_heh as forrest gump said "shit happen" :PD:02:56
TurkuSamak, appreciate it02:56
toneshifter_or sth like that :)02:56
TurkuSamai'll googles it02:57
escottRallias, ooooh those are from dbus, is dbus running?02:57
toneshifter_TurkuSama hamachi02:57
Ralliasedbian, escott: Thanks for your help, i'm going to try reinstallation02:57
edbianRallias: sure?02:57
toneshifter_not sure if it's running under lnx02:57
Ralliasedbian: I haven't pulled down the svn backup yet, i have no valuable data yet.02:58
TurkuSamaTonshifter, you rock02:58
TurkuSamai love you02:58
edbianRallias: can you killall gdm  ?02:58
Ralliasedbian: no process found02:58
Ralliashow do I connect to wifi from a tty02:58
edbianRallias: why?  It's elaborate02:58
Ralliasbase station ssid: phoenix, no password02:59
Ralliasedbian: I'm going to try to do an apt-get upgrade, i remember some errors mentioning gdm last time.02:59
escottRallias, you have to use iwconfig, and then run your dhclient02:59
edbianRallias: http://www.ghacks.net/2009/04/14/connect-to-a-wireless-network-via-command-line/02:59
jrmcmIm dual booting win7 and ubuntu, is it possible to use my win7 partition in vbox? I have a few programs for work that only work in windows and i dont want to have to leave ubuntu everytime i need them.02:59
TurkuSamaugh...Hamachi...  y u no free?02:59
escottjrmcm, i tried that... it turned out poorly03:00
edbianRallias: It would be much easier to just connect via a wire.  I'm fairly certain and upgrade will fix your problem.  When searching the web I found many people that claimed they had a partial upgrade or soemthing03:00
Ralliasedbian: the only wire I have is attached to my web server03:00
Ralliasother wires are 2ft or less03:00
edbianRallias: ouch03:00
jrmcmescott: what was the problem?03:00
edbianRallias: Try to follow that guide03:00
escottjrmcm, win7 didn't like that my hardware suddenly changed and decided not to boot under either system. theoretically it should be possible, but it is likely very fragile so be prepared to reinstall windows03:01
* cretsiah prefers wired connections to wifi03:01
escottjrmcm, remember that windows uses hardware profiles to monitor for valid licenses03:01
cretsiahsounds like a dell escott03:01
jrmcmescott: unfortuatly my laptop didnt come with a recovery disk, so i guess ill just keep to my vbox with xp03:02
Ralliasescott: correction, ony hard disk id's03:02
xissburgwhat is the most ' neutral' storage format?03:03
edbianxissburg: What do you mean?03:03
edbianxissburg: neutral?03:03
linuxhelpQuick question about partitions, I have an empty partition, 100 GB's. not the windows drive I have now. Will I be able to install on that 100 GB partition and GRUB will take care of the System Drive on C:?03:03
edbianlinuxhelp: yes03:03
xissburgedbian: ntfs is for windows for example...what is the format that is less tied to an OS?03:04
TurkuSamamy 1Tb was formatted fat32, now i can't transfer my 4gb+ movies on to it03:04
IdleOnexissburg: if you mean accessible by both linux and windows I would say ntfs is your best choice, just to make sure windows can access it also.03:04
edbianxissburg: I think they can all read fat natively03:04
escottxissburg, yes fat is the most widely supported, and least featureful fs03:04
LinuxHack3rSo tomorrow the IT guys at work are going to install Windows 7 on my machine, onto a special "windows disk". However, I do a bunch of screweing around with partitions and whatnot. I am thinking of doing this: dd if=/dev/sda of=~/disk1.img (Basically, backing up the install to a file) to save the installation just in case I screw it up at a later point. Shouldn't I be able to format the drive and restore the backup file and it be EXA03:04
edbianxissburg: But fat has a limited max file size03:04
xissburgedbian, IdleOne , escott  thanks :)03:04
escottlinuxhelp, yes and yes03:05
xissburgyea Windows sucks...and we have to keep supporting it...03:05
linuxhelpokay, thanks :D03:05
escottLinuxHack3r, you could dd that file right back on top of the disk03:07
sheanhi everybody03:07
sheansomebody in china?03:07
linuxhelpWill I have an issue with Ubuntu other than not supporting dual monitors out of the box but with two different sized monitors?03:07
LinuxHack3rescott: Exactly as I was hoping, however if the disk it is installed on is 160GB, will the file be that size or the size of the actual windows install?03:07
PalinBachman2012LinuxHack3r: you might want to use partimage if you are just backing a partition03:08
KM0201linuxhelp: what do you mean doesn't support dual monitors "out of the box"? dual monitors works fine for me "out of te box.03:08
L30He ust mean in 8.1003:08
LinuxHack3rPalinBachman2012: for the above stated reason? and the partition windows is on will be the only partition...unless 7 uses multiple partitions.03:08
escottdd will be the size of the disk you are dd'ing from, in other words however large sda is. you can gzip it03:08
linuxhelpReally? Last time I used linux (might have been a while ago) it just projected same image on two monitors03:08
L30or with his crummy graphics card03:08
linuxhelpL30, I have a HD 585003:08
PalinBachman2012LinuxHack3r: thats just what I use when i want to back up partitions03:09
twilight0hi there03:09
PalinBachman2012but if you are comfortable with dd03:09
KM0201linuxhelp: you should really understand what you're directing your discontent with.. its not ubuntu/linux, it's ATI that is the problem...03:09
L30hi .... twilight its gay .... jsut leaving it out there03:09
twilight0does unity have gnome 3 or 2?03:09
escottlinuxhelp, its impossible to say what problems you might have, but if you can describe your hardware people might be able to give you a sense of the risks03:09
LinuxHack3rescott: Is it a good idea to gzip it? Will that reduce it's size to within reason? IE windows install =20gb, file is about the same?03:09
sheansomebody hear me?03:09
twilight0L30: movie could be gay but i am not03:09
linuxhelpI apologize. I'm not that really educated on Linux :P just wanting to run and try it out maybe switch over from WIndows03:09
escottLinuxHack3r, i certainly would03:09
edbianshean: we can hear you03:09
* L30 gives twilight the benefit of the doubt03:10
twilight0L30: i have nothing to do with the movie I use this nick from 200403:10
Monotokoshean, your in a mainly western room...what do you need?03:10
sheanyeah. so03:10
twilight0L30: whatever03:10
KM0201linuxhelp: no offense, but that is obvious... the problem is not linux... get upset w/ ATI, for not releasing a quality linux driver.03:10
IdleOne!ot > L3003:10
ubottuL30, please see my private message03:10
twilight0but.. tbh I like Kristen Stewart03:10
sheani gotta go...03:10
twilight0isnt she hot?03:10
escottlinuxhelp, mirroring the image on two displays is the default but that can be changed easily03:10
LinuxHack3rI will try it, before I even start using it. They want to activate it from work there, so the IP will be the same. Makes sense to me. So this is the best way I can figure to get the ability to "install" windows 7 on my machine as I wish, for screwups, etc etc. Unless someone has a better idea.03:11
Ralliasw00t it works again03:11
edbianRallias: what did you do?03:11
Ralliassudo apt-get upgrade, gdm was refusing to update so i did sudo apt-get install gdm and it works now03:12
edbianRallias: awesome.  Did you connect to wifi via cli?03:12
Ralliasnah, thats what network-manager is for03:12
edbianRallias: How did you run network manager without a gui?03:12
Ralliasedbian: the gui works now03:12
Ralliasplus network-manager has a cli interface too03:13
ActionParsnipedbian: nmcli ;)03:13
edbianRallias: oh, awesome03:13
edbianRallias: good job!03:13
edbianActionParsnip: thanks :)03:13
Janusmanif I have a software source for maverick, but am running natty, will I run into trouble? =)03:13
RalliasThis is a load of my back03:13
edbianRallias: :D03:13
ActionParsnipedbian: personally I use wicd in cli, the curses UI is niiiice03:13
escottLinuxHack3r, i guess this is a laptop, sure but keep in mind whenever its not online its not getting updates, they may notice if a corporate update keeps disappearing as you reimage the system back to its original install03:13
Ralliasnow I don't have to tell my boss I ****** up the corporate laptop while trying an upgrade03:13
edbianRallias: haha, you fixed it cause linux is great like that03:14
Ralliasedbian: do you happen to know the solution to ath5k randomly disconnecting?03:14
ActionParsnipRallias: shouldn't have given you admin powers, blame them ;)03:14
LinuxHack3rescott: Desktop. And could that be a problem?03:14
edbianRallias: ooo, now03:14
ActionParsnipRallias: whe it drops, run:  dmesg | tail     it may give clues03:14
edbianRallias: yeah03:14
LinuxHack3rescott: This is purely for the purpose of me having windows for school increasing my knowledge with 7...has nothing to do with work duties.03:14
escottLinuxHack3r, no i'm just surprised you have such access to a computer at the office03:15
RalliasSo I get to call Asus about that.Fun stuff.03:15
edbianRallias: They won't care I bet03:15
RalliasThey said if it happens again to call back03:15
edbianRallias: oh there ya go.  Call em!03:15
ActionParsnipRallias: you may have to just disable ipv603:15
ActionParsnipRallias: or add an option to the module to disable n speed03:16
TommyFeticiniI'm having problem with DHCP and apparmor, hoping someone could help me03:16
LinuxHack3rescott: What do you mean, such access to a computer? I'm sorry, I fail to mention this is my personal machine03:16
TommyFeticiniIt won't allow me to access my rndc.key in /etc/dhcp3/03:16
escottLinuxHack3r, sorry i was misunderstanding the situation. thought this was a work computer or something...03:17
RalliasActionParsnip: I'll have to look into that, thanks03:17
escottLinuxHack3r, if the school is installing win7 for you why don't you just ask them to install it to a specific partition and dual boot03:17
escottLinuxHack3r, what rules would they have against that?03:17
LinuxHack3rescott: Oh no, I just wanted to become versed in Access (ok, lets be honest, oobase is nowhere near it, and while I am learning mysql+php, Access is so easy), and a few other tasks. I just want the ability to start from scratch if I end up hosing something. I'm the type that on average installs an OS 6 times a year.03:18
RalliasLinuxHack3r so they're installing win7 on your laptop or the schools laptop?03:18
RalliasWoot, server uptime 6 years in 5 seconds.03:19
mahir256get trisquel and put wine on it03:19
mahir256no offence to ubuntu03:19
shingenLinuxHack3r: invest in a 2TB hdd and start using clonezilla religiously... cuts down on reinstall time03:19
LinuxHack3rescott: Rallias I have a desktop, windows is going on it's own disk, ubuntu will stay on its own. I just want the ability to "go back to fresh" if something changes, or if the harddrive crashes and I need to reinstall, etc. E03:19
LinuxHack3rshingen: I am looking into clonezilla.03:19
panfisti'm logging into a lucid server and I see this... http://dpaste.com/540986/03:20
panfistwhat am i doing wrong? it says i have security updates, but when i try to get the updates, it says i have none03:20
arielsanflo_chanel de c  spanish03:20
LinuxHack3rshingen: YES! This is what I am wanting, but all i need to do is mirror it once don't I? IF all I want is the original fresh windows install? I think that's what it does isn't it, basically create disk restore points for an entire partition?03:20
LinuxHack3rarielsanflo_: ?03:21
escottpanfist, do you need to run apt-get update first?03:21
mahir256panfist: for one, you are on a maverick server03:21
CkhiKuzadNote to self, never /list03:21
panfistmahir256: actually i named it incorrectly when i installed, and i haven't corrected it. it's 10.04.203:21
arielsanflo_chanel de lenguaje c en spanish03:21
shingenLinuxHack3r: yup... the ultimate solution that you want is a virtual machine if you have the cpu cycles, ram and hdd space to spare03:21
ActionParsnippanfist: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade03:21
ActionParsnip!es | arielsanflo_03:22
ubottuarielsanflo_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:22
shingenLinuxHack3r: as virtual machines can restore to snapshots with ease03:22
LinuxHack3rshingen: Well I do that with XP right now, but I do want the ability for heavier 3d stuff.03:22
ActionParsnipshingen: assuming a snapshot has been made...03:22
shingenActionParsnip: if you're settingup a new vm, why wouldn't you create snapshots?03:22
ActionParsnipshingen: some massochists don't03:23
LinuxHack3rActionParsnip: Agreed03:23
panfistit still says i have zero updates when i try to upgrade03:23
ActionParsnippanfist: then don't sweat it03:23
shingenActionParsnip: as Forrest Gump says, stupid is is stupid does ;)03:23
mahir256hmmm...i do wonder if any of you remember 199403:24
ActionParsnippanfist: please don't butcher commands like that, if someone gives a command with semicolons and such just run it as one, the interconnecting characters are important03:24
LinuxHack3rSO is the consensus that if I use clonezilla to image the partition, I can restore it as it was?03:24
ActionParsnipshingen: fact03:24
mahir256linux was three, gnu was 10, and debian didn't exist (and neither did toy story)03:24
shingenmahir256: and I was installing slackware on university computers for warez, w00t!03:26
mahir256rofl, but whatever03:26
shingenmahir256: nothing beats a non-windows partition and a linux boot disk to access it with a password that only the smart people could remember :)03:27
GnoyNaiti have just installed 11.04. it's cool!03:27
cretsiahGnoyNait:  i hope so ... im thinking of trying to install it along side 10.1003:28
ubuntuhello, ive installed ms windows right after install ubuntu and i cant boot ubuntu anymore, how can i fix such problem03:28
shingenmahir256: blazing fast T1 that I hogged up all to myself and managed to get 85KB/s even though there were at least 300 ppl on the same line in the uni :)03:28
cretsiahor 1 of my many 1/2 busted laptops raflmao03:28
Jordan_U!grub | ubuntu03:28
ubottuubuntu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:28
KM0201!grub2 | ubuntu follow the instructions tor estore grub03:29
ubottuubuntu follow the instructions tor estore grub: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:29
mahir256shingen: yeah...you can stop now03:29
shingenmahir256: you asked03:29
ubuntuthis guide is confusing for beginners03:30
ubuntui dont know how to mount the ubuntu partition to my places thing03:30
Jordan_Uubuntu: Indeed. It's unfortunate.03:30
mahir256shingen: eh, not really03:30
escottubuntu, feel free to pm me if you want a walkthrough03:30
kerNULLi took off a program but its icon is still listed with my proograms... how do i remove that?03:30
Jordan_U!pm | escott03:30
ubottuescott: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:30
jon5000can anyone assist me in setting up a dell bluetooth mouse?  i have looked all over google but it seems all the info is for other/older versions of ubuntu and involve commands and files that dont exist03:31
shingenmahir256: hmmm...i do wonder if any of you remember 199403:31
mahir256kerNULL: what x environment are you using?03:31
mahir256shingen: shut up03:31
shingenmahir256:  you asked, next time don't... and please don't be rude since I'm just answering your question03:31
Jordan_Uescott: The "benefit from your questions and answers and ensure you're not getting bad advice" specifically. It's not critical if ubuntu has problems following this fast channel, but it's preffered to stay in-channel.03:32
mahir256shingen: oh sorry03:32
escottJordan_U, i don't think we need a the 1001st person asking what the grub reinstall means03:32
GnoyNaitkerNULL: unity is good, I think03:32
escottand it is critical to him to get his system booting, and to be able to follow03:33
kerNULLya i still want the left over icon removed03:33
cretsiahhas any1 got jwm on there ubuntu10.10??03:33
LPT1Where's the best place to store SSL keys and certificates? They would be used for Webmin which runs as root and Apache that runs under restricted account.03:34
lynette_<---<< wonders if this is the whisper channel!03:34
GnoyNaitwhich software is good to download files from the internet?03:34
mahir256hmmm...ever tried jdownloader?03:35
lynette_Gnoy: I use what came with Natty03:35
Rehandoes anyone know how i can convert an mp3 file to an aiff file in ubuntu?03:35
mahir256Rehan: first off, who uses aiff? second, gnome audio converter might work03:37
Rehanmahir256: need it for iphone03:37
GnoyNaitmahir256: is that fast?03:37
lynette_is that safe? [wants her location to stay unknown]03:38
qinlynette_: /whois lynette_03:39
mahir256yes, rehan and gnoynait, it is fast. requires gstreamer03:39
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mysteriousdarrenlynette_ : go to #freenode and ask for a cloak or vhost03:39
GnoyNaitmahir256: OK. I'll try. Thanks03:40
Kodecback | track 5 Released ? or not yet ?03:40
Jordan_U!backtrack | Kodec03:41
ubottuKodec: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition03:41
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ShoulinHarry Patch03:41
ShoulinWhat's the feeling about 11.0403:42
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pookyI moved to xubuntu, lolz03:42
Jordan_UShoulin: If you don't have a specific support question please move the discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic.03:42
=== jelatta is now known as jelatta_away
ShoulinOk sorry - new to this03:43
Jordan_UShoulin: np.03:44
zghaiawhy I can't repeat to play one song by using the button in play menu of banshee?03:47
qinzghaia: while true; do mplayer <yoursong>; done; (I know it is not bansheee)03:48
canthus13How can I find out what is using up all my bandwidth.  I've got about 200-400KiB/sec coming into my machine and I can't find a single reason for it. No torrents, no video streams...03:49
qincanthus13: iftop03:49
canthus13qin: thank you. I forgot what that was called. :)03:49
wn1zidhow to bounce emails with Evolution ??  any one know how to or direct me to a site with instructions ? thanks03:50
zghaiaqin: OK ,but banshee make me crazy.03:50
Maxkhi im thinking of updating from 10.10 to 11.04 on my laptop is there any problems or will it only get better?03:50
qinzghaia: Try mocp03:50
_jopMaxk, are you using nvidia with the nvidia driver supplied by ubuntu?03:51
choloAnyone familiar with a typical cut/copy & paste bug , where it delays your mousepad/touchpad from moving the mouse/pointer for a split second.. (very noticable)03:51
Maxk_jop no03:51
escottcanthus13, ntop03:51
zghaiaqin: The button in the play menu of banshee there just can't be clicked.Thanks for your help.03:51
Jordan_UMaxk: There are always regressions, and improvements. We can't say for sure which will apply to your particular situation.03:51
choloHas it anythign tod o with this:03:51
choloTop causes for wakeups: 34.1% (429.8)   PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad interrupt03:51
_jop<Maxk> The only issue I had was with the nvidia driver, worked fine otherwise03:52
Maxk_jop ok thx for the help will update today03:52
_jop<Maxk> u might also wait until some other ppl let u know of any issues :P03:52
_jop<Maxk> Just in case03:52
TurkuSamai had this problem with 11.04 not booting properly unless i did a hard boot03:54
choloAnyone familiar with a typical cut/copy & paste bug , where it delays your mousepad/touchpad from moving the mouse/pointer for a split second.. (very noticable)03:54
TurkuSamadoesnt do it anymore for some reason03:54
TurkuSamaand it only really happened when i would just restart03:55
SongiHi everyone, I was wondering if anyone is able to help me. I'm new to Linux/Ubuntu and had a question that I have not been able to find while searching. It concerns running the Curse Client on Ubuntu 11.0403:56
twentee_Is it possible to put the netbook style of 10.04 on Lubuntu 11.04?03:57
twentee_I fully installed the Unity and 2D repos but it loads to an X-Server error03:58
escottSongi, do you mean curses?03:59
ouyesis it technically possible to make a laptop output a display to a second screen with a different resolutions?04:00
SongiNo, I mean the Curse Client. It is a Windows/Mac based Add-on manager for the game World of Warcraft. Thank you also for answering.04:00
escottouyes, yes with xrandr or gnome-display-properties (unless you use nvidia, and then its something else)04:01
choloAnyone familiar with a typical cut/copy & paste bug , where it delays your mousepad/touchpad from moving the mouse/pointer for a split second.. (very noticable)04:01
twentee_Yeah nvidia can be a pain in the rear04:01
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canthus13escott: Hmm.. thanks. ntop's a bit of overkill for my laptop, though. I wonder how much load it would put on my router...04:02
ouyesescott, would please tell me how to do with xrandr I have installed grandr, and tried to configure my laptop to output a resolution of 1280X1024 to my 19 inch second screen, but there is always problem04:03
escottouyes, so first run xrandr to see what the known modes are. it should show supported resolutions for both screens04:04
rcconfCurrent status This author has attempted to load all Conexant (cx*), BTTV (card=52), SAA*, IVTV and em28xx modules provided with the Linux 2.6.18 kernel but no /dev/video* devices appear after restarting udev. The test machine is an HP xw9300 Workstation running Debian Etch amd64.04:04
rcconfIn order for this card to work on Linux, a Pinnacle AV/DV2 Linux driver is needed to be written.04:04
rcconfok but now the kernel is updated  how can I load all those mentioned modules ?04:04
DaemonikHow may I disable Pulseaudio on Ubuntu 10.10?04:04
ouyesescott, yes then ?04:04
escottrcconf, modprobe module_name04:05
rcconfescott: "Conexant" doesnt exist04:05
bin_bashWhat's the best way to create a command alias? I want to make the command "mocp" execute "mocp -T moca_theme"04:05
rcconf I mean there is cx*04:05
rcconfbin_bash: nano .bashrc04:05
escottouyes, looking at the man page ;)04:05
bin_bashlol nano04:05
bin_bashI'll use VIM. ty04:05
rcconfbin_bash: then alias mocp='mocp -T moca_theme'04:06
CyanPrime1Hi, I need somepeople to help me test a client/server program on linux 32 bit04:06
Daemonikbin_bash, You're immature. rcconf doesn't care what editor you use, nor does any one else.04:06
ouyesescott, there is no manuals for grandr04:06
bin_bashI care. I don't want to install nano.04:06
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escottouyes, xrandr --output LVDS1 1024x768 --output VGA1 640x480 --left-of LVDS104:07
CyanPrime1Anyone willing to help?04:07
escottouyes, something like that04:07
ubuntuany1 know if steam games would run well with ubuntu + wine + i7 860 2.8 ghz, ati hd 5670 1gb, 2gb ram etc?04:07
rcconf!anyone | CyanPrime104:07
ubottuCyanPrime1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.04:07
bin_bashrcconf: Just add it to the bottom, I reckon?04:07
qinbin_bash: There is config for moc (usefull)04:07
rcconfbin_bash: I added mine to top04:07
TurkuSamaubuntu: virtmachine/win7/install/?????/profitt04:07
CyanPrime1Hi, I need somepeople to help me test a client/server program on linux 32 bit04:08
escottouyes, you could swap in the resolutions you want and the output (which for you might not be VGA1 it might be HDMI1 or something else)04:08
ubuntuwouldnt a vm hurt the performace and make it even worst than using wine?04:08
phungvantuhi all04:08
TurkuSamaubuntu: what game are you trying to play?04:08
rcconfvideoinput: Cannot open capture device /dev/video0: No such file or directory04:08
rcconfmixer: Can't open device /dev/mixer, mixer volume and mute unavailable.04:08
bin_bashrcconf: great. thanks.04:08
ubuntuTurkuSama, tf204:09
CyanPrime1Sure is helpful in here :\04:09
rcconfso I need to load the modules and restart udev?04:09
rcconfCyanPrime1: ##linux04:09
ubuntuTurkuSama, as described b4 with an i7 860 2.8ghz & ati hd 5670 1gb04:09
bin_bash!ask | CyanPrime104:09
ubottuCyanPrime1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:09
rcconfhelp me o.o04:09
CyanPrime1Hi, I need somepeople to help me test a client/server program on linux 32 bit04:09
CyanPrime1Hi, I need somepeople to help me test a client/server program on linux 32 bit04:09
CyanPrime1It has been asked04:09
phungvantusometimes, i was kicked out from my session in Natty?04:09
FloodBot1CyanPrime1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:09
bin_bashmk go to ##linux then04:09
phungvantuPls, help04:09
AaeRohnok, poking around again... I need to get my adobe vistablet to work, and I have no idea how... The driver that's spposed to work with it is in and workign, but the tablet doesnt work right...04:09
bin_bashphungvantu: which ui are you using?04:10
escottubuntu, the problem you would have is not being able to pipe direct3d from windows guest into opengl calls on the ubuntu host04:10
celthunderAaeRohn: doesn't work right how04:10
qinCyanPrime1: Post linky to info and code in /msg04:10
TurkuSamathe ati drivers might prove to be a problem04:10
ubuntuso the best solution is to run it under a vm?04:10
ubuntui honestly dont want to install windows and do a dual-boot04:11
ubuntuwould a vm hurt the performace ALOT or just a little bit?04:11
KM0201CyanPrime1: thats not really an ubuntu issue anyway, so its offtopic here.. .04:11
celthunderubuntu: depends on virtualization technology used as well as hardware running it and the amount dedicated to the vm04:11
escottubuntu, if you want 3d graphics in both systems usually people run win7 as the host and ubuntu as the guest and install the guest additions to ubuntu. i don't know of any guest additions for windows that would enable 3d graphics with an ubuntu host04:11
AaeRohncelthunder: no pressure sensitivity, and when I let up on the pen, it stops till I pull the pen far enough away that the tablet itself doesnt sense it04:11
phungvantuShow me how to see log file to see what happens with my system since 1 minutes before?04:12
celthunderCyanPrime1: what program client/server04:12
escottrcconf, modprobe -l *cx* if nothing comes up then they are in /lib/modules04:12
celthunderphungvantu: what log file tail /var/log/<logfile> works in general04:12
CyanPrime1It's just a proof of conecpt right now, celthunder04:13
rcconfescott: it will load all the modules at once?04:13
celthunderCyanPrime1: ok what's the concept?04:13
escottrcconf, the "-l" just lists04:13
CyanPrime1celthunder, making blocks move over the network lol04:13
zghaiaqin: mocp is great,:).04:13
celthunderCyanPrime1: blocks of ?04:14
fanzheninstall virtaulbox on my Ubuntu desktop --->Errors were encountered while processing: virtualbox-4.004:14
KM0201CyanPrime1: this isn't an ubuntu issue... try asking in #linux or #ubuntu-offtopic04:14
rcconfescott: it shows like this kernel/drivers/media/video/cx88/cx88xx.ko04:14
phungvantui has just been kicked out from my session04:14
fanzhencan anyone help me ???04:14
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko04:14
phungvantuHow to find out problem04:14
celthunderfanzhen: more info needed?04:14
rcconfwhat is .ko extension? driver?04:14
KM0201fanzhen: have you tried addin the virtual box repository?04:14
escottrcconf, so you could modprobe cx88xx. but it might make more sense to actually identify the video card first, is lspci not definitive?04:14
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels04:15
rcconfescott: it shows the capture card04:15
escottrather the webcam04:15
rcconfescott: but it wont open /dev/video004:15
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.04:15
escottrcconf, can you paste the relevant lspci line?04:15
rcconfescott: "they" say a linux driver must be written.. but i want to test all those modules.04:15
fanzhenKM0201:yes, installed it from deb04:15
rcconfescott: just a second04:15
fanzhen(Reading database ... 201098 files and directories currently installed.)04:16
fanzhenPreparing to replace virtualbox-4.0 4.0.6-71344~Ubuntu~lucid (using virtualbox-4.0_4.0.6-71344~Ubuntu~lucid_i386.deb) ...04:16
fanzhenUnpacking replacement virtualbox-4.0 ...04:16
fanzhendpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of virtualbox-4.0:04:16
fanzhen virtualbox-4.0 depends on libqt4-opengl (>= 4:4.5.3); however:04:16
escottrcconf, who is "they" v4l?04:16
FloodBot1fanzhen: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:16
fanzhen  Package libqt4-opengl is not installed.04:16
fanzhendpkg: error processing virtualbox-4.0 (--install):04:16
KageI am having major driver, boot, etc issues...   I installed the propertiary Ati Driver, and everything went to hell04:16
KageI tried to back out of it04:16
celthunderfanzhen: so install libqt404:16
celthunderfanzhen: it says what to do04:16
Kageand things went from bad to worst04:16
fanzhenok,I will try04:16
rcconfescott: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=LTy2SLRv04:16
rcconfall info there04:17
rcconfsudo lspci -vvnnn04:17
KM0201fanzhen: i dunno, i used the natty repo, and it worked fine04:17
ubuntuhow can i install ubuntu without any desktop environment and add something like blackbox to manage the desktop to it? ive never found a `clean` installation without desktop environments and their default apps04:17
=== EntityReborn is now known as __export__
KM0201ubuntu: you'd probably want to install ubuntu-server... then add the GUI of choice to it04:18
slakcphilubuntu: install server and then xorg and blackbox04:18
rcconfescott: so I just try cx* drivers in kernel/drivers/media/video/ ?04:18
escottrcconf, you can try to modprobe lots of stuff, but usually it won't load because it can't find the device04:18
DinVitaminDoes anybody know of any non-browser-based ways to display full-screen media content such as news, weather, etc.?04:18
slakcphili have done it with fluxbox04:18
phungvantuhow to understand log file04:18
rcconfphungvantu: which one04:18
phungvantui want to find out a problem04:19
slakcphilif you install gnome-desktop-environment you get a light gnome04:19
rcconfescott: why cant it find the /dev/video04:19
phungvantuwith system log04:19
ubuntui cant find the server one in downlads @ official site04:19
ubuntuwhere`s exactly is it?04:19
escottrcconf, /dev/video won't be created until there is a video device, which won't happen until there is a kernel module that understands your device04:20
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server04:20
rcconfescott: so I need to load the modules :)04:20
rcconfescott: and restart udev?04:20
slakcphilubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download04:20
celthunderDinVitamin: uh a news reader client set to autoupdate? (dunno)04:20
PsyForcedoes anyone know why the number shortcuts have disappeared when I hold the super key? they seemed to work yesterday04:21
escottrcconf, if the v4l wiki says it doesn't have a driver it probably doesn't have a driver04:21
zackleonhartnick help04:21
zackleonhartnick /help04:21
rcconfescott: thats why I want to try loading the modules04:21
TurkuSamaplace / in front of nick04:21
rcconfescott: so I just load the modules ? do i need restart udev?04:21
slakcphilubuntu: then sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install -y xorg fluxbox;sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade &04:21
=== zackleonhart is now known as ZackLeonhart
ubuntuslakcphil, it will also auto-install my drivers like normal ubuntu04:22
escottrcconf, if they recognize a device they will load. if there is no device they shouldn't load. if they load udev should see that and create the device file04:22
KageIs there a way to reset graphics I.E. drivers / settings to that of time of install?04:22
slakcphilubuntu, huh?04:22
bin_bashAll of a sudden out of nowhere, my trackpad has stopped responding properly04:22
rcconfescott: ok im gonna try04:22
bin_bashI can still scroll with it04:22
tbruff13escott, I am using ubuntu 10.10 but I want the newest Awn release without upgrading they said i can do that by installing this ppa ppa:awn-testing/ppa once i install it what command do i use to upgrade the packages or do i have to reinstall and if i have to reinstall how do i reinstall from the testing ppa04:23
rcconfescott: what does this means http://hardware4linux.info/component/32381/04:23
slakcphilubuntu, oh... like video stuff? yeah the kernel will load something...04:23
escotttbruff13, apt-get update; apt-get upgrade04:23
ubuntuslakcphil, yup, ubuntu has something that auto install the 3rd party drivers04:23
TurkuSamaawn is that dock right?04:23
rcconfoh forget.04:23
TurkuSamaCairo better04:23
t3k_noneed help...04:23
escottrcconf, nothing useful. thats just info from your lspci command04:23
tbruff13escott, will that upgrade my distrubution because i dont want to do that04:24
t3k_notrying to do updates through the Update Manager04:24
slakcphilubuntu, yeah I think there is something in gnome for that04:24
ubuntuwhat apt-get -y dist-upgrade & do? i`m aware that the other apt-get ones will install the blackbox + xorg04:24
escotttbruff13, no that would be dist-upgrade04:24
slakcphilubuntu, it will upgrade all your packages and kernel04:24
rcconfescott: how that guy found out which modules to try? Conexant (cx*), BTTV (card=52), SAA*, IVTV and em28xx04:24
t3k_nobut it says "Not enought free disk space" '/'04:24
escottrcconf, he didn't figure out anything, he just tried everything :)04:24
SinnerNyxI have a development VM running Ubuntu Server 11.04. When I do a PHPInfo it says that it is protected by the suhosin patch. I need to remove this 'protection'. I'm told I have to build PHP myself in order to do this04:25
SinnerNyxHowever I have never successfully done a build. How would I go about doing this?04:25
AaeRohnok, simplified, my Vistablet doesnt have pressure sensitivity, can someone help me resolve that?04:25
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rcconfescott: so those modules are all from video devices?04:25
tbruff13escott, how long can we contiinue to use 10.10 will they make us upgrade04:25
escottubuntu, you are already on 11.04 so dist-upgrade is not needed it would take you to 11.10 which isn't available04:25
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t3k_noany ideas??04:25
t3k_nohelp or links would be greatly appreciated...04:26
rcconftbruff13: ofc not lol04:26
rcconftbruff13: you only upgrade when you want04:26
KM0201escott: actually, it would only take you to 11.10, if you had enabled the 11.10 repo...04:26
KM0201or at least thats my epxerience04:26
escotttbruff13, honestly i dont know exactly. i think you keep getting security updates for like 6 months or so. the !lts which is 10.04 has a 2 year? support period04:26
rcconfno it's more04:26
tbruff13rcconf, can we get the new repository without having to upgrade to 11.0404:27
rcconfi dont know04:27
jelattahellp, i was wondering if i can edit the "quick search box" params, like use it to search google and whatnot04:27
escottrcconf, they are all drivers to video devices which you dont have04:27
rcconfdifferent repositories for different verison04:27
trismescott: apt-get dist-upgrade; doesn't upgrade between distros, it is the same as upgrade, except it will select new packages if they are required (unless, as KM0201 said, you changed your sources.list to point to a new version)04:27
CyanPrime1Got one person on the client! Looking for someone else to test mutiable connections! http://dl.dropbox.com/u/28109593/metashipClient.zip04:27
rcconfescott: yes but are those "all" the drivers available?04:28
escotttrism, KM0201 ok thanks i don't use the commnd line apt enough04:28
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rcconfescott: what about this one kernel/drivers/misc/eeprom/eeprom_93cx6.ko04:28
escottrcconf, if you really want this to work you need to figure out the chipset they use for their video capture by opening the case and inspecting the card, and then finding if there are other drivers that use the same chipset and trying those04:28
CyanPrime1Got one person on the client! Looking for someone else to test mutiable connections! http://dl.dropbox.com/u/28109593/metashipClient.zip04:29
exiffis there a separate ubuntu one channel?04:29
matt__Anyone familiar with dd and ff, please takea  look here and tell me what could be going wrong: http://pastebin.com/re0EHPAv04:29
rcconfescott: there is an image http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/File:Studio700PCICard.jpg04:29
bin_bashHas anyone had the experience with their trackpad suddenly not controlling the cursor?04:29
slakcphilbin_bash, yes:)04:30
SinnerNyxTrying to build php myself without suhosin04:30
SinnerNyxhow do I do this?04:30
bin_bashslakcphil: How'd you fix it?04:30
rcconfescott: how the hell i know the chipset? lol04:30
tbruff13escott, it did not work i want the new awn with the terminal applet bug fixed i added the repository upgrade and it did not change04:30
slakcphilbin_bash, it's crazy it comes and goes and when it does it will even right click something even though I have tap to click disabled04:30
slakcphilI haven't fixed it04:31
bin_bashslakcphil: I can click and scroll04:31
slakcphilwhen it does the little ball still works and grabs well04:31
bin_bashwhich is the weird part04:31
TommyFeticiniIs anybody good with AppArmour here? As in how it works?04:31
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Sterileguys, complete noob here, I have no idea how to run SAGE on ubuntu... I need to do the following: ln -s ~/Desktop/sage/sage /usr/local/bin/sage04:32
slakcphilbin_bash, I have noticed it happens around the times I run TeamViewer on a Dell D60004:32
Sterilebut then I type sage in the terminal and it does nothing04:32
escottrcconf, your best bet is to get this card in the hands of a developer, you could browse the v4l mailing list and see if anyone has expressed interest in the card. in some cases developers provide drivers in exchange for hardware or beer, but throwing random kernel modules at it isn't going to work well04:32
SterileI'm following this btw https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SAGE#Getting%20Started%20With%20Sage04:33
rcconfescott: v4l?04:33
rcconfvideo for linux?04:33
matt__Is there a way I can test /dev/sda for read/write errors? I suspect that's what is causing this: http://pastebin.com/re0EHPAv04:33
rcconfI found a russian website04:34
rcconfgoogle translator on the way04:34
escottSterile, so what part was the problem? the final symlink?04:34
tbruff13escott, it did not update the awn dock does any one know of a way to upgrade to the 11.04 repositories without upgrading from 10.1004:34
Sterileescott: I typed it in and it did nothing, so I guess it worked04:35
Sterileescott: but then I type sage in the terminal and it says "command not found"04:35
escottSterile, the purpose of the symlink is to put a file /usr/local/bin/sage in your path that would point at your install of sage in /opt. if it was successful then ls -l /usr/local/bin/sage should show a file pointing to /opt04:36
bin_bashslakcphil: it happened randomly while typing into the terminal'04:36
Sterileescott: I didnt put it in /opt though... I unpacked to desktop/sage04:36
escottSterile, if you plan to leave it in your $HOME then just add $HOME/Desktop/sage to your $PATH04:37
thune3matt__: what sort of drive is it, and how large were you expecting?04:38
Sterileescott: how do I do that?04:38
rcconfescott: t contains the following IC chips:04:38
rcconf    Pinnacle 51011810 / MB87J3560 .... the Main video processor (reported to be a Conexant chip by Pinnacle tech support, but they did not know which one exactly)04:38
escottSterile, edit your ~/.bashrc to have export $PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Desktop/sage and logout/login04:38
slakcphilbin_bash, is it a Dell?04:38
Sterileescott: I type ~/.bashrc and it says Permission denied04:38
matt__thune3: sda is 160GB, Data is on sdc, it's 1TB. It is a problem if I'm running from the origin?04:39
bin_bashNo. MacBook Pro.04:39
escottSterile, gedit ~/.bashrc04:39
escottmatt__, check the smart status in the disk utility04:39
matt__escott: how so?04:40
escottSterile, are you taking one of Stein's classes or is this for something else04:40
Sterileescott: alright I'm in there, do I just add a line anywhere or what04:40
matt__escott: disk utility is a gui! I gotcha04:40
bin_bashslakcphil: No, MacBook Pro.04:40
Sterileescott: no I'm just trying to install sage for my work this summer04:40
exiffwhat is the current status on data encryption on ubuntu one? ideally,i would like all the data leaving my computer to be encrypted and unreadable without some kind of password.04:40
Sterileescott: and I have no experience at all with ubuntu04:40
matt__escott: eeeh:(Gimma a se04:40
slakcphilbin_bash, anything in /var/log/messages?04:41
bin_bashslakcphil: I don't even have that fiel04:42
escottexiff, i believe they encrypt on their side, but if are worried you can always encrypt before putting in their folder04:42
Sterileescott: so I just put export $PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Desktop/sage at the end and save it?04:42
escottSterile, yes (double check the capitalization). and then logout/login04:43
Sterileescott: thanks, whats the difference between $HOME and ~ ?04:43
rcconfescott: what about this http://pciids.sourceforge.net/pci.ids04:44
slakcphilbin_bash, you should...       /var/log/messages04:44
escottSterile, one is an environment variable the other is a shell expansion shortcut. I'm pretty sure ~ wouldn't work outside a bash shell.04:44
rcconfescott: search for "# Pinnacle should be 11bd, but they got it wrong several times --mj04:44
rcconfbd11  Pinnacle Systems, Inc. (Wrong ID)04:44
Sterileescott: I see thanks a bunch, gonna see if it works..04:44
rcconfescott: it's listed there04:45
bin_bashslakcphil: It's not there where i do ls04:45
DinVitaminXfce or Fluxbox for a lightweight window manager?04:45
rcconfbut that is just a list right04:45
askreetDinVitamin:  Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment.  Fluxbox is a lightweight window manager.  Which are you looking for? :)04:45
Sterileescott: so I open the terminal and only type sage, it still says "No command sage found"04:46
escottrcconf, we really can't help you with this. if you are serious ask v4l group how you might compensate them for getting it to work. or write a driver yourself04:46
slakcphilbin_bash, cat /var/log/messages     or      ls /var/log04:46
escottSterile, did you logout?04:46
Sterileescott: after relogging04:46
bin_bashslakcphil: no such file or directory04:46
rcconfescott: me to write a driver ? Lolol04:46
DinVitaminaskreet: Just a GUI with no bloat, for a server application04:46
askreetDinVitamin:  GUI... server.. you lost me..04:46
escottSterile, echo $PATH it should have /home/sterile/Desktop/sage at the end. and verify that there is in fact a "sage" executable in that folder04:47
slakcphilbin_bash, ls /var/log04:47
DinVitaminaskreet: I understand the confusion but I need to have a GUI on this particular server, just to show video.04:47
matt__escott: file:///home/matt/Dropbox/Public/160%20GB%20Hard%20Disk%20(ATA%20SAMSUNG%20HD160JJ-P)%20%E2%80%93%20SMART%20Data_002.png04:47
exiffhmmm,i'd prefer it if it were encrypted by the client app before it is sent for storage, i got thinking about this when i started using firefox sync yesterday .it seems the better way to do it imho. it's a deal breaker for me though, im sure they adhere to a strict privacy policy, but i dont want to take that chance (and shouldn't be forced to)04:47
matt__escott: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/120877/160%20GB%20Hard%20Disk%20%28ATA%20SAMSUNG%20HD160JJ-P%29%20%E2%80%93%20SMART%20Data_003.png04:47
bin_bashslakcphil: I'm tellin you bro. it's not there04:47
Sterileescott: wait wait wait.. it looks like my bashrc was reset when I relogged on04:47
askreetDinVitamin:  All kidding aside Fluxbox is very simple and lightweight.  If you want something that is going to have no bars in your way, check out PekWM04:47
slakcphilbin_bash, hmm04:48
DinVitaminaskreet: Thank you04:48
askreetDinVitamin:  Win+D is your run bar, or right click on xroot04:48
escottmatt__, so thats the sign things are starting to go bad04:48
matt__escott: *How bad? Like buy a drive tonight on amazon bad?04:48
avalon_does any one else have super bad trouble with flash?04:49
askreetflash sucks.04:50
askreet^-- productive comments only04:50
escottmatt__, the disk is trying to work around the bad sectors, but it has a sector it still needs to move. that should go down if you check again. how bad is a question of how important your data is. i have 6 backup copies of all my data, because im a little paranoid04:50
avalon_askreet: lol04:50
escottSterile, did you remember to save?04:50
Sterileescott: I did, now I redid it and it survived the login... but when I echo it's stillnot in the list04:51
slakcphilbin_bash, is there a /var/log/messages.1 ?04:51
bin_bashno there is nothing with messages even when i do ls -a04:51
escottSterile, well .bashrc is not sourced directly but sourced by .profile so you can check if .profile is sourcing .bashrc04:51
matt__escott: ada (160gb) has 97 bad sectors, sdb (250gb) has 3 bad sectors, and sdc (1tb) has 0 bad sectors. Generally speaking, I feel I'm ok with backups. Using truecrypt to encrypt stuff and then dropbox to back things up, also keeping my data drive as sdc, I feel ok. But theoretically speaking, am I looking at days, or could it go for years (with problems such as dd and ff showing up?)04:52
Sterileescott: and how would I do that?04:52
slakcphilbin_bash, or /var/log/syslog04:53
genewitchanyone running on an alpha?04:53
escottmatt__, i have no idea... i became paranoid when two hitachi deathstars went bad within 2 weeks of each other. hdd failures are much more closely correlated because of environment (temperature/vibration/humidity) than one would like04:53
escottSterile, gedit ~/.profile and see if it references .bashrc (if you haven't made any changes it should)04:54
thune3matt__: could also be that you haven't run into possible other errors because no read attempts have been made on them since they failed. running a smart long scan should give you a more complete idea.04:54
askreetdoes ubuntu have an alpha build?  i thought it was x86 and amd64 only?04:54
matt__escott: Well I'm glad right now my largest data disk is ok.04:54
escottSterile, you could also pastebin your .bashrc (assuming there is nothing sensitive on it)04:54
bin_bashslakcphil: this is the only thing right before the cursor freeze04:54
bin_bashOpts: errors=remount-ro,commit=004:54
bin_bashMay 10 23:17:01 Jack CRON[18410]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)04:54
Sterileescott: no problem04:54
matt__thune3: running a short scan right now, probably will start the long one before I sleep, and probably will buy replacenet drive/s asap just because.04:54
mdeangelo272hello, I am new to IRC and the ubuntu community, where I can go for general help and troubleshooting?04:54
askreetmdeangelo272: here.04:54
mdeangelo272I have an asus n13 wireless drive and it not working after I upgraded to 11.0404:55
askreetmdeangelo272: but what is it really?  if you do 'lspci' in a terminal what chipset does it show up as?04:57
thune3matt__: your drive has been successfull 96/97 times in remapping bad sectors, not bad. my anecdotal experience is that unrecoverable errors tend to start growing after the first few show up, but this isn't always the case. worth 40$ for peace of mind, i think.04:57
rcconfif I load a module now it will be unload after restart right04:58
slakcphilbin_bash, it just happened to me...04:58
slakcphil[ 9704.825401] psmouse.c: DualPoint TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost sync at byte 104:58
genewitchanyone on an alpha processor can you please pastebin the output of gcc -v for me and highlight me? thanks in advance!04:58
matt__thune3: Well I have been wanting to get a ssd for my operating system, and another 1tb (maybe 2tb) drive so I can mirror 1 tb to the other. thune3 I generally like the WD black series, but what would you reccommend?04:58
avalon_flash keeps crashing horribly on firefox and chrome. is there not a patch or a work around for it?04:58
slakcphil[ 9704.828435] psmouse.c: DualPoint TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 - driver resynched.04:58
askreetrcconf a lot of modules are loaded as they are needed.  if that hardware is detected at boottime it will be loaded, otherwise no.04:59
escottrcconf, yes unless you add it to /etc/moduels04:59
bin_bashslakcphil: I don't have anything lol04:59
bin_bashavalon_: 64 bit?04:59
rcconfthe hardware was detected.. the problem is that there is no /dev/video05:00
rcconfI need to pay someone to write a driver05:00
avalon_bin_bash: it shouldn't be.05:00
escottrcconf, see if v4l has a channel, and ask if anyone would be interested in a bounty for this device05:00
rcconfthere is #v4l05:00
bin_bashavalon_: you're using the 32 bit OS?05:00
avalon_bin_bash: i never had to d/l the 64 bit version05:00
avalon_bin_bash: yes05:01
bin_bashnevermind. can't help you.05:01
thune3matt__: i don't know what's best, i just look for seagate/wd in the price range and capacity i want. with ssd for OS, any performance needs for storage drives is lessened.05:01
slakcphilbin_bash, ooh i found some other... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17009305:01
avalon_bin_bash: thanks05:01
matt__thune3: "performance needs for storage drives is lessened"? What do you mean?05:01
rcconfI will need to use window$ very sad05:02
thune3matt__: if your OS is on SSD, then the drives you use for "bulk" file storage don't need to be speed demons.05:02
SinnerNyxok, I'm following the instructions on http://kusnier.net/config/how-to-remove-suhosin-patch05:02
bin_bashslakcphil: Nope. I can click and scroll, but can't move the cursor05:02
bin_bashand entering the cli did nothing05:02
SinnerNyxit says "Quick an dirty install (might break stuff)"05:02
matt__thune3: Oh of course. Well I've never had an ssd before, but my motherboard supports sataIII, so I WANT to take advantage of it.05:02
SinnerNyxwhere can I find the "slow and clean install (probably won't break that much stuff)"?05:02
slakcphilbin_bash, found this as well https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/296610?comments=all05:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 296610 in linux (Ubuntu Karmic) "ALPS DualPoint Touchpad flaky performance" [High,Fix released]05:03
bin_bashslakcphil: I'm not getting any error thou05:03
slakcphilbin_bash, is that bot saying there is a fix?05:03
prionicanybody know a good chat channel for beginners in java programming?05:03
genewitchslakcphil: it's reading the title of the linked page to you05:04
slakcphilgenewitch, aah thanks05:04
genewitchsorry, i misread the hilights :-)05:04
bin_bashslakcphil: they're syaing it's a kernel problem/.05:04
bin_bashi doubt it,.05:04
prionicanybody know a good chat channel for beginners in java programming?05:05
ayeceeprionic: #java, maybe05:06
rcconfLinux video capture interface: v2.0005:06
prionicdang #java is invite only :(05:07
rcconfprionic: it's ##java05:07
ManiDhillonSorry if this is off topic but where can I find mods for Ubuntu Wiki?05:08
prionicoh cool thanks!05:08
pritojshi i'm using 11.0405:09
pritojsand sometimes when i'm running vlc and chrome05:10
pritojsit just slows down and hangs05:10
avalon_pritojs: i've noticed that chrome and vlc don't like to play together05:10
pritojsthis has happened multiple times in the same enviornment with both vlc and chrome05:10
pritojsavalon_:ya i guess05:10
pritojsi was wondering if anyone's found a way to make them!05:11
mdeangelo272I recently updated to 11.04 and now my wireless adapter is no longer working. It is an asus 13n, and I believe that the chipset is 02:02.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10), but I'm not sure05:11
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mdeangelo272any help would be greatly appreciated05:12
pritojsmdeangelo272: <super> hardware drivers...05:12
pritojsdid it for me05:12
john____avalon you can block flash content with 'xul-ext-flashblock' extension for firefox, install simply with synaptic05:12
mdeangelo272pritojs: is that the command?05:12
avalon_john___: i was going to say i use it too much but i'll try it.05:13
sorackemCan you not also block flash with noscript?05:13
pritojsno just go to the hardware drivers on your machine...05:13
pritojsand then add the drivers05:13
avalon_i use chrome a lot. does it work with that too?05:13
pritojsmdangelo: it's additional drivers05:14
mdeangelo272pritojs: if I go to the additional drivers, I see there is no proprietary drivers to install05:14
john____avalon oh have you already used this extension05:14
avalon_no i just use youtube and the like a lot05:14
matt__thune3: Not sure what to look for in a ssd, but this catches my attention ($99 with promo code) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148357&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL051011&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL051011-_-EMC-051011-Latest-_-SSD-_-20148357-L0C05:15
john____i use it  and it shows flash as thumbnail so you can still play it if you click on these thumbnails05:15
john____avalon if its just advertisement flash just dont click and it wont be played05:16
avalon_this sound good. i'm doing it right now05:17
mdeangelo272can anyone tell me how to install a needed driver if it installed when the device is plugged in?05:17
mdeangelo272*if it is not installed when...05:17
choloAnyone familiar with a typical cut/copy & paste bug , where it delays your mousepad/touchpad from moving the mouse/pointer for a split second.. (very noticable)05:17
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escottmatt__, http://blog.valerieaurora.org/tag/airbook-ssd/05:20
escottmdeangelo272, first you need to figure out the kernel module name for that device05:23
macoescott: i need to read valerie's blog more often. neat article!05:23
escottmdeangelo272, then you can add it to /etc/modules to be loaded at every boot05:23
mdeangelo272escott: does that imply that the driver is already installed?05:23
escottmdeangelo272, to have it loaded on hotplug may require writing some udev rules05:24
mdeangelo272escott: i see it if I run lsusb05:24
RoastedHere's a dumb question - if I'm writing data to a samba network share and I dismount it, will I thereby cut the connection to copying the data?05:24
coraxxhere is a tough question .... I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a Fit-PC2 ... but on a MiniSD card.  The BIOS supports booting from the SD-card, however its not working out of the box in Ubuntu.  How do I do that ?  (I believe the solution might involve getting the kernel module SDHCI.KO preloaded, whithin the initram image) ...can anyone help me, plz :-) ?05:24
mdeangelo272escott: not really sure what that means, would I have better luck in the beginners forum?05:24
macoRoasted: id hope it complains when you try to unmount it because yes05:24
escottmdeangelo272, i think this forum is fine, im just really tired :). you had this working before right?05:25
Al_nz1is there a linux based peice of software for backing up a ntfs formatted disk, and ignoring free space (ie not raw) ?05:25
Roastedmaco, okay, I just need to copy data to 5 different shares as 5 different users. I was curious if I could dismount and re-up the share with the new user account and not interrupt previous ones.05:25
mdeangelo272escott: if I plug the wireless usb device into a machine running 10 it finds it, but if I plug it into a machine running 11 I get nothing?05:26
escottmdeangelo272, if this worked with the 10.10 kernel I would boot the old kernel (assuming you didnt remove it), then look at the output of lsmod to determine the module name, and try to modprobe it with the new kernel05:26
macoRoasted: 5 times to the same share, but with different owners? why not do the networky part once then cp -R and chown a few times on the remote system?05:26
macoRoasted: itd be a lot less waiting on bandwidth05:26
Roastedmaco, well I'm migrating data from an ubuntu desktop (my box/previous file server) to a freenas box sitting here in front of me.05:27
escottmdeangelo272, if you can't modprobe it with the 11.04 kernel then somehow you lost a driver package and should check the proprietary drivers05:27
mdeangelo272I did a new install05:27
Roastedmaco, would I still be able to do that?05:27
Roastedmaco, to cp -R from linux to a bsd system over a switch?05:27
mdeangelo272escott: how do i check the proprietary packages?05:27
macoRoasted: is it the same data each time?05:27
Roastedmaco, for each share? No.05:27
Roastedmaco, it's user backups for each share.05:27
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escott<Super = Windows Key>Additional Drivers05:28
macoRoasted: ah ok. and now youre saying "each share" -- so not the same share either? why not have > 1 mounted fs?05:28
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mdeangelo272am I correct, that the repositories are different for different versions of ubuntu?05:28
macomdeangelo272: yep05:28
macomdeangelo272: same server & directories, but different lists of available packages05:29
Roastedmaco, my system was set up like this... two 500gb drives that get rsync'd together. on drive A, I have 5 shares. fred, bob, joe, frank, bill. each user has rights to their respective share and their data backs up there. so each share = personal data. All of this data is what I'm migrating.05:29
Roastedmaco, it's just a small home NAS, so it's hardly an issue to do it individually. but if I can learn something new and cp -R everything from this nix box to the freenas box, I might be up for it05:29
mdeangelo272maco: can I try to find packages for 11 in the version 10 packages05:29
matt__escott: Well...are you satisfied with ssd's or do you stick with drives?05:29
Roastedmaco, I'm just not sure I can, due to the way the perms are set up05:29
macomdeangelo272: packages.ubuntu.com05:29
coraxxhere is a tough question .... I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a Fit-PC2 ... but on a MiniSD card. The BIOS supports booting from the SD-card, however its not working out of the box in Ubuntu. How do I do that ? (I believe the solution might involve getting the kernel module SDHCI.KO preloaded, whithin the initram image) ...can anyone help me, plz :-) ?05:30
macoRoasted: are all those users under one dir? like /home/fred /home/bob ? if so, why not mount /home and cp -R all that stuff into it?05:30
Jordan_UAl_nz1: Partimage has experimental ntfs support. I'm not sure if there is a program with stable support for this or not.05:30
Jordan_Ucoraxx: Define "not working".05:31
Roastedmaco, No. They mount to /media/storage on my nix system, but /media/storage is the directory they're mounted to - the actual data on the drive just has the raw folders.05:31
escottmatt__, i haven't purchased one. im waiting for the technology to shake out a bit more first... too many unknowns. TRIM support and how that should be handled is completely up in the air. some hardware vendors want the SSD to provide the FS and the OS does object storage others want to expose low-level details05:31
usr_hello, how can I add a task bar where I can see the windows of the programs I have open?05:31
macoRoasted: is it possible for you to access all the dest folders at once?05:31
sonySo, I got Unity back up and running, but now the launcher covers the side of all of my maximized pages. Fix anyone?, i also tried changing the setting to auto hide in compiz05:31
matt__escott: Well Perhaps I'll just buy a sataIII drive then.05:31
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Roastedmaco, I suppose I could plug the drive in via usb to the freenas box and attempt the cp -R over ssh...05:32
mdeangelo272escott: it searches for additional drivers but the list never populates05:32
escottcoraxx, sounds like you are on the right track you would have to gunzip the initrd and add the module and then mkimage it back to an initrd (at the least)05:32
rasyidI have problem print with epson lx-300+ continues form in ubuntu 10.04.if I'm printing page 1 no problem but for page 2 and so on printing can't print such as page 1.05:32
macoRoasted: it just seems to me you shouldn't have to mount/umount 5 times given existence of chown05:32
mdeangelo272maco: and suggestions for how I could find the package/driver that I need in the repository?05:32
Guest72872So, I got Unity back up and running, but now the launcher covers the side of all of my maximized pages. Fix anyone?, i also tried changing the setting to auto hide in compiz05:33
escottmatt__, as long as you don't put crucial data on them its probably great, i was considering a raid1 with ssd+normal hdd to get good quick reads but have a safe storage05:33
Roastedmaco, what I could do is just temporarily 777 all permissions so I can write the data as my user, then correct he perms later.05:33
coraxxJordan_U: the boot sequence times out with the error ... could not find root.  When I check I can see that the SD-Card is mounted using sdhci.ko on device /dev/mmcsd0p1 ...but not when I boot, as the driver sdhci.ko is not preloaded.05:33
macomdeangelo272: you need broadcom drivers i take it?  bcmwl-kernel-source05:33
matt__escott: Neat idea. But this price is very appealing: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682213677005:34
rasyidI have problem print with epson lx-300+ continues form in ubuntu 10.04.if I'm printing page 1 no problem but for page 2 and so on printing can't print such as page 1. any idea??05:34
Jordan_Ucoraxx: How did you install to the SD card?05:34
mdeangelo272maco: I think realtek?05:34
escottcoraxx, so you got past grub finding the initrd and kernel though05:34
coraxxescott: can a really just unzip the image and add the module just like that !? ...are you sure or is something else required for it to load ?05:34
usr_how can I change the location of the menu bar?05:35
escottcoraxx, its just a gzip (specially formated by mkimage, but its just a gzip)05:35
matt__escott: LMAO I was under the assumption on Newegg the 1Tb SataIII drives were $600+, turns out that pricing is for 20 of the drives. That's the only reason I pulled up such as small drive.05:35
macomdeangelo272: there's a proprietary realtek wireless driver? O_o i thought rtl8187 covered just about all of realtek's wireless05:35
mdeangelo272can anyone point me to some literature on what ubuntu does when a new device is plugged into a USB port?05:35
mdeangelo272maco: thank you, I'll look into that05:36
SirShmoopyI'm having trouble figuring out visudo, bypassing sudo passwd. testing it out on a simple script to update and upgrade, but i am always prompted to give password05:36
escottmdeangelo272, its all based on udev rules and pattern matching05:36
rasyidI have problem print with epson lx-300+ continues form in ubuntu 10.04.if I'm printing page 1 no problem but for page 2 and so on printing can't print such as page 1. please advise me..05:37
mdeangelo272escott: thank you, I'll try to read up on udev05:37
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SirShmoopyi tried the same for reboot, halt and shutdown and that works fine, the only difference is the script i point to. any ideas what im failing to see?05:37
coraxxJordan_U: I attached an external CD/DVD-Drive via USB to the FitPC2 and booted the FitPC2 from a regular 32-bit Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 ...as it recognized the SD-card, I choose it as the destination disk ....and the installation went ahead flawlessly.  (however, when I rebooted afterwards, the boot hangs and gives me the previous stated error message)05:38
matt__escott: If I buy two "basic" sataIII drives, how "easy" is it to raid them?05:40
escottmatt__, its easy to create a raid array. setting up a raid array as a boot system takes a little bit more work (to make sure the fstab is correct and the initrd has the mdadm modules05:41
zee313how to get gcompris latest version on my ubuntu?05:42
matt__escott: Think I've decided on a wd 64mb sataIII drive, just figuring the size05:43
hhhzzzarnAnyone else have a graphic issue when you right click on "add to panel" icon? Where you do get smooth background for wireless and sound icons?05:44
hhhzzzarnUbuntu 11.04 (Classic Desktop) :Anyone else have a graphic issue when you right click on "add to panel" icon? Where you do get smooth background for wireless and sound icons?05:44
flowbeehow do i see what application is running on port 6379 ?05:44
ghostnik11Hi, okay i installed 11.04 through the update manager and everything well but now a couple of days later al of a sudden, i am encountering problems such as unresponsive programs such as evolution, which can't close, also in web browser when i click something its like firefox just freezes and never recognizes my selection, happened to me also in banshee05:44
coraxxJordan_U: (have you heard of the ebox-platform ... that is the one I want to install ... I'm testing now with Ubuntu and if I can get that to work I will then try with ebox, which is not called Zentayl ...which is sorta Ubuntu derived distribution)05:45
zee313how to get gcompris latest version on my ubuntu?05:45
hhhzzzarnghostnik11: i freshly installed 11.04 and change from Unity to Classic.05:45
TurkuSamahhhzzzarn: me too05:45
hhhzzzarnI do not like unity so far.05:46
ghostnik11hhhzzzarn: so the problem is not necessarily 11.04 but unity it self05:46
Squall_Leonheardi like unity idea to using top panel as title bar05:46
hhhzzzarnTurkuSama: right click on your wireless icon on 11.04 classic, what do you see?05:46
rasyidI have problem print with epson lx-300+ continues form in ubuntu 10.04.if I'm printing page 1 no problem but for page 2 and so on printing can't print such as page 1. please advise me..05:46
TurkuSamait asks me to remove panel and crap05:47
hhhzzzarnTurkuSama: is the background messed up when you right click?05:47
zee313how to get gcompris latest version on my ubuntu?05:47
magn3tsNice to see that in addition to already burning coasters of my CDs... GNOME's Disc Burner also COMPLETELY ignores my speed perference.05:47
magn3tsWhy even have it as an option?05:47
hhhzzzarnmy background is not smooth gray. it is tabbed.05:47
magn3tsI set it at 16x, currently is burning at 3505:48
magn3tspretty sure my cd burner doesn't operate at that speed05:48
hhhzzzarnI regret switching from linux mint 10 to ubuntu 11.04.05:49
hhhzzzarnshould have waited for linux mint 1105:49
ComputerChicHi all :)05:49
Squall_Leonheardhhzzarn: why?05:49
magn3tsI don't understand the appeal of mint05:50
zee313I want to type a command apt-get but unable to find terminal for writing command05:50
hhhzzzarni though Unity would be better.05:50
magn3tsso dont use unity?05:50
hhhzzzarni am not.05:50
hhhzzzarnstill, the classic has little problems too.05:50
hhhzzzarni am picky.05:50
magn3tscardapio beats hte crap out of the default applications lens.05:50
magn3tsthe default applications lens is a cruel joke from someone05:50
magn3tshhhzzzarn, what's wrong with the classic?05:50
mdeangelo272is there any way to see the history of this IRC chat?05:50
hhhzzzarnwhen i right click on wireless icon or sound icon, the background of right click options is not smooth gray.05:50
hhhzzzarnit is like tabbed05:50
Squall_Leonheardactually my computer going slowly using 11.04 compared to 10.1005:50
hhhzzzarnand it looks ugly.05:50
mdeangelo272I'm new to IRC05:51
hhhzzzarnlike when you swith the top panel to left. you get tabs05:51
ghostnik11zee313: use windows button and then just click more apps then click by installed the # of other apps and scroll down for terminal05:51
magn3tshhhzzzarn, lol, change the GTK them then05:51
hhhzzzarnmagn3ts: continue ....05:51
zghaiahhhzzzarn: me too :) But I think the Unity dash shuld improve later.05:51
magn3tshhhzzzarn, um, Google for it. I don't know all the small stps :S05:51
mdeangelo272maco: can you shoot me that realtek driver info one more time?05:52
magn3tshhhzzzarn, it's really easy05:52
magn3tsI'm sure there's even a pkg of the default Mint GTK+ theme too....05:52
flavioalsoareshello all05:52
macomdeangelo272: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/rtl818705:52
hhhzzzarni will try.05:52
mdeangelo272maco: thx, sorry about that05:52
magn3tsOooh, the burner also, besides burning coasters and ignoring the speed I tell it to use... can't eject my drive... and continues to prompt me to, even after removing the disc.05:53
magn3tsThis is a nightmare.05:53
jjoreMy natty upgrade has gone horrible. Apt has wedged my computer while unable to resolve some python version problem. http://pastie.org/1887726 I'm thinking to prune everything "extra" from `dpkg -l` until the dependency problem is resolved. To get there, how do I get a proper list of a normal server's `dpkg -l` to compare against?05:53
flavioalsoaresI'm having problems with arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc, I'm thinking create a bug in launchpad05:54
zghaiajjore: I think that Ubuntu is not easy to upgrade like arch or gentoo.05:54
jjorezghaia: I have had a great experience with upgrades for years. Today was unusual.05:54
ghostnik11hhhzzzarn: should i just wipe whole hard drive and then just re-install 11.04 to see if that will get my computer back to its normal great performance with ubuntu b/c the fact that when i click and i don't get responses in the browser is a serious issue, for me05:55
zghaiajjore: hope you will solve it soon :)05:55
Kane`what's a good service i can run to host my own, private PPA on my server?05:55
hhhzzzarni takes less then  hour05:55
consolershow do i tell ubuntu to always create a /dev/xconsole --- I have an rsyslog rule that logs there05:55
hhhzzzarnmake sure you backup05:55
karthick87Can anyone recommend me a good sticky note software for ubuntu?05:55
ghostnik11hhhzzzarn: thats the reason why i went with the update b/c its to much info on my laptop to back up, music, photos, research papers, essays and other stuff05:56
hhhzzzarnmaybe: you can create new partition to backup05:56
coraxxJordan_U: (did u disappear ?)05:58
hhhzzzarnyou can resize your current partition for an empty ext4 partition. Back up all your data to the new partition. Fresh install ubuntu 11.04. Recover data. Remove parition. Merge free space05:58
magn3tsWow. cole@cole-ubuntu-desktop:~$ dd if=/dev/dvd | head -c 304179712 | md5sum05:58
magn3tsa85b45f08c0f443c035750323b9ee8b9  -05:58
magn3tscole@cole-ubuntu-desktop:~$ md5sum ~/Torrents/Linux/Ubuntu\ 11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso05:58
magn3ts7de611b50c283c1755b4007a4feb0379  /home/cole/Torrents/Linux/Ubuntu 11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso05:58
FloodBot1magn3ts: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:58
magn3tsHow disappointing05:58
flavioalsoaressomeone already has used arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc on natty ?05:58
ghostnik11hhhzzzarn: i have a 100 gb on laptop, but I will just put stuff on external, but this is bull, i can't believe the ubuntu in 11.04, i have been updating through update manager no problem from 9.10 to up to now and, now i get big issues05:58
hhhzzzarnI always fresh install.05:59
hhhzzzarngood night. gtg05:59
TurkuSamai feel bad, i have an hp laptop and have had 0 problems going from 10 to 1105:59
ericw1Looking for some help getting this java plugin to work on 11.04 http://www.aleks.com/downloads/linux_jvm  can anyone help me adapt this so i can get it working?06:00
vorian_hey guys, I just installed the samba package on 11.04 and now I can't resolve dns!06:01
vorian_i removed the package but it's still the same06:01
flavioalsoaresI have a segfault running a helloworld on a FriendlyARM (s3c2440) compiled  arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc from 11.0406:04
flavioalsoaresusing arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc from a Debian 6 runs OK on board06:04
flavioalsoaresI must write a bugtrack in launchpad ?06:04
celthundervorian_: what's in /etc/resolv.conf06:04
mdeangelo272if I run lshw, I see06:04
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mdeangelo272 *-network DISABLED06:04
mdeangelo272       description: Wireless interface06:04
mdeangelo272       physical id: 106:04
mdeangelo272       bus info: usb@1:706:04
FloodBot1mdeangelo272: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:04
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mdeangelo272       logical name: wlan006:04
celthundermdeangelo272: ifconfig wlan0 up06:04
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vorian_does anyone know how to reinstall the entire networking stack on maverick?06:04
celthundervorian_: what's in your /etc/resolv.conf ?06:05
vorian_celthunder lemme check06:05
mdeangelo272celthunder: thank you06:05
mdeangelo272sorry about the 'flood'06:05
celthundermdeangelo272: lol not a big deal06:05
PyjamaSpankI've just added a new HDD, the new drive is now /sda and my normal system drive is now /sdb. Should I change the order of the SATA cables on the motherboard?06:05
vorian_celthunder ah, it has my nameserver as the same as my gateway. I'm going to try adding a real dns server06:06
celthunderFyreFoX: if you're using disk by uuid (which you should be) you''ll be fine06:06
MoMoso i have a Intel(R) WiFi Link 5000 Series WLAN Half-Mini Card  ... is there a way to find how to install the linux driver? the dell website doesn't show anything for linux06:06
bin_bashGuys my cursor suddenly stopped working, but the buttons work and i can scroll. i can't reboot right now.06:07
celthunderer PyjamaSpank sorry if you're using uuid instead of /dev/sda references when mounting in /etc/fstab you''ll be fine06:07
celthunderMoMo: what's the chipset in it?06:07
celthundervorian_: is a good one to use06:07
MoMocelthunder: thats what i can't find --06:07
vorian_celthunder: my resolv.conf has: domain Belkin search Belkin nameserver
vorian_celthunder: even when I changed it to the google DNS it still doesn't work06:08
celthundervorian_: put it to just nameserver
vorian_I can't ping anything either, even my gateway06:08
PyjamaSpankcelthunder, I am using UUID in fstab. I was about to format the drive when I noticed it was now sda. Conky is still using the old drive as /dev/sda, would conky use UUID as well?06:08
celthundervorian_: ok what's output of ifconfig -a and route (no arguements)06:08
celthunderMoMo: lsusb06:08
celthunderbsk: hi06:09
MoMocelthunder: i see a lot of linux foundation 1.1 and 2.0 root hub, bluetooth, integrated touchpad and keybaord06:10
vorian_celthunder: ifconfig -a gives me the proper stuff ( for my addr, *.255 broadcast, /24 netmask. route gives me three entries: - *, link-local - *, and default -
mdeangelo272celthunder: I received an error, http://paste.ubuntu.com/606004/06:11
xTheGoat121xIs the OEM install still working? I've never actually used it.06:12
vorian_celthunder: this happened after I installed the samba package06:12
vorian_celthunder: i've removed it but the issue persists06:12
celthunderPyjamaSpank: i don't use conky look at conky docs06:12
PyjamaSpankcelthunder: many thanks for that information, it's pointed me in the right direction and helped me understand UUID better06:12
magn3tsCan anyone tell me what will happen when I do a fresh install and tell it to use my other hard drive for /home ??? will it prompt me to create a user still? This is very important .06:12
magn3tsIE: the place where I already have my user acct, etc.06:13
celthundermagn3ts: you can do custom partitioning and skip user creation i'm assuming any reasonably decent installer will leave your /home alone06:13
magn3tsIs the installer smart enough to recognize that there's already a user acct or not?06:13
magn3tscelthunder, so when I create my same user account again it will not try to create a new home dir?06:13
celthundermagn3ts: no idea...i don't use ubuntu06:13
celthunderor it's retarded setup06:14
phungvantuthere is a way to show linux know exist home is on other partition06:14
IdleOnemagn3ts: if you tell it to use the existing /home it will still prompt for user name and password. provided you use the same ones you wont have any issues06:14
magn3tsIdleOne, it will silently fail to create the home dir or it checks and sees its existing?06:15
magn3tsI just want to make sure it won't go. OM NOM and just overwrite it with the default new home dir.06:15
celthundervorian_: samba doesn't really change your dns....how're you testing this? can you ping using ip's instead of hostnames or ?06:15
IdleOnemagn3ts: you will have to go into advanced in the partitioning part of the install and tell it where /home is make sure you uncheck the format box.06:15
magn3tsyeah I know that.06:15
vorian_celthunder: I can't ping anything - even my gateway06:16
magn3tsI think it will be okay. I can't imagine the devs would be silly enough to let it wipe it out;06:16
IdleOnemagn3ts: so as long as you tell it where /home is it won't create a new /home06:16
gnewbmagn3ts: First rule, make a backup, then go CLI or Text install, but always make a backup.06:16
magn3tsgnewb, well I can't say no one told me to. lol06:16
magn3tswish me luck06:16
celthundervorian_: hmm...ifconfig eth0 down then ifconfig eth0 netmask then ifconfig eth0 up then  route add default gw
rob_pvorian_: Have you tried restarting networking? (ex: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart)06:18
celthundervorian_: then echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf06:18
celthundervorian_: does it work after that?06:19
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wn1zidhow to bounce emails with Evolution ??  any one know how to or direct me to a site with instructions ? thanks06:19
celthunderwn1zid: create a rule? usually it's server side you'll want to bounce mails not client06:19
celthundermuch cleaner if the server bounces it06:19
wn1zidhmmm, i was wondering cuz thunderbird has mail redirect plugin tht does it06:20
vorian_celthunder: no that does not work06:20
vorian_celthunder: i have a feeling the problem is bigger than DNS, I can't ping anything internally either06:21
celthundervorian_: what's in your /etc/hosts?06:21
vorian_celthunder: nothing special06:22
celthundervorian_: does your gateway accept icmp anything in iptables -L ?06:22
vorian_celthunder: there's no entries returned when I run that command06:23
celthundervorian_: ok did you kill network manager before running the ifconfig commands (or any network utility that might mess with it)06:24
vorian_celthunder: yeah. and the issue is persistent across reboots06:24
operatorplikspeak indonesia?06:25
maj-Does anyone have that 'screenshot' of the keyboard shortcuts for unity?06:25
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ericw1usr13: you there?06:26
celthundervorian_: hmm can your gateway see the computer ? (can you check from another computer)06:27
vorian_celthunder: timeouts06:27
celthundervorian_: ?06:28
vorian_celthunder: there is no ping response, but it does get a DHCP address when I boot up06:28
bin_bash!info moc06:29
ubottumoc (source: moc): ncurses based console audio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.5.0~alpha4+svn20091009-1build4 (natty), package size 219 kB, installed size 644 kB06:29
celthundervorian_: you tested the cable and et right?06:29
coraxxhere is a challenge.  If I want to modify an Ubuntu installation procedure ...so that 2 things are added ...number 1) when the media boots in includes a kernel modules of my choice before instllation begins ...2) that kernel module will also be included in the initfs-image ...how to I go about that ?06:29
vorian_celthunder; it seems to work while on ethernet, just not wifi06:30
celthundervorian_: ok is it using any security settings? try turning them all off when testing06:31
vorian_celthunder: where can i find them?06:31
celthunderespecially that wierrd security stuff that isn't even wpa/wep it's just there anddoesn't label what it's doing06:31
bullgard4I bought a Hewlett Packard Officejet 5600 All-in-One printer. hp supplied CDs for Windows and Macintosh but not for Linux. How can I print using Ubuntu 10.04.2? (I have never printed using Ubuntu yet.) I have heard that there is a printing program cups.06:33
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:33
Tm_Tbullgard4: plug the usb, and it's installed06:33
multipass|2does acronis work for linux?06:33
bullgard4Tm_T I allread plugged in the usb.06:34
Tm_Tbullgard4: and you cannot print?06:34
KM0201multipass|2: the drive imaging program06:34
multipass|2yeah km006:34
bullgard4Tm_T: How to start printing?06:34
KM0201multipass|2: you mean can it run under linux, or can it clone a linux partition?06:35
multipass|2can it clone and restore a linux image via live cd06:35
Tm_Tbullgard4: like you normally do, you open the document you like to print and you select "print" in the app you are using to read that mentioned document06:35
IdleOnebullgard4: system > administration > printing and click on add printer06:35
Tm_TIdleOne: they do not get detected automatically?06:35
multipass|2i do like clonezilla, but have one issue(not a big issue)06:35
KM0201multipass|2: hmm, not really sure... i always use clonezilla..06:35
IdleOneTm_T: not always06:35
KM0201multipass|2: the issue/06:35
Tm_TIdleOne: ah, I thought they did in case of HP (:06:36
IdleOneTm_T: actually not that I have ever seen06:36
multipass|2KM0201: when u are restoring a image, the parittion needs to be big enough, say the image is only 3.7 gb, but the drive it was on was a 60gb partition, then when restoring the partition needs to be 60gb, it cant be like.. 5gb etcv06:36
Tm_TIdleOne: hmmm, I don't remember ever adding local printer manually06:36
KM0201multipass|2: hmm, i see06:37
KM0201never ran into that06:37
maj-Does anyone have that 'screenshot' of the keyboard shortcuts for unity?06:37
coraxxhere is a challenge. If I want to modify an Ubuntu installation procedure ...so that 2 things are added ...number 1) when the media boots in includes a kernel modules of my choice before instllation begins ...2) that kernel module will also be included in the initfs-image ...how to I go about that ?06:37
IdleOneTm_T: I always add it manually but I don't have  a hp printer. in any case still good to know where to add new printers :)06:37
multipass|2KM0201: yeah i havnt yet, but im about to get a new ssd and am making a bigger partition for linux06:37
KM0201maj-: you mean that one you can make a wallpaper?06:37
Tm_TIdleOne: indeed, thanks06:37
maj-KM0201: yeah...06:38
multipass|2anyways thx, i think acronis might actually work... not that im gonna use it even, just wondering06:38
KM0201maj-: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/ubuntu-unity-keyboard-shortcuts.html06:38
gnewbmaj-: Here, maybe:> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/02/unity-ubuntu-1104-keyboard-shortcuts.html06:38
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vorian_celthunder: how do I check the security settings?06:39
gnewbmaj-: Is also one at Ubuntu and other places, that one looked well written and easy to follow.06:39
corpwicleim too lazy to read the manual06:40
bullgard4Tm_T: gnewb IdleOne I printed as a test the test page "ubuntu: Product: GPL N'Ghostscript Version: 3010 Revision: 871 successfully. "06:40
corpwicleis there a keyboard shortcommand for opening the programs menu thing ?06:40
gnewbbullgard4: Then is a success?06:41
bullgard4gnewb: Just a moment, please.06:41
celthundervorian_: in the router06:41
vorian_celthunder: oh, everything is OK there. And it seems DNS is actually working because I can whois hostnames, but I can't connect to anything and get no ping responses06:42
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celthundervorian_: ok can you traceroute?06:46
maj-how can i access my contact list for fb on broadcast?06:46
vorian_celthunder: no, I can't. this is starting to anger me!06:47
vorian_celthunder: strange that it can resolve hostnames but not connect to the IPs06:47
celthundervorian_: uhm...wierd...06:48
celthundervorian_/b 1906:48
celthunderer sorry ignore that06:48
vorian_celthunder: is there any kind of low-level reset I can do on the networking06:48
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skrewlervorian: eh?  can you ping ?06:48
celthundervorian_: uh /etc/init.d/networking restart but ...that'd be like rebooting06:50
skrewlervorian: cat /etc/resolv.conf then try to ping the address set there.  netstat -rn try to ping the entry that's next to
vorian_celthunder: well i guess I'm in some trouble, here haha06:50
skrewlervorian_: hello?06:52
vorian_skrewler: sup?06:52
vorian_skrewler: I can't ping anything at all06:53
skrewlergive me the output of those commands06:53
maj-lol theres no way to viwe contacts on this empathy thing?06:53
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vorian_skrewler: no, like I said I am not able to ping anything at all06:56
skrewlerwhats netstat -rn give?06:56
vorian_skrewler: not my gateway, not my other systems, not external addresses, nothin06:56
skrewlerethtool ethx06:56
vorian_skrewler netstat -rn gives me three routes06:57
skrewlerapt-get install ethtool ; ethtool <your interface>06:57
TimeRider`have we looked in /etc/network/interfaces06:57
TimeRiderhave we checked he doesn't have some card that is 'non free' or non standard?06:58
MoMohow do i tell what kernel i'm running>06:58
TimeRideruname -a06:58
born2trolli have a problem with https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+index?start=75&batch=75 ppa here you can see what im trying to do http://paste.debian.net/116598/06:58
lsqypjwhy not perform script rc.local06:58
vorian_ethtool gives me wlan0: link detected06:59
TimeRiderah, wireless woes06:59
vorian_I am connected to my wifi and have a dhcp address, can resolve hostnames...06:59
CaptainkrtekMK`, you here?06:59
vorian_this all started when i installed a samba package06:59
skrewleryou can't resolve hostnames if you can't ping whats in /etc/resolv.conf06:59
skrewlerdig google.com06:59
MK`Captainkrtek: yes06:59
CaptainkrtekMK`, may I PM please?06:59
born2trolli used google! can you help me plz :S06:59
vorian_skrewler: yeah I don't know what i was thinking, for a second i thought i was getting whois results back but it's just more errors.07:00
born2trolli tried to install a package from https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+index?start=75&batch=75 resulting to an error http://paste.debian.net/116598/ plz help!!!!!!!!!!! :'(07:01
skrewlerifdown wlan0 ; ifup wlan007:01
MoMoso i'm trying to get my wireless card to work: The Intel Wireless WiFi 5100AGN ... and i'm runngin the 2.6.35 kernel and the website: http://intellinuxwireless.org/?p=iwlwifi says iwlwifi is in this kernel ... so how do i active the wireless driver?07:01
gnewbborn2troll: Have you edited the Sources List?07:01
MagePsychohi guys07:01
vorian_skrewler: doesn't help. nor does a reboot.07:01
born2trollgnewb yes... ppa is installed07:01
MagePsychohow to increase the graphics presentation in ubuntu?07:01
rageWhat is the best practice for renaming networking interfaces in Ubuntu? Using udev still?07:02
slooksterpsv_In Ubuntu can you make it to where the file menu and maximize/minimize/close buttons don't go to the panel and put them back on the Window?07:02
rageor am I horribly out of date07:02
rageSorry, ubuntu 10.0407:02
born2trollgnewb it seems like a depentedcy is broken and he is unable to resolve07:02
gnewbborn2troll: Did you restart X or restart the box after the update or edit in sources?07:02
skrewlerif you're getting an IP from DHCP you should be able to ping your default gateway.  if you cant ping the gateway you're getting thru DHCP then your router is misconfigured07:02
e-framevorian_: is it really connected to the network? can you ping your local gateway, and then your wan gateway?07:03
pokeyouindaeyehi, seeking some basic help with getting audio drivers installed (new ubuntu user trying to get ALSA Driver to make his M-Audio card work)07:03
skrewlerarping -c 1 <your default gateway> ; ping <your default gateway>07:03
born2trollgnewb yes i restarted yes i ubdated07:03
MagePsychoubuntu vs kubuntu ?07:04
skrewlerdhclient wlan007:04
MagePsychowhich one is better07:04
born2trollgnewb i already installed packages from that ppa... its working07:04
vorian_e-frame: I auth and associate, get an IP address but then everything fucks up07:04
e-framevorian_: now can you ping your local gateway, and then your wan gateway?07:04
vorian_e-frame no07:04
slooksterpsv_depends on the user MagePsycho - I like Ubuntu, but I'm using Kubuntu due to the fact I don't like Unity07:04
gnewbborn2troll: hrmm, let me try to 'fetch' that ...07:05
MagePsychocan we use kubuntu in ubuntu07:05
MagePsychoi mean the kde desktop instead of gnome07:05
MoMohow do i use a .ucode driver07:05
maj-does empathy work for anyone else? lol07:05
slooksterpsv_you sure can, but why not just get Kubuntu as it already has the packages, it's based on Ubuntu but without Gnome07:05
gnewbMagePhsyco: Yes07:05
born2trollgnewb now that you saied it... i cant find it in my update list... maybe you are right...07:05
born2trollgnewb mom ill paste you07:05
atlefMagePsycho, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:06
MagePsychois it better than gnome or unity?07:06
maj-im taking that as a no...lol07:06
MagePsychoi mean graphically .. as07:06
bullgard4gnewb: I loaded a text file in gedit. I pressed the "Print the current page" button. A dialog window "Print appears" showing a line "Office-5600-series  T43 ready to print". I printed this text successfully. --  Thank you very much for your help.07:06
atlefMagePsycho, then at login choose kde07:07
MagePsychobut what about the looks07:07
pokeyouindaeyeanyone can help me install drivers? it's probably pretty basic for y'all... but I've been hooked on Microsoft too long07:07
MagePsychois it better than unity / classic07:07
bosky7miffy :o07:07
vorian_skrewler / e-frame : I'm getting I/O on wlan0 when I bootup (i guess for dhcp etc) and then it just...stops.07:08
born2trollgnweb that should give you more info (i hope) http://paste.debian.net/116599/07:08
born2trollgnewb if you need more to know just ask07:09
NipplesI have hairy nipples! Help it's attacking a baby seal!07:09
gnewbbullgard4: Thank you for the output, please post any resolved issues on  the forums to assist others, Thank you!07:09
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born2trollgnewb you got my secound paste? http://paste.debian.net/116599/07:10
gnewbborn2troll: Just read the launchpad on it, again, that is a tricky one to say the least,07:10
bullgard4gnewb: I am actively reporting bugs to Launchpad since years. --  Thank you again.07:11
born2trollgnewb rly? have i screwed it up? well ill try... can you be more specific?07:11
gnewbborn2troll: Do you backup on a constant basis?07:12
gnewbbullgard4: Thank you kindly and you are quite welcome for any assistance I may have stumbled upon.07:13
mamadwhen i move a window close to the edges of the screen (in an attempt to tile) in ubuntu 11.04, the window is maximized automatically, how can i disable this annoying new feature?07:13
pokeyouindaeyehelp please, would like to get my soundcard going... dunno what the fuck i'm doing07:14
e-framevorian_: your IP is and your resolv.conf contains that's your default gateway. you should be able to ping your own gateway. Then try to ping your wan IP, and your WAN gateway (usually same segment, but on ISP side)07:14
pokeyouindaeyehow do I run ./configure script in Ubuntu?07:14
mamadpokeyouindaeye: open a terminal, and type at the prompt07:15
MoMopokeyouindaeye, just like that, ./configure07:15
vorian_e-frame; like I said, no pings come back. In fact, it doesn't look like there is any traffic leaving my host. let me check...07:15
vorian_e-frame: yeah, when I attempt to ping any address, or open a browser or whatever, I get no I/O on my interface07:15
maj-does anyone know how to setup empathy so that it actually works properly?07:15
pokeyouindaeyeit tells me: base ./configure: no such file or directory07:15
MoMopokeyouindaeye, make sure that file is in your path07:16
gnewb!sound | pokeyouindaeye:07:16
ubottupokeyouindaeye:: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.07:16
e-framevorian_: You got your IP from dhcp server, right? post the output of "route" on command line07:16
cyclopseUnity is not working on my dell xps m1730, it is showing some hardware issues.07:16
pokeyouindaeyeso where do I extract the ALSA-driver .tar to?07:17
mamadanyone can offer some help with the maximization of windows?07:17
MoMoanyone use ucode before with iwlwifi?07:17
vorian_e-frame yes it's dhcp, which is very strange considering that after the interface comes up nothing works.07:17
e-framevorian_: The output of "route" on command line will help you solving this.07:18
kubancsorry for asking here, but is there any good channel about internet and stuff related to?07:18
pokeyouindaeyegnewb: terminal reponds "event not found"07:18
vorian_e-frame: I get three entries: * U 2 0 0 wlan007:18
vorian_e-frame: link-local * U 1000 0 0 wlan007:18
vorian_e-frame: default UG 0 0 0 wlan007:19
e-framevorian_: we have pastebin somewhere07:19
vorian_e-frame: nothing seems untoward regarding my routes07:19
vorian_e-frame those are all of them07:19
cyclopseanyone using ububntu11.04 on dell xps07:20
ragecyclopse: Yup, Dell XPS M173007:20
gnewbpokeyouindaeye: Maybe here:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting07:20
vorian_e-frame: http://pastebin.com/wWPtx7vF07:21
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:21
born2trollgnewb i installed the ppa again doing the howto on the side VERY carefully step by step, no good -.-07:21
sagarchaliseHI I am getting 256 error in gconf-sanity-check as well as cannot update .IECauthority error during login. Any Help ?07:21
born2trollgnewb i belive xorg-video-abi-9.0 is a somehow "wrong" dependency... i googled it but the package does not even exist07:22
born2trollgnewb can i somehow overwride it or set it right07:22
gnewbborn2troll: Did you read that part about the kernel?07:23
cyclopserage: Is unity working properly on your laptop?07:23
atlefsagarchalise, maybe some info here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Troubleshooting#Software%20Issues and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=806198807:23
born2trollgnewb no^^ how do i update the kernel?07:24
e-framevorian_: and the content of /etc/resolv.conf too :)07:24
Jordan_Usagarchalise: The ~/.ICEauthority problem is from running GUI applications with sudo rather than gksudo.07:24
vorian_e-frame: everything is OK with it...I just brought the interface up/down and did some other stuff and it didnt work.07:25
gnewbbornt2troll: Let me go back and look again, I have 8 instances opened now,,,07:25
vorian_e-frame you won't believe this but I ran dhclient and it seems to have fixed it, rebooting now to test07:25
lcawteHi, I'm having a problem installing nvidia-96... it seems that its dependancies are a little broken...07:25
Jordan_Usagarchalise: You can fix the problem by chowning ~/.ICEauthority back to your user from a console, and prevent it from happening again by always using gksudo instead of sudo if you need to run a graphical application as root.07:25
fgghbvyo mamafuckers07:26
sagarchaliseatlef: actually the home folder doesnot have mentioned .IECauthority  file Jordan_U07:26
FyreFoXhi since upgrading to 11.04 dragging windows the window doesnt drag anymore it doesnt move until the mouse stops moving then just jumps over. What configuration controls that behaviour?07:26
MaRk-I!language | fgghbv07:26
ubottufgghbv: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:26
e-framevorian_: as i thought. dhcp will give you IP, gateway, and dns.07:27
Jordan_Usagarchalise: Did you use "ls -a" to be sure?07:27
lcawteHi, I'm having a problem installing nvidia-96... it seems that its dependancies are a little broken... since it requires  nvidia-96 : Depends: xorg-video-abi-8.0 but it is not installable              Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2: but it is not going to be installed (1st one can't be installed because of hte second or something like that... how do I get this driver?07:27
vorian_e-frame: nope, didnt work. it seems my connection is intermittent.07:27
sagarchaliseJordan_U: yup tried copying it from gdm as well as creating it but none work07:27
AwolfI'm having trouble with gwibber can anyone help me out ?07:27
vorian_e-frame: this was caused by a samba package I installed and then removed because it caused this problem. does that help?07:27
gnewbborn2troll: Have you updated the Launchpad Keys?07:27
sagarchaliseJordan_U: all the ownership and permission are set to default user07:27
ouyeshow can know how many data lines of my cpu?07:28
psychostachusiema chuje07:28
e-framevorian_: depending on your samba server. samba can also act as dhcp. cmiiw.07:28
born2trollgnewb yes... its setting the keys automatically when you follow the tutorial07:28
fgghbvale debile07:28
psychostachuosama has killed everobody fucking amercinas07:28
=== fgghbv is now known as Obama
e-framevorian_: but there should be only one dhcp server on the same network segment07:29
psychostachuallah agbar!!07:29
gnewbborn2troll: Okee dokee, that is a big help in  that PM or PBuild.07:29
vorian_there is only one server, is it possible that my samba package is trying to make my client act as a server?07:29
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ActionParsnipE-frame: not strictly true. You can have many dhcp servers as long as their IP pools don't overlap07:30
born2trollgnewb sry i dont understand...07:30
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gnewbborn2troll: Are you using or behind a Proxy?07:31
vorian_yeah guys i know that, what i mean is do the standard samba packages automatically setup the system to do strange things (like act as a dhcp server or try to get addresses from a different protocol)?07:31
lcawteHi, I'm having a problem installing nvidia-96... it seems that its dependancies are a little broken... since it requires  nvidia-96 : Depends: xorg-video-abi-8.0 but it is not installable              Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2: but it is not going to be installed (1st one can't be installed because of hte second or something like that... how do I get this driver?07:31
born2trollgnewb my kernel is 2.6.38-8-generic-pae . should be fine shouldnt it?07:32
SuperLagWhat do you guys recommend for a good multi-protocol IM client?07:32
e-frameActionParsnip: how about clients' unregistered mac address. which dhcp will serve them ?07:32
born2trollgenewb im behind a router but no firewall or proxy07:32
ActionParsniplcawte: are there any bugs logged?07:32
gnewbborn2troll: Yes that one should work with this DEB. But that is where I am getting a bit lost at myself, is this a DEB, PB, RPM or alien?07:33
lcawteActionParsnip: not sure07:33
ActionParsnipe-frame: depends how screwed down you set the service. A client requests dhcp and will naturally get a reply from the logically closest service.07:34
born2trollgnewb i am useing ubuntu 11.4 wich i updated from 10.10. i think its useing deb07:34
ActionParsniplcawte: have a look. It may be a known issue07:35
gsaotomelcawte, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/74193007:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 741930 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-96 (Ubuntu) "[natty] nvidia binary packages for older cards - dependencies not met" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:35
ActionParsnipThere you go :)07:35
Squall_Leonheardgo go go07:36
lucksmackwhats the best way to setup remote desktop for ubuntu so i can RDP from a windows machine? when i open remote desktop prefs it tells me "Your desktop is only reachable over the local network"07:36
rileypis gdm genral display manager07:37
ActionParsniplcawte: you may find xorg edgers ppa gives the version but its very experimental. It may just work though07:37
rileypor gnome display manager07:37
gnewbborn2troll: Is that pkg a deb or a binary?07:37
Squall_Leonheardubuntu 11.04 is good07:37
ActionParsnip!ltsp| lucksmack07:39
ubottulucksmack: LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project07:39
lucksmackActionParsnip, thanks, reading07:39
lucksmackseems i may need to configure my router.07:40
ActionParsniplucksmack: you may want to look at why you are connecting. There may be a sleeker solution07:40
e-frameActionParsnip: what if I have dhcp server on with range 192.168.101-150 and dhcp server on with range which IP range will i got if i plug a new client pc?07:40
born2trollgnewb i dont know... i think a binary... there is a -dev there too07:41
ActionParsnipe-frame: either and it doesn't matter as both are in the same subnet07:41
lucksmackActionParsnip, well ive been using team viewer which works well. but gets laggy at times. so if that stays to be a better option then fine. but i also do RDP from windows to windows and it works really nice. just trying to get a similar setup with linux if possible07:41
ActionParsnipe-frame: you can also tell each server to define a different default gateway or dns servers07:42
veovis_muaddibI can't seem to find where to enter login information for SMB in nautilus07:42
ActionParsniplucksmack: sure but what do you do when you connect?07:43
e-frameActionParsnip: that's what i was talking about. so it will matter about the gateway and dns.07:43
ActionParsnipe-frame: you can set both to give the same gateway and dns if you wish07:44
jhalawhat the hell is this07:44
lucksmackActionParsnip, at home a have a small test web server as well as some bindings to my web server online which i dont have available on my windows machine. i was considering setting up a VM for it but dont want to take that much time configuring everything.07:44
jhalairc doesnt allow me to join python07:44
jhalaafter register verify07:44
ActionParsnipjhala: ubuntu support. Try reading the channel banner07:44
lucksmackActionParsnip, im not doing anything with graphics. most intensive app i will probably run will be a browser07:45
born2trollgewewb is there a way i can get the package xorg-video-abi-10 ? its the not met depency07:45
e-frameActionParsnip: so what's the benefit of 2 dhcp server on same network segment with same config except ip range?07:45
Awolfhey guys how can i create a workgroup between windows 7 and ubuntu 11.0407:45
ActionParsnipJhala: ask in #freenode they will be able to advise07:45
palhmbscan someone point me to some info about graphics drivers for Intel i915 mb's?07:46
palhmbsI want better graphics support for this onboard video...07:47
ActionParsnipe-frame: different settings for lumps of systems, if the segment is very large it can speed up dhcp. Usually (as you said) there would be 1 per segment and use interconnection devices to break it up but if not then it can be useful and can be done07:49
ActionParsnippalhmbs: its in a default install07:49
ActionParsnipAwolf: install samba and your system will play well with the windows systems07:50
palhmbsActionParsnip, so the xorg package intel should support it, including GL - 3D?07:51
ActionParsniplucksmack: surely the system accessing the remote system has a browser...07:51
palhmbsActionParsnip, it's lsmod or something to find out which module I'm using is it? I've forgotten...07:51
ghostnik11what is the best way to wipe entire hardrive and do fresh install of 11.04, should i do it through install cd07:51
ActionParsnippalhmbs: i have the same chip in my laptop. Works with no config07:52
palhmbsActionParsnip, would it make a difference if I've just poked a new mb in an existing install?07:52
ActionParsnippalhmbs: sudo lshw -C display07:52
neonoeIs it possible to know how many members subscribed to each Ubuntu mailing-list (something like http://lists.debian.org/stats/index.html )  ?07:54
ActionParsnipghostnik11: sure, partitioning is part of the install process. Be sure to backup the data and config you need07:54
palhmbsActionParsnip, 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller07:54
ghostnik11actionparsnip: what do you mean by config?07:55
palhmbsActionParsnip, hardinfo says it don't have any GL support :(07:55
has001anyone can help?07:55
jbichahas001: are you sure that your router is connected to the internet?07:55
has001well my other pc is working normaly jbache07:56
has001same router07:56
ActionParsnippalhmbs: ok now you can use that to find guides. If you use a laptop try searching for guides of people setting up Linux on it07:56
has001but last night i did shut down the router, normaly with windows i need to release ip and flush dns07:56
windparadisehello good morning, pls how do I find out if Javamail is installed on my ubuntu system?07:56
palhmbsActionParsnip, bd - thanks07:56
has001no idea about ubuntu07:56
ActionParsnipghostnik11: if you edited any config files you should back them up. I have no way of k07:57
suniilI want to download ubuntu repository for ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS 64bit for offline use. Can anyone guide me on this07:57
mosnosuniil: perhaps read the doco on setting up a repo mirror07:58
ActionParsnippalhmbs: knowing your system so I can't say for sure07:58
has001jbache also the network connection is gone from upper right corner,07:58
suniilmosno: can you provide me the link (if possible)07:58
palhmbsActionParsnip, np - appreciate the help you have been07:59
ghostnik11actionparsnip: the only config files i might have edited was back in 10.10 and 9.10 and that was with xorg file when it came to my screen resolution but i thought xorg got thrown out or updated to a newer file, any i should be good, thanks will be back if i mess up07:59
ActionParsnipsuniil: like a local repository for lan use?07:59
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suniilActionParsnip: yes, you are right07:59
mosnosuniil: i just googled the answers pretty quick08:00
ActionParsnipsuniil: http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror08:01
palhmbsActionParsnip, #intel-gfx - omg - so awesome!08:01
* palhmbs jumps at the intel devs08:01
e-frameActionParsnip: i understand single dhcp server for multiple network segment. but still don't get it on multiple dhcp server on single network segment, except for speeding up dhcp. still need more readings. thanks anyway.08:01
LewocoWhen I run the update manager it seems to think I'm following maverick. Why?08:01
mosnoActionParsnip: why point to 3rd party doco when there is doco in the ubuntu.com domain?08:01
suniilActionParsnip: I am check the link provided by you, just a minute08:02
ActionParsnipMosno: tell me about it. Seems web searchengines don't work on all systems08:02
mosnoActionParsnip: ?08:02
ActionParsnipMosno: seemed concise. Achieves the same goal.08:02
alxyoncan someone help me getting a script to run? it's short08:02
suniilActionParsnip: will this mirror the package specific to my release or it will mirror all the contents08:03
ghostnik11does anyone know how to save there bookmarks or where would bookmarks be in ubuntu so i can save them to external hard drive as back up08:03
ActionParsnipsuniil: every and all08:03
suniilActionParsnip: I want specific to my release.08:03
ActionParsnipalxyon: details please08:03
alxyoncd /home/joe/Downloads08:03
alxyonjava -jar AlienFXLite-0.4b.jar08:03
alxyon 08:04
alxyonis what im trying to do08:04
FloodBot1alxyon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:04
alxyonI need to make that sudo08:04
alxyonbut i cannot get a password prompt08:04
ActionParsnipsuniil: sorry it will be only the release you are on as far as I am aware08:04
ActionParsnipalxyon: you will need to mass around with visudo then08:06
infobitghostnikll : hi in both  chorome or firefox you can go to bookmark manager and export it as html08:06
BangkalanFailed to execute child process "xchat" (No such file or directory) <- what's going on ?08:06
has001after i did shutdown and then restarted my router, my ubuntu stopped connecting to internet, any one can help?08:06
alxyonok ill work on that, thankyou08:06
suniilActionParsnip: I am not sure, I dont know why I feel that this will mirror everything not just .deb specific to my release.08:06
ActionParsnipsuniil: because its a local repo like the ones you install from so you will get all packagea08:07
infobithas001 : check dhcp settings in ubuntu and also in your router if you are using one08:08
ActionParsnipsuniil: if you only want debs for the packages you have installed you can08:08
has001let me check08:08
gynterhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/openoffice.org < really, cmon, I want to use OpenOffice....08:10
suniilActionParsnip: how, I just want all the packets specific to my release only.08:10
MaRk-Isuniil: you will get packages only to your release if you set it up, so read again http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151278708:10
neo3Hi, guys! I cannot adjust brightness on my laptop after kernel update. What to do?08:11
ghostnik11infobit: yeah i just did the manual backup to my external, i am hoping that it will allow me after a fresh install to restore all my bookmarks and the folders that i save bookmarks in with firefox08:11
ghostnik11infobit: thanks08:11
suniilMaRk-I: Thanx, I am going to this thread08:11
ActionParsnipsuniil: you can tell apt-get to only download the debs. So if you use the !clone factoid commands to get the list of installed package names in a text file you can then tell apt-get to download the debs08:11
ActionParsnipsuniil: is that what you mean?08:12
gynterMaking package openoffice.org transitional package of LibreOffice is not cool.08:12
gynterEspecially when i moved from Lucid to Natty08:12
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suniilActionParsnip: I know there is download only option is available, but in that case I have to specify all the package names.08:13
suniilActionParsnip: I want to download all the package specific to my release, all, without being specified.08:13
neo3Hi, guys! I cannot adjust brightness on my laptop after kernel update. Is this a problem with video drivers or kernel problem?08:13
newubuntuhey i got a ques guys08:13
sbarcteamhi guys.08:15
infobitneo3 : check out settings first08:15
sbarcteamis there a graphing tool to envision sar data files ?08:16
ActionParsnipsuniil: then look into apt-mirror. There may be some options to tell it to only pull natty debs down (or whatever you use)08:16
neo3infobit: what settings?08:16
suniilActionParsnip: yes I am searching the man page08:16
gynterSo basically, no transitional packages for openoffice.org anymore in Natty?08:17
infobitdrive settings08:17
infobitneo3 :sorry driver settings08:17
cryptopsy what kernel command produces modules.dep?08:17
neo3infobit: do you mean NVIDIA X Server Settings?08:18
infobitneo3 : ya08:18
ActionParsnipsuniil: its great for loads of systems on LAN as web updating 100 systems is silly but a local server pulling stuff down then the systems using that is great. Think WSUS ;-)08:18
gynterK, gona switch distros then.08:18
neo3infobit: there are like before kernel update08:19
ActionParsnipGynter: openoffice make debs for their suite.08:20
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ActionParsnipCryptopsy: depmod -a08:20
suniilActionParsnip: did you understand, what is my requirement?08:21
ActionParsnipCryptopsy: run it in root recovery console if you get no desktop08:21
cryptopsydoes make call depmod?08:22
coraxxActionParsnip: I wonder why someone wants to use openoffice, rather than LibreOffice, which is just a new fork of openoffice ?08:22
ActionParsnipsuniil: as far as I can tell, the debs for the installed OS of a local repo.08:22
ActionParsnipcoraxx: there are differences08:23
coraxxActionParsnip: ok... I'm curious ... do you know some of the differences ?08:24
suniilbecause a lot of bandwidth is consumed during updating new systems. I want to dowload all the debs  once on my server and share to all the systems on my lan.08:24
suniilActionParsnip: because a lot of bandwidth is consumed during updating new systems. I want to dowload all the debs  once on my server and share to all the systems on my lan.08:24
ActionParsnipsuniil: then you can use the download only option of apt-get then use aptoncd to distribute. Or setup a local repo on one system then tell the other systems to only use it for updates. This gives one download from the web which goes to many systems08:27
Geoffrey2can anyone point me to a recent post on how to set up the ntp client in Natty?08:27
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)08:28
Geoffrey2the correct Time Zone shows up under Date and Time, and the auto update option is checked, but it's not updating....08:28
atomx_can I have getty open a distant login on a console (like /dev/tty1 ), instead of a local login ?08:29
ActionParsnipGeoffrey2: ntp is largely unchanged so 'recent' won't change the method08:29
havokif anyones using NX to remote into a machine....how do i set it to just use my private key and not worry about my password?08:30
Geoffrey2ActionParsnip, ok, I just don't remember having this time clock problem with the last several updates, but the time is exactly four hours behind what it should be....08:30
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IcemanV9Geoffrey2: have you try to update time manually in the terminal?   sudo ntpdate 0.us.pool.ntp.org08:31
ActionParsnipGeoffrey2: try: ntpdate ntl.ubuntu.com     or have you done that?08:32
_rubenhavok: last i checked there was no such option :(08:32
e-framehi, how does the system choose which app to kill when out of memory ?08:32
_rubenbeen a while though08:32
havokhmm. seems pointless then?08:32
havokputty is awesome now, it doesn't ask me for a password, just a user08:32
havokbut i want the same for NX...i don't want to just have it save my password cause then i can turn off standard login08:33
_rubennx has more limitations, it's multimonitor support is crap as well, basically non-existant, unless that changed as well08:33
Geoffrey2IcemanV9, that did it, thanks08:34
mekwallanyone good at bazaar here or know where to ask questions about it? :)08:34
_ruben#bazaar ? :)08:34
mekwallcheck it out, very few peeps in there :D08:34
IcemanV9Geoffrey2: excellent : )08:34
ActionParsnipGeoffrey2: try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata08:34
infobitneo3:did you got it08:35
ActionParsnipNm :)08:35
havokrecommend an alternative _ruben?08:36
uabn93Does anyone know if the radeon 9800 pro works well in ubuntu? Or linux, itself?08:36
Geoffrey2ActionParsnip, ok, I'll have to see if that holds next time I reboot08:37
ActionParsniphavok: many apps have web interfaces as well as being interfaced with by ssh (if you tell putty to store your username you don't have to type that either)08:38
Geoffrey2now, we just need to find a fix for that fun dmesg bug..... :)08:38
havokcheers ActionParsnip, i look for that option in putty..08:38
tensorpuddinguabn93: it's old enough that it should be covered in the free drivers08:39
ActionParsniphavok: what do you do when you connect with nx?08:39
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havokpreviously i didn't save the password, so just used username/pass combo08:39
havokbut i want to disable that over ssh08:39
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havokunless nx is talking directly to the nx-server rather than using ssh....08:40
ActionParsniphavok: i don't use nx so not sure08:40
ActionParsnipHavok: what remote activities do you do via nx?08:41
havokum not much at the moment...i've only just got the remote box so i'm playing around with stuff08:41
havokthe one i app i do use has a nice web frontend08:41
uabn93tensorpudding: i'm guessing the open source are better than the proprietary. is this right?08:41
magn3tsBTW, the upgrade/reinstall went exquisetly08:41
havokoh wicked got putty to save username, that makes life easy :D08:41
havokcheers guys08:41
tensorpuddingit's nicer to have an open-source driver08:41
ActionParsnipHavok: :D08:42
tensorpuddingfor newer cards the open driver isn't feature-complete, and only the non-free one provides everything08:42
windparadiseany answer for me please?08:42
tensorpuddingthe 9800 pro is damn old though08:42
leftistwhat is recommended for backup?08:43
ActionParsnipwindparadise: i can't see your question. Wassup?08:43
FlynnI'm using a powermac g5 can I just copy ubuntu to my partition for linux?08:43
leftistwhat about this deja dup?08:43
rhizmoecan i touch a file via nautilus?08:43
magn3tswhy are oyu having to use putty?08:43
tensorpuddingleftist: depends on what kind you want to do08:43
leftisti want to do a full backup08:43
magn3tsleftist, deja dup is being considered for inclusion in ubuntu+108:43
tensorpuddingleftist: i suggest deja dup for simply doing remote backups08:43
leftistahh ok08:43
magn3tsalso, I've used bonkey and I enjoyed the idea of bonkey.08:43
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning08:43
leftisthey thanks08:44
tensorpuddingi used to do full backups, but now i only backup /home08:44
ActionParsniprhizmoe: to make a file you mean?08:44
windparadiseActionParsnip: i was trying to find out how to install Javamail and how to find out if it is installed on my ubuntu system?08:44
FlynnUbuntu install on power mac g5?  Where do I start?08:45
ActionParsnip!info javamail08:45
ubottuPackage javamail does not exist in natty08:45
uabn93When you make a separate /home partition, it automatically saves all your personal files there without doing anything right?08:46
windparadiseso do I need to compile it ?08:46
Geoffrey2if I'm considering a new video card, is nvidia still preferred, or has driver support generally improved for ATI/AMD?08:46
doodleHello :) How can i find recent changed files from a specific user? find . -type f -printf '%TY-%Tm-%Td %TT %p\n' | sort <<<<<<<<<< gets me all files but from that user. I want to know what files www-data (apache) is altering. Regards08:47
IcemanV9doodle: add to the end of 'sort' ->  | grep www-data08:50
doodleit finds no files :/08:51
doodlegets this08:51
doodlefind: `./.gvfs': Permission denied08:51
IcemanV9doodle: ls -ltr |grep www-data08:51
IcemanV9add sudo if need08:52
windparadisepls how do i install javamail un ubuntu?08:52
doodleIcemanV9: Nothing.. even if sudo su or just sudo08:52
IcemanV9windparadise: earlier, ubottu said Package javamail does not exist in natty08:53
doodleIcemanV9: i know theres files on the system altered by www-data ( ls -l >> -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data      27 2011-05-11 09:02 personal.pwl )08:53
_rubendoodle: read the find manpage ? :) .. there's -user for instance08:54
windparadiseIcemanV9: thanks, but i am looking of compiling and install it08:54
windparadisedo you have an idea of how to do that?08:54
IcemanV9windparadise: i believe javamail have instructions on their website that will tell you how to compile08:55
leftisthow can i restore the original repositories after doing this command? sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gwibber-daily/ppa08:55
windparadiseI think there is a package called "geronimo" being an implementation of javamail08:55
windparadise!info geronimo08:56
ubottuPackage geronimo does not exist in natty08:56
IcemanV9doodle: sorry. ah. i see "-user" in find manpage08:56
doodle_ruben: thanks !08:56
Monotokogeronimo? ._.08:56
doodleyes thanks08:56
IcemanV9never use it before - learn something new today :)08:56
doodleIcemanV9: thanks to you to08:56
doodleme too )(08:56
karthick87How to remove Remote Desktop shortcut from Preferences menu  via terminal?08:57
jimrewyou guys know the globle menu?08:57
magn3tsthe earth menu?08:58
jimrewi dont want it to hide when my mouse is off it  how do i do that?08:58
magn3ts good question08:58
sonyi installed ubuntu 11.04 and now i have ubuntu and windows 7. the thing is that the first time i opened ubuntu and made the update everything was ok. but the second time i wanted to enter ubuntu i pushed the enter button in ubuntu and a black screen came up with some weird words. i let the pc for ten minutes but nothing happened it didn't let me in08:58
magn3tsI wish I knew!08:58
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jimrewis it like in gconf?08:59
tripelbIS there a music program with a random shuffle?09:00
Guest53292i installed ubuntu 11.04 and now i have ubuntu and windows 7. the thing is that the first time i opened ubuntu and made the update everything was ok. but the second time i wanted to enter ubuntu i pushed the enter button in ubuntu and a black screen came up with some weird words. i let the pc for ten minutes but nothing happened it didn't let me in09:00
tripelbback to 10.04, nP09:00
doodlecrap.. anyone used enchant (spellchecker from abiword?) where the hell is it storing replacement_words for Myspell/hunspell used within php?09:00
jimrewGuest53292: did it say grub error?09:01
tripelbnever used it doodle. today I found that I cant copy a pic into abiword. That's one of the reasons I wanted it. You know how? ILucky we have Libre.09:01
e-frametripelb: i use rhythmbox. repeat & shuffle options are available.09:01
tripelbeframe, thanks. are there any better visualizations? the color is so harsh.09:02
Guest53292nope i'm pretty sure it got past grub and was in the boot process09:02
jimrewreinstall ubuntu09:02
doodletribelb: copy a pic in to abi? like, it can parse out letters and such? need to look that up09:02
e-frametripelb: mplayer ?09:03
tripelbjimrew, cant you do some change so that it wil show you where it is in the process?  liike QUIET =OFF ???09:03
e-framesometimes i just play music using moc. no visualization :D09:03
tripelbwhichever one draws the fancy screensavers e-frame09:03
jimrew tripelb: what?09:04
tripelbright jimrew.09:04
jimrewright what?09:04
berkesIs it my (upgraded) confirguration, or is there not ALT-TAB in 11.04?09:05
jimrewgot to go bye all :) cya09:05
MagePsychoguys.. do we need to use Putty for SSH in ubuntu?09:05
szalMagePsycho: no, we don't, ssh is built-in09:06
Guest53292jimrew i think it saidbad LUN09:06
Guest53292bad target (there were numbers i don't remember)09:06
Guest53292bad target (there were numbers i don't remember)09:06
Guest53292after 10 seconds the whole screen was full of some other words i don't remember. i am using an i7-2630QM CPU @2.OOGHz09:06
FloodBot1Guest53292: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:06
MagePsychowhich one szal?09:07
szalMagePsycho: huh?09:07
Arch1medeim trying to find how to disable gdm...i tried sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove but when i restart ubuntu i still get gdm to start up09:07
MagePsychowhich is the SSh in ubuntu09:08
gaurav_nattywhere mt themes icons r stored in ubuntu natty09:08
szalMagePsycho: the terminal program of your choice09:08
Guest53292jimrew it said something like http://pastebin.com/nAXdDbwa09:08
szalgaurav_natty: speak English, man ^^09:08
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szalNatty making a good impression on my 2nd machine here..  contemplating putting it on my main machine as 2nd OS (together w/ an existing Linux distro)..  BUT: for that I'd need to either install Natty w/ legacy Grub (0.97) or be able to set up Grub2 such that it chainloads the other Linux..  is that possible?09:11
tripelbszal, what is chainloads?09:12
windparadiseHello, pls how do I download and unzip file in this link? http://cds.sun.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/CDS-CDS_Developer-Site/en_US/-/USD/VerifyItem-Start/javamail1_4_4.zip?BundledLineItemUUID=gy6J_hCu5xgAAAEvPZZZDd4F&OrderID=wFyJ_hCujdAAAAEvL5ZZDd4F&ProductID=7YGJ_hCxJLwAAAEtqgQg.6ly&FileName=/javamail1_4_4.zip09:12
tripelbwindparadise, hi. when you click on the link it should bring up a windows asking you to save it you choose where and the name...09:14
tripelbthen you r-click and "open with archive manager", windparadise09:14
windparadiseI am using a remte termila09:14
windparadiseremote terminal09:14
tripelbthen you ..learn to ask you question at the beginning.09:14
windparadiseah, sorry for the formulation09:15
tripelbs'ok but you lost me, windparadise09:15
Arch1medeim trying to find how to disable gdm...i tried sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove but when i restart ubuntu i still get gdm to start up09:16
windparadiseI want to use wget but the filename saved is made of a copy of the link of the downloaded file09:16
windparadisethat is why i am looking for an alternate way09:16
rob_pArch1mede: That's because gdm is now an upstart job.  Look for it's config file in the /etc/init directory.09:17
gaurav_nattyhow i find my installed themes icons in ubuntu natty09:22
kanoehello everyone here09:23
Dr_Hecklehow does one have proprietary drivers automatically installed during Ubuntu 11.04 Installation? (nvidia)09:23
Dr_Hecklefeel free to point me towards the correct piece of documentation09:24
nit-witDr_Heckle, not sure you can.09:24
szalDr_Heckle: afaics, not at all, at least not w/ installation from an offline medium since these don't carry proprietary software09:25
Tethhi guys09:25
Tethi have an "idiot" question09:25
Tethi've just reconfigured X for 2 monitors09:25
nit-witthats for us to decide lol09:25
Tethand the taskbar/menubar are in what i consider the "wrong" monitor09:25
Dr_Hecklenit-wit, szal, what if i have an internet connection during installation? (if i wi-fi counts)09:26
DDAZZAUbuntu won't let me set my monitors resolution. (http://pastebin.com/HUKBnx0B)09:26
nit-witDr_Heckle, never heard of it being done.09:26
Dr_Hecklewell then that option to try to fix my issue is out09:26
Whisperityjust a question: how can I restore the applet in the top right corner of the screen (which showed my username and I could change my empathy status and access Ubuntu One)09:26
Dr_HeckleUnity refuses to work :)09:27
Tethnow, can anyone tell me where to look for the appropriate option to chagne?09:27
Tethchange, even09:27
Dr_HeckleWhisperity, are you using unity?09:27
szalDr_Heckle: I installed Natty the other day using the alternate CD and don't remember a point where I could make a detailed choice of what software to install..  you could try the netinstall CD (if that works w/ wifi; no idea) and see if that comes up w/ a more elaborate method of selecting software at install time09:27
WhisperityI have Maverick installed09:27
AdvoWorkany reason why the time on the taskbar would be missing in 10.04? a reboot sometimes pulls this back, or switching to another theme and then back to the original theme gets it showing again..09:27
WhisperityI uninstalled something regarding to gwibber to fix Facebook in Gwibber09:27
Whisperitybut I don't know what I did09:27
Monotokoszal, it's the server edition09:27
nit-witDr_Heckle, use the low grphic boot from the recovery 3rd,4th,or 5th ldown in the gui09:27
nit-wit*line down09:28
Dr_HeckleWhisperity, try r-clicking on the pannel/bar, and choosing "add to panel", then add one of the "Indicator Applet"s09:28
Dr_Heckleone of them should have it...09:28
Tethwould anyone like to try fielding my question? :P09:28
Dr_Heckleunless you didn't re-install what u needed to re-install09:29
nit-witDr_Heckle, go to menu-system-admin-additional drivers after running a update upgrade09:29
Dr_Hecklenit-wit, the driver is installed09:29
gaurav_nattywhere my themes icons is getting installed in ubuntu natty where i find the icons09:29
Dr_Hecklebut unity doesn't work09:29
Tethif someone helps me I will make them a shish-ka-bob09:30
Whisperityi tried but it's not there09:30
Dr_Heckleand during my 1st logon, i was told something to the effect of "no unity 4u cause u need ur drivers"09:30
Dr_HeckleWhisperity: sry, i'm too ignorant to help further09:30
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nit-witDr_Heckle, I see on the Ubuntu forums various reasons why, it could be that the driver starts at the wrong time, it may not actually be the correct driver, it is difficult for me to tell I just have some basic non breaking fixes, you have then now09:31
Dr_Hecklelink to forum?09:32
szalDr_Heckle: s/netinstall/server/09:32
sambathcould anyone help me install Vim 7.3 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS?09:33
ikoniasambath: vim is already installed09:33
Dr_Heckleszal, ah, good to have that distinction09:33
sambathi'd like to use gVIM 7.309:33
dichtbijzeehi, I'm using 11.04 and experiencing  and process pid 2709 kworker /1:0 is hogging about 60-80 percent of the cpu causing very much lag in my system, any ideas.09:33
sambathbuild from the source09:34
szalDr_Heckle: not that I have actually used that one, but it seems that it offers a netinstall method09:34
Tethhell yes. irc is in the off window09:34
Tethall i did was run the default x server config application :P09:34
Tethand after i closed it (i did nil in it) the taskbar and menubar relocated09:35
kfighterHello, is there a way to setup a vpn or something similar in ubuntu? I basically want to have access to my home computer from away. Something more than ssh though because I want to be able to navigate the desktop?09:35
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Tethit would be NICE if someone knew what that was about09:35
szalDr_Heckle: and if it doesn't, set up a minimal (text-only) system & later add the desktop environment and proprietary drivers of your choice09:35
Dr_Heckleszal, i'm incapable of such a thing :D09:35
kulhashello, is there a way to configure ubuntu to not switch the focus of app automatacly ? If i am wrinting in a window and open an app I dont want to lose focus on my current app...09:35
sambathwhen i run ./configure09:35
sambathi encounter this error09:35
sambathno terminal library found09:35
Dr_Hecklethough i have 1 friend who might be able to do it09:35
nit-witDr_Heckle, my Oneiric right clicjkis not coying. ubuntuforums.org will get you there. I'm not looking at any thing specific I spend a bit of time there and see the basic description a gave. Join a make athread you will probably get help name hour video card and make a appropriate header.;)09:36
Dr_Hecklenit-wit, thx, i'll do that09:36
nit-witDr_Heckle, sorry for the spelling09:36
* Dr_Heckle AFKz (10-15)09:36
Dr_Heckleit's cool09:36
sambathi try to google and it said i need to install a library09:37
sznitzelnhi! i would like to configure my emacs so that when i run the lisp function 'tex-file' to compile a .tex, shell-escape will be enabled09:37
sambathbut when i typed: $ sudo apt-get install ibncurses5-dev09:37
sambathit shows: E: Couldn't find package libncurses5-dev09:38
sznitzelnthe first problem is that i dont know where the code for 'tex-file' is09:38
sznitzelnthe second problem is that i dont know LISP :) so i dont know how to write a command, and how to pass the current file name to that command09:38
ikoniasambath: you don't need to buid it09:39
* sznitzeln is a noob that would really appreciate the help :)09:39
ikoniasambath: gvim is already in the repos09:39
ikoniasambath: open the package manager and search for "gvim" you'll see it09:39
sambathis it version 7.3?09:40
ikoniasznitzeln: maybe worth trying in the channel #emacs09:40
ikoniasambath: check the version09:40
sambathok, thank u very much09:40
sznitzelnikonia, i just realized that channel is populated, thx09:40
ikoniasznitzeln: not a problem09:40
ikonia!info gvim09:40
ubottuPackage gvim does not exist in natty09:40
MagePsychowhich tool do we need to use for cd burning in ubuntu?09:40
ikoniasambath: what is it about the 7.3 version you specfically want/need ?09:40
wendymissI cannot connect to the Internet on Ubuntu(I have installed it alongside Windows 7 mounted on virtual cloned drive and Waubi installer finished the installation). Both my wired and wirless broadband connects for about a second then disconects. But this is not happening on Windows just on my Ubuntu. I asked my Internet service provider if they are blocking any connections and they said no so its not that. What is the prob09:41
sambathmy friend has configured vimrc09:41
ikoniasambath: vimrc will work with any version09:42
sambathif i want to use that vimrc, i have to use vim 7.309:42
AbTuXdichtbijzee, that could be because of kworker have bug , which kernel version you are using?09:42
sambathi don't know what the problem is09:42
sambathlast time i used vim 7.209:42
ikoniasambath: vimrc isn't version specific normally09:42
dichtbijzeeAbTuX, 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu09:42
sambathhe said i need to upgrade my vim to 7.309:43
sambaththat's why i want to build it09:43
ikoniasambath: building vim for a vimrc file is bonkers09:43
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sambathi'm new to open source softwares09:44
sambathi'd like to learn to build and to use as well09:44
sambaththat's why i try to build09:44
sambathi'm stuck with the dependency09:44
sambathi try to google, it said that i need to install libncurses5-dev09:45
szalsambath: did you even try to use that vimrc w/ your existing Vim version?09:45
sambathbut when i typed: $ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev09:45
sambathit shows: E: Couldn't find package libncurses5-dev09:46
ikoniasambath: I would very strongly advise you not to build gvim for the sake of a vimrc file09:46
ikoniasambath: if you pastebin the vimrc file I can test it for you and find out what/if there is a problem09:46
sambathwhich source that i need to add to /etc/apt/source.list so that i can install that library09:46
prakashgi am executing su=system(smbmount //......) even after successfull mounting value of su is -1 and even after failure of mounting su=-1   wt is the problem? can any one help me out09:47
sambaththanks for ur advice09:47
sambathu mean u want me to upload the vimrc file that has problem09:48
greppysambath: yes09:48
ikoniasambath: that could work09:48
sambathok, wait a minute09:48
greppysambath: http://paste.ubuntu.com09:48
prakashg i am executing su=system(smbmount //......)  after  failure of mounting su=-1 and  after successfull mounting value of su is -1   wt is the problem? can any one help me out09:48
sambathhow to send via this chat09:48
greppydon't paste it to the chat09:49
http\junkyso um, does anyone actually like 11.04?09:49
greppypaste it to the website I just linked, then paste the link back here.09:49
eneveuhttp\junky: me, a little strange at first, but now I love it09:49
eneveuseems more responsive too09:49
michaelm__11.04 is buggy with dell laptops and broadcom wlan cards09:49
dichtbijzeehow do i disable usb auto-suspension, want to try this workaround. i'm having the kworker bug.09:50
sambathhe already upload in github09:50
prakashg i am executing su=system(smbmount //......)  after  failure of mounting su=-1 and  after successfull mounting value of su is -1   wt is the problem? can any one help me out????09:50
sambathso u can check out from it09:50
sambathi'll send u the link09:50
loxsfolks, is there some way to install oneiric at this moment?09:52
karthick87How to disable ALT+F2 windows in ubuntu 10.10 via terminal ?09:53
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sambathok, this is the link https://github.com/samnang/dotfiles09:54
sambathu can try09:54
prakashg i am executing su=system(smbmount //......)  after  failure of mounting su=-1 and  after successfull mounting value of su is -1   wt is the problem? can any one help me out09:54
sambathgreppy: ikonia: can u open the link?09:55
http\junkyi've found the video drivers to be horrid so far09:56
http\junkyunity has not been smooth at all for me either09:56
http\junkyusing -- 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT218 [GeForce 310] (rev a2) -- on dual mons - @   3360x1050      50.0*09:57
http\junkyoh, and compiz is really really bad.. refresh/redraw issues even worse than metacity/unity - anyone else experiencing same or have fix?09:57
maedoxhttp\junky: check that Composite is set to correct refresh rate09:57
http\junkymaedox, where?09:58
maedoxhttp\junky: as in install compiz-config-settings-manager and check Composite -> refresh rate.09:58
http\junkyit is09:58
http\junkyyeah it is09:58
maedoxalright, then that's not it. :)09:58
dichtbijzeehow do i disable usb auto-suspension, want to try this workaround. i'm having the kworker bug.09:59
definitydose any one know if you can use the RT2870 Chipset to inject packets?09:59
=== Ian___ is now known as Ian_Corne
http\junky!ask | definity10:01
ubottudefinity: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:01
=== wolf is now known as Guest27704
http\junkysup definity =]10:01
definityhey does anyone around here know about wireless chipsets?10:02
http\junkywhat does google tell you definity ?10:02
http\junkyit says they do?10:02
http\junkySo what's the actual issue?10:02
http\junky<http\junky> So what's the actual issue?10:03
definitywell im using a RT2870 Chipset but im not sure if injection works with BT5, so i looked on google and it a bit mixed some people say they got it to work and some people said they didnt10:04
AdvoWorkany reason why the time on the taskbar would be missing in 10.04? a reboot sometimes pulls this back, or switching to another theme and then back to the original theme gets it showing again..10:04
http\junkyAdvoWork, some themes don't have complete support for all widgets10:04
http\junkysome will make audio go away too10:05
http\junkydefinity, did you search ubuntuforums?10:05
http\junkyand the wiki(s)?10:05
ubottuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.10:05
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC freenode #ubuntuforums.10:05
http\junkyAnyone there get it going?10:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:05
definityone guy said he did but didnt post the details on how he got it working10:05
http\junkyhm bad one sorry ignore that10:05
definityim trying to get the airmon-ng suite working10:06
definitybut for that i need injection10:06
http\junkydefinity: have you read - http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html10:06
http\junkydefinity, i see some stuff for bt4 - is there a reason that wouldn't apply to you?10:07
definitynot sure10:08
mr_bluehi the crowd10:08
http\junkyhai mr_blue10:08
loxsfolks, is there some way to install oneiric at this moment?10:08
mr_bluecan i speak french with some ?10:08
dichtbijzeehi, I'm using 11.04 and experiencing  and process pid 2709 kworker /1:0 is hogging about 60-80 percent of the cpu causing very much lag in my system, any ideas. all usb suspension is off (2)10:08
mr_bluecan i speak french with some ?10:09
dichtbijzeemr_blue, #ubuntu-fr10:09
mr_bluethanks dichtbijzee10:09
Abbas-uBguys, newbie here .. my windows seem to have no maximiize/minimize buttons .. all the FILE/VIEW etc for active windows appear in the top task bar10:12
Abbas-uBhow do i make it normal?10:12
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »10:15
Abbas-uBqin, is that for me?10:16
qinNope, to karthick8710:16
tenochslbhow many cdrom0 folders shoould i have on /media?10:16
XanoIs this the right channel to ask for hardware advice?10:17
karthick87qin: Thank you.10:17
DDAZZAHello, My ubuntu has a really low resolution and I can't see the resolution of my monitor.  Please can you help me?10:17
kemo006Hi everybody! Gwibber becomes crazy. It notifies me unread messages, except, there isn't.10:17
Abbas-uBman, this is so annoying .. so sometimes the save etc buttnos dont work or reigster in pidgin for me10:22
MethedManhow do i make a .chm in linux10:22
jepsterich bin gerade per ssh auf meinen server und würde gerne von dort aus eine ssh verbindung aufmachen und etwas per ssh herunterladen. kennt jemand ein gutes tool dafür?10:23
YankDownUnderWhy not just make a PDF instead....10:23
jepsteroh, sorry. wrong channel.10:23
MethedManYankDownUnder: PDF loses quality10:23
MethedManYankDownUnder: xchm also appears to load pages faster10:24
rileypzano yes10:24
MethedManYankDownUnder: the default pdf viewer on ubuntu also does not display with the same quality as acrobat reader10:24
MethedManYankDownUnder: acroread is really slow on ubuntu10:24
MethedManYankDownUnder: already saw that10:25
MethedManYankDownUnder: not helpful10:25
YankDownUnderMethedMan, Roger that.10:25
coconutzwhat is safe chmod code for directory and files for apache php scripts?10:26
greppycoconutz: normally 755 for directories and 644 for files.10:27
MethedManis there anyway to make a book in html into something similar to .chm in linux -> no pdf -> looking for something aesthetically pleasing10:27
coconutzis there a way i can do ls /myfile.ext and get the chmod code like 777 666 etc?10:28
http\junkycoconutz, ls -l gives long form. man ls explains other flags. Personally i'd use ls -lhA10:29
coconutzi dont see there the chmod code10:32
Arch1medeAnyone know how to boot ubuntu into text mode only? I found a how to on the ubuntu site but its dated 2008 and doesnt seem to work any more10:32
coconutzits writes me -rw-r--r-- i want instad of that 0644 or somthign10:32
sipiorcoconutz: -rw-r--r-- *is* 0644.10:33
coconutzi know but i want to translate it into numbers10:33
http\junkylemme see here..10:34
http\junkychmod can use rwx10:34
http\junkychmod a+x for instance10:34
sunilI am not able to connect locally to my other system using vncviewer. I am getting error "vncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused" any clue, why is it so.10:35
FlipozHello ! How can i disable the icone renaming? (with f2 for example)10:36
http\junkyFlipoz, desktop icons?10:36
sunilI have allowed the user in "vino-preferences "10:36
http\junkymaybe you could change permissions to read only10:36
figure002hi! i'm trying to figure out the package name that contains 'pdflatex'. how do i do that?10:37
Flipozyes http\junky10:37
kjelleHey. Is it possible to use a binary command to call "music/audio pause" on a ubuntu system?10:38
kjelle(I am trying to call it remotely)10:38
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Flipozfigure002: dpkg -l | grep *pdflatex*10:38
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celthunderkjelle: use mpd ?10:38
celthunderkjelle: combined with a pulseaudio sink on a tcp socket yes10:39
figure002Flipoz: it doesn't list anything, though i do have 'pdflatex' installed10:39
figure002Flipoz: it is probably part of a package with a different name10:40
http\junkycoconutz, you'd need to write a lil script to do the conversion it looks like, i dont see a tool in place10:40
sunilanyone knows about vncviewer and can help me out10:40
celthundersunil: what about vncviewer?10:40
mrluksomfigure002: isn't it latex2pdf?10:41
sunilcelthunder: I allowed in "vino-preferences ", but I am getting the connection refused error.10:41
celthundersunil: is your connection being firewalled (hosts.allow/hosts.deny rules/iptables?)10:41
sunilcelthunder: actually I am new to ubuntu10:41
kjellecelthunder: okey.10:41
sunilcelthunder: there is no rule10:41
celthundersunil: ?10:42
sunilcelthunder: both allow and deny file are blank10:42
celthundersunil: add ALL: ALL to the hosts.allow10:42
celthundersunil: and restuls of iptables -L10:42
figure002mrluksom: oh wait, 'pdflatex' is a system link to 'pdftex'. so it's called pdftext10:43
sunilI work on rhel most of the time, but now i have to work on ubunut10:43
sunilcelthunder: I work on rhel most of the time, but now i have to work on ubuntu10:43
celthundersunil: also did you use the right host (add a :1 to get to vnc session 1 etc)10:43
sunilcelthunder: I just entered vncviewer <ipaddress>10:43
celthundersunil: ...i always had to specify a session10:44
sunilcelthunder: can you give me an example, so that I can try. On rhel, the same what I said works.10:44
tenochslbI did this trying to get my cd drive:  ls -l /dev/cdrom10:44
tenochslblrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2011-05-11 02:22 /dev/cdrom -> sr0 . then mount /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom010:44
tenochslbmount: /dev/sr0: unknown device Any ideas how to make it work?10:44
sunilcelthunder: in  vino-preferences, I selected allow other users to view and control my desktop10:45
sunilcelthunder: is it clear to you what I have done.10:46
figure002how do i find out of which package 'pdftex' or 'pdflatex' is part of (the fast way)?10:46
B9I have just installed Nutty after an Upgrade from Maverick went AWOL due to a bug which was reported on  Launchpad. When I did the install I had to do a parallel install of Nutty as I did not want to overwrite all of my data. I intuit that something in doing this is now stopping my music library library playing. I was previously using Banshee on Maverick but now in Nutty it is not working and I have a feeling it is not to do with Banshee but accoun10:47
B9t permissions in Ubuntu. How do I let Banshee have access throughout my system?10:47
celthundersunil: yeah but don't you have to name/make a session on the server side when you set it up not just the ip/port10:47
s`k`yاحلا سوسو10:47
pr3d4t0rQ. apt-get apache2 remove reports that the package has been removed, but the Apache server continues to run.  How do I remove all apache2* packages, and the packages that depend on it, from the servrer?  Thanks in advance.10:47
celthundersunil: so it's like vncviewer ip:session10:47
s`k`yواحلا نسرين10:47
mrluksomfigure002, I installed texlive, but it was a 200mb download.10:47
Soosoo_شو هيدا10:48
sunilcelthunder: on rhel, its not like that,10:48
sunilcelthunder: so what I have to give in "session"10:48
celthundersunil: one moment10:48
sunilcelthunder: ok10:48
=== root is now known as Guest22203
s`k`yسوسو ما تحملت10:48
mrluksompr3: can you run 'dpkg -l | grep apache'?10:49
HiShAmOis this room for english10:49
celthunderHiShAmO: yes10:50
pr3d4t0rmrluksom: Yeah - I see the list now.  I guess I can get the list from there and feed it to apt-get remove - thanks.10:50
celthundersunil: setting up a vnc server10:50
pr3d4t0rmrluksom: If I remove common, since the others depend on it, that ought to blow it out of the water, yes?10:50
pr3d4t0rmrluksom: The whole installation, I mean.10:50
sunilcelthunder: "vino-preference" > select "Allow other users to view your desktop" &  "allow other users to control your desktop"10:51
sunilcelthunder: is anything else required.10:52
sipiorHiShAmO: something we can help you with?10:53
stimpiehow do I use the last output line (in bash) as part of a new command?10:54
B9I have just installed Nutty after an Upgrade from Maverick went AWOL due to a bug which was reported on Launchpad. When I did the install I had to do a parallel install of Nutty as I did not want to overwrite all of my data. I intuit that something in doing this is now stopping my music library playing. I was previously using Banshee on Maverick but now in Nutty it is not working and I have a feeling it is not to do with Banshee but account permiss10:55
HiShAmOi just want to make frinds10:55
B9ions in Ubuntu. How do I let Banshee have access throughout my system?10:55
celthundersunil: Xvnc4 :1 -geometry <resolution> -depth 3210:55
FlipozHello ! How can i disable the icone renaming? (with f2 for example)10:55
celthundersunil: then on the client side10:55
figure002mrluksom: i also have texlive installed, and that's indeed what it's part of, but i would like to know a command or something to figure stif stuff out10:55
sunilcelthunder: now on executing vncviewer <ipaddress>:5901 I am getting the error "No password configured for VNC Auth"10:58
mrluksompr3: I suppose it should.... but maybe you need to run an apt-get autoremove as well.10:58
sunilcelthunder: I tried both by setting password in vino-preferences and without password10:59
sonywhats the offical support channel for ubuntu french10:59
quatlstimpie, VAR=$(ls | tail -n 1 ); echo $VAR10:59
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mrluksomfigure002: how to latex or how to use the cli tools?11:00
stimpiequatl that works on a new command what if I already have executed a command and want to use that? I now just copy paste in a terminal but there should be a better way11:01
sipiorstimpie: try "ctrl-r" and then typing a pattern to search for.11:01
sipiorstimpie: or just use bash history (!! &cet.)11:02
EramКак бы мне найти программу против Google, которая сама открывала бы и закрывала сайты, в то время  когда меня нету возле компьютера. Она работала бы как DDOS атака, поставил, а сам пошел гулять. Замечательный бы Google обо мне создал бы протрет после такого, а сайты11:02
EramЕсли у меня будет просто программа, то все подобные Google собиратели сразу запутаются в тех материалах, которыми я интересуюсь, не возможно будет создать обо мне психологический портрет по моим вкусам, привычкам, интересам...11:02
EramПотому что Google помимо установки cookie у меня на компьютере еще имеет свою обширную статистическую базу данных о которой усиленно замалчивается. Наши уязвимости на компьютере по сравнению с их данными о нас - мелочь, поэтому сбить можно только ботом, напра11:02
FloodBot1Eram: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:02
celthundersunil: i did the above and then it gave me a password prompt when connecting vnc-E4_5_4_r41964-x86_linux_viewer UserName=<user> <ip>:session11:03
celthundersunil: should work fine11:03
celthundertype in the password for your user when it prompts11:03
quatlstimpie, just replace ls with your command and echo with your new command11:04
B9can somebody help me with folder permissions please?11:04
sunilcelthunder: can you write the complete command you used on client which you said is working11:04
quatlstimpie, i dont know if its possible to grab the output of some command you executed at some point in the past without running it again11:04
sipiorquatl: stimpie: have a look at the "HISTORY EXPANSION" section of the bash man page. quite a few options.11:06
gbjkI have a natty laptop, into which I've plugged a 2-button usb mouse. How do I turn on 3 click emulation?11:06
gbjkIs the answer xorg.conf? In which case, how do I create the device section for the external device? Do I need to restaret X ? :o(11:07
sipiorgbjk: didn't think they made those anymore. no clickable scroll wheel?11:07
gbjksipior: http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?client=ubuntu&channel=cs&q=kensington+orbit&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=6288157936373964553&sa=X&ei=KWDKTY-cM4G2hAeFg4CpAg&ved=0CEEQ8wIwAQ#11:08
gbjksipior: Since I use a datahand, I need a static mouse between the hands.11:09
sipiorgbjk: ah, of course :-)11:09
Ariel_Calzadahi i need to access sqlserver database from my ubuntu. There's a graphical client for doing this???11:09
sipiorgbjk: does pressing both buttons simultaneously emulate button 3?11:10
Paddy_NIWhy is gwibber so slow11:10
gbjksipior: Not now. Used to. I can fix with xinput set-prop on the device, I guess.11:10
mfraz74Paddy_NI: do you need to clean the database out?11:11
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org11:11
gbjkYay. I solved it.11:11
gbjkxinput --list ... xinput --list-props <device> ... xinput --set-prop 9 250 111:11
Paddy_NImfraz74, I wonder if that would solve the startup time of the app... at the moment it takes around 7 minutes to become usable.. otherwise it is just a grey window11:11
mfraz74Paddy_NI: I'm not sure, but I've heard that gwibber stores all tweets11:12
celthundersunil: vncviewer <ip>:1 then i typed in my vnc's pw when it prompted11:12
sunilcelthunder: ok11:13
ph8hey all, got a horrible issue with a security tool that only runs a web GUI on localhost port 808111:13
Paddy_NII would actually rather just just remove gwibber I think and install some other client for Facebook/twitter/identi.ca11:13
ph8I want to access it remotely11:13
celthundersunil: worked perfectly11:13
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:13
ph8is there  some ssh trickery i can perform so that i can access port 8081 perhaps via 8082 or similar?11:13
sunilcelthunder: I have to restart my system I will try what you said. one more thing, the user= can be any user present in passwd11:14
sipiorph8: yes, have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/PortForwarding11:14
graftergh, so i upgraded to natty, I don't know why, and now compiz shows a bunch of horizontal white lines whenever i switch windows11:14
graft(i'm running classic already, so it's not unity)11:15
celthundersunil: leave the user blank you set the pw when you make the session on the server11:15
ph8sipior, will it let me redirect port 8082 on a box (public) to 8081 (private)11:15
graftanyone have any idea what broke?11:15
sipiorph8: yes.11:16
ph8sipior, i can't seem to get it working with local or remote port forwarding11:18
ph8i've tried ssh -L 8082:localhost:8081 myuser@host11:18
ph8then visiting http://host:8082 from another machine11:18
ph8and no web interface :(11:18
ph8lynx http://localhost:8081 from the machine itself though works11:18
sipiorph8: ssh -L 8082:*remote* host:8081 myuser@host11:19
ph8sipior, i'm trying to setup a second listening port on the same machine as the web interface11:22
ph8To circumvent a program that only listens on localhost11:22
ph8ssh -L 8082: user@localhost11:22
ph8for example doesn't work11:23
ph8where 5.5 is the localhost/myhost address11:23
graftph8: try -g11:24
g4is there a known issues list with ubuntu 11.04 somewhere? Like known bugs?11:24
g4or is the forums the best place to go?11:24
ph8graft, looks encouraging graft! But ssh -L 8082: -g myuser@localhost11:27
cillo789Is there more applications that use jamendo music service than rhythmbox , amarok, clementine and banshee?11:28
ph8throws a 'address already in use' bind error11:28
ph8very odd11:28
ph8i tried 8085 but it must be complaining about 8081?11:28
ph8i know 8081 is in use!11:28
=== thereheis is now known as thereheis00
graftph8: do you blacklist ipv6? try -411:30
graftph8: and think about blacklisting ipv6, unless you use it for something11:30
figure002mrluksom: sorry, got distracted. i mean, there must be some kind of command to figure out to which package an executable belongs.11:31
alekseyхай пипл11:32
ph8graft! Sorted thanks, specifying <host1>:<port>:<host2>:<port> sorted it with -g11:32
ph8instead of just port,host2,port11:32
arcskyhello when i do ssh to my ubuntu server it takes ages after i typed in user11:32
graftargh. anyone know how to downgrade compiz to 0.8.* in natty?11:32
opiatehello, i updated my ubuntu to 11.04 and now it doesnt start the graphical interface anymore... if i use the older version of linux i see the new unity desktop11:33
mrluksomfigure002: Hmmm, I know if you try and execute something you dont have it gives you the package. Try something a bit weird like xfce4-term (unless you use xfce). I don't know a command though.11:33
mrluksomWhat if you try just apt-getting it?11:34
coconutzhow do i remove user from a secoundary group? like i have user amir and its have groups of floppy tape fax cdrrom i want to remove cdrom group11:34
AdvoWorkhttp\junky, but the time shows sometimes, just not every time(same theme).?11:35
graftfigure002: apt-cache search?11:35
usr13opiate: What video card does it use?11:35
graftfigure002: i mean, apt-file, not apt-cache11:35
figure002graft: i've tried that, but then i get a list of packages, so i still don't know which one it is11:35
=== aleksey is now known as Tejurus
figure002mrluksom: apt-get gived: E: Unable to locate package pdftex11:36
serealwhat is the package to get host.local functionality?11:36
figure002graft: oh, lemme try11:36
usr13opiate: Did you have a proprietary driver installed for your video card?11:36
mrluksomand if you just type pdftex into bash?11:36
opiatei think so, yes11:37
usr13opiate: If so, try this:  rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:38
opiateusr13: ok will try now11:38
usr13opiate: Can you log in to it?11:38
usr13opiate: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:38
graftargh. i can't believe the only version of compiz in this distribution is unstable11:38
opiatei can use the older version of linuy without problems11:39
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
opiaterebootingä now11:39
figure002graft: apt-file seems to do the trick, thanks11:39
serealanyone know how I can get host.local functionality?11:39
figure002mrluksom: it works with apt-file11:39
usr13sereal: What seems to be the problem?11:40
opiateusr13: did not work, keeps crashing at loading the graphical interface11:40
serealer never mind - I just don't know the ip of the computer i'm trying to connect to, so I can't type host.local, but I found the ipv6 addr in my hosts file11:40
figure002the command 'apt-file search /usr/bin/pdflatex' returns the package name11:40
usr13opiate: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:41
gartralanyway i can change the batter indicator too show "low" at different levels?11:41
mrluksomcool, you learn something every day.11:41
figure002definitely :) thanks for the help11:42
usr13opiate: and send resulting RUL11:42
opiateusr13: i have no network connection on natty version11:42
opiatebut i will pastebin the output from older version11:42
=== as_ is now known as turbomettwurst
usr13opiate: Ok, well just look at the log file for clues.  Start at the end and work backwards.11:42
usr13opiate: You did remvoe /etc/X11/xorg.conf   Right?11:43
opiateusr13: yes i did, but i tried from the old linux version, should i try it from the newer not working?11:44
usr13opiate: Yes11:45
MarkoHow often they release new kernel update?11:45
usr13opiate: Boot the troubled OS and then delete the xorg.conf file11:46
opiateusr13 k im doing it right now11:46
opiateusr13: not working, im trying to save the crash log and upload it11:49
udo_I like to have windows partitions on the desktop with natty11:49
emilevictorHi guys, anyone know how to restart mysql from the command line? I'm ssh'd into a server where I'm having big issues restarting mysql11:50
http\junkyemilevictor, do you have root?11:52
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.11:52
axisyshow do I see the windows in regular size instead of zoomed out small size when hit alt+tab to switch between windows?11:52
http\junkyaxisys, details: what version of ubuntu, what WM, etc11:53
emilevictorhttp\junky: I have root. I am getting this error. "NEW SGAC [10:51:55] ~ # service mysql start   start: Job failed to start " I have googled it, but the internets don't have a very good answer for me11:53
axisysnatty + unity11:53
axisyshttp\junky: ^11:53
emilevictorhttp\junky: NEW SGAC [10:52:03] ~ # service mysql status mysql stop/waiting11:53
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
axisysemilevictor: stop mysql11:54
emilevictori did that, that's why it says "stop/waiting"11:54
axisysemilevictor: service is a redhat command..  not in ubuntu11:54
belastdsomobady  know spanish or bulgarian11:54
quiescensit is in ubuntu11:54
axisysemilevictor: start mysql to start it11:54
belastdsory for my english11:54
szal!es | belastd11:55
ubottubelastd: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:55
emilevictoraxisys: "NEW SGAC [10:53:27] ~ # start mysql start: Job failed to start "11:55
axisysemilevictor: find out why it failed.. try to start mysql manually in safe mode11:55
axisysemilevictor: you may want to ask #mysql as well11:55
axisysemilevictor: wait!11:56
axisysemilevictor: i see you are typing start mysql start11:56
kuruI'm having a hard time printing to my HP LJ network printers. I have an HPLJ3600 and an older HPLJ355011:56
axisysemilevictor: i said `start mysql'11:56
opiateusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/606103/11:56
kuruwhenever I want to print, I get a weird text thing on the page instead telling me there's an error11:56
kuruI'm only Natty11:56
axisysemilevictor: the start is wrong.. that is what it saying..11:56
ubuntuhello, how can i restore my grub2 after installing windows thru chroot method? yesterday i got someone helping me but i had to sleep b4 get it done11:57
emilevictoraxisys: "NEW SGAC [10:56:22] ~ # start mysql start: Job failed to start "11:57
axisysemilevictor: dude!11:57
ubuntuby `thru chroot method` i mean i want to restore it using such method11:57
kuruPCL XL error is what i get11:57
axisysemilevictor: `start mysql' .. not `start mysql start'11:57
emilevictoraxisys: ooops...11:57
kuruin fact, the printer used to work find under Maverick.. and now with Natty it doesn't11:57
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
emilevictoraxisys: that second start is part of the error message :(11:57
emilevictoraxisys: the command was just "start mysql"11:58
kuruanyone with ideas?11:58
zvacet!grub2 | ubuntu11:58
ubottuubuntu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:58
axisysemilevictor: can you pastebin your /etc/init/mysql.conf ?11:59
ubuntuzvacet, i know this tutorial but i want to use the chroot method as instead11:59
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usr13opiate: Sorry I was away.    Did you remove the xorg.conf file and try again?12:01
zvacetubuntu: is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#METHOD 3 - CHROOT of any help12:03
axisyskuru: you might want to pastebin the exact error12:03
giulianohey there, 've got some issues with ubuntu 10.10 and wicd12:04
emilevictoraxisys: http://pastebin.com/HdDU1PUJ12:04
giulianowhenever I try to connect to a wi-fi, it won't connect, saying me the WPA key is wrong12:04
giulianobut I'm sure it's correct!12:04
axisysemilevictor: that looks right12:05
AziaBurgiis capslock on?12:05
axisysemilevictor: what do you get when run this `status mysql' ?12:05
giulianoI've tried this guide http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php/topic,244746.0.html but it worked only with network manager on another pc, not on this one with wicd12:05
opiatey i did12:06
giulianoAziaBurgi: if you're talking to me, no. If you're not, sorry :)12:06
opiateusr13: yes i did here is my pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/606103/12:06
emilevictoraxisys: NEW SGAC [11:06:05] ~ # status mysql mysql stop/waiting12:06
AziaBurgigiuliano: i was but doesn't matter12:07
axisysemilevictor: what do you get when try to start mysql manually?12:07
axisysemilevictor: sudo mysqld <-- this one12:07
belastdi use wicd and have not problems12:07
giulianobelastd: i've noticed i've got problems only with this router, not with others12:08
belastdwhat type is router12:08
giulianobut over this pc run both ubuntu and windows ( :( ) and under windows connection works well12:09
s`k`yمن وين علي12:09
usr13opiate: So  your video card is RadeonHD3850 ?     Is it a laptop?12:09
ali_this is my first time using IRC12:09
ali_help me12:09
usr13opiate: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/FglrxInteferesWithRadeonDriver#Problem:%20%20Need%20to%20fully%20remove%20-fglrx%20and%20reinstall%20-ati%20from%20scratch12:09
emilevictoraxisys: sudo mysqld does not give any output12:10
opiatey it is a hd3850 but no laptop. normal desktop pc12:10
giulianobelastd: i don't think you could know this router, unless you're italian. but let me find it over internet12:10
axisysemilevictor: ps -ef | grep mysqld .. check if mysqld started12:10
emilevictoraxisys: but when I type it in and then do status mysql it's still "stopped/waiting"12:10
zvacet!ask| ali_12:10
ubottuali_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:10
usr13opiate: See the "aggressive recipe which removes both -fglrx and -ati, and reinstalls the latter"12:11
ali_how i can join to another room?12:11
s`k`yali u r cantry12:11
opiateusr13: yes the only problem is, that my wlan does not seem to work in the console mode12:11
axisysali_: /join #anotherroom12:12
s`k`yim ali from syria12:12
opiateusr13: i use the networkmanager, how can i start him in console?12:12
giulianomy router is http://assistenzatecnica.telecomitalia.it/at/portals/assistenzatecnica.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=GuideBook&nodeId=/AT_REPOSITORY/12018 this one12:12
axisysali_: what irc client are you using?12:12
ali_and how i can know what room exist?12:12
giulianosorry, but i don'tthink you'll find any material in english12:12
axisysali_: searchirc.com12:12
usr13opiate: Is it wired or wireless connection?12:13
usr13opiate: Which interface to you use to connect?12:13
usr13opiate: iwconfig12:13
opiateusr13: wireless with normal gnome networkmanager12:14
opiateusr13: not iwconfig12:14
s`k`yali join #reds12:14
usr13opiate: iwconfig will show which interface you use.12:14
usr13opiate: Which is it?12:14
opiateusr13: wlan012:14
usr13opiate: does it show an essid?12:14
snikker|2i'm under natty and i'm unable to use bluetooth, both built-in and external usb... can you help me?12:14
giulianoso, i think there's one simple solution...12:15
araecan i ask question for backtrack 5 ?12:15
usr13opiate: In the output from iwconfig, what essid is designated?  What does it say?12:15
giulianohow do I return to the original network manager?12:15
opiatenow yes but only since im working in the functioning older version. on natty there is no ssid12:15
giulianoinstead wicd, I mean12:15
opiateusr13: not7any12:15
s`k`yhelp my12:15
usr13opiate: It may already be connected.  ping -c av.com12:15
usr13opiate: It may already be connected.  ping -c 3 av.com12:16
araeHow to change color scheme in backtrack 5 kde ???12:16
usr13opiate: is it connected?12:16
ikoniaarae: back track is not supported here12:16
opiateunknown host12:16
usr13opiate: route -n   #tell me what that says, bottom line.12:16
ikoniaarae: #backtrack-linux is the correct channel12:17
s`k`yi need manger my room12:17
opiateusr13: nothing12:17
usr13opiate: sudo dhclient wlan012:17
s`k`yname room soosoo12:17
opiateusr13: i dont think i have any wlan connection at all12:17
emilevictoraxisys: root     11436 10260  0 11:17 pts/3    00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysqld12:18
giulianoi try to uninstall wicd and play around with NetMan config12:18
ali_join #red12:18
axisysemilevictor: so it is not running..12:18
usr13opiate: Is  not7any the essid of the wireless router?12:18
hobomois there a standard way to get the mouse cursor out of windows that have trapped it???12:18
opiateusr13: should i try this?? http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/WLAN/wpa_supplicant12:18
axisysemilevictor: you have to find out why mysqld does not start..12:18
axisysemilevictor: once you fix that .. you can play with the init wrapper..12:19
usr13opiate:  Do you have encryption enabled on your wireless router?12:19
javikalhi all12:19
javikalin php i'm trying to generate a file while downloading, for example a excel, get all the records and generate the file line to line while downloading the file to prevent memory_limit error12:19
axisysemilevictor: you need to ask in #mysql channel on how to debug mysqld12:19
javikalany ideas12:19
ali_my friend install ubuntu in Sony vaio laptop and he hang in there!12:20
danopiamy laptop is upgrading to 11.0412:20
s`k`yi need help12:20
axisysemilevictor: start mysql is just a wrapper.. sudo mysqld has to work first before the wrapper will work12:20
arindomHi! I need help in solving my VPN Connectivity problem.12:20
arindomWhile I can connect to VPN services but I can't view other public sites.12:20
axisysemilevictor: gotta run.. late for my work12:20
arindomThat means if I get connected to the VPN resources, I will not be able to browse normal websites.12:21
ikoniaarindom: correct, because you are vpn'd into a private network, so the public internet is "blocked"12:21
ikonias`k`y: what are you talking about ?12:21
bazhangs`k`y, lose the caps12:21
opiateusr13: yes WPA212:21
arindomikonia: But in Win I can connect to both sites at the same time.12:22
usr13opiate: Ok yea, go to that site and get your instructions.12:22
ikoniaarindom: you're not using windows12:22
arindomikonia: you mean to say this is the right behaviour.12:22
opiateusr13: thank you so far, hopefully it will work12:22
ikoniaarindom: yes12:22
hobomois there a standard way in ubuntu to get the mouse cursor out of windows that have trapped it???12:23
usr13opiate: It would be easier to plug in a wire.  (Temporarily use a wired connection).  But I think you have the info you need now.  You are on your own.12:23
Al_nz1I need to install system rescue CD to a Virtual Hard Disk (VHD). I have the instruction on how to do it, but it says the disk must have Lilo or grub loaded onto it. How do I do this?12:24
usr13hobomo: wave a peice of cheese just outside the boundries of the window.12:24
lars_t_hHi everybody. Am I the only one that gets 404s then i try to download from http://fullcirclemagazine.org/downloads/ ?12:24
usr13hobomo: ... sorry, couldn't resist ...12:24
Seven_Six_Twohobomo, which program?12:24
hobomousr13, omg it werks12:24
arindomikonia: But I have seen posts in different forum where they say that it is possible to browse both public and VPN sites at the same time in Ubuntu also. To do that one need to check the "Use this connection only for resource on its network" under routes.12:24
ikoniaarindom: it is possible if you sort your routing out12:24
usr13hobomo: I know, that was bad...12:25
arindomikonia : That is the problem in my case. I can't even if that option is checked.12:25
inertialI've got a pdf form that won't let me save the data i enter into it, anyone have any suggetsions for getting around this?12:25
hobomoSeven_Six_Two, the cursor gets stuck in the window with games like openarena, world of padman, etc.12:25
arindomikonia : To know more you can please view my post here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/39894/connecting-to-vpn-is-not-allowing-me-to-open-public-sites-simultaneously12:25
usr13lars_t_h: Nope12:26
arindomikonia: Please help me to get this issue solved.12:26
usr13arindom: What directory are you accessing it from?12:26
arindomikonica: I have to access my office network resources.12:27
usr13arindom: ls -l file-name.pdf12:27
Seven_Six_Twohobomo, I'm not sure. does it release if you alt+tab to another window? or alt+ctrl+KBD_RIGHT12:27
purplefooli was wondering if it is possible to change the settings on the new launcher in ubuntu 11.04 and how...12:27
usr13arindom: cd directory/where/pdf/is/  ; ls -l file-name.pdf12:27
ikoniaarindom: you need to configure your routing to send everything out of the default gateway, execpt your vpn traffic which will go out of the vpn interface12:28
Dr_Willispurplefool:  the compiz pluggin for 'unity' has some settings you can play with12:28
Dr_Willispurplefool:  it depends on what uyou want to set really.12:28
arindomiknoia : Yes, that's correct. But I can't figure out what I should enter in the respective fields to get this going.12:28
dr3mroplease I use ubuntu 11.04 i used ubuntu 10.10 and wrote a script to disable mobile broadband so i can send and recieve sms using gammu in the script i executed dbus-send --system --type=method_call --dest=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set string:org.freedesktop.NetworkManager string:WwanEnabled variant:boolean:false but it used to work in 10.10 but not in 11.0412:28
Dr_WillisI shrunk mine thinner, made it never auto-hide, and removed the drive icons.12:28
hobomoSeven_Six_Two, nope it seems like the game hijacks all mouse and keyboard input12:29
arindomikonia : Please suggest the commands that I should try and get values and then tell me where to put. I must have done it wrongly ealier.12:29
purplefooldr_willis i would like to force it to hide when it doesn't want to and change its transparency...among other things.12:30
lars_t_husr13, thanks for the answer12:30
arindomikonia: It seems I have to enter the default gateway etc. under the auto eth1 or whatever is my network connection. Am I right?12:30
purplefooli would also like to add a task list...is that even possible now?12:31
Seven_Six_Twohobomo, sorry. I've never run in window for those games...12:31
arindomikonia: BTW I am using a wireless connection via wireless router which is connected to the broadband modem.12:31
Seven_Six_Twohobomo, and I only know of a hotkey for virtualbox12:31
Dr_Willispurplefool:  see the unity ccsm plugin then.12:31
Dr_Willispurplefool:  not seen a tasklist for it.12:32
pentarexhello guys, can anyone tell me how I can install sun-java6-jdk on Ubuntu 10.04 server without x11-common (I think that's GUI)12:32
usr13inertial: cd directory/where/pdf/is/  ; ls -l file-name.pdf12:32
HiShAminstall what?12:33
usr13inertial: What directory are you accessing it from?12:33
inertialusr13: yeah I have unix write perms on the pdf file12:33
inertialusr13: but there is some protection within pdf itself12:34
Seven_Six_Twopentarex, x11-common is libs used by all the different varieties of x12:34
Seven_Six_Twopentarex, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk12:34
gremsetI am trying to make my benq scanner work, where can I download the firmware files mentioned in http://snapscan.sourceforge.net/12:34
Dr_Willis!info x11-common12:34
ubottux11-common (source: xorg): X Window System (X.Org) infrastructure. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.6+4ubuntu3 (natty), package size 67 kB, installed size 656 kB12:34
kanoewho knows the emule network and port12:35
=== Haxbeertje is now known as Gerwin
arindomikonia: Any suggestions for me?12:35
guckihi. what's the best way to make any window dockable in ubuntu 11.04 (unity)? :)12:35
usr13inertial: Well, I don't know what to do then....  How much do you need to enter into it?  You could use gimp, convert to jpg and then back to pdf, but that's a pretty ugly hack.12:35
Dr_Willisgucki:  clarify what you mean by  dockable.12:35
inertialusr13: nah its a government form, needs a lot of info...12:35
kanoeCan anyone tell me emule's irc server and PORT?12:35
pentarexSeven_Six_Two: so it wont be a mess if I install x11 on my server, it wont be slower right?12:36
pentarexI mean, I will not start X but still12:36
usr13inertial: Actually, you can screen-capture the finished document, save as jpg and then convert to pdf12:36
Seven_Six_Twopentarex, no, installing it won't start it12:36
brett__I am trying to install the decode delegates for JPG and PNG, but after I run the installer there appears to be no effect. I am running 'identify -list format' and they are nowhere on the list. Could someone help me figure out what I am doing wrong?12:36
usr13inertial: Well, I dono then....12:36
usr13inertial: Other than that, I don't know.12:36
guckiDr_Willis: so that they take space from the desktop, just like the top panel does. For example I'd like to dock skype at the right side of my desktop, so it's always visible. When I maximize any other window it should not overlap with the docked skype window.12:36
OerHekskanoe it is not on Freenode irc, so you need to google it.12:37
pentarexSeven_Six_Two: ok thank you :)12:37
FloodBot1HiShAm: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:37
bazhangHiShAm, stop that12:37
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
kanoeCan anyone tell me emule's irc server and PORT?12:37
usr13inertial: YOu could do the screen capture thing.....12:37
HiShAmi dont understand what do yot talking about guys12:37
Seven_Six_Twopentarex, np. you would need xserver-xorg and a bunch of others to start x12:38
bazhangHiShAm, ubuntu support12:38
pentarexSeven_Six_Two: ah yeah :) thank you very much mate12:39
HiShAmi stil dont under stand12:39
bazhang!ubuntu | HiShAm12:39
ubottuHiShAm: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com12:39
Seven_Six_TwoHiShAm, what language are you strongest in?12:39
guckiDr_Willis: can you help me? :)12:40
bazhangHiShAm, thats enough.12:40
bigmahatmahow do I check if my ubuntu is a server edition?12:40
tic^Oh boy, here we go.12:40
soyoHiShAm don't take offense to that, ubuntu is worldwide operating system and offers support in many languages12:40
guckibigmahatma: mh, you could try cat /etc/issue12:40
HiShAmis this room for tichnical hilp only?12:40
Seven_Six_TwoHiShAm, yes, my apologies.12:40
qinbigmahatma: Do you have gui?12:40
jinppkanyone know if there is work going on to fix the compiz memory leak?12:41
bazhangHiShAm, yes12:41
jinppkits becoming quite a pain, i have to compiz --replace every hour...12:41
Dr_Willisgucki:  theres compiz plugins that can set spefific window properties like on top and so forth. but they wont work like a 'dock' that ive ever seen.12:41
qin!ot | HiShAm12:41
kanoeCan anyone tell me emule's irc server and PORT?12:41
ubottuHiShAm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:41
bigmahatmaqin: Yes I do12:41
arindomikonia: Any suggestions?12:42
HiShAmcan you give me anam of chit chat rom12:42
bazhangHiShAm, #ubuntu-offtopic12:42
bazhang!alis | kanoe12:42
ubottukanoe: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*12:42
llutzkanoe: http://www.emule-project.net/home/perl/help.cgi?l=1&rm=show_topic&topic_id=11612:42
Seven_Six_TwoHiShAm, most of the channels on freenode are computer related, but there are offtopic channels. Other networks host purely social channels12:42
Dr_Williskanoe:  check the amule homepage perhaps?12:42
kanoethank u all12:43
qinbigmahatma: So it is rather desktop.12:43
bigmahatmaqin: mh.. I tihnk also server edition has GUI12:43
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
bazhangbigmahatma, it does not12:43
arindomikonia: Sorry I have to go now. Expected some kind of response.12:44
bigmahatmathanks guys12:45
qinbigmahatma: uname -a (server kernel are makred "server") or dpkg -l ubuntu-desktop12:45
cassioHi. I'm using 11.04 and I'd like the application menu to always show the File, Edit, etc menus, instead of hovering the mouse over the top. My question is the same as http://askubuntu.com/questions/37882/how-to-disable-auto-hiding-of-the-applications-menu-in-top-panel there doesn't seem to be a way to do this, although I would think is the most expected and normal way... This title bar idea, which comes from OS X, always shows the menus, it is more pr12:45
cassioactical and doesn't cause a flicker whenever you move the mouse over the top of the desktop12:45
n2iShould I modify the /etc/enviroment to change default locale?12:45
n2iIs there any way to do it?12:46
jinppkanyone head anything Re compiz memory leak?12:46
ZopiacHow do you forward a port from the command line?12:46
soyocassio: Mine menu bar is always showing.12:46
qinn2i: Better to use setlocale12:47
cassiosoyo, if you open gedit, the File, Edit, View, menus are always showing in the Unity title bar ?12:47
ZopiacHow do you forward a port from the command line?12:47
Dr_Williscassio:  i find the title and menus can overlap and be annoying. But personally I find the global menu bothersom. I disabled it. It just caused to many issues for me.12:47
cassiosoyo, instead of just the application name by default?12:47
B9can some one please help me with folder permissions so Banshee can play my music library, my library is imported in Banshee but it won't play due to folder permissions12:47
soyocassio: Have you tried right-clicking it and playing with the properties? Try turning off the autohide checkbox.12:47
n2iqin: but setlocale: command not found12:48
jrib!permissions | B912:48
ubottuB9: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions12:48
whendrikHow safe is a AES-256 password protected zip (>16 characters)? Can i be fairly safe that is takes years to crack?12:48
jrib!locale | n2i12:48
ubottun2i: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf12:48
Dr_Willis!permissions | B912:48
soyocassio: You could try using the regular desktop instead of unity at logon..12:48
cassiosoyo, Im not talking about the launcher. Im talking about the title bar.12:48
B9jrib: thanx12:49
cassiosoyo, when I right click it no options come up12:49
qinn2i: man setlocale, command is dpkg-reconfigure localeconf12:49
cassioDr_Willis, yeah... what I dont like is the flickering whenever I move the mouse over the top... it keeps changing from application title to application menu...12:49
Sw33NYhi all12:49
B9Dr_Willis: thanx12:49
soyocassio: Yeah I forgot about netbook and unity and all that.12:50
rotor_The South Korean navy ship Cheonan was not sunk by a North Korean torpedo12:50
soyocassio: You are using netbook edition?12:50
B9!permissions | B912:50
ubottuB9, please see my private message12:50
joachimhow do you forward a port on a router from the command line12:50
predsis there any way to force the new Gnome bar to go away? normally it auto hides but atm it's refusing to12:50
cassiosoyo, I'm using 11.04 Unity12:50
rotor_There are no torpedo holes in the wreckage12:50
icerootjoachim: depending on your router12:51
rotor_The rust found on the torpedo fragments that were shown to the public were found to have been 6 months old12:51
rotor_about 6 months-old12:51
bazhangrotor_, wrong channel12:52
joachimiceroot: how do I check my router? (I'm ssh'ing into a network to work on a friend's server)12:52
rotor_long before the sinking of the Cheonan12:52
abhinav_singhhow do i check if the user has permission to write to the directory12:52
rotor_The torpedo fragments claim to be the evidence were found to be made in Germany12:52
arindomikonia: Are you there? I just tried by adding the default route, but it didn't work12:53
bazhangrotor_, stop that12:53
MagePsychocassio unity sucks12:53
rotor_Germany doesn't export torpedoes to North Korea12:53
MagePsychoclassic rocks12:53
bazhang!ot | rotor_12:53
ubotturotor_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:53
MagePsychoeven kubuntu-desktop rocks12:53
qinabhinav_singh: Either he own it, or belong to group, or directory is +w to others12:53
rotor_ok bazhang12:53
rotor_thanks for telling me12:53
llutzabhinav_singh:  test -w dir/ || not allowed                  as user12:53
llutz*echo not allowed12:54
hakitohello i have a relly strange problem on my ubuntu machine12:54
joachimhow do I check what router I have from the terminal?12:54
predsany ideas how to force the unity bar to hide? Barstard thing will not go away12:54
cassioMagePsycho, Im trying to give Unity a fair chance. I like the screen gains it brings... I have no major major problems... but this flickering is pretty annoying. I don't understand why they followed the OS X integrated menu bar idea but not show the menu bar unless you keep the mouse over it !12:54
arindomHi, I need help in setting my VPN correctly so that I can browse both VPN sites and normal public site at the same time.12:55
abhinav_singhso sudo chown user_name  /path to directory will assign writing permission to users for that direcory? qin llutz12:55
llutzjoachim: nmap -sV <routers-ip>12:55
Dr_Williscassio:  i dont see it filcker. its the title , untill i mouse over..  then menus appear.12:55
gedOHi guys12:55
hakitoin a directory with 777 permissions i cannot create a subdirectory called 'newsletter_thumb' (even as root)12:55
gedOI'm having problems wih gnome12:56
Dr_Willisas long as the mouse is up there.. its the menus.12:56
gedOI'm having problems with gnome12:56
gedOgan someone help me?12:56
gedOcan someone help me?12:56
llutzabhinav_singh: no it changes the owner, not the permissions. it will work in most cases, but you can't be sure12:56
FloodBot1gedO: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:56
whendrikHow safe is a AES-256 password protected zip (>16 characters)? Can it be safe so say that is takes years to crack?12:56
Dr_WillisgedO:  clairfy the exact problem12:56
qinabhinav_singh: or add user to gruop owning directory (more sensible sometimes), but you right.12:56
joachimllutz thanks, will try12:56
rotor_The rust on the torpedo fragments that were shown to the public are found to have been about 6 months-old12:56
abhinav_singhso what should be the exact command llutz qin12:56
bazhangwhendrik, try a crypto channel12:57
qinabhinav_singh: What directory is it?12:57
bazhang!alis | whendrik12:57
ubottuwhendrik: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*12:57
cassioDr_Willis, yeah, except the menus should always appear IMHO. It gives much more information then just showing the application title... If Im seeing the application I know which it is. I want to see the menus without having to move my mouse over the top. Or the title bar suddenly changing because I got my mouse near the top12:57
Dr_Williscassio:  thers settings to make them always appear.12:57
hakitocan someone help me with my directory creation problem?12:57
deploymentHave ubuntu 10.4  Is there a good way to backup my installation & files. (without reboot would be nice, but if needed so be) Software to use?12:57
gedODr_Willis, I run Ubuntu 11.04. Several days I installed SSCM and my gnome desktop broke, now I have to run classic mode. How to restore previous gnome?12:57
usr13hakito: Sure, What seems to be the problem?12:58
Dr_Williscassio:  http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html12:58
cassioDr_Willis, really? could you tell me how I do it? I've looked for it but couldn't find it12:58
usr13hakito: Be specific.12:58
hakitousr13: in a12:58
arindomCan someone help me with my VPN problem?12:58
hakitousr13: in a directory with 777 permissions i cannot create a subdirectory called 'newsletter_thumb' (even as root)12:58
gedODr_Willis, SSCM is advance desktop effects settings12:58
Dr_WillisgedO:  if you mean 'ccsm'  check -->  http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html12:58
Dr_WillisgedO:  its 'ccsm' not sscm12:58
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz12:58
Dr_WillisUnless theres somthing ive never seen/heard about :)12:59
usr13hakito:  What command did you use?  What is the path?12:59
ssnhi guys12:59
abhinav_singhits mongodb data directory /data/db qin12:59
Dr_WillisgedO:  and some ccsm settings can break unity.12:59
hakitousr13: path is : in a directory with 777 permissions i cannot create a subdirectory called 'newsletter_thumb' (even as root)12:59
ssnthis is so wrong: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201102-732612:59
deploymentHave ubuntu 10.4  Is there a good way to backup my installation & files. (without reboot would be nice, but if needed so be) Software to use?12:59
usr13hakito: What directory is it?12:59
gartralanyway i can change the batter indicator too show "low" at different levels?12:59
gedODr_Willis, Sorry. Yes, that is CCSM. So I set some effects and my desktop broke down. How I can restore it?12:59
ssni just tried to install ubuntu on my new thinkpad t420s, but the screen stays black12:59
hakitousr13: /var/www/app/webroot/img12:59
Dr_WillisgedO:  check the url i posted above12:59
gedODr_Willis, OKey. Thank you :)13:00
hakitousr13: i create it with 'mkdir newsletter_thumb'13:00
usr13hakito: Well, let me guess. You used command: sudo  mkdir /var/www/app/webroot/img/newsletter_thumb   ?13:01
hakitousrr13: i tried several methods this one too13:01
usr13hakito: Let me ask you this:  Is this so that you can serve webpages from this area?13:01
hakitousr13: yes13:01
icerootjoachim: look at it?13:02
cassioDr_Willis, are you referring to http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/disable-appmenu-global-menu-in-ubuntu.html ? What I want is not to disable the global appmenu, just disable the autohide, which the link says is not possible, although several people in the comments agree with me that it should be at least possible to disable13:02
usr13hakito: Ok, then why are you not doing it from a home directroy and using synlinks to  /var/www/ ?13:02
usr13hakito: It will be much easier....13:02
Dr_Williscassio:  thers settings to make it not hide, or disable it..13:02
icerootjoachim: http://routerip is a good start to see what type it is13:02
Dr_Williscassio:  i had mine set to always show for some time.. but i eventuall just disabled it.13:03
hakitousr13: this is just a local copy of a production server. we use the same paths locally so that we don't get into trouble13:03
joachimiceroot: thanks, still working on it...actually right now im trying to figure out what the router's internal IP is13:03
ssni just tried to install ubuntu on my new thinkpad t420s, but the screen stays black. can anyone help me with this?13:03
cassioDr_Willis, could be a little more specific? How do I make it not hide?13:03
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
usr13hakito: Ok ...13:03
llutzjoachim: ip n s13:04
hakitousr13: and i still don't understand  why i can create for example a dir called 'newsletter_thumbs' or any other name, but not 'newsletter_thumb'13:04
usr13hakito: ls -ld /var/www/app/webroot/img | pastebinit13:04
joachimllutz: thanks13:04
llutzhakito: it exists most likely13:04
guckiDr_Willis: sry I lost my connection. did you reply to me?13:04
usr13hakito: And send resulting URL13:05
usr13hakito: ls -ld /var/www/app/webroot/img13:05
hakitousr13: have to apt-get-it :)13:05
usr13or just send it here.13:05
qinabhinav_singh: man chown && man chmod (theory), chown whatever:groupname /your/directory && chmod 760 /your/directory && adduser username groupname (all with sudo, it grants read write permissions and ads user to group taken from ls -l)13:05
n2i/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: localeconf is not installed13:05
brian_limanyone have real success using node.js?13:05
usr13hakito: just do  ls -ld /var/www/app/webroot/img  and paste output here.13:05
llutzhakito:  "ls -l /var/www/app/webroot/img/newsletter_thumb"13:06
qinabhinav_singh: Minus if group is root (then change ownership to username group)13:06
hakitousr13: http://pastebin.com/f0ucPJyp13:06
joachimhmmm...the nmap command didnt give me any clues as to what router I am trying to access...13:07
hakitollutz: file not found13:07
lars_t_hjoachim, route -n13:07
usr13hakito: sudo mkdir /var/www/app/webroot/img/newsletter_thumb13:07
Dr_Williscassio:  i thought one of those urls said how to.. but i cant find it now. I played with the settings for some time. then just disabled it. So i dont even hqve the default behaivor any more. You may want to check the askubuntu.com siet13:07
ubuchown user:user  (file/directory)13:08
qinjoachim: Wrong channel?13:08
OgurdWhich came first the chicken or the egg?13:08
joachimqin: not at all, trying to fix an ubuntu server13:08
bazhangOgurd, #ubuntu-offtopic did13:08
hakitousr13: echo $?: 0 - but no dir13:08
qinjoachim: vps?13:08
joachimqin: first I just need to be able to get to work with the router though :\ if you have a better channel for that, that would be great though13:08
cassioDr_Willis, ok. I'll look some more13:09
Dr_Williscassio:  even with it disabled - i notice my title just goes blank. so perjhaps its not disablable at this time13:09
joachimqin: I need to interface with port forwarding on the router via CLI13:09
usr13hakito: just do  ls -ld /var/www/app/webroot  and paste output here.13:09
cassioDr_Willis, yeah, I don't think what I want is possible in the current implementation13:09
saltedfishi was playing around ubuntu appearence setting and suddently something happen and my title bar is missing. And the terminal is just all white in colour. help?13:09
hakitodrwxrwxr-x 9 www-data www-data 4096 2011-05-11 13:51 /var/www/app/webroot/13:10
Guest150hi, in 11.04 classic gnome, when i move windows close to the edge of the screen they get maximized. how can i turn this feature off?13:10
DeadEndI want to copy a file using the symlink name not the original file name, any ideas what the cp command should be13:10
cassioDr_Willis, I hope it gets incorporated in the next version... I wonder if there is a bug covering this13:10
Dr_WillisUBUNTU_MENUPROXY= gedit13:10
jribDeadEnd: hint: readlink13:10
usr13hakito: what user are you doing this from?13:10
jribDeadEnd: actually, there's likely a dereference option to cp you can use, check its man page13:11
hakitousr13: normal ubuntu user ? who is in group www-data13:11
Dr_Williscassio:  see what that does.. makes it show always.. or disables it and puts it back in the protgram window.13:11
hakitousr13: but su cannot do it either13:11
qinjoachim: Do you already have ip (ifconfig)?13:11
qinjoachim: local13:12
hakitousr13: also sudo -u www-data mkdir ... does not work13:12
usr13hakito: grep www-data /etc/group13:12
joachimqin: yeah I'm connected...actually I am ssh'ing into this network13:12
jribDeadEnd: yes, it's -L and it seems to happen by default13:12
cassioDr_Willis, it just puts it back in the application window. I had seen that option before13:13
usr13hakito: so, what is your user name?13:13
jribhakito, usr13: is it clear that the directory does not exist?  If hakito is using nautilus to check for the existence of the directory for example, the directory may exist, but nautilus didn't update its view13:13
Dr_Williscassio: try UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=1  gedit13:13
hakitousr13: gerd13:13
Dr_Williscassio:  whats sad is ive seen global menu applets befor that give you more settings/controls.13:14
zghaiacan Ubuntu one use by proxy??13:14
bazhangzghaia, try #ubuntuone13:14
zghaiabazhang: OK13:15
hakitojrib, usr13. my collegue has the same problem on his local machine. he tried it in nautilus and got the error: the item could not be renamed - i tried it only from terminal13:15
cassioDr_Willis, with =1 I get the same behavior with gedit... it just shows the menu bar in the application window13:15
saltedfishhow to restore missing title bar?13:15
zerwasI am trying to install a flash plugin to the local home directory in .mozilla/plugins, but Firefox does not recognize any flash plugin. I am using Ubuntu 11.0413:16
usr13hakito: sudo chown www-data.root /var/www/app/webroot/img/13:16
jribhakito: I'll wait until usr13 is done, didn't want to interrupt; just wanted to mention what I said13:16
usr13hakito: ls -ld /var/www/app/webroot/img/13:17
cassioDr_Willis, apparently a big discussion on exactly this here: https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana/msg05037.html13:17
usr13hakito: What does it say now?13:17
hakitodrwxrwxrwx 30 www-data root 20480 2011-05-11 14:17 /var/www/app/webroot/img/13:17
usr13hakito: sudo mkdir /var/www/app/webroot/img/newsletter_thumb13:17
cassioDr_Willis, I'm glad at least other people have already noted this13:17
hakitobut i still cannot create the folder (with and without sudo)13:18
Dr_Williscassio:  big argument. :) was skimming it jujst now.13:18
usr13hakito: sudo chown gerd.root /var/www/app/webroot/img/13:18
andre_pl_is anyone else having an issue with alt-shift-tab not working in gnome-shell?13:18
usr13hakito: mkdir /var/www/app/webroot/img/newsletter_thumb13:19
Dr_Williscassio:  ya got the global menu movement.. then you got apps like chrome browser tjhat dont even use a normal menu any more.  such fun!13:19
MonkeyDustfolx, my X won't load, i'm now using a live cd, is there an easy way to repair X? i did not find /etc/xorg.conf13:19
usr13hakito: ls -ld /var/www/app/webroot/img/13:19
usr13hakito: ls /var/www/app/webroot/img/newsletter_thumb13:19
hakitodrwxrwxrwx 30 gerd root 20480 2011-05-11 14:19 /var/www/app/webroot/img/13:19
hakitostill no effect13:19
kali`how many ip addresses are there left in this mask 90.90.*.* ?13:20
hakitoit may be interesting to mention that we have some people working in VMs on 10.04 and there it works. I and my collegue where it doesn't work have 10.1013:20
cassioDr_Willis, yup. I'm using chrome and when I hover the mouse over the app menu just goes blank...13:21
david254Hello, Does it possible to add ubuntu 11.04 the old bottom bar (like on 10.10) ?13:21
usr13hakito: what error do you get when you try to create the directory?13:21
Dr_Williscassio:  it goes blank for everything here. :) since i have the menu back in the app windows..13:21
qinjoachim: nmap -v -sP -p 80 (also nast can be usefull as iftop)13:21
solexiousmy windows have turned blocky and grey, how can i reset the look to the ubuntu default?13:21
Dr_Williscassio:  wich is the worse case i guess.  from a looks point of view13:21
usr13hakito: pastebin some lines from the terminal from which you've been executing these commands.13:22
hakitoif i do it in terminal  i get no error. and also the return value says no error. if i do it from nautilus i get the 'the dir could not be renamed'13:22
usr13jrib: YOur turn..... :)13:22
jribusr13: ok :)13:23
hakitousr13: my collegue just told me that apache is deleting the directory as soon as it's created. but why??13:23
jribhakito: pastebin: ls -l /var/www/app/webroot/img/13:23
BlinkizHi there. Am building my own deb file. I want to build for many different ubuntu versions and let launchpad do it. Can someone please point me to the right wiki/guide on how todo this?13:23
logicalorhmm.  i just installed xubuntu-desktop under natty because i was getting sick of unity.  was working fine, then i decided to add an xfce toolbar.  not sure what happened, but now all my application menu items have disappeared, almost as if there is a hidden unity toolbar snatching them away13:23
hakitousr13, jrib: when apache is stopped the dir can be created. with apache running it can't13:24
usr13hakito: ls -ld /var/www/app/webroot/img | pastebinit13:24
BlinkizI have succesfully already built my deb package in pbuilder for Maverick. I now want to build for 11.04, 10.04 and 09.10. How should I create my package so that launchpad understand what distro OS it should build for?13:24
saltedfishmy metacity crashed. My title bar went missing. Than I key in 'metacity --replace' and the title bar reappear. But after closing terminal title bar went missing again!!?13:24
usr13hakito: I've never heard of apache deleting directories.  ???13:25
elias_hi, is there a way to disable this auto maximize feature of windows when moving them to the top panel in ubuntu 11.0413:25
Dr_Willislogicalor:  try 'UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=1  gedit'   see if you get a menu13:25
hakitousr13: but it does13:25
Dr_Williselias_:  you mean draging them to the top of the screen?13:25
cassioDr_Willis, yeah. I think this should be a no brainer. It must be really simple to add a checkbox that disables this autohide behavior. I hope they do it13:25
Dr_Williselias_:  and also half-maxing when drug to the side.13:25
elias_Dr_Willis: yes13:25
logicalornice Dr_Willis, that worked13:25
Dr_Williselias_:  its a compiz plugin. the 'grid' plugin i think13:26
qinjoachim: and you want to access routes?13:26
elias_Dr_Willis: thanks13:26
Dr_Willislogicalor:  so its is the global menmu causing the issue. You can disable the global menu.13:26
logicalorahh, how do i do that?13:26
hakitousr13: watch this: http://pastebin.com/bzAdCrzh13:27
usr13hakito: sudo chown gerd.gerd /var/www/app/webroot/img ; mkdir /var/www/app/webroot/img/newsletter_thumb ; ls -l /var/www/app/webroot/img/newsletter_thumb | pastebinit #And send resulting URL13:28
logicalornm, i think i have found a way13:28
hakitousr13: read my link first13:28
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
usr13hakito: you must have admin privileges to kill a server.  sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop13:29
usr13hakito: You can't do it as user.13:29
usr13hakito: But killing the web server will not help.13:29
hakitousr13: i know - i did it in the next command13:30
hakitousr13: it did13:30
elias_Dr_Willis: great, now i disabled this nasty feature13:30
hakitousr13: check the whole output13:30
usr13hakito: Oh I see.  Well, I dono  That is weird.13:30
pr3d4t0rapt-get remove pkg ; apt-get clean; apt-get autoremove isn't removing everything about  package like apache2.  The /etc/apache2 directory and /etc/init.d/apache2 are still there.  Can you recommend a way of removing everything?13:30
usr13hakito: But let me tell you this.  It is a whole lot easier to place your webpages in a home directory. It would be easy to change it and you won't have all this trouble.13:31
OerHekspr3d4t0r, first you need to stop apache, before removing.13:32
hakitousr13: but if apache is deleting it - also the home directory softlink may not work13:32
pr3d4t0rOerHeks: It's stopped.13:32
pr3d4t0rOerHeks: I think I also need to purge.13:32
usr13hakito: i.e. sudo  mv /var/www/app /home/gerd ; ln -s app/ /var/www/13:32
pr3d4t0rOerHeks: Checking on that.13:32
OerHekspr3d4t0r, use -purge indeed13:33
zghaia_when i login Ubuntu one,I show me an error that 'NoneType' object has attribute 'makefile'13:33
hakitousr13: i think we found the problem13:34
usr13hakito: You don't know that, but in the first place, I really don't think apache is deleting it. Again, I have never heard of apache deleting files.  Has anyone here heard of apache deleting files?13:34
usr13hakito: What?13:34
pr3d4t0rOerHeks: Yeah, that was it - thanks.13:34
hakitousr13: i am afk for investigation13:34
pr3d4t0rOerHeks: The purging, not the stopping :)13:34
TRUXXXcan someone tell me how to hack facebook13:34
andre_pl_TRUXXX: ctrl+alt+F113:35
PiciTRUXXX: Thats not appropriate or supported in this channel, nor likely any other channel on this network.13:35
qinTRUXXX: ten bucks13:35
usr13hakito: What did you find out?  I'm curious...13:36
Pici!cracking | TRUXXX13:36
ubottuTRUXXX: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o13:36
solexiousmy windows have turned blocky and grey, how can i reset the look to the ubuntu default?13:36
pr3d4t0rRelated: http://pastebin.com/L6mbtqLZ why are those packages still listed by dpkg -l if we removed/purged them?  Is there some way to update that list to reflect the system's status?13:36
pr3d4t0rThanks in advance.13:36
mathewssolexious: go to sysytem/preferences.themes13:37
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
hakitousr13: apache was performing a readdir in an endless loop on that directory. it seems that may have blocked the directory creation.13:37
mathewssolexious: go to sysytem/appearance/themes13:37
usr13hakito: That is very interesting.  Never heard of such a thing....13:38
mmichalakjoin #doozer13:39
solexiousmathews: thanks, what one is the default?13:39
hakitousr13: however - thanks for your help13:39
usr13hakito: I think you guys should consider serving from a home dir.  I think you will find some things easier in the long run.13:40
FloodBot1krume: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:40
mathewssolexious: ambians........might be13:40
usr13hakito: Good luck.13:40
quiescensthat doesn't really explain things at all13:40
wolfpackhey guys, I recently upgraded my system to ubuntu natty and came across a problem related to monitor. At boot time i Get a dialog box saying"Not optimum mode, recommend mode 1280*1024"? I have a samsung monitor. i could not find a solution after googling. Can anyone help on this issue?13:43
mathewswolfpack: could u boot it and reach desktop13:44
lynx__i'm trying to get compiz to work with my i3 & intel gma hd. it kept saying that i'm using the vesa driver and that i need to install the proper driver, what can i do? i through it was already installed.13:44
wolfpackmathews: yes13:45
mathewslynx__: try run additional drivers13:45
pasproQuestion: When I mount using CIFS external hard disks connected using Ethernet to my PC running Ubuntu 11.04 I get quite low file transfer speeds. Under Windows I get about 13MB/s and under Ubuntu about 4MB/s. Any suggestions to fix this problem?13:45
mathewswolfpack: ok. then u select the Monitor from application list and try to change the resolution to the said13:46
Al_nz1with respect to grub, how do I find out whether it should be hd0,7 etc?13:46
wolfpackmathews: I did that but still not working13:46
benitoapaspro: you use ethernet or wireless ?13:47
andre_pl_has anyone else experienced this problem? or found a fix? http://askubuntu.com/questions/41810/periodic-keyboard-lag-delay13:47
pasprobenitoa: ethernet only13:47
mbeierlInteresting dilemma: I have a laptop with a dvd reader (not writer?!?) so I can't burn the 11.04 iso.  I used unetbootin to install the iso to grub so it can boot, but once booted it cannot install to the same hard drive because it hangs on attempting to modify the partition table, even though it doesn't need to do anything with the existing partitions.  Anyone know a workaround?13:47
benitoapaspro: sudo iwconfig eth013:47
qinwolfpack: So, where you stop at login?13:47
benitoais eth0 powermgt active?13:47
wolfpackqin At boot time13:48
pasprobenitoa: yes it is13:48
wolfpackqin: At boot time .13:48
qinwolfpack: Alt-Ctrl-F1 ?13:48
lynx__i'm trying to get compiz to work with my i3 & intel gma hd. it kept saying that i'm using the vesa driver and that i need to install the proper driver, what can i do? i through it was already installed.13:48
benitoapaspro: i had huge speed problems with my networkcard because powermgt was active. try to put it of to see if this change a thing or not.13:49
mathewswolfpack: do u saying only the message coming and no change in ur resolution of screen?13:49
Dr_Willismbeierl:  you could  set up  the partions beforhand.  and just set the mountpoints using the manual/advanced installer options.,  i think it will just want to reformat the / partition. . Persionally i install from bootable flash drives these days.13:49
Master69Hello guys does anyone know how much space ubuntu will take to get it on my USB?13:49
pasprobenitoa: ok, I will try this. Thanks for the tip.13:49
mathewsMaster69: only less than 1GB13:49
Dr_WillisMaster69:  a live cd setup will be about 1 gb.  + any persistant save file you create.13:49
mbeierlDr_Willis: no flash media at hand.  the partitions are set up, but the installer even under manual mode still insists on playing with the partition table and haging13:50
Dr_Willismathews:  a full 'normal' install will be a gb or 2 also.. but can fill up quickly on smaller usb drives.13:50
Master69Okay guys thank you13:50
Dr_WillisMaster69: :  a full 'normal' install will be a gb or 2 also.. but can fill up quickly on smaller usb drives.13:50
=== Master69 is now known as Master69afk
benitoapaspro: command is: sudo iwconfig eth0 power off13:50
mathewsMaster69: but select a USB with atleast 2GB if u need to keep personal files on it13:51
Dr_Willismbeierl:  You might want to try setting up Grub2 to boot the ISO file.13:51
Al_nz1how do I find out what the "grub style" name is for a disk?13:51
mbeierlDr_Willis: from some reason the usual methods for booting iso under grub2 are failing with Natty.  I'll see if there are any updates13:51
mbeierlDr_Willis: with the Natty ISO, that is13:51
Dr_Willismbeierl:  i havent really tried it with natty iso.13:52
dallhow can i change the FQDM of the server?13:52
mathewsdall: everybody here to help,put ur problem here13:52
dallhello metthews13:52
dallok thank you13:52
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.13:52
mbeierlDr_Willis: k, thanks.  Just thought I'd ask around to see if there were any known gotchas.  Back to trying again as a background task...13:52
dallthank you Dr_Willis !13:53
Dr_WillisI dident think the hostname was quiet th same as the FQDN....13:53
Dr_Willisbut i dont do a lot of that stuff. :)13:53
dalli have to change the FQDN13:54
dallNo only the hostname13:54
Dr_WillisNot sure how the 2 differ really. :) Im not a network gnu/guru13:55
mathewsDr_Willis: out of curiosity...any simple way to put the names without typing again and again13:55
Dr_Willismathews:  the names? what names?13:55
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.13:55
mathewsusers here13:56
Dr_Willismost irc clients support TAB nick completion13:56
Dr_Willisif yours dosent.. get a better client. :)13:56
mathewsDr_Willis: that means pressing TAB do the job13:56
Dr_Willis --> dr_<tab>13:57
wolfpackmahtewsSorry about the delay, I get that message at login time although my system's monitor settings already has that setting13:57
Dr_Willissame as bash command completiomn works13:57
wolfpackmathews: Sorry about the delay, I get that message at login time although my system's monitor settings already has that setting13:57
wolfpackmathews: correcttion " At boot time"  ^^13:58
mathewsDr_Willis: thank u...........I am using the Xchat IRC but no option like that.........any suggestion13:58
GerwinXChat does have TAB completion13:59
Dr_Willismathews:  xchat has it.. perhaps try the full xchat . not xchat-gnome13:59
xEncryptedYes in fact it does xD13:59
GerwinHe's using the full xchat13:59
xEncryptedWhat version?13:59
Gerwin2.8.8, the latest13:59
xEncryptedAny plugins enabled?13:59
mathewswolfpack: ok. no need of sorry here.Seek from some others here or try in www.askubuntu.com14:00
Guest5537he doesn't know what TAB is ....14:00
GerwinFinished upgrading14:00
Guest5537mathews, TAB is a key on your keyboard :)14:00
GerwinReboot time14:00
Dr_Willissays 'Tab' right here on mine....14:00
mathewsDr_Willis: k well am going to catch that fish14:00
Dr_Willis'linux - helping you learn to use keys you never knew existed'14:01
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot14:01
rileypsorry foir shouting14:01
Dr_Willisthat factoid may be out of date.14:01
mathewsGuest5537: put ur TAB in garbage14:01
Dr_WillisTABulation key :)14:01
rileypwill that do it just !fsck and upon reboot it will do it14:01
Dr_Willisrileyp:  no... you READ what the bot said.. when i entered !fsck14:02
PicixEncrypted: We don't need the commentary here.14:02
xEncryptedDon't hurt my feelings.14:02
Dr_Willisand that factoid Might be wrong.. i seem to recall someone else metioning some changes in the latest release about auto-fscking14:03
* Guest5537 trying to press tab on iphone...14:03
Dr_Willisbut it might work14:03
rileypthanks my bad14:03
Dr_WillisGuest5537:  for my irc clients on andriod i use the little search button >:)14:03
Dr_WillisGuest5537:  annoying enough however. TAB does not work on them. even if im using a bluetooth keyboard with my android :(14:03
Guest5537Dr_Willis, oh i've got to check on iOS with bluetooth keyboard... never tried special keys :)14:04
edmontis there any way to remove duplicate messages in evolution?14:04
s`k`y‏‎;) ‎14:04
LjL!cn | nosea14:06
ubottunosea: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。14:06
josvukHello, what's that I have no /etc/default/grub file neither something in /boot/grub Im running lucid. Where are the grub configuration files?14:06
s`k`y‏‎;) ‎14:06
noseagot it.14:06
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。14:07
ububut this is a serious talk or a talk only14:07
=== ubuntu_ is now known as obama_bin_laden
Piciubu: This is Ubuntu support only.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic14:07
Gerwinobama_bin_laden: How very original14:07
edmontis there any way to remove duplicate messages in evolution?14:09
cillo789is there an application for ubuntu that has Spotify styled gui with jamendo music service?14:09
maniakssFAST FIVE <#14:10
qinjosvuk: grub-install -v14:11
Al_nz1qin: you know how to list grub style devices?14:12
ubuI follow this half-hour chat i dont find what i needed, but for a minute I found in ubuntuforums.org14:12
Al_nz1ie hd0,014:12
ubuI follow this half-hour chat i dont find what i needed, but for a minute I found in ubuntuforums.org14:12
stimpieubu lesson learned for next time14:13
qinAl_nz1: What has happened?14:13
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:13
acegiakguys, I might have formated an ntfs drive with all my films on it into an ext3 drive and installed the ubuntu base system onto it, anyone got any tips for recovering the files that were on the ntfs partition that is now gone into the ether?14:14
Joe1234Command sudo should use file /etc/sudoers,but when you use:strace -o log sudo command ,you won't see /etc/sudoers opend in the log file,why?14:14
Al_nz1qin: setting up grub on a new virtual machine. no other OS's.14:14
stimpieacegiak: ouch thats going to be a tough one14:14
Al_nz1qin: in grub.conf I have hd0,0 but not sure if this is correct?14:14
qinacegiak: unmount drive ASAP, install testdisk and try to recover ntfs, or photorec to get files, follow...14:15
josvukubottu: yes it should be but seems not on my system :-) Is it possible that ppc computers must use an other bootloader if yes which?14:15
ubottujosvuk: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:15
Pici!undelete | Andy80 qin14:15
ubottuAndy80 qin: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel14:15
qinacegiak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery14:15
Piciacegiak: ^14:16
acegiakqin, thanks!14:16
josvukubottu: ppc bootloader14:16
qinAl_nz1: No idea,, sorry.14:16
DJonesjosvuk: Ubottu is a bot, she's not able to give specific replies14:16
qinjosvuk: Run: grub-install -v , to know grub version.14:17
sipiorJoe1234: the file is opened on my local ubuntu install.14:17
sipiorJoe1234: is it possible the name of the file was truncated in your logged output?14:17
qinPici: This is most unlinux faceoid ever.14:17
josvukqin: there are no configuration files of grub does this mean I don't have grub I have a ppc computer?14:18
supersasho_hi.. is there any difference between "cp -a" and "rsync -a" or do they the exactly same thing? 'cause i want to have progress bar so i'd like to use "rsync -aP"14:18
stimpieacegiak: you could also try diskinternals ntfs recover14:18
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
Hawkysoftwhy if i do "curl http://android.git.kernel.org/repo >~/bin/repo chmod a+x ~/bin/repo" i get "curl http://android.git.kernel.org/repo >~/bin/repo chmod a+x ~/bin/repo" and "curl http://android.git.kernel.org/repo >~/bin/repo chmod a+x ~/bin/repo"?14:19
=== obama_bin_laden is now known as obama
qinjosvuk: For sake, did you run: grub-install -v ?????14:19
veemunhey guys wonder if you could give me a hand with something. 10.04 LTS trying to get a 1600x900 resolution but i don't have a xorg.conf file it's all done by hal. Is there a way for force the resolution withouth xorg.conf?14:19
sipiorsupersasho_: no, the default rsync -a does not preserve xattr or acls, for example.14:20
Guest150hi, in 11.04 classic gnome, when i move windows close to the edge of the screen they get maximized. how can i turn this feature off?14:20
veemunrunning as a virtualbox guest with guest additions installed14:20
Hawkysoftwow failure question14:20
josvukqin: No, I want to be sure if my system use grub14:20
Hawkysofthold on i copy again14:20
qinjosvuk: Could be cool if you do it (it does NOT install anything, just looks this way).14:21
acegiakstimpie, ra14:21
Hawkysoftwhy if i type in terminal "curl http://android.git.kernel.org/repo >~/bin/repo chmod a+x ~/bin/repo" i get "curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host 'a+x'" and "curl: (3) <url> malformed"?14:21
=== The-Kernel_ is now known as TheKernel[work]
supersasho_sipior: thanks for the answer :) another question: so i'm stuck with cp without a progress bar?14:22
usr13how do you remove a symlink?  Used to just use rm but not any more.  It says that it's not a directory. SO...?14:22
sipiorsupersasho_: this might amuse you: http://chris-lamb.co.uk/2008/01/24/can-you-get-cp-to-give-a-progress-bar-like-wget/14:22
qinHawkysoft: you missing ; or && propably14:23
josvukqin: last time I installed something my gschem didn't find the libraries it took me a long time to find out that I have to do a ldconfig14:23
Hawkysoftqin, where am i  missing that?14:23
Travis-42On the new Unity, I still have some programs that hide themselves and put themselves in the gnome system tray... but that's not there anymore. how do I access them?14:23
qinHawkysoft: After /bin/repo ; chmod14:24
Hawkysoftahh let me try ;)14:24
supersasho_sipior: kudos to you :) i'll give it a try (still wonder why cp doesn't have that kind of featrue allready)14:24
bilbohello. am running an older single core amd, nvidia graphics - is this why unity does not start on liv cd?14:24
Hawkysoftduhh, that worked thanks allot qin ;)14:24
bilbo*live cd14:24
sipiorsupersasho_: it's best to keep something fundamental like /bin/cp as simple as possible.14:24
=== obama is now known as Newbie
sipiorsupersasho_: pipeviewer is another useful program along those lines.14:25
spyvsspyWas wondering if anyone has had this problem, I have a few monitors hooked up to my 11.04 desktop, I have nvidia/setting etc configured correctly14:25
mathewsTravis42: just click on the menu button and search for ur appl14:25
bilbobasically is there a way to switch to unity using live cd? just want to check it out :]14:25
=== Newbie is now known as Guest82062
spyvsspyI needed to reboot, upon reboot, only one monitor worked, and I couldnt get the other monitors to show picture, so I blew away xorg.conf, and rebooted14:25
mathewsbilbo: u need to install Ubuntu to have Unity14:25
spyvsspynot my monitors dont work, at all14:25
Travis-42mathews, i get an error that the application is already running14:26
spyvsspyie, even during boot/bios, the video cards do not work14:26
bilbomathews: i figured :/ thanks.. see you guys soon14:26
supersasho_sipior: thanks i'll have a look on pipeviewer too14:26
Kartagiswhat VPN server do you suggest that I install?14:26
mathewsKartagis: open vpn14:27
qinmathews: With Unity... it is not entirely true.14:27
mathewsTravis42: try to log out and come back14:28
mathewsqin: thats a better way,otherwise need to log out and how u could login back from a live cd14:29
Travis-42mathews, it's supposed to be already running. in Ubuntu 10.10 it ran in the tray14:29
=== Guest82062 is now known as president
=== jelatta_away is now known as jelatta
mathewsTravis42: u using Unity and it is 11.04 right?14:31
Travis-42mathews, yes, and there is no system tray14:31
kali`how would i list all packages installed from a certainnn pppa repository14:31
Travis-42mathews, or at least, not the same thing, so the application disappears when hidden rather than showing an icon14:32
mathewsTravis42: u mean the bottom panel14:32
=== jelatta is now known as jelatta_away
I-areI have an old compaq presario 2100 and I am unable to get an internet connect. Can someone help me understand how to find and load the wireless drivers onto a flash drive and also wicd so I can install them on the compaq?14:32
Travis-42mathews, I'm trying to figure how to use any application that relies on the system tray, given that the system tray no longer exists in unity14:32
mathewsTravis42: u can add a bottom panel by right click on the top panel and select add new pannel14:33
=== jelatta_away is now known as jelatta
nivardushow do I force apt-get upgrade if packages are being held back?14:33
Travis-42mathews, not sure why I'd want a bottom panel, but right clicking on the top panel does nothing14:33
blip-hi, I'm dual booting and windows already has 2 primary partitions, is it correct to put root and swap in primary - then home in secondary ?  Won't that make it harder to recover any data ?  (ext4 btw)14:33
SwedeMikeblip-: linux doesn't care if it's primary or secondary.14:34
presidentok guys tell me how to remove badblocks from my system? system hangs after 5-10 min and reports I/O erro14:34
blip-SwedeMike, but it affects performance or recovery ithink, can I just make / and /home primary then put /swap in a secondary by itself ?14:34
StaticPhillyafternoon all, anyone tell me if i can install ubuntu-desktop without all the recommended packages from desktop installation cd or is it only possible with server?14:35
mathewsTravis42: I thought u searching for minimized windows and for that u need bottom panel14:35
roarkecan anybody help me, everytime i try to install ubuntu using the live cd Iget an error saying "the installer has encountered a unrecoverable error.....blah blah" Ive tried the forums and the methods they postd there but nothing works pls pm me if yu think you can help, thanks!14:35
Travis-42mathews, it's not minimized it's hidden. in 10.10 it did not show up in the bottom panel, only in the system tray.  minimized windows I can find in the unity launcher just fine14:35
roarkecan anybody help me, everytime i try to install ubuntu using the live cd Iget an error saying "the installer has encountered a unrecoverable error.....blah blah" Ive tried the forums and the methods they postd there but nothing works pls pm me if yu think you can help, thanks!14:36
=== kentween is now known as deokanon
SwedeMikeblip-: I don't see how this would affect performance or recovery.14:37
SwedeMikeblip-: for linux, a partition is a partition, it doesn't care.14:38
rajuroarke:  hey , have you checked your disk for errors14:38
rajuroarke: do you got any thing14:39
rileypdoes fsck work on xfs14:39
qinkali`: hm, synaptic (but you think of cli)14:39
roarkenope says its clean14:39
deokanonhi, is it possible to put my laptop to sleep by "s2ram" .. does this command works with natty?14:39
mathewsTravis42: ok. I am helpless,somebody here may answer u.Just try in www.askubuntu.com too14:39
rajuroarke:  was your system booting any other OS14:40
roarkeyits onwindows14:40
qinStaticPhilly: You can ad cd to repos (not sure how, tbh)14:40
roarkeits on windows14:40
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
_6i_AFKhi guys, is there a "repository-friendly" way of having installed firefox 3.6 and 4 at the same time?14:41
roarkeraju: My main osis windows im trying to install linux as main ifthats what your asking..14:42
bgorbunovweedfast: Hi man14:43
rajuroarke:  so , why dont you keep windows and install ubuntu by using  WUBI .14:43
deokanondoes "s2ram" still work on natty 11.04?14:44
Kartagishow can I find out why openvpn failed to start? do I need to edit /etc/defaults/openvpn?14:44
roarkeraju: My main os is windows im trying to install linux as main if thats what your asking..14:44
canthus13Haha!  http://strangebeaver.com/2011/04/how-to-erase-a-cd/14:44
mathewsroarke: what method u followed to install it,along with windows or only as one?14:44
mathewsroarke: if u can boot windows then try put live cd after it get boot and select wubi installer14:45
roarkeraju: only as one, I just click install Ubuntu then it loads up and shws the msg.14:45
walteranyone please help me14:46
Dr_Willisroarke:  so you want to totally delete windows?14:46
mathewsroarke: no details given in the error report?14:47
Dr_Williswalter:  tell the channel the problem/question.14:47
Kartagishow can I find out why openvpn failed to start?14:47
rajuroarke:  please give us some more details14:47
xmazguys how to make14:47
muneebhi, i have removed Notification Area from panel. now when i add it again it doesn't show volume controller :(14:47
xmazfiles with . infront visable?14:47
Dr_Willisxmaz:  bash basics.. ls -a14:48
mathewsKartagis: pls wait let me give u a link to get vpn14:48
Dr_Willisxmaz:  file managers have a show hidden option normally. for it also14:48
roarkeraju: um it says that it wil reboot to test mode or something to so i can see whats wrong but when it does boot it doesnt work and just hangs there for an hour14:48
Dr_Williswalter:  dont msg people.. keep it in the channel14:48
muneebDr_Willis, panel reset? how?14:48
Dr_Willismuneeb:  theres a command the bot knows...14:48
Dr_Willismuneeb:  what ubuntu version are you using anyway?14:49
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »14:49
Kartagismuneeb: ^^14:49
mathewsKartagis: follow this link  https://www.overplay.net/blog/configuring-openvpn-with-ubuntu-10-0414:49
xmazDr_Willis: can i enable it for all files somehow from the terminal?14:49
roarkeraju: um it says that it wil reboot to test mode or something to so i can see whats wrong but when it does boot it doesnt work and just hangs there for an hour14:49
walteri want to install ubuntu on my old desktop pc but it doesn't enter demo at all... its stuck with a screen full of dashes14:49
muneebDr_Willis, 11.0414:49
Dr_Willisxmaz:  that makes no sence.. its a per program/dialog setting.14:49
rajuroarke:  do me a favour14:49
Dr_Willismuneeb:  you are using the Unity Desktop or the classic?14:50
=== uncle|sam is now known as Uncle|Sam
muneebDr_Willis, classic for now14:50
Dr_Willismuneeb:  try that command. it might work for the 11.04 classic. ive not tried it.14:50
Kartagismathews: this is for GUI, I have only SSH access14:50
walterDr_Willis: i want to install ubuntu on my old desktop pc but it doesn't enter demo at all... its stuck with a screen full of dashes14:51
roarkeraju: what14:51
simon_PLhow to go back to clasic ffrom unity?14:51
Dr_Williswalter:  and yoru system specs are what? and your video card?14:51
Dr_Willissimon_PL:  at teh GDM login screen14:51
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.14:51
rajuroarke:  please try wubi once , even in that also if you got that error , we can find a way14:51
simon_PLThanks Dr_Willis14:51
HTDx64hello, excuse me, why don't I see any users on #ubuntu_x? last logon I joined this channel with no problems, now something's wrong14:52
LjLi have an Atheros AR2413 wireless card. when booting the Lucid live CD (with ACPI off because it doesn't boot otherwise), the card gets recognized, but "rfkill list" says it's hard locked. "rfkill unlock 0" has no result, and pressing the hardware key that normally enable wireless doesn't work either.14:52
roarkeraju: I already tried wubi it shows the same thing.14:52
walterDr_Willis: its sempron 3000+ ati radeon i dont know the model number14:53
Mr_Oi'd like to know if i can install ubuntu unity on a 32Gb bootable usb key. (I don't want a make try only live key)14:53
Dr_WillisMr_O:  i do that type of install all the time.14:53
roarkeraju: I already tried wubi it shows the same thing.14:53
muneebDr_Willis, yes that worked.. but i don't understand how do you ask those command to bot? like !reset-panel14:53
rajuroarke:  ok well check your connections once14:54
Dr_Williswalter:  you could try the 'nomodeset' option when booting, hit the space key when you see a little man/logo at the bottom of the screen. and i think its under the F6 options.14:54
mathewsLjL: do u have windows in it?14:54
Dr_Willismuneeb:  !whatever is a bot trigger.14:54
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:54
LjLmathews, yes, and the card works in Windows14:54
xmazDr_Willis: the problem is that i am accessing the files through the ftp and i dont see the .htaccess file :S14:54
Dr_Willisxmaz:  it would be a setting for your ftp client to show or not show them.14:54
roarkeraju: my connection?14:55
ajmakhi guys, i'm looking to get some reports from a mail-relay (ubuntu 10.04 server, postfix, amavisd-new) box, standard stuff such as number of emails delivered, number spam messages, number virus infections - that sorta stuff.  anyone used anything like that before?14:55
walterDr_Willis: isee... ill try that.. ill be back later to give the result14:55
xmazftp client, not the ftp connection? :)14:55
walterDr_Willis: thanks a lot14:55
xmazi mean, server*14:55
Dr_WillisMr_O:  pay attention to  the place it installs GRUB to. make sure it installs it to the flash drive.14:55
Mr_ODr_Willis: i made a live key but can't install to that same key from there. Installer want to use the hd only14:55
Dr_Willisxmaz:  its a per client/program setting.. yes.14:55
mathewsLjL: u check in the pop up menu after clickin on the network applet on the panel14:55
roarkeraju: what do you mean check my connections?14:56
Dr_WillisMr_O:  I install a 'full' normal install to flaash drives all the time. I normally make a 'live flash drive' with unetbootin or similer. then boot it. and do a 'full' install to my BIG flash drives.14:56
LjLmathews, yes, there are no networks listed14:56
mathewsLjL: ...........enable wireless is checked or not14:56
LjLmathews, it's checked14:56
Dr_WillisMr_O:  just in case im not clear. I use 2 flash drives to do my install. :) i dont boot one, then try to install to itself.. not sure it will do that.14:57
born2trollI need help at the installation from the ATI open source  driver here: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+index?start=75&batch=75 is anyone willing to help?14:57
rajuroarke:  once my lappy also got same problem , due to falling to ground14:57
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
xmazDr_Willis: could you suggest me a ftp client that has that option? please i really need help :S14:57
mathewsLjL:  u try running additional drivers14:58
xmazA option to see hidden files (with the . infont of their name)14:58
roarkeraju: oh so i have to check the conectors on my laptops  ram wifi card and hd?14:58
born2trollI need help at the installation from the ATI open source  driver here: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+index?start=75&batch=75 is someone willing to help? (if not ill ask again in 15 min)14:58
BlouBlouxmaz: in a terminal, "ls -a" while connected via terminal doesn't work?14:59
xmazBlouBlou: that works but, that doesnt really help me alot, anyway THANKS!!!14:59
roarkeraju: oh so i have to check the conectors on my laptops  ram wifi card and hd?So if that doesnt work what do I do?14:59
magepsychoguys.. can you help me on installing kubuntu desktop in ubuntu14:59
rajuroarke:  give me some time14:59
axisysis it possible to change how alt+tab behaves? currently it zooms out all the active windows .. is it possible to rotate among the active windows without zooming out? with zoom out you can barely see what is running on the active window in my laptop14:59
ubottuk/ed/x/l/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.15:00
axisysi am using natty + unity15:00
dallguys...My ssh session expire too quickly, how can I set the timeout with many minutes?15:00
BlouBloumagepsycho: Try "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop kde"15:00
riktkinghow do i get a networked drive to mount on boot?15:00
deokanon@axisys: compiz is your answer15:00
magepsychoand any other precautions mr BlouBlou?15:00
magepsychoi am going to run that command15:01
BlouBlouaxisys: check compiz config by installing "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager"15:01
axisysdeokanon: i know .. i was looking in scale option.. did not see what I am doing15:01
axisysBlouBlou: i have it15:01
BlouBloumagepsycho: yes, make coffee, it may take long time15:01
gedOHey guys. How I can restore my gnome in ubuntu 11.04? I installed ccsm and try to apply some effects and my gnome crasfed, now have to use gnome classic15:01
axisysBlouBlou: need to find out which plugin should help15:01
axisysBlouBlou: did not see it in `scale'15:02
magepsychowill that worth? using kde desktop in ubuntu?15:02
Dr_Willisaxisys:  the default alt-tab in unity is handeld by compiz, so you could install ccsm and tweak it to death if you wanted.15:02
BlouBlouaxisys: "desktop zoom" or something like it15:02
axisysBlouBlou: let me look..15:02
deokanonaxisys: try to play around wit hthe plugins in windows management15:02
BlouBloumagepsycho: kubuntu-desktop will install all kubuntu applications, you'll need to install KDE too if you want to use it15:02
axisysdeokanon: hehe..15:02
Dr_Willisriktking:  add a proper entry for it in /etc/fstab15:02
roarkeare all drivers that are prepacked in ibuntu also prepacked in openSUSE?15:03
magepsychoi only want the desktop15:03
Dr_WillisgedO:  http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html15:03
riktkingDr_Willis, and how do i do that, its a samba drive?15:03
deokanonaxisys: unity will most likely crash though15:03
magepsychoi mean only the look n feel15:03
BlouBloumagepsycho: kubuntu-desktop = kubuntu applications15:03
Dr_Willisriktking:  add a entry for it to /etc/fstab   the samba docs and faq's give examples.15:03
magepsychoi want the theme only15:03
BlouBloumagepsycho: then don't install it15:03
LjLmathews, it shows no drivers15:03
riktkingDr_Willis, i have a found a GUI that i think will do it15:03
Mr_ODr_Willis: yes i noticed that booting on the live key makes it mounted as cdrom (read only then i guess)15:04
* pr3d4t0r pets dpkg --purge :)15:04
pr3d4t0rThanks for your help, everyone.15:04
born2trollI need help at the installation from the ATI open source  driver here: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+index?start=75&batch=75 . i cant resolve this dependicy  -> http://paste.debian.net/116648/15:04
roarkeare all drivers that are prepacked in ubuntu also prepacked in openSUSE?15:04
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:04
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:04
Dr_Willisriktking:  it pays to learn how fstab works.15:04
BlouBloumagepsycho: well... theme... kubuntu uses KDE, it's a complety different desktop enviroment, if you want to use it (what kubuntu uses) just install kde; kubuntu-desktop will install all kubuntu applications15:04
axisysBlouBlou: zoom desktop is for accessibility...15:05
mathewsLjL: U pls repeat ur problem once more here, somebody here can help u.The same thing happened to me once I swiched off the wireless15:05
roarke!urecoverable error15:05
magepsychoi see15:05
Dr_Willisroarke:  for the most part identical kernel versions should have identical drivers/hardware support15:05
riktkingDr_Willis, thanks illlookinto it15:05
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:05
magepsychoso what i need to have kubuntu like theme in ubuntu15:05
axisysi am looking for alt+tab to cycle through actuve windows without zooming out15:05
ceoanybody know some application for converter pdf to word for ubuntu 10.1015:05
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate15:05
mathewsLjL: but little different in ur case that u could run it in windows,in my case not15:05
=== uncle|sam is now known as Uncle|Sam
Dr_Willisaxisys:  theres perhaps 4 differnt ways to window-switch in compiz that i recall. :)15:06
mathewsLjL:  pls repeat ur post once more...exp.hands r here again15:06
ceoanybody know some application for converter pdf to word for ubuntu 10.1015:06
ikoniaceo: no15:06
BlouBloumagepsycho: try installing "gdesklets" or "screenlets" (you'll be able to put a cool clock in your desktop... calendar...) and take a look to this page for gnome themes; http://gnome-look.org/15:07
axisysDr_Willis: windows switch is part of `scale' as far as know. all of them zooms out15:07
Dr_Willisaxisys:  thers alternative ways then just using 'scale'  i recall.15:07
LjLi have an Atheros AR2413 wireless card. when booting the Lucid live CD (with ACPI off because it doesn't boot otherwise), the card gets recognized, but "rfkill list" says it's hard locked. "rfkill unlock 0" has no result, and pressing the hardware key that normally enable wireless doesn't work either.15:07
teddyroosebeltis it just me or is firefox4 really slow on bookmarks with ubuntu15:07
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!15:07
born2trollI need help at the installation from the ATI open source  driver here: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+index?start=75&batch=75 . i cant resolve this dependicy  -> http://paste.debian.net/116648/15:07
bacchus87On ubuntu 11.04, using firefox and any youtube videos or similar play sound but have a white space where the video should be, any ideas whats wrong?15:07
ubottuMythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information15:07
PiciLjL: Is there perhaps an option in your BIOS to enable it at boot?15:08
Pici!msgthebot | roarke15:08
ubotturoarke: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".15:08
LjLPici, i can check that, however doesn't the fact it works in Windows exclude that?15:08
teddyroosebeltbacchus87, same here lol. been tryin to fix it for days15:08
PiciLjL: Perhaps,  I missed that part.15:08
magepsychothanks BlouBlou i will take a look15:08
magepsychowhat about Docky & Gnomenu15:08
ceoikonia, am need that tool are you know15:08
bindiIs it possible to automatically display on another monitor when one is attached?15:09
bindiI got a laptop with a dead screen, the vga port works, I installed ubuntu to the os on anothr machine and booted15:09
BlouBloumagepsycho: I never used them, but people says they are fine15:09
ft_mnHi, is it possible to find a specific text line (for instance: my_text) into a FOLDER with many text files? I mean to look into each one of the files15:09
Rzizit is, just change DISPLAY variable15:09
bindiRziz: where?15:09
Guest150hi, in 11.04 classic gnome, when i move windows close to the edge of the screen they get maximized. how can i turn this feature off?15:09
BlouBloumagepsycho: I don't know if they are in repos15:09
teddyroosebeltbacchus87, only thing i found was a solution was installing the x64 adobe flash file but that only worked for so long it got laggy while it was tryin to use two flash versions15:09
Picift_mn: grep -R my_text /path/to/FOLDER/*15:09
ft_mnPici: Thanks Budy!15:10
Rzizexport DISPLAY=":0.1" in gdm's Xsession or such15:10
bacchus87teddyroosebelt: thanks will try that :)15:10
bindiRziz: and this will be loaded when the login prompt is shown?15:10
Rzizor just put in /etc/profile15:10
LjLPici, nothing in the BIOS anyway, it's a very essential BIOS15:10
born2trollborn2troll: I need help at the installation from the ATI open source  driver here: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+index?start=75&batch=75 . i cant resolve this dependicy  -> http://paste.debian.net/116648/15:10
=== mb is now known as Guest48095
Rzizbindi: i think i misunderstand, i was referring to opening an application on a specific X screen in a multi-screen layout15:11
PhilwongHello all15:12
bindiRziz: yeah not that15:12
bindiRziz: it'15:12
PhilwongI have a problem I tried to reinstall my XP which is aon the same HD as linux, and I lost the GRUB!!15:12
bindiRziz: it's a laptop with a dead screen.. the vga port works, tried with windows and the windows+p change monitor button thingy..15:12
lcawteActionParsnip: not sure15:12
lcawteHi, I'm having a problem installing nvidia-96... it seems that its dependancies are a little broken... since it requires  nvidia-96 : Depends: xorg-video-abi-8.0 but it is not installable              Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2: but it is not going to be installed (1st one can't be installed because of hte second or something like that... how do I get this driver?15:12
mathewsPhilwong: u need to install the Linux again coz windows wipe it out15:13
DJones!grub | Philwong15:13
ubottuPhilwong: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:13
PhilwongDoes this mean that even my files are deleetd??15:13
mathewsPhilwong: windows never dtects a linux if u installed later15:14
Rzizbindi: afaik you can specify the output in the Device section your X11 config file15:14
PhilwongNo I mean my linux data15:14
FrostbyteDoes anybody know how to prevent someone from monitoring your internet activity?15:14
Philwongis it wiped out??15:15
DJonesPhilwong: If you told windows to install over your previous windows installation & not use the whole disk, your ubuntu partitions should be fine, all you need to do is reinstall grub15:15
PhilwongI never installed windows, it just shows the startup15:15
mathewsPhilwong:it is almost sure.......see what ubottu said earlier too15:15
thursley_Frostbyte:  you could use a VPN, TOR, tunnel your traffic some other way etc.15:16
Mr_ODr_Willis: does a netinstall version on a small key enable me to make a full install on a big one ?15:16
Dr_WillisMr_O:  proberly. but i never do netinstalls.15:16
lcawteHi, I'm having a problem installing nvidia-96... it seems that its dependancies are a little broken... since it requires  nvidia-96 : Depends: xorg-video-abi-8.0 but it is not installable              Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2: but it is not going to be installed (1st one can't be installed because of hte second or something like that... how do I get this driver?15:17
mathewsPhilwong:u said u reinstall XP15:17
lcawte!info nvidia-9615:17
HISHAMhow can i idintfy my name15:17
ubottunvidia-96 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-96): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 96.43.19-0ubuntu8 (natty), package size 8474 kB, installed size 24948 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)15:17
PhilwongI did not reinstall it, Iwas about to15:17
Dr_WillisPhilwong:  boot a linux live cd. see if you can access your linux disk15:17
PhilwongBut even then it installed a startup15:17
jonprywhat script is responsible for printing "Loading hardware drivers"? i want to disable it15:17
mathewsPhilwong: ubottu have given u an answer pls follow before u do any bad15:17
Dr_Willis!identify | HISHAM15:17
ubottuHISHAM: You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.15:17
Dr_Willis!register > HISHAM15:17
ubottuHISHAM, please see my private message15:17
PhilwongThe thing is I did not install windows15:18
PhilwongI just went up to the part where it asks how to install15:18
Dr_WillisPhilwong:  focus on getting to your linux data and reinstall grub if needed.15:18
Philwongthen I exited15:18
Dr_WillisPhilwong:  windows proberly cleaned out the MBR,15:18
DarkKnightCZhi, can someone tell me, how to succesfully install courier-maildrop with mysql extension in ubuntu 10.10 ?15:18
Rzizbindi: try Option "ConnectedMonitor"15:18
bindiRziz: yeah on it15:18
Rzizbindi: try Option "ConnectedMonitor" "VGA-0" or whatever xrandr --query outputs15:18
PhilwongDamn windows X)15:18
lcawteHi, I'm having a problem installing nvidia-96... it seems that its dependancies are a little broken... since it requires  nvidia-96 : Depends: xorg-video-abi-8.0 but it is not installable              Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2: but it is not going to be installed (1st one can't be installed because of hte second or something like that... how do I get this driver?15:19
Dr_Willis!fixgrub | Philwong15:19
ubottuPhilwong: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:19
mathewsPhilwong: try running a live Ubuntu cd and safe guard ur data if it there15:19
lcawte!nvidia | lcawte15:19
ubottulcawte, please see my private message15:19
kanoemy xchat can't recieve files, who know the reason15:19
kanoeddc files15:19
PhilwongActually I will confess, its Mint that I am using, but its the same, I always get help from here even though its mint, because the mint room is empty15:19
born2trollborn2troll: I need help at the installation from the ATI open source  driver here: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+index?start=75&batch=75 . i cant resolve this dependicy  -> http://paste.debian.net/116648/15:19
Dr_Williskanoe:  often when behind routers  the dcc file transfer stuff breaks. you may need to tweak with the settings in your irc client. or router15:20
yellabs-r2is there already an pdf manual for ubuntu 11.04 ? like the one for LTS15:20
Dr_Willisyellabs-r2:  not that ive seen.. i know a few good web sites.15:20
DJones!manual | yellabs-r215:20
ubottuyellabs-r2: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/15:20
multipass|2who has tried G4L and Clonezilla on ubuntu? is one more efficient?15:20
DJonesyellabs-r2: That link might help15:20
mathewsPhilwong: no no u select the wrong channel.......any way Mint is based on Ubuntu15:20
roarkewill ubuntu give an error when installing it via live cd and i only have 250mb of ram?15:20
riktkinghow do i get a networked drive to mount on boot? ive added it to the fstab i think15:21
Dr_WillisMint room empty sounds like a good reason to not use mont.15:21
Frostbytethursley_: thanks :)15:21
Dr_Willisriktking:  if its a correct entry. it will mount at boot..15:21
PhilwongYes mathews thats why I am here15:21
Dr_Willisriktking:   you did make the mountpoint?15:21
walterDr_Willis: im back...yeah it installed but after installation.. its back to the way it used to be15:21
PhilwongActually Mint has been doing great for me15:21
Dr_Williswalter:  i dont even recall your original problem.15:22
yellabs-r2ah , i see its still 10.04 manual15:22
lcawte!info nvidia-glx15:22
Dr_Willisyellabs-r2:  check out  http://theravingrick.blogspot.com/2011/04/my-effort-at-writing-help-for-unity.html15:22
yellabs-r2lots of work for the new manual15:22
ubottuPackage nvidia-glx does not exist in natty15:22
PhilwongIt has the CTR + ALT +DELETE feature15:22
mathewsPhilwong: same I experienced .........there too many exper.hands sure but what hapnd dont know15:22
Dr_WillisPhilwong:  thats trivial to reenable in ubuntu.15:22
Dc_-_-_Hi every one here , I was speaking to tofoursixtwo abut this b4, but i´m sure anyone can help. I have a problem where my keyboard cuts out  all the time, I´m using Ubuntu powerpc 10,4 and its a generic apple macintosh USB keyboard. You can find a copy of my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/tAMPQ0fS (the xorg.conf worked originally and i did try re-genrating the file and that did not work). http://pastebin.com/Lrgi3Nge is a link to my x15:22
walterDr_Willis: oops.. sorry for that.. i cant install ubuntu on my old desktop. it just shows a screen full of dashes15:22
gepatinohi guys... what happened with Ubuntu Monospace font? it was supposed to be shipped with natty, wasn't it?15:22
riktkingDr_Willis, i think i have, i dont fully geddit15:22
=== deuterium_ is now known as deuterium
yellabs-r2yeah thats better...15:23
Dr_Williswalter:  you could  try the alternative installer cd.  i guess.15:23
PhilwongIs ubuntu better than mint?15:23
riktkingDr_Willis,  do i need to have a perminant folder?15:23
Dr_Willisriktking:  if the fstab entry is correct then you could test with 'sudo mount -a' and it should mount15:23
Dr_Willisriktking:  thats what a mountpoint is.. yes.. ie: /media/networkdrive15:23
walterDr_Willis: i tried...and the only thing that ran is the ubuntu 10.04LTS 64bit15:23
mathewsPhilwong: both give some different experiences15:24
thiefg0ldwhy apps on playonlinux have a low performace?15:24
eiriksvincan anyone help me get a game onto my Ubuntu that uses wine? im getting to where i hate having to grind out every single detail just to get one thing to work on Ubuntu!!15:24
riktkingDr_Willis, it says special device doesnt exist15:24
Philwongso niether is better mathew?15:24
Dr_Willisthiefg0ld:  beause they are running in wine. and wine can have issues.15:24
Dc_-_-_Philwong: It depends I found mint to be more stable on my compaq, but Ubuntu has more resources.15:24
Dr_Willisriktking:  whats your exact fstab entry?15:24
roarkewill ubuntu give an error sayig "installer has encountered an unrecoverable error" when installing it via live cd and i only have 250mb of ram?15:24
lcawteHi, I'm having a problem installing nvidia-96... it seems that its dependancies are a little broken... since it requires  nvidia-96 : Depends: xorg-video-abi-8.0 but it is not installable              Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2: but it is not going to be installed (1st one can't be installed because of hte second or something like that... how do I get this driver?15:24
simon_PLDr_Willis: I'm on classic now - big thx :)15:24
eiriksvinI also cant get my conky to work...15:25
Dr_Willissimon_PL:  ive switched to Lubuntu :)15:25
riktking/server.local/public/ /media/server/ auto 0 015:25
Dr_Willisriktking:  try using the ip# perhaps. and i think  that entry may be totally wrong... :)15:25
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:25
thiefg0ldDr_Willis thx15:25
riktkingDr_Willis, will do15:25
simon_PLI'll try lambuntu next ;)15:25
Dr_Willisriktking:  that furst url gives examples.15:26
mathewsPhilwong: I did not tell so but before I was using mint but with Unity i love Ubuntu most even if I have Mint in my system15:26
Dr_Willisriktking:  -->  //servername/sharename  /media/mountname  cifs  guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode  0  015:26
Rzizeiriksvin: unfortunately that's the state of wine trying to emulate a very messy os. winehq.org should provide you all the information you need, though15:26
grub_seekerhello. Is it possible to change system time and date *format*, without touching other settings? As in have date and time format in metric system, but everything else en_US15:26
kanoeDr_Willis, thanks, but where should i config15:26
gratefulfroganyone know something about sound and problems with the mic?15:27
Dr_WillisTheres a metric time format?15:27
grub_seekerI like my date displayed like year-month-day hour:minute:second15:27
riktkingDr_Willis, thanks it now says wrong fstype15:27
grub_seekerDr_Willis: I mean European system15:27
Dr_Willisriktking:  you may need to install the smbfs package. or the samba package15:27
Frostbyte Is there any way to get Tor through the ubuntu software center? All I can find are GUI's for it.15:27
walterDr_Willis: try using 64bit ill be back:)15:27
eiriksvini have tried Lord of the rings online, Regnum (sucks but it played), and Dungeons and Dragons online, as well as Runes of Magic, they need to make it easier to run these things, thats why they don't have people flocking to Linux... not many people want to grind away a couple days just to get a friggin game to work... computers these days are peoples play toys, not just work machines linux!!15:28
Dr_WillisFrostbyte:  its not in the repos.. theres unoffiical debs for it at the tor homepage i think15:28
magepsychohow to take the screenshot of current window and save15:28
FrostbyteOkay thank you :)15:28
PhilwongDoes wine work better on ubuntu15:28
Dr_Williseiriksvin:  lord of the rings worked here. but i think took somt tweaking. See the wine app database.15:28
JiggityAnyone here good with Bacula?15:28
Philwongor mint?... beacsue I had wine on mint and its not stable15:28
Dr_Willis!appdb | eiriksvin15:28
ubottueiriksvin: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:28
simon_PLDr_Willis: I'm still a lamer... Lubuntu might be to hard for me15:29
mathewsPhilwong: it may get u in to mental hosp15:29
grub_seekermagepsycho: Alt + PrintScreen?15:29
eiriksvinif winblows can run those game then nobody should have to work for hours and hours to get it to work on linux15:29
riktkingDr_Willis, u beauty! works a dream!15:29
Dr_WillisPhilwong:  wine has so many variables to it - it may work better for some people/setuops then others..15:29
PhilwongDr_Willis: ok15:29
ruanwould there be a reason for X failing to start, no screens found in log, then when i select "restart X" it works perfectly fine15:29
eiriksvinDr_Willis thanks i'm looking15:29
Dr_WillisHISHAM:  not  a problem related to Ubuntu support.. so you may want to ask in #freenode15:30
magepsychothen how to save15:30
JiggityNobody here knows anything about Bacula?15:30
magepsychoin which application15:30
BluesKajHi folks15:30
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.15:30
Rzizeiriksvin: you ought to try nethack ;) even runs on atari15:30
mathewsPhilwong: u said right that MintIRC is not get connecting15:30
Philwongmathews: I mean #linuxmint is almost empty15:30
Philwongis that the right room15:31
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines15:31
Dr_WillisHISHAM:  its not an ubuntu issue..  so you will get no answer to it here.15:31
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:31
eiriksvinits not like i'm trying to run my ps3 games from my Ubuntu, i just want some cool games15:31
Dr_Willis!mint | Philwong15:31
ubottuPhilwong: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:31
Dr_WillisPhilwong:  mint irc is not even on this server.15:31
grub_seekerDr_Willis: sorry to bother you, but can you help me with setting a custom date format please?  :)15:31
mathewsPhilwong: I am the fourth and u just back of me15:31
Dr_Willisgrub_seeker:  i just use whatever menus are under the clock.15:31
roarkewhich is fbetter lubuntu or xubuntu?15:32
Philwongmathews: haha :)15:32
ruan!best | roarke15:32
ubotturoarke: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:32
Dr_Willisroarke:  depends on your needs. Lubuntu is more 'windows 95' like. in look . and uses the least resources.15:32
magepsychois there a way to downgrade to 10.10 from 11.04?15:33
Dc_-_-_Hi every1!  I was chatting to tofoursixtwo about this b4, but i´m sure anyone can help. I have a problem where my keyboard cuts out  all the time, I´m using Ubuntu powerpc 10,4 and its a generic apple macintosh USB keyboard. You can find a copy of my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/tAMPQ0fS (the xorg.conf worked originally and i did try re-genrating the file and that did not work). http://pastebin.com/Lrgi3Nge is a link to my xorg.15:33
ruanmagepsycho: for?15:33
roarkeI mean wich is more effiecint lubuntu or xubuntu15:33
Dr_Willisroarke:  lubuntu uses less resources...15:33
ruanmagepsycho: why?15:33
grub_seekerDr_Willis: thanks then. I've been through all those menus, and couldn't find an option like that. Thanks though15:33
sipiormagepsycho: no, there isn't (outside of reinstalling, of course).15:33
magepsychomy graphics is not so fine15:33
magepsychoi see some blurry fonts15:33
magepsychoand the graphics is not so clear15:34
ruanmagepsycho: have you tried ubuntu classic or unity-2d? or even configuring fonts15:34
Dr_Willisclean your glasses. :)15:34
Dr_Willisbye all..15:34
magepsychoshould i take  a screenshot and let you know15:34
magepsychoin order to know how it look sin yours15:34
mathewsmagepsycho: try run the additional driver from applications15:35
roarkedoes banshee work on a kde?15:35
mathewsmagepsycho: and see any driver need to install further15:35
ruanroarke: all gnome applications that i know of run on kde15:35
ruanroarke: they might look different though15:35
magepsychooh yes.. i didn't used internet during installation15:36
magepsychomay be that is one of the reason15:36
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roarkeso wich is better f you like good gui lubuntu or xubuntu?15:36
ruanmagepsycho: did you update afterwards?15:36
magepsychomathews.. which driver i need to install15:36
magepsychoi havent15:36
magepsychohow to update and what to update15:36
ruanroarke: look at the screenshots and decide which one you like more15:36
magepsychoi am newbie15:36
FloodBot1magepsycho: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:36
ruanmagepsycho: go to update manager15:36
mathewsmagepsycho: u run that application "additional Driver"15:37
ruanmagepsycho: drivers might help as well but first updates if necessary15:37
Kartagishow do I create /dev/net/tun?15:37
ruanKartagis: sudo mkdir /dev/net/tun15:38
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ruanKartagis: wait15:38
Nyrobieis better to use the latest nvidia drivers or the recommended?15:38
ruanKartagis: a file or a directory?15:38
magepsychoyes mathews i didnt see any option there in additional dirvers15:38
mathewsNyrobie: recomended15:38
NyrobieI have 2 monitors15:38
Kartagisruan: ethernet bridge I believe. I think it's needed for openvpn15:38
ruanKartagis: wouldnt openvpn do that for you?15:39
Nyrobiebut I cant seem to get another app onto the 2nd monitor even though I can move my mouse pointer to it15:39
mathewsmagepsycho: no reports as installed or activated?15:39
Nyrobiehow can I fix it so that I can use my 2nd monitor?15:40
mathewsmagepsycho: u just try run the update manager also and let us think about 10.1015:40
mathewsmagepsycho: research in ubuntu launchpad and in www.askubuntu.com too15:41
Kartagisruan: http://pastebin.com/FBhyZVaM15:41
Nyrobiealso does xinerama have to be enabled if I want my 2nd monitor to work properly?15:41
magepsychook guys .. i am updating first15:42
magepsychobut i would like to share the screenshot with you15:42
magepsychojust wait15:42
Poisonfibreis it possible to play Battlestar Galactica Online? (its a Browser based game) im missing a Plug in Apparently, anyone have any clues, Running Ubuntu 11.0415:42
Dc_-_-_Edit: Hi every1!  I was chatting to tofoursixtwo about this a few days ago, but i´m sure anyone can help. I have a problem where my keyboard cuts out  all the time :'( I´m using Ubuntu powerpc 10,4 and its a generic apple macintosh USB keyboard.  xorg.conf = http://pastebin.com/tAMPQ0fS / xorg.0.log = http://pastebin.com/Lrgi3Nge / lsusb -v = http://pastebin.com/v0ECsDdv. My thinking is that the xorg.conf is at fault? The origin15:42
muneebhow can i open tty2 in gnome-terminal??15:42
ruanPoisonfibre: what plugin does it use? flash? java?15:43
ashqareq[ *| NOTICE | *]  STARTING  JUNE  1ST FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [* | NOTICE |* ]   ashqareq felix__ mirco Morten_ SANGKEUN sabalaba akem abr sion2k adalgiso james_ Poisonfibre BrerTortoise pdelgallego bullgard4 Gwar chiluk head_victim vqxw irvee Pretto danslo1 Zephr0 pmcgowan FiReSTaRT kolan15:44
ashqareq[ *| NOTICE | *]  STARTING  JUNE  1ST FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [* | NOTICE |* ]   luigi_ eiriksvin iggy19 dmart ppradhan Square_root appi_uppi maxJadi hughhalf jonpry Maratich pickett whoever herb gyyrog seemawn NEXUS-6 MyT preecher geraudk2000 Philwong bafilius gdb Dc_-_-_ Eipou Guest4809515:44
ashqareq[ *| NOTICE | *]  STARTING  JUNE  1ST FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [* | NOTICE |* ]   wisevoyager ameetp Afteraffekt magepsycho Blou_Aap_ zoiss awolfson geoffb kostajh sultanselephant PhoenixSTF velcroshooz widowild SA-Geoff Rotham Talyian rbridgew GasbaKid paradoxx bfiller elgar dv310p3r Mr_O 15:44
ashqareq[ *| NOTICE | *]  STARTING  JUNE  1ST FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [* | NOTICE |* ]   Raptors TimeRider StaticPhilly davzie roarke pauloh jelatta_away tankdriver xortham314 tonghuix sw0rdfish din sideone cdavis Shogoot ogra_ Xriveryk Nitesh pepsi ripps spyvsspy bhaduza1 TimR shoonya born2troll 15:44
ashqareq[ *| NOTICE | *]  STARTING  JUNE  1ST FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE  WAY  YOU  CONNECT  TO  IT . UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU  WILL  BE UNABLE  TO  CONNECT  TO  FREENODE .  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE  OR  MSG  A  STAFFER  FOR  DETAILS  [* | NOTICE |* ]   RobinJ bollullera Zasha dajhorn gepatino bergman stevesmall mirazzzzz kanneblei trigrou ANTRat KolakCC gigasoft Whisperity jonatasnona pipeep ed1703 KillaloT brianchidester Kirovski lighta mfilipe tbemus duane15:44
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mathewsok guys have a good night or good day.......bye bye15:44
FrostbyteSo I entered the following into the terminal "gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 0x28988BF515:45
Frostbytegpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 0x165733EA" and it says that the keyserver recieve failed : keyserver error any help?15:45
magepsychoi took screenshot15:45
ruanis that spambot telling the truth?15:45
Piciruan: no15:45
NyrobieI have a dcc chat list and I hit accept but nothing is happening, what do I do ?15:45
Kartagiswhat gain do spammers have in doing this?15:45
ruanok thanks15:45
magepsychoand didn't found any place to paste or save15:45
spyvsspyhas anyone had ununtu kill their monitors?15:45
seemawnis this true, what this freak said?15:46
Piciseemawn: no15:46
ayeceeKartagis: lulz15:46
kanoeDr_Willis, thanks, but where should i config15:46
spyvsspyI have 3 displays hooked up, working fine, rebooted, and then the monitors stopped working (no bios screen even)15:46
seemawnI DONT LIKE SPAM!!!!15:46
seemawnspam, spam, spam....15:46
ruanthen ignore it15:46
spyvsspyIm assuming I didnt save the xorg.conf through nvidia15:46
spyvsspybut still, to not get any monitor response at all?15:46
seemawnruan: this was a cite out of Monty Python's Spam15:46
sipiorspyvsspy: not CRTs, i hope?15:47
spyvsspyall LCDs15:47
ruanspyvsspy: have you tried regenerating xorg.conf?15:47
spyvsspyeven the bios isnt coming up15:47
spyvsspyi cant, I can not get any response from the cpu at all15:47
spyvsspywont even boot into the bios (at least the monitors will not display the bios)15:47
spyvsspyits like they are in permanent sleep mode15:48
ruanspyvsspy: did it show a bios screen in the past?15:48
kingofswordsubuntu 64 bit....my flsh player keep scrashing...any 1 have an idea y?15:48
spyvsspyruan yes15:48
spyvsspyonly after I rebooted after editing xorg.conf did this start15:48
sipiorspyvsspy: what happens if you disconnect and then reconnect the monitor cable?15:48
sipiorspyvsspy: does a "signal lost" error appear?15:48
spyvsspyya, Ive done that, I have 2 video cards pulled them both, reconnected did all kinds of stuff like that15:48
ruanspyvsspy: i dont see how xorg would prevent a monitor from showing bios15:49
ruanxorg is only after boot15:49
spyvsspyat one point I did get to the bios when I pulled one video card, and only had one monitor plugged in,  but couldnt get into the bios15:49
spyvsspyin time, and ubuntu booted15:49
spyvsspythen it all went black15:49
Rzizspyvsspy: most issues regarding inability to reach post are caused by bad ram in my experience15:49
spyvsspyya, its not bad ram15:49
spyvsspyI tested in another machine; Im completely baffled15:50
muneebhow do i open tty2 in gnome-terminal?15:50
spyvsspythis is the second time this has happened w/ ubuntu, the first time, I fixed it somehow, but cant remember15:50
Rzizdo you get any post error beeps?15:50
spyvsspyno, it all the sounds (hd/fan etc) are normal15:50
spyvsspyand RAM tested in another machine as fine15:51
ruanspyvsspy: can you boot into recovery mode?15:51
spyvsspyubuntu is putting the monitors into permanent sleep mode somehow, or there is a bug w/ this particular mobo15:51
RzizI think it's absurd to suppose an incorrectly configured X Window System can prevent you from accessing your bios ..15:51
spyvsspyno, I cant boot anything15:51
sipiorspyvsspy: have you completely powered off the monitors as well?15:51
spyvsspyrziz, its not absurd, this has happened before15:52
roarkedoes ubuntu and xubuntu come with the same pre-packed drivers?15:52
ruanpowered off and plugged out for a few minutes?15:52
gem_catI want to read my cd's - it looks like the automount works but hides the cd immediately - where is this configured?15:52
Rzizspyvsspy: are you using any kind of propetiary drivers?15:52
spyvsspyruan, honestly, that is about the only thing I havent tried15:52
spyvsspynvidia yes15:52
sipiorspyvsspy: do that. the monitor is likely stuck in a bad state.15:52
spyvsspyya, I will when i get home15:53
roarke does ubuntu and xubuntu come with the same pre-packed drivers?15:53
spyvsspyjust so riduclous the amount of bs that this is causing15:53
NyrobieI just went to additional drivers and it says that my nvidia driver is active but not in use, should it be that way ?15:53
ruanspyvsspy: if it's been put into a 'permanent sleep', as you say, powering it off will reset its state15:53
spyvsspyxorg shouldnt have crapped out in the first place, everything was configured correctly, and I saved the file15:53
ruanalso, xorg shouldnt really be the culprit if you cant boot into recovery15:54
spyvsspyreboot, all hell breaks loose15:54
ruanrecovery makes no attempt to start x server afaik15:54
spyvsspywell, its the xorg that put the monitors into the bad state15:54
spyvsspyI cant see what Im doing though to get into recovery15:54
spyvsspyand cant boot off any media15:55
ruanprobably the monitor.. you'll have to test plugging it out for a while15:55
spyvsspyya, ill bet that is it, Ill have to power everything down for awhile, and hope it boots15:55
kingofswordssum1 tell me how to fix flash player in 64bit15:55
ruankingofswords: does it work on a different browser?15:56
kingofswordsit works..but crashes alot15:56
lars_t_hspyvsspy, KWM switches kan break things  (no E-DDC info from the the monitor to the graphics card)15:56
v4nelleguys which app do you use for video call?15:56
spyvsspyi dont hvae a kvm15:56
spyvsspyo woops15:57
lars_t_hpcpower, Keybord-Video-Monitor15:57
lars_t_hpcpower, and it should be KVM15:57
ubottuOpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!15:58
DaghdhaI backed up my OS, i want to now restore it. (I backuped the system partition, not the swap.)  WHen i restore it, can i just make a swap partition after it's booted? Providing i have left space on the devie15:58
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM15:58
ruanDaghdha: yes15:59
ruanDaghdha: from another device such as a livecd though15:59
Rzizyou probably have to adapt your fstab depending on the way mount points are configured15:59
Daghdhaok, i will put in a blank disk and see if i can make it a working boot OS :)15:59
kingofswordsruan any idea?16:00
ruankingofswords: flashplugin-nonfree perhaps?16:01
Daghdharuan: What if i just image the swap partion too?16:01
kingofswordsis that in synaptic?16:01
ruanDaghdha: you can just partition and create a swap16:01
kingofswordsruan wont that just start causing conflicts?16:01
ruankingofswords: remove the old one16:01
RzizDaghdha: imaging swap is pointless16:02
gigasoftwhat aaaaaaa16:02
magepsychois there good mspaint like in ubuntu?16:02
Rzizmagepsycho: xpaint or mtpaint16:02
ruanmagepsycho: gnu paint?16:02
Daghdhais swap a logical partition? Because i see 3 partitions on that disk. ext4 (OS), 2.5Gb Extended and 2.5Gb Swap.16:02
ruan!info gpaint16:02
ubottugpaint (source: gpaint): GNU Paint - a small, easy to use paint program for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.3-6 (natty), package size 116 kB, installed size 776 kB16:02
roarkedoes xubuntu come with thesame drivers as ubuntu upon installation?16:02
root__ada yang bersal dri indonesia16:03
charliesheen!ops <Plazma-Rooolz> what's a "cock"16:03
charliesheenthis guy keeps trolling me16:03
ruanhe isn't in this room16:03
Daghdhayes he is16:03
roarke does xubuntu come with thesame drivers as ubuntu upon installation?16:04
ruanoh he is16:04
kingofswordscharliesheen maybe u should leave the gay crusing channel16:04
ruanautocomplete didnt suggest it.16:04
cannonballUsing Ubuntu Classic (Gnome) on 11.04, when you move a window around, if you place it close to the edge of the screen, it automatically maximizes the window.  I've been unable to find where to disable that.  Any hints?16:04
BlouBloucannonball: try in compiz configuration (sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager)16:05
SANGKEUNisn't it useful?16:05
roarkehelp!! does xubuntu come with the same drivers as ubuntu upon installation?16:05
BlouBlouroarke: Yes16:05
roarkeok thnx :)16:05
ruanroarke: xubuntu only changes the desktop environment, not the drivers16:05
gem_cathmm fstab has changed a bit - is there an example file somewhere?16:06
roarkethnx that helpedme save time..16:06
=== adrian is now known as Guest7311
Micheal`has anyone seen an issue wherer the window boarder disappear in classic?16:06
Gangrelanyone got problem with flash player on mozilla 4 in ubuntu 11.0416:06
ruangem_cat: fstab includes an example at the top16:06
gem_catthankyou ruan16:06
Epidemicso who's responsible for the big messup with all the upgrades to 11.04? :)16:07
roarkedoes anyone know and good epubreader for xubuntu?16:07
kingofswordsis there a hardcare channel? my laptop mouse button is broke16:07
kingofswordshardware i mean16:07
ruangem_cat: the essential includes the UUID, which is why there can't be an exact example16:07
macoroarke: calibre is probably the most popular foss epubreader, regardless of distro or os16:07
Picikingofswords: ##hardware, but you'll need to be registered and identified to join.16:07
Pici!register | kingofswords16:07
ubottukingofswords: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:07
ruangem_cat: essential part of fstab16:07
kingofswordsPici thx16:07
Daghdhaanyone here use the new windows manager fo rubuntu? I was wondering, doe sthe contect meny (The popup whe nyou right click stuff) works like it does in windows now?16:08
Dc_-_-_Hi every1! I have a problem with my xorg.conf file (I think!). xorg.conf = http://pastebin.com/tAMPQ0fS / xorg.0.log = http://pastebin.com/Lrgi3Nge / lsusb -v = http://pastebin.com/v0ECsDdv. It worked the fine after install but stopped working a week later (possibly after an update?). I have to have a xorg.conf file to add the option "ReverseDDC" "on".  Any help on this would be great as this leaves my system basically paralyzed. M16:08
ruankingofswords: register then /join ##hardware16:08
roarkemaco: yes but iwas looking for something with a good interface to read not sync and convert.16:08
gem_catruan, there is no ref to iso9660 - I would think I need one16:08
halinHi, if I make a USB installation drive using universal usb installer (on windows) would it make my USB drive unusable for future use ?16:08
kingofswordsyeh i am reg'd16:08
roarkehaln: no you can format it16:09
halinroarke: it says that it will overwrite my MBR16:09
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ruangem_cat: you boot from an iso?16:10
kingofswordshalin do u mean a usb boot of windows?16:10
gem_catno I just want to read my cd16:10
bonjoyeedoes anyone know of an amd irc channel? i am experiencing very high temps when running video encoding  jobs using ffmpeg..16:11
compdocI use amd in my servers and for my own desktop16:11
Ladynikonbonjoyee: no sorry i dont.. you could probably google it to see if anyone has it.  Or try the ubuntu forums.  You will have access to alot more people16:11
ruangem_cat: as <type> do iso-966016:11
Limesodashalin, no you can just reformat the usb drive and get all of your space back16:11
roarkehaln: i dont htink that has to do anything with the usb. if  you install on a usb you can format it again after.16:11
ruangem_cat: wait16:11
halinkingofswords: I mean I want to install ubuntu using USB. So if I use universal USB installer (as given on ubuntu site) to write the iso on my pen drive. Can I use the pen drive for other purposes later ?16:12
ruangem_cat: filesystem is iso9660 isn't it?16:12
halinLimesodas: ah ok16:12
Nyrobiecan someone help me setup dual monitors ?16:12
ruangem_cat: no nevermind16:12
kingofswordsok...i did both ubuntu and windows on 2 different usb sticks and they worked fine afterwards16:12
Limesodashalin, yeah, did it the other day :) my flash drive now has my files back on it16:12
ruangem_cat: i'll get a iso example16:13
LadynikonNyrobie: what card do you have?16:13
shoiab_my hp printer laserjet 1020 not working from last 2 day!! have no knowledge what to do!!!16:13
Nyrobie9800 GTX+16:13
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto16:13
Ladynikon^ thats pretty good16:13
gem_catthankyou ruan16:13
halinLimesodas: thanks16:13
ruangem_cat: /home/car/r/II.iso /home/car/r/II udf,iso9660 user,loop 0 016:13
shoiab_my hp printer laserjet 1020 not working from last 2 day!! have no knowledge what to do!16:14
Nyrobiethanks guys ill try that site16:14
ZtaI just upgraded to 11.04 and it's crap.  Where do I post complaints?  I know this was not the most constructive way to put it, but I'm looking for a place where the master minds behind this new UI take place =)16:14
shoiab_my hp printer laserjet 1020 not working from last 2 day!! have no knowledge what to do!16:14
ruanZta: if you don't like unity, log into Classic16:14
Micheal`Zta, change back to ubuntu-classic on login16:14
ZtaBut classic is going to disappear in the future, isn't it?16:15
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Dc_-_-_Anybody good with keyboard problems?16:15
nm5tfhas anyone tried a dual-boot with both 32 bit & 64 bit Lucid 10.04 LTS-if so, how difficult was it & did it cause any problems???16:15
BlouBlouZta: classic will become into gnome316:15
Micheal`Zta, that wont be this release16:15
LadynikonZta: the forums16:15
eiriksvinpop quiz, and im sorry if its off topic, but is Guildwars free to play?16:15
Micheal`anyone had or seen an issue where the windowboaders disappears in ubuntu-classic?16:15
ZtaSome serious cleanup in Unity needs to be done... Sloppy focus is broken, scroll bars are broken, Home Folder is broken..16:16
Ladynikoneiriksvin: see guildwars website for that information or ask in offtopic16:16
ZtaLadynikon: Got a more specific pointer, or will I find my way there if I start at ubuntu.com? =)16:16
BlouBlouZta: then you know what to do, send bugs to launchpad and help community to fix them :)16:16
MacstheyjustsuckI'm trying to update (10.4) and when I try to update it tells me this: http://pastie.org/188930516:16
roarkedoes anyone know why the ubuntulive CD iso is 701MB if a normal CD is only 700?16:16
MacstheyjustsuckTrying to just regularly update, not get to 11.4*16:16
eiriksvinLadynikon thanks for all that help16:17
ZtaGreat.  I will.16:17
ads_What may i change to guarantee that the output of date is identical to each user? I configured my timezone with "dpkg-reconfigure  tzdata" as root but one user is showing UTC instead of BST . Please advise16:17
Ladynikonall this talk is scaring me .. i just hit upgrade :(16:17
ZtaBut first it's time to play some sax =)16:17
Ladynikoneiriksvin: no problem16:17
eiriksvinLadynikon it was sarcasm:)16:17
roarke does anyone know why the ubuntulive CD iso is 701MB if a normal CD is only 700?16:18
Micheal`eiriksvin, dont be rude16:18
riktkingMacstheyjustsuck, how did u initiate the update16:18
=== Guest11271 is now known as LjL
Macstheyjustsuckriktking: System -> Administration -> Update Manager -> clicked Install Updates -> Typed in password -> gave me that error16:18
riktkingMacstheyjustsuck, do u know how to do it from the commandline?16:19
eiriksvini wasn't being rude... the disclaimer came before the question read above16:19
Dc_-_-_Edit: Anyone good with keyboards? I have a problem with my xorg.conf file (I think!). xorg.conf = http://pastebin.com/tAMPQ0fS / xorg.0.log = http://pastebin.com/Lrgi3Nge / lsusb -v = http://pastebin.com/v0ECsDdv. It worked the fine after install but stopped working a week later (possibly after an update?). I have to have a xorg.conf file to add the option "ReverseDDC" "on".  Any help on this would be great as this leaves my system16:19
gem_catruan , I dont get that ,it looks like a path to something16:19
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ruangem_cat: yeah it's /path/to/file /mount/point udf,iso9660 user,noauto,loop 0 016:20
Macstheyjustsuckriktking: No, I looked it up and someone said it was sudo apt upgrade and then sudo apt update16:21
MacstheyjustsuckBut that didn't work16:21
ads_I configured my timezone with "dpkg-reconfigure  tzdata" as root but one user is showing UTC instead of BST . How can i guarantee all users show identical time zones?16:21
quietFrankdoes anyone know of a way to get the bottom panel to only show the windows which are on the current virtual desktop ?16:22
=== __export__ is now known as __import__
halin downloaded the 32 bit version of ubuntu 11.04 iso? But when I ran wubi installer, it started downloading, ubuntu-amd64.iso.torrent. and shows the time remaining as 4 hrs. So is it not possible to install 32 bit Ubuntu within a 64 bit OS ?16:24
ads_id like to set my timezone so that is universal across all users how may i do this?16:24
Cas07hi looking for clarification on using 'unity' vs 'unity --reset' when making changes and needing to restart unity16:25
deploymentgot an error, how do i fix?, Fix broken packages first...16:25
halindeployment: so fix them :)16:26
halindeployment: remove them and then reinstalll16:26
deploymenthalin: hoho, what ones..16:26
ruandeployment: what is the error?16:27
halindeployment: what and how are you installing16:27
gnewbdeployment: What system/version are you on?16:27
deploymentcould not apply changes, fix broken packages first16:27
ads_having an identical timezone across all users would be nice... oh how i can dream16:27
deploymentubuntu 10.4, Shareing a folder first time so i guess it's samba.16:28
ruandeployment: try another tool to update, eg. sudo apt-get upgrade16:28
halinI downloaded the 32 bit version of ubuntu 11.04 iso. But when I run wubi installer, it started downloading, ubuntu-amd64.iso.torrent. and shows the time remaining as 4 hrs. So is it not possible to install 32 bit Ubuntu within a 64 bit OS ?16:28
=== __import__ is now known as __export__
ruandeployment: might be more verbose16:28
Whisperityhalin: disconnect from the internet16:28
Whisperityhalin: and it will be done. it downloads 64bit cause you have a 64bit cpu16:28
Ladynikonhalin: you can install a 32 bit os on a 6416:29
halinWhisperity: so it will install the 32 bit then ?16:29
en1gmaif i make a change to the grub.cfg file what do i need to type for changes to take effect (im in 10.04)16:29
gnewbdeplyment: That could render the cache or update unstable, confuse it, are you using Synaptic to do upgrades?16:29
ruanhalin: if it cant download the 64bit version, it'll stick with what you have16:29
halinLadynikon: Whisperity So I should stop the internet  then ?16:29
deploymentruan: verbose?16:29
=== __export__ is now known as __import
=== __import is now known as __import__
ruandeployment: more verbose = more detailed16:29
en1gmaif i make a change to the grub.cfg file what do i need to type for changes to take effect (im in 10.04)16:30
ads_identical date output across all users? how? one user is using utc rather than bst16:30
ruanen1gma: sudo grub-update16:30
jrib!grub2 | en1gma16:30
ubottuen1gma: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:30
* halin ruan just to make sure, its already half done. So if I stop now it will resume the 32 bit installation ?16:30
ruanen1gma: i mean16:30
Ladynikonhalin: hmm.. thats an interesting one16:30
ruanen1gma: update-grub16:30
en1gmaoh ok16:30
en1gmathanks again16:30
Whisperityhalin: yes, if you cut the wires off, it won't have opportunity to downoad the 64bit version16:30
Whisperitybut I don't think it will work16:30
Whisperitythere's a reason why OSes have both 32 and 64 bit builds16:31
LadynikonWhisperity: alot of people have been using the 32 bit version for better support16:31
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DaghdhaHi, i am about to define swap space for the machine. I had 2.5Gb, but i uppe dthe memory to 8Gb. Should i make the swap 16Gb now?16:31
Ladynikoni said to heck with it and went ahead and just installed 6416:31
ruanWhisperity: i'm using 32bit version of (K)ubuntu on a 64bit processor16:32
ads_Daghdha, hell no!16:32
deploymentruan: it says could not mark all packages for install.16:32
Gangrelanyone got problem with flash player on mozilla 4 in ubuntu 11.0416:32
PiciDaghdha: Do you hibernate your computer?16:32
gnewbdeployment: Have you used the CLI dpkg-fix broken?16:32
LadynikonGangrel: what is the problem?16:32
DaghdhaPici: Never16:32
PiciDaghdha: Then don't worry about it.16:32
halinWhisperity: Ladynikon I heard that 32 bit is better than 64 bit  of ubuntu16:32
DaghdhaPici: You mean no swap at all?16:32
ruanDaghdha: i use no swap on a 3gb ram machine and have had no issues16:32
DaghdhaIsn't that bad practice?16:33
GangrelLadynikon there are blinking white gaps while video is playing16:33
Ladynikonhalin: 64 works great for me16:33
PiciDaghdha: Er. I mean you don't need to expand it.  I usually make as much swap as ram otherwise.16:33
Ladynikonhalin: but like i said.. there may be less support for some things.. I have 4 gigs of ram and wanted it all to be used.16:33
deploymentit says it's not to be installed16:33
PiciDaghdha: Hard drive space is cheap :)16:33
gnewbdeployment: You may want to look into that, it is CLI, so do not take my errors or suggestions for it, there are a few class on it, let me look it up for you.16:34
ruanif i make swap, will the computer use RAM before swap?16:34
Daghdhayes pici. but so am i :)16:34
ruanbecause i dont want the computer to slack off, using swap and going slower than it would with pure RAM which is unused16:34
ads_is there a reason why one of my users reports date to be in utc rather than all others as bst?16:34
DaghdhaOK judging by your feedback i think consolodating swap space at current size (2.5Gb) is more than plenty for my 8Gb RAM machine. Thank you :)16:34
Piciads_: How are you checking?16:34
KleviHey, can anyone think of why a 64bit USB run of 11.04 will kernel panick on this machine, 32bit runs fine http://www.emachines.com/products/products.html?prod=T330416:34
PW-toXicHi, I want to install ubuntu with an USB stick.. If i use universal-USB-Installer i cant choose my ISO..  when i check the file browser (windows7) there is an ubuntu iso file on my desktop, but when i want to choose this ISO with the Universal-USB_installer tool, the ISO doesnt show up - what can i do?16:35
Micheal`normal kernel behavior it will use RAM first then swap when it starts running low16:35
ads_Pici, i run date with each user  all report bst bar one user.. i'd like it to be identical to all users16:35
KleviPW-toXic, use this16:35
Micheal`Klevi, often that is memory related16:36
gnewbdeployment: Here is a fairly good write up/forum thread on that: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux/59318-package-problem-broken-dependency-more.html16:36
Micheal`Klevi, at least in my exp16:36
deploymentgnewb: Ta i'll read it now.16:36
Piciads_: Does that user have $TZ set to something different than the other users?16:36
ads_Pici, no16:36
KleviMicheal`, AWESOME! Ill try throwing my 256 sticks back in and see if that behavior continues16:37
gnewbdeployment: NP, I am also looking for the Manual on that,,,,16:37
KleviMicheal`, has been driving me nuts all night16:37
Micheal`klaas, you can also run a memtest16:37
KleviI can16:37
Micheal`Klevi, even16:37
SomeShmoAnyone know why I (seemingly) at random cannot click on things (ie. buttons in programs, hyperlinks in firefox, etc.)? The mouse is fine, it works great in Windows -- it worked great in Ubuntu up until a few days ago.16:37
KleviHadnt thought ram would cause kernel panicks. Thanks Micheal`16:37
SomeShmoI can click on most things but some things I cannot.16:37
ads_Pici: i configured time with "dpkg-reonfigure tzdata" as root expecting each user to have identical outputs from date.. but no..16:37
Micheal`Klevi, sure thing16:37
gem_catruan , thanks - I will eventually figure it out16:37
gnewbdeployment: Here is the Debian Manual on fix-broken, and such:>http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch02.en.html16:38
PW-toXicKlevi, seems to work.. and after i have instald it on a usb drive i can then install it to the hard drive?16:38
Piciads_: Right, but each user's environment variables can still differ.e16:39
Daghdhaoh dear16:40
Micheal`Klevi, future note RAM issues can cause all kinds of wierd things so if it is odd and makes no sense start there and work up16:40
ads_Pici, yes but why? there is no TZ variable set for each user16:40
DaghdhaI thought i could writeback a partimage image to a smaller partition than it was made from16:40
zer0funis there a way to get the nvidia binary drivers to work with 11.04? once installed I can no longer boot16:40
gnewbPici: What if each was assined a /home for the tzdata call?16:41
Picignewb: I'm not sure what that means.16:41
deploymentgnewb: I get this16:41
deployment samba: Depends: samba-common (= 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3) but 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.3 is to be installed Depends: libwbclient0 (= 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3) but 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.3 is to be installed16:41
deploymentE: Broken packages16:42
FloodBot1deployment: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:42
ruanfloodbots are more strict?16:42
gnewbPici: We tested something like that on another system, assisgned each user thier own /home folder, it was complex and rather messy, but it worked.16:42
arand_Daghdha: No, you may want to use fsarchiver instead http://www.fsarchiver.org/Fsarchiver_vs_partimage16:42
Picignewb: I don't see what that has to do with user's environment variables.16:43
ads_i dont understand why i have no user defined tz data yet one user is different?!!!!16:43
KleviMicheal`, that was it, now i get to yell at the guy who gave me the RAM from work today =P16:43
geoff__ubuntu 10 takes forever to install my computer specs 3.0 ghz 2gb ram please someone help16:43
KleviMicheal`, thanks for the tip ;-)16:43
teddyroosebeltis there a blackjack game for ubuntu? i cant seem to find even 1 other than the gnome one (which is no longer available)16:44
ruandeployment: sudo apt-get install samba-common libwbclient0 && sudo apt-get install samba16:44
ruandeployment: try that16:44
Daghdhaarand: Can it use partimage images?16:44
arand_Daghdha: I do not think so.16:44
magepsychoi  have upgraded  but still no changes in my graphics16:44
gnewbPici: It was a Time Synchtronization /call so that student A in GMT-5 and student B in GMT+6 could share same but different tiemestamps,,,16:44
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Daghdha:( Now i will have to restore the partimage first.. wigh. Then later image using fsarchiver.. and then.. ARRGH :(16:45
DaghdhaI guess is no alternative16:45
david254Hello, I installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop and I am facing some problem that was also on the previous version (10.10), on the last version When I turn on the computer ubuntu starts loading and than getting to terminal login screen (asking for username) and than just after 3-4m the GUI login popup. in the new version I getting blank purple screen and same after 3-4m the gui popup any idea?16:45
ads_gnewb: the problem with mine is i have no user defined tz yet i am seeing UTC rather than BST16:45
ads_gnewb, only for one user16:45
gnewbDagdha: PartImage and Rescue CD can be downloaded from Distrowatch and many other places, if that helps.16:46
gnewbads_: Oh ok, my apologies, Pici was spot on about that.16:47
arand_Daghdha: Probably no, if you have space for it, you could always use a loopmount to do it without mucking about in partitions16:47
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deploymentruan: same issue16:47
Daghdhaarand: It is indeed no, the two do completely different things16:47
ruandeployment: hmm try in synaptic16:47
hmullerI am adding an initscript to /etc/init.d, is it proper Ubuntu practice to use insserv or update-rc.d?16:47
DaghdhaNo arand, i will just restore the partimage one and use fsarchive like you described i think. Thanks.. cu all in several hours :P16:48
deploymentruan: seems to be updates to come down.. I'll do them first.16:49
slim_hi, i'm using pam_mount to mount windows network share but i have to enter password twice when login,  what can i do to enter password once ? this is common-auth  content -> http://pastebin.com/EHyfTVRT16:49
Assidhow do i get this? http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/012/4/9/atolm_by_skiesofazel-d35xysb.png16:50
nm5tfone more time-has anyone used a dual-boot 32 bit/64 bit system??? was it difficult & did it cause any problems???16:50
Cas07what is the name of the special mode Dash (Alt+F2)16:51
celthundernm5tf: ?16:51
celthundernm5tf: why would it cause problems16:51
Inside_duckhi !16:52
celthundernm5tf: and why would you do it?  use 64 bit with a chroot if you need 32 bit apps16:52
celthunderInside_duck: hi16:52
* ads_ sigh16:52
Inside_duckcan someone help me to install nvidia driver? i'm new to the linux environment, it's a bit disapointed16:53
ruanInside_duck: what do you need the nvidia driver for?16:53
ZoohouseIs there a problem with the 64bit build of Ubuntu 11.04? It my computer freezes during installation....16:53
magepsychowhere to find the the run box?16:54
nm5tfdon't know if it would, that's why i am asking-trying to get a game working that the DEVS say works just fine under 64 bit system-it does not work on my 32 bit system16:54
ruanmagepsycho: alt f216:54
Inside_duckjust to have a good resolution on my 24P, and i want test cuda on it16:54
celthunderZoohouse: what's it freeze on? any output on terminal 7//8?16:54
TimRInside_duck: System > Administration > additional drivers16:55
celthundernm5tf: it wouldn't cause problems to dual boot but like i said...just use a chroot for the 32 bit apps and 64 for everything else16:55
ruanusually additional drivers prompts you when they exist though16:55
TimRInside_duck: Assuming you are on Ubuntu Classic16:55
Inside_ducki do not have this in the panel, it's the last backtrack 5 build16:55
magepsychoruan .. where to fiind from the menu16:55
magepsychoi didn't see it listed16:55
Zoohousecelthunder: It freezes during installation is copying files. Last thing it said is "May 11 15:42:51 ubuntu ubiquity[2879]: Step_before = stepUserInfo"16:55
ruanmagepsycho: not sure, alt f2 is the only way i know of16:56
hmullerI am adding an initscript to /etc/init.d, is it proper Ubuntu practice to use insserv or update-rc.d?16:56
ZoohouseAlso when the PC freezes, the light in my mouse turns off...16:56
ruanmagepsycho: terminal can do just about anything alt f2 can though16:56
nm5tfcelthunder: or vice versa i guess-i have a 32 bit sys that i want to try the game under 64 bit to see if that works16:56
en1gmaeverytime i boot up 10.04 i keep on having to goto a term and type 'ifconfig ra0 up' can i add that to a file so it automatically does it evertime i boot up16:57
Inside_duckOk, i have to go, i'll be back in an hour, thanks those who reply to me :) See ya16:57
en1gmai been googling start up scripts etc... but no luck on finding the exact file to add that line too16:57
hmullercompdoc: should I ignore the warning about missing LSB information?16:57
multipass|2hi, does anyone know how i can change the numbers of my dual monitors?16:57
rumpe1en1gma, you could try adding it to /etc/rc.local16:58
multipass|2hi, does anyone know how i can change the numbers of my dual monitors ATI*?16:58
Fieldyhi, i'm using Kubuntu 10.04.2 LTS (#kubuntu is unresponsive, hope i can get a hint here). i went from using a 24" monitor to a 37" TV into the RGB DIN input. after rebooting, I only get 1280x1024 and no higher modes (such as 1920x1080 I was using before) are available. the nvidia driver did get loaded. what can I do?16:58
en1gmaahh i was thinking it was rc.d for some reasoj16:58
en1gmaok thanks16:58
ruanen1gma: /etc/network/interfaces   add auto ra016:58
celthundermultipass|2: uhm ? renumber them or reposition them?16:58
ZoohouseIs there a way to check the CD for errors before it installs?16:58
nm5tfcelthunder: maybe that isn't very clear-i have an AMD K8 64 bit cpu, but only installed Lucid 10.04 as 32 bit sys16:58
celthunderZoohouse: should be16:58
compdochmuller, if you get the file right, you shouldnt have any errors. I would remove it and study other init.d files16:59
ruanen1gma: /etc/network/interfaces is easier16:59
celthundernm5tf: ok yeah dual boot then...or virtualize the 64 bit install16:59
Zoohousenm5tf: I also have the AMD k8 64 bit cpu. Having trouble installing...16:59
NBGuestDoes anyone else have problems running Skype + unity + more than one monitor ?16:59
hmullercompdoc: I did study and cannot find missing information in the file16:59
en1gmaohh might be a good idea17:00
en1gmathanks will try that too17:00
compdochmuller, the commented stuff at the beginning is important (lines beginning with #)17:00
hmullercompdoc: See if you can find the missing information - http://paste.ubuntu.com/606193/17:01
nm5tfZoohouse: do you have the dual-core sys?? I have been running Ubuntu since 2008 (8.10???) with no problems-what R U trying to install???17:01
ruanen1gma: sudo echo auto ra0 >>/etc/network/interfaces17:01
Zoohousenm5tf: no I don't have a dual-core sys. Give me a min and I'll tell you what I have.17:02
tsimpsonruan: that won't work17:03
ruantsimpson: why?17:03
tsimpsonruan: because only echo would be run as root, the writing to /etc/network/interfaces would be done as the regular user17:03
ruanhmm. sudo -i could work then17:04
tsimpsonruan: "echo auto ra0 | sudo tee -a /etc/network/interfaces" would be the better way17:04
celthunderZoohouse: did youverify your disk wrote properly17:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:05
Zoohousecelthunder: I'm about to run a md5sum check on the DVD using my MacBook. I'll report back on how it goes17:05
latamaskaHello, I have installed apache on my ubuntu 10.10 but I don't know where the www folder is. How can I found out?17:05
tsimpsonlatamaska: /var/www by default17:06
ruanlatamaska: i think it's in /var/www17:06
latamaskatsimpson,  Wow!! It works...thank you so much!17:06
compdochmuller, it looks ok, although it has more stuff in that section than mine do. also, the first line is slightly different17:07
compdoc hmuller,  mine is:    #!/bin/sh -e17:08
compdoc hmuller, the second line has 4 # instead of 317:09
sebsebsebRight so I got a headset,  but with 11.04 only the earphones work, not the microphone,  After Google'ing well I came across stuff about how poeple had microphones that worked in 10.10, but then stopped working after upgrading to 11.04, which isn't  what happended for me, but uhmm the point is it seems quite a few microphoens will have issues.17:10
hmullercompdoc: Thanks that was driving me buggy, it was an extra #17:10
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sebsebsebAny idea's?17:11
addisonj_sebsebseb, is it a USB mic? or just a normal analog mic?17:11
sebsebsebit's not a USB17:12
sebsebsebgot the pink and blue ports, and I connec how it's meant to conenct, but  what I just said17:12
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addisonj_did you make sure it isn't muted?17:13
sebsebsebyep it's not muted17:13
sebsebsebwhen I try to get it working17:13
sebsebsebI think the OS needs configuring for it, and then it may work if possible,  but I don't tend to do stuff with sound for a start.  however I did make sure everything was turend up in alsamixer which didn't amke a difference17:14
Hedgehog456I've only just started recovering from Unity17:14
sebsebsebHedgehog456: recovery from Unity?17:14
DaghdhaHedgehog456: Can you tell me if context menus un unity work the same as in windows, or the same as in GNome?)17:15
Hedgehog456sebsebseb: It scarred me :P17:15
froqhave any of you guys used the spaces in Mac OSX?!  I would like to make something similar to that in Ubuntu... where a screen comes up showing me my four spaces... I am running 10.0417:15
Mr_Sonomaanyone know a good howto on setting up remote x log ins?17:15
Hedgehog456froq: Compiz17:15
sebsebsebHedgehog456: how so?17:15
Daghdhacontext menu = menu that pops up when you press right mouse17:15
froqHedgehog456, awesome!  THANKS.17:16
Hedgehog456sebsebseb: It constantly crashed, destroying my work, it was slow, it was a usability nightmare17:16
Hedgehog456froq: Let me see the plugin...17:16
sebsebseboh right ok @ Hedgehog45617:16
osseHow can I assign a keyboard shortcut to the Ubuntu button?17:16
Hedgehog456froq: Expo17:17
blip-hi, I just started an install of the latest ubuntu and told it to encrypt my home folder.   I''m unsure if this is a good idea, it's for a laptop with an SSD. I plan to backup frequently17:17
blip-is there a way to undo ?17:17
blip-as in unencrypt the home folder ?17:17
sebsebsebblip-: not a good idea17:17
sebsebsebblip-: that's really a  power users option, so not sure why they make it so seen17:18
sebsebsebhowever apparnatly for example if you re install and have an encrypted home,  you could then have problems accessing the data17:18
blip-sebsebseb, I've been using Linux for 6 users but never encrypted home, but now it seems to make sense specially for a laptop17:18
sebsebsebblip-: however if you told it to to encryptet let it finnish I guess, get your data, and start over with a new home17:18
sebsebsebwell yeah if your computer is unlikely to get stolen or have someone going on it pshyically that you don't want on it, looking at your data17:19
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Arska134Anything new with Additional drivers bug? (Driver is installed, but not currently in use) Getting really annoying because i can' play games... :(17:19
sebsebsebthen the encrypted home is quite pointless17:19
blip-sebsebseb, no it's a fresh install17:19
sebsebsebblip-: also if I remember correctly I basically read an earlier before about how data isn't really that secure,  when the home is encrypted17:19
sebsebseb,because the whole hard disk isn't17:20
sebsebsebblip-: well I guess start over and don't do the encryption like I was saying anyway17:20
sssneed help ubuntu 10.10 not seeing 2MB SRAM card when inserted17:21
blip-sebsebseb, ok I'll check some articles online about it, if security isn't so good then it's not worth17:22
industriablip-: do you have a reason why it shouldn't be encrypted ?17:22
sebsebsebblip-: well it's for people who are likely to have their computer stolen, or have someone they don't want looking at  their data on it I guess, or yeah the rather paranoid17:22
ZoohouseNot sure what I am doing wrong when I try to check the md5sum using my macbook. Can someone see if I am doing it wrong? http://pastext.net/323217:23
Muglert_hey dudes, just installed ubuntu with the Wubi installer (lazy lazy me ^) Now Im trying to find where all the windows files are hiding. Mostly intrested in getting access to my gaming folder... (only one harddrive at the moment so linux/windows with games and all on the same one)... where do I find this? thanks in advance17:23
blip-industria, i've never done encryption, I don't have sensitive stuff but it's a laptop after all.  it can get stolen in public17:23
blip-industria, I'm worried abbout file system faluire or losing my data17:23
sebsebsebMuglert_: /host or something if I remember correctly, also much better to use real partitions for any Linux distro17:23
celthunderMuglert_: install ntfs-3g and then mkdir /media/windows and mount/dev/sd<drivenumber><partitionnumber> /media/windows17:24
maniakssIs a HD Movie Accelerator for Linux? HD 4850 gpu17:24
sebsebsebblip-: ok sounds like you don't need encryption then,  oh and don't save passwords on the computer for things, or do so, but in a secure way or something, and yeah that's fine17:24
Muglert_Celthunder, thanks man ^^ Im just trying it all out and see if its something I will stick with :p17:24
industriablip-: There could be a potential problem if you want to move the dist to another installation, but with a laptop I would encrypt - especially if you have out in public17:24
celthunderMuglert_: if you want to automount it look into autofs...very useful17:25
sebsebsebMuglert_: no what celthunder told you to do is for a pshyicall install real partitions, not Windows17:25
sebsebsebMuglert_: celthunder  Also a pshyicall partitioend install, would show the Windows partition anyway, and allow access to it17:25
sebsebsebread and write17:25
blip-industria, I don't often reinstall, I plan to use 11.04 kubuntu for at least a year or two, maybe dist upgrade but in that case I can move /home to another machine then copy it back right ?17:25
sebsebsebwhere as with wubi and /host or whatever it is,  I think it's read only access17:26
celthundersebsebseb: eh i havn't had windows in like ayear now but i always had to add it to my autofs rules17:26
industriablip-: yes17:26
sebsebsebcelthunder: right, but Wubi is differnet to a normal partitioend insteall of Ubuntu17:26
sebsebseband Muglert_ has wubi ^17:26
roasted_Does Ubuntu support LVM out of box?17:27
Muglert_such I do :p be back laters, have stuff to do right now17:27
Rickyboy107hello is anyone available to help me?17:27
celthunderRickyboy107: no we all happen to be at lunch at the same time17:27
sebsebsebroasted_: I think in the custom option in the installer, you may be able to get LVM17:27
sebsebseb!ask | Rickyboy10717:27
ubottuRickyboy107: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:27
celthunderroasted_: should as the tools to do it are pretty much standard core utils17:27
roasted_sebsebseb, now, I'm having a little difficulty understanding something. LVM is basically virtual partitions, right?17:27
* sebsebseb notices how this channel still has a lot of people in it, but that it's quiten down by a lot17:28
magepsychoguys how to show .htaccess file17:28
sebsebseb!lvm | roasted_17:28
ubotturoasted_: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto17:28
magepsychothat file is not showing17:28
FLeiXiuSHow do I enable both krb and local account authentication17:28
blip-hmm hibernation will not work because swap is encrypted too ..  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome17:28
celthundermagepsycho: from where? the browser? it's not supposed to17:29
Daghdhais there a good tool to see what uses how much diskspace? Perhaps even graphical?17:29
magepsychonope in /var/www17:29
industriamagepsycho: ls -la17:29
jribDaghdha: baobab17:29
magepsychousing GUI17:29
celthunderDaghdha: du17:29
magepsychonot via terminal17:29
Rickyboy107I want to want to install Ubuntu, I have a 64 bits pc (64 bits intel prosessor), and when i use the 32 bits version i hear the sound and the working lights flickering but my screen remains black untill I force shutdown, do i need to use the 64 bits version?17:29
roasted_Ubuntu can be installed on a flash drive, right?17:29
Daghdhadu just vomits a multi hndred line output17:29
PiciDaghdha: df17:29
celthunderroasted_: yes17:29
blip-anyway hibernate has never worked too well in linux, i'll stick with suspend to ram and shutdown for longer.17:29
sebsebsebRickyboy107: got the botting dots?17:30
industriamagepsycho: ctrl+h17:30
celthunderRickyboy107: no try ctrl alt f117:30
compdocRickyboy107, not necessarily. could have the same result with the 64bit version17:30
roasted_sebsebseb, this is a mixture of LVM and raid. That siad, is LVM raid, or is LVM virtual partitioning? Or... is it both?17:30
gregLmagepsycho, did you set up  .htaccess17:30
Rickyboy107i only get the starting screen when he asks for live mode or installation but nothing appears17:30
Daghdhao baboab is even installe dalready.17:30
celthunderRickyboy107: what's your graphics card?17:30
Rickyboy1071,5gb with dynamic video17:31
sebsebsebRickyboy107: might be to do with the graphics card, but probably actsauly more likely a bad ISO or pshyicall CD17:31
sebsebseb!md5sum | Rickyboy10717:31
ubottuRickyboy107: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:31
sebsebseb!hashes | Rickyboy10717:31
ubottuRickyboy107: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.17:31
magepsychohey gregL17:31
magepsychothat works great17:31
DaghdhaAwesome too JRIB! For checking diskusage for normal humans that is pretty neat :P17:31
needlezhey is there a way from a command line to see if totem is open?? and if the movie in totem is paused, playing, or stopped?? I want the command line to tell me one of those three things17:32
sebsebsebRickyboy107: when you download an ISO for  an OS, really you should check your downoad, before burning it's conents to CD and using,  and really the Ubuntu site should be much more clear about that, but well no they still aren't after all this time17:32
Rickyboy107its worked on a friends pc earlier today so the iso isnt damaged17:32
blip-sebsebseb, industria: I read the caveats section about encrypting home, none of these issues bother me so I guess i'll encrypt.  but one more thing, if the OS get's damaged/corrupted, does that mean I can't decrypt home as well ?17:32
Michael88_can anyone tell me a app to make multiboot usb? the app can be for windows or linux :)..... plz private me with msg if you know17:33
blip-I guess I'll need to keep an external HDD at home that I make weekly/daily backups of /home to17:33
sebsebsebRickyboy107: well get the 64bit, check ISO, like I was saying, and try that, if you still got problems, it may simpally be that 11.04 doesn't like your hardware, and then you can try a previous version such as 10.10 or 10.04 or some other distro even17:33
Rickyboy107okay i will try 64bits17:34
celthunderblip-: that's a good idea to do anyway17:34
_jopneedlez, "pgrep totem" will return pid(s) if any totem players are open, or nothing if none are17:34
industriablip-: http://askubuntu.com/questions/1012/reinstall-ubuntu-with-encrypted-home-directory17:34
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_jopblip-, if you are going to use an encrypted /home, try to keep it as a seperate partition17:35
sebsebsebblip-: if  things mess up enough, and your using an encrypted home, then yeah I guess you are rather likely to lose the data17:35
blip-industria, thanks17:35
karniHey guys. Anyone knows how to fix tray icons in Natty (Ubuntu Classic), which (some of them) are a size of 1 pixel ? (pidgin and dropbox works fine, Mumble and KeePassX don't)17:35
_jopblip-, also, make sure to encrypt swap17:36
blip-guys I just read there may be a performance downside with encrypting /home, do you think this will be noticable on laptop with SSD17:36
karniblip-: it won't17:36
reliabilityhow can i set kernel parameters (permanentally) on ubuntu 11.04?17:36
karniblip-: I have encrypted 100GB home on a regular hard drive (in a laptop), and see no performance impact17:36
celthunderblip-: no it shouldn't unless you're nonstop doing massive transfers maybe...even then it shouldn't be noticable though17:36
blip-karni, does it decrypt all on login or has to do it to each file ?   if so there would a delay if I want to play a large video file for example ?17:37
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karniblip-: when you log in, it mounts the encrypted file system, so it's transparent to you17:37
_jopblip-, the speed degrade is not very noticable, I use full disk encryption with 512-bit aes-xts and haven't noticed any speed degrades yet17:37
needlez_jop: after pgrep totem how is there a way to tell if the movie in totem is playing or paused or stoped? like by using dbus?? I creating a script that says if totem isn't playing or paused, then totem --quit17:37
reliabilityhow can i set kernel parameters (permanentally) on ubuntu 11.04?17:37
karniblip-: and no, it doesn't decrypt everything ;) it mounts the encrypted file system17:38
karniblip-: so you can see files as if they were unencrypted17:38
_jopreliability, do you use grub2 or grub3?17:38
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reliabilitygrub 1.9917:38
karniblip-: no, I don't think there would be any delay.17:38
blip-ok cool17:38
_jopneedlez, I'm not sure, let me take a look into that17:38
needlez_jop: thank you very much17:38
blip-I will give it a try then for a week and test, worse case I'll reinstall and disable encrypted home17:39
blip-thanks for the help everyone17:39
sebsebsebblip-:ok well good luck not losing your data in the future, if going to being encryption17:39
sebsebsebbe doing, above17:39
MedicsSomeone here who can invite me to AeroFS?17:39
_jopreliability, post the output of "ls /boot/grub"17:39
sebsebsebMedics: what's that?17:40
coldzerohi :)17:40
magepsychosudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart is not working for me17:40
magepsychoany idea guys17:40
blip-sebsebseb, yeah I'll buy an eSATA external hdd, then I can make fast daily incremental backups17:40
magepsychoit says: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName17:40
reliability_jop: http://pastebin.com/v1Aix3AZ17:40
sebsebsebblip-: uhmm right oh ok, good idea17:40
disasmmagepsycho: I get that error all the time. Does it still work?17:41
Medicssebsebseb: File sync without servers... www.aerofs.com17:41
roasted_Is there a web gui for managing software raid/lvm on ubuntu/ubuntu server?17:41
magepsychonope not working17:41
multipass|2hi im on a laptop and have a 24 inch monitor hooked up for dual monitor, (ATI) , when i do VGA, 1920x1080 works fine, but when i do HDMI the picture dosnt use up the while screen, and if i stretch it it looks weird, anyone know what might be happening?17:42
magepsychowhat i was tryiing to enable the mod_rewrite17:42
rumpe1magepsycho, how do you check, if it's working?17:42
sebsebsebMedics: I think what your asking by the way, is probably off topic really #ubuntu-offtopic17:42
Medicssebsebseb: I think you are right. Sorry for that.17:42
sebsebsebMedics: yeah this channel is meant to be Ubuntu issues, which that isn't really,  and I don't care that much reallly, but still saying17:43
celthundermagepsycho: disasm check your hostname for your system /etc/hosts and httpd.conf to make sur they match for the FQDN and that error should go away17:43
Medicssebsebseb: It's okay17:43
Michael88_can anyone tell me a app to make multiboot usb? the app can be for windows or linux :)..... plz private me with msg if you know17:44
ZoohouseAMD Athlon 64 FX 51 / 2.2 GHz processor17:44
disasmmagepsycho: can you paste your apache site config to pastebin?17:44
industriamagepsycho: try using sudo apache2ctl - it has a config check option17:44
_jopneedlez, sorry but I wasn't able to figure out how to determine totem's status ;/17:45
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rsonI've got three small arrows next to an application that isn't even running in my unity dock, anyone have a clue as to what they are?17:45
Zoohousenm5tf: I'm running a AMD Athlon 64 FX 2.2GHz processor if I remember correctly.17:45
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disasmcelthunder: never mind, that's not the warning I get. It's NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts - I got confused17:48
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magepsychohi disasm .. how to get apache config17:49
eiriksvinhow do i fix my screen in games? the fullscreen always shows up on the left side and not the center so i cant see half the screen17:49
celthunderdisasm: your virtualhost config files probably are wrong then17:49
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celthunderdisasm: do you st a name in your virtualhost files?17:50
_jopreliability, it looks like u're using grub2 and grub2 automatically determines the paremeters on each update17:50
_jopreliability, you might have to create custom entries and put those at the top of the list when grub is loading17:51
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eiriksvincan someone help me?17:51
eiriksvinhow do i fix my screen in games? the fullscreen always shows up on the left side and not the center so i cant see half the screen17:51
Rickyboy107oh dear..... i forgot if this was the support channel17:51
t4k3sh1Hi guys, have someone emesene in natty?17:51
Rickyboy107i think so17:52
Rickyboy10764 bits Ubuntu also doesnt show up (natty)17:52
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Dc_-_-_Seven_Six__Two: Hello! You where helping me with my keyboard problem about a week ago. Its a problem with my xorg.conf file (I think!). xorg.conf = http://pastebin.com/tAMPQ0fS / xorg.0.log = http://pastebin.com/Lrgi3Nge / lsusb -v = http://pastebin.com/v0ECsDdv. It worked the fine after install but stopped working a week later (possibly after an update?). I have to have a xorg.conf file to add the option "ReverseDDC" "on".  Any he17:53
Rickyboy107so what should i do now?17:53
eiriksvinis there an option in ubuntu nVIDIA setting that will fix it?17:53
eiriksvini don't want to just go clicking around17:54
Zoohouseeiriksvin: yea, if you go to admin > hardware-something you can install the drivers for nvida17:54
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pvthodsonneed help with wifi17:55
eiriksvin<Zoohouse> i have the drivers, but i don't know if i should run the game on no effects or if theres a setting that needs to be fixed17:55
soyopvthodson: Can you be more specific?17:55
Zoohouseeiriksvin: what game is it?17:56
napsterI've a USB modem with a SIM card in it to access internet using GPRS. How can I dial a number from it to make a voice call?17:56
gsp2009hello folks. Can someone help me understand a vino-server problem that I am having. Since upgrading to natty, VNC is only available on localhost. I found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1748482 and when I start vino-server with --sm-disable it works fine. Why does it now work when I lauch it from System-Prefs-Remote destop?17:56
pvthodsonyeah I have dell e6420 running ubuntu 11.04 and the wireless will on connect to unencrypted networks17:56
eiriksvinGuildwars i downloaded through winetricks17:57
soyopvthodson: What type of security is the network you are trying to use? WEP? WPA? 128-bit?17:57
pvthodsonwpa 2 personal aes17:58
Zoohouseeiriksvin: Are you on Ubuntu 11.04?17:58
khemirwhy is so complicated install XEN in natty?17:58
eiriksvinnope 10.1017:59
soyopvthodson: And you have that set correctly under the wireless settings for that SSID?17:59
Rickyboy107Might natty fail because my pc uses oem software right now?17:59
eiriksvin11.04 has issues with my nVIDIA17:59
=== ajf|offline is now known as ajf
ajfOK, I've done something horribly wrong and I don't have read/write permissions for anything on my docs drive18:00
pvthodsonyes it see's the network and will connect but will not get out to the internet other ubuntu 11.04 laptops connect to the same network without problems18:00
ajfHow can I recursively reset them all (so I can read/write, and so can root)18:00
soyo!chmod | ajf18:00
ubottuajf: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions18:00
thauriswulfaHELP: sound not working while playing videos or music after unity crash?18:00
nypanGot a problem with my wireless everytime i restart my computer i need to write "sudo modprobe b43" in the terminal, anyone know a solution to that?18:00
pdg1I'm having a hard time setting up a dynamic dns, i just don't understand how this stuff works :p18:00
nypanfor it to start18:01
rumpe1ajf, root can always read/write, except it's mounted read-only18:01
gsp2009anyone? vnc server?18:01
pdg1anyone have some input?18:01
Zoohouseeiriksvin: yea 11.04 didn't run my nvidia as well... I guess you can try to see if nvidia is running...18:01
soyopvthodson: Could be a DNS problem.. Did you set your DNS servers?18:01
pvthodsonno should I manually set them, right now im using dhcp18:01
soreaunypan: Have the b43 module autoload by adding it to /etc/modules18:01
ajfubottu: OK.18:02
pvthodsonfrom what I read it seems to be a problem with the card18:02
soyopvthodson: try setting them manually and see if that helps18:02
magepsychosudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default18:02
magepsychoi use this command18:02
pyQhello, I delete panel bar on top by mistake18:03
magepsychohow to save in nano18:03
pyQhowcan i recover it18:03
_jopnypan, have u tried running18:03
magepsychohow to save text in nano editor18:03
Rickyboy107Okay, Uhm i was in this chat earlier for the 32 or 64 bits of Natty both dont work, what should i do now and is ubuntu able to bypass OEM software on the pc18:03
ajfWould permissions of 667 for everything do what i want?18:03
_jop"sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer"18:03
ajfI want to read, write and execute for me, and root is unimportant18:03
ThinkT510magepsycho: ctrl x, it will offer to write to file (save)18:03
nypansoreau: Should i just put in that command there?18:03
pvthodsongot any info on this card Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 620518:03
compdocRickyboy107, try an earlier version maybe - 10.04, 10.1018:04
ThinkT510magepsycho: it should say that at the bottom18:04
brian_limanyone use ufw on production servers?18:04
soreaunypan: No just the module name18:04
pdg1when i go to my dyndns host it only shows me my router's web login. dyndns.com says this is a 'loopback connection error' but i have no idea what to do to fix it18:04
rumpe1pdg1, your client asks the dyndns-service to resolve the dyndns-address according to your current ip18:04
soyopvthodson: You could also try putting in a web browser. If you google.com comes up but you cannot get it by typing http://google.com then DNS is your issue.18:04
magepsychothen how to close it18:04
Zoohousecelthunder: Can't get md5sum -c to work on the CD from my Macbook...18:04
pyQinput language setting icion missing too18:04
magepsychohow to close nano editor18:04
kleanchapWhat is the difference between Desktop vs Server version of Ubuntu?18:04
_jopnypan, put that command in a terminal18:04
eiriksvinheh, i just hit auto on my monitor to fix it:) hopefully thats all that was wrong:)18:04
ThinkT510magepsycho: it will close after it saved18:04
pyQhow to add them?18:04
ajfsudo chmod -r 777 * worked18:04
brian_limkleanchap : desktop for home use server for server version18:05
pdg1rumpe1 : so is there a way to foward any requests to my server machine on the other side of the nat?18:05
coz_  hey all18:05
Rickyboy107Downloading 10.10 now but if it doesnt work i am kinda sad because my older laptop worked on ubuntu this one is 6-8 months old and is way stronger then the other one18:05
gartralkleanchap: Server has no GUI to start, and comes pre-loaded with the essentials for a LAMP server18:05
_jopajf, just becareful 777 grants permissions to everyone for reading, writing, and executing18:05
eiriksvinit changed the res of my screen but, it works18:05
gartral!Desktop > kleanchap18:05
ubottukleanchap, please see my private message18:05
nypan_jop: yeah i do that but looking for a way so i won't have to do that everytime i start the comp18:05
gartral!Server > kleanchap18:05
brian_limgartral : no LAMP is not preloaded I had to get it ;)18:05
magepsychoapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName18:05
ThinkT510magepsycho: ctrl x is actually exit, but it will offer to save if you've made changes and have permission18:05
magepsychoi m getting this error when i try to restart apache18:05
kleanchapCan I install http server on the Desktop edition?  or sendmail?18:06
llutzkleanchap: you can18:06
pdg1rumpe1: i think i have the answer :P thanks18:06
eiriksvinok, i think i found a way around it, but im gonna have to auto it every time:()18:06
_jopnypan, i meant have you tried running the command "sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer"?18:06
pyQany one could help???18:07
nypan_jop: yes i have the drivers for my card18:07
pyQI delete inpute language bar in panel18:07
pyQtry to recover18:07
nypan_jop: the problem is that i need to write "sudo modprobe b43" in terminal for it to start18:08
eiriksvinwow, this is going to be a nice long 28000 files to download at only 8k/sec cus my internet is really slow right now:(18:08
_jopnypan, gotcha18:08
llutznypan: add "b43" to /etc/modules18:08
ZoohouseAnyone knows if the Ubuntu 11.04 live CD has a diagnostic tool to check if the CD is error free?18:08
ZoohouseRickyboy107: talking to me?18:09
soyoZoohouse: Yes18:09
Rickyboy107when the cd boots up you will see a Keyboard and a black puppet18:09
ThinkT510Zoohouse: it is an option to check the cd when you boot it18:09
pvthodsonwould it be a dns issue if I connect from a non encrypted network without problems18:09
Rickyboy107press anykey and select a language, then you will see a menu18:09
Rickyboy107live boot, install, check file intergrety and scan memory18:10
Rickyboy107choose check file intergrety18:10
Zoohousesoyo: how do I get to it? ThinkT510 when I boot I see 2 options. Run the live CD and Install18:10
bgamariIf one installs a package from source what is the best way to get dpkg to satisfy dependencies on the package short of building a deb?18:10
ThinkT510Zoohouse: look at what Rickyboy107 said18:10
ZoohouseRickyboy107: awesome, thanks!18:10
soyopvthodson: If you put in a browser do you see Google?18:10
ZoohouseThinkT510, soyo thanks ;)18:10
pvthodsonseems to not connect to my mobile hotspot on my phone either18:10
whoeverhi all, i am having a problem getting a wacom bamboo tablet to work i can grep that the wacom module is loaded but gimp doesnt see it . using 10.10 any help18:10
ThinkT510Zoohouse: np :)18:11
jribbgamari: equivs (but you should just build a proper package)18:11
Rickyboy107Zoohouse: No Problem mate18:11
ajfI used "sudo chown -R ajf *" - yet nautilus still says I don't own the folders in /media/Data (I used the command in /media/Data) ???18:11
Igor_Elezi have a problem, I installed Ubuntu 11.04 besides windows 7 and now when I turn on my PC it shows "error: unknown filesystem. grub rescue> _" can anyone help_18:11
soyopvthodson: OK then you may not have internet at all.. Is your gateway set to the correct router?18:11
Froq_WOW!!!  I am porting xChat over SSH -X to my mac!!!  :)  This is awesome!18:11
jribajf: what filesystem?18:11
ajfjrib: ext418:11
pvthodsonI yes like I said other computers use the same access point without problems18:11
bgamarijrib: It's for development, I just haven't found the overhead of dpkg-buildpackage to be worth it in the passed18:12
pyQI delete inpute language bar in panel18:12
Inside_ducksomeone can help me to install nvidia driver on an Backtrack Ubuntu please? would be great18:12
ZoohouseFroq_: really cool =)18:12
ajfhowever, everything on the drive was copied from an NTFS volume18:12
pyQhow to recover it, could anyone help18:12
Froq_Zoohouse: no joke!  This rocks the pants off of VNC...  how does it compare to VNC in speed though?18:12
ThinkT510!backtrack | Inside_duck18:12
ubottuInside_duck: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition18:12
jribbgamari: I'm just answering your question.  In your shoes I would build a proper package18:12
soyopvthodson: And you have the same gateway set under your settings as those computers?18:12
ajfoh wait18:12
ajfI was looking at the wrong drive18:12
magepsychoguys.. is there any good panel bar in ubuntu18:12
jribajf: pastebin: mount; ls -l /media/Data18:12
jribajf: ok18:12
ajfjrib: Is it a good idea that everything on my drive is owned by me (ajf)?18:13
Inside_duckOh, Gret, thanks m8 ;)18:13
pvthodsonyes just the standard
ajfOr should it be root owned?18:13
ajfI mean, for my docs18:13
ajfNot for system stuff in /18:13
bgamarijrib: Alright, thanks for your help18:13
jribajf: owned by your user sounds good to me18:13
froq__Is there a quick way to switch the command & control keys on Ubuntu?  All of my keyboards are Mac OSx keyboards.18:13
=== felix__ is now known as Guest37640
soyoajf: Your docs should be owned be you. Most of the OS should be owned by root18:13
Guest37640hi. I am trying to establish a VNC connection to my home computer (running ubuntu) from an external device (work computer/phone)18:13
jribfroq__: should be able to do that in keyboard preferences (or use xmodmap)18:14
Guest37640if the phone is connected to my LAN then I can connect fine18:14
llutzajf: but "chmod 777" on those fiels rarely is what you want18:14
ajfjrib: OK. Also, should I give "Others" any access with chmod? Or just owner and users18:14
Guest37640if i try to connect from outside the lan i get connection refused18:14
Guest37640i use canyouseeme.org to establish that port 5900 is open to the outside18:14
jribajf: do other users use the computer?18:14
Guest37640what could be wrong?18:14
ajfjrib: No18:14
coz_froq__,  check here   http://dancingpenguinsoflight.com/2009/01/fixing-the-function-keys-on-the-apple-keyboard-in-ubuntu/     and   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard18:15
ajfShould I just allow owner to read/write/exec, and read for group and users?18:15
pvthodsoncould it have something to do with the type of connection (ie. abgn)18:15
skulltipis unclutter fixed yet18:15
soyoGuest37640: Port 5900 is not forwarded to the correct IP internally?18:15
jribajf: then it doesn't really matter much what permissions you give other users, just leave them as they are18:15
ajfjrib: OK.18:15
soyoGuest37640: Although connecion REFUSED sounds more like a password/key type error18:16
skulltipok unclutter is still broken18:16
skulltiphow do i remove this service, apt-et uninstall?18:17
llutzsoyo: "connection refused" usually means, theres nothing listening on that port18:17
Guest37640soyo.. canyouseeme.org says "I can see your serice on 5900" so that ptobably measn its formwading to the right machine18:17
Guest37640and im using identical connection paramters to when i connected succesfully18:17
soyoGuest37640: Do you have access to the error logs on that machine?18:17
Guest37640yes. where are they?18:18
ajfoh, one more thing18:18
ajfshould lost+found be root-owned?18:18
soyoGuest37640: Usually /var/log18:18
ajfas I think i changed its permissions along with other stuff18:18
Guest37640soyo ill take a look18:18
Guest37640soyo know which one?18:19
Froq_coz_: thz18:19
coz_froq__,  work?18:19
soyoGuest37640: What protocol did you say you were using? SSH? Samba?18:19
skulltiphow do i find services?18:19
Froq_I haven't performed it yet, but I am going to look into it.  I like to read the source, digest it and think about it before I jump.  I apprecaite the quick find.18:19
ThinkT510ajf: you really should only change permissions on files you create or obtain only when neccesary18:19
Froq_coz_: & it had a link to the ubuntu page that is all about the apple keyboards :)  SCORE!18:20
coz_froq__,  excellent :)18:20
meloware(excuse my interruption)I am doing a apt-get upgrade, and used "D" to display the difference between my "my.cnf" and the distribution's version. I am at the <END> line, and don't know how to resume.18:20
melowareCan someone please tell me the command to use, to resume?18:20
Picimeloware: press q18:21
Igor_ElezI installed Ubuntu 11.04 along side Windows and got: "grub  rescue> _" WHAT DO I DO?18:21
Logan_!caps | Igor_Elez18:21
ubottuIgor_Elez: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:21
ajfOK I am very confused18:21
Cugu3H_KejHhi all18:21
ajfwhy can't I see folders if I do -x18:21
ajfisn't that not needed for folders?18:21
melowarePici: Thanks! I am on my way!18:22
Daghdhaigor: Maybe super grub bootdisk can help you18:22
skulltipwhere do i find 'services' for ubuntu 11.0418:22
ThinkT510!terminal | ajf18:22
ubottuajf: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:22
Zoohousecelthunder: The disk has no errors on it. 11.04. Not sure why it crashes during install...18:22
Cugu3H_KejHI was hoping if someone can give me a hand with an interface issue I have18:22
ajfThinkT510: I can use the terminal app18:22
Guest37640skulltip - what service are you interested in?18:23
ajfoh, x is not what I thought18:23
ThinkT510ajf: you don't seem to be familiar with the commands18:23
Zoohousecelthunder: have you noticed if other ppl are having the same issue installing ubuntu 11.04 64?18:23
skulltipwant to disable unclutter18:23
skulltipit's broken18:23
llutz!permission | ajf read this carefully to get a clue how permissions work18:23
ubottuajf read this carefully to get a clue how permissions work: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions18:23
ajfI am reading this18:23
ajfNow I understand18:23
ajfx for directories != x for file18:23
Guest37640skulltip - sorry no idea18:24
skulltipbroken as in interferes with mouse cursor in full screen 3d games18:24
pdg1this loopback connection thing still isn't making a whole lot of sense... i have a feeling this issue has something to do with my router, but I'm pretty sure my isp wont support this...18:24
ajfAh, now I see. It is much easier to use the GUI editor as it distinguishes between directories and files18:25
soyoOK back18:26
Froq_So I am going to build myself a new i5 computer this summer... what socket do I want to go with 1156 or the 13** one?18:26
pdg1can anyone help me find some more information on setting up a dynamic dns hostname?18:26
Froq_so 1155 or 1156 or 1366???18:26
soyoGuest37640: So what are you connecting with again?18:27
llutzFroq_: #hardware maybe for that, offtopic here18:27
Guest37640ive tried two clients18:27
bastidrazorajf: that is what the color differences are in terminal. they indicate different things.18:27
Froq_llutz: o thanks!18:27
soyoGuest37640: They are?18:27
Guest37640soyo one client can connect succesfully from the LAN but not externally18:27
quinthey, so my machine is running ubuntu 11.04 (gnome 2.32) would you consider it much safer (device wise) that i keep it on all the time while ubuntu is installed as opposed to windows?18:27
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bastidrazorGuest37640: sounds like you have ports not forwarded18:28
Guest37640soyo that one is androidVNC18:28
Froq_llutz: What is the channel?  #hardware under the freenode.net?18:28
Guest37640im pretty sure the port is formwarded correctly18:28
ActionParsnipquint: depends on your needs18:28
llutzFroq_:  ##hardware   it is, sry18:28
li0s /server gr.net18:28
ThinkT510quint: what do you mean by device wise?18:28
Guest37640soyo i verified port forwading using http://canyouseeme.org/18:28
quintwell in terms of resources18:29
soyoGuest37640: So then this is a SSH connection?18:29
quintalso security18:29
ActionParsnipquint: i look after windows servers with a year or so uptime18:29
Guest37640no.. VNC18:29
ThinkT510quint: the hardware won't be negatively affected, unless ofcourse you are doing something that causes it to overheat18:29
bastidrazorGuest37640: cool site.18:30
ajfOK, I am confused. How could I use find to recursively find directories only so I can chmod them right?18:30
jedi-masterQuestion. Is there any main difference between "OPENsuse" and "ubuntu", meaning i can do everything i do on Ubuntu on OPENsuse?  *sorry for stupid question*18:30
Guest37640bastidrazor, ja ja18:30
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ActionParsnipGuest37640: what do you do on the remote desktop?18:30
llutzajf: find path/ -type d -exec chmod ..... {} +18:31
ajfjedi-master: Both are Linux distributions, most stuff you can do on one you can do on other18:31
ajfJust not all software overlaps18:31
quintmy cpu temp seems significantly cooler, even compared to running windows xp with all of the services trimmed down to the basics18:31
jedi-masterthank you :)18:31
andre_pl_is anyone noticing a lot of wierd issues with the empathy/gnome-shell integration?18:31
ajfllutz: what does the -exec do?18:31
ThinkT510jedi-master: what did you have in mind? opensuse uses rpm ubuntu uses deb18:31
llutzajf: man find      (hint: exec comes from execute)18:31
ActionParsnipGuest37640: and you can't do it via ssh?18:31
Guest37640ActionParsnip, I know I should use ssh, but im just trying to get it working forst18:31
ajfllutz: OK.18:31
Guest37640ActionParsnip, ..possibly18:32
UhrheberHi. How do I install vlc 1.1.9 on 10.4? All I get is vlc
Guest37640ActionParsnip, does that keep you color prefernces from vim etc18:32
soyoGuest37640: It may be in /home/user/.vnc/18:32
Guest37640soyo ..looking18:32
jedi-masteri am reinstalling my Linux to get a proper partion, instead of virtualdisk(Wubi)18:32
llutzajf: easiest thing for a subtree: sudo chmod -R 644 /path && sudo chmod -R +X /path                   note, uppercase X is important18:33
ActionParsnipjedi-master: they are essentially the same OS. They use different packaging for apps and may have different app versions18:33
BluesKajjedi-master, dual booting is more flexible then using wubi18:33
doxinis it normal for dvd authoring to take 50+ hours to author a dvd? since it seems kinda long...18:33
Guest37640soyo - its not18:33
ThinkT510Uhrheber: why do you need vlc 119?18:33
jedi-masteralright thank you for your help:)18:34
rewalsarQUESTION: Is there any alternative to photoshop on Ubuntu other than GIMP?18:34
ActionParsnipGuest37640: should do. Seems weird to vnc then use vim18:34
Uhrhebervulnerability fix?18:34
ajfllutz: OK.18:34
quintoh yeah i was wondering also about another thing, when i add ps3 media server to my startup it seems to load it with a different configuration file and doesnt work properly, is that becuase the startup applications start under a different user?18:34
Micheal`rewalsar, inkscape18:34
soyoGuest37640: You know that the . makes its hidden? you did a -a or cntrl-h or something?18:34
ThinkT510!latest | Uhrheber18:34
ubottuUhrheber: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.18:34
ActionParsnipUhrheber: there is a ppa. Have you not websearched any?18:34
Guest37640ActionParsnip, yea i spose it is.. actually I just wanted the buzz of logging into my home pc from work.. lol18:34
BluesKajdoxin, defintely not , what app are you authoring with?18:35
Kennie`hi when i try to install the most recent ubuntu 11.04 on my machine it wont install grub (says it failed)... im using 2T disks in raid1 using mdadm... what could be the cause?18:35
Guest37640soyo i did cat ~/.vnc18:35
doxinBluesKaj: bombono18:35
rewalsarMicheal' : Is it better than GIMP?18:35
soyoGuest37640: Otherwise try /var/log/vnc?18:35
Igor_ElezI installed Ubuntu 11.04 along side Windows and got: "error: unknown filesystem." "grub  rescue> _" what do I do?18:35
Micheal`rewalsar, it is in some way not in others like everything18:35
ActionParsniprewalsar: better is an opinion18:35
UhrheberActionParsnip, yes I tried nvidia-vdpau/cutting-edge-multimedia18:35
Guest37640soyo nope18:36
xanguarewalsar: inkscape eeis a vector editor18:36
quintwhen i add ps3 media server to my startup it seems to load it with a different configuration file and doesnt work properly, is that becuase the startup applications start under a different user?18:36
home-aloneHi ....My minimized windows just disappear how to fix it....????......18:36
soyoGuest37640: To be honest I have never used VNC before. But I am pretty good with networking. It would help if I had the exact error to work with.18:36
rewalsarMicheal` : what should I go for in ubuntu?18:37
doxinBluesKaj: what could be the cause?18:37
Guest37640ok - ill google for the log location18:37
soyoGuest37640: The server side error I mean18:37
doxinBluesKaj: does your videocard have anything to do with it?18:37
Cugu3H_KejHQuestion: Can someone help me with an issue with interface/menu missing completely in Kubuntu Natty Narwhal, an aggravated issue from Kubuntu10.10 when right side of top menubar lost all icons, and could not be brought back?18:37
robin0800home-alone, which version of ubuntu unity?18:37
Micheal`rewalsar, depends on the task and what you like honestly both are good but its a personal opinion18:37
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home-alone@robin ...I am using 10.418:37
rewalsarMicheal` : ok thansk18:38
ActionParsnip!ppa | Uhrheber18:38
ubottuUhrheber: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.18:38
Micheal`rewalsar, no problem18:38
soyoGuest37640: Are you running VNCServer or linuxvnc?18:38
ActionParsniphome-alone: rightclick a panel and add the window list item18:38
Konzais there any way to give read permission for one group and write permission for another group for a single file18:38
robin0800home-alone, you need to add an applet to the panel think its window lists18:39
Guest37640i dont know i used the 'Remote Desktop' dialog in the ubuntu menu18:39
home-aloneI am using ubuntu 10.4 with gnome how to add an aplet...???18:39
xangua!panels | home-alone18:40
ubottuhome-alone: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »18:40
Konzais there any way to give read permission for one group and write permission for another group for a single file18:40
ActionParsniphome-alone: i just told you...18:40
multipass|2Im on a laptop using dual monitor with a 23inch, when i use vga and use 1080, it seems to work fine. When i try HDMI, the 1080 shrinks and dosnt take up the whole screen. If i try to stretch it, it looks a little off. Anyone know how i can fix this? thx18:40
Guest37640soyo oops many apologies - I just tried again and it connected18:40
ThinkT510!permissions | Konza18:40
ubottuKonza: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions18:40
soyoGuest37640: OK good. I believe its VNCserver that works with remote desktop18:41
Guest37640soyo thanks for the help18:41
vqxwKonza: I don't think that's possible with the standard linux permission system18:41
ActionParsnipGuest37640: if you use android and transmission you can remotely control it with transdroid. Very sexy18:41
soyoGuest37640: yw18:42
Micheal`soyo, yes vnc server is required to be configured to allow for a vnc connection as well as opening in the firewall18:42
Micheal`soyo, then you can use remote desktop or ts client to get to it18:42
soyoMicheal`: Thanks18:42
ActionParsnipGuest37640: if you are vncing over wan then use an ssh as vnc has zero security too18:43
Konzavqxw, thanks18:43
Micheal`soyo sorry i was doing some stuff at work and didnt see18:43
home-alone@ubottu thank you so much you solved my problem . I really appriciate your help18:43
Guest37640ActionParsnip, ja, I know18:43
_jopKonza, the standard unix permission system doesn't allow it; you will have to use access control lists18:43
Guest37640soyo I found Transmission usuably slow (at downloading)18:43
Zoohousecelthunder: I think the problem was a bad hard drive. I'm installing Ubuntu 11.04 on a different hard drive and it hasn't crashed yet. =)18:44
Guest37640soyo assuming thats the standard one that comes with ubuntu18:44
vqxwKonza: I don't know whether or not it's possible to use something like SElinux, and create a custem policy file though18:44
home-alonehow to unzip a rar file...????18:44
coz_Guest37195,  oh!  mm I use transmission  more for sentimental reasons,, since it birth place was BeOs18:44
Guest37640soyo Transdroid looks nice tho18:44
sssubuntu 10.10 not seeing SRAM card when inseted18:44
soyoGuest37640: IDK I usually just SSH with command line. No GUI that way though18:44
Konza_jop, Have you ever implemented it18:44
ThinkT510Guest37640: wouldn't download speeds depend on the torrent rather than transmission itself?18:45
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Cube``so i have a folder called "mandarin" somewhere in my home folder. i just ran updatedb. locate will *not* find that file! i checked manually and it is indeed there. but locate doesnt find it18:45
ActionParsniphome-alone: sudo apt-get -y install rar unrar unp p7zip-rar p7zip-full18:45
vqxwKonza: It seems very strange that something as useful as what you're describing doesn't exist in linux18:45
samba_hello anybody has inallws gnome3 with the gnome3-team repository ?18:45
Guest37640ThinkT510,  no - i download the same torrent with uTorrent more than ten times faster18:45
_jopKonza, nope I haven't18:45
Tomassois there some way to deny access from all other ip others than mine to my server and revert it easily, some iptables rule? I have ubuntu server in a virtual server, and some hack attemps18:45
Igor_Elezcan anyone help? I installed Ubuntu 11.04 along side Windows and got: "error: unknown filesystem." "grub  rescue> _" what do I do?18:45
ActionParsnipSamba_: gnome3 isn't supported here18:46
Zoohousesamba_: Last time I tried to do that, I screwed up the installation...18:46
ThinkT510Guest37640: interesting, i'm glad i haven't had any issues with it18:46
KonzaTomasso, use /etc/hosts.allow and hosts .deny18:46
Tomassowow :D thanks !18:46
home-alonethank you18:47
ActionParsnipHome-alone: you can then use nautilus or in cli: unp filename.rar18:47
samba_ActionParsnip, I know but i do it 'cause i'm really curious18:47
PiciTomasso: Depending on what type of attempts, you may want to look into fail2ban as well.18:47
samba_Zoohouse, the instakllation works great18:47
samba_but now i want to customize some settings18:47
samba_like the dash panel18:48
ActionParsnipSamba_: as i said, its not supported here. Ask in #gnome18:48
_jopKonza, I do know, however, that ACLs are supported for EXT2,3,4, JFS, and ReiserFS (Kernel >= 2.6)18:48
RootsAnyone have experience recovering hard disks with bad superblocks/partition tables? Installed 11.04 last night and somehow it made my backup disk unreadable.18:49
_jopman setfacl18:49
RootsThread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175542918:49
_jopand man getfacl18:49
Konza_jop, thanks18:49
_jopare the commands to get and set access controls18:49
vqxwKonza: Here you go, in order to achive what you want you need to use filesystem ACLs there's no gui to set them, but it should be possible: http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/showthread.php?t=8862918:49
vqxwKonza: oh someone beat me to it18:50
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Konzavqxw, :)18:51
BluesKajdoxin, sorry, wascalld away fr a fewmins,..video card is mostly for hadling playback, not sure if it gets used by authoring apps... not familir with bombono ..used tovid and devede in tha past18:51
_jopvqxw, don't worry, u'll best me next time :)18:51
omni_Does anyone know a quick way to change screen resolution in Ubuntu 11.04? When i boot up i get a "cannot view screen, not within Max Resolution"18:51
omni_*boot loader screen resolution18:52
Zoohouseahhh, feels so good to be back in Ubuntu. Fedora 14 was driving me a little nuts..18:52
Konzavqxw, the link at the bottom of the page is broken18:52
Igor_Elezis there anyone that can help me?18:52
Micheal`Igor_Elez, did you install windows after ubuntu?18:53
robin0800omni_, in etc/default/grub and then sudo update-grub18:53
Camaratashould i update my shell from 10.04 to 11.04, any benefits for a webserver?18:53
ZoohouseIgor_Elez: Just say what's wrong.18:53
ThinkT510Camarata: you'd need to go through 10.10 first18:54
=== Op4 is now known as Op4_
pvthodsonhey soyo found out i needed to install linux-backports to get it working with encrypted networks thanks for you help though18:54
vqxwKonza: oh sorry - look here: There's no date stamp on the page, but it might still be relevant: http://www.cs.unc.edu/cgi-bin/howto?howto=linux-file-acls18:54
ThinkT510Camarata: since its a server though its probably better to leave it and update to the next lts which would be 12.0418:55
soyopvthodson: ah ok well your welcome anyway18:55
omni_robin0800, I'm still kinda new on Ubuntu. Is there someplace in the grub file i can change resolution? It is set at the moment to 640x48018:56
doxinBluesKaj: it just kinda sucks that i need to run my pc for three days straight to make one dvd :P18:56
robin0800omni_, yes in etc/default/grub18:56
CamarataHmmm... why is wget not found on my server? i did a minimal install18:56
soyo!es | Guest5280718:56
ubottuGuest52807: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:56
Guest52807where are you from?18:57
Froq_Is there a channel that I can ask questions about recommended hardware?!?!18:57
Froq_I am not able to find it.18:57
vqxwdoxin: Is it an old machine?18:57
BluesKajdoxin, what exactly are you authoring ?18:57
Guest37640nice - got SSH working and it has my colours in vim18:58
PiciGuest52807: This is a support channel.  If you're not looking for support, you can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic18:58
Guest37640v important ;)18:58
soyoGuest37640: Yes it is.18:58
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Guest37640tx bye19:00
Camaratadrupal1:/var/www$ wget http://drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-7.0.tar.gz19:00
Camarata-bash: wget: command not found19:00
Camarataanyone know why that is happening?19:00
CamarataUbuntu 10.04*19:00
PiciCamarata: you don't have wget installed for some reason?19:00
Camaratai checked /usr/bin, it's gone19:00
soyoCamarata: sudo apt-get install wget?19:00
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Camaratabut it should be there in a default install?19:00
soyoCamarata: Yeah I thought it was default..19:00
Camarataapt-get installed it just now19:01
Camaratabut im just wondering if something else is missing/wrong19:01
soyodun dun dun19:01
ThinkT510soyo: is it default in the mini install?19:01
soyoThinkT510: I dunno19:02
Camaratawell we'll see when i install my LAMP stack and Drupal19:02
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coz_ThinkT510,   I have wget by default if that is what you mean19:02
coz_ThinkT510,  and I exclusively use the mini.iso19:02
ThinkT510coz_: then Camarata must have uninstalled it then19:03
ActionParsnipWhat does the w in wget stand for?19:03
coz_ThinkT510,  possibly  ,,19:03
CamarataThinkT510, boss just emailed me IP, user, pass19:03
Camaratabut he said "i just installed minimal ubuntu and gave you na account"19:04
Camaratabut we'll see19:04
soyoPeanut Butter and Jelly time!19:04
coz_ActionParsnip,  I believe it was derived from  world wide web  and get19:04
_jopActionParsnip, "Its name is derived from World Wide Web and get."19:04
coz_probably wikipedia  let me check19:04
_jopcoz beat me to it19:04
ActionParsnipCamarata: maybe s/he added ssh :)19:04
dfgashow do you get a command in prompt to run but come back to command prompt it it doesn't normal   is it   blah &&   ?19:05
Dr_Willisdfgas:  command &19:05
Dr_Willis&& is somthing different..19:05
dfgascool thank you19:05
tucemiuxhey is there a way you can download 11.04 using the command line?19:06
ActionParsnipcoz_: _jop: makes sense but you can wget over lan too. Hence the ask. Cheers for clearing it up :-)19:06
Dr_Willistucemiux:  you mean download the iso file?19:06
coz_ActionParsnip,  oh ok  cool to know :)19:06
drychlikanyone have issues upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04?  This is my work machine so it's important.19:06
soyotucemiux: sudo apt-get upgrade?19:06
tucemiuxDr_Willis, yes19:06
Dr_Willisdrychlik:  i would make backups...19:07
tucemiuxsoyo, "download", not "upgrade"19:07
_jopActionParsnip, gotcha :)19:07
nothingspecialtucemiux: sure, transmission-cli -D -u 5 http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent19:07
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soyotucemiux: Oh try tranmission19:07
ActionParsniptucemiux: you can wget the iso you desire or use server upgrade method to go from Maverick to Natty19:07
_jopdrychlik, the only issue I had was with the nvidia driver supplied by ubuntu19:07
drychlikI have a backup, but was wandering if it was safe.19:07
nothingspecialtucemiux: But you have to have transmission-cli installed19:07
tucemiuxnothingspecial, i guess I have to install it first, everything is configured out of the box, right?19:08
_jopdrychlik, had to uninstall and reinstall it in a recovery console19:08
TomassoPici: never heard about fail2ban, seems great :D :P19:08
drychlikthat doesn't sound good.19:08
nothingspecialtucemiux: ??19:08
magepsychowhich is best browser for ubuntu?19:08
Picimagepsycho: the one you like the best.19:09
ThinkT510!best | magepsycho19:09
ubottumagepsycho: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:09
_jopmagentar, depends on your needs, I'd recommend firefox though :)19:09
tucemiuxnothingspecial, im basically installing it using the command line, I wont configure anything, where will things be saved to? ~/Downloads?19:09
ActionParsnipmagepsycho: there is no best browser in ANY OS19:09
magepsychofirebox vs chrome in ubuntu?19:10
nothingspecialtucemiux: Well you need to download the minimal.iso then19:10
Picimagepsycho:  Do NOT take polls in the channel.19:10
osseHow can I assign a keyboard shortcut to press the Ubuntu button in the tp-left corner? Or is there a default one?19:10
soyomagepsycho: Firefox, Google Chrome, Epiphany all work well. I like Chromium the best personally but that is a subjective opionion19:10
techcrisisok i am useing ssh to remote into a ubuntu computer with two hard drives how do i switch to the other hard drive?19:10
_jopI also tried the midori browser, it is very minimalist but I was very impressed by it19:10
magepsychoyes chromium seems better19:10
Dr_Willistechcrisis:  cd command.. You may want to read some bash tutorials.19:10
ActionParsnipmagepsycho: try a few and see which YOU like and use that. There are many to choose from19:11
tucemiuxnothingspecial, im not talking about the iso, im talking about transmission, I just installed transmission,  i guess it downloads to ~/Default by default?19:11
captnemofulcrum hello my 'file' 'edit' etc are missing from the windows (all windows) i'm using XFCE any ideas19:11
magepsychowell i am using firefox n chromium19:11
Dr_Willistechcrisis:  cd /path/to/the/directory/mountpioint/of/the/drive/in/question19:11
=== jelatta is now known as jelatta_away
trismosse: in unity? the one that brings up the dash? the super key does that by default (windows key usually)19:11
_joptucemiux, transmission defaults to ~/Downloads I believe19:11
ActionParsniptucemiux: it goes to ~/Downloads by default19:12
soyomagepsycho: I always keep several browsers installed, just in-case. Certain websites look different in different browsers19:12
nothingspecialtucemiux: Did you install transmission-cli (not just transmission)?19:12
ossetrism, wow, I didn't realize! Thanks!19:12
tucemiux_jop, thanks!  I just created the directory19:12
ActionParsnip!browser | magepsycho19:12
ubottumagepsycho: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)19:12
tucemiuxnothingspecial, I dont have a GUI on that box19:12
Dr_WillisTheres some sites with Unity 'cheat sheets' for wallpaper ussage. to help you learn the keys19:12
ActionParsnipmagepsycho: there are more, search in software  centre19:13
soyotucemiux: wget19:13
LetterRiphey all on 'wakeup' from a suspend - the screen is dimmed19:13
LetterRipis that a known issue?19:13
ThinkT510ActionParsnip: i thought epiphany switched to webkit?19:13
nothingspecialIt's a simple cli bittorrent client, the -D option means no download limit, you can use -d 50 to limit it to 50kbs/s The -u 5 option limits upload to 5kbs a second, change it to what you like19:13
bellicjrdoes anyone use epiphany ? really.19:13
nothingspecialtucemiux: If you need encryption use -er19:14
captnemofulcrumwhen using Xfce dm i can't get the 'file' 'edit' etc menus to show up in my windows. is there some config option to fix that?19:14
tucemiuxnothingspecial, so I guess this is what I need to download the 32 bit version: transmission-cli -D -u 5 http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent19:14
ActionParsnipThinkT510: not sure, check and if so you can submit a revised factoid19:14
nothingspecialtucemiux: Yeah, on one line19:14
soyobellicjr: I do sometimes, if I don't want to mess with the saved tabs in firefox or the recent places in chromium, lol I just open ephiphany19:14
Igor_ElezCan anyone tell me what is the command to RUN "Appearance" menu?19:14
_jopEpiphany's latest version uses webkit19:15
_jopi think19:15
ActionParsnipThinkT510: use:    /msg ubottu !something is text19:15
techcrisisdr willis thanks for the info, but  how do i get it to list the drive name19:15
Dr_Willistechcrisis:  mount command shows mounted filesystemns.19:15
fructoseIs there an Ubuntu-friendly way to install versions of Apache, PHP, and MySQL other than those listed in Synaptic?19:15
Dr_Willistechcrisis:  if its not mounted.. then you must mount it.19:15
tucemiuxI'm wondering how I would monitor the a download if I run a transmission process on the background?19:15
Dr_Willistucemiux:  it has a web interface.19:16
ActionParsnipThinkT510: change something and text to what you desire and it will be reviewed19:16
magepsychohow to pin run box in panel?19:16
Igor_ElezI just need to run "Appearance" from "Run Application" can anyone tell me how is it called, becouse it is not "appearance"19:16
tucemiuxDr_Willis,  yeah but I would have to open a port on my router19:16
ActionParsniptucemiux: if you enable web interface a19:16
ThinkT510ActionParsnip: i suppose !something is the factoid that needs replacing/correcting?19:17
Dr_Willistucemiux:  ssh in and use a cli based browser perhaps.. :)19:17
tucemiuxnot_annoying, what is transmission-cli???19:17
trismIgor_Elez: gnome-appearance-properties19:17
Dr_Willisa cli version of the transmission bittorrent client19:17
ActionParsniptucemiux: and use android then transdroid will help manage the app19:17
nothingspecialtucemiux: a bittorrent client19:17
tucemiuxDr_Willis, what is "cli"19:17
Igor_Eleztrism, thanks!19:17
ActionParsnipThinkT510: indeed19:17
_joptucemiux, cli = command line interface19:17
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro19:17
soyotucemiux: Command Line Interface19:18
tucemiuxahhhh _jop thanks!19:18
nothingspecialtucemiux: because you don't have a gui.19:18
soyotucemiux: No GUI19:18
tucemiuxnothingspecial, so I should uninstall "transmission" and install "transmissioncli"19:18
whoeverwhere is wacom-tools i cant find it19:18
Dr_Willistucemiux:  not like it will matter much19:18
=== joshua__ is now known as JoshuaL
Dr_Willisuse one when in X, other from console/terminals19:18
tucemiuxDr_Willis, so one doesnt need the other to work then19:19
_joptucemiux, if you run the transmission-daemon on your headless computer, you can use a browser to connect to your headless computer19:19
MethedMananbody know anything if there is a good program on ubuntu for tracking e-mail after it is sent.  i saw something called readnotify but was not sure what else is out there19:19
soyotucemiux: If you prefer to use the terminal or the console, then yes.19:19
Dr_Willistucemiux:  no idea. both are installed by default I thouight19:19
ActionParsnipThinkT510: e.g:   /msg ubottu !work is actionParsnip hates going to work19:19
_jopinstalling transmission-cli should be enough as it'll handle all the dependencies19:19
tucemiuxsoyo, I will only be using the terminal on this box, I only need transmission-cli?19:19
nothingspecialtucemiux: yes19:20
soyotucemiux: yes19:20
ThinkT510ActionParsnip: i see, thanks19:20
Dr_WillisYou can alwaus ssh in, and use X forwarding to run/use Graphiocal apps. :)19:20
tucemiuxDr_Willis, yeah but ive been running this box without GUI and it works great, im not going to mess with it19:20
soyoDr_Willis: woah woah woah really?19:20
fructoseHow do I install older versions of a package? For instance, I'd like to install PHP 5.2.11, but Synaptic doesn't have an option to force that version. Is there a way to add more?19:20
nothingspecialtucemiux: You can use wget if you like, but you will need to download the .iso not the torrent. It's just using torrents is better for everybody19:21
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Dr_Willissoyo:  yes...19:21
ActionParsnipOr use transgui from another system to connect19:21
ThinkT510ActionParsnip: sweet, it was submitted, thanks for showing me how19:21
osseHow I can a use the Terminal launcher to open a new terminal window? As it I just focus on the already open windows when I click on it19:21
soyoDr_Willis: :D19:21
magepsychohow to pin run application in panel?19:21
Dr_Willisosse:  middle click. search the omgubuntu blog site for the Unity cheat sheet wallpaper.19:21
soyoIt just gets more amazing every hour!19:21
ActionParsnipThinkT510: no worries. Lots of ways to contribute ;-)19:21
Dr_Willismagepsycho:  right click, it has a menu item19:21
Dr_Willissoyo:  you could use xming on a windows box. and display linux apps on your windows machine. :)19:22
osseDr_Willis, brilliant! Thanks! Yes, I will definitely get the cheat sheet :)19:22
=== jeff_ is now known as Guest66923
tucemiuxwhat's that command that lets you connect and disconnect from a terminal session?19:22
fructosetucemiux: screen19:22
Picitucemiux: You mean screen? Or tmux?19:23
tucemiuxfructose, yeah screen, thanks19:23
soyoDr_Willis: Neat. Although I hate Windows even though I am forced to samba with it19:23
Dr_WillisSome decent UNITY Docs ---> http://theravingrick.blogspot.com/2011/04/my-effort-at-writing-help-for-unity.html19:23
magepsychoyes Dr_willis19:23
magepsychonot no option to pin19:23
captnemofulcrumwhen using Xfce dm i can't get the 'file' 'edit' etc menus to show up in my windows. is there some config option to fix that?19:23
Dr_Willismagepsycho:  theres no run applet that ive seen. yet.19:23
Guest5408can you help? I can not compile gst #! pluguins fails missing gstreamer but it and compiled gstreamer and still not working. I Work in ubuntu 11.0419:23
tucemiuxfructose, can you give me a hand on running a command on screen? Basically I want to start a process then log out, Ill come back later and screen back in again19:23
Dr_Willismagepsycho:  find some run  widgit perhaps for the desktop.19:23
fructosetucemiux: It's been a long time since I've used it, sorry19:24
magepsychowhere to find the widgets?19:24
magepsychoany official site19:24
ubottuscreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen19:24
ThinkT510Guest5408: gstreamer is available in the repos, any reason you're trying to compile them?19:24
seulHello! I can't enter my ubuntu system. The computer boots up fine, but it freezez at the load screen. I just installed the 64-bits version of the latest dist yesterday. After rebooting several times yesterday I maneged to get into the system once, and then it worked perfectly. I have a ATi Radeon graphics card, which I think is the problem. And I get Oops 2 [#1] sometimes, after the load screen19:24
seulfreezez.. Help? =)19:24
nothingspecialtucemiux: yes19:24
ActionParsnipSoyo: could put some AV so the system doesn't put a virus on the share19:24
Dr_Willismagepsycho:  check the package maanger search. I dont know whats in there these days. There are ways to use KDE widgits on unity, or google has their own widgits now a days.19:24
Dr_Willismagepsycho:  some docks can also do widgits now. Cairo-Dock  I think can19:25
nothingspecialtucemiux: press Ctrl-d then later type screen -r19:25
Dr_Willismagepsycho:  or use a program like guake to get a scrolldown console from a hotkey19:25
DaghdhaI have a temp files disk-partition. SHould i use sxt2 3 or 4? Basically i just want speed over anything else19:26
ActionParsnipSeul: drop to cli with CTRL+ALT+F1 and run updates. May help19:26
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  i dont think theres much need for ext2.  as for 3 or 4.. well..  personalluy i would stick with ext419:26
ActionParsnipGuake is awesome!19:26
tucemiuxnothingspecial, ahhh so first -->screen, then transmission-cli [] , then ctrl-d ??19:27
seulactionparsnip: How would I do that? The screen just freezes and i cant do shit, except move the mouse.19:27
seulactionparsnip: dude im sry, i didnt understand19:27
Picitucemiux: No. Its ctrl-a then d19:27
ThinkT510!language | seul19:27
ubottuseul: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:27
ActionParsnipSeul: keep it family friendly please19:27
seulactionparsnip: ill try that.19:27
nothingspecialPici: So it is, would you believe I'm in screen now???????19:28
Picinothingspecial: Sure.19:28
ActionParsnipSeul: you may need a wired link as wireless in cli can be tricky19:28
fructoseHow do you get a list of available versions for use with apt-get install package=versionNumber?19:28
=== petr is now known as Guest22603
Guest22603Sound does not work after upgrade Kubuntu19:29
seulactionparsnip: Ok, i just pressed alt+ctrl+f1 and it worked, got beyond the freezing screen. haha, was that just random or what happened?19:29
Guest22603Sound does not work after upgrade Kubuntu19:29
Guest5408<ThinkT510> how I can install the whole package and its pluguins from the repo?19:29
ActionParsnipfructose: apt-cache policy package   will show the versions available19:29
ThinkT510!codecs | Guest540819:30
ubottuGuest5408: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:30
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Daghdhai'll choose ext3 Dr_Willis. Because some tools don't support ext4 yet19:30
tucemiuxPici, now Im confused!19:30
Guest5408ok thanks19:31
Antwonhello. in my operating systems course I need to make some kind of learning material (hands-on kinda type) regarding operating systems. I was thinking of making something with ubuntu, but I havent figured out that would be. any suggestions about configuring something etc?19:31
tucemiuxPici, so start up screen then control A, then start the command, then control-D ?19:31
nothingspecialtucemiux: I got it wrong, it's Ctrl-A then D to detach19:31
Guest22603How to reinstall sound????19:31
fructoseSo if I'd like to install PHP 5.2.11 and it's not listed in apt-cache policy php5, is there a way to add it? Can I add legacy repos or anything?19:31
nothingspecialtucemiux: No, screen - command- Ctrl-A D19:31
Picitucemiux: No.  Use ctrl-a to enter the mode where you can enter screen commands.  'd' is the key to detatch from screen.  See ctrl-a then '?' for help19:31
ThinkT510Antwon: learning material? like a tutorial?19:32
Antwonmm, something like that, yes19:32
nothingspecialtucemiux: May I suggest Ubuntu's pimped up version of screen named byobu, lots of keybindings to make screen use easier......... or would that just confuse the issue more?19:33
fructoseGuest22603: That's not very specific19:33
tucemiuxAntwon, here's a good one for an OS class, how about hosting your own server?  then having the capability to be able to run processes from anywhere, being able to log out of your server, then come back and log in again -- you can reattach yourself to the process that is running19:33
ThinkT510Antwon: you could make a video tutorial on how to install ubuntu side by side with windows (or a slideshow)19:33
michaeyki'm the only one who's left screen for tmux ?19:34
Guest22603in settings I see disabled field with "integreted audio" ... and writed "imitation of output"19:34
AntwonThinkT510: well I installed several operating systems in our class already, so that's not the best option.19:34
tucemiuxnothingspecial, that would confuse me even more, im the type that havent been able to find a substitute for vi :-(19:34
nothingspecialtucemiux: elinks http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/manual/screen.html19:35
nothingspecialtucemiux: read that :)19:35
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fructoseGuest22603: If your audio has never worked, I'd suggest searching for your computer model or sound card with "ubuntu sound" and see if anyone has your same problem19:36
vqxwAntwon: Video is definetly the way to go. I think you should try to make a video elabroate on all the steps of the ubuntu installer, to help new users make better decicions on which configuration options they should use. Especially considering partitioning19:36
ThinkT510Antwon: a tutorial on how to set up grub in ubuntu to boot multiple operating systems (especially those it doesn't autodetect like openbsd)19:36
tucemiuxnothingspecial,  thanks for the link!19:36
Guest22603fructose:   It does not work after UPGRADE only!19:36
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=== Guest68967 is now known as phox_
Antwonyeah, video tutorial is one option19:36
fructoseGuest22603: Then I'd still recommend searching19:37
fructoseAntwon: You could cover the topic of installing old packages in Ubuntu, such as PHP 5.2.11... I know you'd at least have one appreciative viewer19:38
Guest22603when I login in system ... I see error that /tmp/3232/***  is not writable!19:38
Guest22603can I delete all files from tmp without trables in future?19:38
tensorpuddingGuest22603: deleting files in /tmp while programs are running can be bad19:39
icerootGuest22603: after a reboot everything is ok, without a reboot there can be problems in the current session19:39
tensorpuddingGuest22603: /tmp is cleaned out after every reboot19:39
tucemiuxnothingspecial,  thanks, the ISO is downloading by the time I get home the thing should be downloaded19:40
=== takashi is now known as SkYnEt
vqxwAntwon: Or you could focus on how to better secure, clean and create a backup system in  ubuntu. How to setup a firewall, harden a system (http://www.cromwell-intl.com/security/linux-hardening.html) Cleaning, using scripts to clean up old config files. How to use scripts or applications to set up a simple backup solution. The posibilities are limitless19:40
nothingspecialtucemiux: :)19:40
=== SkYnEt is now known as Not_A_Bot
Daghdhacan you assign a swap partition from the desktop in ubuntu? What would you call that process? Swapmaking?19:41
Not_A_Botwell hello19:41
Not_A_Botknock knock...19:42
Daghdhabye bye19:42
nothingspecialDaghdha: You can make a swap file, no need for a partition, read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq19:42
Daghdhaderr.. i just made 3Gb partition already :)19:42
Daghdhaaha edit fstab19:42
westyi can see a package on the search page in universe, but it is not in my package manager. i enabled universe or so i think19:42
nothingspecialRead the link anyway19:42
nothingspecialDaghdha: Yep19:43
Trey-I'm not sure if anyone else is having problems with 11.04 and ATI cards, but I did some google-fu and couldn't come up with anything. My system just kind of hangs for awhile dmesg is reporting from 3secs after boot to 137secs for loading my vid card using the open source drivers.19:45
Not_A_BotI need to install a program like ''java virtual box''19:45
Trey-Any oppinions?19:45
Not_A_BotI tried with virtual box ose but it doesn't works with my kernel :-(19:46
ThinkT510Not_A_Bot: what is the problem you are having with virtualbox?19:47
Not_A_BotThinkT510, when I start the machine, appears that:19:48
Not_A_BotKernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)19:49
Not_A_BotPlease install the virtualbox-ose-dkms package and execute 'modprobe vboxdrv' as root.19:49
ThinkT510Not_A_Bot: and have you done that?19:49
vorianhave you logged out and back in by chance Not_A_Bot?19:50
Not_A_Botno, I didn't19:50
Not_A_Botbut terminal shows that there is no drivers for virtualbox19:51
igorelNoob Question... How do I restart all my panel and main-manu settings?19:51
Not_A_Botmy linux version is the maverick one19:51
ThinkT510igorel: in unity or gnome 2?19:52
vorianwhat happened when you did 'modprobe vboxdrv'?19:52
igorelgnome 2 xd19:52
ThinkT510!panel | Igorel19:52
Not_A_Botvorian, I tell you on a second19:52
d1gitalhow do I specify static linking for a 'make' operation?19:52
ThinkT510!panels | igorel19:53
ubottuigorel: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:53
blablah__hey guys how i can remove the windows entry from the grub menu i use ubuntu 11.04 and grub 2 i'm familiar with the menu.lst file of the old grub19:53
blablah__but here is no such19:53
illscihow do you get to the grub prompt in the latest ubuntu19:53
illsciwhat key do you hit?19:53
Piciillsci: Hold down shift at boot19:53
igorelthanks, and Main Menu restart?19:53
Not_A_Bottakashi@takashi-desktop:~$ sudo 'modprobe vboxdrv'19:54
Not_A_Bot[sudo] password for takashi:19:54
Not_A_Botsudo: modprobe vboxdrv: command not found19:54
vorianNot_A_Bot: don't use the '19:54
ThinkT510Not_A_Bot: take the quotes out19:54
Dr_Willisblablah__:  you can chmod -x /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober and rerun 'sudo update-grub' and it should not show any windows or other os entries.19:54
Dr_Willis!grub2 | blablah__19:54
ubottublablah__: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:54
=== Nappz-Zzz is now known as Nappz
igorelActualy, I have a problem of not having ANY borders or any buttons (close, minimaze, maximaze) how can I get it back?19:55
Dr_Willisigorel:  try alt-f2 metacity --replace, or compiz --replace19:55
Not_A_BotThinkT510, FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found.19:55
BlouBlouigorel: "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager" and enable there the option19:55
blablah__Dr_Willis, thanks a lot thats what i need quick and dirty19:55
dr3mroI wish if ubuntu 12.04 will be a papercut release only with bug fixing only no new features ... to be the best stable linux ever :)19:55
Dr_Willisblablah__:  if you wanted to change the order. :) you can change the 30_XXXX to be like 19_XXXXX19:56
dr3mroI am having troouble with 11.04 here19:56
ThinkT510Not_A_Bot: how did you install virtualbox? from the repos?19:56
Not_A_BotThinkT510, from the soft center19:56
igorelBlouBlou will try, Dr_Willis also my shortcuts like "ALT+F2" dont work now, thay ware working, before all border losses19:57
igorelany idea why?19:57
Limesodasdr3mro, what is your trouble?19:57
acke_Hello all Which torrent program is to be recommemed?19:58
ThinkT510Not_A_Bot: hmm, it should work. are the guest additions downloaded with it?19:58
dr3mroubuntu 11.04 slow in launching apps an slow to boot19:58
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vqxwacke_: deluge19:58
lazyguyis there any way to make the ubuntu gui in 11.04 to pre 10.1019:58
ThinkT510!classic | lazyguy19:59
ubottulazyguy: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.19:59
Not_A_BotThinkT510, yes. The guest additions are installed already19:59
smartarsehey all, does anyone know how to install 11.04 off usb? I've already got grub2 installed which is booting my .iso for 10.10?19:59
lazyguythanks, gonna try it now19:59
=== petr_ is now known as Guest43994
ThinkT510Not_A_Bot: hmm, that is unusual, hang on20:00
alloobaI need help20:00
lazyguysmartarse there's instructions on the ubuntu download page20:00
lazyguyto do that20:00
BlouBlouallooba: Then tell us your problem20:00
=== go8765[away] is now known as go8765
phoenixsampraswhen 11.04 will be fixed and usable?20:00
alloobaI am facing a problem in connection en020:00
alpha_In logic (A => B) is the same thing as (not B => not A), what's the name for this?20:01
smartarseI know, but that involves erasing my external hard drive using the start up disk creator20:01
alloobaif I change the cable it connected but if I tried to reconnect it doesn't20:01
BlouBlouphoenixsampras: hehe, I don't know :P20:01
trismalpha_: contrapositive, and offtopic20:01
Not_A_BotThinkT510, I think is a kernel compatibility issue20:01
Limesodasalpha_, transitive property?20:01
ThinkT510Not_A_Bot: sorry, not sure how to help you (if it was arch linux i know the command to recompile the modules but ubuntu installs things a little differently)20:01
cordoval_how to increase font size for ubuntu natty narthwal20:02
alpha_trism, sorry, I typed it into the wrong channel!20:02
=== cordoval_ is now known as cordoval
cordovalplease how to increse the font size i am going blind20:02
Not_A_BotThinkT510, another software like the virtual box?20:02
cordovalhelp me please, I cannot find the menu that I used to use20:02
Not_A_BotThinkT510, if that exists...20:02
alloobaany help about en0 connection20:02
cordovalit should be some setting right? I don't see the zooming anymore also20:02
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox420:02
cordovalhow to get the zooming back and also on top of that increase the font size for some elements?20:02
vqxwcordoval: hang on... working20:02
ThinkT510!info qemu | Not_A_Bot20:03
ubottuNot_A_Bot: qemu (source: qemu-kvm): dummy transitional package from qemu to qemu-kvm. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.14.0+noroms-0ubuntu4 (natty), package size 5 kB, installed size 44 kB20:03
cordovalvqxw: thanks20:03
cordovalvqxq: do you know?20:03
vqxwcordoval: i need to look around a bit? are you really in a hurry20:04
Not_A_Botubottu, I don't have natty... that is ubuntu 11.04. I have maverick (10.10)20:04
ubottuNot_A_Bot: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:04
cordovalI am going blind20:04
cordovalnot in a hurry but my eyes are itching and feel imflamated20:04
ThinkT510Not_A_Bot: unless you're comfortable with the commandline, you may want a frontend to qemu20:04
alloobacould you help me plz20:04
cordovalmy eyes are imflamated20:04
cordovali can hold by closing my eyes20:04
ThinkT510Not_A_Bot: qemu is available in the 10.10 repos too20:04
odlahi will gnome3 be officially supported in 11.10?20:04
alloobaI need help20:05
robin0800odla, yes20:05
Drake|allooba pleace specify what you need help with :)20:05
Not_A_BotThinkT510, i'll try it and back later with the news xD20:05
cordovalwaiting here for a solution for not going blind20:05
alloobaI can't connect to netwrok using wired.20:05
odlarobin0800: thanks ... i just don't like unity much and want to stay with ubuntu and want to make sure gnome3 will be available and officially supported20:05
cordovalI have a 24'' screen monitor20:05
cordovalnot even then20:06
cordovalI have to further increase the font size and objects20:06
poser8allooba: ifconfig en0 does it say "RUNNING"20:06
vqxwcordoval: Are you on gnome 2 or 3? I don't really know the newer ubuntu versions with unity and gnome 3, but in older versions it's system - preferences - fonts20:06
ThinkT510odla: i doubt it will be (i could be wrong)20:06
alloobait gave me information20:06
cordovalI am on the latest natty20:06
alloobabut not running20:06
cordovalI need to get it working on the latest natty20:06
cordovalrats! i am going blind20:07
=== Igor_Elez is now known as igorel
cordovalthis empathy also is a nightmare when pasting a long line20:07
cordovalit just kills nautilus20:07
cordovaland I can't change the font size for chat here on empathy20:07
cordovaland cats too!20:07
alloobacoudl you talk to me in private?20:07
szalNatty making a good impression on my 2nd machine here..  contemplating putting it on my main machine as 2nd OS (together w/ an existing Linux distro)..  BUT: for that I'd need to either install Natty w/ legacy Grub (0.97) or be able to set up Grub2 such that it chainloads the other Linux..  is that possible?20:07
poser8allooba: if RUNNING wasn't part of the output then the cable doesn't have a connection. Check the link lights on the switch and check if it is a crossover cable?20:08
robin0800coraxx, try xchat20:08
poser8allooba: just msg me20:08
robin0800cordoval, , try xchat20:08
alloobait was working, I disconnected it and connected again and I coldn't20:08
Guest43994how to make hard update of system???? default condition20:08
BlouBloucordoval: I'm using xchat and works fine20:08
cb-linuxhi all, having some issues with Gnome 3 in Natty20:09
Drake|cordoval or just use pidgin :) all in one :)20:09
ThinkT510szal: grub 2 will likely automatically pick up your other linux install20:09
BlouBlou!gnome3 | cb-linux20:09
ubottucb-linux: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.20:09
cordovalxchat is too complex or not?20:09
BlouBlouit's very easy to use20:09
cordovalI came here to change the font size or reenabling the zooming feature20:09
celthundercordoval: ?20:09
szalThinkT510: I guess so, but will it chainload it or put its bootloader entries into its menu?20:09
smartarsesorry about that but yeah, can anyone help me out, what would the grub2 menuentry for 11.04 be to boot the iso?20:09
cb-linuxso you recomend fresh reinstall of natty with unity20:09
Guest43994how to make hard update of system???? default condition20:10
celthundercordoval: all irc clients pretty much work the smae way20:10
BlouBloucordoval: can you stop saying rats, please?20:10
szalGuest43994: what is a "hard update"?20:10
ThinkT510szal: i think it puts the bootloader entries, but you can change that if you want to chainload it20:10
robin0800cordoval, you can do that in change desktop background20:10
Travis-42I'm on Ubuntu 11.04 and after I log in, nothing happens. Here is my syslog: http://pastebin.com/2cYgccuv any ideas?20:10
cordovalwill try now20:10
Guest43994because after UPGRADE commany I have bad system without sound and with several errors20:11
szalThinkT510: during installation (from alternate CD most likely)?20:11
cordovaland what about the zooming feat20:11
Not_A_BotThinkT510, Installed and working!!! thanks!!!20:11
ThinkT510Not_A_Bot: excellent20:11
ThinkT510!yay | Not_A_Bot20:11
ubottuNot_A_Bot: Glad you made it! :-)20:11
Guest43994(I interrupted upgrade command... reboot and install in next time UPGRADe... may be it is reason of my trables)20:11
vqxwcordoval: Does desktop effects work / enabled on your system?20:11
robin0800Guest43994, clean install is always best20:12
Not_A_Botthanks ubottu20:12
smartarsesorry about that but yeah, can anyone help me out, what would the grub2 menuentry for 11.04 be to boot the iso?20:12
ThinkT510szal: sorry, don't get what you mean?20:12
Guest43994robin0800: what do you mean?20:12
vectoryhalp, totem doesnt play anymore, i press play, the button switches but nothing happens20:12
cordovalwill try now20:12
BlouBlouvectory: it happens with all formats?20:12
celthundervectory: do you have the codecs for the mdedia?20:12
Guest43994cleam install of WHOLE system?20:12
Guest43994I have installed many programs!20:12
westyack why is there a package i need in the prvious version of ubuntu and the next version but not natty?20:12
Not_A_Botdown ms soft!!!20:13
BlouBlouvectory: try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras and reload the video20:13
szalThinkT510: I haven't found a good tutorial on how to fiddle w/ Grub2 yet, so I'd like to have the chainloader set up at install time20:13
vectorycelthunder, BlouBlou: it worked fine before, seems to be a general issue20:13
cb-linuxout of the last 3 ubuntu releases wich one is more recomended 10.04?20:13
vectoryi tried vlc, it does advance the playtime, but no sound20:13
ThinkT510szal: oh, you'll likely need to do it post install20:13
mervakahey guys, did i miss jono bacon's weekly thing? i thought it was supposed to be an hour ago.20:13
ThinkT510!grub2 | szal20:13
ubottuszal: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:13
BlouBloucb-linux: 10.04, I'll stay in LTS in next release20:14
robin0800Guest43994, there are a lot of changes in this release and lots of people who have updated have serious problems20:14
BlouBlousmartarse: hi ?20:14
cb-linuxBlouBlou: txs i think i will do a clean reinstall to 10.0420:14
smartarsebloublou: I don't suppose you would be able to help me?20:14
Guest43994robin0800:    I did not updated.... I "sudo apt-get upgrade"'ed20:15
BlouBlousmartarse: that depends, what's up?20:15
BlouBloucb-linux: good luck then :)20:15
robin0800Guest43994, from what a clean install?20:15
smartarsebloublou: right well, I'm trying to install 11.04 using my external hard drive drive, as I do with 10.10 but I can't seem to get the menuentry for 11.04 right20:16
Guest43994robin0800: mmm... I want my previous 10.10 back... without my last 3 upgrades20:16
straussdHow can I show GMT+530 as an alternate time in Ubuntu 11.04?20:16
szalThinkT510: nice, the last link is a good starting point, thx :)20:16
ThinkT510szal: no problem :)20:16
qrHow do I get make the printer configuration store my credentials?  It's getting old entering my username and password each time I print.20:16
pw-toxic_hi, I have a thinkpad edge and i want to use the trackpoint scroll button - without this button surfing in the web is kinda useless20:17
pw-toxic_I hope someone can help me20:17
teqr: localhost:63120:17
Travis-42Ubuntu 11.04 does nothing after I login (other than hide the login screen). I can't figure out what might be the problem. Here is an excerpt of the syslog after attempting to login: http://pastebin.com/2cYgccuv20:17
kleanchapI am new to Ubuntu.  Where do I start with wireless configuration?20:17
kleanchapUbuntu is up on my desktop.20:18
ThinkT510!wifi | kleanchap20:18
ubottukleanchap: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:18
jazztobakIs there a good book to read to get some more understanding of linux network?20:18
cordovalnice got it thanks guys!20:18
micheleHi, exist a facebook-indicator for Ubuntu 11.04 that signals notifications?20:19
vectorycould my harddrive be goin down? i got my pc runnin day and night downloading stuffm although on low bitrates20:19
mkanyicyjazztobak: go to google and search for 'rute linux tutorial and exposition'20:19
smartarsedoes anyone know how to install 11.04 off usb using a preinstalled grub?!20:19
ThinkT510!usb | smartarse20:19
ubottusmartarse: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:19
straussdSpecifically, how can I add India Standard Time to my other "locations" for time?20:20
straussdKolkata/Calcutta do not show up in the list20:20
JoshuaLmichele, you can add your facebook account to the broadcasting app named Gwibber20:20
smartarsecheers, but iv'e tried both of them already and they don't give much documentation about 11.04 and grub2 entries20:21
Guest43994sudo do-release-upgrade20:21
Guest43994sudo do-release-upgrade20:21
Guest43994sudo do-release-upgrade20:21
FloodBot1Guest43994: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:21
kleanchapubottu, Is there a control panel or so to get the updates and to configure the wireless network etc?20:21
ubottukleanchap: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:21
Guest43994is it suitale for update-upgrade my system?20:21
Guest43994is it suitale for update-upgrade my system?20:21
Guest43994sudo do-release-upgrade20:21
FloodBot1Guest43994: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:21
PiciGuest43994: Stop spamming20:21
cute_bettonghow do i make amarok play .mp3 files?20:21
Guest43994Pici: bro, tell me20:22
Guest43994Pici: sudo do-release-upgrade20:22
PiciGuest43994: What about it?20:22
Guest43994Pici: is it suitale for update-upgrade my system?20:22
kleanchapWell the question is for everyone else. :-)20:22
PiciGuest43994: Sure20:22
micheleJoshuaL, I dislike Gwibber, no other for only notifications? :(20:22
vectorycelthunder: oh i see what happened, when hydrogen is running, i cant playback anything else (lucid)20:22
Guest43994Pici: because after "apt-get upgrade"  my system is not fine and have not sound20:22
teTravis-42: Probably need to see /var/log/Xorg.0.log  But what video card do you have? Did you have a proprietary driver loaded for it?  If so, you may need to get rid of it for now, (maybe reinstall later).20:23
whoeverneed assistanch with bamboo tablet eraser and presure sensitivity dont work in gimp20:23
Guest43994Pici: Checking for a new ubuntu release20:23
Guest43994No new release found20:23
renancoelhoHi there, How can I upgrade my firefox to the latest version? ubuntu 10.04. Is there a command?20:23
ThinkT510!codecs | cute_bettong20:23
ubottucute_bettong: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:23
PiciGuest43994: What release of Ubuntu are you running?20:23
ZoohouseProblem: When I resart my PC (Ubuntu 11.04 64) my menus don't appear. My desktop is there and responsive, but I have no menus. What's going on?20:23
Guest43994Pici: 10.1020:23
PiciGuest43994: You may need to change your options so that you can upgrade to non-lts releases.20:24
smartarsejesh everyone else can get a hand but I can't20:24
Guest43994Pici: what do you offer20:24
ThinkT510!pm | smartarse20:25
ubottusmartarse: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:25
PiciGuest43994: Let me find you a link, one moment.20:25
vqxwsmartarse: whats your problem?20:25
Guest43994Pici: ok, I let you.20:25
smartarsevqxw: I'm trying to use grub2 on my external to boot the 11.04 iso but its not working20:26
kleanchapWhere is the menu to list all the installed applications on Ubuntu?20:26
uabn93why isn't WICD on the notification area in 11.04 anymore?20:26
PiciGuest43994: Take a look at step #4 here. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades#Network Upgrade for Ubuntu Desktops (Recommended)20:26
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=== Guest31942 is now known as ward1234
uabn93I think it was present in 10.1020:27
Zoohousekleanchap: you can see all installed apps on synaptic20:27
micheleThunderbird start-up minimized? How?20:27
vqxwsmartarse: post your grub.cfg to pastebin20:27
robin0800uabn93, because there is no notification area anymore20:27
vqxwsmartarse: and be patient, i'm switching keyboard.....20:27
DaghdhaAt mount my system says the device is not yet ready: I added aline to fstab: /dev/sda1 /mnt/data ext4 defaults 0 0. How come at mount it doesn't know it?20:27
ward1234|Slacker| are you here?20:27
kleanchapZoohouse, I have the Ubuntu 14.x  Where can I find the synaptic?  Also, I am a command line guy.  Where is the X term?20:28
vectorydoes apt-get upgrade upgrade me to 11.4?20:28
Picivectory: No.20:28
hoeyyou should know the answer20:28
DaghdhaSorry it says: /dev/sda1 /mnt/data ext3 0 020:28
uabn93robin0800: but the audio applet is still there. doesnt that count?20:28
Picivectory: Nor does apt-get dist-upgrade20:28
robin0800uabn93, no20:28
vqxwvectory: last i checked you need to use update-manager -d in terminal20:28
DobuntuI have created a virtual host on a remote server as well as the dir for the logs a www docs.  Now I  normally, on my local I would go to the, network settings -> hosts tab to configure dns routing.  What should I study to learn how to do this on a remote?  Search terms or a link would be greatly appreciated!  PS: I am new to managing a server...20:29
ward1234kleanchap : top left corner applications/accesories20:29
vectorywell, what does 'apt-get dist-upgrade' do then?20:29
Picivqxw, vectory: No. The -d switch is only for upgrading to the Development release of Ubuntu.20:29
Pici!dist-upgrade | vectory20:29
ubottuvectory: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.20:29
Zoohousekleanchap: are you in command line now?20:29
kleanchapward1234, Thnx.  I found it.20:29
vectoryPici: i dont wanna upgrade ;)20:30
kleanchapZoohouse, No20:30
vectory10.4 is just fine20:30
ThinkT510uabn93: that icon is in the gwibber applet, different applet to the notification area20:30
Picivectory: I know :)20:30
vectorywell, almost20:30
vqxwPici: I see, Thanks i thought the -d switch stod for dist20:30
=== TerminX_ is now known as TerminX
bin_bashDoes anyone know if there's a way to remove gmusicbrowser from the sound applet in xubuntu11.04?20:30
smartarsevqxw: http://pastebin.com/v2Vgq0KZ20:30
Picivqxw: use -p, see do-release-upgrade --help20:30
Dobuntuis this the right room for server questions?20:31
Zoohousekleanchap: Synaptic is under the Admin menu. Once it's open, you can filter for only installed software. Not sure how to do it via command line but if you read the man pages for apt-get you might find out quickly.20:31
PiciDobuntu: Here, or #ubuntu-server might be better20:31
ThinkT510!server | Dobuntu20:31
ubottuDobuntu: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server20:31
Dobuntunice thanks!20:31
uabn93The reason I ask is because I have to manually compile my wifi drivers, so i noticed that when i compiled the drivers (on NETWORK MANAGER) , unistalled network manager, then installed wicd, my system would crash.20:31
vqxwvectory: http://pastebin.com/v2Vgq0KZ20:31
Dobuntuthanks Pici!20:31
PiciDobuntu: np20:31
vectoryvqxw: whats that?20:31
=== wolf is now known as wolf__
ZoohouseAnyone has had their menus disappear on them? I just rebooted and don't have my top or bottom menu bars. Ubuntu 11.04 6420:32
SniperXPXAnyone know where I can direct download backtrack5? (gnome-x64)20:32
UrocyonHey all, I'm running into a strange apt problem.  I have two old dapper systems, and they have the same /etc/apt/sources.list files, but a package that shows up in one, doesn't in the other.   Any ideas?20:32
ThinkT510vectory: his grub.cfg file20:32
uabn93So when you compile drivers, does it only do so to the specific network manager you are using? in other words, do you have to install them again if you switch to something else like wicd?20:32
vectoryZoohouse: did you choose a different desktop environment on login?20:33
PiciSniperXPX: Try asking the backtrack channel: #backtrack-linux20:33
pw-toxic_can someone please help me get my trackpoint scrolling working on thinkpad edge?20:33
SniperXPXAhh, didn't know there was a channel, thanks.20:33
Urocyontried apt-get clean, apt-get update... but still the two differ.20:33
smartarsevqxw: http://pastebin.com/v2Vgq0KZ20:33
edbianCan people here me?20:33
Zoohousevectory: tried with Gnome classic and then with Gnome classic (no-effects). It's a new installation. I also installed the nVidia drivers...20:33
Travis-42is there paid Ubuntu support for end users? All I can find is business-oriented support at the Ubuntu website20:34
smartarsevqxw: sorry slip of the keyboard, mind if I pm you?20:34
DaghdhaHi, i am somewhat worried. After making some partition backup and restore. Suddenly my OS is now on /dev/sdc insetad of /dev/sda20:34
celthunderTravis-42: you can i'm sure paypeople to help you....most of us in here willdo it for free though20:34
DaghdhaWhat causes drives to suddenly be under different letter?20:34
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:34
celthunderDaghdha: changing around sata cables? overall it shouldn't matter as long as you use disk-by-uuid20:35
vectoryZoohouse: when u say the panels disapear, does it mean there were panels in this new installation=20:35
Daghdhadidn't touch cables20:35
Travis-42celthunder, been trying to get help here, but nobody seems to be able to help. I'd pay to be able to start my computer again rather than wait for someone who can help...20:35
ThinkT510ebdian: yes, need any help?20:35
Daghdhadisk by uuid or partiotion by uuid?20:35
uabn93Is wicd better than network manager?20:36
celthunderDaghdha: disk.../dev/sda and /dev/sdc are different disks20:36
celthunderuabn93: depends on what you're doing20:36
vqxwsmartarse: I'm a bit of an irc noob and i don't really know how pm's show up in irssi20:36
celthunderTravis-42: see pm20:36
Zoohousevectory: when I installed, I had my menu bar ontop and the bar on the bottom that shows running apps (GNOME). I restarted my PC just now and the menu doesn't load. Desktop is responsive though.20:36
Guest43994tommorow will PLAY RUSSIA vs CANADA!!! And yesterday my sound disappeared after upgrading..... so. I need to rempair my PC.    Now I desided to make upgrade to 11.04!20:36
vqxwsmartarse: but you can try ofcource20:36
Daghdhacelthunder: I know that.20:36
celthundervqxw: /window <new window> or ctrl a to go to wherever you've got activity20:36
smartarsevqxw: your not the only one, this is pretty much my first time20:36
Guest43994Say me good luck, brothers20:36
celthundervqxw: might be alt a20:36
DaghdhaBut how do i mount a partition with a disk UUIDis what i ment to ask.20:37
Darkenvywho knows a lot about cronjobs?20:37
OttifantSirHow do I replace unity-window-decorator with something that works as it's supposed to? Mine "bleeds through" the title bar when in fullscreen, ie I see the title bar of the window behind it, and video isn't shown on that position20:37
vectoryZoohouse: i have no idea what could be the reason, just asking to clarify, u installed from live cd and before u installed to disk, there were panels?20:37
DarkenvyI accidently added two cronjobs of the same task using an sh script :S20:37
uabn93celthunder: I noticed network manager would disconnect when I compiled wifi drivers for it.20:37
antivirtelhi! I'm looking for an up-to-date ISO release of the new ubuntu 11.04; I heared something about daily/weekly release of ubuntu ISO, is it so or I had only dreams?20:38
Zoohousevectory: yup. Everything was normal when I installed from live cd. I restarted a few times and everything was normal. I restarted again and now it's gone. I think there's something I installed that is crashing the menu.20:38
DaghdhaOk i found the ID's by using ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid  (The -l is important) and willuse UUID now. thanks20:38
=== darkhack is now known as Guest30607
celthunderantivirtel: should be nightlies available if you wnated...20:38
Guest30607A good afternoon all!20:38
bob31 anyone else running into "Could not find X11" with oxygen-gtk when calling cmake?20:39
ZoohouseIs there a shortcut for me to logout? CTR+ALT+DEL doesn't give me an option to logout20:39
Darkenvyhow can I edit crobjobs in a "ubuntu server"?20:39
PiciDarkenvy: Don't ask to ask, just ask.20:39
PiciDarkenvy: crontab -e20:39
DarkenvyI dont think I asked to ask20:39
Guest30607I have a questions if someone help me here.20:39
vectoryZoohouse: do you see desktop icons?20:39
smartarsevqxw: did it work?20:39
robin0800Zoohouse, never has has it?20:39
Zoohousevectory: My desktop doesn't have any icons. But I can add them and I can openfolders and everything.20:40
Zoohouserobin0800: what?20:40
PiciDarkenvy: It depends which crontab you modified. But crontab -e or sudo crontab -e might show you what you want.20:40
Darkenvyso if I delete an entire line thats it?20:40
antivirteloh thanks celthunder, where I can find it?20:40
Darkenvyjust save out of vim? any reloading?20:41
PiciDarkenvy: Yes.  Just save and exit. It'll automagically install the new crontab.20:41
DarkenvyIll know if it works in 19 minues20:41
OttifantSirHow do I replace unity-window-decorator with something that works as it's supposed to? Mine "bleeds through" the title bar when in fullscreen, ie I see the title bar of the window behind it, and video isn't shown on that position20:41
robin0800Zoohouse, ctrl+alt+delete has never had logout20:41
vqxwsmartarse: try again now20:41
Darkenvy(hourly backup scripts)20:41
celthunderantivirtel: dunno i don't use ubuntu..any reasonable distro has git repo's and nightly builds though20:41
vectoryZoohouse: ctrl+alt+del?20:41
mp_Hey, I can't figure out how to add .pls streams to Banshee. If I paste a stream URL in and try to play it, GStreamer complains about 'WrongType'. If I download a .pls file, and try to open it in Banshee, I get a couple of exceptions in GLib, something with 'Permission denied'20:41
Guest30607When I'm burning a dvd iso with labeling, I notice after complete burn, the dvd label showing a square symbol with 001F at the end of the label. Does any know what the problem is and I burn the dvd with brasero?20:41
mp_Someone please help? :)20:41
Zoohouserobin0800: right... I need to logout but I don't have my menu... any keyboard shortcuts to log out?20:42
smartarsevqxw: done it20:42
vectoryZoohouse: ctrl+alt+del?20:42
bogeyis there a way to get unredirect fullscreen working with ubuntu natty?20:42
Zoohousevectory: ctr+alt+del doesn't have log out20:42
vectoryworks for me20:42
vectorynope, wait20:42
vectorydoesnt :s20:42
guntbertantivirtel: after release the original iso is never updated - sometimes there are later "point" releases20:42
ZoohouseI'm going to log in safemode and see if I get my menu back. If I do, I think it might be the nVidia driver...20:43
vectoryalt+f1 should show you the menu, if its running20:43
OttifantSirZooHouse: I don't know the shortcut, but if you have a web-browser, search for keyxl. It's a site with keyboard shortcuts to thousands of programs20:43
antivirtelahham guntbert, thanks the info, you mean, that there is no up-to-date natty ISO, right?20:43
bobfredwhen I do a sudo fdisk -l   it tells me that one of the End values is one greater than the number of cylinders on the drive.  This is after using the testdisk utility to write the partition table.  Can anyone help me resolve this?20:43
ZoohouseOttifantSir: thanks20:43
guntbertantivirtel: yes, the procedure is: install, then update20:44
ZoohouseI just booted into Ubuntu (safemode) and still don't have my menus! errrrr... this is frustrating.20:44
bogeywhat menux?20:45
Zoohousevectory: alt+f1 doesn't work for me. Something is crashing.20:45
bobfredin fact, when I do an sfdisk -d /dev/sda > somefile.txt    it also tells me "Warning: extended partition does not start at a cylinder boundary."20:45
vectoryZoohouse: what version of ubuntu is it anyway?20:45
=== kassius is now known as mercvrivs
vectoryi was thinking of gnome 2 all the time20:45
edbianI am having trouble downloading torrents on my school's wifi network.  I have Internet access.  nmap says my ports are all blocked.  Does this mean I can't torrent?20:45
=== mercvrivs is now known as kassius
antivirtelguntbert, :D I do it after any release, what is not so interesting :S - I wanted to miss the 300MB download after 700MB cd download :S - but it is failed :S20:46
vectoryedbian: pretty much20:46
Guest43994guys, do you know easy way to story all settings and may be installed programms for recovering it in fresh installed system?   If I get all from ~/ directory   and delete all system.  And install new!  And put my stored files to new ~/    then all will be fine?20:46
velcroshoozedbian: thats exactly what it means20:46
vectoryedbian: not that im a expert or anything20:46
edbianvectory: velcroshooz :(  Ok thanks guys20:46
Zoohousebogey: I restarted my installation of Ubuntu 11.04 64. It booted up and the top and bottom bar of GNOME doesn't load. The computer is responsive but the top and bottom bars don't run.20:46
edbianDidn't think torrent meant running a server but I suppose it makes sense20:46
guntbertantivirtel: you're welcome :-)20:46
alpha-aquilaeis there any open source socket server/client?20:46
bogeyZoohouse: do you have composite enabled?20:46
bogeyZoohouse: try ubuntu classic without effects20:47
Zoohousebogey: i have. the last one I tried just now is Ubuntu safemode20:47
vectoryalpha-aquilae: node.js20:47
gediklijoin #pcl20:47
zvacetGuest43994: all thinkg you installed with apt-get or synaptic are in /var/cache/apt/archives20:47
Zoohousebogey: ubuntu classic doesn't load the bars...20:47
edbianalpha-aquilae: What do you mean?  Lots of apps uses sockets20:48
zvacetGuest43994:and your setting are in /home and you can also check /etc20:48
Guest43994zvacet:   so. I need to copy all from /var/vache/apt/archives too.  Ok20:48
guntbertalpha-aquilae: are you talking about winsock?20:48
phong_hi guys, it is safe to pay bills and online stuff thru ubuntu ?20:48
zvacetGuest43994:but if you want to save installed programs  copy /var/vache/apt/archives20:48
edbianphong_: very20:49
zvacet!aptoncd | Guest4399420:49
bogeyZoohouse: ubuntu classic wihtout effects20:49
ubottuGuest43994: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline20:49
linxehalpha-aquilae: netcat?20:49
bogeyZoohouse: do you have nvidia driver isntalled, not noveau20:49
rcmaehlWhy can't ubuntu do network sharing?20:49
Zoohousebogey: I've tried that one too. Doesn't load the bars. I'll try it again to make 100% sure20:49
linxehrcmaehl: it can20:50
bogeyZoohouse: lsmod  |grep nvidia20:50
Guest43994zvacet: thanks, bro.20:50
zvacetGuest43994: yw  :)20:50
Zoohousebogey: I installed the one when the Hardware Driver app thing comes up...20:50
Zoohousebogey: ill run the command in a second20:50
creatureHello. Has something changed about keyboard handling in Natty? My xmodmap isn't being honoured any more. I've found some bug reports about this, but no other info.20:50
carandraugI have a question on configuring xchat. Is it possible to stop receiving notifications when a specific user has joined and quits a room? I want to know about other users, just not a specific one20:50
bogeyZoohouse: check your xorg.conf you have these enabled, if you like to run with effects20:50
rcmaehllinxeh: I right clicked the folder and shared it, alllowed samba exceptions on both firewalls, and all I get is Failed to retrieve share list from server\20:50
bogeysudo nvidia-xconfig --composite20:51
bogeysudo nvidia-xconfig --render-accel20:51
bogeysudo nvidia-xconfig --allow-glx-with-composite20:51
bogeysudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals20:51
FloodBot1bogey: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:51
Daghdhaonly way i know how to see swap is using top. What is another way to see if swap is on>20:51
robin0800Zoohouse, more likly unity crash try "classic"20:51
asraniel_hello. my wireless connection quality massively dropped with 11.04, and disconnects me from it every 2 minutes. Is this a kown problem?20:51
PiciDaghdha: swapon -s, free20:52
linxehrcmaehl: sharing samba over the internet?20:52
rcmaehllinxeh: no their both on the same router20:52
Drake|when i connect remotely to my server (ssh) and use ncftp to download from my ftp site.  Is there a way for me to exit the  tunnel but keep downloading. its seems to me that the dl stop when i disconnect.20:52
vectoryasraniel_: maybe its a driver issue, then only people with that wifi adapter know it most likely20:52
Zoohousebogey: lsmod | grep nvidia outputs: nvidia 8107272 2020:52
alpha-aquilaeedbian vectory guntbert: i have a robot connected to a pc, and i want to send comands via internet to my robot, for this i need a linux socket server/client to do that, i could program one it is ok, but i was wwondring if some open source staff exists?20:52
rcmaehllinxeh: and within my network20:53
Zoohouserobin0800: classic and classic without effect don't load the bars20:53
linxehrcmaehl: you may need to configure other smb options - i do it with a text editor, but havent set ting up for a long time20:53
edbianalpha-aquilae: How do you send commands to the robot when you're at that machine (not over the Internet)20:53
guntbertalpha-aquilae: there is no such thing as a "generic" server20:53
vectoryDrake|: i think when u log off ssh, you session and all running ptogramms are stopped20:53
linxehrcmaehl: not sure about what options you need to enable / install20:53
Picialpha-aquilae: Do you mean something like netcat?20:53
Guest43994I do not want to work as system administer... I hope it is aufull work.20:54
Drake|seems so vextory. you know of a way to prevent that? perhaps an other way to remote my server who keeps the programs running?20:54
robin0800Zoohouse, in classic alt+f2 then killall gnome-panel20:54
alpha-aquilaeedbian: I send a command, eg move backward, i will modify the server so that it sends the approriate command to my robot20:54
linxehalpha-aquilae: telnet can do that, or netcat20:55
* mervaka now has ut2004 set up as an x-session! :)20:55
Drake|robin0800: altF2 just starts an other "shell" like normal gnome is run on altf720:55
OttifantSirHow do I replace unity-window-decorator with something that works as it's supposed to? Mine "bleeds through" the title bar when in fullscreen, ie I see the title bar of the window behind it, and video isn't shown on that position20:55
linxehalpha-aquilae: or login over ssh remotelt, and issue the commands to the robot software?20:56
Zoohousebogey: sudo nvidia-xconfig --composite give me an error: VALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.cong. Device section "Default Device" must have a Driver line.20:56
ShikasukeHey all20:56
mkanyicyhi Shikasuke20:56
tercmaehl: need to know what ports samba uses?20:56
rcmaehlte: 138 and 13920:57
vectoryDrake|: you are thinking of ctrl alt f220:57
robin0800Drake|, , alt +f2 allows a command to be run20:57
ShikasukePortal 2 Works under Wine ? I have Xubuntu Natty 11.0420:57
vectoryDrake|: to let a job continue, maybe crontab is the right thing20:57
guntbertcarandraug: I don't think so but ask in #xchat please20:57
Zoohouserobin0800: the gnome-panel process isn't found.20:57
Drake|lol yes I was thinking of ctrl alt f2 :p20:57
vectorya cronjob*20:57
Pici!appdb | Shikasuke20:57
ubottuShikasuke: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:57
robin0800Zoohouse, progress20:57
edbianalpha-aquilae: That does not make sense or answer my question20:58
alpha-aquilaelinxeh: how can i modify the ssh server so that it can interpret the commands i send and relay them to the serveR?20:58
Drake|unfamiliar with cronjob vectory20:58
tercmaehl: I think there are others.20:58
bobfredis this the right channel for partition stuff?20:58
Zoohouserobin0800: yea, the gnome-panel is crashing... or not loading...20:58
robin0800Zoohouse, try without the killall20:58
vectoryDrake|: me 220:58
guntbertbobfred: only in connection with ubuntu support20:59
zvacetbobfred: yes it is ubunntu suppot chanell20:59
carandraugguntbert, thanks20:59
vectoryDrake|: if its your server, cant you just instruct the server to run the downloads?20:59
tercmaehl: Port 135, 139 & 445 - TCP - used by smbd20:59
Zoohouserobin0800: nothing! where did my gnome-panel go????20:59
rcmaehlte: yes all are unblocked20:59
bobfredright, yes, I am on Ubuntu... OK... can anyone help with cylinder boundary issues?20:59
ZoohouseThe closest to gnome-panel is gnome-panel-screenshot20:59
guntbertbobfred: just ask your real question please21:00
bobfredguntbert: (I did)... but here goes:21:00
bobfredwhen I do a sudo fdisk -l it tells me that one of the End values is one greater than the number of cylinders on the drive. This is after using the testdisk utility to write the partition table.21:00
Zoohouserobin0800: i just ran apt-get install gnome-panel21:00
bobfredin fact, when I do an sfdisk -d /dev/sda > somefile.txt it also tells me "Warning: extended partition does not start at a cylinder boundary."21:00
tercmaehl: Port 137 UDP & 139 TCP - used by nmbd21:00
Drake|vel vectory I can do that.. but when i go to work in the morning i dont have time to dl.. and when i get home. i dont wanna wait :p so wanna be able to dl whilst on work =) (btw did u mean crontab?)21:00
bobfredapparently i need help figuring out how set the geometry straight?21:01
alpha-aquilaeedbian: i will send them over the internet, (TCP/IP stack) using linux sockets21:01
tercmaehl: Run nmap from another PC to see what it is or is not listening on.21:01
rcmaehlmeh >< had to use windows sharing accross ubuntu installs ><21:01
edbianalpha-aquilae: I'm asking how you send commands when you aren't using the Internet21:01
kubancwhere does flash player save files from youtube, because i don't have them im tmp folder?21:01
Zoohouseisn't CTR+ALT+BACKSPACE is supposed to restart X?21:01
robin0800Zoohouse, good idea21:01
PiciZoohouse: Nope.21:02
guntbertbobfred: as far as I know it is only a warning, not an error, but I'm not very familiar with the low levels on disks :)21:02
Pici!dontzap | Zoohouse21:02
ubottuZoohouse: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap21:02
alpha-aquilaevia an serial connexion between a pc and my robot21:02
robin0800Zoohouse, disabled by default now21:02
bobfredgparted doesn't see any of the partitions21:02
tekubanc: Oh, they've changed the way it works now days. You prolly need one of those download helper things now.21:02
Zoohouserobin0800, Pici, ah thanks...21:02
zvacetZoohouse: I think that option is blocked but you can enable it don´t know how21:03
Zato-1Is there ubuntu channel for chat? :D21:03
PiciZato-1: #ubuntu-oftopic21:03
PiciZato-1: Sorry: #ubuntu-offtopic21:03
Zato-1Pici: Thanks21:03
tebobfred: try  sudo fdisk -l21:03
DasEiZato-1: shure. for non drunks, several21:03
guntbertbobfred: as I said I'm no expert in that field but you could !pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l (for starters)21:03
alpha-aquilaeedbian: via an serial connexion between a pc and my robot21:03
robin0800zvacet, its in keyboad/layout/options21:03
zvacetrobin0800: tnx21:04
tebobfred: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit  #and send resulting URL21:04
Zato-1DasEi: Yo ho ho and the bottle of...RUM! :D21:04
bobfredte:  thank you!  (i am mouseless)21:04
edbianalpha-aquilae: What software do you use.21:04
tucemiuxfrom experience, anyone knows if your computer will refuse to boot up if you took out a hard drive and didnt change your fstab file?21:05
alpha-aquilaeedbian: there is no software, it is a bash script21:05
DarkenvyThe croneditor worked!21:05
Darkenvythanks #ubuntu!21:05
genewitchtucemiux: probably if that hard drive had important stuff on it21:05
bobfredfdisk -l :     http://www.pastebin.com/HVULANDW21:05
edbianalpha-aquilae: The bash script is software.  You could easily write a python program that opens sockets and send the commands and then runs the commands using os.system()21:06
ceoikonia, how i can open .pub file on ubuntu21:06
tucemiuxgenewitch, it was just a secondary hard drive thats used to store files, no system files, just data21:06
ZoohouseMoment of truth. After installing gnome-panel, I am going to log in Ubuntu Classic (No effects)21:06
bobfredPS:  I only care about /dev/sda21:06
ZoohouseYAY my bars are back!21:06
tucemiuxhow do you alt-delete-backspace nowadays?21:06
pr3d4t0rIs there a way to install a package that was removed?  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/metamail/2.7-54/+publishinghistory is no longer available and we kinda need it.  If so, can you please indicate an M for me to RTFM?  Thanks in advance.21:06
bobfredNOT about /dev/sdb21:06
robin0800ceo, libreoffice21:06
* Zoohouse does the happy dance21:06
alpha-aquilaeedbian: : yes i know, but i don't want to reinvent the wheel, if something robust exists, why not using it21:07
edbianalpha-aquilae: ssh exists21:07
ceorobin0800, am wil try thanks21:07
ZoohouseThanks robin0800, bogey, and everyone else that helped. =)21:07
tebobfred: Well, there you go. sda has a bunch of partitions and sdb only has one.21:07
edbianalpha-aquilae: Sounds like ssh would work great :)21:07
bobfredte:  right.  sdb is an external drive21:07
bobfredthat one is OK21:07
bobfredi need to worry about sda21:07
tebobfred: What do you need to do to it?21:08
alpha-aquilaeedbian: ok, thanks21:08
khakanecould someone help me with an odd issue that popped up on my DHCP+BIND local network?21:08
bobfredte: the cylinder boundaries are out of whack (apparently)21:08
tebobfred: Are you unable to use it?21:08
bobfredte: gparted doesn't think there are any partitions21:08
bobfredte: correct21:09
bobfredgparted thinks the space is unallocated21:09
tebobfred: Doesn't boot any more?21:09
bobfredte:  correct21:09
bobfredte: I'm running in a LiveCD21:09
guntberttucemiux: <alt><sysreq>k  ( if I remember correctly )21:09
khakane added reverse map from   <-- this is the problem21:10
edbianalpha-aquilae: sure21:10
khakanesomehow the ip is being appended onto the standard reverse zone21:10
bobfredte:  looking at the list, there, i notice a few inconsistencies.  First, sda7 does not begin where sda6 ends21:11
bobfredte: also, both sda4 and sda9 end on the wrong cylinder (according to the summary, the physical cylinders end at 77825)21:12
Cube``do mailing lists work so that i can just send an email to one without being a subscriber and receive responses to my thread?21:12
bobfredany ideas on how to fix21:12
chadhsi noticed that the Documents folder contentes are searchable from the dash in unity.  is there a way to choose which directories and the depth are searchable in the unity dash?21:13
rcmaehlwhat does windows use for sharing files? samba?21:13
bobfredso, it's like the geometry is off somehow21:13
bobfredwhen I try to run gparted, it says:  "Can't have a partition outside the disk!"21:13
rcmaehlbobfred: O_O21:13
robin0800bobfred, For all hard disk work I prefer http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/download.html21:14
bobfredrobin0800: I have that, actually... and i used testdisk21:14
bobfredrobin0800: testdisk actually is what got me this far21:14
bobfredrobin0800: everything was _all_ messed up before that21:14
pr3d4t0rCan you please recommend a way to install the metamail package, last seen in Karmic and deleted in Lucid, on Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS?  Thanks in advance.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/metamail/2.7-5421:15
kleanchapWhere do I find the xterm? The software center says it is installed on my computer but I can't find the icon/app21:15
bobfredrobin0800: (and all):  essentially what happened was that I accidentally started an erase command in Windows... but stopped it before it could get very far.21:15
bobfredthe files are still in tact21:15
bobfredi just need the partition table and boot record back to working order21:15
bobfred(I think)21:15
spiralskleanchap, /usr/bin/xterm21:15
nDuffIn a multi-screen setup, can one change which monitor the Unity bar displays itself on?21:15
=== jorn is now known as Guest58102
robin0800bobfred, Try partmagic the linux boot disc program XCFE21:16
unicumis there a way to force wireless cards to disassociate from (all) network(s)? if so.. what's the command?21:16
chadhsnDuff: yes you can, one sec21:16
kleanchapspirals, Where do I enter /usr/bin/xterm?    Everything I am seeing is GUI.21:16
unicumifconfig down doesn't quite seem to cut it21:17
bobfredrobin0800: off the Ultimate Boot CD?21:17
chadhsnDuff:  open this file ~/.config/monitors.xml21:17
chadhslook for this <primary>yes</primary>21:17
chadhsall your monitors will say primary no21:17
chadhschange the one you want to display unity bars to yes21:17
nDuffchadhs, I don't have a monitors.xml in my ~/.config/21:18
robin0800bobfred, yes parted-magic I think21:18
chadhsnDuff click on the power icon in the upper right corner; bottom of that menu open "Settings"21:18
chadhsthen open settings for "Monitors"21:18
bobfredrobin0800: and that's a Linux prog?21:19
Guest58102I've got a nvidia card with the proprietary drivers installed and all video playback is flickering... anyone else got this issue and perhaps a solution?21:19
tucemiuxyou cant create an extended partition using the 11.04 CD???21:19
genewitchwhat is the ubuntu AWS channel?21:19
robin0800bobfred, yes21:19
chadhsnDuff: once you set your settings there it will create a monitors.xml21:19
nDuffchadhs, ...hmm -- it's showing a single 3840x1080 monitor, rather than recognizing that more than one exist. Probably a conflict with nvidia TwinView, I'm guessing.21:21
* nDuff disables TwinView, and wanders off to restart X21:22
bobfredrobin0800: which app exactly? I'm running a LiveCD with an ability to install any app i need to work with....21:22
robin0800bobfred, I thought this was an existing system21:23
codex84why i have to click auto eth021:23
bobfredrobin0800: yes.21:23
kyle2hello, in the new ubuntu 11.04 on the left i open say terminal from the bar. Then say i want another terminal i can't just click the icon again. it would be nice if i could right click and say open new window or something.  Is this pssible?21:23
codex84evertime to get internet accesss21:23
kyle2hello, in the new ubuntu 11.04 on the left i open say terminal from the bar. Then say i want another terminal i can't just click the icon again. it would be nice if i could right click and say open new window or something.  Is this possible?21:23
rcxdudekyle2: I think middle click does that21:24
robin0800bobfred, that you want to fix21:24
tasslehoffFirefox and Chrome insists on starting maximized on my 11.04 install. Something I can do to fix that?21:24
ubuntuhola alguien sa santa fe argentina21:24
kyle2rcxdude: oh, well i'm on a laptop with left/right only...21:24
ubuntuestoy probando el lubuntu 11.0421:25
ubuntuesta muy bueno21:25
rcxdudekyle2: pressing both left and right may emulate middle click21:25
kyle2rcxdude: lol, just found that.  Can i make it something else?21:25
rcxdudekyle2: possibly, but I have no idea how21:26
kyle2rcxdude: OK, thanks anyway... i'm sure i can do this for now. Thanks for the help.21:26
Antwonwhat's the difference between apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade ?21:27
LimesodasAntwon, dist-upgrade upgrades the distribution ie 10.10 to 11.0421:27
kyle2rcxdude: i'm using xchat irc. it says i can send a file. can i try with you . JPG file only..21:28
Antwonaah, ok21:28
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.21:28
_jop    dist-upgrade, in addition to performing the function of upgrade, also intelligently handles changing dependencies with new versions of packages; apt-get has a "smart" conflict resolution system, and it will attempt to upgrade the most important packages at the expense of less important ones if necessary. The /etc/apt/sources.list file contains a list of locations from which to retrieve desired package files. See also apt_preferences(5) for a21:28
_jopmechanism for overriding the general settings for individual packages. "21:28
FloodBot1_jop: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:28
_jopmy bad21:28
_jopdist-upgrade is upgrade + handles dependencies21:29
tasslehoffis there a way to turn on bluetooth by default?21:29
nvhey ho21:30
vectorytasslehoff: surely21:30
tasslehoffvectory: guess my next question :)21:30
vectoryi cant answer that one21:30
tasslehoffhm. I meant Off by default.21:30
vectorydunno how21:30
robin0800tasslehoff, turn it on then remember the session21:31
vectorysomething with init scripts, or just writing the right app to apps to run at start21:31
vectoryrobin0800: thats a rather cimbersome approach and not very hackish21:31
DeeTahhi, i recently tried to install ubuntu on an ancient machine21:32
DeeTahand it didn'21:32
DeeTahdidn't run X properly - it looked like the terminal screen overlapped the X21:32
vectorytried to install on a lappy with 128 mb, didnt work21:32
_joptasslehoff, try 'nano /etc/default/bluetooth'21:32
vectorycrunchbang did21:32
vectoryubuntu based21:32
robin0800vectory, actualy blutooth is in the startup apps21:32
* nDuff looks around for chadhs to convey his thanks, fails to see him, waves, and wanders off.21:32
nDuffpart #ubuntu (thanks for the help!)21:33
tasslehoffrobin0800: that's the applet. I'm looking to disable the radio.21:33
kyle2rcxdude: looks like you need xchat i guess21:33
DeeTahwhat might have been wrong? it's an intel integrated GPU, so I don't think KMS might be the issue21:33
bobfredrobin0800:  yes, it is an existing system that I want to fix21:34
=== Propel is now known as Propel2
_joptasslehoff, type 'nano /etc/default/bluetooth'21:34
=== Propel2 is now known as Propel
bobfredI'm on a different computer right now21:34
=== joshua__ is now known as JoshuaL
_joptasslehoff, and change BLUETOOTH_ENABLED=1 to BLUETOOTH_ENABLED=021:34
kyle2rcxdude: did you get download request?21:34
bobfredand I am logged into a LiveCD on the machine in question21:34
tasslehoff_jop: ok. that's a new file I'm gonna create?21:35
_joptasslehoff, it should already be there21:35
bobfredrobin0800: and with the LiveCD, I can install whatever (temporary obviously) software that I need to in order to make it work21:35
_joptasslehoff, is it not?21:35
robin0800bobfred, well use UBCD not live cd21:35
tasslehoff_jop: nope21:35
_jophmm, one sec21:35
bobfredrobin0800: sure I'll do that.  I was just raising my eyebrow because I can get the same software through the LiveCD21:36
SeanInSeattleHey all.  Is it possible to install python2.6 along side 2.5 without modifying the default interpreter?21:36
robin0800bobfred, don't like live cd for disk tasks21:36
Tomassois there some way to receive messages when your ubuntu server seems to be being attacked ?21:37
HaCkEr[Bt4r2]Hi all21:37
DeeTahhi, I found a weird ubuntu 11.04 installer glitch - the characters from the terminal text preceeding X server start overlap the graphics of the X server. it looks like the VT is trying to refresh a screen that is also accessed by the X. it's completely impossible to use the system then. anyone else experienced that?21:38
Chaorainhey, I'm gonna reformat soon, can I update to the beta of Ubuntu 11.1021:38
HighRolleri am having trouble with acidrip ripping dvds can someone reccomend a better dvd ripper?21:39
tasslehoff_jop: gotta run, I'll have to look into it later. thanks.21:39
dommerNeed some help on something that's really rare and I doubt anyone here has used or knows much about.  NUbuntu.21:39
robin0800Chaorain, no there is no 11.10 beta or alpha for that matter21:39
_joptasslehoff, all right21:40
steveoliverIf I've got `DROP       all  --  XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX` in my iptables LOCALOUTPUT chain, how can I remove it, and create a rule so this traffic is always allowed?21:40
iceroot!anyone | dommer21:40
ubottudommer: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:40
_joptasslehoff, seems like "rfkill block bluetooth" on startup might be what u need ;/21:40
Chaorainrobin0800: kk thanks21:40
dommerAnyone got info on NUbuntu?21:40
tasslehoff_jop: cool. thanks.21:41
icerootdommer: and if your question about nUbuntu, this is not the correct channel, this channel is only for ubuntu support21:41
dommerthere is no nubuntu channel D:21:41
icerootdommer: maybe but this is still an ubuntu-support channel21:41
tasslehoffdommer: "As of April 4, 2010, the official website is closed with no explanation."21:41
khamerTrying to find a solution for a webserver so that multiple distinct user accounts can use rsync/scp/sftp to upload files to /var/www/foobar/ and files will all end up writable by everyone else; right now, 'everyone' are in the group 'web' so having a default mode for files in that section of the filesystem of 774 instead of 744 would be reasonable21:42
dommerno, I need help with WIFI activation.  If no one here wants to help, I'll just try somewhere else21:42
patrix2whois patrix221:42
icerootdommer: as i said, no nubuntu-support here, sorry21:43
osseHi, guys. I just installed indicator-weather. How do I start it? Do I have to log out and in?21:43
en1gmai running ubuntu 10.10 and i need to free up some disk space.....when i install a package isnt there still the original package there even after its installed?21:43
icerooten1gma: correct21:43
robin0800osse, double click icon21:43
en1gmais it apt-get purge?21:43
icerooten1gma: sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get clean21:43
dusfcan anyone confirm that 'ln -s ~/.wine /media/DUMP/.wine /media/DUMP/dusf/.wine' will make it so synaptic will install WINE on /media/DUMP even though it normally goes to ~/.wine ?21:43
en1gmaahh ok thanks21:43
khameren1gma: purge uninstalls and cleans21:43
icerooten1gma: apt-get purge doesnt delete the cached deb-file. apt-get clean does that (for all cached files)21:44
osserobin0800, which icon?21:44
en1gmayea that would be what i dont want to do then :)21:44
dommerwell aren't you helpful...21:44
icerootdusf: we are very helpfull with ubuntu21:44
robin0800osse, indicator weather21:44
icerootdusf: sorry wrong nick21:44
trollboyso how do I put the volume controller back on the task bar by the clock? There used to be an option for that21:44
^Satana^^Satana^ saluta tutti voi di #ubuntu21:45
vqxwdusf: You want to move the .wine dir to another location than your home folder right?21:45
khamerAnyone know anything about creating a directory or setting users so that files default to 77x instead of 7xx when created via rsync/sftp?21:45
dusf'ln -s ~/.wine /media/DUMP/dusf/.wine' even21:45
dusfvqxw: i want it shortcutted to the partition that has most space21:45
en1gmajust did the sudo apt-get clean and that worked great...thanks for the info....and just added the info you all gave me to a text file so hopefully i dont have to ask again21:45
osserobin0800, oops sorry. I didn't realize it made a shortcut in the applications menu/lens21:46
vqxwdusf: just a sec21:46
khamermaybe umask 002?21:46
deuthi all newbie here. is there a problem with 11.04 install? My cd install boots to Grub Rescue.21:46
dusfvqxw: np21:46
MetroshicaI'm trying to create a script that updates packages on my server automatically. I'm using the sudo apt-get upgrade -y command to upgrade everything, which usually works fine. However, some packages have an interactive prompt while being updated, such as MySQL. Is there anyway I can either respond to these prompts with a default answer, or skip them entirely so I can upgrade them by hand later?21:47
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robin0800deut, did not install properly21:47
djusticedeut: reinstall. at least grub. probably needs a complete reinstall tho.21:47
_jopMetroshica, yes | sudo apt-get upgrade21:47
icerootMetroshica: yes, you have to change the debian-frontend to do so, but installing automaticly updates is not a good idea21:48
_jopMetroshica, it'll respond with 'y' to all prompts21:48
osseCan anyone point me in the right direction to a temperatur indicator along the lines of the old applet?21:48
deutrobin, i tried to boot from cd (having burned it from iso) can't even install it. cd just boots straight into grub rescue prompt21:48
deutjust wondered if its an issue with 11.0421:48
vqxwthe syntax is: ln -s path_where_you_want_the_wine_directory path_where_you_want_the_shortcut21:48
ossedeut, is it a 64-bit CD ?21:48
robin0800deut, bad cd burn?21:48
ossedeut, for the 64-bit it is a known bug. It happened to me as well21:49
vqxwdusf: the syntax is: ln -s path_where_you_want_the_wine_directory path_where_you_want_the_shortcut21:49
dusfvqxw: ty21:49
djustice64bit natty booted fine here.21:49
deuthmmm, possibly a bad burn although it did verify ok in nero. (32 bit btw)21:49
djusticemaybe burn again.21:49
dusfvqxw: going with ln -s /media/DUMP/.wine ~/.wine21:49
mobius2greetings ubuntu chan,  i am so happy to be back online :)21:50
deutwill do - thanks for advice21:50
vqxwdusf: that should work21:50
Anon2756truecrypt gives me this, "/usr/bin/truecrypt: error while loading shared libraries: libfuse.so.2: cannot open shared object file: To such file or directory." How do i fix it?21:50
robin0800deut, try the alternate cd more robust21:50
djusticemobius2: greetings. now go code. ;)21:50
mobius2indeed :)21:50
updheii, i need some help how to make Wifi Access Point, i don't need the connection to world, i only wan't to set AP, so other computer can connect to it, and i than i can access to share on that pc which has AP, so click "Edit Connection..", "Wireless", "Add", i set mode to "Ad-Hoc", but what under IPV4 Settings tab ? for Method: there is a lot of choice, should i chose "Shared to other computer" or what ???21:50
deutyep, will do robin. These TDKs I have are shite. Thanks for tip.21:50
vqxwAnon2756: is the "fuse" package installed21:51
deutbye all - and thanks21:51
djusticeAnon2756: install libfuse2 again?21:51
sysop-workhow can I get syslog to put all messages from a particular host in into a special file?21:51
vqxwAnon2756: Well I guess it's called libfuse21:52
Metroshicaiceroot: Why is it a bad idea to auto update packages? That's I do currently, just sudo apt-get upgrade -y. How would I change the front end to automatically skip these?21:52
djusticelibfuse2 in natty21:52
mobius2I moved recently,  my new room mate forwarded port 80 for me to a specific ip,  but my computer is auto dhcp'ing and its not the ip I need. can someone tell me how to manually set my computer's ip  to the one which I need in order for my webserver to be reachable?21:52
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Anon2756that's it sorted good sirs21:52
mobius2i need "dot ten" and I'm auto dhcp'ing to "dot one thirteen"21:52
djusticeMetroshica: " yes | sudo apt-get -y upgrade " -- it's bad because not all packages are perfect. doing this is surely going to break sth one day.21:52
mobius2I know it's simple, but I've never had to do this before21:53
Inetkhello all of you!21:53
djusticemobius2: iptables wiki. good luck. ;P21:53
mobius2so my router is all set up, and I am supposed to instruct my computer to pull in order for my webserver to be reachable21:53
vqxwInetk: hello21:53
mobius2djustice,  thanks for the tip21:53
Metroshicadjustice: should I go through packages manually then? I've never had an issue before. Anyway, that works for a majority of the packages, but I"m talking about certain packages that open up a whole new prompt, such as MySQL, can I skip those so I can update them manually?21:54
Dovidhi. i have a spare 100mbit connection. i want to torrent ubuntu. i am looking at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04.2/ which one needs the most seeding ?21:54
robin0800Metroshica, aptitude safe-upgrade is safer21:54
bobfredrobin0800: I'm in PartedMagic....   what do you suggest?21:54
Metroshicarobin0800: what does safe-upgrade do exactly?21:54
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bobfredrobin0800: we have gparted again (which, again, can't see the partitions because of the table)21:55
robin0800Metroshica, auto hold packages that need other packages21:55
Dovidhi. i have a spare 100mbit connection. i want to torrent ubuntu. i am looking at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04.2/ which one needs the most seeding ?21:56
bobfredhi, King of S Words :)21:56
Metroshicarobin0800: I'm currently writing a script that automatically updates packages on 6 linux servers, would that be the best way to go about doing it?21:56
koumidishi can anybody help me with some issues tat I have with ubuntu desktop?21:56
bobfredkoumidis: just speak out the issues.  won't know if we can help, until you do ;)21:57
vqxwDovid: I would say the live desktop cd for ubuntu, both 64 and 32-bit21:57
robin0800Metroshica, yea I would and restrict the software sources as well21:57
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Metroshicarobin0900, alright perfect, thanks for the help21:58
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khamerAnyone know anything about creating a directory or setting users so that files default to 77x instead of 7xx when created via rsync/sftp?21:59
koumidisCan I have simultaneously  the new unity desktop and in the top also the older version of 10.10 desktop?21:59
robin0800bobfred, don't think there's an easy solution to your problem22:00
mobius2how do i determine my router's ip, aka the default gateway ip address from terminal?  I'm looking through the <ifconfig> output but I dont seem to be able to identify it22:00
jribmobius2: sudo route -n   should be sufficient22:01
mobius2jrib,  thanks :)22:01
ludiGood Evening!22:03
koumidisCan I have simultaneously  the new unity desktop and in the top also the older version of 10.10 desktop?22:04
hcaineHello, I Need help with conky and 11.0422:04
vqxwkoumidis: I don't use the new ubuntu at the moment, but try running gnome-panel in termianl and see what happens, you might get the old panel back22:04
agikejoin #slug22:04
bobfredrobin0800:  heh.  not looking for an easy solution... looking for the right one :)22:05
multipass|2is there any way in using dual monitors to make one monitor be desktop 1, the other desktop 2?22:06
dusfhow can i mark a file as executable?22:06
hcaineHello, I Need help with conky and 11.0422:06
AbTuXkoumidis, yes you can switch between them as vqxw said , just by typing gnome-panel . I am using Default Gnome in 11.04 and executing unity do the job22:07
vqxwdusf: right click the file - go to properties - permissions - allow execution (or something simmilar). Or you could run: chmod +x filename in terminal22:07
mobius2is it not possible to assign a static 192 address to my computer using the graphical network tool in ubuntu? I see that there are all the various options available to edit, such as netmask, address, and gateway, but when I make changes to these variables I don't get the option to "apply" them22:07
mobius2aka the "apply" button is not selecatble22:08
dusfvqxw: there is nothing under permissions like allow execution, but there are settings for 'dusf' to be allowed to read and write, for the group dusf it says 'none', and when i change it to read and write it changes itself back to 'none' after seconds...22:08
OpinieDoes anyone know, if it's possible to simply a cd for ubuntu that's simply for booting? I've a computer that I'd like to run from a SD card, but the computer seems incapable of booting from one22:08
tensorpuddingmobius2: there is a Save... button in Network Manager22:08
koumidiswhere I type gnome-panel?22:08
mobius2tensorpudding,  thanks for the tip mate22:08
ptrl_I have a question, is this --> "cat fichero > /dev/null 2>&1"  the same as  "cat fichero &> /dev/null"22:08
vqxwdusf: there is nothing futher down in the permission tab? below read write permissions?22:09
vqxwdusf: They may have changed it22:09
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vqxwkoumidis: in terminal: applications - accesories - terminal22:10
koumidisbut whe I do it I will have to keep open the terminal?22:11
dusfvqxw: http://oi55.tinypic.com/20tqnbb.jpg22:11
koumidisto have gnome on?22:11
vqxwkoumidis: well yes, but we can make it permanent if it works22:11
vqxwvqxw: http://oi55.tinypic.com/20tqnbb.jpg22:11
dusfvqxw: terminal took the command chmod +x mirc719.exe but trying to open it still returns: The file '/media/DUMP/Downloads/mirc719.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.22:12
Kartagisthis might be a stupid question to ask, but how do I initiate the built-in VPN client? I've added a connection22:12
SeanInSeattleHey all.  Is it possible to install a different version of python interpreter in Ubuntu/Debian without changing the default interpreter?22:12
Dovidhi. i have a spare 100mbit connection. i want to torrent ubuntu. i am looking at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04.2/ which one needs the most seeding ?22:12
AbTuXkoumidis, but if you want to use older desktop you can choose Gnome classic at login time too.22:13
vqxwdusf: That's a windows only .exe file linux does not run exefiles natively. if you need a particualr program try searching for it in the ubuntu software center. If you absolutly need to run that windows program you could try to run it with the program called wine (you will need to install it, it should be in the software center) To run a program with wine type wine path_to_exe_file in terminal22:14
Kartagisthis might be a stupid question to ask, but how do I initiate the built-in VPN client? I've added a connection22:15
dusfvqxw: i am very familiar with wine, and it is isntalled22:16
dusfvqxw: i am testing to see if a small program mirc will install considering i have symlinked ~/.wine to /media/DUMP/dusf/.wine22:16
agikeHi, I've downloaded a *.pdf but 'evince *.pdf' gives me "Error (0): Call to Object where the object was type 5, not the expected type 1 or 222:16
agike ". How do I open the file ?22:16
koumidisbecause I am a begginer how  I can change the login to gnome classic?22:16
arand_koumidis: click the username then change session at the bottom.22:17
dusfvqxw: wine /media/DUMP/Downloads/mirc719.exe returns wine: chdir to /home/dusf/.wine : No such file or directory22:17
lex0tanilhello am trying to install ubuntu 11 x64 and live cd asks for login, i've tried usr: ubuntu , pass: (return, aka blank) but it refuses to authenticate22:17
lex0tanilany thoughts?22:18
vqxwdusf try runniong winecfg and watch the output22:18
arand_dusf: Might work if you run winecfg first?22:18
AbTuXkoumidis, at the login screen click your user name and when it ask for password at the bottom of screen there is an option to choose session where you can use Ubuntu Classic22:18
amunakcan anybody tell me how to turn off hibernation after closing lid? I'm using GNOME 322:18
amunakI can choose only hibernation or suspend to ram in the power manager22:18
arand_lex0tanil: Asks for login where?22:18
lex0tanilarand, when livecd boots, loading splash is visible and then asks for login22:19
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lex0tanilnever seen it before22:19
omidwhy does ubuntu,suse etc are replacing OpenOffice.org with Libre office? what was wrong with OpenOffice? i cannt find a fact in wiki and google22:20
dusfvqxw, arand_: winecfg giving the same response, i have a feeling it doesn't like that i've symlinked ~/.wine to /media/DUMP/dusf/.wine - what may work is if i remove the symlink, then try winecfg, then cp /.wine to /media/DUMP/dusf/.wine and then reapply the symlink?22:20
balevineWhat could explain a valid MD5, but when running a disk check, it reports an error in filesystem.squashfs?  Tried burning a CD and using unetbootin.  Happened with both 10.10 and 11.04.  Just install a new Intel 320 Series SSD.22:20
arand_dusf: Possibly22:20
aj00200My 11.04 system has been extremely unstable since the 11.04 update including 3 or omre daily crashes where the screen frezes and the caps locks starts blinking. How would I troubble-shoot this or submit a bug report22:20
AbTuXomid, OpenOffice is now owned by Oracle so FOSS community had forked a new community based version LibreOffice22:20
lex0tanilhah. funny thing ... now am trying the .iso on vbox and passes correctly .. what a bump ...22:21
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_jopomid, libreoffice is a fork of openoffice, oracle no longer supports the commercial development of open office22:21
omidI hate oracle.22:21
c4ptwhat is a decent program for ubuntu to backup an ipod and sync with an ipod 160gb classic?22:21
arand_lex0tanil: Is your harddisk encrypted or  something? I don't see why it would do that...22:21
bc81i have a question about games (chess in particular), what's the appropriate channel to ask?22:22
vqxwdusf: Is your user the owner of the folder where the .wine directory actually is (i.e not the symlinc?)... and what's the output of winecfg? does it say something about can't find dos drive or simmilar22:22
Dwade09ok guys i i need some help, my mouse touchpad sometimes goes right click crazy and makes tons of folders, and sometimes it goes left click crazy and opens everything or closes everything. and sometimes it does not even want to move, i am running a asus k60i laptop and ubuntu 10.22:22
arand_c4pt: I think rhythmbox and banshee should both be able to do that.22:22
c4ptarand, ok22:22
lex0tanilarand, nope it's not. 1st error i got was authentication then burned it on an other cd and gave me I/O error, my HDD is ssd though22:22
c4ptbc81, eboard is a decent chess program for chess servers22:23
dusfvqxw: i am the admin, only user on a xubuntu system i installed a few hour sago22:23
c4ptbc81, you can play other users on online chess servers22:23
omidWhy does Kubuntu replacing Konqueror with Rekonq and SUSE replacing it with Firefox as the default KDE browser?22:23
dusfvqxw: winecfg allows you to change wine options, it works once i removed the symlink, and i've cut .wine to /media/DUMP/dusf/.wine and am now about to see if reapplying the symlinkg will let winecfg work22:24
sushi_Hello, ever since I upgraded to 11.04, while doing django development I get the error that Mysqldb can not be found. There is some path problem. Can anyone give pointers on how should I solve this?22:25
bc81c4pt: ok, i'll look in to the eboard.  thanks22:25
omidsushi 11.4 sucks.i reinstalled 10.1022:25
sushi_omid: I know :(22:26
vqxwdusf: If /media/dump refers to an external drive you might not be the owner of the folders on that drive even though you're the only user on the system. But just check to see if your idea works22:26
balevinesushi_: Do you know what path your app is trying to find?22:26
balevineWhat could explain a valid MD5, but when running a disk check, it reports an error in filesystem.squashfs?  Tried burning a CD and using unetbootin.  Happened with both 10.10 and 11.04.  Just install a new Intel 320 Series SSD.22:27
dusfvqxw: it's an internal drive, just a different partition22:27
sushi_balevine: Uhmm.. how do I find it? I know it should try to find the Mysqldb or any other db interface for django in /home/sushi/Envs/theworldsrichest_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/postgresql_psycopg2/base.py" or something22:27
dusfvqxw: perhaps i should chmod +x /media/DUMP?22:28
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aj00200Ever since upgrading to 11.04, Ubuntu has been really unstable. It regularly crashes (the screen freezes and the caps-lock light starts blinking). What steps should i take to sove this problem?22:28
balevinesushi_: I guess what I mean is, what error are you getting?  I can give you guidence on modifying your path variable, but won't do you much good if you don't know what needs to be added.22:28
vqxwdusf: is it an external drive?22:28
dusfvqxw: internal :)22:29
sushi_balevine: Thanks man, here's the error log http://dpaste.com/541350/22:29
dusfvqxw: someone in winehq has told me it's not working because /media/DUMP is ntfs22:30
balevineaj00200: What your describing is a kernel panic.  I'm not sure where else to go from there, but you could find information about submitting kernal panics22:30
AbTuXaj00200, try login into Ubuntu Classic this might be a problem with unity only22:30
teddyroosebeltany suggestions on a app that will convert html to pdf? i want the links to show aswell. any help is appreciated.22:30
aj00200balevine: thanks22:30
aj00200AbTuX: thanks, but I have experienced this problem with Unity and Ubuntu Classic.22:30
Kartagishello, how do I initiate the built-in VPN client? I've added a connection22:30
sushi_teddyroosebelt: there's a boomarklet which lets you do that22:30
balevinesushi_: So I don't necessarily see anything in here referring to a path issue.  What makes you think?22:31
vqxwdusf: ah exactly. I had to do something special to make that work, if only i could remember it... let's see22:31
teddyroosebeltsushi_, do tell22:31
sushi_teddyroosebelt: http://pdfmyurl.com/22:31
dusfvqxw: hearign something now about creating a file on DUMP, format it ext3 and loopmount it...22:32
dlbike76Hello.  How do I clear the list of recent files under files and folders in the Launcher?22:32
MatthiasHamburg1Hi, I installed 11.4 on my Asus eeepc (very small netbook).22:32
MatthiasHamburg1Now I got strange font problems. Sometimes some characters of some fonts are screwed. After every boot a different font and different characters are affected. For example: After one boot all "L" characters in LibreOffice standard font are screwed up, but only in font size 10. After a boot it may be a different character, font and/or different font size, for example small "e" of font size 9.22:32
MatthiasHamburg1Any hints where to look at? I also tried with Ubuntu Classic, same error. Font problems occur within applications and sometimes also in the system dialogs.22:32
FloodBot1MatthiasHamburg1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:32
sushi_balevine: Sorry man, I am nood to this stuff. I don't see anything other than path issue, anyway thanks for the help.22:32
vqxwdusf: I don't think that's neccesery, but you could try.. I have no experience with that22:33
balevinesushi_: No prob.  I don't know anyting django, I'm a rails guy, but we're all on the same team, right?22:33
chris___1hey, installed ubuntu 11.04 on my old inspiron. x login screen is perfect - but once logged in display goes messy, can't read/see a thing properly. how to use the same settings for display once logged in? plz :)22:33
sushi_balevine: Yeah :)22:33
hypodermiaanybody have a "winebrowser" and "notepad" left over in some of their application menus after removing wine? this would be in the "open with" context menu.22:33
Micheal`chris___1,  try logging in with ubuntu-classic and see if that helps22:34
balevinesushi_: this may be relevant: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1383126/django-python-beginner-error-when-executing-python-manage-py-syncdb-psycopg2-n22:34
AbTuXaj00200, ohh missed it , my bad. Had you tried booting with previous kernel versions?22:34
teddyroosebeltsushi_, many thanks (:22:34
Inetkhow do i switch from  gnome to  old school text login?22:34
chris___1Michael` how to set that? login screen does not show a session choice22:35
Micheal`Inetk, ubuntu server ^_^22:35
balevineWhat could explain a valid MD5, but when running a disk check, it reports an error in filesystem.squashfs?  Tried burning a CD and using unetbootin.  Happened with both 10.10 and 11.04.  Just installed a new Intel 320 Series SSD.22:35
chris___1assuming ubunut-classic is a session type22:35
aj00200AbTuX: yes, but the problem still persists. The crashes were rare before 11.04, but now they happen multiple times per day.22:35
Micheal`chris___1, click your login name and it will show at the bottom22:35
aj00200AbTuX: it should also be noted that one of these crashes occured while installing the latest kernel version during an update. I can not even run the latest kernel properly22:36
sushi_teddyroosebelt: You are welcome :)22:36
sushi_balevine: Thanks man. That link has helped to zero in the problem.22:36
Micheal`Inetk,  you mean all the time or just once?22:36
Inetkyes all time i like to do text not the graphical22:36
LibraratI'm trying to set SSH up for passwordless authentication (to use keys instead), but after following several guides and racking my brain, I am still getting "Key Refused" messages... Can anyone shed some light for me? :s22:37
Inetkbut i would like to run gnome once in a while tho22:37
chris___1ahem (that's embarrassing) - yep works perfect Micheal` - thank you22:37
balevinesushi_: good luck!22:37
Micheal`Inetk, i would say use ubuntu server then22:37
fuhoHi, can anyone give me a hint how to figure out if I am running xorg intel graphics driverss and which ones? ubuntui 11.0422:37
Micheal`chris___1, n/p22:37
vqxwdusf: Ok i think i might have figured it out.... is the drive you wnat the wine folder on external or internal?22:37
pqatsiIn gnome, when i use alt+f2 shortcut for gnome-open, while im typing, it suggest for me the most obvious suggestion of application i can open22:37
chris___1so - i have to ask - pointer as to what's likely wrong? or will i just go and check the drivers, etc22:37
pqatsiso if i type gnome-ter, it suggests gnome-terminal22:37
dlbike76How do I clear the list of recent files under files and folders in the Launcher?22:38
pqatsiunity can do this?22:38
MatthiasHamburg1Librarat: What did you try?22:38
Micheal`chris___1,  that i dont know i was just getting you to a usable session22:38
balevinefuho: Try gnome device manager.  should be available in your package manager.22:38
fuhobalevine: tahnks, will give that a try22:38
chris___1perfect - will take it from there - thank you :) tata22:39
LibraratMatthiasHamburg1: Well, I've tried using ssh-keygen as well as putty's keygen, tried using .ssh and .ssh2, authorized_keys and authorized_keys2, of course restarting the server after each change.  And each time, I'm still getting key refused22:39
Micheal`Inetk, then i would remove x from the startup22:39
aj00200AbTuX: do you know of a way to reinstall the latest kernel?22:40
updhow can i share date between two ubuntu's using ad-hoc mode ??????22:40
__Alex_Is there a way to install 'clean' Xfce, without the nasty Gnome stuff in Xubuntu?22:40
Micheal`Inetk, but honestly i would leave it be and just use a term for all my work22:40
dusfvqxw: external, i'm told i should just resize home because ntfs will be slow etc :)22:40
dusfinternal even22:40
spankbotIs Byobu terminal natively installed with Natty?22:41
MatthiasHamburg1Librarat: Where did you put your authorized_keys file? What's the content?22:41
balevineLibrarat: Have you made sure you're permissions are correct on both your home directory and .ssh?22:41
fuhobalevine: It says Direct Rendering Manager Device, does it mean I dont have it?22:41
gashogacan someone help me with cs 1.6 on ubuntu 11.04 /low fps ~2022:41
LibraratMatthiasHamburg1: the authorized_keys file were all in the .ssh and .ssh2 dirs, and yes, my perms were properly set.  I am using openSSL SSH22:41
zaksoldierHi all22:41
AbTuXaj00200, I never reinstalled one , not sure about it.Still you can try installing same from source22:41
phoenixsamprasHello Susers22:41
icerootspankbot: yes22:42
balevinefuho: DRM - hmmm, not sure.22:42
c4pthaving a problem mounting my ipod 160gb on ubuntu22:42
aj00200AbTuX: ok, I'll look it up.22:42
iceroot!appdb | gashoga22:42
ubottugashoga: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:42
vqxwdusf: It might be somewhat slower, and if it's external things might be complicated: this is what you would do if it was internal:22:42
jplacerdaHi all, what fs is ubuntu shipping by default?22:42
iceroot!ipod | c4pt22:42
ubottuc4pt: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod22:42
spankboticeroot thanks, I thought I did22:42
icerootjplacerda: ext422:43
c4pticeroot, yeah but i cant even mount it22:43
c4pticeroot, http://www.pastie.org/189072122:43
jplacerdaiceroot: thanks :)22:43
drag0nzhey guys, is there any way to recover a directory that has been deleting using "rm -rf direcotry" ?22:43
LibraratMatthiasHamburg1: Is there a good guide that you could recommend? All that I have found (I am using on my server, 11.04 btw) seem to be outdated, but with Linux, that's frequently not an issue :-\22:43
dusfvqxw: you know you've asked me if it's internal or external 3 times now, right? :)22:43
vqxwdusf: aww shift enter didn't make a line break... well here we go: 1) get the gid and uid of your current user (needed for later) in terminal: id $(whoami]22:43
icerootc4pt: i (luckily) dont have havestuff and so i dont know which fs it is using22:43
fuhobalevine: Basically what I am trying to do is figure out if I have the latest drivers for Intel 4500HDM integrated VGA card, any clues?22:44
c4pticeroot, hfsplus22:44
vqxwdusf: well i must have missed your reply then22:44
dusfvqxw: i think i'm going to just resize /home22:44
vqxwdusf: well that's probably smart anyway22:45
icerootc4pt: sudo apt-get install hfsplus22:45
c4pticeroot, i have hfsplus installed.22:45
MatthiasHamburg1Librarat: Sry, I have no guide at hand, use google... Create a file authorized_keys in /home/youruser/.ssh/  then put only one line in it with the public key. make sure you don't break it with line breaks22:45
c4pticeroot, ive tried to run fsck.hfsplus -f -y /dev/sdb2 doesnt seemt to help its reports no errors22:45
LibraratMatthiasHamburg1: Thank you, I'll go back to it :-\22:46
MatthiasHamburg1Librarat: Line should look like "ssh-rsa AAAJsjljsjslsjsjsj....."22:46
icerootc4pt: and you are sure its sdb2? and not sdb1 or other things?22:46
MatthiasHamburg1Librarat: (depending on your key type)22:46
LibraratMatthiasHamburg1: Alright. How do I then use my private key (lets start in linux) to connect?22:47
dusfvqxw: ty for your help :)22:47
icerootc4pt: sudo fdisk -l is showing that sdb2 is the partition you want?22:47
LibraratMatthiasHamburg1: ie: where do I put my private key in my linux install22:47
c4pticeroot, http://pastie.org/189073822:47
drag0nzanyone knows how to recover a deleted directory?22:47
MatthiasHamburg1Librarat: Just to make sure, you have linux on both sides?22:47
gbear14275hey guys... burning an .iso... Is it as easy as running cp /dev/cdrom ~/foo.iso22:48
root_4oh hello22:48
icerootc4pt: i dont see sdb2 there22:48
root_4unity is bizzare22:48
gbear14275i see others saying you have to use dd?22:48
dusfgbear14275: use brasero22:48
dusfroot_4: i concur22:48
root_4how do i get the bar to the bottom on the screen, like the osx ui you are obviously (illegally) knocking off22:48
LibraratMatthiasHamburg1: Yes22:48
c4pticeroot, http://www.pastie.org/189074222:48
root_4yeah, apple has patents and shit22:48
root_4you cant just go and clone their shit22:48
FloodBot1root_4: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:48
Eelisfor some reason, when i run select-default-wordlist, i can only choose Catalan and "manual symlink". what package do i need to install to add English to that list?22:49
sushi_put Ubuntu 10.04 on download, can't bear 11.0422:49
ptrl_I would like to know how I can do a faster ping. I think this could be --> ping -c 1 -t 1 Can you think of another way to make it faster?22:49
MatthiasHamburg1OK, then first add your key to the agent by using ssh-add <yourprivatekeyfile>22:49
icerootc4pt: hm very strange22:49
MatthiasHamburg1Librarat: OK, then first add your key to the agent by using ssh-add <yourprivatekeyfile>22:49
gbear14275dusf, I'm on server22:49
AbTuXaj00200,  you can check boot chart also , if you can find something from that.22:49
dusfgbear14275: sorry, can't help22:49
c4ptroot@VPCF1390X:~# lsmod | grep hfs22:49
c4pthfs                    54731  022:49
c4pthfsplus                84797  022:49
blip-hi, I installed ubuntu 11.04 and it came with 2.6.38-8 kernel, my wireless card (Realtek RTL8188CE) doesn't work - strange I read on the forums that someone with the same card had it work when he upgrade to 11.04.   Are there any special or newer kernels I need for this driver ?22:49
MatthiasHamburg1Librarat: It will ask for your password and the key will stay unlocked in the agent until you log off.22:49
blip-or should I instlal the driver from source manually22:49
balevinefuho: Sorry, no.22:49
AbTuXaj00200, or kern.log22:50
root_4how do i put the "dock" at the bottom of the screen22:50
gbear14275can anyone confirm that you can make an iso using the cp command?  or have to use dd? or other?22:50
LibraratMatthiasHamburg1: Do I need to add it to the agent each time, or will it just ask for my unlock pw when I try to connect at a later time?22:50
icerootc4pt: sorry22:50
icerootgbear14275: dd22:50
thatguythereI am having problems going into console mode, I am using the nvidia current driver. I have diagnosed that the issue is that there is no backlight on, as the terminal is working outside of the whole sight issue... Are there any fixes that anyone knows about?22:50
c4ptroot@VPCF1390X:~/Desktop# dd if=/dev/sdb2 of=/home/c4pt/Desktop/ipod.iso22:51
blip-gbear14275, cp as the name suggests, is for copying stuff around.  check 'man cp' for more details22:51
aj00200AbTuX: ok, I'll look now.22:51
icerootblip-: he wants to create an iso and cp is wrong for that22:51
netrati have a newbie question to answer, but a i couldn't find my answer with a quick search... all the startup process on boot used to be stored under /etc/rc2.d, where are they in 11.04? i'd like to stop cupsd from starting on boot22:52
blip-iceroot, yes obviously22:52
AbTuXaj00200, ya , as it is kernel panic only kern.log can give an idea what is going wrong.22:52
blip-can anyone confirm that latest desktop 32-bit kernel available for 11.04 ?  Is it 2.6.38-8 ?22:52
MatthiasHamburg1Librarat: The private key will stay unlocked in the agent until you log off. So you only need to enter your password once for each login session and connect to all servers your key has access to without entering password each time. This is the easiest method. You could also not use the agent and enter password on every connect. But trust me, for now, use the agent22:52
netratblip-, yes22:53
Eelisah, i found it, "wamerican"22:53
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
LibraratMatthiasHamburg1: Awesome, thank you for the help :)22:53
aj00200AbTuX: can I grep for something specfic like "panic" or must I look through all of it?22:53
blip-netrat, if I install my wifi driver by compiling the native Linux driver from source and it works - could that cause problems in the future if I want to upgrade the kernel ?22:53
AbTuXaj00200, well sorry but not sure about this :(22:54
blip-from what i understand sometimes drivers become part of the kernel that ubuntu ships22:54
FLeiXiuSAnyone have PAM authenticating both local accounts and remote accounts with kerberos22:54
Rickyboy107Hello, earlier today i explained my problem about natty that only gives a black screen i was adviced to install an older version and install natty, i tried that and still the same only a black screen what do i need to do, I installed natty on a older computer of a friend today as well and that one runs very good. My system specs are 3gb drr3 memory, Intel Celeron dual core 2,1gh, 320gb hdd, Intel 1,5gb dynamic video card22:54
iceroot!anyone | FLeiXiuS22:54
ubottuFLeiXiuS: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:54
netratblip-, that's beyond my area of expertise... just to be on the safe side i would reinstall after a new kernel22:54
FLeiXiuSiceroot, That's my question...22:54
blip-netrat, ok cool. thanks22:55
icerootFLeiXiuS: yes is the answer, to the question is done :)22:55
phong_why most people are so idiot interm of wanting the phone: Please sell me your G2x. i will trade you my G1 PLUS $200!!! PLEASE ITS ALL I'VE GOT. EMAIL ME AT **************22:55
Dwade09ok guys i i need some help, my mouse touchpad sometimes goes right click crazy and makes tons of folders, and sometimes it goes left click crazy and opens everything or closes everything. and sometimes it does not even want to move, i am running a asus k60i laptop and ubuntu 10.22:55
phong_very stupid request.22:55
gbear14275do usb sticks automount in server?22:55
icerootphong_: no need that here22:55
netratgbear14275, no22:55
phong_sorry iceroot22:56
gbear14275if not... I apologize... but how do you mount them?22:56
phong_i just got mad from reading those22:56
icerootgbear14275: sudo mount /dev/sdX /where/to/mount22:56
icerootphong_: we too22:56
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
phong_iceroot, it's like i ask you....i will trade your g2x and i give my motorolla razer 3 and give u 20022:56
FLeiXiuSiceroot, I have kerberos configured and is properly authenticating my users; however, now my local users can no longer authenticate.  I've mess with the common-auth file and have gotten no where.  Suggestions? http://pastie.org/189077122:56
icerootphong_: again, stop it, this is a support channel22:56
thatguythereI am having problems going into console mode, I am using the nvidia current driver. I have diagnosed that the issue is that there is no backlight on, as the terminal is working outside of the whole sight issue... Are there any fixes that anyone knows about?22:57
britNeed drivers for ATI Radeon HD 487022:57
britDrivers recommended by the ubuntu driver manager break everything graphical.22:57
blip-phong_, I think there is a channel for off-topic/lounge22:57
Rickyboy107still doesnt asnwer my question22:57
britAnyone have some drivers for that card that work22:58
netratso i have cupsd starting on boot, but it's not symlinked in rc2.d... where are the startup scripts in 11.04?22:59
icerootFLeiXiuS: hm, looks fine for me22:59
blip-Rickyboy107, sounds like something with graphics driver, I recommend you find out the exact model of your graphic card and search online for 'ubuntu 11.04 <graphic card name>' etc..22:59
icerootFLeiXiuS: is the system try to authenticate local users against kerberos? /var/log/auth.log)22:59
FLeiXiuSiceroot, As we both would expect it to...here's the log output from SSHD, pam_unix(sshd:auth): auth could not identify password for [USERNAME]22:59
jaxxdrewis there a program I can download for some eye candy on unity.  I cannot seem to find anything like gnome had?22:59
Rickyboy107and how do i find out23:00
kavurtmy webcam doesn't work with googletalk, but works with skype. what can i do?23:00
blip-lspci in console23:00
icerootFLeiXiuS: but the user is in /etc/shadow?23:00
FLeiXiuSiceroot, So it's using pam_unix, but the password cannot be identified?  nsswitch reports compact files.23:00
blip-Rickyboy107, and look for something that looks like graphic card, usually has the words 'VGA' in it somewhere23:00
FLeiXiuSiceroot, yep - shadow and passwd.23:00
icerootFLeiXiuS: it must be compat instead of compact23:01
icerootFLeiXiuS: and passwd /shadow should have "file"23:01
gerrincan someone help me with the panel reset code23:02
parishello.. i made some minutes ago the updates for the ubuntu but when it asked me to restart when i tried to log in back the computer got stack at the boot screen. im running ubuntu "natty"23:02
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »23:02
FLeiXiuSiceroot, my apologies, it is compat.  I've fixed both the passwd and show line - I'm trying everything here.23:02
zulwho can help me in configuring a svnserver?23:02
zulI installed a svn and when i try to  connect to it I get the follow error: svn server sent unexpected return value 403 forbidden in response to options request for23:03
icerootzul: just ask your real question, what have you done what is not working23:03
OttifantSirHow, and what are some suggestions for replacing unity-window-decorator? It "bleeds through" on the title bar. I can see the title bar of the window behind when I'm in fullscreen, and no media is shown on the title bar position.23:03
thetejuhello guys.23:04
zuliceroot I wrote my problem: when I try to connect to my svn I get that error. What is my mistake?23:04
icerootFLeiXiuS: hm very strange, sounds like everything is correct23:04
icerootzul: the user dont have access, is the user registered in the repos conf?23:04
gerrinjust did panel reset, and all panels disappeared, how can i fix it23:04
thetejuI am one of those who is facing slow internet on ubuntu 10.04 is it something recent known bug? i have intel 5300 abgn wireless card23:04
zulemm I don't know23:04
dusfcan anyone make it so i am able to open .exe files with 'WINE Windows Program Loader'? when i try to i receive the error 'The file '/media/DUMP/Downloads/anything.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.' and when I check the permissions tab of properties there is no option to make it executable http://oi55.tinypic.com/20tqnbb.jpg23:04
thatguythereI am having problems going into console mode, I am using the nvidia current driver. I have diagnosed that the issue is that there is no backlight on, as the terminal is working outside of the whole sight issue... Are there any fixes that anyone knows about?23:05
Rickyboy107i googled my problem but i cant find any solution23:05
icerootdusf: chmod +x file.exe23:05
pariscan someone pls help me if possible? :S23:05
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)23:05
dusficeroot: please read my question fully23:05
OttifantSirdusf: Or right-click in Nautilus -> Rights -> mark "Execute" click OK23:05
icerootdusf: please read my answer fully23:06
Vamsihi ! I want to create a new partition from /dev/sda/23:06
dusfOttifantSir: i'm using thunar23:06
icerootdusf: chmod +x filename23:06
dusficeroot: i have already tried chmod +x, it doesn't change anything23:06
OttifantSirdusf: still same IIRC23:06
dusfOttifantSir: if you click on the jpg i linked you can see where there's no execute option23:06
icerootdusf: ls -l file.exe23:06
icerootdusf: post it to me please23:06
Rickyboy107i hope there is a way to fix the problem because i realy want to use natty23:07
zuliceroot the fikle repos conf where is?23:07
icerootzul: in your repo23:07
gerrinjust ran panel reset and all panels have disappeared, how can i fix this23:07
dusficeroot: -rw------- 1 dusf dusf 1910488 2011-05-11 22:03 mirc719.exe23:07
icerootzul: if you are using svnserve23:07
LibraratMatthiasHamburg1: I have no idea what I did differently this time, but it's working now, though I guess it'd be cool to see a successful key message or something.  I guess my next questions is, how do I go about disabling a password login all together?23:07
icerootdusf:  use xchat23:07
icerootdusf: that is the best answer you can get23:08
OttifantSirHow, and what are some suggestions for replacing unity-window-decorator? It "bleeds through" on the title bar. I can see the title bar of the window behind when I'm in fullscreen, and no media is shown on the title bar position.23:08
core_anyone an idea how to setup grub2 for dual booting ubuntu and windows when windows is on sdb, ubuntu on sda? i noticed /etc/grub.d/ but there's nothing like a template for windows and those config files are horrible.23:08
thatguythereI am having problems going into console mode, I am using the nvidia current driver. I have diagnosed that the issue is that there is no backlight on, as the terminal is working outside of the whole sight issue... Are there any fixes that anyone knows about?23:08
zuliceroot I see these files: authz passwd svnserve.conf in my repo23:09
dusficeroot: it happens with every .exe  file, i just downloaded mirc to test WINE, i use irssi23:09
core_thatguythere: are you sure the backlight indeed goes off if you switch to a tty?23:09
icerootzul: its passwd where you set user and name23:09
MattEdwardI'm new to Linux, would like to switch over completely from windows, but use Photoshop everyday - schedule doesn't permit me to move to a nix friendly alternative, I've heard of wine, is it a viable way to access photoshop through nix?23:09
jaxxdrew__I am looking at unity shorcuts.  What does super mean?23:09
zulok I try thanks23:09
icerootdusf: chmod +x mirc79.exe  is not working?23:09
core_MattEdward: it will probably not do what you want.23:10
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:10
LjLMattEdward, i think so at least for some versions, but you should probably try asking in #winehq23:10
ayrtonguys i took a hard drive from a dell d600 and put it in a dell d620, ubuntu 10.10 but it doesnt go online, no drivers available in addition drivers23:10
thatguytherewell, yes, if you take a flashlight and point it at the screen it does have text, so I would assume it is a backlight issue23:10
dusfcan anyone make it so i am able to open .exe files with 'WINE Windows Program Loader'? when i try to i receive the error 'The file '/media/DUMP/Downloads/anything.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.' and when I check the permissions tab of properties there is no option to make it executable http://oi55.tinypic.com/20tqnbb.jpg23:10
MattEdwarddamn adobe man23:10
windparadisewhat is this? i am running startup.sh which is located in teh same folder as i am running the command, and I am told startup.sh command not found...23:10
LjLdusf, from the console you can do "chmod +x filename"23:10
windparadisewhat doI do ? what command shold I use /23:10
icerootwindparadise: not executable23:11
Rickyboy107Does anyone has a solution because i cant find one for my blackscreen prob and i dont want to use 10.04 am using 10.10 now without anyprobs and on a virtual machine 11.04 runs without any trouble23:11
dusfLjL: i have, as per my last line...23:11
icerootwindparadise: chmod +x startup.sh23:11
core_dusf: you would have to create a script you can give arguments to, a wrapper that will accept a windows executable somewhere as arguments and starts wine on it with that file.23:11
histoIs there a way to switch to classic mode from terminal? The login screen is garbled in X and I can't switch it there.23:11
dusfcore_: in 10.10 i could download and open any .exe seemlessly... why is natty different?23:11
core_histo: ctrl-alt-f1?23:11
windparadiseiceroot: the same thing23:11
windparadiseit's still nto running23:12
histocore_: yeah I know that but what file to edit23:12
frennzyhi, Im running Lucid on a desktop PC.. and I cant connect to the internet trought eth0... In network manager applets it shows both green light jut as I was connecting... but it keeps loading and then It disconnetcs... i was able to connect somedays ago.. I didnt touch anything but now im unable to get my connection work...23:12
velcroshoozwindparadise: ./starup.sh runs from within current dir23:12
MattEdwardif photoshop from wine is a bad idea, is there any solution to the photoshop/linux problem?23:12
core_dusf: probably because of the bindings of nautilus, the file manager, but i have no idea.23:12
MatthiasHamburg1Librarat: edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config23:12
dusfcore_: this is ridiculous23:12
dusfthere must be a fix23:12
core_histo: well a shell script executable23:12
core_histo: you should focus on shell scripting.23:12
MatthiasHamburg1Librarat: and set PasswordAuthentication no23:12
escottthatguythere, does your backlight work within X23:13
Rickyboy107dusf: You must be happy natty even runs with you i only get a blackscreen and all sounds23:13
core_histo: all you basically want to do is start the wine executable and give $1 to it. it's probably not hard to write.23:13
histocore_: what? Has nothing to do with wine.23:13
aj00200I am currently working on debugging a problem I am having. Does anyone here know how to uninstall and reinstall the latest kernel version? I think it is broken due to a system crash during the install.23:13
MatthiasHamburg1Librarat: Then relaod ssh server with "/etc/init.d/ssh reload"23:13
thatguythere yes it does, but when I shift to tty 1-6 there is nothing, but the terminal is working as I can perform tasks blindly from it23:13
histoIs there a way to switch to classic mode from terminal? The login screen is garbled in X and I can't switch it there.23:13
core_histo: well what happens when you double click a file in a filemanager is not controlled by wine.23:14
LibraratMatthiasHamburg1: Thank's a bunch :)23:14
=== nick is now known as Guest73223
MatthiasHamburg1Librarat: When editing sshd_config, always keep another root-ssh-shell open. If you mess it up, you can use it to recover23:14
MatthiasHamburg1Librarat: You're welcome23:15
histocore_: I don't have a question about wine23:15
histocore_: you are confussing me with someone else23:15
zulIt doesn't work23:15
basslinerhisto: lol, my apologies23:15
escottthatguythere, well obviously something is turning it of, but i'm not familiar with the process that takes you to a tty. you could turn the backlight back on by echoing a value into /sys/class/backlight/*/brightness23:15
zulI think there's some error in my apache configuration ice23:15
Guest73223Im having trouble connecting to websites in 11.04. When i type in an address it takes a long time to load, and often i get "error 105:  Unable to resolve the server's DNS address."23:16
=== shai_ is now known as shai
basslinerGuest73223: have you checked that your dns works, maybe using "host" or "nslookup"?23:16
Guest73223ive tryed using both chrome and firefox, and ive doubble checked that no proxies or firewalls are running23:17
Travis-42i'm reinstalling ubuntu and I want it to have the same computer name as before... but when I install it tells me that "that name already exists on the network". how do I ignore this?23:17
OttifantSirHow, and what are some suggestions for replacing unity-window-decorator? It "bleeds through" on the title bar. I can see the title bar of the window behind when I'm in fullscreen, and no media is shown on the title bar position.23:17
basslinerGuest73223: then you have probably network problems. check that you can lookup dns addresses. check that the nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf actually accepts queries etc.23:17
Rickyboy107I dont like that i dont get an answer because i realy want to update, and because its a new laptop so it should just work23:18
Travis-42ah never mind, it lets me ignore it...23:18
zulI have installed  svnserver, Now I get this error: "svn server sent unexpected return value 403 forbidden in response to options request for " whn I try to connect to the server..23:18
FLeiXiuSiceroot, yep ...23:18
zulwho can help me23:18
MatthiasHamburg1Please help: I installed 11.4 on my Asus eeepc (very small netbook). Now I got strange font problems. Sometimes some characters of some fonts are screwed. After every boot a different font and different characters are affected. For example: After one boot all "L" characters in LibreOffice standard font are screwed up, but only in font size 10. After a boot it may be a different character, font and/or different font size, for example sma23:18
basslinerzul: have you asked #subversion?23:18
Propelanyone know how to stop auto play in youtube?23:18
Propelafter finishing a vid in youtube, it automatically starts playing the featured video23:19
zer0funsandy bridge video is painful23:19
Propeland it's really annoying23:19
Propeli have to move my cursor over the featured video to stop it from playing23:19
Guest73223The internet works on other computers here too. Help??23:19
OttifantSirPropel: Install an add-on for your browser23:20
Rickyboy107I might nag alot but i would like an answer....23:20
PropelOttifantSir, what addon?23:20
zer0funanyone seen it working with compiz on 11.04?23:21
OttifantSirDepends on your browser,  but I have seen them for Firefox, Chrome/-ium, Opera so go look for them and you shall find23:21
nuevocual es el server de lubuntu o ubuntu en español?23:21
LjL!es | nuevo23:22
ubottunuevo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:22
jeanden francais23:22
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:22
tron101|AllyHow do I access a share folder on a winxp computer?23:22
OttifantSirtron101|Ally: Places -> Network and click through till you see it (if you're lucky, and it's shared from the XP-PC)23:23
dusfRickyboy107: ouch23:23
Rickyboy107Noday seems to have an answer23:23
MonkeyDustfolx, a superblock error when i try to mount an usb external hdd - i tried tune2fs - it worked before - hints & tips?23:24
tron101|AllyI can see it but it shows it empty23:24
windparadisehello pls how do I overwrite an environmental variable?23:24
LAcanso I wrote a bash script that moves a rather lrge file over a slow network connection. does anyone know how I can get the script to open the gui 'moving file' dialogue that shows a progress meter?23:24
OttifantSirTron101|Ally: Have you tried reloading the window?23:24
windparadisea previous value was $CATALINA_HOME=/var/lib/tomcat6   I want to change it to /usr/share/tomcat723:25
AbTuXwindparadise, which environmental variable?23:25
windparadisehow will I set it ?23:25
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tron101|AllyThe folders are there but there empty when I open them...yes23:25
ayrtonok i have a hard drive with ubuntu 10.10 on it, i installed it on a dell d600 but when i put it in a dell d620 it will not go online?23:26
denny_crane_huhu, i'm trying to enable dual screens with my nvidia card under 11.04... can somebody help me?23:26
denny_crane_if i enable xinerama one of my screens turns after login black and i can't see any thing only the mouse cursor... funny is the cursor is on screen 0 but clicking happens on screen 1 ^^23:26
velcroshooztron101|Ally: guest user may not have access to read - check the win box and seeif a username/pass is required or if guest does have access23:26
windparadiseAbTuX: those are the values I want to change23:26
MonkeyDustfolx, a superblock error when i try to mount an usb external hdd - i tried tune2fs - it worked before - hints & tips?23:26
windparadiseAbTuX: a previous value was $CATALINA_HOME=/var/lib/tomcat6   I want to change it to /usr/share/tomcat723:26
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LAcandenny_crane_, did u enable third party driversÉ23:27
tron101|AllyI'm not on guest acount but let me go check23:27
FloodBot1LAcan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:27
OttifantSirtron101|Ally: I believe it to be a problem on the XP-PC. When I used XP, I could never get the network right, but Vista and 7 manages to both send and receive my folders with almost no setup. And Ubuntu shows them all with me.23:27
denny_crane_LAcan: yes i did but he says that i'm not using it...?!23:27
velcroshooztron101|Ally: if your not logging into the share with a username/password it is assuming guest23:27
burghello. i reinstalled an application (nodejs),but now even if 'which node' prints: /usr/local/bin/node, when i type node it tells me: bash: /home/burg/local/node/bin/node: No such file or directory -- how can i fix that?23:27
AbTuXwindparadise, check for environment file in /etc/ if this variable exist there23:27
LAcandenny_crane_, howd you install itÉ23:28
OttifantSirtron101|Ally: And I have seen that behavior before: Empty folders23:28
denny_crane_over the gui23:28
tron101|AllyHummm ok23:28
denny_crane_it's afresh installation23:28
LAcandenny_crane_, i think thats a know bug. which card is itÉ23:28
Guest73223bassliner: how do i check in resolv.conf accepts queries??? i just opened the file with permissions and removed my server name from the list (i had read somewhere that might help) but it shut down the browser completly23:28
denny_crane_nvidia gt 22023:28
LAcandenny_crane_, anything on googleÉ23:28
windparadiseAbTuX: how do i find it? i am seeing tomcat6 folder there23:28
denny_crane_nothing usefull untill yet23:28
LAcanfixed woot23:29
Rickyboy107Where should i get an answer now because like i already said for 4 times i wanna use Natty23:29
OttifantSirHow, and what are some suggestions for replacing unity-window-decorator? It "bleeds through" on the title bar. I can see the title bar of the window behind when I'm in fullscreen, and no media is shown on the title bar position.23:29
LAcanso I wrote a bash script that moves a rather lrge file over a slow network connection. does anyone know how I can get the script to open the gui 'moving file' dialogue that shows a progress meter?23:29
denny_crane_LAcan: nothing usefull untill yet23:29
LAcandenny_crane_, so u installed the driver via "Additonal Drivers" in the system menu ya?23:30
denny_crane_he told me that there where additional drivers and i clicked install ^^23:30
denny_crane_so yes23:30
AbTuXwindparadise, you can use   export CATALINA_HOME=<new_path>  to change it but it will be temp.23:30
LAcandenny_crane_, and u clicked the check for 'allow third party drivers'?23:30
randomusrwhat's the service name for apache 2.2?23:30
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zvacetRickyboy107: you want to upgrade or what23:31
denny_crane_um... idk...?23:31
denny_crane_not sure23:31
denny_crane_where can i check this?23:31
LAcanActionParsnip, do u know how I can get an mv in a shell script to open the moving file dialogue in gnome?23:31
zvacetRickyboy107: so what is the problem23:31
windparadiseAbTuX: this is what I did earlier, and i had this response...... -bash: export: `/var/lib/tomcat6=/usr/share/tomcat7': not a valid identifier23:31
LAcandenny_crane_, same place u installed it23:31
Rickyboy107that when it boots i get nothing then a black screen23:31
bastidrazorrandomuser: apache223:31
denny_crane_well he says that the driver is active but not in use23:31
bastidrazorrandomuser: you can use tab completion to help you.23:32
zvacetRickyboy107: it is probably gpu driver but I´m not an expert23:32
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Rickyboy107its none of my drivers i am sure of that23:32
burghello. i reinstalled an application (nodejs),but now even if 'which node' prints: /usr/local/bin/node, when i type node it tells me: bash: /home/burg/local/node/bin/node: No such file or directory -- how can i fix that?23:33
AbTuXwindparadise, I think you had used  export $CATALINA_HOME=<new_path> insted of export CATALINA_HOME=<new_path> , Please check once more23:33
LAcandenny_crane_, like I said, I think its a known bug... so a "dual head gt220 OR "gt 220" site:ubuntu.org"23:33
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windparadiseah ok23:34
mk44Im having problems with my DNS server inn 11.04. when I try to connect to the internet i get this error message 105:"Unable to resolve the server's DNS address." ive checked and there is no proxie or firewall and the internet works on other computers here23:34
LAcanmk44, the DNS server is listed as an IP address and NOT a hostname right?23:34
bastidrazormk44: are you using nm-applet to manage your connection?23:34
zvacetRickyboy107: ctrl+alt+f1 and run   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:34
new2netfrom a shell, how can I find out which version of Ubuntu I am using?23:34
holywritHi all23:34
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bastidrazornew2net: lsb_release -a23:34
Rickyboy107i cant see anything when it boots23:35
holywriti'd like to delete the Empathy log23:35
Rickyboy107tried once update23:35
gbear14275can I use wget on a lan?  such as wget machine/home/username/foo.bar?23:35
Rickyboy107once clean install23:35
=== Guest10518 is now known as ward1234
holywriti'd like to delete the Empathy log23:35
mk44LAcan: im not sure what you mean, in the resolv.conf it states "# Generated by NetworkManager23:35
mk44domain HG532.com23:35
mk44search HG532.com23:35
FloodBot1mk44: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:35
zvacetRickyboy107: can you use ctrl+alt+f1 are you logged in tty23:36
holywritDoes someone kow where i can find Empathy log files?23:36
denny_crane_a crap...23:36
LAcanmk44, resolv.conf is depricated, dont use that23:36
denny_crane_do you think that the opensource driver is working?23:36
holywritDoes someone kow where i can find Empathy log files?23:36
Rickyboy107no.... because i dont know what i type because its all black...23:36
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LAcandenny_crane_, only one way to find out...23:36
denny_crane_you're right ^23:36
mk44bastidrazor: not as far as im aware. im just using the initial settings from the fresh install of 11.0423:36
denny_crane_brb ;)23:36
holywritDoes someone kow where i can find Empathy log files?23:36
denny_crane_with an result23:36
FloodBot1denny_crane_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:36
LAcanmk44, ok open up a console window and type "ifconfig"23:36
thetejuDoes anyone know how to make sure correct intel wifi driver is working?23:36
mk44LAcan: I dont understand...23:37
gbear14275Can I still connect to a server using the places menu with unity?  Or is that functionality gone?23:37
LAcanmk44, open up the console...?23:37
gbear14275although there isn't a places meny...23:37
LAcan"terminal" mk4423:37
holywritDoes someone kow where i can find Empathy log files?23:37
zvacetRickyboy107: reboot and choose recovery mode and try these commands from there23:37
thetejuhelp ... please for intel 5300 abgn wifi mini pci card.23:37
bastidrazorholywrit: look in ~/.config/Empathy  :they might be in there.23:37
holywritbassliner, ok23:37
holywritbastidrazor, ok23:37
trismgbear14275: in nautilus, File/Connect to server...23:37
Rickyboy107zvacet, i dont get a boot menu as well23:37
mk44LAcan: yep gimme a sec...23:38
holywritbastidrazor, not found23:38
zvacetRickyboy107: try press shift23:38
bastidrazorholywrit: your answer is a bit vague.23:38
Rickyboy107iĺl try when i have more time its 00:38 here23:38
gbear14275trism, nautilus isn't installed in unity is it?  (can't find it in the box)23:38
Rickyboy107and when it fails i dont want to install 10.10 again now23:38
mk44LAcan: now what?23:39
trismgbear14275: the home folder brings up nautilus (the top icon in the launcher by default)23:39
zvacetRickyboy107 : same time here but I don´ know how to help you sorry  :(23:39
Rickyboy107so zvacet would you be nice to email me the instructions to RickonWeb@gmail.com23:39
Darkenvyhow can I check my architecture? I HOPE im on x6423:39
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Darkenvybut signs lead to me not being on 64 bit23:40
mk44LAcan: ok ive got ifconfig open23:40
LAcanmk44, u know where ur connection manager icon is in the systray? right click it and chose "Connection information'23:40
=== tree-pam is now known as tre-pam
mk44LAcan: yep got connection info open23:40
LAcanmk44, near the bottom youll see "Primary DNS".. what does it say?23:40
bastidrazorholywrit: look in ~/.local/share/Empathy/logs23:40
mk44the IP of the router here23:40
LAcanmk44, what machine are you on currently? is it windows?23:41
DarkenvyI should have installed amd64 but I may have installed x86. hwo can I check?23:41
natykotHi, I'm completely new to ubuntu, and I was wondering if there was a way to get out of fallback mode?23:41
mk44no ubuntu 11.0423:41
mk44sorry LAcan: no its ubuntu 11.0423:41
LAcanmk44, ok, but its aphysically different machine from the one with the DNS problem ya?23:41
KindariIs there a place ti see system info? ram avail/used, proc speed, etc?23:41
edbianDarkenvy: what is the output of uname -a  ?23:41
edbianKindari: gui or cli ?23:42
DarkenvyLinux IceBox 2.6.35-28-generic-pae #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 18 20:43:15 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux23:42
Darkenvydamnit thats x8623:42
Kindariedbian: Either or. Also I'm on a live cd.23:42
Darkenvyhow can I upgrade to x64 architecture?! I am livid23:42
mk44LAcan: this machine is the one with the DNS problem, the one im on now, and checking the ifconfig etc at the same time23:42
MattEdwardwhy would System -> About Ubuntu tell me I have Ubuntu 11.04 - the Natty Narwhal, when terminal tells me I have Maverick - 10.10 (which is what I'm pretty sure I have) ?23:43
mk44LAcan, and this one is the one with 11.0423:43
edbianKindari: gnome-system-monitor in a term23:43
Rickyboy107Darkenvy, you can only do that by changing your CPU because 32 cant handle 6423:43
LAcanmk44, i dont understand... ur connected to the internet and using DNS to be on IRC... there are multiple network cards?23:43
gbear14275when I log into my server it tells me 16 packages could be upgraded... but when I run apt-get update upgrade it says nothing to upgrade...  anyway I can figure out what message is wrong?23:43
DarkenvyI have a 64 bit processor23:43
edbianDarkenvy: I'm not sure if there is a way to upgrade to 64 bit.23:43
DarkenvyI installed the wrong version23:43
edbianDarkenvy: What is the output of free -m  ?23:43
bastidrazorDarkenvy: you need to reinstall. there is no upgrade for 32bit to 64bit23:43
LAcanDarkenvy, download the 64 bit version, also learn to read more carefully!23:43
DarkenvyI dont care how dangerious it is..., I jsut ***** spent 36 hours doing this setup to get back to par23:43
abountuhi, I was trying to configure compiz after I upgraded my ubuntu to 11.04, and something went wrong, now I don't see any menu or anything, I tried ctrl+alt+delete, and restarted in recovery more23:43
Rickyboy107Darkenvy, Then just go to www.Ubuntu.com and download the 64 bit23:43
DarkenvyJUST TO find out im on the wrong versino23:44
edbianDarkenvy: It's not that switching from 32 to 64 is dangerous.  It's impossible23:44
abountuhi, I was trying to configure compiz after I upgraded my ubuntu to 11.04, and something went wrong, now I don't see any menu or anything, I tried ctrl+alt+delete, and restarted in recovery more, how should I reset to metacity23:44
histough ubuntu is really annoying me. Had a friend install it trying to convert him to nix. Can't figure out how to disable unity from the console since X is derped up right now.23:44
velcroshoozyou cant upgrade to 64 bit. it requires a reisntall.23:44
Darkenvyit should simply be as little as changing the kernel23:44
mk44LAcan, no, im on my netbook, using the wifi on a machine with 11.04 which can connect to this IRC, but 99% of the time it times out when loading webpages because of a "DNS error"23:44
holywritbastidrazor, i barely can speak english, i did not find the Empathy folder.23:44
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Rickyboy107edbain, No it isnt when your procesoor is a 64 bit it doesnt make diffrence but it is possible23:44
histoAnyone know what file to edit to disable unity?  I can't even get to the login screen.23:44
bastidrazorholywrit: look in ~/.local/share/Empathy/logs23:44
edbianDarkenvy: And all the 32 bit libraries23:45
velcroshoozDarkenvy: false .. all your apps are compiled for 32 bit atm, it requires a reinstall. simply changing the kernel will break things even more.23:45
edbianDarkenvy: And all the apps that depend on those libraries23:45
Rickyboy107edbain, I have a 64 bits CPU my self, and i am running 32bit as well23:45
Darkenvywell.... this answers why all my 64 bit apps crashes23:45
holywritbastidrazor, can't also find the Empathy folder23:45
edbianDarkenvy: haha23:45
edbianDarkenvy: yeah probably23:45
bastidrazorholywrit: how are you trying to find it?23:45
mk44 LAcan, no, im on my netbook, using the wifi on a machine with 11.04 which can connect to this IRC, but 99% of the time it times out when loading webpages because of a "DNS error"23:45
holywritbastidrazor, i have already found that path after Googling23:45
edbianRickyboy107: Some people do :)23:45
codex84how u install crysis 223:45
codex84i already have wine install23:45
holywritbastidrazor, ls in terminal as a root23:46
Rickyboy107Darkenvy: Because 32 bits CANT handle 64 when you have a 32 bits Installed23:46
DarkenvyI spent 36 hours post install of this install to prep this system....23:46
holywritcd ~/.local/share/Empathy23:46
Darkenvynow I lost those 36 hours and tis going to take another 36.....23:46
LAcanmk44, hrmmmmm any othe rmachines on your network that work properly?23:46
bastidrazorholywrit: ubuntu doesn't have the root account enabled. are you using ubuntu?23:46
Darkenvythere si no other way23:46
edbianDarkenvy: no offense but I do not think it is difficult or confusing to download 64bit Ubuntu23:46
holywritbastidrazor, yes.23:46
Rickyboy107Installing doesnt take that long :O23:46
* LAcan nods at edbian 23:46
Darkenvyedbian, you are missing the point23:46
mk44LAcan, yeah there are like 4 other computers here running windows which are fine =(23:47
DarkenvyI setup all my crons, apps and /homespace23:47
kavurtmy empathy cannot connect to my ekiga account. do people use this thing these days?23:47
Darkenvy*/home space23:47
AbTuXholywrit, bastidrazor, That path was for Gnome223:47
Rickyboy107Darkenvy: Then keep running 32 Bit it wont kill your pc23:47
edbianDarkenvy: Do you have a separate /home partition?23:47
DarkenvyI do not23:47
Darkenvywould it be wise to do this in future instances?23:47
LAcanmk44, ok go to one of those and open up cmd.exe then type "ipconfig /all" see what the DNS is for those working machines23:47
holywritAbTuX, what do you mean?23:47
Darkenvyhow can I rpotect my homespace?23:47
edbianDarkenvy: Yes.  It would mean you could fresh install without erasing home23:48
ajdonnisonDarkenvy, back it up.23:48
bastidrazorDarkenvy: put it on another partition.23:48
new2netstartx is horribly messed up for me. The font for everything is incredibly small (12pt char monospace == 2x2 px), I fixed the system fonts (32-36pt), but every other application must be reading some default file that I haven't changed (yet). Any ideas?23:48
edbianDarkenvy: You could create a partition, copy your home onto it and then reinstall and tell thei nstaller to use that partition23:48
Darkenvywould this crash anything? seeing that my apps saving configs to /home?23:48
AbTuXholywrit, log for empathy is no more at that location , atleast I am unable to find them23:48
edbianDarkenvy: The system is designed to have /home on another partition. It will hurt absolutely nothing23:48
anthony__greetings.  I have an old HDD taken out of my old acer aspire.  it came with two ~30 partitions (vfat).  I have it in an external USB caddy.  when I plug it in the two partitions open in nautilus, but they appear to be empty.  they are not empty.  what's going on?23:48
toneshiftersup all :)23:48
Rickyboy107My /home is on this partition as well....23:49
holywritAbTuX, shit, i have a bad logs conversations23:49
toneshifterdoes anybody have any idea why after update alsa got messed up ?23:49
edbianDarkenvy: There are tutorials on how to move from a single partition system to a 2 partition system ( / and /home ).  You could follow one and then when you install 64 bit simply point it at /home .23:49
edbianI have a separate /home23:49
MattEdwardwhy would System -> About Ubuntu tell me I have Ubuntu 11.04 - the Natty Narwhal, when terminal tells me I have Maverick - 10.10 (which is what I'm pretty sure I have) ?23:49
toneshifteri mean after i plug headphones alsa still uses speakres ?23:49
Omen_20Is there a way to increase workspaces in 11.04?23:49
LAcanDarkenvy, tweak ubuntu also has an "export settings" feature u might like23:49
edbianMattEdward: I am fairly sure that is a known bug23:49
bastidrazor!home | Darkenvy23:49
ubottuDarkenvy: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome23:49
xtbgodHi, anyone knows a program to record Ubuntu's Desktop?23:50
Darkenvycan you quit telling me pointless /home stuff?23:50
edbianMattEdward: Are you running unity?  I think if you're on 11.04 it would be really obvious because of unity23:50
Darkenvyyou had to have the bot tell me what home is?23:50
edbianDarkenvy: It is not pointless.  It's helpful for your reinstall23:50
Darkenvythanks guys23:50
pooltablehelp with netflix ???23:50
Darkenvyim off to install linux23:50
bastidrazor!screencast | xtbgod23:50
ubottuxtbgod: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.23:50
Omen_20xtbgod, recordmydesktop is my fav23:50
edbianDarkenvy: It's about the journey not the destination. :P23:51
new2netxtbgod: VLC can do that23:51
Darkenvy(personally I jsut hate that bot, since its been in #ubuntu)(nothing against you)23:51
Omen_20can we not change the number of workspaces for expo etc?23:51
edbianOmen_20: You can.23:51
edbianOmen_20: ccsm23:51
edbianOmen_20: Do you have ccsm ?23:51
MattEdwardedbian,  dunno what unity is - I'm new to linux - but I'm fairly certain I'm on v 10.10 as terminal tells me23:51
Omen_20yeah im digging around it right now23:51
LAcanso I wrote a bash script that moves a rather lrge file over a slow network connection. does anyone know how I can get the script to open the gui 'moving file' dialogue that shows a progress meter?23:52
edbianOmen_20: general options -> desktop size23:52
Omen_20I usually do it from the panel applet but we don't have that with unity from what i can tell23:52
abountuafter upgrading to 11.04, I tried to install compiz, now my desktop doesn't work any more, I can replace with metacity as I can't launch any xterm or console window, I can't start anything, I restarted in safemode, but I can't reset X to use metacity, and when I launch X (startx) I can't launch anything from within.... any ideas?23:52
edbianOmen_20: It's big :D23:52
escottpooltable, its not supported, either dual boot or run a vm23:52
toneshifterany ideas ?23:52
=== SikEnCide is now known as SikEnCide-outy
pooltablewhat about wine ?23:52
edbianMattEdward: Unity looks like this: http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/img/2010/05/ubuntu-unity.png23:52
pooltableescott what about wine ?23:53
escottpooltable, it won't work. please see the netflix faq or the moonlight faq23:53
Omen_20thanks edbian i thought i remembered there being a spot for it, couldn't remember where23:53
edbianOmen_20: sure :)23:53
kronos321hey there23:53
codex84game doesn't want23:53
codex84to installl23:54
pooltableescott ok thanks23:54
edbianMattEdward: I swam with a guy named Matt Edwards in highschool.  Here is Ubuntu 10.10  http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/extra/LINUX/large/ubuntu1010beta-large_001.jpg23:54
codex84or play*23:54
craigbass1976I'm thinking of switching off firefox.  Sad to say, since Mozilla was what first introduced me to opensource (before firebird -- when there was just a mozilla suite) but it's getting to be a pain.  Can anyone speak to whether chromium or chrome is the better choice?  Does chromium send all the data to google that chrome does?23:54
MonkeyDustfolx, a superblock error when i try to mount an usb external hdd - i tried tune2fs - it worked before - hints & tips?23:54
edbiancraigbass1976: That is the biggest difference between chromium and chrome.  Chromium does not send the data.23:55
Darkenvyis visual styles saved in /home?23:55
edbiancraigbass1976: check out opera23:55
holywritAbTuX, i found the path.23:55
dusfcan i chmod +x an entire partition? say /media/DUMP ?23:55
craigbass1976edbian, isn't opera one you pay for?23:55
edbiancraigbass1976: It's free but it is not open source23:55
AbTuXholywrit, great. Share please23:55
pooltableescott that sucks23:55
kavurtis there an opensource skype alternative? other than googletalk23:55
holywritAbTuX, /home/c0d3r/.local/share/TpLogger/logs23:55
holywritAbTuX, /home/YOUR USERNAME/.local/share/TpLogger/logs23:55
craigbass1976edbian, ahh.  That'd be against my religion, sort of like going to Wal Mart...23:55
pooltableescott i need more ram now23:56
edbiandusf: yes but generally it is not a good idea.  chmod -R +x /media/DUMP23:56
edbiancraigbass1976: :D  Glad to hear23:56
dusfedbian: why would it not be a good idea?23:56
dijonyummy123is there a way to customize the ubuntu lock screen to show some picture or animation?23:56
edbiancraigbass1976: There are a dozen in the repos23:56
dusfedbian: it's a partition just containing media23:56
MattEdwardedbian, ya, I'm on 10.1023:56
edbiandusf: Then it's fine23:56
craigbass1976edbian, is moving a profile from one box to another as simple as it is in ff?23:56
AbTuXholywrit, there is no logic of having such a path , loosers :(23:56
=== Wolf is now known as Guest6704
dusfedbian: ty23:56
holywritAbTuX, Yes, you are right.23:56
edbiandusf: It's just potentially dangerous because you're changing the permissions of ALOT of files.  If it's all media it's fine23:57
=== SikEnCide-outy is now known as SikEnCide-damnit
edbiancraigbass1976: In chrome?  IDK23:57
edbiancraigbass1976: firefox4 has sync and you don't even have to move your profile23:57
qindijonyummy123: You would need to enable screensaver.23:57
=== SikEnCide-damnit is now known as SikEnCide-fual
dusfedbian: media and documents, this is necessary after a new install on a separate partition? that is i have /home and / on different partitions, is this necessary for me to chmod /DUMP (media partition)?23:57
pooltablekavurt look here http://www.gadgetcage.com/5-satisfactory-alternatives-for-skype/3773/23:57
edbiancraigbass1976: At the end of the day chrome saves things in a .chrome folder like everything else.  You could just move that23:57
dusfedbian: installed with a new username and computer name23:58
LAcanso I wrote a bash script that moves a rather lrge file over a slow network connection. does anyone know how I can get the script to open the gui 'moving file' dialogue that shows a progress meter? escott?23:58
toneshifterany ideas ?23:58
craigbass1976edbian, but that probably doesnt work so well if you're trying to move off a box with a cooked hd...23:58
Omen_20another 11.04 question. I no longer see a spot for expo in keyboard shortcuts. Are we expected to use Super+ whatever number it is in quicklaunch?23:58
craigbass1976edbian, sync I mean23:58
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
edbiandusf: I don't think chmod +x is going to solve your problem.  Generally speaking you don't execute media files.  You execute programs.  What problem are you experiencing?23:58
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
edbiancraigbass1976: Ha.  Try to move anything off of a cooked hdd :)23:58
=== MohammadAG is now known as MohammadAG_
dusfedbian: ahh it's mainly media, but i have firefox download things there23:58
Omen_20oops im dumb. That's in compiz also.23:59
dusfedbian: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10803167#post1080316723:59
craigbass1976LAcan, do you need a gui, or a spinny with a percentage meter?23:59
edbianOmen_20: Yes it is :)23:59
LAcancraigbass1976, either is fine23:59
Omen_20I'm so used to importing my compiz settings that I've forgotten where everything is. I was worried this time would screw with Unity. My bad.23:59
maheanuuOK, I have been having a lot of probs with Ubuntu and Skype as of late, My sound was Pulse audio, and for the past few weeks I have not been able to call a pots number and talk to anyone as my sound was broken up so badly that no one could understand a thing23:59

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