
djszapidoes "initctl" run only a job (/etc/init/*.conf file), right ?17:46
djszapifex.: initctl stop xsession/conndlgs17:47
djszapihi Keybuk21:27
djszapiwhat is up21:27
KeybukI missed the shuttle to work this morning, fail21:28
djszapithere is also a day tomorrow =)21:28
djszapimeego dropped the upstart iirc (Intel)21:28
djszapiunexpected turn.21:29
Keybukyeah, I spoke with Arjan about that a year ago21:29
Keybukwas entirely expected for me21:29
djszapihaha xD21:29
Keybukof course, Nokia dropped meego, so it's kinda irrelevant ;)21:29
* djszapi has never understood the goal of the meego project, maemo has just worked fine...21:30
Keybukmaemo and meego are the same project21:30
djszapinot really, no.21:30
djszapiwe still use upstart in maemo 6.21:31
Keybukyeah, it's just the merging of maemo and mobiln21:31
djszapiyeah in the dream worlds :)21:31
djszapifrom what I can say is that thingy, the maemo and meego security is completely different, no shared bit...21:32
djszapialso, meego -> qml, maemo -> libmeegotouch etc.21:32
djszapithe point is that I am happy with maemo, I do not think there was a business reason for meego21:32
Keybukthe business reason was to have insurance21:33
Keybukthere might not have been an engineering reason21:33
Keybukbut engineering reasons and business reasons rarely coincide21:34
djszapiinsurance can be bought somewhere else :p21:34
djszapiwhat kind of insurance, btw ?21:35
ion< ion> Last night i dreamed walking along a path. I saw the code “class Burn a where burn :: a → a”. Then i saw the code “instance Burn Human” and people in various stages of dying (with a grotesque horror movie -style appearance) were walking on the path. Everyone of them was smoldering and coughing black smoke.21:36
djszapiKeybuk: and how do you enjoy the US, btw ? :)21:36
Keybukinsurance, I mean Nokia poured a massive amount of money into maemo on their own22:46
Keybukthey needed partners to bear the burden of it22:46
crassI'm having a problem where stop/start is hanging for an upstart job (libvirt-bin) on ubuntu22:51
crassusing strace, I can see that the /com/ubuntu/upstart is connected to22:51
crass* the domain socket with path22:52
Keybukis stop/start hanging or blocking?22:52
crassits blocking on poll22:53
crasswhich is only polling on the socket22:54
crassit does an AUTH EXTERNAL and gets a response, then does BEGIN and writes what is probably some binary data22:55
crasslooks like that binary data is probably a GetJobByName call, and gets a response, then sends a Start, where it blocks on poll22:57
crassis there some way to get logs for upstart?22:57
Keybuksure, initctl log-priority info23:01
Keybukand read syslog23:01
Keybukso right, start/stop are just blocking23:01
Keybukthis means that libvirt-bin isn't ever in running or waiting23:01
crassKeybuk: so possibly the libvirt script is doing something where its not completing?23:06
crassis there a way to restart the upstart/init process?23:08
radixcrass: is this only happening on libvirt for you?23:12
radixI'm having pretty similar behavior for pretty much everything on my vserver guest23:12
crassactually, its now happening for upstart-udev-bridge, which I thought was the problem originally so I mucked with it and now it has the same behavior23:12
radixlike, I can't even restart cron23:13
radix(as a very simple example)23:13
crassI'm wondering if the internal state of upstart is messed up and needs to be restarted23:13
crassradix: yeah upstart-udev-bridge stopped, started, stopped and now won't start, though I can manually start it23:14
crasshmm, maybe the cause is because of the "expect daemon"23:17
crassI modified the job to not daemonize, but left that, and now I've modified it back, but that didn't fix it23:18
crassmaybe its still waiting on the original process to fork again? though it should be dead23:18
Keybukyes, that's likely23:26
crassKeybuk: should "kill -9 1" restart upstart?23:27
crassis there any way to restart upstart without rebooting?23:27
crassis that a limitation of the kernel init process?23:28
Keybukno, a limitation of upstart23:48
Keybukthough if it did support restarting, it would be restarting-with-state23:48
Keybukwhich is what you think is broken ;)23:48
Keybukso the restarted copy would have the same state as the old one23:49

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