
=== xGrind-OFF is now known as xGrind
roderick_absolutely lovin' xubuntu 11.0401:53
jon5000can anyone assist me in setting up a dell bluetooth mouse?  i have looked all over google but it seems all the info is for other/older versions of ubuntu and involve commands and files that dont exist03:27
KM0201!bluetooth > jon500003:35
ubottujon5000, please see my private message03:35
jon5000thx. i will read it03:36
bin_bashHey guys.04:22
bin_bashMy trackpad has stopped working04:22
KM0201just stopped04:22
SeqisAnyone know how to change the login screen background in Xubuntu (xfce 4.8) ? I googled for a while but couldn't find anything04:23
bin_bashKM0201: yeah04:23
bin_bashI can scroll with it04:23
bin_bashand I can click04:23
bin_bashBut I can't move the cursor04:23
charlie-tcaSeqis: google for gdm instead of xfce04:23
KM0201Seqis: if i'm not mistaken, xubuntu uses gdm login doesn't it?... so you should be able to install that.04:23
Seqisso google "how to change gdm background on login screen" should be closer to the target04:24
KM0201!info gdm | Seqis04:24
ubottuSeqis: gdm (source: gdm): GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.1-0ubuntu3 (natty), package size 672 kB, installed size 2208 kB04:24
SeqisI didn't know Xubuntu used gdm04:25
KM0201yup... :)04:25
SeqisI thought it used some xfce thing04:25
KM0201naa, gnome and xfce, are kinda like step sisters.... Gnome is the ugly one, Xfce is the hot one04:25
SeqisKM0201, it is now (since 3.x)04:26
SeqisI've had to move wholesale from Ubuntu to Xubuntu04:26
SeqisI even tried installing XFCE onto 11.04 .. omg....... all sorts of hell04:26
* KM0201 switched to lxde04:26
charlie-tcaum, xubuntu comes with Xfce 4.804:27
Seqisyou know, the lxde site hasn't loaded for me in weeks04:27
Seqischarlie-tca, was that to me? if it was, you failed to understand me completely.04:27
Unit193lxde is changing servers04:27
bin_bashThis is bizarre guise.04:27
KM0201Seqis: my understanding, they've had some server issues, the place that hosted them refused to host them any longer, or something04:27
charlie-tcaLubuntu has been approved as an official derivative04:27
SeqisKM0201, oh ok ... the site hasn't loaded in some time04:27
KM0201Seqis: yeah, it's been at least a week i think04:27
Seqismore than that04:27
Seqismaybe 2+04:28
SeqisXFCE is a lot like gnome 2.x ... which I'm happy about ... I think it's a bit rougher around the edges..04:28
charlie-tcaSeqis: appologies. I should have read the back log04:28
Seqisalso, charlie-tca I don't think Lubuntu is approved yet?04:29
Unit193They will be for next release04:30
SeqisI am reading the lubuntu site and while it looks good, it doesn't look official04:30
Unit193charlie-tca: Correct?04:30
Seqisas far as the shuttleworth comments they have on the front page04:30
Seqisfor me, xfce is the way to go .. 4.8 was a big leap forward in usability04:31
charlie-tcaLubuntu was approved yesterday, I think04:31
charlie-tcaIt is going to be announced very soon04:31
KM0201charlie-tca: really?.. thats good news... hadn't heard that04:32
KM0201do you have a link for that?04:32
Seqislol all the sites are saying install Ubuntu-tweak to change the gdm wallpaper04:32
charlie-tcanot yet04:32
ubottuUbuntu Tweak is a tool that automates some things; however, it is potentially dangerous an informal review of its code is pending and most of the things it does can be done by the use of other tools. Please don't ask for or provide support for it in #ubuntu.04:33
Seqisyea I wouldn't use it either04:33
Seqisodd for sites to offer "install this to do that" instead of "do this to accomplish that"04:33
Liv-I upgraded to natty today... It feels strange :/04:33
charlie-tcaSeqis: Maybe it is safe for some stuff, but for myself, I have to agree.04:34
KM0201i didn't know shipit ended04:34
ubottuCanonical is no longer sending free Ubuntu CDs to individuals through its ShipIt program.  For more information please see http://blog.canonical.com/?p=551 !LoCo teams can request CDs through this link https://forms.canonical.com/lococd/04:34
KM0201not surprising though.. considering the gazillion they had given out for free... i bet that was an expensive endeavor04:35
bin_bashEspecially when you can make your own04:36
Seqisanyone else looknig for skype alternatives04:37
KM0201Seqis: sip seems OK..04:37
Seqiseh .. not for my older relatives overseas :(04:37
KM0201Seqis: complicated?04:37
KM0201i set it up and like 5min w/ linphone04:38
KM0201Seqis: and.. duh, remote desktop, you can set it up for them04:38
KM0201if i can install linux w/ remote desktop on a PC in Iceland... you can set up sip...lol04:38
bin_bashsip is super easy04:39
bin_bashjesus christ04:39
KM0201it really is04:39
bin_bashI did it with a concussion04:39
bin_bashHalf awake and enraged at life.04:39
bin_bashSo, I'm PRETTY sure you can do it.04:39
Seqisit's not that.... it's the $hit I am going to have to hear .. after the 3 years it took grandma to get used to the skype-thing (she pronounced it Sky-pee)04:39
bin_bashWhat's the problem with Skype then?04:40
Seqisjust sky-pee me04:40
bin_bashKM0201: My face hurts so bad, dude.04:40
KM0201Seqis: wsell, there's Google Talk's web interface?04:40
KM0201bin_bash: lol, at least you're finally admitting you have a concussion04:40
Seqiswell I expect in about 1 year that the linux skype client will stop working... "developers developers developers ... developersdevelopers developers"04:40
bin_bashYeah. My boyfriend was like "just take it easy..."04:40
KM0201Seqis: probably.. thats my thinking as well04:41
bin_bashDo you expect your elderly relatives to live that long?04:41
Seqisa true vulcan answer04:41
Seqishedge your bets, maybe they'll die before you have to bother04:41
bin_bashI'm not trying to be insensitive.04:42
bin_bashJust practical.04:42
bin_bashI tried Ekiga and Linphone last night04:42
Seqishere grandma have some more oily food04:43
bin_bashBoth dudded out for me. My last resort was going to be Googletalk04:43
bin_bashThere's a client for windows, and webclient for linux04:43
Seqisso googletalk has a voice client like skype?04:43
Seqisor is it web based04:43
KM0201Seqis: its not ike skype, you use it on their website04:43
bin_bashYeah. I reckon you can use voice through pidgin, but not video04:43
bin_bashThis computer is racist against right-handed people04:44
KM0201uh, that wouldn't be "racist" that would be "biased"...lol04:45
bin_bashno. it's racist. right-handed people are a race.04:46
Seqishmm is there some magical voice chat button I'm missing in the gmail interface?04:46
Seqis.. I see the "call this person" assuming it will actually use google voice to dial the number.. but no voice (computer) chat icon ... I guess I'll go googling04:47
Unit193Seqis: Do you have the Google plugin? I'm guessing not...04:48
SeqisUnit193, ya I do actually04:49
SeqisI suppose it's the voice/video chat button, next to the telephone icon in the google-text-chat window04:50
KM0201i wish google would just create a google talk client for linux04:53
KM0201surprised they haven't04:53
SeqisI was thinking the same thing04:53
Seqisbecause I eas checking my CONTACTS list and I was expecting to see a "voice chat" icon04:53
Seqisphone-dial yes... voice-chat, no..04:54
Seqisscrew it I might just go and set up a ventrilo server04:54
Seqisventrilo clients are easy... oh no linux client04:54
Seqismumble maybe then04:54
Seqisit's at times like this I want to send a small statue carved out of Kopi Luwak beans in the form of RMS and burn it in front of Bill's door04:56
bin_bashThere are NO ventrilo clients for linux?04:57
SeqisI dont think so04:57
bin_bashSeqis: If all you want is calling, then you can use pidgin for googletalk i think04:57
Seqisthere's I think some project for it04:57
SeqisI dont think ventrilo offers it... last time I checked it was "in development" ...which has been that way for yrs04:58
Seqispidgin supports voice?04:58
KM0201Seqis: its less than perfect04:58
Seqisyea :)04:58
SeqisI mean if I printed money like Bill Gates does, I would just call my old relatives on a gold plated phone, with my vocal data packets carried by millions of dwarf-like migrant workers :)04:59
SeqisI'll figure it out ... I'm just half airing my frustration at the whole thing05:00
SeqisSo Linphone supports pc-to-pc calls and sip trunking with VoIP providers I gather05:00
KM0201linphone should work fine05:01
Seqisyea bin_bash said he had issues with it-- anything worth sharing?05:01
SeqisKM0201, on another topic, you running Xubuntu 11.04?05:01
KM0201Seqis: negative, lubuntu05:02
Seqisoh ok05:02
SeqisI am running Audacious (winamp style music player) and I have an odd bug with the playlist window... just wondering. ok..05:02
bin_bashSeqis: I had a hell of a time configuring sound/mic in linphone05:02
Seqisbin_bash, alsa?05:03
KM0201Seqis: i love audacious05:03
bin_bashSeqis: I tried both alsa and pulse.05:03
SeqisKM0201, same here.. running 2.4.4 ... but some odd bug with the playlist window resizing... when I click the lower-right corner to resize, instead of allowing me to click-b-drag to resize, the upper left corner snaps down to the mouse-point which at the moment of clicking was on the lower right corner.05:04
bin_bashI'm using moc05:05
Seqisbin_bash, sounds like fun ... I liked skype because it "just worked"05:05
KM0201Seqis: confirmed05:05
KM0201happening to me as well05:05
SeqisKM0201, oh good, not just me05:05
bin_bashSeqis: The only reason I was looking for an alternative is because skype was causing kernel crashes and then random freezes05:05
bin_bashYou guys should use MoC05:05
bin_bashSo much win.05:05
Seqisbin_bash, so much for my "just working" heh05:05
bin_bashSeqis: I'm using it now after purging it a couple times and removing ALL the config files.05:06
bin_bashWe'll see. I'm not considering it fixed.05:06
KM0201bin_bash: curious... have you tried aMSN?... i've had halfway decent luck w/ it and voice/video chat (don't know why i didn't think of that before05:06
bin_bashKM0201: didn't think of it actually05:06
KM0201bin_bash: something to consider...05:07
bin_bashIf skype fks up again then I'll try it05:07
bin_bashI had to boot into OS X last night *shudder*05:07
Seqisoh cute...MoC looks cute05:07
SeqisaMSN? what's that05:07
SeqisI see05:08
KM0201!info amsn05:08
ubottuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.98.4-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 396 kB, installed size 1240 kB05:08
SeqisI use pidgin for IMs05:08
KM0201Seqis: yah, so do i.. but aMSn, has built in support for voice/video05:08
bin_bashMoC is so awesome, Seqis. I started using it today, and I'll never use a graphical music player again05:08
KM0201Seqis: might be a solution to your prob as well.05:08
SeqisKM0201, we can't seem to break away from MS :(05:09
KM0201Seqis: lol.. we just need to wait for google to take over the world, thats all.05:09
bin_bashfkin' Microsuck bought Skype for like over9000 billion dolalrs05:09
SeqisI mean I deal with it @ work too ... domain controllers and all.........05:09
Seqisin hard cash too05:09
Seqisno stock options, nothing05:10
KM0201thats close to over9000..lol05:10
KM0201Seqis: thats what i couldn't believe, they just plunked cash down for it05:10
bin_bashwell... there goes linux support.05:10
Seqisyea an actual money transaction... like bill just opened his wallet.. "8.5 billion .. ok ... 20....40....60..."05:10
KM0201bin_bash: maybe... (probably actually)05:10
bin_bashLOLOL Seqis05:10
bin_bashHe probably wrote them a check from his personal bank account05:10
bin_bash"Oh that's my daughter's weekly allowance. No problem!"05:11
SeqisI mean they can afford 8.5 billion in CASH without selling any assets05:11
Seqisand can still .. like .. operate05:11
bin_bashSoon we're going to be the United States of Microsoft05:11
Seqis (-,-)_,,|,, microsoft05:12
KM0201bin_bash: naa, we'll be the Peoples Republic of Google05:12
Seqisbin_bash, does MoC offer a tray icon or any hotkeys if the console window isn't up?05:13
bin_bashSeqis: yeah actually05:13
bin_bashone sex05:13
bin_bashSeqis: Want to see MoC with conky?05:13
SeqisKM0201, so you live with that window-bug in Audacious?05:14
KM0201Seqis: i honestly had never noticed it until you said something05:14
SeqisI dont use conky, but that's pretty nice there bin_bash05:14
KM0201and it doesn't really bother me to be truthful05:14
bin_bashSeqis: http://imgur.com/7uaS705:14
SeqisKM0201, yea I just like to size the window to see more text in the playlist05:15
Seqisbin_bash, how about hot key bindings05:15
Seqisit looks like it's worth trying either way bin_bash05:15
bin_bashSeqis: I was about to do them when my cursor stopped working05:15
Seqisin Audacious I often use the tray icon to skip fwd or back05:16
Seqis(since it's hardly the active application)05:16
bin_bashin a terminal you do05:16
bin_bashmocp --next05:16
bin_bashor mocp --previous05:16
bin_bashbut you can set keybindings for them05:16
uofm49426hey there is a problem this time with my good desktop and same problem with my laptop05:17
uofm49426with xubuntu 11.0405:17
SeqisMoC is in the repo's ... not moc-tray though05:17
bin_bashSeqis: No, I didn't download the tray.05:17
Seqisah ok bin_bash05:18
bin_bashI plan on doing keybindings05:18
KM0201ok, now this is stupid.05:18
Seqisbin_bash, bindings with moc-tray, or outside of moc-tray05:18
bin_bashKM0201: is that what would happen to me before?05:18
bin_bashSeqis: Outside. using the terminal commands05:18
uofm49426is it a upgrade problem from 10.1005:18
KM0201apparently, msn blocked aMSN, from their servers, so you can't voice/video chat, but you can set up a "conference" apparently05:18
Seqisbin_bash, ah.... like alt-n for "moc --next" or whatever05:19
bin_bashSeqis: yeah05:19
KM0201bin_bash: you like some strange music.05:19
bin_bashI have next/back/play keys on this computer05:19
KM0201and bin_bash i don't really remember to be truthful05:19
SeqisI am old ... most of my music was written & performed ,198505:19
bin_bashSeqis: something to note: play != unpause05:20
Seqiserr.. <198505:20
bin_bashyou would do mocp --unpause to unpause05:20
Seqisso play is from a stop position... unpause is to reverse pause05:20
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bin_bashif you do mocp --play from a pause position it starts the song over05:20
Seqistotally a coders paradise that logic05:20
Seqisgood tip05:21
bin_bashthis is so weird05:23
bin_bashi can scroll05:23
Seqisno releases in 2 yrs for MoC05:23
bin_bashand i can click05:23
bin_bashbut i can't move the cursor.05:24
bin_bashI want to find a fix without restarting05:24
KM0201bin_bash: gyachi may also be an option (yahoo)05:27
bin_bashKM0201: meh right now i just want to fix my damn mouse lol05:27
KM0201sorry,  i'm just sitting here reading about various messengers, so i'm just coming across stuff..lol05:28
bin_bashI know05:28
bin_bashBut wtf man why no cursor?!05:28
bin_bashthe thing is05:28
KM0201i dunno05:28
bin_bashi can click05:28
bin_bashand scroll05:28
KM0201have you tried restarting?05:28
bin_bashi dont wanna05:28
bin_bashi'm sure restarting would fix it05:29
SeqisMy mouse misbehaves badly when flipping between KVM ports .. I always have to unplug/replug it back in05:29
Seqisthe KVM is right under the monitor, so it's easy05:29
bin_bashthis is a trackpad05:30
bin_bashit works with an external05:30
KM0201"the amazing macintosh"05:34
Seqis..afk a few mins05:35
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bin_bashKM0201: skippy is so awesome05:44
SeqisCan you use Linphone to call other linphone clients or it's built only for sip trunking (landline calls)05:45
Seqisyea to which part05:46
bin_bashyes you can call other sip clients05:46
KM0201bin_bash: what is skippy? (i remember us talking about it...)05:46
Seqisah just sign up for Linphone.org's free sip service -- ok I see05:47
bin_bashit's that expose program05:47
bin_bashor script rather05:47
KM0201oh thats right.. for the workspace switcher?05:47
Sysibin_bash: how did you install it?05:49
bin_bashhow did i install what05:49
bin_bashchmod +x05:49
Sysithe one skippy i know is written in C ?05:52
Sysiurl for that script?05:54
KM0201hmm, I just tried Google Talk w/ my two Gmail accounts.. I don't have a web cam, but the audio worked flawlessly.06:01
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TheBestJohnvideo is also great... even on a relatively slow speed06:06
ballI should try Ekiga again06:07
KM0201ball: naa, i'd try google talk.. :) ekiga kinda suxors06:07
KM0201unless you got friends that use a sip client06:08
KM0201at which point, i'd probably try linphone06:08
TheBestJohnplus you can call landlines in US and Canada for the remainder of the year free06:08
KM0201TheBestJohn: i don't thnk you can do that from pidgin though06:08
TheBestJohnnot sure... I'm having some difficulties installing on my laptop06:09
KM0201TheBestJohn: installing what?.. pidgin?06:09
KM0201whats the prob?06:10
* KM0201 loves troublesome installs06:10
TheBestJohnwell it's reformatting right now (cause I did something stupid) but in order to get it to work with my wifi dongle I had to use ndiswrapper06:10
TheBestJohni installed ndiswrapper and installed the driver and it worked well06:11
KM0201TheBestJohn: well, thats not exactly the most unusual thing in the world06:11
KM0201whats the USB dongle device?06:11
KM0201*assuming its usb06:11
TheBestJohni then updated and rebooted and alas wlan0 didn't show up after that06:11
TheBestJohntheres an actual topic on the forums about that specific dongle06:12
KM0201TheBestJohn: did you try reinstalling inside ndiswrapper again?.. if you did a kernel upgrade... you might have to do that each time it upgrades (i think, my ndiswrapper experieence islimited)06:12
KM0201TheBestJohn: are you installing 11.04?06:12
TheBestJohnreinstalling the driver? Yes I did06:13
TheBestJohnyep 11.04 freshly downloaded today06:13
TheBestJohnand modprobe showed it running and everything06:13
bin_bashi got the cursor working06:14
bin_bashskype crashed do i rebooted06:14
KM0201weird.. unfortunately my ndiswrapper experience is limited06:14
KM0201bin_bash: right before you left, we were discussing google talk w/ pidgin.. seems to work ok06:14
TheBestJohnso this time i'm using a hardline to update kernel and then installing ndiswrapper and it's dependant06:14
bin_bashKM0201: yeah the voice works but not the video06:14
KM0201oh... i couldn't test that06:15
KM0201bin_bash: just tell him to tape your picture to his monitor.06:15
KM0201or make your picture his wallpaper06:15
bin_bashoh he has that already06:15
KM0201i can't believe video/audio chat is such a PITA w/ linux.06:16
ballKM0201: Skype worked for me, last type I tried it.06:17
bin_bashwhat do the feedback/accelration settings do in the mouse?06:17
KM0201ball: it works pretty good for me as well, bin_bash has lots of probs w/ it.. .and plus, we're anticipating skype going away since MS has purchased skype06:18
KM0201bin_bash: not sure about feedback, but acceleration, is how fast the cursor goes from "0 to fast"06:18
TheBestJohni think acceleration is how long it takes for the mouse to reach max speed06:18
* ball nods06:18
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KM0201ball: so really we're left w/ dealing w/ either aMSN (which doesn't appear to support video right now either, go figure)... or sip clients.06:19
ballWhy not SIP?06:19
KM0201ball: it works fine for me.06:19
KM0201bin_bash: has issues (with everything)06:19
KM0201you want to send faxes now?06:20
* KM0201 somehow thinks he's missed another internet meme06:20
bin_bashit means06:21
bin_bashyes, good sir. those are all true things that you have said.06:21
KM0201"a true statement"06:21
KM0201you'd think working in a prison i'd be well adept w/ urban hood speak...06:21
KM0201never heard trufax though06:22
* ball is *so* tired06:24
KM0201bin_bash: how do you install com?  i don't see it in the repos06:24
KM0201isn't that the name of that command line music player yo were using?06:24
KM0201thats probably why i can't find it, i'm dyslexic06:24
bin_bashsudo apt-get install moc06:25
KM0201once i knew the package name, i kinda gathered..lol06:25
KM0201how do you start it?06:26
KM0201"moc" tells me i need to install more crap (QT libs)06:26
KM0201oh ok06:28
Seqisman I totally screwed up my xubuntu trying to install compiz06:53
SeqisI tried to uninstall (with --purge) and I removed it -- but the xfce window manager isn't loading properly06:53
Seqisis there any way to run an xfce --replace or something... like I ran compiz --replace ?06:54
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SysiSeqis: xfwm4 --replace06:55
Sysirm -rf ~/.cache/sessions and save session on logout06:55
Seqisgot it06:56
Seqiswhat's stored in sessions06:56
Seqisman that saved me... compiz totally blew out all my window borders... every window was hanging behind the top-panel06:57
Seqisthanks sysi06:57
SeqisI thought I had it right with apt-get --purge remove compiz*06:58
Sysiyou'd need to set compiz to offer window borders by some plugin06:58
Seqisbut I suppose I had to xfwm --replace06:58
Seqisyea I h ad that set - but window borders refused to draw.. everything was headless06:58
Seqisand I couldn't alt-tab06:59
SeqisI had to log in with recovery console just to purge compiz*06:59
Seqisthe xfwm --replace fixed it (after my purge of compiz*) .. thank you very much06:59
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Rodenskyhello. how do i restart the sound?16:05
ochosiRodensky: first alt+f2 "pulseaudio -k" then again alt+f2 "pulseaudio"17:17
Soupermanitowhere do i add a service to start up manually18:09
ochosiSoupermanito: what do you mean with "start up manually"?18:10
ochosiif you  want a service to start up manually, just start it manually :)18:10
ochosior did you mean automatically?18:10
Soupermanitonow i have to run it manually by ./OctoshapeClient -url:octoshape:BROADCASTER.channel but i want it to be started whit the system18:10
SoupermanitoXD yeah sorry18:11
ochosiadd it to settings > sessions and startup > applications18:11
ochosibut don't use relative paths18:11
ochosi(at least i assume the script OctoshapeClient is in your home, not in /)18:12
Soupermanito:D there it is! i knew it was somewhere18:12
Soupermanitono no relatives18:12
Soupermanitohow do i test if i did it rigth?18:14
Soupermanitoneed to log off log in?18:14
ochosiSoupermanito: yep guess so18:21
captnemofulcrumhello my 'file' 'edit' etc are missing from the windows (all windows) i'm using XFCE any ideas19:12
drcxfwm4 --replace > in a terminal19:15
captnemofulcrumdrc, doesn't seem to fix it19:16
drctry sudo with it19:16
captnemofulcrum(xfwm4:5606): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_str_has_prefix: assertion `prefix != NULL' failed xfwm4:5606): xfwm4-WARNING **: Failed to connect to session manager: Failed to connect to the session manager: SESSION_MANAGER environment variable not defined19:18
captnemofulcrumis what it gives me19:18
drcYeah...I never remember whether sudo is required or not...guess not.  If that didn't work (usually works for me, but this appears to be a different problem), I'm out of ideas...sorry19:19
Soupermanitommm i think you are missing windows borders19:19
captnemofulcrumis there a way to go back to the default xubuntu session and just nuke all my changes?19:20
Soupermanitotry disabling the compositor? that might help19:20
captnemofulcrumanyway to do a default session?19:23
drccaptnemofulcrum: I <think> that deleting/renaming ~/.config/xfce4 and restarting X/reboot should work.19:26
captnemofulcrumdrc, so sanity check should i be running gdm or is that part of the problem?19:27
drccaptnemofulcrum: You're asking <me> for a "sanity check"?  HaHaHa.  I don't think gdm is part of the problem...it's more likely to something with the window manager (that's what the xfwm4 --replace was for)19:29
captnemofulcrumok thank i be trying stuff :p19:29
new_kid1Is it possible to create a keyboard shortcut which will force logout ?? How?20:17
new_kid1W0lner: Hello :-D20:21
bin_bashis there a way to remove the gmusicbrowser icon from the sound applet?20:26
Sysiremove gmusicbrowser?20:30
bin_bashi did that20:30
bin_bashi purged it and everything20:30
drcbin_bash: You want to keep gmusicbrowser around?20:30
drcwhat Sysi said20:30
* drc need to create a macro that says that...he always beats me to the punch ;)20:31
gillesim just trying xubuntu for the first time. Does it have a feature similar to aero snap?20:38
drcgilles: What <is> aero snap?20:39
gillessorry, its what windows calls the feature where you drag a window to the side (or top) of the desktop and it will snap to fill half of the desktop (or maximise it)20:40
Soupermanitodon't know if compiz can do that kind of thing20:40
bin_bashdrc: yeah it does20:41
bin_bashgilles: it does20:41
bin_bashlemme find it20:41
gillesi followed this guide http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/11/get-aero-snap-in-ubuntu/20:41
gillesbut it isnt working20:42
bin_bashit's built into xwm420:42
bin_bashhold on20:42
bin_bashgo to settings > window manager > advanced20:42
bin_bashIt's there with window snapping20:42
drcgilles: That article is very old (in computer years :)20:43
bin_bash2009 oh god lol20:43
gillesdidnt see that20:43
gillesi have the box checked but it doesnt seem to work20:43
bin_bashwhat do you  mean it doesnt work20:44
gilleswhen i drag the window to an  edge it doesnt do anything20:44
drcbin_bash: if  you mean Menu>Settings>Settings Manager>Window Manager>Advanced it doesn't change the window size, just the "snappiness"20:44
bin_bashwhat are you expecing it to do20:44
bin_bashi didnt read that20:44
bin_bashget a different window manager like awesome or soemthing20:44
bin_bashi think awesome does that20:44
gilleskde does it20:45
drcoooo...tornado warning :)20:45
bin_bashso then go use kde20:46
bin_bashhave fun with your bloat on bloat20:46
drcgilles: So does Unity.20:47
bin_bashunity makes me want to throw up.20:47
gillesbut i dont want to use kde20:48
bin_bashyou sound like a whining child20:48
drcbin_bash: Manners please20:48
drcbin_bash:  Forgiven and forgotten :)20:49
Sysigilles: everything isn't possible on xfwm4, you can try settings up compiz or kwin20:49
Soupermanitobut xfce does that as default, the snap thingy20:49
drcOh snap!20:50
bin_bashHe wants special fancy resize snap20:50
bin_bashtry using a different wm20:50
SysiSoupermanito: snapping to edge is totally different20:50
bin_bashlike awesome20:50
Sysiawesome is more keyboard-oriented i think20:52
Unit193It is kinda keyboard-oriented, but you can also use the mouse20:53
bin_bashwell you can't have everything, man20:53
Sysiwomen can? :P20:53
TheSheeponly as a nation20:54
bin_bashman, MoC is so much better than gmusic20:54
gillesi tried following the guide I posted but it didnt work. Im pretty new to linux so wondered whether compiz was compatible with xubuntu20:55
bin_bashgilles: if you want compiz you're beter off using regular ubuntu20:55
gillesim not a fan of unity20:56
bin_bashno but you can use gnome20:56
gillesdidnt know that.20:56
drcbin_bash: What id MoC?20:57
bin_bashmusic on console20:57
bin_bashcli music player20:57
drcbin_bash: ah..thanks20:58
bin_bashso awesome. i have it working with conky.20:58
bin_bashyou can easily add it to the conky config file20:58
Sysigilles: you need some setupping to get window borders if you're using compiz, but basically works20:58
bin_bashbut a couple friends of mine whipped up a python script so that when moc isn't running it displays as false20:59
Sysigilles: you can set keyboard shortcuts to that kind of functions with xfwm4, see window manager settings21:00
gillesthanks, ill have a look at that.21:03
pimperleon xubuntu lucid i used xfapplet to embed the gnome clock applet into my panel, which i like better than the xfce one21:08
pimperleon natty the applet is installed but does not show up in the list of available applets in xfapplet configuration dialog21:08
bin_bashSysi: I'm trying to change the audio properties of this file, but anytime I try to enter something it just blanks it out and returns it to the default21:09
pimperlein /usr/share/gnome-panel/applets it starts with org.gnome.panel instead of org.gnome.applets. could this be the reason for xfapplet not finding it?21:09
Sysibin_bash: gmb?21:09
Sysiwhere is that happening?21:10
bin_bashit happens with all music files21:10
pimperlei cannot find anything looknig like that in the source however21:11
Sysibin_bash: what do you mean by audio properties?21:11
bin_bashif you right click a music file21:11
bin_bashand select "properties"21:11
Sysinever even tried that21:12
bin_bashtry it21:13
bin_bashsee if u can do it21:13
drcbin_bash: nope...returns to what it was before.21:15
drcbin_bash: Check launchpad and see if there is a bug filed?21:18
bin_bashim googling21:18
Soupermanitooh great just great21:18
Soupermanitoi floped things up21:18
Soupermanitoso i activated compiz, because im that stupid, and now if i stop compiz it will take away my window borders, and also the keyboard, so i can't type21:20
Sysilater one is bit weird21:21
SoupermanitoCouldn't find a perfect decorator match; trying all decorators21:23
bin_bashjust type xfwm421:23
SoupermanitoStarting gtk-window-decorator21:23
Soupermanito(gtk-window-decorator:3989): GConf-CRITICAL **: gconf_client_set_string: assertion `val != NULL' failed21:23
Soupermanitoi, can't, type21:23
bin_bashsucks bro21:23
bin_bashidk what to tell you21:23
Soupermanito:D i can now21:23
bin_bashSysi: do i need to build that21:23
bin_bashmake and .make don't work21:25
drcbin_bash: Check Synaptic...it looks like it is installed by default...at least on my system21:26
bin_bashwell crap21:26
Soupermanitoso if i dont manually run >compiz at a terminal it won't work?21:29
bin_bashYou have to replace xfwm4 with compiz21:29
SoupermanitoD: but i don't want to21:30
Soupermanitohave you seen the compiz layouts? they are awful21:30
Sysithen xfwm4 --replace21:30
bin_bashthen why are you using it in the first placE?21:30
Soupermanitoi wanted to try stuff, like the cube and to see if i could do nice things whit it, but is just eyed candies21:31
Sysibin_bash, asking that doesn't actually help on anything21:31
bin_bashWell it helps to understand why he wouldnt replace it21:31
Sysithat isn't relevant in getting it working21:32
Soupermanito:D ok, now i have xfwm4 working again :D21:33
* Sysi testing gnonom3, yet in fallback because need to install new kernel before installing nvidia21:33
Soupermanitogotta do stuff21:33
=== david is now known as Guest50649
Guest50649hi, the system recognize my audio board but i can`t make it work. it doesn`t have a sound22:00
Guest50649any help?22:00
bin_bashokay are you using 11.04?22:01
bin_bashokay open up a terminal and type alsamixer22:02
Guest50649but one thing before that22:02
Guest50649the sys recognize that i have 2 boards. the off and the onboard.22:03
Guest50649the off has no sound22:03
Guest50649but the on has sound22:03
Guest50649i just had to say it, so you could know if it would make any difference22:04
Guest50649so... what to do now, sir?22:05
Sysiinstall pavucontrol22:07
gillescould somebody recommend a vnc client?22:08
Sysiremmina or vinagre should work22:08
Guest50649installed pavucontrol22:09
Guest50649it totally worked.22:12
Guest50649you`re genius22:12
Guest50649i have another problem22:13
Guest50649where do i set my keyboard type22:13
gillesI keep getting a window popping up with nothing in it, but with the title Debconf.22:13
gillesis this a problem?22:13
Sysimenu → settings → settings → keyboard22:14
Guest50649it seems that it doesnt have my keyboard setting22:14
Guest50649i mean, i need abtn222:14
Guest50649where do i get it?22:14
Guest50649i was just messing with the wrong menu (keyboard method). the keyboard menu actually done the job.22:17
Guest50649thank you22:17
bin_bashdrc: know of a good way to convert mp4 to mp3?22:27
drcsound converter (repos) is what I use when I cont to convert audio.  Don't now if it does mp4, but google is your friend :)22:29
drcbin_bash:  "It reads sound files in any format supported by GStreamerand outputs them in Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, or WAV format, or MP3 format if22:30
drcyou have the GStreamer LAME plugin.22:30
drcno, what?22:31
bin_bashno i don't plugin22:32
drcok...there is a link in the app that will make getting the plugin easy.22:33
drcIn the preference22:34
drchttp://soundconverter.berlios.de/gstreamer-mp3-encoding-howto/   This is it...can't be much easier :)22:35
bin_bashyeah but i have to isntall gnome2 it says22:37
drcI doubt it, I just installed it without installing gnome2.22:38
drcIt does add a bunch of dependencies though22:39
drcuse synaptic and read the dependencies, just to be sure.22:40
bin_bashokay now wyat22:42
drclooksd like the dependencies are python and gts streamer22:42
drcand the mp3 dependency installed?22:44
bin_bashyeah i got22:44
drcset the preferences22:44
drcthen use the menu or drag and drop the files to be converted and convert22:47
netrathow do i prevent cupsd starting on boot? in previous versions of ubuntu all the startup scripts were stored in /etc/rc2.d. has this changed?23:02
Annunakeyanybody on?23:12
Annunakeyneed help :/23:12
drcThere's very little chance of us guessing what your problem is.23:13
Annunakeyi am trying to install xubuntu 10.10 on old machine23:15
Annunakey660mghz, 192 SDram23:15
Annunakeyan alternate cd23:15
Annunakeybut an error apeared "... Tha failing step is: Load installer components from cd"23:16
Annunakeylooks like could not mount the cd rom23:16
Annunakeyany sugestions:?\23:17
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