
* tazz gotta go sleep too...00:20
ulyssesmorning people, still sleeping?:P05:12
ScottKulysses: Good morning.05:32
ulyssesgood morning ScottK 05:33
ScottKHello.  So you are visiting us today?05:33
ulyssesyepp, bus starts at 6:50 to the train station, train at 7:45, arriving Budapest at 10:1505:34
ulyssesI go to the bus, see you later05:43
DarkwingDuckMorning guys06:50
DarkwingDuckHey Riddell 07:28
shadeslayerMorning guys :)07:45
=== cmagina-afk is now known as cmagina-uds
JontheEchidna!find /usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/clean-la.mk'08:13
ubottuFile /usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/clean-la.mk found in gnome-pkg-tools08:13
DarkwingDuckHey JontheEchidna 08:15
DarkwingDuckHow are you this morning?08:15
JontheEchidnapretty good08:15
JontheEchidnafound a bug in a gstreamer package description, and I had to install gnome-pkg-tools to even do a debuild -S -sd08:15
debfxJontheEchidna: you can use -nc once debuild supports it (devscripts >= 2.10.70)08:18
JontheEchidnathis is -nc for source builds rather than just binary builds?08:19
debfxI  think it works for both08:19
JontheEchidnathat would make things easier08:20
ScottKThat or just use dpkg-buildpackage which supports -nc since approximately forever.08:26
JontheEchidnajussi: bad news, turns out your bug is a QApt bug after some serious digging. Good news is, I've most likely fixed it.08:33
JontheEchidnaDonKult told me in person that Julian Klode left a really nasty comment in the LP bug, so I am going to be a little troll and never touch it again, but the bug will be fixed08:34
=== cmagina-afk is now known as cmagina-uds
JontheEchidnaudslogger: are you going to the upstream translations session?08:57
JontheEchidnaI'd sort of like to go to a different one, but we need somebody there08:57
* valorie will be there remotely09:01
valoriealthough no sound yet09:01
valorieriddell is at least in the channel.....09:07
valorieand on the etherpad09:07
RiddellI'm in launchpad translations09:07
valorieJontheEchidna was eager that someone be there09:07
valorieI'm there remotely09:08
JontheEchidnaI'm in the "Improve handling of release announcements in update-manager" session09:08
JontheEchidnait also has a bit to do with l10n09:08
udsloggerScottK: btw, b43 is the floss driver for broadcom, switching to bcmwl makes network work properly09:09
JontheEchidnaThe way this discussion is headed I think that there may be some need for kubuntu representation09:09
DarkwingDuckJontheEchidna: what session?09:10
ScottKudslogger: That explains it then.  I'm using bcmwl.09:12
udsloggerulysses: are you at the u and d and s already?09:13
udsloggerjussi: do you think we can ever get the admins to ensure the font on the irc projection is not flipping small?09:16
udsloggeronce again I am sitting in the back of the room and I cannot read fck09:16
jussiudslogger: Im on it09:16
udsloggerjussi: they should also create a setup-proceedings paper that includes "ensure font size is appropriate" ;)09:17
jussiudslogger: where are you?09:17
udsloggerjussi: krudy... upstream translation import09:18
=== cmagina-afk is now known as cmagina-uds
udsloggerhehe, the irc projection is being taken over by dialogs ^^09:20
valoriemy god that room is noisy09:23
afiestasvalorie: which one?09:24
valoriesirens and construction sounds09:25
Quintasanoh shit09:25
JontheEchidnathat's the unventilated room that must have the windows open to avoid heat stroke09:25
Quintasanthe Rodrigo I pulled off was longer I intended09:25
JontheEchidnayou only had 30 minutes when I saw you from the elevator, how long were you planning on?09:26
Quintasanexactly this long09:26
Quintasanwhere are you now?09:26
JontheEchidnaI am in erkel listening to update-manager stuff and making sure that kubuntu doesn't get left behind09:26
JontheEchidnaothers are in the upstream translation import session09:27
QuintasanThat's not relevant to my intrests09:27
ScottKvalorie: I'm in the translations session too and the window is open because the room is quite warm.09:28
Quintasandocs review is relevant09:28
QuintasanI'm going to show up there09:28
valorieyes, me too09:30
valoriegoing to try to stay awake for the council session09:31
udsloggerJontheEchidna: oh yeah, I was thinking you should go there :P09:32
udsloggerQuintasan: I dont even know what we do in the doc review session09:33
Quintasanudslogger: And why else do you think I'm going to show up there instead Rodrigo'ing a little bit more?09:34
* udslogger pulled a rodrigo instead of having breakfast09:35
afiestasI almost made a Rodrigo today :/ it cost me a little bit to waking up09:35
DarkwingDuckudslogger: Did jussi show you his Unity looking desktop?09:36
jussiDarkwingDuck: he tweeted it09:36
DarkwingDuckI was reviewing open browser tabs and saw it again.09:37
jussiDarkwingDuck: go look at his identica/tweets - on identica there is a huge crazy discussion :P :P09:37
JontheEchidnaudslogger: they might switch from the .txt release upgrade notes to a webpage from marketting09:37
JontheEchidnaso we need to make sure that we get attention09:37
udsloggeryeah, force ubuntu branding into kubuntu09:38
jussiudslogger: ?09:38
udsloggerJontheEchidna: any reason for that?09:38
JontheEchidnamore l10n-able09:39
udsloggerjussi: if it is a webpage, the webpage will carry ubuntu branding09:39
JontheEchidnaplus dx doesn't think the current notes inspire people to upgrade09:39
udsloggerthus causing more brand polution09:39
jussiwho what? 09:39
udsloggerJontheEchidna: well, so they should create a simple markup :P09:39
udsloggerand then theme accordingly09:39
udslogger+ translating plain text ought to be easier than webpages, no?09:40
JontheEchidnathe current method for whatever reason doesn't have l10n09:40
udsloggerthat does not mean that the method is bad though09:40
udsloggerjust that the impl is limited09:40
JontheEchidnahere are the notes: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/meeting/foundations-o-update-manager-release-announcements/09:41
udsloggerJontheEchidna: the first 3 paras are *exactly* what is solved by the existing l10n technologies09:42
valorieblast and damn09:45
valoriedouble sessions twice today09:45
valorieI'm missing so much!09:45
udsloggerScottK: would we actually want that?09:47
ScottKI would have to be convinced.09:49
JontheEchidnaudslogger: pretty much it is the desktop/marketing teams' excuse to pimp out the release notes09:52
* JontheEchidna is in tas now09:52
valorieI'm going there, but break is now, right?09:54
udsloggerrbelem: persia suggests you should attend the kernel verion and flavors session in krudy09:56
udsloggersince we might need a new kernel for tablets, if we get a device that is09:56
udsloggerif someone sees him plz fwd ^09:56
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
QuintasanJontheEchidna: Docs stuff is in Tas?09:58
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: yup09:58
JontheEchidnaI am now saying it is exactly 11:00 10:00
JontheEchidnavalorie, DarkwingDuck^10:00
DarkwingDuckYup... it was good. Almost no lag10:01
valoriedanke darling10:05
DarkwingDuckRiddell: /win 2610:41
bambeehave a good lunch :)11:14
JontheEchidnaudslogger: for your interest: bug 78097111:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 780971 in kdeedu (Ubuntu Oneiric) "openbabel (main) should not b-d on wxwidgets (universe)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78097111:50
udsloggerjussi: ping11:55
RiddellScottK: please approve https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-kubuntu-lightdm11:56
ScottKRiddell: Done11:57
c2tarunScottK: I just got a mail from you about putting names forward for kubuntu-members. Can I put my name forward?12:02
ScottKYou have to be a kubuntu-member.12:02
Quintasanc2tarun: we are voting for council members and to vote you have to be a kubuntu member12:03
c2tarunohh... (sorry I misunderstood)12:03
Quintasanjussi: go to lobby for voucher12:07
debfxQuintasan: kubuntu_17_enable_qtwebkit_for_qtassistant.diff shouldn't go upstream12:07
Quintasanjussi: or meet me at lunch12:07
Quintasandebfx: ddenis told us otherwise12:08
Quintasanask him not me12:08
Quintasanim just pushing tem upstream12:08
debfxQuintasan: they certainly won't accept it12:08
Quintasanidont think i pushed it12:09
debfxyou added "keep it and propose upstream" to the whiteboard12:12
debfxI'm not sure about kubuntu_29_egl_qglcontext_stubs.diff, afaik adding virtual functions is BIC12:13
ScottKRiddell_: light dm is on the schedule now.12:56
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Work! | Merges https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html | Oneiric open for development | UDS: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/UDS-O | Council elections: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2011-May/005170.html
ScottKclaydoh: Can you make some kind of annoucement about KC elections (see /topic) on Kubuntu Forums?13:02
ScottKIt would also be nice if someone with ops in #kubuntu added something there too.13:03
ulyssesksmanis: kcm-grub2 is going to extragear?13:17
ksmanisulysses: it's being reviewed atm13:18
ulyssesI'm doing the Hungarian translation right now13:18
ulysseskcm-grub2 was updated today in Kubuntu 11.10, so I can see my translations to work13:20
Riddell_seaLne: you've used the alternate CD before, if you have an opinion on if it should still exist there's a session in 40 minutes13:21
ksmanisulysses: btw there is already a hungarian translation13:23
ksmanisby the hungarian kde translation team13:23
ulyssesI am the hungarian translation team ;)13:26
Quintasanjussi: PING13:26
jussiQuintasan: what?13:27
Quintasanjussi: Where are you?13:27
Quintasanjussi: raise your hand13:27
jussicenter, slightly left of the horizontal aisle13:27
jussiwhy do you need me? 13:28
jussiwhere are you? 13:28
Quintasanjussi: next to last exit on the back of the room13:28
seaLneRiddell_: currently i don't think you can do encrypted disks with the live cd?13:28
Quintasanjussi: I want to give you voucher before I lose it13:28
udsloggerQuintasan: did I win anything yet?13:28
udsloggerand where do I get le voucher?13:29
Quintasanjussi: poke udslogger to get his too because he was too lazy13:29
udsloggerand where is emmit13:29
udsloggerand where is denis?13:29
Quintasanudslogger: Go to confenrence desk ie. where ladies are giving out Qt stickers13:29
jussiim 2 exits in front of you13:29
seaLneRiddell_: but yeah my uses apart from encrypted disks would probably be limited these days13:29
* udslogger needs coffee as he has le spellling issu0r13:30
udsloggerQuintasan: meh. I am downstairs13:30
udsloggerjussi can pick it up :P13:30
Quintasanudslogger: get voucher for jussi13:30
udsloggerQuintasan: did i win anything yet?13:30
QuintasanI either missed announcement or they are going to announce it at the end13:31
udsloggerzomg that is evil13:31
udsloggerif the talks where even interesting and stuff13:32
Quintasanudslogger: For denis, #qt-labs13:33
Quintasanddenis :P13:33
Riddell_seaLne: what else did you need it for?13:35
Quintasanudslogger: ohshi-13:37
Quintasanudslogger: the prizes were for Linaro guys, not for us :S13:37
udsloggerterribly eval13:37
seaLneRiddell_: yeah basically any non plain disk management stuff13:39
seaLneRiddell_: in the past it was also the only way if you had a proxy13:39
c2tarunI got this error while compiling telepathy-chat-handler. http://paste.kde.org/62815/ can anyone please help13:53
udsloggerDarkwingDuck: council!14:13
DarkwingDuckudslogger: thanks for the vote of confidence.14:20
macoseaLne: a session this week was on adding LVM support to the Live installer. which apparently i will need to figure out how to do because i said "yes" when asked to be kubuntu-installer-person this time15:01
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-uds
freglhi distro people, does this sound like an ok solution to enable accessibility on the fly? https://live.gnome.org/Hackfests/ATK2011/Agenda/EnablingAccessibilityProposal15:26
freglnames and details are up for debate of course15:27
seaLnemaco: will encrypted support also be added?15:27
shadeslayerudslogger: ubiquity is all pyth0rn right?15:46
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: yes15:46
yofelhow did the alternate session go?15:47
udsloggeralternate is le dead15:47
fregludslogger: soon it's Randa time, you know what that means, right?15:48
freglomg!!! :D15:48
yofelk, I'm not much of a d-i fan anyway, except that ubiquity is still lacking stuff15:48
udsloggerfregl: somehow that topic creeps up once a day here :P15:48
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: ok, i15:49
udsloggeralso plasma-netbook is crapz because it does not apply fluffy theme for some reason15:49
fregludslogger: poor you15:49
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: i'm thinking of working on the networkmanager stuff for the Kubuntu Ubiquity installer15:49
fregludslogger: poke ddenis from me15:49
udsloggerI shall do so15:49
udsloggerfregl: did you see our kubuntu unity prototype?15:49
fregludslogger: no, didn't really15:50
fregltoo bad these events are all at the same time15:50
freglbut gnome+mozilla accessibility people are cool15:50
shadeslayerfregl: he leaked them KDinty pics15:50
udsloggerfregl: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/11/plasma-desktopgp1838.jpg15:50
j1mccould someone who sees apachelogger around uds make sure that he talks to j1mc? (the docs guy)?15:51
udsloggerj1mc: where are you?15:51
udsloggerbeen looking for you all day15:51
j1mcour sessions overlapped today, and i didn't get to see the kubuntu docs thing15:51
udsloggeractually I have a session in a bit15:51
j1mcudslogger: i'm in the IRC council mtg15:51
udsloggerj1mc: do you have time after sessions?15:52
j1mcyes, when would you like to meet up?15:52
udsloggerany time you want, I do not need dinner ^^15:52
* j1mc looks at my schedule15:53
j1mcudslogger: i'll join your next session, and we can talk afterwards15:54
udsloggerj1mc: okies, awesome15:55
shadeslayer!search glibconfig.h16:07
ubottuFound: 16:07
shadeslayer!find glibconfig.h16:07
ubottuFile glibconfig.h found in ats-lang-anairiats, libglib2.0-dev16:07
* j1mc waves at udslogger 16:11
macoseaLne: that's a pretty common reason to use LVM, so i would imagine so16:21
j1mcudslogger: i have to write up some stuff, so will be down in the non-smoking section of the lobby.16:23
udsloggerj1mc: ok16:23
Riddell_weird e-mail du jour http://paste.kde.org/63127/16:29
macoRiddell: are they looking for a program to teach Xhosa? maybe Parley?16:51
RiddellI've no idea16:52
freglwho wouldn't want their daily dosis of xhosa16:54
shadeslayerjtechidna: i just talked to the guys who wrote plasma kparts and they said it should be possible17:12
shadeslayer( embedding KNM KParts in the installer )17:13
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
afiestasrbelem: Quintasan aRRRRRm rum rum rum 20:27
afiestasudslogger: rum?20:27
afiestasrbelem: udslogger Quintasan rum?20:41
yofelshadeslayer: btw, with delay, but I did a bit of kdepim testing. Both versions seem to work fine, but you don't have the same opinion what files are supposed to go where:21:17
yofeldpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/korganizer_4%3a4.5.95-0ubuntu1~ppa1_amd64.deb (--unpack):21:17
yofel trying to overwrite '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/korg-journal.png', which is also in package kjots 4:4.5.95-0ubuntu0~ppa121:17
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=== seawoal is now known as seawolf
alleeanyone working on plasma-active pkgs or had a look how much work it would be? 22:24
yofeldon't think so, esp. since most folks are at UDS this week22:27
yofeliirc there was some talk about it though22:27
alleeyofel: ok, thx!22:29
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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