
=== bLuCiFeR is now known as blu
Sir_GabrielHi Valorie00:59
valoriehello Sir_Gabriel01:00
valorieyou missed an excellent weekend01:01
Sir_GabrielI did? 0.o01:01
Sir_Gabrielthats terrible01:01
valorieweren't we discussing linuxfest NW?01:01
valorieor is my memory unreliable01:01
Sir_Gabrielyeah I know.. I didn't get to go.01:01
valoriewell, plan on it for next year01:02
valoriedid you join the loco mail list?01:02
valoriewe're trying to get a Geeknik together01:02
Sir_Gabrielno, things got crazy here01:03
Sir_Gabrielis that like a linuxfest?01:03
valorieuh oh01:03
valorieno, just a picnic for geeks01:03
valorieburgers, hotdogs, potato salad, etc.01:03
Sir_Gabrielyeah, 7 ppl got evicted, had no power for a day, it's all crazy01:03
Sir_Gabrielahh sounds cool.01:04
valoriewhat happened to trigger all that?01:04
valorieoops, let's take this to #kubuntu-offtopic01:04
valoriesorry for the noise, people01:04
Sir_Gabrielthey found that the maintenance man had tepped into three electrical meters and stuff.01:04
MTecknologyhttp://staging.profarius.com/ <-- kinda tried to base it off the kde colors; any opinions?01:09
Sir_Gabriellooks great to me01:11
Sir_Gabrielwhat's it for?01:12
Sir_GabrielI mean is this a new community site?01:12
MTecknologythis isn't01:13
MTecknologyi've been working on drupal stuff for community websites01:13
Sir_Gabrielno idea what drupal is...01:14
MTecknologylike joomla or wordpress01:15
Sir_Gabrieloh the layout thingy01:15
MTecknologydrupal is more of a whole framework though01:15
MTecknologySir_Gabriel: so you think it's good enough for if someone would want to use it for a kubuntu based website?01:27
stretchjaxhi can someone here help me with grub02:23
mase_wkstretchjax: we don't know if we can help because you haven't told us the problem02:24
stretchjaxwell i had restore my grub after installing win xp and it dont show my vista or xp install02:26
mase_wkwell at least you have freed up a partition :)02:28
mase_wkyou should be able to add those back fairly easily though. I'm sure someone will be able to assist you.02:28
mase_wkalthough i am surprised that google doesn't return any results02:28
stretchjaxit retured alot02:35
mase_wkhmm what search terms did you use02:36
stretchjaxadding new os to grub loader02:39
mase_wkstretchjax: try natty grub windows XP02:46
mase_wkthat seems to return some decent resultss for me02:46
stretchjaxok it says to run sudo gedit  /boot/grub/menu.lst when i do i get file not found02:53
RazalIs anyone successfully running g15macro on 64-bit Natty? I would like to know in case I don't have to start whacking at source code.03:24
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preechergwibber-choqok or qwit?05:36
mase_wkchoqok is what i use YMMV05:36
preechermase_wk thx ill try it---gwibber always seemed kind laggy to me anyway05:37
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tasslehoffThe deafening silence is a sign that 11.04 is a solid Kubuntu-release (nobody needs help with anything)? :)08:14
tasslehoffI'm pondering an install of kubuntu-desktop :)08:15
szalthe deafening silence is more a sign of the wrong time of day for ppl to storm the channel w/ questions ;)08:16
dmlвсем привет08:27
dmlэто русскоязычный канал?08:28
dmlили англ?08:28
dmlепт походу англ =/08:28
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szal!ru | dml08:29
ubottudml: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:29
=== asraniel__ is now known as asraniel
asranieli'm trying to use the new sama filesharing in kubuntu08:42
mase_wkasraniel: new samba filesharing ?08:43
asranielbut somehow i can't set the permissions. well, i can set them, but the get cleared again if i reopen the dialog08:43
asranielmase_wk: yes, by new i mean that its integrated into dolphin now08:43
mase_wkwhat is different to the old samba file sharing ?08:43
asranielthat i don't have to edit config files?08:43
asranielwell, i will have to now, because the dolphin plugin does not seem to work08:43
JontheEchidnaasraniel: I'm sitting with the guy who wrote the new samba stuff right now. He says that it is a known bug08:43
JontheEchidnaasraniel: I'm sitting with the guy who wrote the new samba stuff right now. He says that it is a known bug08:44
asranielJontheEchidna: great :) looking forward to the bugfix08:44
asranielJontheEchidna: is there a workaround currently?08:45
JontheEchidnayou have to set up the unix permissions on the permissions tab in the "properties" menu of the file08:45
JontheEchidnaand add permissions to the user that you want to share it with08:46
JontheEchidnaa bit ugly, but at least you don't have to muck around with samba config :)08:46
asranielJontheEchidna: i kept them as default. i want to share with "myself", so i don't really have to change any unix permissions08:46
JontheEchidnaasraniel: rbelem is the man you want to talk to08:47
asranielok. then i think windows is the problem. because i use the same username for both computers, but when connecting to the samba share, windows insists on adding COMPUTERNAME\username to the login08:47
rbelemasraniel, oh! another thing that you have to do08:47
rbelemasraniel, smbpasswd -a username08:48
asranielrbelem: works08:48
rbelemasraniel, :-)08:48
asranielwould never have found that ;)08:48
rbelemasraniel, this bug will be fixed soon08:49
asranielrbelem: thx very much :) hope that gets fixed in a future version! because its really handy :)08:49
rbelemasraniel, you r very welcome :-)08:49
asranieleven if my dream solution would be if windows could just mount ssh folders.. but well08:49
rbelemasraniel, you can count with that in a few weeks08:49
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yogawhen I click an link from dophin, it cannot open the browser and says "cannot find the program 'firefox-desktop'09:51
yogaany idea?09:51
andrewh192you might need to reinstall firefox09:52
andrewh192that's my best guys09:53
andrewh192guess rather09:53
szala link from Dolphin?10:00
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yogaszal: an entry from Dophin, which was created by drag and drop a web page from Firefoax10:48
szalyoga`: how do you drag and drop a website from Firefox?11:14
Kaspihey guys11:25
* Kaspi is starting to like his KDE11:26
* szal has been liking KDE for ~7 years now11:27
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* Kaspi was using Gnome until got banged with Unity11:29
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KaspiI wanted to make my desktop "truly mine" anyways, that's why I tried KDE11:30
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alvinAnyone on 4.6.3 willing to test something before I file a bug? In Dolphin, go to /home/<yourusername>/Pictures. Activate 'Preview'. Also, select a picture. Do you a) see previews, b) In the information pane, see a preview, or is the picture treated as a video (with a play button and slider)?12:43
szalhow do I get 4.6.3 if not from natty-backports?12:49
Peace-szal: compile?12:50
Peace-alvin: i can see video on dolphin kde 4.6.312:50
szalPeace-: are you crazy? ;)12:50
Peace-oh i have compiled a ltos of stuff12:50
Peace-like ksnapshot12:50
Peace-3 seconds and i did the debian12:51
szalthe question was rather, is 4.6.3 to be found in natty-backports or elsewhere?12:51
yofelszal: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-release-46312:53
mime1111hey people. some plasmoids like solar system or matrix, once in desktop, show a message about a bad script with a red X, any idea?13:09
alvinPeace, so it's a bug?13:11
mime1111hey people. some plasmoids like solar system or matrix, once in desktop, show a message about a bad script with a red X, any idea? i've tried manually install also, python and kde to date...13:13
mime1111im tired :O=13:13
szalyofel: how do I add the repo on the cmdline?  (either by command or by editing a sources file)13:18
yofelthe repository guide explains that, but here: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa13:18
szalyofel: no the repository guide doesn't mention this exact bit13:19
Kaspiszal: I believe you can as well just add a line to the sources list file and run apt-get update13:19
yofelodd, it was somewhere13:19
yofelKaspi: he can, but add-apt-repository adds the GPG key too13:19
yofelso less work13:19
Peace-bye bye guys13:20
KaspiPeace-: seeya13:20
Peace-xD i did the activity unity-mac like13:20
szalanyhoo, updating now13:22
szalyofel: is there a complimentary cmd to remove repos?13:24
szalwhat a version name..  "4.6.3really4.6.2" *rofl*13:27
yofelszal: ah, about that, 4.6.3 had messed up Icons, so it was force-downgraded to 4.6.2, and that's the sanest way to do that...13:29
szalyofel: ok, but still sounds funny ^^13:30
yofelszal: add-apt-repository has a --remove switch, though I'm not sure how to use it13:30
yofelright ^^13:30
szalalvin: no problem here w/ a JPEG I copied over to have something there ;)13:34
Kaspiwhat are activities for?13:37
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szalno friggin' idea, I don't use them, or at least I don't normally change the default activity13:45
BluesKajHi folks13:54
BluesKajKDE 4.6.3, so far so good13:56
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poyntzwhat is libreoffice?14:09
poyntzhow does it differ from openoffice?14:09
PiciIts a replacement for OpenOffice.14:09
poyntzis the latest libre better than the latest openoffice?14:09
PiciThe developers forked it off of OO.o because Oracle now owns it.14:09
poyntzso they're identical?14:10
poyntzwhich one's better?14:10
PiciLibreoffice is getting more development, so I guess thats 'better'14:10
[^_^]poyntz: imagine that openoffice got duplicated and both copies go their own way14:10
poyntzis one going to be merged in with the kde environment?14:11
poyntzeg, so it looks like the rest of kde, aka scroll bars, menues, etc..14:12
poyntzsystem fonts, themes, ...14:12
Isis___hello, should I find kde 4.6.3 in the repository?? im running 4.6.2, and 4.6.3 is not there?14:18
gvandeweyeris there any experience on installing compiz on kubuntu 11.04. I had to install latest version for video support (dell optiplex 990 with intel HD2000 video card), but would like to enable compiz14:19
bigbrovarIsis___: the update is only available via the kubuntu backport ppa14:20
gvandeweyerhowever, the kubuntu guide just seems to be a copy of maverick (even numbers are not adapted yet... ) :-)14:20
bigbrovarIsis___: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-release-463 u14:21
gvandeweyerand since the system-settings=>advanced menu is not present at all, I'm not that willing to start the experiment yet.14:23
bigbrovargvandeweyer: I haven't used compiz on kde 4 before so I wouldn't know.  u can check systemsettings --> default applications. under the windows manager tab, check use a different windows manager and see if compiz shows up as an option14:23
bigbrovargvandeweyer: just not that compiz is not recommended for kde, kwin the kde windows manager is very capable and integrates better with kde. Its also more stable14:25
gvandeweyerbigbrovar: I know it's more stable, but I'm *very* used to the cylinder layout of my desktops that I can drag and spin with the mouse. Or is it possible with kwin now to alt-click to switch desktops?14:29
* gvandeweyer *brb14:30
bigbrovargvandeweyer: u can configure how to switch btw desktop goto systemsettings > workspace behaviour > under the screen edges tab.14:39
bigbrovargvandeweyer: u can also check the virtual desktop and workspace tab for anything interesting14:40
gvandeweyerhmm, compiz = failure ... emerald segfaults, so there are no window borders.14:43
tsimpsonemerald is unmaintained and basically dead14:43
bigbrovargvandeweyer: u would be better off betting with kwin. just check the options I told u14:44
gvandeweyerI just did :-)14:44
gvandeweyerIt does not give just the right feeling however. I guess I'll have to get used to it14:45
aniguys whenever i startup kubuntu i drop to shell. i try startx and it says Call to lnusertemp failed (temporary directories full?). Check your installation... I searched online, and it says check if /var/tmp folder exists. It does exist and I also cleaned /var/tmp and /tmp. How do i get xorg to work again?14:45
BluesKajani , the first thing to try isthe recovery kernel, then in the dialog "repair broken packages", then boot normally. Once ay the desktop make sure you have the recommended graphics driver installed in /kmenu/apps/sytem/additional drivers14:53
BluesKajscuse my KB batteries are low again14:54
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fxrhhi! I want to connect my laptop (dell vostro 1510) to a projector/second monitor and I want to clone the screen. The laptop key doesn't seem to work, so how can I do that with the kde or nivida config dialogs?15:04
fxrhI was able to create two different screens (with TwinView), but that isn't what I want to have...15:05
natman:fxrh does the sys settings not help you?15:05
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fxrhnatman: I didn't found such an option15:06
fxrhin the monitor section was just one display when I disabled it with the nvidia config, and if I enabled TwinView, there was no option for cloning15:07
natman:fxrh inside system settings-display, there should be two areas to control each monitor, as far as i rember it will allow you to clone the image15:07
fxrhnatman: when I go into display & monitor, which of the three modules?15:08
natmanfxrh: sorry need to leave , best of luck, perhaps restarting with the laptop still connected to the external monitor might, that used to work for me15:09
fxrhnatman: thanks, ill try that15:09
natmanfxrh:  hit Identify outputs and look at the screens and numbers they are kinda big :)15:09
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aniBluesKaj: thanks. It worked :)15:22
BluesKajani , cool ")15:23
magepsychoguys i have some issue with the fonts16:17
magepsychocan you check the pic please16:17
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DarthFrogmagepsycho: You need to ask in #Ubuntu, not here.16:30
shane4kubuntuOk, I have sent 2 printings to the printer, of which neither printed, and no printer que???16:32
eristikophilescan anyone tell me where the System Settings executable is?16:46
eristikophiles(in Natty)16:46
eristikophilesor, if anyone can tell me why since upgrading i can no longer change any settings because it says i lack authorization, *and* it doesn't ever present a prompt to put my password in / sudo in16:47
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
l2s2Hi, my webcam video is upside down on Skype. Do i need to install the driver from http://linuxtv.org/repo/ ?17:19
l2s2lsusb gives me http://paste.ubuntu.com/606558/17:21
CtrlAltCadie in a fire.17:22
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Soupermanitohello how does one localizes, i mean change the lang packs etc, fastly? like from an apt-get line?17:46
DarthFrogeristikophiles: If you want to find where an executable is in your path, use the "which" command.  "which systemsettings" returns  /usr/bin/systemsettings.17:49
eristikophilesah.. ok17:49
eristikophilescool, now i can sudo to it.. though i really don't get why it can't ask me for a password instead of spitting errors about authorization17:50
DarthFrogeristikophiles: File a bug report, please.17:51
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eristikophileshm.. where?17:59
eristikophilescan't seem to find it on kubuntu site18:00
DarthFrog!launchpad | eristikophiles18:25
ubottueristikophiles: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/18:25
eristikophilesheh i can't report a bug .. says "invalid openid transaction" and stalls at the page18:33
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eristikophilesso i have this other problem. phonon shows all my audio devices, and i can prefer them like i want, but they appear grayed out and the only active one is "Dummy Output" and "Dummy Input"18:54
eristikophilesand there is no sound, not from internal speakers (which are like, full speakers on this box), nor usb headphones18:54
bigbrovareristikophiles: this happens even when u reboot the machine?18:57
BluesKajeristikophiles, when you click test /dummy in phonon , is there sound ?18:57
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eristikophilesno testing does nothing. the button does get stuck though. and yes, i've rebooted a few times since the upgrade19:00
bigbrovareristikophiles: can u try an kubuntu 11.4 livecd to see if it works there?19:04
eristikophilesa liveCD?19:06
eristikophilesi'm running 11.0419:07
eristikophilesmy sound worked before the upgrade19:07
Spaz_Dynamicwhen I run some fullscreen games, my left monitor goes out and the picture that was on it appears on the right one. Others will display on both monitors (cloned). I'd like to fix this, but first, is there any way other than restarting the computer to fix the display back to two monitors with an extended desktop? Such as restarting a process or something?19:27
bigbrovareristikophiles: did u do a clean install or u did an upgrade, if u did an upgrade instead of a clean install. it might be a good idea to test from a livecd if the problem exist or was something caused by a broken upgrade19:33
=== amd is now known as kruckss
eristikophilesbigbrovar- ah i see now19:50
eristikophilesi used the kpackagekit upgrader19:50
bigbrovareristikophiles: well tbh I never do or recommend upgrades, always do a clean install since all 3 years I have been running linux. I even make sure to clean out the hidden files in my home dir (safe for kopete and kmail configs)19:52
bigbrovarthat way I start fresh19:53
eristikophilesi didn't want to lose my settings19:53
bigbrovareristikophiles: yeah I understand, :) anyway just try the livecd, we are not certain what the cause is19:54
bigbrovarjust want to troubleshoot and try and see if from a fresh setup does ur sound work? so the livecd is one way to find out19:54
bigbrovareristikophiles: u can also create a new user (call it foo) and see if sound works from there19:55
eristikophilesi'll try a livecd at some point. rebooting is a tedious process though19:56
eristikophilesthis is an old refurbished box.. P419:56
eristikophilesi don't want to reboot right now :)19:56
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bigbrovareristikophiles: u can always create a new user20:13
bigbrovarand try the sound from there20:14
LjLnatty - how can i use the Start and Menu keys as KDE shortcuts?20:34
Peace-LjL: ?20:36
Peace-LjL: unity like?20:36
szalLjL: for what?20:36
LjLPeace-, szal: i don't know what unity is like, but i always had Menu bring up Yakuake in KDE3, and i'd like Start to bring up KRunner20:37
shane4kubuntuOk, this should be a simple question for you KDE'rs, in nautilus, I always clicked on a file to select it, then I could delete it, copy it or paste it, by right clicking on it, every time I click on a file in dolphin it opens it, how would one just select it??20:37
Peace-shane4kubuntu: ok... it's simple20:38
szalLjL: Systemsettings -> Common Appearance and Behaviour -> Shortcuts and Hotkeys20:38
Peace-shane4kubuntu: systemsettings==> top right there is a filter bar , type mouse20:38
szalshane4kubuntu: I think I told you that before..  press Ctrl & click20:39
asranielshane4kubuntu: into the mous configuration of your system, and change opening from singe click to double click20:39
Peace-shane4kubuntu: then... go in the mouse windwos , set double click...20:39
Peace-shane4kubuntu: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/12/plasma-desktopGH4845.jpg20:39
Peace-shane4kubuntu: btw even in the settings of dolphin there is an option instead to go on system setting for lazy man like me...20:40
Peace-shane4kubuntu: dolphin settings ==> http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/12/plasma-desktopAv4845.jpg20:41
shane4kubuntuThanks Peace- szal asraniel  but is that what you all do, is change it from single to double click?20:48
asranielshane4kubuntu: pretty much20:48
* szal doesn't20:48
shane4kubuntuI mean, I guess I don't mind doing that, but just wondered if there was a KDE way20:48
shane4kubuntuoh, right szal does ctrl & click, but that requires two hands.20:49
asranielshane4kubuntu: for usability reasons kde decided that its better to have single click. most users don't agree i suppose. But the advante of kde is that you can change it easily and fast, not like some other DEs..20:49
szalshane4kubuntu: that _is_ the KDE way ^^20:49
szalor, rather, the Unix way20:49
asranielshane4kubuntu: you can also hover over the icon, and then a little plus icon apears that lets you select it20:49
asranielshane4kubuntu: that i use actually, because its easier than shift + click for multiple files20:49
masandHi ev'rybody20:49
shane4kubuntuasraniel: right, I have done the + and - signs before, and that is good for mutliple files.20:49
masandI'm form Italy20:50
masandnice to talk with you20:50
shane4kubuntuok, I think I got it, instead of left clicking, to select the file, I can directly right click on one file and then select the option i want, hmm, perhaps that is better, one click verus two.20:50
=== 5EXACM72B is now known as TNZfr
szalmasand: no real need for formalities..  have a question?  ask..  wanna chat? -> #kubuntu-offtopic20:51
TNZfrhi all20:51
shane4kubuntu!hello | TNZfr20:52
TNZfrI've a question for a XP return on Natty ...20:52
masandI can't set correctly the Kwin shadows20:52
TNZfractually, I'm using Maverick with KDE 420:52
TNZfrIs it necessary to migrate to natty ?20:53
TNZfrI think i'm going to wait for KDE 4.7.1 or later ... what's your opinion ?20:54
masandthe kwin shadows are independent from the focus... why?20:54
szalTNZfr: "necessary" is your decision..  Maverick will be supported until the release of Oneiric, so you can stick w/ it for some more months20:54
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=64620:55
TNZfrszal: thx, but i'm wondering about the kernel version and enhanced radeon support in fact20:56
Peace-TNZfr: no20:56
szalTNZfr: kernel version will stay the same, only new rolls for bugfixes20:57
TNZfrPeace-:  ??? no for what ?20:57
TNZfrso is there someone to explain me the radeon support addons in natty ?20:58
LjLszal, sure, except Shortcuts and Hotkeys does not let me select Start and Menu specifically as valid keys, which is why i asked21:00
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone21:07
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110421:10
aapzakhi, I just used some code to remove resize grip on gtk apps. I cannot find how to do this for KDE apps. Can you help me?21:30
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calcmandan_Hi kubuntus22:21
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shane4kubuntuanyone here use ubuntuone?22:26
shane4kubuntuwhat do I need to do to get it running on kde?22:26
LjLwhere in Kubuntu do i set parameters from [front and back] microphone, line input, aux input, and the various output? KMix only has one single slider for input, plus one for output.22:29
DarthFrogLjL: You would have to install more componets of pulseaudio: paprefs, paman, padevchooser and pavucontrol.  Then run padevchooser22:37
LjLDarthFrog: padevchooser seems to be a GTK app... so this is not doable from within KDE?22:38
DarthFrogLjL: KDE has gone to pulseaudio as the backend to Phonon.  You could remove pulseaudio and use the alsa utils instead if you wish.22:39
szalwhy the Gtk phobia?22:40
shane4kubuntuLjL: check the prefs in kmix22:41
LjLszal: because if i had wanted to use GTK i wouldn't be on KDE22:42
shane4kubuntuLjL: actually settings and -> setup I think,22:42
LjLshane4kubuntu: there is Audio Setup, but i cannot make heads or tails of it to be honest22:43
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shane4kubuntukmix asks me: KDE detected that one or more internal sound devices were removed, do I want to permanently forget about these devices?  that is odd, I didn't remove nothing22:43
shane4kubuntuLjL: sorry I can't be of much more help there, I'm a gnome convert.22:43
shane4kubuntudoes kde usually use gstreamer as the backend?22:44
LjLi think these days it does22:44
LjLi'm a KDE3 convert myself22:44
LjLi'm not sure i'm not converting back though at this point :\22:44
James147shane4kubuntu: in 11.04 it does22:44
shane4kubuntuLjL: well, I'm not going back to Unity, and will sit out of gnome3 for a bit, while they update.22:45
shane4kubuntuthanks James14722:45
ooki2dayI choose recommended driver for nvidia, but when I click to enable desktop effects, i see this22:50
ooki2dayFailed to activate desktop effects using the given configuration options. Settings will be reverted to their previous values.22:50
ooki2dayCheck your X configuration. You may also consider changing advanced options, especially changing the compositing type.22:50
ooki2daywhat I need to do?22:50
=== flavio is now known as Guest42923
szalooki2day: define "recommended driver"22:52
James147ooki2day: did you restart after you neabled them?22:53
James147enabled ^^22:53
ooki2dayI use recommended driver22:53
szadekHi people can someone help me sync ipad with amarok ? it shows in local Music as Apple ipad , but it says it has 0 tracks ( Im on kubuntu natty with amarok 2.4.1 )22:53
ooki2dayand I will restarted after enabled22:55
ooki2dayanybode told me what can I do?23:01
szalooki2day: again, what is the "recommended driver"?23:13
ooki2daysystem->additional drivers->recommended23:14
ooki2dayin kubuntu 11.04 released at march it works23:16
ooki2daybut now I installed full release23:17
szalooki2day: still doesn't tell me what exact driver that is23:18
ooki2dayrecommended driver is driver wich was tested by the ubuntu developers23:20
* gomiboy thinks this will never end23:22
ooki2dayin additional drivers I have two-version 173 and version current. I use version current23:22
ooki2dayversion curren is recommended by ubuntu developers23:23
ooki2daybut I can't enable effects23:23
ooki2dayszal: do you understand what is the "recommended driver"?23:25
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
szalI can guess, but still not sure23:26
szalI'd like you to pastebin 2 things -> (1) sudo lspci; (2) sudo lsmod23:26
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:26
szalooki2day: another thing -> sudo dpkg -l '*nvidia*'23:33
James147szal: dont need sudo to list23:34
szalJames147: whatever23:34
szaldoesn't make a difference in this case ^^23:34
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:40
ooki2day sudo dpkg -l '*nvidia*' to paste?23:41
ubuntubuenas noche23:43

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