
=== sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: wgrant | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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ElectricPrismWhat's the Difference between LaunchPad and GitHub?10:08
tsimpsonlots ;)10:08
tsimpsonLaunchpad is more geared towards project management, GitHub is mostly code hosting10:09
tsimpsonthat, and and LP uses Bzr rather than Git10:09
ElectricPrismI'm writing a PHP Application Framework, would it be logical for me to choose one of these services or neither?10:10
ElectricPrismIt's mainly in PHP, MySQL5, CSS3, JavaScript...etc10:11
tsimpsonit's up to you really, have a look at https://launchpad.net/+tour to see what things you can do in LP10:12
ElectricPrismok awsome thanks10:12
tsimpsonif you mostly just want code hosting, then either would work fine10:12
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=== vila is now known as vila-afk
=== jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: jcsackett | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
=== vila-afk is now known as vila
coffeedudederyck, morning.14:31
deryckcoffeedude: morning, bro14:31
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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dvdkhi, have a question about upload.ubuntu.com17:30
dvdkaccidentally uploaded a *proprietary* in-house package there (my dput was misconfigured)17:31
dvdktold me it was denied.  still, would like to be sure, that a copy of the package is not retained in incoming17:31
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jelknerIs this an appropriate channel for asking a question about renaming  a project and a bzr branch contained within it?17:39
jelmerjelkner, hi17:46
jelknerjelmer, hi17:48
jelmerjelkner: Please ask a question in http://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad about having the project renamed.17:48
jelkneri will17:49
jelknerbut i was hoping to get help formulating the question17:49
jelkneri'm not exactly sure what to ask for17:49
jelknerbasically, we have a series of tutorials we want to translate into spanish17:50
jelmerjelkner, Ask for a project to be renamed and mention the old project name and the new project name, as well as your relation to the project.17:50
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CarlFK/bin/sh: python2.6: not found - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/71593226/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-amd64.dvsmon_1.1-2ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:35
CarlFKBuild-Depends: cdbs (>= 0.4.49), debhelper (>= 5.0.38), python-central (>= 0.6.0), python (>= 2.4)18:36
CarlFKwhat is specifying 2.6?18:36
CarlFKhttp://dpaste.de/wy3i/  debian/control18:38
AmpelbeinCarlFK: from your pasted log: "set -e; for buildver in 2.6 2.7; do \"18:48
AmpelbeinCarlFK: probably in debian/rules18:48
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CarlFKrules...  include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk  include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/python-distutils.mk18:49
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maxbCarlFK: I'd guess you're missing Build-Depends: python-all-dev18:52
CarlFKmaxb: k - seems harmless :)18:52
CarlFKshould I pull python (>= 2.4) ?18:53
CarlFKremove it from Build-Depends18:54
maxbWhat Ubuntu series are you targetting with this?18:55
CarlFKkinda.  might do maverick too.  I am 90% of the user base18:56
maxbIf it was natty only, I'd say it's time to stop using python-central18:56
maxbIn any case, you should remove python (>= 2.5) from your binary package dependencies, and include ${python:Depends}18:57
CarlFKheh - my fresh natty install is broken.  falling back to mav...19:05
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
CarlFK"[PPA carlfk] [ubuntu/maverick] dvsmon 1.1-2ubuntu3 (Accepted)" - this should have a link to the lp status page19:19
CarlFKhttps://launchpad.net/~carlfk/+archive/ppa/+build/2500987           Finished 16 minutes ago                    (took 9 minutes, 16.1 seconds)19:21
CarlFKhuh, I didn't get the email19:21
=== medberry is now known as med_out
johHi, is it possible to move a ppa to a new location? Preferably so that users don't have to update their sources with the new URL...19:48
CarlFKjoh: um, what's the point?19:53
johCarlFK: https://answers.launchpad.net/alarm-clock/+question/15723619:53
CarlFKi still don't see the point19:55
johCarlFK: I guess it's cleaner to have the ppa under a team rather than a person..?19:56
CarlFKI think the "preferably... redirect" muddles the cleaner20:04
lifelessjoh: make a new ppa20:08
lifelessjoh: upload the things you want to it20:08
lifelessand delete the old one20:09
lifelesswe don't support redirects to newer ppa urls (for a few reasons, including apt not having a UI for it)20:09
johlifeless: ah ok, then I'm not sure it's worth it...20:09
lifelessif you want it team maintained it is :), but only you can decide that20:10
johyeah, well it's basically just to keep packages which haven't been updated in universe yet.20:11
johlifeless: what are the advantages of having it team maintained?20:13
lifelessjoh: multiple people can upload to it20:17
johlifeless: ah ok20:20
jcsackettsinzui: you free for help contact?20:30
sinzuiyes, sorry20:30
=== sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: sinzui | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
jcsackettsinzui: thanks, and no worries. :-)20:31
=== warp10` is now known as warp10
dvdkis this the right place to ask a question about upload.ubuntu.com?22:11
dvdk(already tried to ask before, but didn't got a reply)22:11
dvdktoday i accidentally uploaded a proprietary package to upload.ubuntu.com,22:12
dvdkwhich was immediately rejected22:12
dvdkstill, I figure, the data may continue to be stored in the incoming directory for some time?22:12
dvdk(unreadable to me, it seems, but who knows who has access?)22:12
dvdkstartled? :)22:13
dvdkpackage was ment to be but into a company-internal repository via 'dput'22:13
dvdkbut the 'dput' shipped with ubuntu uploads to upload.ubuntu.com by default (i.e. no server given on command line)22:14
dvdkso my question is: (a) are uploads rejected due to missing signature immediately deleted? and (b) whom to contact to ask for deletion if (a)'s anwer is "no".22:17
lifelessI believe they are22:20
lifelesseach upload goes into a unique temp dir22:20
lifelessand that is either blessed or discarded22:20
dvdklifeless: ah cool.  that's what i hoped for22:20
dvdkthen maybe i'll be able to keep my job :)22:20
lifelessI can confirm that in a bit, if you like22:21
lifeless(to be absolutely sure, I mean)22:21
dvdklifeless: that would be incredible (and make me sleep better :)22:21
lifelesssome folk intimately familiar with this part of the system come online in ~1.5 hours.22:21
lifelessI will double check with them.22:21
dvdklifeless: do you need the name of the package? to look for?22:22
lifelessif the thing hasn't been immediately deleted, only the sysadmins would be able to see it22:22
lifelessand we can get them to delete all failed uploads if thats the case22:22
lifelessdvdk: I don't think so, no.22:22
lifelessbut if you want to msg it to me that can't hurt22:22
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