
SalvatosLooks like I didn't get lucky; my computer says the USB drive isn't bootable00:03
MrChrisDruifI don't know Salvatos00:06
SalvatosWould Ubuntu's disk creator normally work or did I miss a step?00:07
MrChrisDruifI don't know what you've tried so far, nor do I have real time to get into your problem. It's 1 AM here, so you understand I hope?00:07
SalvatosOf course00:08
MrChrisDruifI've had issues with Ubuntu's disk creater before00:08
SalvatosMaybe I could try with UNetbootin00:09
MrChrisDruifOn Windows it works perfectly :)00:10
SalvatosUsing UNet?00:10
MrChrisDruifYup, unetbootin on Windows works perfect00:13
SalvatosOkay, well I just ran it under Ubuntu, the USB does look a bit different00:14
SalvatosI'll try that and if it still fails, wil try reformatting it and preparing it under Windows00:14
MrChrisDruifAlright, good sign I think00:14
SalvatosThanks for the help00:14
MrChrisDruifYour welcome00:14
SalvatosGood night00:14
MrChrisDruifYou too00:15
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keithclarkHey folks!03:23
keithclarkAnyone up and about?03:25
keithclarkI'm just trying the new livecd of the 64 bit version and was wondering if Lubuntu is supposed to support broadcom out of the box?03:28
WiZnot usually03:28
keithclarkOk, thanks03:28
WiZyou need to run the additional drivers03:28
keithclarkYes, but they don't work off of the download, correct?03:29
WiZhmmm not sure if there is a local repo but give it a shot03:30
WiZwhen you click on the network icon does it say firmware missing?03:30
keithclarkWell, didn't work without a lot of effort for me.  Deal breaker on my particular setup.03:31
cpatrick008keithclark, i did not lubuntu had a 64 bit version thought they only had a 32 bit version03:31
keithclarkcpatrick008, new and unsupported at the moment.03:31
keithclarkJust providing feeback03:31
cpatrick008keithclark, can i have a link to the 64 bit version03:32
Unit193cpatrick008: You should use the torrent!03:32
keithclarkI am currently seeding it on another machine.03:32
keithclarkI cannot remember the address03:32
keithclarkUnit193, do you know it?03:32
Unit193keithclark: Sadly it's on OMGUbuntu (It's not even had full beta testing)03:33
cpatrick008ok i will look there03:33
keithclarkThere you go.03:33
keithclarkhey, I'm just testing it and providing feedback.03:34
cpatrick008ok i found it hhttp://linuxtracker.org/index.php?page=torrent-details&id=b29819701aedf1470ee098112fb2003eb881da2503:35
keithclarkI cannot remember if 32 bit Lubuntu supports broadcom out of the box though03:35
keithclarkcpatrick008, yup, my machine will be helping there03:35
cpatrick008cant wait to try lubuntu currently running xubuntu03:36
keithclarkActually I have to try xubuntu03:37
Unit193Both Natty versions are nice!03:37
keithclarkDoes it work with broadcom out of the box?03:37
brobo|hwI just recently got lubuntu to work in a vbox and am trying now to figure out how to get/modify code03:37
brobo|hwI've never been in a project as large as Lubuntu so I'm pretty new to it but am looking forward to giving it a shoot :)03:38
WiZbroadcom not usually supported ootb as the firmware is needed03:38
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keithclarkIs there any buntu that supports broadcom?03:39
WiZhmmm - I think elementary might if it's a newer card03:40
keithclarkNope, older03:40
jmarsdenkeithclark: Which broadcomm chip?03:41
cpatrick008you should a intel wireless card it works out of the box03:41
keithclarkI forget now.  4318?03:41
WiZyou can give it a try - it works ootb on one of my broadcom cards but not the other03:41
jmarsdenYou can probably use the b43-fwcutter to handle that one.   sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter03:42
* KM0201 has good luck w/ atheros cards03:42
KM0201some cards dont' use b43, they use sta.03:43
keithclarkjmarsden, I'm on a wireless machine03:43
KM0201Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:43
WiZjmarsden I don't think he has another network connection03:43
cpatrick008that is how to do it with no internet access03:43
jmarsdenkeithclark: Download the .deb for b43-fwcutter using windows, stick it on a USB stick, sudo dpkg -i it, ... usual approach... right?03:44
WiZkeithclark if your card works with sta then elementary will work ootb03:44
KM0201cpatrick008: depends on the device, if it uses b43, you have to download the firmware manually, STA doesn't require b43 firmware.. so it really depends on which broadcom he has (not all of themw orkw / STA)03:44
keithclarkjmarsden, windows?03:44
jmarsdenOr some otehr OS that works with your network hardware...03:45
KM0201keithclark: if you can wire to your router/connection temporarily, that works also.,03:45
cpatrick008here is b43 instructions with no Internet access https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43%20-%20No%20Internet%20access03:45
jmarsdenkeithclark: You are online now, so you clearly have some form of internet capability in some OS or other :)03:45
keithclarkKM0201, yeah, not possible at the moment.  I'll try later, thanks guys03:45
KM0201keithclark: just look at that link i gave you... it helps you find which card you have, and tells you which driver you need03:46
KM0201and then goes through the installation procedure03:46
WiZkeithclark you are online using linux now lol03:46
keithclarkwiz, yes, on at another location03:47
WiZkernel 2.6.38-803:47
WiZahhh okay03:47
keithclarkwiz, not always as simple as you think03:47
WiZhmmm it is, once you figure the answer lol03:48
jonathan__any devs around?03:59
jmarsdenjonathan__: Ask your question, I might help ... dev who know about what specifically?? :)04:01
cpatrick008does anybody know if LXMusic supports ipod syncing04:02
jonathan__I signed up for the team and want to help out but I need to learn how to do packaging etc.04:02
jmarsdenjonathan__: Have you read and understood the Ubuntu Packaging Guide ?  It is a good starting point for learning packaging... :)04:03
jonathan__do I need to know programming?04:05
jmarsdenKnowing some scripting helps, but is not always 100% needed.04:05
jmarsdenjonathan__: Maybe start at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted04:06
jonathan__looks like I have some practicing to do04:06
jmarsdenor for an Lubuntu-specific place to see how to contribute, try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved04:06
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jonathan__are we just trying to fix problematic packages?04:08
jmarsdenjonathan__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Developers/TODO04:09
jmarsdenjonathan__: Seems to me you have not spent much time on the Lubuntu wiki pages yet?  it might be a good place to do some reading :)04:09
jonathan__that reminds me04:10
jonathan__we're supposed to create our own page?04:10
cpatrick008does anybody know if LXMusic supports ipod syncing04:10
jonathan__I'm pretty confused at the moment because I've never developed anything before04:10
jmarsdenjonathan__: Decide what you want to do, then you have a chance of learning enough to do it... :)  writing a web page or wiki page is not "developing" in the usual software sense of the term.04:17
jonathan__I think it was requested when we signed up04:17
jmarsdenSee  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WikiCourse if you need something to help with that04:18
jmarsdenIt is conventional for most people working on Lubuntu to have a wiki page, yes.04:18
jmarsdenBut the amount of work needed for that compared to learning packaging from zero ... is tiny :)04:19
jmarsdenDo, decide what you want to do, then do it :)04:19
jonathan__I guess it doesn't matter since I don't know much yet04:19
jonathan__you guys are really helpful04:19
jmarsdenGood :)04:19
pwrusrWhere would one setup keyboard shortcuts ??04:23
jonathan__you have to edit your ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml04:27
jonathan__here's a gui tool if you want it http://code.google.com/p/obkey/04:28
pwrusrno the rc.xml works ty 4 the response04:30
bioterrorabout 7 hours of seeding and my amd64 ratio is 5204:55
jgouldOk,  So I want to have a pure Lubuntu install without gnome, unity or xubuntu.  what is the easiest way?05:07
bioterrorwhat's the starting point?05:07
jgouldStarting point was a Ubuntu 11.04 amd64 install05:07
bioterrorif that removes lubuntu packages, then you can install lubuntu-desktop again and it will fetch them05:09
jgouldHeh.  Everytime I've tried to use that method, I've managed to break the system to the point of a reinstall05:10
bioterrorhow so05:12
bioterrorworks like a charm!05:12
Unit193jgould: That's on your Mac?05:13
ubuntui am running the 64 bit lubuntu from usb and i love it better than xfce05:41
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seidoswhat's your mem usage cpatrick008 ?06:06
cpatrick0081109mb of 3952mb used and i am running xchat taskmanager the installer and chromium06:08
cpatrick008but it went down to 108206:08
cpatrick008seidos, it is 992mb of 3952mb with the installer and task manager and xchat running06:12
seidoshmmm, i wonder if that was +/- buffers and cache :|, seems kind of high06:24
head_victimseidos: I regularly use around 1gb of ram on my machine07:29
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Valentinewhat is this annoying thing whenever i start my system http://maketecheasier.com/auto-unlock-keyring-manager-in-ubuntu-intrepid/2009/03/14 , i even tick the Automatically unlock keyring but on next boot this annoying dialogue appears again.09:22
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Valentinefree users, pls comment here asking him to add Lubuntu icon for his WP plugin http://kyleabaker.com/goodies/coding/wp-useragent/09:41
head_victimgilir: about the update to the release notes, would it be worth putting in some sort of indication what hdd space is minimal?10:58
head_victimIt's just a common question in here that I've noticed is all.10:58
gilirhead_victim: I'm not sure of the real disk space needed, between 3 and 3,5 Gb11:05
head_victimgilir: fair enough, might be something for me to test when I get my VMs back up and running11:10
skumarahi, i'm new. I want to know wheather we can install and run kde and gnome software in lubuntu?12:16
WiZanything will install and run but the dependencies needed may me quite a few in some cases12:18
WiZis there any specific software you had in mind skumara12:19
skumarawiz evolution, banshee, screenlet12:20
WiZyes they will run - evolution is quite heavy12:20
skumaraok thank you wiz. i'm downloading lubuntu now12:21
ahmaI cannot find out what I should do if I want lubuntu not to ask password when I log in. How can I do it? From"Users and Groups" option seems not to work.12:54
AscavasaionHOw do I get the Lock Desktop feature in Lubuntu?  I do not seit in the standard Applets.13:42
bioterrorthere's second last13:43
MK`:O you guys got official? Congrats!!15:00
vanni_hi there15:28
vanni_just discovered lubuntu via hacker news -> http://digitizor.com/2011/05/12/ubuntu-11-10-lightdm/15:29
vanni_then I went to lxde.org (the official lxde website)15:29
vanni_and what???15:29
vanni_domain expired15:30
vanni_on May 215:30
leszekvanni_: must be a co-incident15:32
vanni_seems strange to me15:32
leszekvanni_: you can also ask here, if you want to learn more about lxde15:32
vanni_thx, not a newbie :P15:32
vanni_only there to say the lxrt domain fact15:33
leszekyeah its strange, but not unusual15:33
vanni_ah ok someone does not pay the bills?15:34
MK`heh yeah that's usually what happens15:34
MK`someone forgets15:34
vanni_ok then15:34
MK`also, that's when you first heard of Lubuntu? :)15:35
vanni_there an article on HN front page about GDM -> LightDM switch on Ubuntu 11.1015:36
vanni_it says Lubuntu will adopt LightDM too15:36
MK`it was probably listed because of that <3 good things happening already!15:37
vanni_then I went to official Lubuntu site and then to lxde.org (linked there)15:37
vanni_and then "Mark Shuttleworth says "Thank you" to lubuntu community"15:38
vanni_oh, I said... good thing!15:38
vanni_but... domain expired on lxde.org on which is based Lubuntu...15:39
vanni_I had a bad feeling about this15:39
MK`hm, May 2? that is weird15:40
vanni_How can be Lubuntu an official Ubuntu derivative if the main component website is offline?15:40
MK`well, it's just a domain15:40
MK`I'm sure the site is still up15:40
vanni_I see an ad landing page15:40
MK`yeah the domain name expired15:41
MK`I dunno the IP though :P15:41
vanni_ok then, I have to go... good luck for the project! ;)15:42
MK`got the 64-bit iso :D16:00
MK`hi nk :-16:27
Soupermanito:D I't exists!16:57
MK`welcome to the awesome16:57
Soupermanitoso I run xubuntu and i want to try lxde, should i >sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends as MK` said to me? :P16:58
Soupermanitook, here it goes, >YES16:58
jmarsdenTo those worried about lxde.org -- all the LXDE codebase is in git on other servers, which remain accessible.  Do not panic :)17:03
MK`Yeah, I figured the domain just expired17:05
* WiZ isn't panicking :P17:05
xuzashi everyone17:07
xuzason lxde hotkeys configuration, for what stands the "S" button?17:08
Soupermanitoups caplocks17:09
Soupermanitoso i just leave gdm? or i change it to lxdm?17:10
MK`Soupermanito: you can always change it again later17:12
craigbass1976I'm quitting firefox.  This means I'm also quitting fireftp.  What's the best replacement?  Filezilla doesn't allow me to edit the files live so well as fireftp did; I've got to save it, then close it for the changes to take effect17:12
MK`xuzas: maybe Super?17:12
MK`if not shift17:13
xuzasi thought it was shift. but neither shift nor super17:13
MK`probably not Scroll Lock or SysRq :P17:14
xuzasi just want to create this keybind:: Shift + Ctrl + Alt + Right17:15
xuzashow should i do?17:15
bioterrorwhat your combination does?17:15
MK`gilir: are you on the box with the isos I wanted? :D17:16
bioterrorMK`, UDS still continues17:16
MK`Oh, yeah17:16
bioterrorxuzas, yes? what that key combination should do17:17
xuzassending a window to the desktop situated on the right17:19
bioterrorit's binded already17:20
bioterroralt+shift + arrow17:20
bioterroreasier to drop ctrl off17:21
xuzasoh! yes, you're right. thank's, bioterror!17:21
xuzasi searched in the config file but nothing :Sç17:21
bioterrormore about bindings, check ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml17:21
xuzasthere's where i tryed to change it17:22
xuzasputting »S-C-A-Right«17:22
xuzasmaybe it doesen't support keybindigs longer than 3 keys?17:25
bioterrorI dunno, no reason to use ctrl-shift-alt as alt+shift is easier to press17:27
Soupermanito:D it works, is nice, D: It uses chromium...17:27
bioterroror ctrl+alt17:27
bioterrori think alt+shift is openbox default17:28
xuzasyes, i think it's better so17:30
xuzasdon't know why they put ctrl+alt+shift+right by default :S17:31
xuzasin gnome*17:32
bioterrorbecouse gnome17:32
MK`xuzas: it maybe your keyboard isn't recognizing too many keypresses?17:34
xuzasthat's not the point17:34
MK`I can press z+x+right but not z+x+left :D17:34
bioterrorMK`, you need keytronic 2000!17:38
bioterrorszczur, do you agree with me?17:39
bioterrorhttp://www.virtualmicro.com/images/product_images/keytronic-kbd-kt800.gif .D17:39
szczuragree with what?17:40
MK`This is just a laptop keyboard is why17:40
szczuryou sent two images of keyboard :P17:41
bioterrorszczur, that keytronic keyboards are awesome17:41
bioterroryou can press half of the keys and it recognizes them17:41
szczuryup, that's right :)17:41
MK`when I cannot even press 3 keys at once it renders me mostly unable to game on here D:17:41
bioterrorgood for playing Slicks n Slide :D17:41
szczurbut it reminds me the time of DIN connector etc. :)17:42
szczurbut i have keyboard like this, connected right now17:42
einseenaihello, guys, is lxdm themable?17:43
einseenaicool, thx17:43
bioterrorchange background and so on17:44
craigbass1976Is there a text editor with built in ftp anyone can recommend?18:02
seidosthe only thing that i can think of is emacs, but i need about 20 more times trying to use it to be able to tell you if that functionality is already in it craigbass197618:04
craigbass1976seidos, I really wish the notepad++ guy would port it to linux...18:05
Soupermanitowine it18:05
jrgiffordjust use gmate. notepad++18:07
* jrgifford hit enter too soon18:07
jrgiffordnotepad++ isn't that great (IMHO)18:08
KM0201what is notepad++?18:09
jrgiffordnotepad++ is a plaintext editor for windows.18:10
craigbass1976but it had ftp...  I just switched from FF to Chromium, and I'm missing fireftp. It did what I wanted.  Filezilla and gftp keep asking me about saving, and that's only after I shut Geany down.  I'd like ot hit save in Geany (after opening the file in the first place live in the ftp client) and have it save the file to the server right then18:11
jrgiffordwhen i do ftp, i generally fire up filezilla.18:12
jrgiffordhowever, that's rare, because i just do a git push heroku. :P18:12
craigbass1976jrgifford, that's giving me the same trouble.  Have you found a way around it?18:12
craigbass1976git push heroku... sounds dirty18:12
jrgiffordcraigbass1976, nope.18:13
seidostoo bad you can't use scp, or some simple cli tool18:13
seidosto just push the file up18:13
craigbass1976I could scp, I'd just rather do it in one step, from the text editor.  With fireftp, I could also edit jpg with gimp on the fly...18:14
seidosi wish i could help.  maybe the geany guys could.  they might be interested in the feature you are talking about18:16
MK`notepad++ is fantastic18:19
MK`I really do hope they port it18:19
Soupermanitojust tryed it jrgifford and it works perfectly whit wine18:22
jrgiffordi might give it a go. i never really tried it.18:22
jrgiffordewww. . . notepad++ looks ugly in openbox gnomes session. :P18:30
bioterrorjrgifford, basic windows application18:39
bioterrorjrgifford, ofcourse it looks fugly ;)18:39
Unit193They need a linux version of N++ ;)18:40
MK`paint.net is higher priority18:42
bioterrorUnit193, http://tclpad.sourceforge.net/18:42
jrgiffordbioterror, agreed. of course it's ugly. ;)18:43
bioterrorUnit193, does that satisfy you? :D18:44
Unit193bioterror: Not really? I'll just use Scite (or use it in wine...)18:45
bioterrornano is okay18:46
bioterroras you can teach different languages and configs for it18:46
jrgiffordvim is better than nano. :P18:46
bioterrorI can deal with vi, but somehow it's not my piece of cake18:46
Unit193nano is sweet (That's the one I use most)18:47
bioterrorsame here18:47
jrgiffordyeah, I know a far amount of people that can use vi(m), but don't because it's not their thing. editors are a touchy subject.18:47
Unit193And if you HAVE to use win, there is a version for it :D18:47
bioterrorI've used pico/nano since 199818:48
bioterrorand it works :)18:48
einseenaiguys, does lubuntu use libnotify? and are these popups as customizable as in xfce?18:48
bioterroreinseenai, dpkg -l libnotify18:48
bioterrordpkg -l |grep libnotify18:49
bioterrordpkg -L libnotify118:49
einseenaibioterror, is it kinda conf file? in xfce it's possible to place notification in different corners of screen and they r themable18:50
bioterroreinseenai, try command notification-properties18:52
bioterrorhi kille ;)18:55
=== kille is now known as kill3
einseenaibioterror, thx :-) i first need to install lubuntu to check out. i just wanted to know the level of customizability before i switch to lubuntu.19:04
Lostmonkis there a wubi for lubuntu?19:05
bioterrortehcnically  I hope not19:06
bioterrorbut there's some exe -files in amd64 at least19:06
Lostmonkbecause I have a lubuntu cd, and it never fully loads19:06
Lostmonkand the laptop is so old it has no burner19:06
bioterroryou dont have friends with cd-rw -drive?19:07
Lostmonkyeah, thats where I just burnt the cd the other day19:07
Unit193Lostmonk: Does the laptop support booting from USB?19:12
Lostmonkits an old p319:16
leszekLostmonk: is the cd-drive working so far that it lets you get to the boot menu ?19:20
leszekthen your laptop is able to boot from usb19:21
leszekjust create a usb stick with unetbootin19:21
leszekput it in your usb slot19:21
leszekboot from cd until boot screen shows up , remove quiet & splash from boot options and press enter. Wait until kernel and initrd are loaded and remove cd19:22
leszekit should then boot further on from usb19:22
Lostmonkit will automatically search for the usb?19:23
leszekit will search all drives technically speaking for the filesystem.squashfs19:23
Lostmonkis there a least sys req for lubuntu?19:23
leszekso basically you can also put the filesystem.squashfs onto the hd and it will boot from there19:24
Lostmonkits a p3 withh like 256m ram19:24
Lostmonkthat should run lubuntu, right?19:24
leszekpretty well :)19:24
Lostmonkthought so19:24
leszekah the fileystem.squashfs needs to be in the casper directory. So if you are really thinking to put it on the harddisk don't forget to put it into this directory19:26
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bioterrorabout 24 hours of seeding Lubuntu-11.04-amd64.iso and ratio is 94.520:08
bioterrornot bad20:09
MrChrisDruif94.5? =-O20:11
MrChrisDruifHmmm...linuxtracker does a better job at uploading it seems...20:12
MrChrisDruifAbout 10x the speed of publicbt :P20:12
bioterrorthat's where I've been seeding20:13
bioterrorI've set my upload to 350kb/s20:13
MrChrisDruifbioterror; I've set it to unlimited...20:13
bioterrorI like to have steady bandwith20:13
MrChrisDruifBut it's going at ~50 KiB/s20:14
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xuzashi there!23:03
xuzaswhat's the default keybind for screenlock?23:03
bioterrorThu15:43*<bioterror> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ23:03
bioterrorI just searched that line ;)23:04
bioterrorwas it second last section or something23:04
xuzasi don't get this keybind to work. did you do?23:34
bioterrorxuzas, I dont use it23:35
bioterrorbut many people has ;)23:35
bioterrorxuzas, windows + l should lock your screen23:35
xuzasbut it doesnt23:35
bioterrorxuzas, try command openbox --reconfigure23:35
bioterrorit reloads your configs23:35
xuzasit doesn't23:41
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