
charlie-tcaGood evening! we are back already... :-)02:14
cpatrick008does anybody know when the daily and daily-live iso's will be out for oneiric03:08
charlie-tcacpatrick008: usually not until just before alpha103:18
sony_hey guys04:01
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trinikronoare daily images of oneiric availible as yet?04:55
wolteranybody using gnome 3 / gnome shell ?05:44
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zniavregood afternoon13:23
zniavreif i can't run unity cause blacklisted hardware (natty and maybe 11.10) do you think gnome3 + shell  can run ?13:24
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sagaciany indication of when daily images will start for oneiric... I'm guessing a week or two after UDS...?14:39
CardinalFangsagaci, daily images of what?14:56
sagaciCardinalFang: err, snapshot releases.. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/14:58
sagacii assumed they started a bit before alpha 114:58
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rcmaehlTime to break 11.1019:48
rcmaehlisn't oneiric ocelet 11.10?20:18
jo-erlendis there a place to read a short overview of what the main goals are for O?20:42
Picijo-erlend: Wait a few days for stuff to settle down from UDS and there will be something20:44
jo-erlendoh, I haven't paid attention this time... I've been moving house, so things have been rather chaotic. It's just finished?20:45
yofeljo-erlend: it's this week, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/2011-05-13/ is what's left for tmorrow20:47
jo-erlendoh... hehe, then it's a little bit early to ask for conclusions. :)20:48
BUGabundo+1 is open22:26
yofelwb BUGabundo ^^22:27
BUGabundoso what's new?22:27
BUGabundojust heard about WM change22:27
BUGabundoBTRFS is terribly broken22:28
BUGabundoso AVOID using it22:28
yofelreally? I'm on btrfs right now22:28
BUGabundowithout btrfs tools system locks up, corrupts etc22:28
BUGabundowith it, every boot is being checked22:28
BUGabundoand terribly slow booting22:28
yofelI deleted the fsck.btrfs, didn't break anything so far22:28
semitones do people usually run the development ubuntu in a vm I guess22:28
BUGabundosemitones: not all of us22:28
yofelsemitones: most people do, I on hardware22:29
BUGabundoI've been running bare metal since 7.0422:29
semitonesi thought it might endanger the disks or something22:30
yofelbtrfs with compression is cool, but I trashed some VMs before I figured out how to revert a root snapshot22:30
yofelsemitones: in a VM certainly not22:30
BUGabundosemitones: data lost IS real22:31
BUGabundoI tend to do every two weeks a snapshot to another disk22:31
yofelwell, you VM *will* break at some point, that much I can guarantee22:31
BUGabundoand since it's a SSD I have not that much data here22:31
yofelyeah, backups are essential22:31
kklimondayay, open for business!23:01
BUGabundohey hey kklimonda23:02
yofelhey kklimonda23:02
kklimondahuh, gnome devs are smoking some really good stuff..23:03
kklimonda(they are yet again talking about "gnome os" on MLs)23:03
kklimondaso, how is oneiric? stable?23:04
* kklimonda is repeating "I will not upgrade before Beta1, I will not upgrade..."23:04
yofelkubuntu runs fine for me so far, LOL23:04
BUGabundokklimonda: wt heck dude!23:04
BUGabundohow can you ASK that?!23:05
yofelit's not like it'll be broken *before* beta1 anyway ^^23:05
kklimondaBUGabundo: I haven't really been keeping tabs on Ubuntu in last few weeks, so I don't know what's going on ;)23:05
Gulfstreamis it possible to use 'update-manager -d' now or do I still have to modify sources.list?23:06
BUGabundodon't think you can23:07
BUGabundoyou need to sed sources.list for now23:07
kklimondayeah, it's not going to work till alpha1 release afair23:07
BUGabundobut be free to test :P23:07
arandBUGabundo: re. btrfsck, it is a read-only tool, I doubt disabling whould have anything to do with corruption/lockups etc.23:14
BUGabundoarand: tell that to my drive23:14
arandI would guess it's just btrfs in general doing it's thang, beein' 'sperimental etc.23:15
yofelwell, no corruption here so far, let's see how far I get23:15
yofelwasn't that new btrfsck supposed to be out *really* soon now? ^^23:16
arand"End of month" according to some..23:16
yofelodd bug that met me on my eeePC was bug 77421723:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 774217 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "btrfs, core.img too large" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77421723:17
arandBut I guess you can count on it coming out just in time not to make it into oo, that's generally how things go...23:17
yofelwell, I would be fine with that23:17
arandI staill can't really fathom why btrfsck was enabled on natty though... I can only assume by unknowing error..23:19
yofelright, I was wondering why my eeePC booted so slow with btrfs until I installed bootchart which showed fsck.btrfs taking half a minute23:20
Gulfstreambtrfs decreases speed?23:22
BUGabundoI guess ill backup data, upgrade SSD fw23:23
BUGabundoand clean install on ext423:23
arandbtrfsck is a klunky unfinished tool which was never meant to be run on boot..23:23
BUGabundoits not on boot LOL23:24
arandI was referring to the boot speed thing..23:24
yofel_other than btrfsck the speed is ~ok on an SSD, as long as you don't try to use discard23:25
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arandBut yeah in some points btrfs itself is still quite unoptimised..23:25
BUGabundoAPT is *very* *very* slow :(23:28
arandYea that as well..23:29
jtayloruse eatmydata :)23:29
yofelfor me only with discard enabled, there every fsync call took over a second, without it's usable23:29
arandWas just sbout to suggest that :)23:29
yofelI'm using zlib compression here btw23:29
arandWoa, uds is noticable, only 13 package upgrades..23:32

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