
Pendulumso did all of the documentation/outreach stuff just kinda get dropped from UDS?14:12
Pendulum(sorry, vaguely online now, but not really here, just looking at the session notes from Tuesday finally)14:13
Cheri703we did talk about outreach a bit...14:13
Cheri703(also, glad you traveled safely :) )14:13
Pendulumokay, just no notes on the etherpad...14:14
AlanBellhi Pendulum 14:14
* Cheri703 was taking notes, did a crappy job, sorry14:14
AlanBellPendulum: there is audio too14:14
Pendulumor very little14:14
PendulumAlanBell: bad auditory processing so listening without the discussion won't help me :-/14:14
PendulumCheri703: no worries!14:15
Cheri703Pendulum: there weren't necessarily specifics about it, just "we should probably do more outreach" I think14:15
PendulumI guess the documentation/outreach stuff that was on the etherpad from our last meeting just never made it onto the UDS etherpad :-/14:15
Pendulum(so didn't get discussed)14:15
Cheri703well, I think some of the testing classes charlie-tca and I were talking about would be outreach at least to a degree14:16
PendulumI was mostly thinking personas and that side of stuff14:16
Cheri703yeah, we didn't talk much about that14:16
Pendulumand the fact that we need to look at what documentation needs updating/overhauling/to be created14:17
Cheri703we did talk about creating a document that would explain exactly what accessibility things exist and how they fit together (I think that was in the meeting you're talking about)14:18
UndiFineDbut there has been done a lot of outreach onto various sessions regarding a11y and docu14:26
Pendulumcool :)14:26
UndiFineDwhere appropiate I dropped achecker.ca14:26
UndiFineDso they themselves can test for it14:27
UndiFineDwhich is better then no attention to it at all14:27
freglfeedback appreciated: https://live.gnome.org/Hackfests/ATK2011/Agenda/EnablingAccessibilityProposal15:12
freglmaco: ^15:13
macofregl: i don't know anything about dbus, but in #kde-accessibility someone wondered whether the reason QT_ACCESSIBILITY had to be set first is that the widgets have to be created post-ATK-startup.. not the case?15:15
freglright, I can also post in kde-accessibility ... too many channels :p15:15
freglwidgets created post atk startup?15:15
freglI don't understand15:15
maco<tbsaunde> jpwhiting: dbus signal would work, but I wonder if the qt-bridge assumes its loaded at the start of execution15:16
maco<jpwhiting> ah, as in it only creates accessible objects for widgets as they are created? maybe15:16
maco<jpwhiting> but maybe not, it seems to work right on windows where a signal turns on accessibility (I think from fregl's email)15:16
maco<tbsaunde> jpwhiting: yeah, its cetainly a possibility, I just mean that it might take some work on the bridge to make it work15:16
freglwell, if I am going to implement this inside Qt, then it's going to work (I hope at least :p)15:16
freglno, I can create everything at any time, it just needs a bit of work. but that is required no matter what15:16

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