
nlsthznnight all06:05
xnixanmorning, bassem nlsthzn Toki :)07:32
bassemxnixan, Toki has Omar's number!07:32
TokiMorning, bassem, what's up?07:44
bassemToki, hi Toki07:44
xnixanbassem, yep!08:04
bassemxnixan, Toki is here08:04
TokiWhat's up?08:04
xnixanToki, i need Omar's number!08:05
xnixanToki, for sponsoring the group!08:05
TokiNote that it's his policy to not pick up the call if it's inconvinient.08:06
xnixanToki, i was having it before but i lost my mobile :(08:06
TokiHowever, he will reply when he feels he can.08:06
xnixanToki, thanks!08:06
MiriupTihi. Another UAE Linux community with an IRC channel on freenode. Pretty cool. Maybe I show up on the meeting in June.10:19
bassemMiriup, hello13:31
bassemnlsthzn, !!!13:31
MiriupHi bassem! Nice to see an active Linux community in the Emirates again. And also nice to see a meet-up location in my vacinity (Mirdif). ;)13:34
bassemMiriup, you said "another" community !!!13:35
MiriupWell, you most be the only one by now. ;)13:36
bassemMiriup, the only one alive maybe!13:37
MiriupThe #dubailug has a channel here as well. But for at least two years the only regulars are from the Linux DVB project and AFAIK none of them is in the Emirates.13:38
MiriupThat lug also shows occasionally the willingness to meet, but it doesn't happen. A lot of guys also left with the big crash.13:38
MiriupI've seen a lot of familiar names on the meet-up site for your group. :)13:39
bassemMiriup, oh yeah! now I remember, there's another linux room "Linux DVB"13:39
MiriupBut what's really cool is that you have an IRC channel. It keeps the social aspect much more alive than a mailinglist or monthly meetings.13:40
MiriupIMHO at least.13:40
bassemMiriup, you are there #dubailug !13:40
MiriupYes, at least one guy from .ae has to show up there every once in a while, no?! ;)13:41
bassemMiriup, yeah, IRC channel came after the monthly meetings13:41
bassemMiriup, are you in Dubai?13:43
bassemMiriup, cool! and how you find us?13:43
MiriupThere was a discussion on the old uaelug list about you guys doing meetings, which I stumbled over when I cleaned my inbox.13:44
nlsthznbassem: You where looking for me?14:24
bassemnlsthzn, maybe!14:31
nlsthznbassem: well when u finally make up your mind I might still be here14:40
bassemnlsthzn, ok14:41
nlsthznk, cheers for now14:46
* nlsthzn waves17:51
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
nlsthzn-workToki: Ping20:38
Tokinlsthzn-work: Ping back.20:40
nlsthzn-workToki: You are up on-line late tonight?20:41
Tokinlsthzn-work: Home alone.20:42
nlsthzn-workToki: Ah... so when the cats are away... :)20:43
Tokinlsthzn-work: Not familiar with the saying, but I guess that's how it is.20:44
TokimlNot familiar with the saying, but I guess that's how it is.20:44
nlsthzn-workToki: :) The whole saying is when the cats are away, the mice will play ;)20:45
nlsthzn-workSo enjoy playing20:45
Tokinlsthzn-work: Ah... :D20:45
nlsthzn-work:) ... Soon KDE 5 will be coming out using QT5... and also needing openGL acceleration, just like Unity and Gnome 3... I am seriously thinking about switching to a light weight DE... but not sure which one :/20:47
Miriupnlsthzn-work: QT5 is Nokia's?22:52
nlsthzn-workMiriup: Hi... I have no idea... was reading a blog from a developer about QT5 and KDE5... not sure who is in charge now22:53
MiriupI'm surprised to hear about KDE5, when PIM has issues since KDE4.5.22:54
MiriupBut yes, they all want OpenGL. I think Apple has brought us into this. ;)22:55
nlsthzn-workNow you need a fairly powerful machine just for your OS, never mind any apps... nuts!22:56
MiriupEnlightenment used to be cool. Lots of work went into it and it's at the brink of being an DE. There's also some other minimalistic WM I hear about a lot lately, but I can't remember it's name right now. It reminded by a bit of XFCe.22:57
MiriupAfterstep seems to remind me somehow of that name, but it cannot possibly be afterstep. ;)23:00
nlsthzn-workThe light weight DE don't really do it for me at the moment... I don't need to run it on ancient hardware, just not on the latest and greatest :)23:00
MiriupSo what are you needing the DE for then?23:00
MiriupWhat would you be missing?23:01
nlsthzn-workopenbox or fluxbox perhaps then?23:01
MiriupBecause you could still run OpenOffice in WM2 to bring up an extreme example. Openbox and fluxbox I don't know.23:01
nlsthzn-workI have a duel core lappy with intel graphics and 2gb ram... so CPU wise it runs anything, but can't handle KDE 4.6 with all the bells and whistles...23:02
MiriupAwesome was it!23:02
nlsthzn-worknever heard of it before23:05
MiriupMe neither. But I've been reading it a lot lately.23:05
MiriupBut then again it might have something to do with what I do lately.23:06
nlsthzn-work... and that is?23:06
MiriupJust been wondering about that as well. But I can't pinpoint it.23:07
nlsthzn-workwell... I hope I can make my mind up on a distro/DE soon... I am so tired of distro hopping now it is silly :)23:08
MiriupI know how that feels. Recently went back to KDE (4.6 over here) and I'm already unhappy again.23:09
MiriupI think amongst the big DE's it's only KDE and Gnome and Enlightenment.23:09
MiriupEveryone else eventually uses one of the sets of libraries of these three.23:09
MiriupA big chunk of what the DE drives is the toolkit. And there is really only GTK+, QT or the E*. Stuff like DBUS has is standardized by Freedesktop and thus the same.23:11
nlsthzn-workand both Gnome and KDE going to be re-written, so all apps will start changing too... now GTK3 and QT523:11
MiriupWell if the change from QT3 to QT4 is a measure for the change to QT5 then you'll be needed to have both for a while. ;D23:12
nlsthzn-work:) apparently the change will be more subtle :)23:13
MiriupProbably there will be more Nokia logos spread throughout KDE.23:15
nlsthzn-workbut nokia has given up on QT now haven't they?23:17
MiriupDunno. They still own it. They're in a big phase of confusion at the moment.23:32
MiriupWith the Microsoft guy at the top. If he still is, I haven't following it lately.23:32
nlsthzn-workI also don't know... just heard they dropped support for Meego etc. and left Intel being one of the only big companies still backing it...23:33
MiriupAnyways, will go back to the BG for now. The cats are away over here as well and that particular mouse over here is starting into a 36h hiking trip tomorrow. :D23:33
MiriupSo... good night. :)23:33
nlsthzn-workMiriup: enjoy :)23:33

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