
kaushalHi 01:36
kaushalI have upgraded java6 from u22 to u24, I get this issue http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/606323/ I am on Ubuntu 8.04 Linux. Any Clue ?01:36
kaushalFurther details -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/606327/01:36
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
head_victimelky: ping, that last email that went to the Ubuntu-AU moderation list (I've left it there to make it easier to find), how was it sent from that address?04:21
elkyemail addresses can be forged really really easily. i don't have time to look at the queue right now though.04:22
head_victimAH ok, it just came back as being from the list itself04:25
elkyyes a lot of list spam does that.04:25
head_victimOk well I'll approve it as it appears to be a legit comment and the link is relevant04:25
gorillahead_victim: mail servers don't use the From: header which makes it easy to spoofas elky stated. SMTP is an horribly insecure protocol. About the only thing that you can say about an email that you received is "yep, it's an email and that your received it".07:45
head_victimgorilla: fair enough, it just seemed todd to me but I guess all that does is show how technically inept I am ;)07:46
gorillanah.. Email is a pain.. First bit of advice for those that want to run their own mail server: Don't.07:53
head_victimblahdeblah: ping (I realise it's late)14:53
head_victimsagaci: you pinged earlier?14:53
head_victimblahdeblah: email sent15:20
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci

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