
=== JackyAlcine is now known as Guest77792
=== webjadmin is now known as JackyAlcine
=== [styx] is now known as styx|away
Captainkrtekanything I can help you with ?02:11
Captainkrtektuxampol, Guegs or alphur ?02:11
alphurCaptainkrtek, yes02:11
Captainkrtekanything I can help you with? :)02:11
alphurok, hold on just a second02:12
alphuri'm running nvidia, and whenever a window is too big, the whole window turns white/black, does that make sense?02:14
Captainkrtektoo big as in like Maximized?02:14
alphurit doesn't have to be maximized all the way, just big enough for it to turn white02:15
Captainkrtekcan you take a screenshot of this?02:15
alphurit happens everywhere, i thought it was a unity bug02:16
Captainkrtekvery weird...02:17
Captainkrtekyou might want to file that as a bug02:17
CaptainkrtekI can help you do that if you like02:17
Captainkrtekalthough bugs are not my expertise02:17
alphurmm, i did some googling and looks like all distributions are having this problem02:17
Captainkrtekcould it be gnome?02:17
alphurwell, i looked here https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/23381?project=1&pagenum=302:18
alphurseems like KDE as well02:18
Captainkrtekwell then I guess we have to wait for a patch02:18
Captainkrtekanything else I can help with?02:20
alphurno, i think i'm fine02:20
alphurwill look around for solutions to my problem :)02:21
alphurmaybe will contact nvidia02:21
Captainkrtekalphur, okay, let me know if you need anything :)02:21
Error404NotFoun1anyone care to tell me how to get flash to work right?03:19
holsteinError404NotFoun1: how is it not working?03:20
holsteinits sketchy*03:20
Error404NotFoun1not showing crap03:21
Error404NotFoun1its just really flakey03:21
holsteinsounds about right03:21
holsteinhave you tried different browsers?03:21
holsteini find flash acts differently in opera03:22
Error404NotFoun1they all suck03:22
Error404NotFoun1i miss ie03:22
holsteinhave you tried opera?03:22
holsteinrun IE in wine03:22
Error404NotFoun1that was the worst one i tried03:22
holsteinwith the windows version of flash ;)03:22
Error404NotFoun1that would be a big pain in the arse03:22
holsteinwell, if you've tried *all* the browser03:23
holsteinand you want IE03:23
holsteingo for it03:23
Error404NotFoun1yeah and every little update to ie and i have to reinstall03:23
Error404NotFoun1cant run windows update03:23
holsteinits not like linux though03:23
holsteinwindows update just pulls in core updates03:23
holsteinyou still have to go get flash updates03:24
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, I can help you with flash03:25
Error404NotFoun1flash dont update much03:25
Captainkrtekwhat is your setup?03:25
CaptainkrtekChrome? 64bit?03:25
Error404NotFoun1firefox 64x03:26
CaptainkrtekOh I can help :)03:26
Captainkrteklet me give you a script I modified03:26
Error404NotFoun1chrome was junk03:26
holstein*flash is the issue03:26
holsteinyou can not like chrome though if you want...03:26
Error404NotFoun1i dont like anything google related03:27
holsteinyou dont have to03:27
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, let me give you this script, hold on a second03:27
Error404NotFoun1why do people think linux is so good03:28
Error404NotFoun1open source garbage03:28
Error404NotFoun1and they cant get flash to work lol03:28
Error404NotFoun1only like 99% of sites use flash03:29
holsteinflash is not open source03:29
holsteini mean, dont start trolling Error404NotFoun103:29
holsteinif you want help03:29
Error404NotFoun1i was tsalking about linux03:29
holsteinwe can do that03:29
holsteinbut lots of us are passionate about open source here03:30
holsteinand the issue is not with linux or open source03:30
holsteinits flash support*03:30
Error404NotFoun1but it is lol03:30
holsteinError404NotFoun1: right, its actually not03:30
Error404NotFoun1open source means tons of people work on it and they cant get flash to work03:30
Captainkrteknot the best place to share that kind of opinion if you want help03:30
Error404NotFoun1thats just sad03:30
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, it works03:30
holsteinError404NotFoun1: they are not allowed to03:30
CaptainkrtekIm uploading the script03:30
holsteinError404NotFoun1: do you understand that?03:31
CaptainkrtekAdobe Flash is not licensed under any FOSS license03:31
holsteinno one in the open source community maintains flash03:31
holsteinit is what it is03:31
Captainkrtekit's proprietary03:31
Error404NotFoun1then linux can never be good as windows03:31
holsteinand we all have to just deal with it03:31
Captainkrtekit still works Error404NotFoun103:31
holsteinError404NotFoun1: linux can never show flash as good as windows*03:31
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, I can upload this script if you want flash to work for you03:31
holsteinand thats not true either03:31
holsteinIF we get better support from adobe03:32
Error404NotFoun1what is this script going to do03:32
holsteinError404NotFoun1: help you03:32
holsteinwith your flash issue03:32
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, itll wget the adobe 64 bit preview and copy the right .so files to your plugins directory03:32
Error404NotFoun1its gonna make my computer reboot into windows?03:32
holsteinError404NotFoun1: im taking offense to that03:33
Captainkrtekme as well03:33
holsteinjust so you know03:33
Error404NotFoun1i thought it was funny03:33
holsteinno one here is paid to help you03:33
CaptainkrtekI'll let you help yourself03:33
holsteini wont03:33
holsteini'll help you Error404NotFoun103:33
holsteinbecause i want you to know, regardless of what you think03:34
CaptainkrtekI mean Ill upload it, but Im not going to provide support with an attitude03:34
holsteinthis community will help you03:34
Error404NotFoun1i dont have an attitude03:34
holsteinyou're being combatitive03:35
Error404NotFoun1im just think of people saying linux is better than windows when its clearly not03:35
holsteinno one said that!03:35
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, everyone has opinions03:35
holsteinyou can think windows is better03:35
holsteinthats fine03:35
holsteinbut, its opinion03:35
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, http://rootzwiki.com/flash.sh download it, chmod +x it then in a terminal ./flash.sh03:35
Error404NotFoun1yes ubuntu is leaps better than crusty red hat of old03:35
Error404NotFoun1but linux has many years to go b4 it can compete with windows03:35
holsteinyou mean showing flash video?03:36
holsteinthats not a gauge for me03:36
Error404NotFoun1i mean do anything as well as windows03:36
holsteinbut again03:36
holsteinthat doesnt have anything to do with it03:36
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, run that script, it should fix your issue03:36
Error404NotFoun1it has everything to do with it03:36
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, in what way does it?03:37
holsteinError404NotFoun1: OK03:37
Error404NotFoun1if lunux was so good why do no manufacturers sell computers with it03:37
IdleOneApple does03:37
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, becuase Microsoft is a corporation that has paid employees to develop, they have gained money to lobby their software onto OEM's hardware03:37
holsteinyeah, HP03:37
igjohnhello ubuntu users .... i am new to ubuntu and i need help setting up a dedicated server03:37
holsteinbut, i think we need to stop with the troll feeding...03:37
Captainkrtekigjohn, I would be glad to help you03:37
IdleOneholstein: agreed03:37
Captainkrtekagreed as well03:38
Error404NotFoun1you really think demand wouldnt win over microscrap ?03:38
Error404NotFoun1if linux was really better people would actualy want it03:38
Error404NotFoun1which manufacturers would see03:38
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, please get back on topic, everyone has opinions, doesnt mean you have to argue them, if you need help with Ubuntu we are here to do that03:38
Error404NotFoun1its not an opinion03:39
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, okay03:39
maheanuuI had a problem with Skype running on Ubuntu 10.10 using Pulse Audio, I was breaking up on all my pots line connections but Skype to Skype was perfectr03:39
maheanuuI decided to change from Pulse audio to Alsa and now I really have prob's03:40
Captainkrtekmaheanuu, check for updates, I saw some for Pulse Audio the other day03:40
holsteinmaheanuu: yeah, did you use a guide?03:40
holsteinto purge pulse?03:40
holsteinmaybe we can un-do that03:40
holsteinif you want*03:40
Captainkrtekholstein, I think you can view the update history in package manager03:41
IdleOneI saw an article a couple of weeks ago about an insurance company in Europe who is switching all it's servers to Ubuntu and 10000 work stations to Ubuntu also. nobody wants it...03:41
Captainkrtekwow :)03:41
Error404NotFoun1yeah cuz they a cheap company03:42
holsteinall i know is, i want it, and prefer it03:42
Error404NotFoun1dont want to spend a fortune on windows03:42
holsteinand thats enough :)03:42
maheanuuI really want to get it right, when i had pulse I couldn't call any of the commercial numbers as I was breaking up and people told me to change to Alsa to get away from that problem, but no one mentioned the fun I was going to get into after the change03:42
IdleOnethere are governments all over the world switching to Linux.03:42
CaptainkrtekAlso the fastest growing Mobile OS is Linux Based03:42
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, most websites you visit run linux :)03:42
holsteinmaheanuu: you want to stay with alsa then?03:42
holsteinshould be do-able*03:42
Error404NotFoun1im not a web site03:42
IdleOneyou're right03:43
holsteini havent *not* had pulse since 8.04 probably ;)03:43
nit-witholstein, hello, are you running natty03:43
holsteinnit-wit: o/03:43
Captainkrtekhey nit-wit03:43
holsteini have natty on a testing machine03:43
* IdleOne is tired of all the complainers and whiners. you don't like linux then don't use it.03:43
holsteinim still running 10.04 mostly03:43
maheanuuI am not sure, holstein, I want to be able to talk to pots phones in the USA as many of those I am in contact with are not computer literate03:43
CaptainkrtekIdleOne, +103:43
Error404NotFoun1Captainkrtek:  i dled the file but have no idea what you want me to do with it03:43
nit-witCaptainkrtek, ;)03:43
holsteinyeah, its free to install, and remove linux :)03:44
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, open a terminal, where did you download the file to?03:44
holsteinmaheanuu: where did you get the idea that pulse was the issue?03:44
nit-witholstein, cool, just wanted to say hi rather then lurk.;)03:44
holsteinnit-wit: good to see you03:44
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, do this in a terminal chmod +x /home/yourusername/Downloads/flash.sh03:44
maheanuuholstein, what do you think I should do, switch back to pulse or stick with Alsa?03:45
holsteinmaheanuu: depends, i was just wondering why you think alsa would be better03:45
holsteinits challenging dealing with the closed source stuff03:45
holsteinin ubuntu03:45
Error404NotFoun1Captainkrtek:  that dont look like it did anything03:45
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, it won't output anything03:45
maheanuuI had read that pulse was causing instability in Skype on the net somewhere and from there it became a slippery slope03:46
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, then do /home/yourusername/Downloads/flash.sh03:46
holsteinmaheanuu: you have audio now?03:46
holsteinin general?03:46
holsteinwith alsa?03:46
maheanuuI know this notebook is using an AMD ATI card built into the motherboard and I still do not have it working correctly either03:47
Error404NotFoun1bash: /home/kg/Downloads/flash.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory03:47
holsteinmaheanuu: looks like wine with the windows version of skype is not a solution...03:47
nit-witholstein, I met a girl in a class who's father is from new Orleans , father is a musician, she new about the musicians village , that was my first question.;)03:47
holsteinnit-wit: cool03:48
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, make sure you typed in the filename correctly03:48
Error404NotFoun1i copied and pasted03:48
maheanuuYes but it is insanely low in volume and I look at /system/preferences/sound and I am not seeing anything but a small window telling me that sound isn't there03:48
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, or just open the file via the explorer03:48
Captainkrtekright click the file and run03:48
holsteinError404NotFoun1: you need you make 'yourusername' your user name... did you do that?03:48
holsteinmaheanuu: thats OK03:49
nit-witholstein, father know Ellis M, and the family it seems. anyway off topic, you run into the most interesting people in odd places.03:49
maheanuuNo, I am totally away from windoze, I do not run anything MicroS**t has to offer03:49
holsteinmaheanuu: what about in a terminal alsamixer03:49
holsteindont trust the labels03:49
Error404NotFoun1Captainkrtek:  there is no run option03:49
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, then you didn't chmod +x it properly03:49
Captainkrtekdid you change the yourusername to your actual username?03:50
maheanuuhang on bringing up terminal now03:50
Error404NotFoun1yes lol03:50
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, chmod +x ~/Downloads/flash.sh && ~/Downloads/flash.sh03:50
maheanuuThe speakers are at full volume in terminal03:51
holsteinmaheanuu: try tweaking them all though03:52
maheanuuMaster is set at 8003:52
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, you sure flash.sh is in /Downloads03:52
Error404NotFoun1Captainkrtek: if i double click i get a run option03:52
Error404NotFoun1it does nothing03:52
Captainkrtekcheck to see if flash works03:53
CaptainkrtekI dont remember if it is verbose03:53
holsteinmaheanuu: right, but try them all, while you have something playing03:53
maheanuuI just did and I can raise or lower them but nothing changes03:53
Error404NotFoun1nope still flakey03:53
holsteinflash is flakey03:53
Error404NotFoun1not on windows03:54
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, should work, I just ran the script fine03:54
holsteinError404NotFoun1: did i say that?03:54
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, then go back to windows if you choose03:54
Error404NotFoun1well i copied and pasted what you told me to do03:54
Error404NotFoun1and it does nothing03:54
holsteinError404NotFoun1: did i imply that?03:54
holsteini did not have the intention of implying that03:54
Error404NotFoun1sure sounded like it to me03:54
holsteinas a matter of a fact03:54
CaptainkrtekI don't think he did03:54
holsteinwhen i look back03:54
holsteini didnt mention windows at all03:54
holsteini just mentioned flahs03:55
holsteini should elaborat03:55
Error404NotFoun1you didnt mention linux either03:55
holsteinflash is flakey in *linux*03:55
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, Im tired of this little bickering going on, I have tried to help, we don't get paid to support people, we will help if we can, if you choose to go back to windows you may, no one is holding you back03:55
holsteinError404NotFoun1: do you see it?03:56
holsteinopen the terminal03:56
holsteincd /home/kg/Downloads03:57
holsteinand see if you see the .sh03:57
Error404NotFoun1erm pidgin is lagging wierd now03:57
holsteinError404NotFoun1: do you see it?03:57
Error404NotFoun1im not stupid03:58
Error404NotFoun1its in downloads03:58
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, we did not imply that03:58
Captainkrtekthen do03:58
holsteinim not implying you are stupid03:58
Captainkrtekcd /home/kg/Downloads03:58
Captainkrtekchmod +x flash.sh03:58
Error404NotFoun1i did03:58
Captainkrtekdo those 3 commands03:58
holsteinits just challenging, since you have made the vibe cobatitive*03:58
holsteinbut, not impossible :)03:58
holsteini say, drag it over in the terminal03:59
holsteinand let the path auto-complete03:59
Captainkrtekoh forgot about that03:59
holsteinthats the newbie trick i use all the time03:59
maheanuuHolstein, I am now running fairly well...   I now have to set up skype to run with Alsa also03:59
Error404NotFoun1does nothing03:59
holsteinError404NotFoun1: ?04:00
holsteinits not going to do anything04:00
Error404NotFoun1dragged it to terminal04:00
holsteinyou'll just have to check flash04:00
holsteinand see if it helped04:00
Error404NotFoun1it froze my screen for a second04:00
Captainkrtekholstein, it is verbose actually04:00
Error404NotFoun1and did nothing04:00
holsteinassuming you got the script to run04:00
Captainkrtekit still may not output04:00
Error404NotFoun1i think there is something else wrong with ubuntu...04:00
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, close all instances of firefox04:00
Captainkrtekand open a window04:01
Captainkrteksee if it worked04:01
Error404NotFoun1my screen just froze again and the path is in terminal now04:01
holsteinmaheanuu: im assuming you've been in the setup?04:01
holsteinfor skype?04:01
Error404NotFoun1i did the ./flash.sh04:01
Error404NotFoun1got an error04:01
holsteini kinda gave up on skype a year ago or so04:01
holsteinsince i found, and can use mumble for my needs04:02
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, what error04:02
holsteinbut, that doesnt help you04:02
Error404NotFoun1No such file or directory04:02
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, do chmod 755 flash.sh04:02
Captainkrtekthen ./flash.sh04:02
Error404NotFoun1i think ubuntu is broke04:04
Error404NotFoun1its freezing for long periods of time now04:04
holsteini think the issue is with the graphics driver04:04
holsteinflash and the freezing04:04
holsteinall of it04:04
Captainkrtekholstein, actually that makes a lot of sense04:05
Error404NotFoun1and pidgin being messed up?04:05
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, what kind of card do you have?04:05
Error404NotFoun1never done this b404:05
holsteini mean, i dont like flash04:05
Error404NotFoun1nvidia 9600 gt04:05
holsteinand its flakey04:05
holsteinbut, it works04:05
holsteinError404NotFoun1: proprietary driver?04:05
holsteinif i were you, i would force vesa for a bit04:06
holsteinand see what happens04:06
holsteinthat'll tell you if its the driver at least04:06
holsteini cheat*04:06
holsteini use a knoppix live CD04:06
holsteinand copy the xorg.conf04:07
holsteinand force options that way04:07
holsteinim sure theres an easier way04:07
Captainkrtekholstein, he could edit the kernel on grub bootup04:07
holsteini mean, you could do safe graphics mode with a live CD04:07
Captainkrtekadd a flag at the end04:07
Captainkrtekvga= 72004:07
Captainkrtekor something04:07
holsteinCaptainkrtek: totally !04:07
holsteinthats temporary too04:07
Captainkrtekone boot04:07
holsteinthats elegant actually04:07
CaptainkrtekI use it for Single User mode fixes04:08
Captainkrtekyou can actually bypass logon like that 0_o04:08
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
Captainkrtekand edit passwords04:08
holstein*shame on you ;)04:08
Captainkrtekyou ever watch hak5?04:09
holsteinits been a while04:09
holsteini really liked what i saw though04:09
Captainkrtekyou know darrens netbook?04:09
Captainkrtekwell his netbook04:09
CaptainkrtekI have it04:09
maheanuuholstein, Thanks for the mixer settings in terminal with the Alsa gui04:09
Captainkrtekall the goodies on their as well04:09
holsteinmaheanuu: sure, i wish i could help more with skype04:10
Captainkrtekmaheanuu, I can try to help with Skype04:10
maheanuuI am up and running now, and still I would like to know if I can talk on a pots line without all the breaking up that had gone on before04:11
maheanuuI am going to call my sis in Oregon they are only 3 hrs ahead of us here in Tahiti04:11
Error404NotFoun1anyone messed with installing snow leopard on a pc?04:11
maheanuuBRB with the results04:12
holsteini consider my intel macbook a PC04:12
Error404NotFoun1wish i was in tahiti..04:12
CaptainkrtekIm in Seattle04:12
Error404NotFoun1rain soon lol04:13
holsteini used to live on pill hill04:13
maheanuuWe are just coming out from under a low that hammered us in the outer islands04:13
holsteinwhere boren and broadway intersect?04:13
CaptainkrtekIm wearing my ubuntu hoodie :)04:13
Captainkrteknice and cozy04:13
Error404NotFoun1if ya'll wanted to know why im so combative04:14
Error404NotFoun1i just quit smoking04:14
Error404NotFoun1i feel like killing people04:14
maheanuuI lived in Hubbard OR while I was back there and would make runs to Seattle regularly, to work on the Zodiac and the other boats by the Classic Boat society there04:14
holsteinError404NotFoun1: D00D, im 6 months in :)04:14
holsteinits great... i still kinda want one though04:14
maheanuuHow old are you, Error404?04:15
holsteinError404NotFoun1: congrats04:15
holsteini used the patch finally04:15
Error404NotFoun1i used chewin tobacco04:15
maheanuuperhaps if you calmed down a bit you might make it to 4004:15
Error404NotFoun1that dont help much04:15
holsteini had the Ecigs04:15
holsteinthose have nicotine though04:16
Error404NotFoun1well quitting smoking isnt the only reason im pissed04:16
holsteinand were kinda fun04:16
holsteinthe gum was kinda fun too04:16
holsteinthe patch worked well04:16
maheanuuI am over double your age, and I learned a long long time ago that angry got you dead04:16
Error404NotFoun1my wife just made up a bunch of shit and got me arrested04:16
Error404NotFoun1and got the courts to take my kids from me04:16
holsteinim sorry to hear that04:16
Error404NotFoun1so im a bit pissed04:17
Captainkrteksorry to hear as well04:17
Error404NotFoun1shes lucky im sane04:17
Error404NotFoun1thats all im saying04:17
Error404NotFoun1i sure do wish i could get flash working better04:17
Error404NotFoun1idk why nothing you tell me to do does nothing04:18
CaptainkrtekError404NotFoun1, go download teamviewer04:18
Captainkrtekfrom teamviewer.com04:18
Error404NotFoun1already got it04:18
CaptainkrtekI can try to remotely do it04:18
Error404NotFoun1i use tv all the time in windows04:18
Captainkrtekwant me to try?04:18
maheanuuAnd that is reason to disrupt a place where people are looking for help???   Sorry lad, but I think that you are too full of yourself to even reason with04:18
maheanuuI smoked for 59 years and when I quit I never had an argument with anyone, but again different strokes for different folks...   Just this old Chief's opinion04:19
Error404NotFoun1vodka does a body good04:21
Error404NotFoun1military mad?04:21
Captainkrtekteamviewer for linux is teamviewer for windows in a wine shell04:24
Captainkrtektalk about laziness :P04:25
holsteinhey, at least it works04:25
Captainkrtekehh sorta04:25
Captainkrtekit has a bug that bothers me04:25
holsteineven the file transfer stuff04:25
Captainkrtekevery time you update you have to reboot04:25
Captainkrtekor kill some processes in htop04:25
Captainkrtekit leaves some updater processes running04:25
holsteini dont use it enough to notice04:25
maheanuuThere are times that make me happy that I no longer have to deal with the "average" murican04:38
maheanuuI called the pots line to Orygun just now and had a 5.5 conversation with my sister...  Tried the bank again and still have the problem of not being able to communicate with their computer that is the answering service04:41
maheanuuLooks like I will deal with my local bank there and let them hash it out04:41
maheanuuOur biggest prob is that the dollar is almost as valuable as teepee.....  My retirement puts me well below the poverty line....   Oh well, fishin costs nothing and gardens only a little more....04:43
maheanuuSkype to Skype is nickle....   I think that I am working well there04:43
maheanuuCaptainkrtek, has spring, sprung up there?04:45
holsteini didnt think pulse was the culprit04:45
maheanuuYou in the northwest also holstein?04:45
holsteinand skype to skype means skype is working properly04:45
holsteinim not clear on what you are tying to connect to04:46
holsteinbut i would look at that04:46
holsteinand maybe try some alternatives04:46
holsteinim in northcarolina04:47
maheanuuI deal with Key Bank and every now and then they get a bug up their nether region and put a block on one or the other of our credit cards, seems that they don't realize that we do not live in the USA , but we still need to do banking with you as the US Gov. will not send retirement funds to a foreign bank04:48
maheanuu2 months ago I got nailed, and this week my wife is blocked04:48
maheanuuI know that something is coming down the pike when I get a note telling me that someone in French Polynesia is using my credit card or my wife04:49
maheanuus credit card04:49
maheanuuI lived in the USA for over 10 years and never once did I have a problem with my french Card and I used it regularly as needed04:50
maheanuuBut when you are a member of a small bank where everyone knows you there are no problems, your problems are that you have grown obscenely large and no one knows or cares about anyone any longer04:51
maheanuuI liked using Pulse Audio, as the gains were really good and controls worked fine, it just didn't play well with Skype or at least not on this toshiba lapto[04:53
maheanuulaptop dammit04:54
Captainkrtekholstein, finally got his flash working04:54
holsteinCaptainkrtek: congrats04:55
maheanuuI find that I am still learning, I have never stopped in all my years, every day is learning something new and usually interesting...   I for one am happy that I no longer have to deal with windoze04:55
holsteinyeah, i agree04:55
holsteinbut, we try not to do that here04:56
holsteinsince, windows is a vaiable solution for lots of folks04:56
holsteinand lots of users dual boot04:56
maheanuuCaptain and holstein, I have a photosite that you might like to peruse, any photos that you might like just rt click on the size you like and do a "save as" and they are yours to use however you like04:57
Captainkrtekmaheanuu, thanks! :)04:57
CaptainkrtekI do photography as well04:57
maheanuugo to http://mah.smugmug.com/other/anoceanapart04:57
maheanuuthe newest are the last photos and the oldest are the front...04:58
Captainkrtekwow very nice pictures!04:58
CaptainkrtekI have a Canon 50D04:58
maheanuuThank you04:58
Captainkrtekdo you have the waterfall in full res?04:59
maheanuuI am shooting with a D200 and saving my pennies for a D300i later on this summer04:59
CaptainkrtekI need a new wallpaper ;)04:59
maheanuuYes it should be there04:59
Captainkrtekahh found it04:59
maheanuuIs that the silver falls one?04:59
Captainkrtekhmm very pixelated04:59
Captainkrtekany higher res?04:59
maheanuuMy mom lives about 40 miles from it04:59
Captainkrtekhere we go05:00
Captainkrtekfound a diff. one05:00
maheanuuWhich photo are you looking at, I will go to the page05:00
CaptainkrtekI found it05:00
maheanuuI never took a photo till I went home to take care of mom.....  My family wanted to see what Orygun looked like05:01
Captainkrtekyou're now lucky enough to be on my desktop heh :P05:01
maheanuuThanx and thank you for liking something I did05:01
maheanuuI started shooting around the age of 60+, I am 73 now05:02
Captainkrtekvery cool05:02
Captainkrtekyou're quite good at it05:02
Captainkrtekmaheanuu, here are some of my pictures05:03
Captainkrtekoh hold on05:03
maheanuuAround the end of the month, I am planning on climbing our Mountain here and spending a week on the summit05:03
Captainkrtekmaheanuu, http://www.flickr.com/photos/stevenrichards201005:03
Captainkrtekthose are some of my pics05:03
bioterrorhey guys, can you please move this offtopic conversation to #ubuntu-beginners-team, this #ubuntu-beginners channel is for problem solving and gets logged05:04
Captainkrteksorry bioterror05:04
Captainkrtekgot side tracked05:04
Captainkrtekhello webjadmin05:05
maheanuuCaptain, I bookmarked your page and will look more later, see some nice things there also05:05
maheanuuSorry bout that bioterror05:06
bioterrorno need to be sorry, you can talk over that team channel as much as you want about anything ;)05:06
webjadminCaptainkrtek, I'm JackyAlcine.05:06
bioterrorI might even take part!05:07
webjadminI didn't notice xchat was already open. lol05:07
Captainkrtekahh hello webjadmin / Jacky ;)05:07
webjadminSo I'm getting a double ping..05:07
webjadmin!! and my logs! they're being doubled!05:07
ubot2webjadmin: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:07
Error404NotFoundany other noob crap you can tell me05:24
Error404NotFoundany dl;'s i need05:24
CaptainkrtekError404NotFound, for what?05:25
Error404NotFoundim new to linux05:28
Captainkrteknot sure what you need05:34
Error404NotFoundi need wine to see my freakin optical drives...05:35
Error404NotFoundneed wine to see optical drives05:38
robechsomebody here?06:10
l_adrianhi all08:23
l_adriannew convert, but struggling with 11.04 and setting up my wireless08:23
l_adrianHP dv6 211308:24
l_adrianbroadcom adapter08:24
MrChrisDruifl_adrian; I'm sorry, I've got no experience with Broadcom chips, I might know a bot command, hold on08:26
ubot2Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:26
l_adrianThanks anyway :)08:27
l_adriani had noticed (on a lot of forums) that it is an ongoing problem with 11.0408:27
MrChrisDruifWith the wireless?08:29
justaguestaskingHi, first to all, I'm not an english-speaker. That explains the mistakes I'm sure I'll do. I had a problem with a fresh natty install. after log in  the desktop appears, but no icons, no bars. When rigth-clicking, menu goes on and off, like the refreshing were 0.5 FPS10:31
justaguestaskingJust Gnome classic works10:31
justaguestaskingWhat can i do to solve it? I have a Nvidia FX5200 graphic card10:32
soadkombuchaMy laptop recognizes my integrated webcam/mic as the input devices that they are, however, when I try to use Cheese or Skype to test my video, I get a black screen, and the mic is not accepting any actual input. Can anyone help?14:16
soadkombuchaMy laptop recognizes my integrated webcam/mic as the input devices that they are, however, when I try to use Cheese or Skype to test my video, I get a black screen, and the mic is not accepting any actual input. Can anyone help?14:40
xardas008sry but i can't, did you ask in #ubuntu as well?14:45
soadkombuchaI've been asking14:46
soadkombuchaIn both14:46
grover_78anyone online to help a noob?14:55
grover_78not sure. I think its incorrect/missing drivers.14:57
grover_78I'm used to WinXP, this Ubuntu stuff is new to me lol14:57
holsteingrover_78: right14:57
holsteinits not like that with linux14:57
holsteinthe drivers are just in the kernel14:58
holsteinfor most devices14:58
holsteingrover_78: whats not working?14:58
grover_78well I know I could watch youtube and other videos with no lag/freezing (under XP)14:58
soadkombuchaholstein, did you see my question earlier? I know it's not a beginner question, but #ubuntu doesn't seem to be able to help14:58
* holstein will look soadkombucha :)14:58
soadkombuchaI can repaste14:59
bioterrorno need14:59
grover_78now youtube is slow/laggy... flash sites also seem to be laggier with ubuntu then with XP14:59
soadkombuchaOK bioterror.14:59
grover_78so I think its a missing/incorrect vid driver14:59
holsteingrover_78: flash is different14:59
holsteinfor win and lin14:59
soadkombuchagrover_78, did you install the restricted extras package?14:59
holsteinbut, looking at the graphics driver is a good step14:59
holsteingrover_78: if you havent updated15:00
holsteini would do that first15:00
grover_78not sure, just installed it last night before I went to work. Now I'm home again and tinkering15:00
grover_78how would I check that out?15:00
holsteinthen, if the issue is still there15:00
grover_78(forgive my expreme noobishness)15:00
holsteinyou can move on15:00
bioterrorgrover_78, open terminal and type: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras15:00
bioterror!cli | grover_7815:00
ubot2grover_78: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro15:00
soadkombuchaOr you can open Ubuntu Software Center15:00
bioterrorsoadkombucha, guess which is easier and faster ;)15:01
soadkombuchaand search for Ubuntu Restricted Extras15:01
grover_78ok slooooow down ppl15:01
soadkombuchabioterror, I know but for a noob GUI may be easier than CLI15:01
holsteingrover_78: its a software package15:01
grover_78I want to learn this kernal stuff, but one thing ag a time15:01
holsteinthis is how you would go about installing that package15:01
grover_78software center is the easiest?15:01
holsteinthe software center is the new-ish way to do that15:01
bioterrorgrover_78, first you need to lear that than is not written as then, and same with kernel, it's not kernal ;)15:01
soadkombuchaSoftware center offers you a graphical front end for apt-get.15:02
bioterrorfaster to copy & paste that line into terminal15:02
grover_78:P cut me some slack Bio, I'm off work and headed to bed in an hr15:02
bioterrorthan open bloat software center15:02
soadkombuchabioterror, again, for someone brand new to ubuntu, GUI may be > CLI15:02
bioterrorsoadkombucha, if you dont know how to copy & paste...15:03
soadkombuchabioterror, especially given that the terminal has different keyboard keys15:03
bioterrorsoadkombucha, what?15:03
soadkombuchaAnd if you're used to ctrl+c and ctrl+v, you may not realize that terminal is ctrl+shift+c and ctrl+shift+v15:03
bioterrorno matter what language you speak, parameters are exactly the same15:03
soadkombuchaTerminal requires the use of ctrl+shift for copy/cut/paste/undo operations15:04
bioterrorsoadkombucha, and gnome-terminal can handle mouse clicks15:04
bioterroryou really want to argue about this? :D15:04
grover_78ok I think I got it15:04
soadkombuchabioterror, I understand this. I'm just saying that there are situations in which an Ubuntu beginner MAY PREFER a GUI interface.15:04
holsteinsoadkombucha: when you say 'reconized'15:04
holsteinyou mean in lspci?15:04
soadkombuchaholstein, I mean it shows up as a USB 2.0 UVC webcam/mic15:05
grover_78I used terminal, typed in that command you gave me15:05
holsteinsoadkombucha: have you tried vlc ?15:05
soadkombuchaholstein, I've tried multiple OTHER applicatiosn that make use of a microphone or a video camera15:05
bioterrorgrover_78, is it now installing stuff for you?15:05
holsteinwell, is it both?15:05
holsteinthe mic and the cam?15:05
soadkombuchaIt's both of them.15:05
soadkombuchaThey're the same chipset on the motherboard.15:06
holsteinsoadkombucha: in the terminal15:06
holsteinwhat do you see for15:06
holsteinaplay -l15:06
holsteinand arecord -l15:06
holsteindoesnt that seem appropriate?15:06
soadkombuchaMy laptop recognizes my integrated webcam/mic as the input devices that they are, however, when I try to use Cheese or Skype to test my video, I get a black screen, and the mic is not accepting any actual input. Can anyone help?15:06
holsteinjust because it sees it15:07
soadkombuchaHold on15:07
holsteindoesnt mean its using it15:07
soadkombuchaMy shift key stuck15:07
holsteinyou can see audio devices listed in lspci15:07
holsteinand not be able to use them15:07
soadkombucha**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****15:07
soadkombuchacard 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: ALC272 Analog [ALC272 Analog]15:07
soadkombucha  Subdevices: 1/115:07
soadkombucha  Subdevice #0: subdevice #015:07
soadkombucha**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****15:07
soadkombuchacard 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: ALC272 Analog [ALC272 Analog]15:07
soadkombucha  Subdevices: 1/115:07
soadkombucha  Subdevice #0: subdevice #015:07
grover_78can I break in for a second here?15:07
bioterrorgrover_78, sure15:07
holsteingrover_78: anytime :)15:07
holsteinsoadkombucha: you want to use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for that in the future :)15:08
grover_78thanks. Ok, ran the command in terminal. Now I got the usual "end user agreement" stuff, but since its all text based I can't seem to click or hightlight OK15:08
bioterrors/want/should/ for pastes over 3 lines15:08
soadkombuchaHit the right arrow key15:08
bioterrorgrover_78, use tabulator key15:08
bioterrornormal EULA stuff15:09
grover_78cool... man so much to learn and get used to15:09
holsteinsoadkombucha: i think thats going to be the internal sound card15:09
holsteinand i dont see the webcam audio15:09
holsteinSO, at least you know how to proceed15:09
grover_78good thing we have all the files backed up on the other computer. Then if I crash this one I don't need to worry15:09
holsteini think you are assuming the drivers are present and being used15:10
holsteindue to some lspci output15:10
holsteinand thats not the case15:10
soadkombuchaWell hold on...15:10
soadkombuchaLet me go to the sound panel15:11
soadkombuchaunder hardware it has listed a device15:12
soadkombuchawith 1 input and 1 output15:12
grover_78Bio, so this package I'm installing.... what all is in there? additional drivers?15:12
soadkombuchaBut hold on... There was somewhere...15:12
holsteinsoadkombucha: right15:12
soadkombuchaUSB2.0 UVC WebCam (/dev/video0)15:12
holsteinyou have at least 2 devices15:12
holstein*im assuming15:12
holsteinthe webcam15:12
soadkombuchaWhen I go to edit --> preferences under Cheese15:12
holsteinand the internal card15:12
holsteinSO, you should see 215:13
holsteinin pulse or where ever you look15:13
holsteinand, im not sure what cheese sees15:13
holsteinbut, i would work til you see both devices reported15:13
holsteinin arecord -l15:13
grover_78Another noob question here. Do I need antivirus like I did with Win? why/why not?15:13
holstein*both devices being your internal sound and the webcam sound15:13
soadkombuchaholstein, how would I approach that?15:14
holsteinsoadkombucha: what is it?15:14
holsteinintegrated into a netbook?15:14
holsteinAcer CrystalEye Webcam ?15:15
holsteineither way, something like this seems relavant15:15
soadkombuchaIt's a Toshiba Satellite L500D-ST254315:16
holsteinsoadkombucha: but this is the integrated webcam?15:17
soadkombuchaIt's the integrated webcam15:17
holsteindoesnt hurt to update15:17
holstein*usually ;)15:17
holsteinsometimes a kernel update or firmware update can add funcionality15:17
soadkombuchaOK when I try to do that15:19
soadkombucha./svn-version.sh: 3: svn: not found15:19
holsteinsoadkombucha: do what?15:19
soadkombuchawhat sudo apt-get install will pull SVN?15:19
soadkombuchathe link you sent15:19
soadkombuchaoh wait subversion15:20
soadkombuchanever mind15:20
holsteinsoadkombucha: i would read about that15:20
holsteinwe're not sure thats for your hardware yet15:20
holsteinsoadkombucha: this is ubuntu 11.04 ?15:21
holsteina fresh install?15:21
holsteinhave you gotten it to work automatically in older version of ubuntu?15:22
holsteinor with another kernel?15:22
soadkombuchaIt's a fresh install yes15:22
soadkombuchaI installed it last night15:22
soadkombuchaAlso, until yesterday when I reflashed my BIOS, I wasn't using linux due to my ACPI layer not loading properly.15:23
holsteini would try live CD's15:23
holsteini would want to see what the 10.04 live CD does15:23
holsteinif it picks that hardware up automatically15:23
holsteinthen, you can note the kernel version15:23
holsteinand decide what to do15:23
holsteini would just want to see it working with something15:23
holsteinthen, you can learn how to make it work with what ever linux you want15:24
grover_78ok, so I installed this "hidden update" package... anything else I should do to get my OS  up to speed?15:24
soadkombuchaSo download 10.04LTS and see what happens?15:25
soadkombuchaI was having the same problem though in a 10.04 derivative yesterday.15:25
holsteinsoadkombucha: *run i live15:25
holsteinsoadkombucha: *run it live15:25
soadkombuchaIt's an Enlightenment based 10.04LTS and I was having the same mic issue on both that live nad installed yesterday...15:26
soadkombuchaThat's why I switched to Ubuntu.15:26
soadkombuchaWell 11.0415:26
soadkombuchaI was hoping the update would fix it.15:26
holsteinso, you already know then15:26
holsteinthat its not being seen in 10.0415:26
soadkombuchaSo it's not an "I need backports" issue15:26
holsteinsoadkombucha: maybe15:26
holsteinthats plausible15:26
holsteinyou need drivers15:27
soadkombuchaWell if 10.04 wasn't working...15:27
soadkombuchaI'd have to backport all the way to 9.0415:27
holsteinwell, you just want the module15:27
holsteindoesnt matter where you get it i say15:27
soadkombuchaso should I do the repo for Hardy Heron?15:28
holsteinyou could try a hardy live CD though15:28
holsteinif you have one laying around15:28
holsteinbut, i dont think thats going to work...15:28
soadkombuchaI don't wanna go back that far... Also, I was talking the repo for Hardy Heron in order to obtain the backports.15:28
holsteini would be looking for something like that linux-uvc package15:30
holsteinor script*15:30
holsteinto install a module15:31
holsteinactually, i would probably fire off a semi-nasty email15:32
holsteinabout not supporting linux15:32
holsteinto the manufacturer15:32
holsteinand just plug in some webcam from the charity shop ;)15:32
holstein^ seems like an option15:34
holsteini think when you spend some time on the actual problem now15:34
holsteinyou might come up with something15:34
holsteinsince, you were assuming the drivers were present before15:34
soadkombuchaSee I need 04f2:b12815:34
grover_78ok so here's another question or 4 lol15:35
grover_781) do I need antivurus like I did with win? (why or why not) 2) how can linux provide the drivers in the kernal but microsoft needs a bazillion drivers for each version of thier OS?15:37
holsteingrover_78: well, for 1.15:37
holsteinyou need to decide that15:37
holsteini say, do what you feel comfortable with15:37
holsteindo i use AV in linux?15:38
holsteinits really a matter of user permissions15:38
grover_78well every time I install something I get prompted for my password.. is that what you mean?15:38
holsteinin win, the user is typically 'admin' thus creating an easier experience (arguably) while making security more challening15:38
holsteingrover_78: its really even deeper than that, but kind of*15:39
holsteinfor 2. its just different technology15:39
holsteinalso, if all the drivers were just in the windows kernel15:40
holsteinthen, you could move windows15:40
holsteinin between machines15:40
holsteinlike we typically can do easily with linux15:40
holsteinand that could create some commercial issues for the product15:40
holstein*pirating and whatever15:40
grover_78lol just a few :P15:40
holsteinin the end, its just different15:41
grover_78and since linux is open source, that aspect is a non-issue15:41
grover_78so, in a nutshell, take everything I know about Win and toss it out the window (no pun intended) ??15:41
holsteinits just different15:43
holsteinits still a computer though15:43
holsteinfile system similarities15:43
soadkombuchaOK well seeing as installing a new version of the UVC drivers seems to be the only option because no one seems to have addressed this webcam...15:43
soadkombuchaI hope this works.15:43
holsteinits more like, from a computer science kind of stand point15:43
holsteindont learn to use windows15:44
holsteinor linux, or OSX15:44
holsteinjust learn to use computers15:44
holsteinand what all that entails15:44
soadkombuchaYour only difference with Windows and Linux will be a file system structure15:44
soadkombuchaWell the big one15:44
grover_78makes sense holstein.15:44
soadkombuchaThat, for me, was the hardest part.15:44
soadkombuchaGetting used to NOT having drive letters.15:44
MrChrisDruifThe difference lies in the design of the kernel15:45
grover_78yeah I already came accross that one. REALLY threw me off for a bit15:45
holsteinlike, learning specific programs too15:45
holsteindont learn how microsoft office works15:45
soadkombuchaLearn how a word processor works.15:45
MrChrisDruifLinux is monolithic kernel (everything bunched with the kernel)15:45
holsteinlearn how to create what you need to create15:45
holsteinin the most general sense15:45
grover_78so all this is command prompt based...15:45
holsteinthen, you can just get the job done15:45
soadkombuchagrover_78, everything in Linux is not CLI based.15:46
holsteingrover_78: not necessarily15:46
soadkombuchaMost everything in Linux can be DONE CLI, but there are GUI frontends for a lot of it.15:46
holsteinyou can get into the CLI if you want15:46
* holstein gotta run... bbl15:46
MrChrisDruifMicrosoft has a hybrid kernel15:46
soadkombuchaNow they do...15:47
soadkombuchaThey didn't until Windows 7 if I'm thinking correctly.15:47
grover_78OK one last question.15:47
grover_78I gotta head to bed soon so I hope this is  a "simple" question LOL15:47
MrChrisDruifsoadkombucha; Nope, always been that way. Why else would you need to install drivers in Windows XP etc?15:48
soadkombuchaMrChrisDruif, I thought there was some big kernel change with Win715:48
soadkombuchagrover_78, what?15:48
grover_78are there any other recommended "hidden" downloads or updates I need to do to make Ubuntu as user friendly as possible?15:49
grover_78(I want to dig into this but for now go easy on the new guy lol)15:49
MrChrisDruifsoadkombucha; Yes, but the main design was the same. It's still a hybrid kernel. Access to certain parts was denied etc, that was changed15:49
soadkombuchagrover_78, the restricted extras package gets you most everything.15:49
soadkombuchaMrChrisDruif, he already did that.15:49
bodhi_zazengrover_78: define "user friendly", lol15:49
MrChrisDruifmissed that part, and that too ::)15:50
grover_78well I just ditched WinXP last night for an adventure into linux. SO this is all VERY new to me15:50
bodhi_zazenUbuntu is IMO the most new user friendly Linux distro15:50
bodhi_zazenAnd you can not expect to make the transition in an hour15:51
bodhi_zazenHow long have you been using Windows ?15:51
grover_78a friend of mine recommended it, so that's why I grabbed it15:51
bodhi_zazenYou will need to give yourself some time to learn15:51
MrChrisDruifDon't expect Windows is the most important part I think15:51
grover_78XP? 5years or so. All computers I've used for more then 10 minutes have all been windows15:52
MrChrisDruifThings will be a little different, but mainly they are/do the same things15:52
bodhi_zazengrover_78: what version of Ubuntu ?15:52
* MrChrisDruif hopes 10.10 or 10.0415:52
bioterrorgrover_78, enable partner repository and install propietary java15:52
MrChrisDruifOr a good working 11.0415:52
grover_78hodhi: 10:10 or whatever the latest one is off the ubuntu website15:52
bodhi_zazenThe links on this page are well worth your time15:53
grover_78wow lots of stuff to read15:53
bioterrorbodhi_zazen,  i disagree. nowdays moost of the gnu/linux distros just gives things served too ready15:54
grover_78that's good though... I'd rather have some sort of manual close by15:54
grover_78how do I enable partner repository?15:54
grover_78I assume I gotta do that before installing java15:55
bioterrorm on phone, too complicated :D15:55
bioterrorim even15:56
grover_78well I'm gonna duck outside for a smoke ... brb15:56
head_victimAnyone know the state of Bluray Playback in Ubuntu?16:08
bobweaverhi there how is every one today?16:27
coalwaterany one knows how to start conky16:31
holsteincoalwater: auto start?16:31
holsteini usually run it from te CLI16:31
holsteintil i get it just right16:31
coalwaterno, just start it with a custom theme i downloaded16:31
holsteintheres a way to specify a config16:31
coalwaterit runs a basic black window when i type conky in terminal, how do i start it with a customization inside .conky16:32
holsteinlet me install it16:33
coalwaterhm ok i think i got it16:33
holsteinand run conky -help16:33
holsteinshould say there*16:33
coalwaterno need, i got it16:33
holsteincool :)16:34
coalwaterit did conky  -c config_file16:34
coalwaterok, so about running it as a daemon or background process16:34
holsteini remembered seeing that somewhere16:34
holsteini used to just add it to the startup16:35
holsteinfor whatever window manager16:35
coalwaterok thanks holstein , but for some reason super+d (show desktop) hides it too16:43
soadkombuchaOK got it working...17:43
soadkombuchaIt's jerryrigged like none other, but it's working.17:43
=== Axlin|MB is now known as Axlin
PhotoBackupsHello everyone, I set up a ubuntu machine for reliable backups and came to a roadblock on something I'm interested in having my machine do for me.18:03
PhotoBackupsI'm looking for an automated backup of pictures from a CF card to a directory when I plug the card in.18:03
PhotoBackupsI've been looking at rsync and that seems to do the action I desire, however I cannot figure how to get it to automatically run upon a mount18:04
PhotoBackupsI mean, I cannot figure out to get rsync to automatically run a sync when I mount my CF media.18:05
PhotoBackupswhere would I look for that? I read about setting chron jobs, but that isn't quite what I'm looking for18:05
PhotoBackupsany help on the matter would be greatly appreciated18:07
PhotoBackupsAm I in the wrong channel?18:08
xardas008not easy18:12
PhotoBackupsah, carp.18:13
xardas008the problem is, rsync must know that the device is plugged in, so you need udev to tell it to rsync, don't know if it will work without development18:14
PhotoBackupscould i set a chron job to test it every x minutes?18:16
PhotoBackupsor do you think that would not be a good idea, as it would be repeating the same rsync command too often18:17
PhotoBackupsI do think that would be a poor choice, unless there was a way to get it to execute only once18:19
xardas008hm, you can try to write a script which tests if the device is available, if so you can call rsync to sync the files18:20
xardas008in /media will be a folder only then when the device is plugged in i think, and if you test if this folder exists then device is available i think18:22
xardas008you need to test that18:22
PhotoBackups :) oh boy, off to learn scripts18:26
xardas008should be made in 3 lines i think18:30
xardas008i will test something for you PhotoBackups18:35
PhotoBackupsawesome! thanks18:36
xardas008ok i have somethin which will work: http://pastebin.com/VJsUThkD18:41
xardas008the ... stand for your specific commandline arguments you have to give to rsync18:43
PhotoBackupsok, so when i make this into a script it will execute one rsync per one return of true with the$ if [ -e "/media/nameoffolder" ]18:45
xardas008only when the folder exists18:46
PhotoBackupsalrighty, off to test, thanks!18:46
xardas008you can test that with you home folders, one which exists and one which not and instead of rsync you can call echo "Test" or something like that, to test if it does what you want18:46
PhotoBackupsawesome, so I got it to work with  a echo. Ok, so the 'if' will only happen once correct? How would I have it continually test until the folder is present?19:01
xardas008with cronjob i think19:03
PhotoBackupsHow would I do a loop with a pause or goto line (if you cant tell the last programming I did was with dos in the 90s.19:03
xardas008i think with cronjob you can call the script every x minutes, this would do it19:03
xardas008and only if the folder exists the rsync command will be executed19:03
xardas008i would also test if the folder exists in /media when the cf card isn't plugged in, (ls -la)19:04
PhotoBackupsi am concerned if the cronjob keeps executing while the rsync is executing, will it create multiple instances of rsync?19:04
xardas008this is a good point19:05
xardas008i think it will call rsync for multiple times. so a possibility would be to grep for rsync if it has a process id running19:06
PhotoBackupsperhaps with nestled loops I could have it execute once, then wait many hours or days to test and execute again19:11
PhotoBackupsit would not be probable that I would be putting my card in more than once a day19:12
PhotoBackupswhat is a good pause/wait command to use for shell19:12
xardas008you can look what google tells you with bash wait/sleep19:14
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
atari_314Hello, anyone know how to bypass the /dev/sr0 no medium found error on the 11.04 live-cd?19:59
bioterroris the cd okay?19:59
bioterrorhow new is your computer?19:59
bioterroryou could try to boot from USB stick20:00
atari_314yes, the cd is ok, md5 check. it's a macbook 3rd gen. tks to the hell beast that is EFI I can't boot from the USB :(20:00
atari_314(btw, I'm using a USB drive to boot the live)20:02
bioterrornot much help, hahaha20:03
atari_314hehe, tks for the info, but since my combo-drive broke, I'm stucked with this USB-CD drive20:04
atari_314I'm prolly screwed... I guess...20:04
bioterroruse OS X and install XCode + Fink or MacPorts ;)20:04
KyleB_Hi every120:05
bioterrorhi KyleB_20:05
KyleB_I'm new to Linux and I need some advice or help.20:05
bioterror!ask | KyleB_20:06
ubot2KyleB_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:06
atari_314mac os x >.< trying to avoid it like the plague... but tks anyway :)20:06
bioterroratari_314, you should have purchased less premium laptop20:06
KyleB_I run a company and my employees are required to take photos of their work to document them, then they have to be uploaded onto the clients server via website. I was wondering if there is a way that I can have them upload them to a server of mine so I can double check the photos then upload them from the server to the clients server.20:09
atari_314php? some perl script maybe?20:10
bioterroreasiest way could be setup apache and some sort of page with "upload file" button20:10
KyleB_I'm very new to servers and Linux. How hard is it to do?20:11
coalwaterKyleB_: how are they uploaded, ftp or an upload page?20:12
KyleB_The client has a website with all of the jobs listed. We just click on the job goto add file and attach it there and put in date complete and any notes and hit submit.20:14
atari_314on the address of that website, does it end with .php or .asp?20:15
KyleB_Before or after I login?20:16
atari_314after, on the page that you select the files you want to upload20:17
coalwaterit could be automated if u get someone to do a small php system with approval then a curl to do the uploading after approval20:17
KyleB_It doesn't have either.20:18
coalwaterhtaccess probably20:18
KyleB_Not sure what that means.20:19
atari_314a hidden file on the server that applies some rules like hiding the file extention20:19
KyleB_Oh OK.20:19
KyleB_So would it be hard for me to create a server for me or another person to review the photos?20:20
atari_314it's a bit hard to guess how your website works internally20:21
coalwaterdo u have any developers in ur company?20:22
KyleB_I just want to create a like a file server for storing the photos.20:22
coalwaterthe problem isnt the storage, it's the approval process20:23
KyleB_No developers.20:23
atari_314but transfering those photos to other users accounts (or folders in your server) is the problem20:23
coalwaterull just have to either do it like manually, approve then the other employee uploads after recieving ur approval20:24
atari_314works like this: user send file > server stores the file in a location. what you described would work like this: user send file > server store that file on a temp location > you check and allow it to be passed to the user final location20:24
KyleB_Is there a way to add a file server here at my office network that employees can upload files to from home?20:24
coalwateryea that's easy, ull need to keep a computer on all the time, and if u have a router or something ull need to do some port forwarding, unless the sever has an online ip20:25
atari_314you can install an Apache server (or a LAMP package) and do the network confs or use a dynamic DNS solution to point it to your computer on your office network.20:25
KyleB_Then another employee uploads them to the clients server?20:26
coalwaterthe whole client's server my server thing is kinda confusing, where is each server20:26
KyleB_My server is at the office. Clients server is I'm not sure but I access it thru the website they gave me.20:28
coalwaterso u login on the clients one, by a user name and password then upload them correct?20:30
coalwaterand the approval part is important?20:30
KyleB_Yes because some of them don't do the work correct or they forget photos and send it to the client then I get yelled at for it.20:32
KyleB_I'd rather send them back to fix the problem then the client tell me to it's wrong and to fix it.20:34
coalwaterthe approval system needs a little work from a developer, unless u have someone to do it i'd say try to find another way, like they email it to u before submiting it to the clients website20:35
atari_314IMO, 2 options: 1) modify the website for that "approval step". 2) make 'em send it to you and, after checking, manually login with each user and sending for 'em. (this second option would require at least a ftp server or a php server and a log of clever scripting to make it automatic)20:35
KyleB_So it's going to be pretty hard to do it then huh.20:36
coalwateratari_314: from what i understood about what KyleB_ said, he has no access to the clients website code, he can't modify it to add an approval step there, if that's what u meant20:37
KyleB_The problem with emailing the photos is they have over 600 photos to submit. And I'm not sure how to email that many photos.20:37
KyleB_I just want them to upload them to my file server so I can manually review them. Wants I approve them me or another person can manually uplaod to the cliens.20:39
coalwaterthe simplest option would be an ftp server20:40
coalwaterbut i dont know how ud send the approval20:40
KyleB_So for me to create an ftp server for my employees to upload them to?20:41
=== Error404NotFoun1 is now known as Error404NotFound
atari_314KyleB_, what's your server OS?20:45
bioterrorError404NotFound, you summoned me20:45
Error404NotFoundooh i did20:45
Error404NotFoundany idea why my internet would just stop working in ubuntu?20:45
Error404NotFoundits like it dont know i have ethernet card anymore20:45
bioterrordid you check your modem?20:45
Error404NotFoundim on now20:46
bioterrorwhat did ifconfig say?20:46
KyleB_I don't have anything setup yet but I did downloaded Ubuntu Server 11.0420:46
Error404NotFoundon wireless in ubuntu20:46
Error404NotFoundbioterror: if i look at connections bith my ethernets say disconnected20:47
Error404NotFoundi can reboot into windows and they work20:47
bioterrorwindows <320:47
bioterrornext time that happens, I would like to know what ifconfig says20:48
Error404NotFoundnext time what happens20:48
bioterroryou dont have ethernet connection20:48
Error404NotFoundits happening now lol20:49
Error404NotFoundi have a usb wireless nic im using now20:49
bioterrorand you still have ethernet cable connected?20:49
bioterrorwhat does 'ifconfig eth0'   say20:50
Error404NotFoundhow do i look at that20:50
bioterroropen terminal20:51
bioterrorand say:20:51
bioterrorifconfig eth020:51
Error404NotFounderror fetching interface information: Device not found20:51
bioterrorif you say 'dmesg'20:51
Error404NotFoundeth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:8d:bf:16:d120:51
Error404NotFound          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:120:51
Error404NotFound          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:020:51
bioterrornow you see it?20:51
Error404NotFoundyeah typed it wrong the first time lol20:52
Error404NotFoundeth1 is the same20:52
bioterror          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
bioterrorthat kind of line interests me most20:53
Error404NotFoundwhere you see that20:54
bioterrorright under encap20:54
bioterrorif you dont have?20:54
bioterroryou could say20:54
bioterrorsudo dhclient eth020:54
Error404NotFounddoesnt seem to be doing anything20:55
bioterroryou have lights blinking in your ethernet card+20:56
bioterror(usually there's lights)20:56
Error404NotFoundsure do20:56
bioterroreverything is okay with your router?20:58
Error404NotFoundit has to be ubuntu20:58
Error404NotFoundboth ports work fine in windows20:58
bioterrorcan you pastebin21:00
bioterrordmesg |grep eth021:00
Error404NotFoundpastebin what21:00
Error404NotFoundsays link down link is not ready21:01
bioterrorsudo ifconfig eth0 up21:01
bioterrorsudo dhclient eth021:01
Error404NotFoundits just sitting at a cursor now21:02
bioterrordoesnt say that it gets ip address?21:03
bioterrorit doesnt even try?21:04
Error404NotFounddoesnt look like it21:05
taboowhat channels should i go to to meet people21:06
Error404NotFounddifferent server21:07
taboowhat server should i go to?21:08
Error404NotFoundi only use this server and a diff one for a game21:08
Error404NotFoundneither are good for meeting people21:09
Error404NotFoundtry going out lol21:09
Error404NotFoundweb sucks for meeting people21:09
Error404NotFoundbioterror:  is there a way to uninstall my nic?21:10
Error404NotFoundoooh distro upgrade21:11
taboook. im just bored can i get the server for games/21:12
Error404NotFoundoh hell now 12kbps dl speed21:12
Error404NotFoundlol 483 bytes!21:12
Error404NotFoundabout 1 day and 15 hours remaining21:12
Error404NotFoundmy internet owns!21:12
coalwatercool! lol not21:13
Error404NotFoundbioterror:  im bout to take an axe to ubuntu21:13
bioterrordont you!21:13
bioterrorwe have our moments21:13
bioterrorI'm wondering what could be the problem21:13
Error404NotFoundis there something like device manager?21:14
Error404NotFoundwere i can remove?21:14
taboogame server please?21:14
Error404NotFoundlol google irc servers21:14
Error404NotFoundthere are poop loads21:15
Error404NotFoundim really starting to hate ubuntu21:16
Error404NotFoundubuntu really doesnt like my wireless nic..21:17
igjohnhello everyone , i need help with virtualization on my ubuntu dedicated server ....21:18
Error404NotFoundsee ya ubuntu nerds21:20
Error404NotFoundmaybe in 5 years when ubuntu is stable21:20
bioterrorError404NotFound, dont be like that21:20
Error404NotFoundwhy would i want to use an os that constantly needs to be coddled21:21
Error404NotFoundthis crap dont happen in windows21:21
holsteinError404NotFound: are you in the US?21:22
holsteinmaybe you would be more comrotable with a traditional modle21:22
holsteinmore like microsoft does21:22
holstein^ for example21:22
holsteinOR something with ubuntu pre-loaded from HP or dell21:22
holsteinsomehting with really good out of the box support21:23
bioterrordiscar HP consumer models21:23
bioterrorstay away from them21:23
Error404NotFoundi built my computer21:23
holsteinError404NotFound: exactly21:23
bioterrorI have Acer, but dont tell that to anyone!21:24
holsteinand you purchased software with windows compatibilty in mind21:24
holsteinwhich is fine*21:24
Error404NotFoundmy laptop is acer21:24
holsteinbut, if you want a nice out of the box experience21:24
bioterrorError404NotFound, my work laptop is Dell and works like a charm21:24
holsteinyou might want to go with vendors that support linux21:24
holsteinbecuase, right now, i feel like you are somehow blaming ubuntu21:25
bioterrorholstein, Dell E -series or Stinkpads R- and T-series21:25
holsteinwhich is really missing the point21:25
Error404NotFoundi have natty on my laptop havnt used it much though21:25
klynchError404NotFound, been reading I am confused is it wireless of cat5 you are trying to get working?21:25
bioterrorklynch, ethernet21:25
bioterrorcable connection21:25
Error404NotFoundim on wireless now21:25
Error404NotFoundwhich dont work for crap21:25
Error404NotFoundbut im on..21:26
bioterrorholstein, I have a imagine in my mind that mobos with nforce had some problems21:26
holsteinError404NotFound: there are 2 broadcom drivers21:26
holsteinhave you tried both?21:26
klynchyour acer have atheros of broadcom?21:26
* holstein assumes you filed a bug report?21:26
holsteinError404NotFound: ^ ?21:26
holsteinError404NotFound: OK, so you have lots of options21:27
holsteinlet us know if we can help with one :)21:27
Error404NotFoundi wouldnt know lol21:27
Error404NotFoundi just want the crap to work21:27
holsteinright, and i suggested maybe some more appropriate hardware21:27
holsteinthat would 'just work'21:28
klynchwhat model of laptop.21:28
Error404NotFoundim on a desktop21:28
holsteinhowever, you can probably get your hardware working21:28
klynchI have an acer and no problems.21:28
Error404NotFoundso im supposed to throw my brand new mobo out the window?21:28
holsteinError404NotFound: ?21:28
holsteini missed that?21:28
holsteinwas that a suggestion?21:28
Error404NotFoundyou said new hardware21:28
klynchError404NotFound, oh the problem is on desktop21:28
holsteini suggested when/if you get hardware in the future21:29
holsteinyou can plan for linux support21:29
holsteininstead of windows support21:29
Error404NotFoundall my stuff is new21:29
holsteinwhich is what you did with that build21:29
Error404NotFoundi wont be buying a new pc21:29
Error404NotFoundfor a long time21:29
bioterrornot fair21:29
Error404NotFoundif ever21:29
holsteinso, whats the problem?21:29
holsteinthe wifi?21:29
Error404NotFoundwhats not fair21:29
holsteinon the desktop?21:29
bioterrori have lame Athlon X2 and they sell now for the same price Phenom II X621:30
* bioterror goes to cut wrists21:30
Error404NotFoundmain oproblem is ethernet21:30
holsteinbioterror: :/21:30
Error404NotFounddoesnt work21:30
holsteinError404NotFound: open a terminal21:30
holsteinand run lspci21:30
holsteinsee if you see it listed there21:30
Error404NotFoundi have a quad core 2.521:30
holstein*use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ if you want to paste that21:30
holsteinError404NotFound: do you see it?21:31
Error404NotFoundjust type ls pci?21:31
holsteinin lspci?21:31
holsteinError404NotFound: no21:31
holsteinls pci = not it21:31
holsteinlspci = yes :)21:31
Error404NotFoundsays alot of crap21:31
Error404NotFoundwhat am i looking for21:31
holsteinError404NotFound: the ethernet device21:31
holsteini cant tell you what your hardware will look like there21:32
holsteinjust read them21:32
holsteinand try and figure it out21:32
holsteinpaste the output there21:32
Error404NotFoundi see the 2 ports in this21:32
Error404NotFoundsepperate controller for ea port21:33
holsteinall i want to see is the ethernet device line21:33
bioterrorlspci |grep Ether21:33
Error404NotFound Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8110SC/8169SC Gigabit Ethernet (rev 10)21:33
holsteinbioterror: thanks21:33
holsteini need to remember thatU21:33
holsteinError404NotFound: just so you know, its not rocket science21:34
holsteinim literally opening a google search and searching 'ubuntu RTL-8110SC/8169SC Gigabit Ethernet (rev 10)'21:34
holsteinand im going to see what i find21:34
Error404NotFoundi refuse to use google21:35
klynchError404NotFound, why?21:36
Error404NotFoundit saves all your information including all searches and ip21:36
holsteinError404NotFound: you can replace 'google' with whatever you choose21:36
bioterrorbing is my choice21:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 331699 in linux "Realtek RTL8111/8169 LAN (r8169) falls back from Gigabit to 100Mb/s after waking up from Suspend(S3)" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:36
bioterrorman I love it21:36
holstein^ that is a bug related to your hardware21:36
holsteinwhich is odd21:36
Error404NotFoundi know im just saying21:36
holsteinmakes me think it should 'just work'21:36
holsteinand be having that issue21:36
Error404NotFoundit always has worked21:37
Error404NotFoundstarted up today and it didnt21:37
holsteinError404NotFound: OK21:37
holsteindid you update?21:37
Error404NotFoundbioterror:  i use bing aswell21:37
holsteinError404NotFound: did you update?21:37
Error404NotFoundi cant21:37
holsteinError404NotFound: did you update prior to this error?21:38
Error404NotFoundthis wireless crap dont work right either21:38
bioterrorError404NotFound, I dont as I cant find even a rat's arse with that search engine21:38
holsteinlike yesterday*21:38
Error404NotFoundi tried update and it said 1 day 15 hours21:38
holsteinError404NotFound: when was the last time you successfully updated?21:38
Error404NotFoundfew days ago21:38
bioterrorError404NotFound, ecosia uses bing, but you need to click ad's to make world a better place :(21:38
holsteinError404NotFound: when rebooting21:38
holsteinhit shift21:38
bioterrorand I'm not clicking any ads21:38
holsteinand try booting an older kernel21:39
holsteinsee if your hardware works like it used to21:39
holsteinthen, we will know generally what the issue is21:39
Error404NotFoundhammer time21:39
klynchError404NotFound, remembering you asking if you could uninstall the driver/module. Is that what you want to do21:40
bioterrorwe are not using windows ;)21:40
klynchgive him modconf let him remove whatever he wants. Doesn't seem to want the help regardless21:41
bioterrorhe's just pissed off little21:41
bioterrorsome people gets easily frustrated by computers21:41
bioterrorthat's just lack of some skills and nerves combined together21:41
bioterrorthere was actually a research in sweden how men and women solves computer problems21:42
klynchsounds interesting.21:42
Error404NotFoundwell that did nothing21:47
holsteinError404NotFound: if you can21:47
holsteinsay what it did21:47
holsteinlike, it booted up and the network still acts like...21:48
Error404NotFoundif i hit shift at any point during the boot it reset my computer21:48
holstein*for example21:48
holsteinso, you're not able to get grub to show you the kernels21:48
bioterrorError404NotFound, you dont get http://buzzcodington.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/grub.jpg screen like that on boot?21:48
bioterroryou get?21:50
holsteinError404NotFound: for example, 'no i dont get that screen bioterror'21:51
holsteinthats clear^21:51
Error404NotFoundyes i get grub21:53
bioterrordo you have more than one kernel?21:53
Error404NotFoundgeneric and recovery21:53
JackyAlcineWhat's up?21:53
bioterrorif you say in terminal "uname -a"21:54
bioterrorcan you paste that21:54
Error404NotFound2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:24 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:55
bioterrordo you have smaller number than 2.6.38-8 in that list?21:55
bioterrorI dunno if one should be installed22:01
=== rror404NotFound is now known as Error404NotFound
Error404NotFoundhow do i get rid of grub22:41
bioterrorwhy you want to get rid of grub?22:41
Error404NotFounddont need it22:41
Error404NotFoundwhen i boot it says grub recovery or some crap22:42
bioterroryou removed ubuntu partition?22:42
bioterroryou have to use windows cd22:42
coalwaterif i push a new rev in launchpad and it needs a detailed explaination, where can i write such explaination in launchpad22:42
Error404NotFoundwhat do i do with windows cd22:43
bioterrorError404NotFound, sorry, linux channel :D22:43
bioterroryou fix your MBR, ofcourse22:43
nit-witError404NotFound, from a dis c vista and beyond bootrec.exe /fixmbr  XP /fixmbr22:43
coalwaterthere's lilo or something for fixing windows boot loader using linux, if there's internet22:44
nit-witcli of course22:44
bioterrorgoogle is full of guides how to do it22:44
nit-witError404NotFound, do you need a vista or W7 recovery disk?22:44
bioterrorWindows 200022:44
nit-witthats is the ms OS?22:45
klynchError404NotFound, did you reinstall another OS already?22:45
Error404NotFoundi just gave space back to windows22:45
Error404NotFoundnow it wont load22:45
nit-witError404NotFound, that is a one command fix if it is good shape?22:46
nit-witError404NotFound, which MS release22:46
nit-witError404NotFound, boot the recovery disc go to the command line enter... bootrec.exe /fixmbr22:47
nit-witError404NotFound, do you need a recovery disc?22:48
nit-witinstall disc works as well22:48
* holstein reminds Error404NotFound that there is a ##windows channel22:49
nit-witError404NotFound, you have been given the answer in full faith that you will act accordingly, try it.;)22:50
Error404NotFoundwindows cd just wants to reinstall22:51
holsteinmicrosoft offers support*22:51
bioterrorholstein, isnt that support what they pay for?22:52
holsteinthats what i would think22:52
nit-witError404NotFound, if you need a visual to the cli.http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/20864-mbr-restore-windows-7-master-boot-record.html22:52
holsteinmight have to go through the vendor22:52
Error404NotFoundi am the vendor22:53
holsteinoh, thats right22:53
holsteinso, you go right to microsoft then22:53
nit-witholstein, always so pragmatic.;) and thats a good thing.22:54
Error404NotFoundyay fixed22:54
nit-witError404NotFound, with the command correct?22:54
bioterrorsee you in 5 years, Error404NotFound22:55
nit-witError404NotFound, so does this release us from your normal rhetoric you were helped by a full open source user to fix your MS setup.22:55
Error404NotFoundwas only broken because of ubuntu22:56
nit-witargh you will walk the plank laddy.;)22:56
bioterrornit-wit, I help lots of people every day with windows problems and I'm full GNU/Linux ;)22:56
nit-witError404NotFound, was broke I suspect due to a noob you could not even fix the MS LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL22:57
Error404NotFoundubuntu just fails22:57
bioterrorubuntu fails as much as the person between chair and monitor22:57
holsteinyour hardware vendors fail to support linux*22:58
Error404NotFoundlinux just fails to be a good os22:58
bioterrorLinux is just kernel22:58
holsteingood = opinion22:59
holsteinif windows works for you22:59
holsteinthats fine22:59
Error404NotFoundwindows works for everyone23:00
Error404NotFoundthats why all computers ship with it23:00
holsteinbut, it didnt work well for my needs23:00
bioterrorError404NotFound, http://artlung.com/smorgasborg/C_R_Y_P_T_O_N_O_M_I_C_O_N.shtml read that when you have time23:01
Error404NotFoundsick of reading that after 1 sentence23:02
nit-witholstein, I hear the refrains of Botty's thumb in the background time to connect with the mother ship see you all.;)23:02
holsteinnit-wit: laterx o/23:03
=== coalwater is now known as coalwater_away
=== Error404NotFound is now known as UbuntuBlowsAss
CaptainkrtekUbuntuBlowsAss, watch your language23:06
bioterrorat the last23:06
Captainkrtekhello escott23:07
Captainkrtekheh hello bioterror23:07
bioterrorhavent seen that kind of attiture for a while23:07
Captainkrteksame here..23:07
bioterrorjust becouse you cant write anything correct on the first time just doesnt make OS to suck23:07
bioterrorand I even tried to civilizise him with smart text about computers ;)23:08
Captainkrteksame here yesterday23:09
bioterroroh well, I dont remember him any more tomorrow when I wakeup23:09
UbuntuBlowsAssis there like a linux compatibility list for laptops23:17
=== UbuntuBlowsAss is now known as Error404NotFound
bioterrorwhat comes to your recent nick, I would like to ask why would we want to tell these things to you23:18
Error404NotFoundcuz you want me to think ubuntu blows less ass23:18
Error404NotFoundyay my laptop is not on there23:21
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== styx__ is now known as [styx]

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