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pittijelmer: yes, it overlapped with the control-panel porting one, so that half of the relevant people werent' there any more09:10
jelmerpitti: aha09:11
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brodersmall nit about the sru process i just realized - since average people can't accept sru nominations in lp, devs can get stuck in a position where the bug is fix released. how do you guys feel about changing the sponsorship queue to include bugs of *any* status that have ~ubuntu-sponsors subscribed?10:10
broder(i looked - there are currently about 80 bugs that are fix released but still have ~sponsors subscribed, so it would be a one time cleanup)10:11
micahgbroder: MOTUs can accept universe nominations and core-devs all, unless that changed recently10:12
brodermicahg: yeah, but if we never see the nominations in the first place...10:12
micahgbroder: maybe just add it to the list if there's a nomination there10:13
broderthat could work. i'll see if i can query for that10:13
highvoltagewhat happened with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveReorganisation ?10:15
highvoltagethat process didn't quite seem finish yet and there doesn't seem to be any sessions on it10:15
brodermicahg: but also, the ability to even nominate was restricted some time recently, so this still might be a stumbling block for non-~ubuntu-dev members10:15
micahgbroder: yeah, that's a good point, idr what the wiki says to do ATM about that10:16
broderit says to nominate, which you can't do unless you're in bugcontrol or something like that10:17
micahgbroder: yeah, we should fix that to be a process that everyone can do or have an option for people that can't nominate10:18
* micahg would suggest asking to ping in IRC for a nomination10:19
broderyeah, the problem is that the nominate link was restricted because it was overused10:19
micahgbroder: maybe there's a session we can discuss this in?10:20
broderunfortunately, i think that session just ended this morning :)10:20
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micahgugh, yeah10:20
broderdholbach: do you think there's room for that sru discussion in the sponsorship session?10:25
dholbachbroder, let's see how much stuff we have to go through10:25
Laneyhighvoltage: I think it stalled... persia or cjwatson might know more10:49
cjwatsonit's stalled for now, yes10:52
LaneyMuch of the metadata needed to solve these problems already exists, but is not exposed to users in any useful form; instead, everything of concern to "supported" derivatives is conflated into "main", losing the ability to express very much more than a binary state.10:56
Laney[BOTTOM][TOP]Tracking of packages10:57
Laneylet me disable x paste!10:57
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micahgslangasek: bug 779174 is the one, thanks14:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 779174 in ca-certificates-java (Ubuntu) "package ca-certificates-java 20110426 failed to install/upgrade: fix path to libnss3 for multiarch" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77917414:39
slangasekmicahg: oh, *that* nss, right ;p14:40
micahgslangasek: heh, yeah, I remember some of the recent conversions on debian-devel about the other NSS14:41
slangasekmicahg: if you can find jamespage, he's probably in a better position than I am to fix that14:41
micahgslangasek: k, I'll try to track him down, thanks14:42
slangasekmicahg: he already fixed a similar bug in some java packages before natty release, so he knows the landscape very well14:42
alex6567hello! i can't find out gtkmm-3.014:57
alex6567please help me14:57
sladenalex6567: --> PPA15:03
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tseliot1Sarvatt: are you around?16:07
brycehtseliot1, he's in the multiarch session with me16:09
tseliot1bryceh: ok, thanks16:11
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jdstrandhallyn: re X-Python-Version: it should be upped to 2.7 I think17:31
hallynjdstrand: ok, that's what I did17:31
hallynjdstrand: I'm trying to get more info on the 'test-poll' failure, but other than that the package is IMO ready to be pushed17:31
jdstrandhallyn: I haven't had time to look at the package yet btw. it is likely I will not before tuesday17:32
hallynjdstrand: do you prefer I wait?17:32
jdstrandhallyn: I culd do a shallow review before that perhaps17:32
hallynnah, you've got enough to do17:32
hallynone more day of UDS!17:32
jdstrandhallyn: well, aiui, a) needs a simple rebuild in oneiric, and b) needs to be merged17:32
hallyn?  what are a and b?17:33
jdstrandhallyn: I thought you msgd me about a libvirt needing a rebuild and you having a merge17:33
jdstrandhallyn: am I imagining things?17:33
hallynfor now I"ve pushed a patch to just comment out test-poll from gnulib/tests/Makefile*17:33
hallynthe libvirt rebuild is done17:34
hallyn(for brctl)17:34
jdstrandok good-- I was going to suggest that :)17:34
hallynso now I"m just looking to sync 0.9.1-1 from debian17:34
hallynjdstrand: let's just talk on tue or wed I guess17:34
hallynif you want to take a look, people.canonical.com has my current package17:35
jdstrandhallyn: well, you have per-package upload rights now, you could upload if it's good. If you want me to look at it you know I will take a lot of time testing it myself ;)17:35
jdstrand(which means tuesday)17:35
hallynheh, tha'ts why i'm tempted to wait17:35
jdstrandI just have a dinner tonight, then all day tomorrow, and an event tomorrow, then travel and holiday on monday17:36
jdstrandhallyn: if my review is going to be worth anything, I need to wait a bit :/17:36
hallynjdstrand: no problem.17:37
hallynjdstrand: actually, feh, I think I just found another snafu17:37
hallyndebian's support of non-linux os is killing me :)17:37
hallynwell this is weird, for some reason17:40
hallynifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS), linux))17:40
hallynis parsing as false in debian/rules17:40
hallynbug dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS gives me 'linux'17:41
hallynah, i see17:44
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p0sSpamapS: hi. how's the raid startup bug?18:09
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