
Logan_Should https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingFlock be deleted?  That browser is no longer in development, and the homepage doesn't have any download links anymore.00:24
MrChrisDruifLogan_; Maybe a note in the top with this comment?00:26
Logan_Hmm, I guess that would work.00:26
MrChrisDruifLogan_; There are always unseen links to a page, so don't delete a page suddenly...00:27
Logan_I don't have deletion rights, of course.00:27
MrChrisDruifCan't explain it properly atm...tired/bit tipsy00:27
Logan_I would just tag it for deletion. :P00:27
zkriesseLogan_: Tagging it for deletion would be awesome thanks00:30
Logan_I don't seem to have consensus for that. :P00:31
Logan_But you're part of the editing group, so...00:31
Logan_zkriesse: Done.00:33
MrChrisDruifTagging for deletion....okay00:44
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
Captainkrtekanyone around?05:47
mdkeanyone know how I can test yelp in another language without logging out and back in with the other language?08:37
mdkein the old days "LANG=it yelp" was good enough but it doesn't seem to work now08:38
mdkeah, it's "LANGUAGE=it yelp"08:39
jbichamdke: I had trouble with that today too08:39
jbichaoh, LANGUAGE isn't intuitive08:40
DarkwingDuckAs a KDE user, how is Yelp as a full program?08:40
jbichawhat do you mean, yelp works, right?08:40
mdkeDarkwingDuck: I haven't tried it on kde08:40
DarkwingDuckWe don't use Yelp over on our side.08:41
DarkwingDuckBut, we are having issues with KHelpCenter and are trying to... figure out what to do about it.08:42
DarkwingDuckAnd dammit, it wont run without a bunch of extras i dont' want to install... Hmmz.08:43
mdkeI think a lot of stuff has been stripped out of yelp in version 3 and put in a cross desktop compatible backend08:43
mdkeso it wouldn't be too hard to develop a non-gtk frontend, I'll bet08:44
DarkwingDuckIt's  built off of GTK isn't it?08:44
mdkebut shaunm is the guy to talk to08:44
DarkwingDuckWell, with KDE being Qt and there seems to be a push for Ubuntu to start heading to the Qt toolkit08:44
jbichaI like how yelp & mallard works for the most part, khelpcenter just seems more out of date08:46
jbichabut it would take a lot of people to agree to overhaul khelpcenter08:47
DarkwingDuckWe ahve th people and we are going to start doing it.08:47
MrChrisDruifSo yelp is a back end which currently only has a gtk frond end?08:48
MrChrisDruifStill one package I think, so that would need to be cut loose and a Qt front end attached as well08:48
jbichayes, I'm sure shaunm would love to have an alternate viewer for mallard08:51
jbicha& it's good for everyone to have KDE & GNOME move closer together in this08:52
mdkeMrChrisDruif: there are some things in separate packages, like yelp-xsl for example08:58
* mdke -> work08:58
j1mchey all - the docs session went pretty well earlier today. the drupal platform seems pretty neat, and it can do some pretty neat stuff.14:44
j1mcwe had david planella there, as well as a server guy and matthew nuuzum (sp?) from the group at canonical that handles drupal stuff.14:44
j1mcthey asked some good questions, and gave some good feedback.14:45
j1mcbut we need to evaluate this as a team and see if it could work with our requirements and workflow.14:45
j1mcthe server guy was david walker14:46
j1mcjbicha: howdy15:27
shaunmMrChrisDruif, DarkwingDuck: I'm totally open to discussing ways more code can be shared. yelp's internals are in a separate library, libyelp, although it's not packages separately yet15:30
shaunmlibyelp is a glib/gtk library though. it's conceivable it could be split into two libraries, a no-toolkit libyelp and a libyelp-gtk15:31
shaunmthen a libyelp-qt could be developed15:31
MrChrisDruifI think KDE users would appreciate that :)15:32
shaunmI don't know what kde's stance on glib is though. the thought of writing a C library without glib makes me shudder15:33
j1mcwhois MrChrisDruif15:34
* MrChrisDruif doesn't know that either,,,,, shaunm 15:34
j1mchi shaunm15:34
j1mchi DarkwingDuck15:34
j1mcand hi MrChrisDruif15:34
MrChrisDruifj1mc; I'm me :)15:34
DarkwingDuckHey guys15:34
MrChrisDruifAloha DarkwingDuck15:35
DarkwingDuckI'm getting sleepy LOL15:35
j1mcDarkwingDuck: there was a Kubuntu docs session, but it was scheduled at the same time as my last docs session, so i missed it.15:35
shaunmor, you know, maybe it's ok to have separate libraries. we can still share the rendering code in yelp-xsl. there's nothing gnome-specific about that, except that it's hosted on gnome.org15:35
DarkwingDuckj1mc: it was more internal review and todos for the kubuntu guys15:35
DarkwingDuckshaunm: I'll bring it up with the Kubunut guys... we are just sick of KDE HElp Center15:36
shaunmDarkwingDuck: while you're at it: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xdg/2010-April/011443.html15:37
shaunmnixternal and I put that together. it was a shared effort from the outset. but then he kind of disappeared for a while15:38
DarkwingDucknixternal is fairly gone these days.15:39
DarkwingDuckI've taken over for him in Kubuntu... i don't know who is doing KDE upstream stuff these days15:40
DarkwingDuckshaunm: I remember when this happened... I'll review again.15:40
shaunmis Cornelius still doing khelpcenter work?15:42
shaunmKDE has a SoC student doing khelpcenter work this year, right?15:43
shaunmactually, wasn't he going to UDS. j1mc, weren't you meeting up with him?15:43
DarkwingDuckshaunm: I know that apachelogger was talking about getting some things.15:44
DarkwingDuckchanged in khelpcenter15:44
j1mci have talked with him very briefly, and he attended the docs goals session15:46
j1mcbut we haven't talked extensively, and our sessions overlapped today15:46
DarkwingDuckOkay, I've been up all night. I'm crashing15:49
j1mci do want to still talk with apachelogger, though.15:50
j1mcok, i found him in kubuntu-devel, and we're making arrangements to meet15:52
shaunm(damn hackfests getting in the way of him coming to open help :P)15:53
j1mcshaunm: the provonix guy is interested in hosting another openhelp conference in europe. ??15:55
shaunmhe is?15:56
j1mcwould that be cool w/ you?15:56
j1mche said he's trying to do a virtual session at your conference, too.15:57
shaunmyeah, he said something about friday evening, which I suppose is his evening, which is our mid-day15:57
shaunmthe conference isn't even really happening at that point15:58
j1mcoh, like... it hasn't started yet?15:58
shaunmand we kind of decided not to do a virtual session with mairin (who I really wanted to have there)15:58
shaunmthere's a reception friday at 7. that's the start of the conference15:58
shaunmbut the reception is just a reception. there's no projector and screens and seats15:59
j1mcplus, reception =! conference talk time15:59
shaunmbut look, if he's going to do this presentation friday US-mid-day anyway, and it's going to be streamed, I have no problem mentioning that to the OH attendees in an email15:59
j1mcwell, i'll let you two iron that out.15:59
shaunm"Getting in early? Go sit in the lounge with your laptop and watch this webcast."16:00
shaunmI'll email him16:00
j1mcwith mairin ... we were asking her, but here is someone who really wants to do it.16:00
shaunmI'm kind of concerned about having a second conference though16:01
j1mcit would be great if we could accommodate him somehow16:01
j1mcwhat is concerning?16:01
shaunmnot trying to be possessive. it's just that the turnout is lower than I'd hoped, and I think with good hype this year, turnout next year can get up to 50 or so. but if there's a second conference, most people won't do both. so that splits the audience16:02
j1mcyeah... that's a good point. i can understand that.16:03
shaunmI would actually love for there to be two well-attended conferences. I just don't think, at this point, that two would be well-attended16:04
j1mci need to go to apachelogger's thing, but i'll be back on in a little bit16:05
jbichashaunm: are you still here16:14
jbichawe had a help question in #ubuntu-uds-dery16:14
shaunmjbicha: sure, what's the question?16:38
jbichathey were just wondering about http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gGsetttk-devel-list/2011-April/msg00141.html16:38
jbichawell that link doesn't work16:39
jbichaI wasn't really following exactly what they were discussing16:39
shaunmwell, it's somewhat technical, has to do with how programmers construct buttons and menus for help16:41
shaunmright now, when a developer creates a help menu, he populates it statically with some entries. usually "Contents" (ugh) and "About"16:42
shaunmwith the GHelp API, he'd create a help menu, but wouldn't put anything in it. instead, he'd say "the URI for my help is help:gnome-help, and call this menu 'my-main-menu'"16:43
jbichaand Ubuntu likes to add the launchpad stuff16:43
shaunmthen, in our mallard files, we would tag pages. so for any page we want to show up in that menu, we'd add <facet:tag key="g-help-tag" values="my-main-menu"/>16:44
jbichaI think part of why they were interested is they would rather push 1 patch to gtk than dozens of patches to different apps16:44
shaunmwhen you launch the app, the help document is read (probably from a cache, for performance), and the menus are populated automatically16:44
jbichayou can talk to them if you like, I'm not really a decisionmaker :-)16:44
shaunmah, I see16:45
shaunmit's conceivable the help menu could also have a way to automatically add something static like that16:45
jbichacontext-sensitive help would be nice but I don't see the context of the Help menu changing that much16:45
jbichayeah, they just want to be able to insert the program's name so that users can click a button16:46
jbichato report a problem and it automatically starts the report-bug stuff for that app16:46
shaunmactually, I think there's a lot of potential places to change the tag on the help menu16:50
shaunmthere's also a help button in this API. and that could change for e.g. a button in a tabbed dialog16:50
shaunmfor menus, consider a program like evolution, a shell for like five different programs16:51
shaunmor a word processor. it could add a tag for table operations if your cursor happens to be in a table, for example16:52
jbichaoh ok16:52
jbichaI'm just used to that never changing :_)16:52
shaunmyeah, I like changing everything16:52
UndiFineDhey guys, the wiki supports using an alternative editor right ? how about reworking fckeditor to produce mallard ?19:16

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