
Viralcan anyone help me understand why I can get an ec2 instance boot into a low latency kernel : https://gist.github.com/623aa20f9de9b7a5ae4401:50
ali1234ok, i figured out the answer to my question above, putting the answer on my question on stack exchange if anyone is interested02:19
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smoserapw, http://pad.ubuntu.com/other-kernel-o-version-and-flavours10:18
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mardycan I use the symbol first_ec from a module? It's exported, but defined in drivers/acpi/internal.h16:50
mjg59So right now, no16:50
mardymjg59: thanks. Do you know how I could get it? I guess I could register an ACPI driver for the id "PNP0C09", but maybe there's a faster/better way?16:52
mardy(I want to read a few fields, which are probably related to the Lenovo Ideapad's accelerometer)16:53
mardyikepanhc: hi, I see you wrote most of ideapad-laptop.c. Are you also working on the accelerometer support?16:54
mjg59You could move the declaration to a public header16:57
ikepanhcmardy: hi, I do not. I do not have an ideapad with accelerometer16:57
ikepanhcmardy: actually, I know nothing about the accelerometer...16:58
mardymjg59: I'm rather new to kernel development, I'm a bit hesitant in changing things... I'll see if I can get it in some other way16:59
mardyikepanhc: maybe you know how I can get a handle to the EC, from inside ideapad-laptop.c?16:59
mjg59mardy: What are you actually trying to do? Just get the APCI handle for the EC?16:59
mjg59The cleanest thing to do would just be to move it from the internal header to the public one17:00
ikepanhcmardy: what kind of information you need?17:00
mardymjg59: yes, then I plan to call acpi_evaluate_integer() on a couple of fields, to see if they contain the accelerometer data17:00
ikepanhcmardy: could you send me an email about what you plan to do? so that I can think about how to help. This week I am busy in company event and now have to leave17:03
mardyikepanhc: I want to read GSV{X,Y,Z} from http://people.canonical.com/~ikepanhc/DSDTs/dsdt-s10-3.dsl17:03
mardyikepanhc: OK17:03
mardymjg59: are you somewhat interested? Should I add you in CC to the e-mail I'm writing to Ike?17:44
bagglesi've been getting some crashes today since i have been trying to use a new wireless driver20:41
bagglesi get a virtual terminal screen without X and the caps lock is flashing on and off. and the hold-down-the-power-button-for-10-seconds doesn't even work!20:43
bagglesi'm not sure if it was a kernel panic, or something, but is there a cleaner way out of it than cutting the power and taking the battery out of my netbook?20:47
hallynbug 776936 is solved with the natty-proposed kernel.  WHen is that expected to go to natty-updates?22:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 776936 in linux "Running KVM guest causes kernel panic on host" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77693622:36
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